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Fort Lee, N. J.
^P In Hollywood ol course, you will find
Rank of America, just as you will find this great
statewide bank in more than 300 other Cali
lornia communities.
For Bank of America is California's bank.
Naturally, it is the bank of the Motion Picture
Industry . . . by which California and Hollywood
are known the world over.
Hank oi America, which serves the "real
motion picture companies, the stars, producers,
technicians and workers invites vour account.
IBank of America
Member Federal Deposll Insurance I'orporatlon
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When you travel, carry Bank of America Travelers
Cheques. They tell the world you're from California.
THE 1945
Copyright, 1945, by THE FILM DAILY
(Wid's Films and Film Folk, Inc.)
G-E Filament-type lamps fulfill most of the lamp require-
ments for ordinary theatre use. Made in a wide variety
of sizes.
G-E Fluorescent lamps give several times more light than
regular filament lamps of the same wattage. Now avail-
able in white and daylight up to 100 watts.
No matter what your need, lamps
for lobby, marquee, lounge, or
sound system, General Electric
makes a complete line for every
Theatre service. The more popu-
lar types are shown here.
Over 50 years of General Electric
research, backed up by 480 tests,
checks and inspections, guard the
quality of G-E Mazda Lamps. For
dependable lamps to fit any of
your theatre's lighting require-
ments, ask for those bearing the
G-E monogram.
G-E Projector lamp combines a mirror
reflector, a light-directing lens, and a
150-watt filament in one sealed unit.
Both Spotlight and Floodlight types.
G-E Photocell exciter lamps. Ex-
treme precision and amazingly
uniform light output — to help as-
sure faithful sound reproduction.
Types to fit all sound equipments.
G-E Lamps for motion picture
projection and spotlight use have
extreme concentration of light
source and give amazingly uni-
form illumination. '->
Hear the General Electric radio programs: "The G-E All-Girl Orchestra" , Sunday 10 p. tn. EWT, NBC;
"The World Today" news, every weekday 6:45 p. m. EWT, CBS. • BUY MORE WAR BONOS
LS THIS, the 27th annual edition of Thk Film Daily Year Book of Motion
Pictures, takes its appointed place on the industry's reference shelf, those identi-
fied with the art and business of the film are concerned, perhaps more than ever
before, with preparedness.
Preparedness, first, that the problems arising from the concluding stage of
World War II may be as successfully solved as those which have arisen since that
fateful December 7 of 1941.
But even more important than that, preparedness that the industry's own
reconversion period may be negotiated with a minimum of stress and strain
and dislocation of the economy of production, distribution and exhibition.
It is to that dual purpose specifically that this annual encyclopedic volume
is dedicated, and it is to that end that its content has been subject to full
revision, re-arrangement and material strengthening. Thus, while the table of
contents will establish that the developments of 1944 have been fully reported,
it will also disclose that there is generous attention to the future blueprint.
In all this, the objective has been service— service primarily to those of the
industry, but service as well to the thousands of others in newspaper city rooms,
advertising agencies, public and university libraries who through the year refer
to and quote from the Year Book, as the authoritative all-embracing reference
work of motion pictures.
It must be apparent that the writing and compilation of the volume represents
the work of man) admirably informed and able co-workers. To all of them,
whether in New York or Hollywood, Washington or London, Rio or Havana,
Toronto or Sydney, the Editor offers his thanks and his appreciation.
Westinghouse Lamps
When condifiDns permit,
your marquee and sign
can get real attention! For
marquee — 10W-S11, in-
side-frosted. For sign —
25W-A19 in clear day-
light and colors.
Available now — ample
Westinghouse Fluorescent
lamps for lobby, rest
rooms, lounge. Cool, soft,
efficient light!
Spotlight your stage set-
tings dramatically with
Westinghouse 1000W-
G40— or 300W-R40! (
When floodlighting the
parking area is again per-
mitted, use tubular Mer-
cury Vapor or 1000W-
PS52 incandescent lamps.
For bright, steady, flickerless arc projection count on depend-
able, long-lasting Westinghouse Rectigon bulbs — 1200 hours'
rectifying service guaranteed!
<& INDEX **
A. F. E. Corp.:
Personnel 564
1944 Releases 424
"A Guy Named Jce," One of The Film
Daily Ten Best Pictures of 1944 115
Academic Film Co., Inc., Personnel 564
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Personnel 629
"The Academy in 1944," by Walter
Wanger 760
Awards, 1943-44 to 1927-28 79
Academy Foundation, Personnel 629
Actors and Actresses, Credits for 1943 and
1944 501
Actors Equity Association, Personnel . . . . 664
Acus Pictures Corp., Personnel 564
Adler Silhouette Letter Co., Personnel . . . 701
Advertising Code Administration, Per-
sonnel 636
Affiliated Property Craftsmen, Personnel. 664
Agents and Managers 616
Agents of Players 501
Air Devices, Inc., Personnel 701
Ajax Pictures Corp., Personnel 564
Alabama Motion Picture Theater Owners
Association, Personnel 649
Alberta Independent Theater Exhibitors
Organization, Personnel 655
Alberta Theaters Association, Personnel. . 655
Alexander-Stern Productions, Inc., Per-
sonnel 564
Alicoate, Jack, "Foreword" 3
Allied Exhibitors of Nova Scotia, Per-
sonnel 655
Allied Independent Theater Owners of
Eastern Pennsylvania, Inc., Personnel. . 653
Allied-Independent Theater Owners of
Iowa-Nebraska, Inc., Personnel 651
Allied M.P.T.O. of Western Pennsylvania,
Inc., Personnel 654
Allied Non Theatrical Film Association,
Inc., Personnel 629
Allied States Association of Motion
Picture Exhibitors:
Personnel 649
"Allied in 1944," by Abram F. Myers.. 711
Allied Theater Owners of New Jersev.
Inc., Personnel 652
Allied Theater Owners of Rhode Island,
Inc., Personnel 654
Allied Theater Owners of Texas, Per-
sonnel 654
Allied Theaters ot Connecticut, Inc.,
Personnel 650
Allied Theaters of Illinois, Inc., Per-
sonnel 650
Allied Theaters of Michigan, Inc., Per-
sonnel 652
Allied Theaters of New England, Inc.,
Personnel 651
Altec Service Corp., Personnel 701
American Arbitration Association, Per-
sonnel 629
American Federation of Musicians, Per-
sonnel 664
American Federation of Radio Artists,
Personnel 665
American Film Center, The, Inc., Per-
sonnel 564
American Guild of Variety Artists, Per-
sonnel 665
American Industrial Corp., Personnel... 564
American Productions, Inc., Personnel . . . 564
American Society of Cinematographers,
Inc., Persoyinel 631
American Society of Composers, Authors
and Publishers, Personnel 631
American Theater Wing War Service,
Inc., Personnel 631
Ampro Corp., Personnel 703
Anglo-American Film Corp., Ltd.. Per-
sonnel 812
Ansco, A Division of General Aniline &
Film Corp., Personnel 564
American Arbitration Association, Per-
sonnel 629
Motion Picture Arbitration System,
Personnel 629
Arbitration Tribunals 630
Statistical Resume of Operations 53
Architects, Theater 697
Argentina in 1944." by Chas. de Cruz.. 818
Armstrong Cork Co., Personnel 701
Army Theaters 773
Arnold Productions, Inc., Personnel 564
Art Directors 493
Artcinema Associates, Inc.. Personnel.... 564
Artists' Managers Guild. Personnel 631
Artkino Pictures. Inc.:
Personnel 565
1944 Releases 424
The Trend Today Is RCA Because
Research, Recording, Theatre Equipment, Service
RCA's extensive research engineering in all fields of sound enables it to pioneer
the movie industry's greatest advances in both recording and reproduction.
Major film companies and industrial producers have been quick to recognize the
advantages of RCA's ultra-violet light recording systems. Such film leaders as
Warner Brothers, Columbia, Walt Disney, Pathe, RKO, Twentieth Century-
Fox, Republic and March of Time use RCA Recording Equipment. RCA rental
recording facilities are available at 411 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N. Y.,
and 1016 North Sycamore Avenue, Hollywood, California.
RCA Theatre Equipment is available to you through your RCA Theatre Supply
Dealer. While the war lasts, most of the equipment produced must go to our
armed forces. Insure the early delivery of the new equipment you will need after
the war by signing an RCA Purchase Priority Agreement now.
For more than twelve years RCA's theatre service organization has rendered
outstanding service to thousands of theatres with all makes and types of sound
systems; that's why more and more theatres are contracting for RCA service.
RCA Theatre Equipment
Artlee Corp., Personnel 565
Arrowhead Productions, Inc., Personnel . . 565
Associated Actors and Artistes of America,
Personnel 665
Associated British Cinemas, Ltd.. Per-
sonnel 815
Associated British Pictures Corp., Ltd.:
Personnel 812
Studio Personnel 814
Associated Motion Picture Advertisers.
Personnel 631
Associated Musicians of Greater New
York, Person?ieI 665
Associated Screen News, Ltd., Personnel . 565
Associated Theater Owners of Indiana.
Inc., Personnel 651
Associated Theaters, Ltd., Personnel . . . . 655
Association of Motion Picture Producers,
Inc., Personnel 632
Association of Theatrical Agents & Man-
agers, Personnel 665
General, Personnel 628
Exhibitor, Personnel 649
Labor, Personnel 664
Astor Pictures Corp., Personnel 565
Astor Productions, Inc., Personnel 565
Atlas Corp., Personnel 565
Audience Research, Inc.. Personnel 565
"Australia in 1944," b\ H. Bowden
Fletcher 816
Authors, Credits for 1943 and 19-1-1 467
Authors' Club, Inc.. Personnel 632
Authors' Guild of the Authors' League of
America, Inc., Personnel 632
Authors' League of America. Inc., Per-
sonnel 632
Background Processes 623
Bahn, Chester B., "1944 News High-
lights" 87
Baird Television. Ltd., Personnel 812
Ballantyne Co., Personnel 701
Banner Productions, Personnel 565
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Personnel. . 701
Beaumont Productions, Personnel 565
Bf.rns, Samuel D.:
"Color in 1944" 69
"Plays and Novels Going Hollywood" 73
Best Picture Selections:
Film Daily, 1944 Selections 99
Film Daily, Selections Since l(>22 121
National Board of Review, 1944 93
Academy Awards, 1943-44 to 1927 -2S . . . 79
New York Film Critics 97
Riltmore Productions, Personnel 565
Blanco, Mary Louise, "Cuba in 1(>44" . . . 820
Blue Laws: Sunday Closing Regulations. 754
Bogeaus, Benedict, Productions, Per-
sonnel 564
Bonded Film Storage Corp., Personnel . . 565
Books on the Motion Picture 715
Boots and Saddles Pictures, Inc., Per-
sonnel 566
Brandon Films, Inc., Personnel 566
Brandt Automatic Cashier Co., Personnel 701
"Brazil in 1944," by Oswaldo Leite Rocha 819
"British Industry Makes Big Strides,"
by Ernest W. Fredman 803
British Lion Film Corp., Ltd.:
Personnel 812
Studio Personnel 811
British National Films, Ltd.:
Personnel 812
Studio Personnel 811
Insurance 615
Play and Story 618
Bronston, Samuel, Pictures, Inc., Per-
sonnel 566
Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and
Paperhangers of America, Personnel . . 665
Brulatour, J. E., Inc., Personnel 566
Burkett-Rosen Productions, Personnel . . . 566
Business Administrators 625
— —c
C-O-Two Fire Equipment Co., Personnel 701
Cagney, William. Productions, Inc., Per-
sonnel 566
Calgary Theaters Association, Personnel . 655
California Pictures Corp.. Personnel.... 566
California Studios, Inc., Personnel 566
California Theaters Association, Inc., Per-
sonnel 649
Cameramen, Credits for 1941 and 1944.. 495
C wada:
A Survey 799
["heaters, by Proxnnces 932
Note: Canadian organizations are in-
cluded in many of the U. S. lists.
See Personnel, Associations, etc.
Canadian Film Boards of Trade, Per-
sonnel 632
Canadian Motion Picture War Services
Committee, Personnel 632
Canadian Performing Right Society, Ltd.,
Personnel 633
Capital Pictures Corp., Personnel 566
Carriers, Film 622
Cartoon Producers 62 1
Casanave-Artlee Pictures, Inc., Personnel . 567
Casanave Pictures, Inc., Personnel 567
Precision Optical Equipment
16 mm and 35 mm
Projection Lenses
16 mm and 35 mm
Sound Reproducing
Optical Systems
Rochester New York
Casting Directors 192
Cathedral Films, Inc., Personnel 567
Catholic Actors Cnihl of America, Inc..
Personnel 633
Catholic Writers Guild of America. Inc.
Personnel 633
Celebrity Productions, Inc., Personnel . . . .">(i7
Censor Boards, State and Local 753
Central Casting Corp., Personnel 633
Century Electric Co., Personnel 702
Century Pictures Co., Personnel 567
Champion Productions, Inc., Personnel. . 567
Chaplin, Charles, Productions, Personnel . 567
Chaplin Studios, The, Inc., Personnel . . . 567
Chicago Expansion Bolt Co., Personnel. . 702
Chicago Office, Theater and Amusement
Building Janitors' Union, Personnel . . . 665
Chorus Equity Association of America,
Personnel 665
Cinecolor Corp., Personnel 567
Cineffects, Personnel 567
Cinema Club of Cincinnati, Personnel.. 633
Cinema I^odge 1366 B'nai B'rith, Per-
sonnel 633
Cinematographers, Credits for 1943 and
1944 495
CineSimplex Corp., Personnel 703
Cine-Tone Corp. of America, Personnel 567
Circuits, Theater 945
Cisco Kid Productions, Personnel 567
Clancy, J. A., Co., Personnel 702
Classic Pictures, Inc., Personnel 567
Cleveland Motion Picture Exhibitors
Association, Inc., Personnel 653
Code of Ethics, Production 751
Colmes, Walter, Productions, Personnel . 567
"Color in 1944," by Samuel D. Berns. ... 69
Color Processes 621
Columbia (British) Productions, Ltd.,
Personnel 813
Columbia International Corp., Personnel 568
Columbia Pictures Corp.:
Personnel 567
Financial Summary 786
1944 Releases 424
Columbia Pictures Corp., Ltd.. Personnel. 813
Columbus Coated Fabrics Corp., Per-
sonnel 702
Columbus Show Case Co., Personnel. . . 702
Colvin, Ray G., "Don't Be Too Opti-
mistic" , 691
Commission on Motion Pictures in Edu-
cation of the American Council on
Education, Personnel 633
Committees-Councils. Motion Picture. . . 75S
Company Releases, 1944 121
Composers. Music, Credits 481
Conference of Studio Unions, Personnel . . 665
Confidential Reports, Inc., Personnel ... . 569
Consolidated Film Industries, Inc.:
Personnel 569
Financial Summary 786
Continental Electric Co., Personnel 702
Continental Lithograph Corp., Personnel 702
Continental Pictures, Inc., Personnel.... 569
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs-
Motion Picture Division, Personnel . . . 633
Correspondents. Foreign 743
Copyright Protection Bureau, Personnel . 633
Councils-Committees, Motion Picture. . . 758
Cowan, Lester, Productions, Inc., Per-
sonnel 569
Crescent Productions, Inc., Personnel. .. . 569
Critics' Forum, 1944 94
"Cuba in 1944," by Mary Louise Blanco. 820
Cutler-Hammer, Inc., Personnel 702
D. 8: P. Studios, Ltd., Personnel 814
Dales, John, Jr., "SAG in 1944" 767
Dance Directors, 1944 Credits 492
Danubia Pictures, Inc., Personnel 569
Darmour, Inc., Personnel 569
Dayton Safety Ladder Co., Personnel. . . . 702
Dealers, Theater Supply 693
Deaths of 1944 55; 141
de Cruz, Chas., "Argentina in 1944" 818
deMille, Cecil B., Productions, Inc., Per-
sonnel 569
Denman Picture Houses, Ltd., Personnel. 815
DeSylva. B. G., Productions. Inc., Per-
sonnel 570
DeVry Corp., Personnel 702
"Dimes Parade Marches On!" by Ernest
Emerling 134
Feature, Credits for 1943 and 1944 459
Short Subject, Credits for 1941 and
1944 464
Disney, Walt, Productions, Personnel... 570
Distribution Percentages 774
Distribution Statistics 43
Personnel 564
New York 604
Exchanges, Product-Managers 605
Tiailer 614
Sixteen mm 603
Non-Theatrical 598
"Don't Be Too Optimistic," by Ray C.
Colvin 691
"Dragon Seed," One of The Film Daily
Ten Best Pictures of 1944 109
Dramatists' Guild of the Author's League
of America, Inc., Personnel 634
Dine In Theaters 942
YtorUwide Lalwratonf
On far-spread fighting fronts Ampro 16 mm. sound
projectors have been subjected to the most rigorous
tests ever devised. As an integral part of the train-
ing and entertainment equipment of the armed
services, these machines have had to stand steaming,
corroding humidity — congealing, sub-zero temper-
atures— dust storms and jarring vibrations — plus
day after day operation with a minimum of service
Add to this more than a decade of pre-war experi-
ence in building 16 mm. projectors for thousands of
schools, universities, industrial concerns, government
agencies, churches, clubs and homes the world over —
and you will understand why Ampro provides continu-
ous, efficient operation under the most adverse conditions
For full details on Ampro 8 mm. and 16 mm
projection equipment, write to Ampro
Corporation, Chicago 18, Illinois.
I)i; Mont, Alien R., Laboratories, Inc.:
Personnel 570
Financial Summary 787
duPont. E. I., de Nemours & Co. (Inc.),
Personnel 57(1
Exhibitor Organizations, Personnel 649
Exhibitors' Association of Chicago, Per-
sonnel 650
En porters and Importers 619
Eagle-Lion Distributors, Ltd., Personnel 813
Eagle-Lion Films, Inc.. Personnel 570
Ealing Distribution, Ltd., Personnel . . . . 813
Epling Studios, Ltd.. Personnel 814
Eastman Kodak Co.:
Personnel 570
Financial Summary 787
Ebeison, John, "Of Things to Come" . . . . 674
Editors, Motion Picture, of Newspapers.. 723
Educational Film Library Association,
Inc., Personnel 634
Educational Film Producers Association,
Personnel 634
Electra Pictures Corp., Personnel 571
Electric Storage Battery Co., Personnel. . 702
Electrical Research Products Division of
Western Electric Co., Inc., Personnel . . 702
Emerling, Ernest, "Dimes Parade Marches
On:' 134
Empire State Motion Picture Operators
Union, Inc., Personnel 666
"British Industry Makes Big Strides,"
by Ernest W. Fredman 803
England— A Survey 810
British Circuits, Personnel 815
British Companies, Personnel 812
British Studios, Personnel 814
English Films, Inc.:
Personnel 57 1
1944 Releases 424
"Of Things to Come," b\ John Eberson 674
"Postwar Notes on Equipment," b\
George H. Morris 681
"Don't Be Too Optimistic," by Ray G.
Colvin 691
Equipment Requirements 689
Theater Supply Dealers 693
Theater Architects 697
Equipment Companies, Personnel . . . . 701
Esquire Films of the U. S., Inc., Per-
sonnel 571
Essanay Electric Manufacturing Co., Per-
sonnel 702
Este Productions, Inc., Personnel 587
Eureka Pictures, Inc., Personnel 571
Eureka Productions, Personnel 571
European Film Fund, Inc., Personnel. . . 634
Exchanges, Product-Managers 605
Exhibition Statistics 45
Famous Players Canadian Corp.:
Personnel 57 1
Financial Summary 788
Theaters 958
Famous Players Toronto Suburban Mana-
gers Association, Personnel 655
Fan and Trade Publications 707
Fan Club League, Personnel 634
Fanchon & Marco, Inc., Personnel 571
Releases Since 1915 221
1944, Credits 145
1944, by Companies 424
1944, Imported 423
Fensin Seating Co., Personnel 702
Film (Raw Stock) 624
Film Alliance of the United States, Inc.,
Personnel 571
Film Audit Service, Personnel 571
Film Carriers 622
Film Chauffeurs and Carriers Union, Per-
sonnel 666
Film Classics, Inc., Personnel 571
Film Daily, The:
Personnel 28
Ten Best Pictures of 1944 99
Ten Best Pictures, 1943-1922 121
Critics' Forum, 1944 94
Filmdom's Famous Fives, 1944 88
Film Drivers and Helpers Union, Per-
sonnel 666
Film Exchange Employees Union, Person-
nel 666
Film Institute, Inc., Personnel 571
Film Players' Club, Inc., Personnel 634
Film Technicians of the Motion Picture
Industry, Personnel 666
Filmack Trailer Co., Personnel 572
Filmcraft Productions, Personnel 588
Filmdom's Famous Fives 88
Company Summaries 785
1944 Stock Market Summary 53
Finney. Edward F., Productions, Per-
sonnel 572
Flameproof Chemical Co., Inc., Personnel 707
Fletcher, H. Bowden. -Australia in 1044" 816
Florida Theaters Owners Association,
Personnel 650
"Foreign Film Markets," by Al Steen . . 77
E. I. du Pont de Nemours 65 Co. (Inc.), Photo Products Dept., Wilmington 98, Del.
In New York: Empire State Building
In Hollywood: Smith 8s Aller, Ltd.
Patterson Screen
Film Product*
"British Industry Makes Big Strides,"
by Ernest IF. Fredman 803
England— A Survey 810
British Circuits, Personnel 815
British Companies, Personnel 812
British Studios, Personnel 814
"Argentina in 1944," by Cfias. de Cruz. 818
"Australia in 1944," b\ H. Bowden
Fletcher 816
"Cuba in 1944," by Marx Louise Blanco 820
Mexican Lists 823
"Puerto Rico in 1944," by E. Sanchez
Oritz 822
Survey of Canada and Newfoundland. . 799
Statistics 51
Foreign Correspondents 743
Foreign Language Press Film Critics'
Circle, Personnel 634
"Foreword," by Jack Alicoate 3
Formica Insulation Co., Personnel 703
France Manufacturing Co., Personnel.. 703
Franco American Film Corp., Personnel. . 572
Fredman, Ernest \V., "British Industry
Makes Big Strides" 803
Free Wcrld, Personnel 634
friars National Association, Personnel . . 634
- G
Gainsborough Pictures (1928), Ltd., Per-
sonnel 814
"Gaslight," One of The Film Daily Ten
Best Pictures of 1944 113
Gasparcolor, Inc., Personnel 572
Gaumont-British Distributors, Ltd., Per-
sonnel 813
Gaumont-British Pictures Corp., Ltd.,
Personnel 815
Gaumont Super Cinemas, Ltd., Personnel 815
General Aniline & Film Corp.:
Ansco Division, Personnel 564
Financial Summary 788
General Electric Co. Lamp Division, Per-
sonnel 703
General Film Library, Inc., Personnel.. 572
General Precision Equipment Corp.:
Personnel 703
Financial Summary 789
General Register Corp., Personnel 704
General Service Studios, Personnel 572
General Theater Corp., Ltd., Personnel . . 815
General Theater Investment Co., Ltd.,
Personnel 572
Globe Ticket Co., Personnel 704
"Going My Way," One of The Film Daily
Ten Best Pictures of 1944 101
GoldE Manufacturing Co., Personnel. . 704
Golden, Edward A., Productions, Per-
sonnel 572
Goldwyn, Samuel, Personnel 572
Goldwyn, Samuel, Studios, Personnel ... . 572
Granada Theaters, Ltd., Personnel 815
Grasso, Alfred A., Productions, Personnel 573
Greater Cincinnati Independent Exhibi-
tors, Inc., Personnel 653
Guaranteed Pictures Co., Inc., Personnel 573
Hall, Worton, Studios (1944), Ltd., Per-
sonnel 914
Harman, Hugh, Productions, Inc., Per-
sonnel 573
Harmon, Francis S., "Movies at War:
1944" 137
Hays, Will H., "Service" 35
Heroic Film Dead, The 141
Hertner Electric Co., The, Personnel. . . . 703
Heywood-Wakefield Co., Personnel 704
Hottberg Productions, Inc.:
Personnel 573
1944 Releases 424
Hollywood Film Enterprises, Inc., Per-
sonnel 573
Hollywood Pictures Corp., Personnel.... 573
Hollywood Producers, Inc., Personnel . . . 573
Hollywood Victory Committee, Inc., for
Stage, Screen and Radio, Personnel . . . . 634
Hollywood Writers Mobilization, Per-
sonnel 635
Hub Electric Corp., Personnel 704
Hughes, Howard, Productions, Personnel 573
Hunt, Philip A., Co., Personnel 573
Hvndman, Donald E., "SMPE in 1944".. 761
Ideal Pictures Corp., Personnel 573
Ldeal Sound Studios, Personnel 573
Ilex Optical Co., Personnel 704
Important Telephone Numbers 59
Importers and Exporters 619
Imports, Feature, 1944 423
!u Memoriam 55; 141
Independent Exhibitors, Inc., Personnel 651
Independent Exhibitors, Ltd., Personnel . 655
Independent Exhibitors* Forum, Person-
nel 653
Independent Motion Picture Exhibitors
Association of Ontario, Personnel 655
Independent Motion Picture Operators
Ui.ion, Personnel 666
Independent Motion Picture Producers
Association, Personnel 635
he character of the
film is important, too
Ansco Supreme
Negative Film
Independent Poster Exchanges of Amer-
ica, Personnel 635
Independent Publicists, Personnel 635
Independent Theater Owners and Mana-
gers Association of Akron, Personnel . . 653
Independent Theater Owners Association,
Inc., Personnel 652
Independent Theater Owners of Arkan-
sas, Personnel 649
Independent Theater Owners of North-
ern California, Personnel 649
Independent Theater Owners of Ohio,
Personnel 653
Independent Theater Owners of Oregon,
Personnel 653
Independent Theater Owners of Southern
California, Personnel 649
Independent Theater Owners of the Dis-
t'ict of Columbia, Personnel 650
Independent Theater Owners of Wash-
ton, Northern Idaho, and Alaska, Per-
sonnel 655
Independent Theater Owners of Wis-
consin and Upper Michigan, Personnel 655
Insurance Brokers 615
Fntermountain Theaters Association, Per-
sonnel 654
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage
Employes and Moving Picture Machine
Operators of the United States and
Canada, Personnel 666
International Association of Machinists,
Personnel 666
International Federation of Catholic
Alumnae, Motion Picture Department,
Personnel 635
International Film Relations Committee,
Personnel 637
International Photographers of the Mo-
tion Picture Industries, Personnel .666; 667
International Pictures, Inc., Personnel... 574
International Projector Corp., Personnel 703
International Seat Corp., Personnel 704
International Sound Technicians, Per-
sonnel 687
Keith, B. F., Corp., Personnel 584
Kentucky Association of Motion Picture
Exhibitors, Personnel 651
King Bros. Productions, Personnel 574
Krasne, Philip N., Productions, Personnel 574
Kuvkendall, Ed, "MPTOA in 1944" 768
Labor Organizations 663
"Labor in 1944," by Lou Pelegrine
and Ralph Wilk 70
"SAG in 1944," by John Dales, Jr 767
"SWG in 1944," by Emmet Lavery . . . 764
Laboratories 620
Lambs, The, Personnel 635
Landres, Morris M., Productions, Per-
sonnel 574
Lantz, Walter, Productions, Personnel. . 574
Lasky, Jesse L., Productions, Inc., Per-
sonnel 574
Lavery, Emmet, "SWG in 1944" 764
Lees-Cochrane Co., Inc., Personnel 704
Lesser, Sol, Productions, Inc., Personnel. . 574
Levey, Jules, Productions, Inc., Personnel 574
Lewis-Lesser, 1944 Release 424
Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co., Personnel 704
Libraries, Stock Shot 621
"Lifeboat," One of The Film Daily Ten
Best Pictures of 1944 119
Lloyd, Harold, Corp., Personnel 574
Lloyds Film Storage Corp., Personnel. . . 574
Loew-Hakim, Inc., Personnel 576
Loew's, Inc.:
Personnel 574
Financial Summary 789
Theaters 969
1944 Releases 424
Loew's International Corp., Personnel . . . 575
London Film Productions, Ltd., Personnel 813
Lyricists, Music, Credits 401
Jewel Productions, Inc., Personnel 574
Kansas-Missouri Theater Association, Per-
sonnel • 652
M-G-M International Films Corp., Per-
sonnel 574
MPPDA, See: Motion Picture Producers
and Distributors of America.
M. P. T. O. of Arkansas. Mississippi and
Tennessee, Personnel 652
M. P. T. O. of Connecticut, Personnel . . 650
M. P. T. O. of Georgia, Personnel 650
M. P. T. O. of Kentucky, Personnel ... 651
M. P. T. O. of Maryland, Personnel 651
Cooperation Pays Off
Jlrompt redesigning of projector car-
bons to wartime needs became essential,
after Pearl Harbor. Long years of research
and manufacturing experience enabled
National Carbon Company not only to
make the needed changes at once, but also
to produce "National" carbons that gave
virtually the same screen brilliance as
Aiding us was the welcome technical
cooperation of exhibitor, projectionist,
and lamp manufacturer. Throughout the
many months of war, this cooperation has
"paid off" for all concerned.
Of special importance is the "dividend"
paid off to the war effort by the enormous
quantities of copper saved through re-
covery of copper drippings and strippings
of copper from carbon stubs.
Because of all these cooperative efforts,
patrons have overflowed theaters every-
where for the beneficial relaxation of
good movies.
Keep Your Eye on the Infantry . . .
the Doughboy Does It!
The registered trade-mark "National" distinguishes products
of National Carbon Company, Inc.
Unit of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation
General Offices: 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y.
Division Sales Offices: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Kansas City,
New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco
M. P. T. O. of Mississippi, Personnel... 652
M. P. T. O. of New York State, Inc.,
Personnel 652
M. P. T. O. of Rhode Island, Personnel 651
M. P. T. O. of St. Louis, Eastern Mis-
souri and Southern Illinois, Personnel . 652
M. P. T. O. of the District of Columbia,
Personnel 650
M. P. T. O. of Virginia, Inc., Personnel 651
MPTOA, See: Motion Picture Theater
Owners of America.
M. S. Productions, Inc., Personnel 576
"Madame Curie," One of The Film Daily
Ten Best Pictures of 1044 107
Major Equipment Co., Inc., Personnel. . 704
Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists, Per-
sonnel 667
Managers and Agents 616
Manhattan Productions, Inc., Personnel. . 576
Manley, Inc., Personnel 704
March of Time. The, Personnel 576
.Marsh Wall Products, Inc., Personnel 704
Mascot Pictures Co., Personnel 576
Masquers, The, Personnel 635
Massce-Barnett Co., Inc., Personnel 576
Mayer, Arthur, & Joseph Burstyn, Inc..
Personnel 576
"Mayflower. The," Pictures Corp., Ltd..
Personnel 576
McAuley, J. E.. Manufacturing Co., Per-
sonnel 703
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, See: Loews, inc.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer London Films,
Ltd., Personnel 813
Metro-Goldw\n-Mayer Pictures, Ltd., Per-
sonnel 813
Mexico, Lists 823
Miles Film Library Corp., Personnel 576
Modern Film Corp., Personnel 576
Mohawk Carpet Mills, Inc., Personnel 705
Mohawk Film Corp. Personnel 577
Monogram International Corp., Personnel 577
Monogram Distributing Corp., Personnel 577
Monogram Pictures Corp.:
Personnel 577
Financial Summary 790
1944 Releases 121
Monogram Pictures. Inc., Personnel 577
Monogram Productions. Inc.. Personnel. 577
Morel ite Co., Inc., Personnel 705
Morris, George H.. "Postwar Notes on
Equipment" 681
Morros, Boris, Company, Personnel 577
Morros, Boris. Product!! ns, Inc. Person-
nel 577
Moss Empires. Lid.. Personnel 815
Motiograph. Personnel 705
Motion Picture Arbitration System, Per-
sonnel 629
Motion Picture Associates, Inc.. Per-
sonnel 577; 636
Motion Picture Bookers Club of New
York, N. Y., Inc., Personnel 636
Motion Picture Costumers, Personnel . . . 667
Motion Picture Councils-Committees . . . 758
Motion Picture Engineering Corp., Per-
sonnel 703
Motion Picture Film Editors Personnel . 667
Motion Picture Internationals' Commit-
tee, Personnel 687
Motion Picture Laboratory Technicians,
Personnel 667
Motion Picture Laborers and Utility
Workers, Personnel 668
Motion Picture Location Managers' Asso-
ciation, Personnel 636
Motion Picture Office Employes Union.
Personnel 668
Motion Picture Producers and Distribu-
tors of America, Inc. (Hays' Office):
Personnel 636
Activities in 1944 744
"Service," by IF/// H. Ha\s 35
Motion Picture Relief Fund, Inc.. Per-
sonnel 639
Motion Picture Society for the America*.
Personnel 637
Motion Picture Studio Grips, Personnel 668
Motion Picture Studio Mechanics, Per-
sonnel 668
Motion Picture Studio Projectionists, Per-
sonnel 668
"Movies at War: 1944." by Francis S. Har-
mon 137
Moving Picture Machine Operators'
Union, Personnel 668
Moving Picture Painters and Scenic
Artists Personnel 668
Motion Picture Theater Owners of
Personnel 649
"MPTOA in 1944," by Ed Kuykendall . 768
Motion Picture Theaters Association of
Ontario, Personnel 655
Motion Picture War Finance Committee.
Treasury Dept.. Personnel 637
Movie Film Laboratory Association, Per-
sonnel 638
Movietonews. Inc.. Personnel 578
Museum of Modern Art Film Librarv.
Personnel 638
Music Composers. Lyricists, Supervisors,
Credits 481
Music Publishers' Protective Association.
Inc., Personnel 688
Musicians Mutual Protective Association,
Personnel 668
Mutual Productions, Inc. Personnel.... 578
Myers, Abram F.. '-Allied in 1044" 771
You have to see them to appreciate their
modern design— their rugged construc-
tion—their beautiful finish! You have
to see them in action— to realize their
rock-steady, flicker-free screening — the
high-fidelity of their perfectly synchro-
nized sound— from the softest whisper
to the warmest tone, the weirdest shriek!
No flutter ... No hum ... No WOW!
Talk with projectionists who've enjoyed
year-in, year-out trouble-free DeVRY
performance in practically every corner
of the globe . . . Designed and built to
specifications far in excess of generally
accepted standards— priced so reason-
ably that ANY theater can NOW afford
to buy them NEW — DeVRY projectors
of TODAY are indeed a great pair to
draw to— for projectionist gratification;
for audience satisfaction! Request for
details incurs no obligation. DeVry
Corporation, 1111 Armitage Ave., Chi-
cago 14, 111.
DeVRY alone has been
awarded four consecu-
tive Army-Navy E's for
Excellence in the pro-
duction of Motion Picture
Sound Equipment.
North Dakota Theater Owners, Personnel 653
Northwest Film Club, Inc.. Personnel... 639
National Association of Visual Education
Dealers, Personnel 638
National Board of Review of Motion
Pictures, Inc.:
Personnel 638
Activities in 1944 757
1944 Picture and Talent Awards 93
National Carbon Co., Inc., Personnel. . . 705
National Council of Independent Exhibi-
tors of Canada. Personnel 656
National Film Board of Canada, Per-
sonnel 638
National Film Carriers, Inc., Personnel. . 638
National Film Society of Canada, The,
Personnel 638
National Legion of Decency, Personnel.. 638
National Pictures Corp., Personnel 578
National Radio Film Critics Circle, Per-
sonnel 638
National Roadshows Inc.. Personnel... 578
National Screen Service Corp., Personnel 578
National-Simplex-Bludworth, Inc., Per-
sonnel 704
National Theaters Corp., Personnel 578
National Ticket Co., Personnel 705
National Variety Artists, Inc., Personnel 639
Navy Motion Picture Liaison Office, Per-
sonnel 639
Negro Marches On, Inc.:
Personnel 579
1944 Releases 425
Negro Marches On Distributing Co.. Per-
sonnel 579
Negro Theaters 940
Nero Films, Inc., Personnel 579
Nettlefold Studios, Personnel 814
Neufeld, Sigmund, Productions Inc., Per-
sonnel 579
New England Educational Film Associa-
tion, Personnel 639
New York Film Critics, The:
Personnel 639
Awards, 1944-1936 97
News Highlights 37
Newspaper Motion Picture Editors 723
Newsreel Distributors, Inc., Personnel . . 579
Newsreel Theaters 944
Newsreels 621
"1944 News Highlights," bx Chester B.
Bahn 37
Non-Theatrical Producers-Distributors. . 598
"Non-Theatrical Production," b\ Ralph
WHk 75
North American Pictures Corp.. Per-
sonnel 579
North-Central Allied Independent Thea-
ters, Inc., Personnel 652
Odeon Theaters, Ltd. Personnel 815
O'Donnell, R. J., "Variety Clubs in
1944" 763
"Of Things to Come," by John Eberson . . 674
Office of Censorship (Federal):
Los Angeles Board of Review, Personnel 639
New York Board of Review. Personnel 639
Office of War Information:
Domestic Motion Picture Bureau, Per-
sonnel 639
Los Angeles Overseas Bureau, Personnel 639
Overseas Motion Picture Bureau, Per-
sonnel 639
Older, Andrew H., "Reeling 'Round
Washington" 765
Olympic Pictures Corp., Personnel 579
Original Titles 427
Ortiz, E. Sanchez, "Puerto Rico in 1944". 822
PRC Pictures Inc.:
Personnel 579
1944 Releases 425
PRC Productions, Inc., Personnel 579
Pacific Coast Conferences of Independent
Theater Owners, Personnel 650
Pal, George, Productions, Inc.. Personnel 580
Paramount British Productions, Ltd., Per-
sonnel 813
Paramount Film Distributing Corp., Per-
sonnel 581
Paramount Film Service, Inc., Personnel 813
Paramount International Films, Inc..
Personnel 580
Paramount-Pep Club Inc.. Personnel . . . 639
Paramount Pictures Inc.:
Personnel 580
Financial Summary 790
Theaters ' 975
1944 Releases 425
Paramount Theaters Service Corp., Per-
sonnel 581
Pari) Research Sen ices. Personnel 581
Parsons, Lindsley, Productions, Inc., Per-
sonnel 581
Pathe Equipment. Ltd.. Personnel 813
Pathe Industries, Inc., Personnel 581
Pathe Laboratories, Inc.. Personnel 582
Pathe Manufacturing Corp., Personnel . . 581
Kooler- Aire
Refrigerated Kool-
er-Aire. "Package",
Self-contained units
for single or multi-
ple installations in
5 to 25 ton capaci-
ties for cooling and
usAIRco Kooler-
Aire Evaporating
Cooling Units. Ca-
pacities from 2,500
to 10,000 C.F.M.
Low cost cooling
with economical
Heavy Duty
usAIRco Heavy
Duty Blowers for
ventilation through
any size duct. Ca-
pacities from 2,000
to 70,000 C.F.M.
Available in double
and single inlet.
usAIRco Coils. For
high or low pres-
sure steam heating;
for hot water and
direct expansion;
for cooling, drying,
tempering; in every
capacity and every
coil purpose.
Gyra Spray
Gyra Spray Washed
Air Unit delivers
washed and filtered
air. Can be operated
with any blower
of correct capacity .
Capacities 5,000 to
20,000 C.F.M.
usAIRco Air Washers
and Dehumidifiers.
Capacities 3,500 to
100,000 C.F.M. Built
in single, double and
triple stages. Special
units can be designed
for any application,
cleansing, cooling with
cold water or refriger-
ation, or for humidify-
ing or dehumidifying.
Northwestern Terminal, Minneapolis 13
Specific Data or
complete catalog
tent on request
Pa the News. Inc., Personnel 5X2
Peerless Pictures Inc., Personnel 582
Pelegrine. Lou, "Potior in the East" . ... 70
Percentages, Distribution 77 1
Permanent Charities Committee of the
Motion Picture Industry, Personnel . . . 639
Associations 628
British Circuits 815
British Companies 812
British Studios 814
Equipment Companies 701
Exhibitor Organizations 649
The Film Daily 28
Labor Organizations 664
Motion Picture Companies 574
Phillis, Chris. Productions, Personnel . . . . 582
Photographers, Portrait 626
Pickford, Mary. Company, Personnel.... 582
Pickford Productions, Inc., Personnel . . . 582
Pictorial Films, Inc., Personnel 582
Picture Pioneers, Inc.. Personnel 639
Pine-Thomas Productions, Personnel.... 582
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Personnel. . 705
Play and Story Brokers 618
Credits for 1943 and 1944 501
Agents 501
"Plays and Novels Going Hollywood,"
by Samuel D. Berns 73
Popular Pictures. Inc., Personyiel 582
Portrait Photographers 626
"Postwar Notes on Equipment," by
George H. Morris 681
Prescott Pictures, Inc., Personnel 582
Principal Artists Productions, Personnel 582
Principal Productions, Inc., Personnel.. 583
Processes, Background 623
Cartoon 624
Feature. Credits for 1943 and 1944 451
Theatrical 595
Short Subject 597
16 mm 601
Non-Theatrical 598
Trailer 614
Producers Corp. of America, Personnel . . 583
Producing Artists, Inc., Personnel 583
Statistics 41
Features, 1944 Credits 145
Features Released Since 1915 221
Company Releases, 1944 424
Serial Releases, Since 1920 419
Producers, Credits for 1943 and 1°44 . . 451
Directors, Credits for 1943 and 1944.. 459
Short Subject Directors, Credits for
1943 and l>>44 459
Authors. Credits for I'M' and lc>44 467
Screenplay Writers, Credits for 1943
and 1944 172
Cameramen, Credits (or l°4~> and 1944 495
Players, Credits for 1943 and 1<>44 501
Production Code of Ethics:
Production Code Administration, Per-
sonnel 636
Text 751
Production Managers' Guild. Personnel . . 668
Progress Films, Inc., Personnel 5S3
Projection Optics Co., Inc., Personnel . . . 705
Projection Rooms 623
Provincial Cinematograph Theaters, Ltd.,
Personnel 815
Public Information Committee of the
Motion Picture Industry Personnel... 637
Fan and Trade 707
Television 711
Publicity-Public Relations 624
"Puerto Rico in 1944," by E. Sanchez
Ortiz 822
Puritan Pictures Corp., Personnel 583
Pyramid Pictures Corp., Personnel 583
Pyrene Manufacturing Co., Personnel... 705
Quebec Allied Theatrical Industries, Inc.,
Personnel 640
RCA Photophone, Ltd., Personnel 813
RCA Service Co., Inc., Personnel 705
RCA Victor Division of Radio Corp. of
America, Personnel 705
R. C. M. Productions, Inc., Personnel... 583
RKO-Radio British Productions, Ltd.,
Personnel 813
RKO Radio Pictures, Inc.:
Personnel 583
1944 Releases 425
RKO-Radio Pictures Ltd., Personnel. . . 813
RKO Television Corp., Personnel 584
Radiant Manufacturing Corp., Personnel 705
Radio Commentators on Motion Pictures 739
Radio Corporation of America, Personnel 583
Radio-Keith Orpheum Corp.:
Personnel 583
Financial Summary 791
Theaters '.' 980
Range Busters, Inc., Personnel 585
Raw Stock 624
Regina Motion Picture Exhibitors \ss<>
ciation. Personnel 656
Reel Fellows Club of Illinois, Personnel 640
"I Q^C The original Alexander Smith Mill on the Bronx River,
We wish to take the occasion of our one hundredth
anniversary, which we commemorate this year, to thank the motion
picture industry for the considerable part it has played in the
development of CRESTWOOD, America's leading theatre carpet.
After our war job is done we will again have this
quality carpet available in the quantities needed.
"Reeling 'Round Washington," b\ An-
drew H. Older 765
Reeves Sound Studios, Inc.. Personnel .. . 585
Features, Since 1915 221
Features, 1944 Credits 145
By Companies. 1(>44 424
Imported, 1944 423
Serial, Since 1920 419
Republic Pictures Corp.:
Personnel 585
Financial Summary (See: Setay Co.,
Inc.) 792
1944 Releases 425
Republic Pictures International Corp.
Personnel 585
Republic Productions, Inc., Personnel . . . . 585
Ritchev International Corp., Personnel . . 586
Roach, Hal, Studios, Inc., Personnel . . . . 586
Rocha. Oswaldo Leite, "Brazil in 1944". . 819
Rocky Mountain Screen Club, Personnel 640
Rogers, Charles R., Enterprises, Personnel 586
Rosenheim, J., & Co., Personnel 706
Ross Federal Service Inc., Personnel.... 586
Rossi, Charles A., Studios, Personnel . . . . 586
Roth-Greene-Rouse Productions, Person-
nel 586
Ryan, Phil L., Productions, Personnel. . 587
S & N Productions, Personnel 587
SMPE, See: Society of Motion Picture
S. O. S. Cinema Supply Co., Personnel . . . 706
St. Catharines Theater Managers' Asso-
ciation, Personnel 656
Saskatchewan Motion Picture Exhibitors
Association, Personnel 656
Scandia Films, Inc. Personnel 587
Schwarz, Jack, Productions, Personnel . . . 587
Scientific Films, Inc., Personnel 587
Scoop Productions, 1944 Release 425
Scophony Corp. of America, Personnel . . 587
Screen Actors Guild:
Personnel 668
"SAG in 1944," by John Dales, Jr 767
Screen Cartoonists, Personnel 669
Screen Children's Guild, Personnel 669
Screen Directors' Guild, Inc., Personnel. . 669
Screen Gems, Inc., Personnel 587
Screen Office and Profession Employees
Guild, Personnel 669
Screen Office Employees Guild, Personnel 669
Screen Players Union Personnel 669
Screen Publicists Guild, Personnel 669
Screen Publicists Guild of New York,
Personnel 670
Screen Set Designers, Illustrators and Dec-
orators, Personnel 670
Screen Story Analysts' Guild, Personnel . . 670
Screen Writers' Guild, Inc.:
Personnel 670
"SWG in 1944," by Emmet Lavery . . , . 764
Screencraft Pictures, Inc., Personnel . . . . 587
Screening Rooms 623
Screenplay Writers, Credits for 1943 and
1944 472
Script Clerks' Guild, Personnel 670
Serials Released Since 1920 419
"Service," by Will H. Hays 35
Setay Co., Inc.:
Personnel 587
Financial Summary 792
Sheet Metal Workers International Asso-
ciation, Personnel 670
Sherman, Harry, Productions Personnel . 587
Short Subject Directors, Credits for 1943
and 1944 464
Short Subject Producers 597
"Since You Went Away," One of The
Film Daily Ten Best Pictures of 1944 . 105
Sixteen mm. Producer-Distributors 601
Small, Edward, Productions, Inc., Per-
sonnel 587
Smith, Alexander, &: Sons, Carpet Co.,
Personnel 706
Society of Authors' Representatives, Per-
sonnel 640
Society of Independent Motion Picture
Producers, Personnel 640
Society of Motion Picture Art Directors,
Personnel 670
Society of Motion Picture Engineers:
Personnel 640
"SMPE in 1944," by Donald E. Hynd-
man 761
"Song of Bernadette, The," One of The
Film Daily Ten Best Pictures of 1944 . 103
Song Writers, Credits 481
Sound Services, Inc., Personnel 588
Soundies Distributing Corp. of America,
Inc., Personnel 588
South Dakota Theater Owners Associa-
tion, Personnel 654
Southeastern Theater Owners Association,
Personnel 650
Southern California Theater Owners Asso-
ciation, Personnel 650
Special Effects and Titles 626
Special Officers-Guards- Watchmen -Mot ion
Picture Studio Policemen, Fire Control
and Prevention, Personnel 670
Springfield Theater Association, Personnel 651
Standard Pictures Distributing Co., Inc.,
Personnel 588
Stanley Company of America:
Personnel 594
Financial Summary 792
Interest in television is assuming flood
proportions. Within 18 months after Vic-
tory there is every indication that tele-
vision service will be available to 30,000,-
000 people . . . and enjoyment limited only
by plant capacity of set manufacturers.
Prospective television station operators
who reserve DuMont telecasting equip-
ment now will be prepared to ride a wave
of unprecedented popular enthusiasm . . .
to ride the swift and inevitable commercial
expansion of the greatest scientific ad-
vance of our time. Valuable prestige and
good-will are natural windfalls of the
early bird in this new field.
A fortune is not required to build a tele-
vision station, nor years to "break even."
DuMont designed and constructed 3 of
the 9 television stations on the air today.
The low operating cost and rugged de-
pendability of DuMont equipment has
been demonstrated week-in and week-out
for more than 4 years. When and how
television can turn a profit are questions
to which DuMont holds factual answers.
Would you like to hear them?
TELEFE.ASH1 More than 90 requests for permission to con-
struct and operate commercial television stations are on file with
the Federal Communications Commission. As only a few channels are
available for television, the number of stations in a trading area
is limited. In consequence, options are already being sought for
desirable "time." More than 61 advertising agencies have installed
television departments. The value of riding with public interest
is attracting more and more advertisers to television every week.
They are learning to control the terrific sales impact of this
wonderful new medium. Their experiments are well worth watching!
Copyright 1945. Allen B. DuMont Laboratories, Inc.
State Theater Co., Personnel 581
Distribution 43
Exhibition 45
Production 41
General 11
War Effort 136
Arbitration 53
Foreign 51
Financial 53
Steen, Al.:
"Foreign Film Markets" 77
"Television Developments of 1944". ... 67
Stock Shot Libraries 621
Stone, Andrew, Enterprises, Personnel.. 588
Storage Vaults 625
Story and Play Brokers 618
"Story of Dr. Wassell, The," One of The
Film Daily Ten Best Pictures of 1944 . 117
Stromberg, Hunt, Productions, Personnel 588
Studio Carpenters, Personnel 670
Studio Electrical Technicians, Personnel . 670
Studio Electricians, Sound and Broadcast
Technicians, Personnel 671
Studio Transportation Drivers, Personnel 671
Studio Utility Employees, Personnel . ... 671
Studios, Personnel 564
Sunday Closing Regulations 754
Supervisors, Music, Credits 481
Supply Dealers, Theater 693
Supreme Pictures Corp., Personnel 588
Technicolor, Inc.:
Personnel 588
Financial Summary 793
Technicolor, Ltd., Personnel 813
Technicolor Motion Picture Corp., Per-
sonnel 588
Techniprocess & Special Effects Corp..
Personnel 588
Telephone Numbers:
New York 59
Los Angeles 63
Note: Telephone numbers are carried
with most of the lists in this hook.
"Television Developments of 1944," by
Al Steen 67
Publications 711
Stations 777
Television Broadcasters Association, Inc.,
Personnel 640
Television Motion Pictures Co., Personnel 588
Television Press Club, Personnel 640
Ten Best Pictures, The Film Daily:
1944 Selections 99
1943-1922 Selections 121
Terneen Productions. Inc., Personnel ... . 588
Terre Haute Theaters Association, Per-
sonnel 651
Terrytoons, Inc., Personnel 589
Texas Theater Owners, Inc., Personnel . . 654
Theater and Amusement Service Em-
ployees, Personnel 671
Theater Architects 697
Theater Authority, Inc., Personnel 640
Theater Equipment Dealers Protective
Association, Personnel 641
Theater Owners of North and South
Carolina, Inc., Personnel 653
Theater Owners of Oklahoma, Inc., Per-
sonnel 653
Theater Supply Dealers 693
Alaska 932
Canada, by Provinces 932
Circuits, United States and Canada. . . . 945
Drive-In 942
Negro 940
Newsreel 944
Statistics 45
United States, by States 826
Theatrical Protective Union, Personnel . . 671
Thortel Fireproof Fabrics, Personnel... 706
Company Releases, 1944 42 1
Features, Since 1915 221
Features, 1944 Credits 145
Original 427
Serials, Since 1920 419
Features, Imported in 1944 423
Titles and Special Effects 626
Toddy Pictures Co., Personnel 589
Toronto Board of Trade— Motion Picture
Branch, Personnel 641
Trade and Fan Publications 707
Trailers, Producers-Distributors 614
Trane Co., Personnel 706
Trans-Lux Corp.:
Personnel 589
Financial Summary 793
Trans-Lux Theaters Corp.:
Personnel 589
Theaters 988
Triumph Films, Personnel 589
Troupers, Inc., The Personnel 641
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Co., Ltd.,
Personnel 813
Twentieth Century -Fox Film Corp.:
Personnel 589
Financial Summary 794
1944 Releases 425
Twentieth Century-Fox International*"
Corp., Personnel 590
Twentieth Century Productions, Ltd.,
Personnel 814
Two Cities Films. Ltd., Personnel 811
U SO -Camp Shows, Inc., Personnel 641
Unaffiliated Independent Exhibitors, Per-
sonnel 653
United Artists Corp.: •
Personnel 590
1944 Releases 426
United Artists Corp., Ltd., Personnel. . . . 814
United Artists Theaters of California,
Ltd., Personnel 590
United Artists Theater Circuit:
Financial Summary 795
Theaters 988
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and
Joiners of America, Personnel 671
United Motion Picture Theater Owners
of Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey
and Delaware, Inc., Personnel 654
United Office and Professional Workers
Association, Personnel 671
United Picture Theaters, Ltd., Personnel 815
United Scenic Artists of America, Per-
sonnel 67 1
United States Air Conditioning Corp.,
Personnel 706
United States Rubber Co., Personnel... 706
United Theater Owners of Illinois, Per-
sonnel 651
Universal International Films, Inc. Per-
sonnel 591
Universal Pictures Co., Inc.:
Personnel 591
Financial Summary 795
1944 Releases . . 426
Universal Pictures, Ltd., Personnel 814
University Film Productions, Inc., Per-
sonnel 592
Upholsterers' International Union of
North America, Personnel 671
Upstate Theaters, Inc., Personnel 653
Vanguard Films, Inc., Personnel 592
Variety Clubs of America:
Personnel 64 1
"Variety Clubs in 1944," by R. J.
O'Donnell 763
Vaults, Storage 625
Venus Corp., Personnel 592
Vershel, Irving, Productions, Personnel . . 592
Victoria Films, Inc., Personnel 592
Vitaphone Corp., The, Personnel 594
Voigt Co., Personnel 706
Votion, Jack Wm., Productions, Inc.,
Personnel ..., 592
Wagner Sign Service, Inc., Personnel . . . . 706
Wallis, Hal, Productions, Inc., Personnel 592
Wanger, Walter, "The Academy in 1944" 760
Wanger, Walter, Pictures, Inc., Personnel 593
War Activities Committee— Motion Pic-
ture Industry:
Personnel 643
"Movies at War: 1944," by Francis
S. Harmon 137
Ward Leonard Electric Co.. Personnel . . 706
Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc., Personnel. 593
Warner Bros. International Corp., Per-
sonnel 593
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.:
Personnel 593
Financial Summary 796
1944 Releases 426
Warner Bros. Pictures, Ltd., Personnel.. 814
Warner Bros. Pictures Distributing Corp..
Personnel 594
Warner Bros. Teddington Studios, Per-
sonnel 814
Warner Bros. Theaters, Inc.:
Personnel 594
Theaters 989
Wartime Prices and Trade Board (Can
ada), The, Personnel 648
W7arwick Pictures Corp., Personnel 594
Welgot Trailer Service, Personnel 594
Welwyn Studios, Ltd., Personnel 815
Wembley Film Studio, Ltd., Personnel.. 815
West Virginia Managers Association, Per-
sonnel 655
Western Costume Co., Personnel 594
Western Electric Co.. Ltd., Personnel . . . 814
Western Electric Exjjort Corp., Personnel 706
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing
Co., Lamp Division, Personnel 706
"White Cliffs of Dover, The," One of
The Film Daily Ten Best Pictures of
1944 Ill
Wilk, Ralph:
"Labor on the Coast" 71
"Non-Theatrical Production" 75
Wood Conversion Co., Personnel 706
Wood, Sam, Productions, Inc., Personnel 594
Authors, Credits for 1943 and 1944 467
Screenplay Writers. Credits for 1943
and 1944 472
York Corp., Personnel.
1501 Broadway, New York 18, N. Y.
BRyant 9-7117
John W. Alicoate
Don >I. Mersereau
Associate Publisher and General Manager
Chester B. Bahn
Al Steen
Associate Editor
W in field Andrus
Editorial Staff
Lou Pelegrine
Editorial Staff
I). Jane Short Betty Blits
Jane Levinsohn
L. H. Mitchell
Editorial Staff
Ralph Wilk
Hollywood Representative
Chas. A. Alicoate
Special Representative
George II. Morris
Editorial Staff
Samuel D. Berns
Editorial Staff
A. J. Dash Anna C. Kearney S. D. Kohler
/->^j Ferdinand Maimer
Publishers of
The Film Daily
The Film Daily Year Book
Product Guide and Directors9 Number
Andrew H. Older
5516 Carolina Place, N\V.
ORdway 9221
Armas Morby
Mastersamuelsg 25
Roy Carmichael
R. 9, 464 Francis Xavier St.
Mary Louise Blanco
Virtudes 214
Joseph Esler
6241 N. Oakley Ave.
BRIargate 7441
E. Sanchez Ortis
13 San Sebastian St.
Mrs. Annabel Damon
3009 Puiwa Lane
Ralph Wilk
6425 Hollywood Blvd.
GRanite 6607
Ernest W. Fredman
The Film Renter
127 Wardour St., W.l
E. Boden Fletcher
Richmond, N. S. W.
Arthur Geiger
Augusto Compte 5
v I N DEX ^
Abbott, Bud 391
Abrahams, Derwin 458
Adler Silhouette Letter
Co 694
Altec Service Corp 681
Amechc, Don 52
American Seating Co 141
Am pro 10
Ansco 14
Anuario Cinematografico
Radio Cubano 802
Artkino Pictures, Inc.... 156
Arlen, Harold 174
Associated Filmakers,
Inc 150
Associated Publications
720 & 721
Astaire, Fred 42
Astor Pictures Corp 158
Audio Productions, Inc.. 184
Auster, Islin 406
Bacon, Lloyd 348
Bank of America
Facing Page One
Bankers Trust Co 31
Banks, Montague 336
Banner Productions . . . 160B
Barnes Prititing Co., Inc. 784
Battisti Studios 161
Baxter, Anne 342
Benny, Jack 58
Berman, Pandro S 288
Blake, Ben K 186
Blanke, Henry lis
Bogeaus, Benedict 248
Bonded Film Storage Co.
Facing Inside Back Page
Bracken, Eddie 206
Bren, J. Robert 178
Brulatour, J. E., Inc.
Inside Front Covers
Burke, Mellville 378
Burkctt, James S 160C
Burns, Bob 508
Cagney, James 232
Cagney, William Produc-
tions 232
Cahn, Sammy 480
Cameron Publishing Co.. 71 1
Canadian Moving Picture
Digest, The 798
Capitol Attractions, Inc.. 160G
Casanave-Artlee Pictures.
Inc 1 86
Cassidy, James B 161
Chidnoff Studio 756
Cineffects 162
Cine Presna 804
Clarke, Charles 494
Coburn, Charles 51
Colbert, Claudette 40
Columbia Pictures 152
Comerford - Publix The-
atres Corp 181
Commonwealth Pictures
Corp 600
Consolidated Film Indus-
. tries, Inc. . Inside Back Cover
Cooper, Gary 38
Cosmo-Sileo Co 772
Costelio, Lou 394
Cowan. Lester. Produc-
tions 2 10
Crane, Richard 512
Cromwell, John 96
Cummings. living 108
Curtiz. Michael 120
Daily Film Renter, The. 800
Daily Variety 710
Darnell, Linda 500
Davis, Bette 302
Dazian's, Inc 680
De Luxe Laboratories,
Inc 32
De Sylva, B. G., Produc-
tions, Inc 198
De Fry Corp 18
De Wolfe, Billy 216
Du Art Film Laboratories 182 0
Dumont, Allen B., Lab-
oratories, Inc 24
Dunlap, Scott R 160D
Dunne, Irene 4 4
Du Pont, E. I., de Ne-
mour & Co. (Inc.) 12
Durbin, Deanna 396
Eastman Kodak Co.
Back Cover
Eberson, John 676
Electrical Research Prod-
ucts Division of West-
ern Electric Co., Inc
Facing Page 992
English Films, Inc 190
Errol, Leon 66
Fabian Theatres Corp... 181
Fain, Sammy 284
Fairbanks. Jerry 214
Famous Artists Corp.... 128
Fanchon i- Marco, Inc.. 72
Fensin Seating Co 160H
Fields. Grade 336
Take this pen being held out to you ... by
our favorite pin-up boy . . . sign up your
John Henry . . . and let the Prize Baby start
directing traffic to your theatre . . . that's your
elementary lesson in the fine science of show-
selling . . . and that's all there is . . . You are
now a graduate . . . and you've found out
how to go all out ... to get 'em all in ... in
an endless chain of seat-selling . . . You sell
today's show on the outside . . . (posters,
heralds, etc.) ... so that you can sell tomor-
row's show on the inside . . . (trailers, lobby
displays, etc.) . . . How can you go wrong?
. . . You've got 'em coming and going . . .
Hurry! . . . Look at those people going by
nATiormi Gtfieett service
Film Bulletin 732
Film Classics, Inc 166
Fi I nic) aft Productions . . 184
Fishman, Edward I 160G
Formica Insulation Co.,
The 698
Franklin, Sidney 268
Freed, Arthur 276
Friedhofer, Hugo 480
Garner, Peggy Ann 340
Garson, Greer 502
General Electric Co 2
GoldE Mfg. Co 690
Golden Pictures , 254
Grable, Betty 334
Grant, John 402
Greater Amusements . . . 734
Green, Johnny 286
Greenstreet, Sydtiey .... 310
Guaranteed Pictures Co.,
Inc 182
Had ley, 'Hap' 562
Hammons, E. W 124
Hartmahn, Edmund I.... 400
Hathaway, Henry 330
Haymes, Dick 344
Haxward, Louis 176
Heisler, Stuart 92
Heywood-Wake field .... 672
Hitchcock, Alfred 82
Hollywood Reporter, The 722
Horman, Arthur T 408
Hornblow, Arthur, Jr.. . . 98
Home, Lena 282
Horton, Edward Everett. 510
Hutton, Betty 202
Ideal Sound Studios 946
I linen, Wiard B 92
Ilex Optical Co 8
Independent , The 730
International Alliance of
Theatrical Stage Em-
ployes and Moving Pic-
ture Machine Operat-
ors of the United States
and Canada 656
International Pictures,
Inc 90
International Projector
Corp 678
International Projection-
ist 718
International Theatrical
& Television Corp 164
— J
Jackson, Felix 398
,/ a y Emanuel Publica-
tions 726 & 727
Johnson Nunnally 91
Kay, Edward 482
Kellaiuay, Cecil 218
Kinematograph Weekly
808 & 809
King Brothers 160D
King, Henry 326
Koerner, Charles W 372
Kohlmar, Fred 350
Korda, Zoltan 170
Kroehler Mfg. Co 700
Lamb, Gil 218
Laniour, Dorothy 20d
Lantz, Walt, Cartunes.. 406
LeBaron, William 102
Lee, Rowland V 110
Leisen, Mitchell 210
LePicard, Marcel 198
I.eRoy, Men>yn 78
Lesser, Sol, Productions. 236
l.ewin, Albert 270
Lloyd ' s Film Storage .
Corp 454
Lubitsch, Ernst 80
Lupino, Ida 304
Lynn, Diana 216
Machaty, Gustav 122
Marin, Edwin L 374
Marley Peverell 500
Martin, Charles 282
Mascot Pictures Co 418
Massce-Barnett Co., Inc.. 148
Master Photographers . . 560
McCarey, Leo 100
McDowall, Roddy 352
Merman, Doc 222
Mersereau, Jacques .... 478
Metro - Goldivxn - Mayer
Metropolitan Photo Ser-
vice 168
Millakowsky, Herman . . 178
Miller, Marvin 514
Miller, Seton 1 220
Miranda, Carmen 338
Monogram Pictures .... 160A
Morgan, Dennis 308
Morris, William, Agency,
Inc 518
Motiograph 682
Muni, Paul 506
Vadel, Joseph H 172
National Carbon Co., Inc. 16
National Screen Service. . 30
National Theatre Supply . 692
National Theaters 74
N eagle, Anna 132
Negulesco, Jean 312
Neill, Roy William 402
Nero Productions 246
16 M.M. AND 35 M.M.
Neufeld, Sigmund, Pro-
ductions 450
News of the Day 278
Nichols, Dudley 376
Nu-Art Films, Inc (502
Oberon, Merle 48
O'Brien, Margaret 274
O'Shea, Michael 176
Owen, Reginald 500
PRC 154
Paramount Pictures . . 193-224
Paramount Theater .... 180
Puthe 26
Paxinou, Katina 208
Peck, Gregory 56
Perlberg, William 332
Pichel, Irving 104
Picker, Leonard S 174
Pickford, Mary 234
Pictorial Films, Inc 600
Pine-Thomas Productions 212
Popular Pictures, Inc. . . . 346
Post Pictures Corp 602
Pressburger, Arnold .... 244
Quigley Publications
712 & 713
RCA Theater Equipment,
Radio Corp. of America 6
RKO Radio Pictures. 368-378
Radio City Music Hall.. 180
Ramirez, Carlos 284
Rennahan, Ray 496
Republic Seating Co 146
Revere, Anne 62
Roach, Hal 242
Robinson, Edward G.... 50
Rogell, Sid 374
Rosenheim. /., & Co I60F
Ross, Charles, Inc 688
Ross Federal Service, Inc. 130
Roth - Greene - Rouse
Productions 452
Roxvland, Roy 280
Ruby Co 694
Ryan, Phil 1 172
Santley, Joseph 170
Sax, Sam 452
Senary, Dore 84
Schlom, Herman 378
Schwarz, Jack 450
Seaton, George 348
Seiter, William A 106
Shaindlin, Jack 188
Shaw, Frank 400
Sherman, Harry A., Pro-
ductions 114
Sherman, Vincent 306
Showmeti's Trade R e -
view 716
Siodmak, Robert 404
Sistrom, William 116
Skibo Productions, Inc.. . 188
Skirball, Jack H 250
Skouras Theaters Corp... 76
Small, Edward, Produc-
tions 238
Smith, Alexander & Sons,
Carpet Co 22
Society of Independent
Motion Picture Produc-
■ ers 126
Sound Services, Inc 256
Stahl,John M 328
Stamoyck, Barbara 46
Starr, Irving 350
Stradling, Harry 494
Strom berg, Hunt 252
Styne, Jule 480
Swerling, Jo Kid
Technicolor Motion Pic-
ture Corp 36
Terry, Paul 352
Tone, Franchot 504
Tourneur, Jacques 376
Tours, Frank 482
Towne, Gene 160H
Tufts, Sonny 204
Tushinsky, Joseph H.... 258
Twentieth Century - Fox
Typhoon Air Condition-
ing Co., Inc 190
Ulmer, Edgar G 118
United Artists 227-258
United States Air Condi-
tioning Corp 20
Universal Pictures . . . 386-408
Valentine, Joseph A 496
Variety 710
Wagner Sign Service, Inc. 686
Wallace, Richard 112
Walsh, Raoul 310
Wanger, Walter 86
Ward, Edward 404
Warner Bros 297-312
Watson, Bobs 516
Westinghouse 4
White, Sam 220
Wilcox, Fred M 280
Wilcox, Herbert 133
Wilson, Harold 222
Wilson, Warren 408
Wyman, Jane 308
Young, Robert 272
Young, Victor 224
Bankers Trust Company
Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
l7m.S SERVICE is the supreme com-
mitment of all life, so is service the
supreme commitment of motion pic-
tures. Their record of service is their
The steps whereby the screen has
climbed to the eminence mmmmsmm
it now occupies, in ap- %
preciative view of the |
whole world, were built I
by many hands. In a com- '•
paratively short space of |
time, motion pictures have
made almost unbelievable
progress, but in post-war
years there will be oppor-
tunity for ever greater and
more lasting usefulness.
United effort, the ability of
pictures to fill leisure hours
with entertainment, to in-
form and to inspire, the vis-
ual impact of the film — given free
play in a free world— together with
a deep sense of responsibility and
an eternal determination to solve
whatever problems and meet what-
ever needs the future will bring,
will ever lead toward heights still
But in the present every effort of
body and mind is still intensively di-
rected, with all we have and are,
toward total victory in this war. With
full consciousness that it is not what
we do for our armed forces, but what
they are doing for us that will be
long remembered, we still can feel
warmly thankful that the Motion
— — b Picture Industry has been
privileged to make sig-
| nificant contributions on
both the fighting and home
fronts. In distant and dan-
gerous places the films have
brought moments of vital
relaxation to those who are
I giving their youth and, if
need be, their lives to the
end that freedom shall not
perish from the earth. At
home, they have continued
to furnish hours of more
than ever needed entertain-
Individually and with all the lead-
ership, talent and technical resources
at its command, the industry has
given its utmost in an area as large
as the world. Its reward has been not
the generous recognition and acclaim
its accomplishments have received, but
its own knowledge that it has striven
only, utterly and united how best to
give the most. This it will continue to
do; thus it will continue to serve.
10 Technicolor Features
Among First 25 Pictures
According to
"All Features Released In 1944"
Box Office Digest (Jan. 20)
Lady in the Dark
Story of Dr. Wassell
The Princess and the Pirate
Meet Me in St. Louis
Cover Girl ....
Frenchmen's Greek
Pin-up Girl ....
Up in Arms .....
Buffalo Bill
HERBERT T. KALMUS, President and General Man
■ — ■ .
1944 NEWS
By CHESTER B. K \ll\
Editor, The Filim Daily
THE WAR, Committed unreservedly to participation in the nation's war effort, the
American film industry in the 12 months of 1944 added appreciably to its record of distinguished
service, its contributions at home and overseas winning international recognition. While the
dollar sign of course is no criterion of patriotism, it may be noted that $50 million in films was
given to the OWI overseas bureau alone by the industry during the fiscal year. Perhaps the best
description of the industry's 1944 status, a result of its notable contributions, was that happily
phrased by Ned E. Depinet: "A semi-public institution."
ANTI-TRUST LITIGATION. The Department of Justice brought the issues
involved in the so-called New York equity suit before Judge Henry W. Goddard again in August
with a move for a modified consent decree and a demand that divorcement become effective in
three years. In December, the Department sought an interim decree and asked the setting of a
trial date. The year was marked by several other highly important anti-trust developments.
The U. S. Supreme Court by a 5-1 division upheld the findings against the Crescent Amusement
Co. The sweeping decision went beyond that of the local court. The Government's action against
the Schine circuit was tried at Buffalo, with decision awaited. The trial of a similar suit against
the Griffith interests was set for May 7, 1945, at Oklahoma City. The $4,950,000 Momand suit
in Oklahoma City resulted in a victory for the distributors, except for an award of $41,000
against Paramount and $6,900 against the Griffith Circuit. A second Momand action for $606,000
was lost. By a directed verdict, the Pickwick Theater anti-trust suit in Connecticut was dismissed.
The Government intervened as a friend of the court in the appeal of the William Goldman anti-
trust suit in which the trial court at Philadelphia had found for the defendants.
CORPORATE. United Artists acquired the stock interest of Sir Alexander Korda by
purchase and retired it, leaving the corporation's ownership with Mary Pickford, Charles S.
Chaplin and David O. Selznick. Loew's sold its Metropolis & Bradford Trust holdings to 20th
Century-Fox and J. Arthur Rank, the deal carrying with it ownership of Gaumont-British.
Atlas Corp. disposed of its RKO Corp. preferred stock, while retaining its extensive holdings
of common. National Theaters Corp. stock was reclassified as a preliminary to executive stock
deals, and 20th-Fox stockholders approved purchase of the company's common by officers.
Loew's stockholders adopted a comprehensive retirement plan for employes. RKO authorized
a similar pension plan. PRC moved to establish its own exchanges and announced plans to enter
the key city exhibition field.
ADMINISTRATIVE. 1944 was marked by numerous important executive changes,
both East and West. Neil Agnew left Paramount for Selznick -Vanguard, with Charles Reagan
taking over the Paramount top sales post. Arthur W. Kelly stepped out of United Artists to
head Eagle-Lion here for J. Arthur Rank. Joseph H. Hazen and Hal Wallis terminated long
associations with Warners to form a producing partnership, with Paramount their distribution
outlet. Mervyn LeRoy, last with Metro, returned to Warners under his own Arrowhead banner.
O. Henry Briggs resigned as PRC president, a post subsequently filled by Leon Fromkess. Morris
Siegel left the presidency of Republic Productions to ally with Metro. Sam Dembow, Jr.,
resigned from Paramount to head Golden Productions. Edward L. Alperson left the RKO
Theaters' top spot to enter production. Robert Schless, former Warners' foreign chief, signed
a Paramount contract. Harold Hopper resigned from the WPB and shortly thereafter joined
Metro as studio general manager. B. G. De Sylva stepped down as head of Paramount production
and formed his own independent unit. Henry Ginsberg, signed to a new contract, assumed
cotrol of all Paramount production. Sol M. Wurtzel departed from 20th-Fox, Sam Briskin
from Columbia and John W. Considine, Jr., from Metro. Kenneth Macgowan switched from
20th-Fox to Paramount, David Lewis from Paramount to International Pictures, and Richard
Blumenthal from Paramount to Columbia.
J. ARTHUR RA1VM.. The world-wide plans of J. Arthur Rank left the drawing
board for the builders' hands in 1944, and among the concrete results were these: Establishment
of Eagle-Lion on both sides of the Atlantic. A deal with Wesley Ruggles to produce under the
Rank pennant both in England and in Hollywood. Purchase of a 50 per cent interest in the
Paul Nathanson Canadian theater holdings grouped as the Odeon circuit. A deal for Canadian
distribution of British product with Empire-Universal. Alliances with theater and distribution
companies in Europe, North Africa, India, China and the Near East. And in prospect, the
establishment of Rank "show windows" in New York, Toronto and possibly other American
metropolitan cities.
INTERNATIONAL* SCENE, Parliament in late December approved modified
British quotas for distributors and exhibitors. Quotas for 1945-46 will be 20 and 15 per cent,
respectively, increasing in 1946-47 to 22i/o and 17i/£ per cent and in 1947-48 to 25 and 20 per
cent. RKO Corp. acquired a half interest in a Mexico studio, with at least one other American
distributor reported contemplating a move in kind. Major American distributors generally
incorporated new foreign subsidiaries, a move inspired by ambitious post-war plans as well as
by tax benefits to be derived. Special interest in the future development of the South African
market was indicated. Republic signed James A. FitzPatrick to make a series of Latin-American
features apart from his Metro short subject commitment. Paramount acquired an interest in
the leading Cobian circuit of Cuba. Dubbing in Spanish, Italian and French was revived.
Responsible industry spokesman urged that films be represented at the peace table that the
global freedom of the screen be assured.
TELEVISION. Industry interest in television and its potential impact upon all three
industry components— production, distribution and exhibition— touched new heights in 1944.
Companies, including Loew's and Warners, and exhibitors alike filed for television stations with
the FCC, while RKO launched a new subsidiary, RKO Television Corp. to produce for the audio-
visual field. The industry was prominently represented at the first annual conference of the
Television Broadcasters Association, at which one panel session was devoted to theatrical television.
TAXATION, The Federal admission tax rate was raised to 20 per cent, an increase of
100 per cent, and the industry faced threats of new imposts in several states and some
municipalities. Despite the tax uncertainties, however, a move to establish a Round Table
Conference of Exhibitors Organizations to combat adverse tax proposals failed.
MPPDA. Conscious of the new place of the motion picture in the educational scheme
of things, the MPPDA made available funds for a thorough study by the Committee on Motion
Pictures in Education of the American Council on Education. No less conscious of the industry's
wider sphere of community service, one of the fruits of the war, Will H. Hays presided at an
exploratory conference of representatives of civic and public groups looking to the formulation
of an effective post-war program. Warner Bros, formally tendered its resignation from the
MPPDA and from the associate West Coast AMPP. Lester Thompson, long identified with the
MPPDA, resigned as head of the Advertising Code Administration; elected to replace him was
Gordon White.
MOURNED. Death came to many to whom the world-wide industry owes much for its
business advancement and artistic progress during the years. High on the roll of those
mourned are the names of Wendell L. Willkie, Sydney Towell, Mort H. Singer, Lou Metzgei.
Jack Partington, John J. McQuirk, Charles A. Buckley, George B. Seitz, Joseph I. Schnitzel.
Aich M. Bowles, M. H. Hoffman, William Bitzer, Aaron A. Jones, Sr., and Harold B. Robb.
Exclusive Management
Capital Invested in the U. S. Film Industry (estimated) $2,070,326/106
Breakdown: Studios, $127,500,000; Distribution, $25,100,000; Theaters,
$1,907,726,406; Non-Theatrical $10,000,000.
Number of People Employed in U. S. Theatrical Film Industry
(estimated) 205,000
Breakdown: Production, 31,000; Distribution, 14,000; Exhibition, 160,000.
Total Industry Payroll (estimated) $382,726,750
Breakdown: Production in Hollywood, $191,590,400; Production outside of Holly-
wood, $6,800,000; Distribution, $28,462,500; Exhibition, $155,873,850.
World Gross of American Motion Pictures (estimated) $2,234,000,000
Breakdown: U. S., $1,340,000,000; Foreign Markets, $894,000,000.
Film Industry Expenditures of U. S. Advertising in 1944 (estimated) $60,850,000
Breakdown: Newspapers, $51,000,000; Accessories and Direct Mail, $4,500,000;
Outdoor, $1,500,000; Magazines, $3,100,000; Radio, $750,000.
Number of Ads Placed Daily in Various U. S. Media (estimated) 15,500
Estimated Cost of U. S. Studio Expansion in 1944 $1,000,000
Estimated Cost of U. S. Distribution Expansion in 1944 $100,000
Estimated Cost of U. S. Theater Expansion in 1914 $7,726,406
Annual Industry Expenditures for Insurance in the U. S. (estimated). . . . $35,000,000
Number of Hollywood Correspondents and Staff Photographers on Duty
as of Jan. 1, 1945 360
Breakdown: Wire Services, 42; Newspapers, 111; Trade Publications, 30; National
Magazines, 41; Freelance Writers, 56; Foreign Correspondents. 43; Radio News-
gatherers, 13; Photographers, 24.
Hollywood Studio Investment $127,500,000
Number of People Employed in U. S. Production in 1944 31,000
Annual Hollywood Payroll (estimated) $191,590,400
Annual U. S. Production Payroll Outside of Hollywood (estimated) $6,800,000
Hollywood Production Costs for 1944 (estimated) $308,906,000
Hollywood Production Costs, 1943-1935 (estimated):
1943, $247,125,000; 1942, $198,500,000; 1941, $185,000,000: 1940. 150.000000;
1939, $165,000,000; 1938, 165,000,000; 1937, $152,500,000: 1936, $135,000,000:
1935, $125,000,000.
Features Produced by U. S. Majors in 1944 340
Features Approved by the Production Code Authority in 1944 442
Breakdown: West Coast office, 429; East Coast office, 13.
Short Subjects Approved by the PCA in 1944 567
Breakdown: West Coast office, 404; East Coast office, 163.
Story Purchases in 1944 by Hollywood Studios $6,700,000
Top Price Paid for a Produced Broadway Play in 1944 (Down Payment). $500,000
Oscar Serlin's "Life With Father," acquired by Warner Bros, on a profit sharing
Top Price Paid for a Book in 1944 $200,000
A. J. Cronin's "The Green Years," acquired by M-G-M.
Top Price Paid for an Original Story in 1944 $100,000
Helen Deutsch's "As You Want Me," acquired by M-G-M.
Average Negative Cost per Feature in the U. S $462,150
Hollywood's 1944 Bill for Supplies, Including Maintenance Costs $65,334,425
Percentage of Production Dollar Spent in Los Angeles axid Vicinity 28 per cent
The Production Dollar is Divided as Follows:
Cast. 25 per cent; extras, bits and characters, 5 per cent: director, 10 per cent:
director assistants, 2 per cent; cameramen and crew, 15 per cent; lights, 2 per
cent: make-up, hair-dressers and supplies, 0.9 per cent: teachers, 0.2 per cent:
crew and labor, 1.2 per cent; story preparation, 7 per cent; story costs. 5 per
cent; costumes and designers, 2 per cent; sets and art directors, 12.5 per cent:
stills and photographs, 0.4 per cent; cutters, 1 per cent; film negative, 1 per cent:
tests, 1.2 per cent: insurance, 2 per cent; sound engineering and negatives, 3.1
per cent; publicity, transportation, research, technical, miscellaneous. 2 per cent;
indirect costs, 15 per cent.
Actors Under Term Contracts to Hollywood Major Studios in 1941 801
Producers Under Term Contracts to Hollywood Major Studios in 1941. . . 130
Directors Under Term Contracts to Hollywood Major Studios in 1944. . . 152
Writers Under Term Contracts to Hollywood Major Studios in 1944 490
Producers of Features in Hollywood 65
Producers of Short Subjects in Hollywood (including Commercial Short
Subject Producers) 24
Producers of Cartoons in Hollywood 6
Producers of News Reels in the U. S 7
Average Shooting Days for Photographing a Feature 31
Number of Different Industries, Arts and Professions Involved in the
Making of a Motion Picture 276
Total 1944 Extra Payroll for Hollywood Studios Served by Central (last
ing Corp $4,129,083
Comparable 1943 Figure S4.I90.060
Average 1944 Daily Wage of Extras $12.71
Comparable 1943 Figure $12.63
Number of Extras Registered with Central Casting Corp. in 1944 5,243
Breakdown: Men. 2.650; Women. 2.281: Children and Racials. 306.
Total Placements by Central Casting Corp. in 1944 324,925
Average Daily Placements by Central Casting Corp. in 1944 1,058
Number of Theatrical Shorts Produced Annually (estimated) 600
Number of Feature and Short Subject Titles Registered with the MPPDA
in 1944 2,645
Total Number of Feature and Short Subject Titles Used Since the Birth
of the U. S. Film Industry to Jan. 1, 1945 48,624
U. S. Industry Distribution Investment (estimated) $25,100,000
Number of People Employed in U. S. Distribution Field (estimated) . . . . 14,000
Annual U. S. Distribution Payroll in 1944 (estimated) S28.462.500
Number of Nation-Wide Distributing Companies 11
Number of Theatrical Film Distributors in the U. S 64
Number of Theatrical Film Exchanges in the U. S 433
Number of Theatrical Film Exchanges in Six Canadian Key Cities 64
Number of Exchanges of Major Distributors:
RKO Radio. 33: Universal, 32: 20th Century-Fox, 32: Paramount, 32; Loew's, 32:
Columbia, 32; Warners, 32; United Artists. 27.
Film Footage Handled Daily by Exchanges 27,000 miles
Average Storage Vault Capacity of Exchanges 750 cu. ft.
Average Number of Prints Required per Feature:
Majors 280
Indies 1 25
Average Number of Prints Required for News Reels [per company) 1,093
Estimated 1944 U. S. Film Rentals $469,000,000
Average Distribution Cost for U. S. Industry (estimated) 28 percent
General Minimum Booking Accounts per Feature Picture 2,000
Number of Distribution Areas in the U. S 32
Average Number of Bookings per Print 37
Average Number of Actual Playing Days per Print 100
Average Cost of Each Positive Print S210
Features Released in U. S. Market in 1944
Breakdown: By Majors, 270; by Indies, 172.
Foreign Features Released in the U. S. in 1944
Brekadown: By Majors, 8; by Indies, 33.
Imported from: England, 22: U. S. S. R.. 11; France, 7; Spain, 1.
Features Released in U. S. Market, 1917-1944:
3 £
a &
1944 442
1943 427
1942 533
1941 598
1940 673
1939 761
1938 769
1937 778
1936 735
1935 766
1934 662
1933 644
1932 685
1931 622
1930 595
1929 707
1928 834
1927 743
1926 740
1925 579
1924 579
1923 576
1922 748
1921 854
1920 796
1919 646
1918 841
1917 687
358 346
356 340
361 350
338 217
318 300
324 307
362 356
393 379
462 429
510 501
Features Released by Major Companies 1928-1944 (calendar years):
1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944
Film Booking- Of.
First National .
Fox Film Corp..
Paramount ....
RKO Pathe ....
RKO Radio ....
20th Century-Fox
United Artists. .
Warner Bros. . . .
Warner Bros.-
First National.
462 393 362 324 318 338 361 356 362 408 362 388 363 379 358 289 262
t Released by RKO Radio.
U. S. Film Theater Investment (estimated) $1,907,726,406
Number of People Employed in U. S. Exhibition Field (estimated) 160,000
Annual Exhibition Payroll in 1944 (estimated) $155,873,850
U. S. Film Theaters Gross in 1941, Exclusive of Federal and State Admis-
sion Taxes (estimated) 31,350,000,000
U. S. Film Theaters Gross in 1913 (revised estimate) $1,340,000,000
NOTE: Annual U. S. theater gross was formerly based on a Treasury Department
estimate that 90 per cent of admission tax collections were from theaters. Recently,
however, the Treasury reduced that estimate to 87 per cent and the above annual
grosses are based on that estimate with allowances for taxes collected on passes
and for "breakage."
U. S. Film Theaters Gross, 1942-33 (estimated):
1942, $1,160,000,000; 1941. $1,113,840,000; 1940, $1,003,560,000; 1939,
$1,016,600,000; 1938, $1,010,600,000; 1937, $1,052,480,000; 1936, $1,144,-
000,000; 1935, $998,400,000; 1934. $837,200,000; 1933, $717,600,000.
Average U. S. Film Theater Admission Price in 1944 (estimated) 27.3 cents
Average Admission Tax on Theater Admissions in 1944 (estimated) 5.6 cents
Average Total Admission Cost in 1944 (estimated) 32.9 cents
Average U. S. Theater Admission Price. 1943-1933 (estimated):
1943, 27.1 cents plus 3 cents tax. 30.1 cents total; 1942, 24.7 cents plus 2.5 cents
tax, 27.2 cents total; 1941. 25.2 cents; 1940. 24.1 cents; 1939, 23 cents; 1938,
23 cents; 1937. 23 cents; 1936. 25 cents; 1935. 24 cents; 1934, 23 cents; 1933.
23 cents.
NOTE: Figures for 1942 and 1943 have been revised according to the formula
outlined under U. S. Film Theaters Gross, above.
Average Weekly Attendance of U. S. Film Theaters in 1944 (estimated). . 95,000.000
Average Weekly Attendance of U. S. Film Theaters Since 1922 (estimated):
1943, 95 million; 1942, 90 million; 1941. 85 million; 1940, 80 million; 1939. 85
million; 1938. 85 million; 1937, 88 million; 1936. 88 million; 1935, 80 million:
1934. 70 million; 1933. 60 million; 1932, 60 million: 1931, 75 million: 1930.
90 million; 1929. 80 million; 1928, 65 million; 1927. 57 million; 1926. 50
million: 1925, 46 million; 1924, 46 million; 1923, 43 million; 1922. 40 million.
Average Daily Attendance per Film Theater 800
Average Daily Attendance per Theater, per Show 400
Average Seating Capacity of U. S. Film Theaters 647
Total U. S. Film Theaters as of Jan. 1, 1945 20,355
Seats 12,539,887
U. S. Film Theaters Operating as of Jan. 1, 1945 18,076
Seats 11,688,084
U. S. Film Theaters Closed as of Jan. 1, 1945 2,279
Seats 851,803
U. S. Cities and Towns with Film Theaters at Jan. 1. 1945 10.183
Drive-In Theaters in the U. S. as of Jan. 1, 1945 96
Negro Theaters in the U. S. as of Jan. 1, 1945 452
Affiliated Circuit Theaters 2,617
Cities in Which All First-runs Are Affiliated:
Albany, Boston, Brooklyn. Charlotte, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Des
Moines, Houston, Kansas City, Memphis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Newark, New7
Haven, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia. Salt Lake City, St. Paul.
Washington. More than 80 per cent of all metropolitan first-runs are affiliated:
out of 92 cities with population over 100,000, affiliated circuits control exhibition
in 73; in 200 of 283 cities with populations between 2'5,000 and 100,000, affiliated
circuits operate one or more theaters.
Breakdown of approximate distribution of the year's U. S. Box Office
Theater retains 65 per cent of total receipts, exclusive of admission
taxes, for local expenses as follows:
16% Payroll, theater staff and management
20% Real Estate-Rent, insurance, taxes, interest, and depreciation
8% Local advertising and publicity
8% Light, heat and cooling
6% Interest, profit and dividends
\', Other taxes and insurance
3% Miscellaneous extra attractions, prizes, premiums
65 '\
Distributor receives 35 per cent of total receipts from theater:
25 '< to studios for producing the film
10% to distributor for prints, advertising, sales, service costs
35 ':
Approximate Number of First-Run Theaters in 95 Cities of Over 100,00(1
Population ' 450
There Is One Motion Picture Theater Seat for Everv 12 Inhabitants in
the U. S.
United States Theaters (by States):
g li
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■a • -35
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03 t»
■ ^
, '3
1.3 to
: S.2 ®
There Is One Motion Picture Theater Open in the U. S. for Every 8,000
Average Length of American-Produced Features
Average Screen Time of American-Produced Features
Number of U. S. Theaters Showing Double Features
NOTE: This approximates 59 per cent of all theaters; of the 59 per cent, 30 per
cent follow a consistent duals policy, 29 per cent play both doubles and singles
as the occasion dictates. Territorial higrh for duals is the Northeast's 72 per cent;
territorial low, the South's 28 per cent.
Number of U. S. Theaters Showing Single Features Only
General Maximum Bookings per Feature:
8,100 ft.
90 m ins.
International RKO
Maximum Number of Simultaneous Daily Runs per Feature 250
Average Screen Times per Print 200
Average Number of Showings 2i/, dailv
Largest Percentage of Adult Admissions for Any Single Hour of the Day
(This Maximum Occurs from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.) 7.5-85 percent
Theater Attendance by Days of the Week:
Monday, 10 per cent; Tuesday. 10 per cent: Wednesday. 10 per cent: Thursday. 1<>
per cent: Friday. 15 per cent: Saturday. 20 per cent; Sunday. 25 per cent.
Ratio of Population to Seats in Cities of 100.000 and Over 9
U. S. DeLuxe First-Run Rental per Picture (Weekly) $5,000 to $35,000
U. S. Amusement Fax Receipts in 1944 (Approximately 87 per cent of
this Tax Is Derived from Theaters)
S308. 116.530
U. S. Amusement Tax Receipts Since 1930:
1943. $168,746,625: 1942. $146,372,271: 1941. $87,819,000; 1940. $43,483,372:
1939. $19,876,312: 1938. $19,661,337: 1937. $20,974,031.33; 1936. $18,457.
482.07; 1935. $16,406,021.90: 1934. $15,243,342.55: 1933. $14,097,910.43:
1932. $9,295,617.83: 1931, $2,474,531.36: 1930. $3,544,554.70.
Theaters in the U. S.. 1925-1945:
Year** Total
1945 20.355
1944 20.277
1943 20.196
1942 20,281
1941 19.645
1940 19.032
1939 17.829
1938 18.182
1937 18.192
1936 15.858
1935 15.273
1934 16.885
'933 18.533
1932 18.715
1931 21.993
1930 *23.000
1929 23.344
1 928 22.304
1927 21.664
1926 19.489
* 22.544
* 2 1.644
January 1.
War Dept. Theaters in 605 U. S. Army Posts
Total Seating Capacity
Average Weeklv Showings at Army Posts
Prints Per Program for Army Theaters
Maximum Period to Complete Armv Circuit Playing.
Standard Armv Theater Admission Price
45 days
15 cents
Range of Army Theater Rental Payments to Distributors. . .$1,000,000 to nearly $2,000,000
Fnlisted Personnel Emploved as Army Theater Projectionists 5.000
Number of British Film Theaters {estimated).
Seats (esiimated)
Average British Admission Price (estimated)
Average British Weekly Attendance (estimated)
Canadian Boxoffice Receipts. 1943-1939:
1943. $52,567,258; 1942. $45,461,097: 1941, $42,182,000: 1940. $37,858,955:
1939: $34 010,115.
Canadian Film Theater Attendance in 1943
Canadian Film Theaters as of Jan. 1. 1945
South American Film Theaters as of Jan. 1, 1945
Breakdown: Brazil. 1.456: Argentina, 1,446; Colombia. 293: Chile. 252: Peru.
255: Venezuela, 275: Urugruay. 152: Bolivia, 48; Ecuador. 40: British Guiana.
23, French Guiana, 19: Paraguay, 18: Dutch Guiana, 9.
Central American Film Theaters as of Jan. 1, 1945
Breakdown: Mexico. 1.410; Cuba. 422: Puerto Rico, 138: Panama, 65; El
Salvador, 43: Guatemala. 40: Costa Rica. 44: Honduras, 30: Santa Domingo, 29:
Trinidad. 27; Jamaica. 17: Nicaragua. "6: Haiti. 10: Bahamas. 6: Barbados. 4:
Honduras, 2: Martinica, 10: Guadalupe, 15.
10.2 pence
New York Stock Market Sales of Film Issues in 1944
Stock Dividend
American Seating Co $1.00
Columbia Pictures 50
Columbia Pictures, pfd 2.75
Consolidated Film Industries ...
Consolidated Film Industries pfd 1.00
Eastman Kodak Co 5.00
Eastman Kodak Co. pfd 6.00
General Precision Equipment 1.00
Loew's, Inc 2.00*
Paramount Pictures 2.00
RKO pfd 6.00
20th Century-Fox 2.00*
20th Century-Fox pid 1.50
20th Century -Fox prior pfd 4.50
Warner Bros
* Also extra or extras.
New York Curb Market Sales of Film Issues in 1944
Stock Dividend
Monogram Pictures $ . . .
RKO option warrants
Sentry Safety Control
Sonotone 20
Technicolor 50
Trans-Lux 10
Universal Pictures 2.00
sues in 1944
19 %
+ 4%
+ 4
+ 7%
+ a%
30 %
+ 12%
-hi 7
+ 4
23 %
+ •'!%
+21 <A
+ 5%
+ %
— 8%
+ 7
35 %
+ 6%
+ o
+ 1%
aes in 1944.
. .1,710,100
— %
+ Vi
-1-1 1
— %
+ 3%
Statistical Resume of Operation of the Motion Pieture Arbitration System
(Feb. 1, 1941 to Feb. 21. 1945):
-Cases Filed-
-Appeal Decisions
Albany ....
Atlanta . . .
Boston ....
Buffalo ....
Charlotte . .
Chicago . . .
Cincinnati .
Cleveland . .
Dallas ....
Denver ....
Des Moines .
■ 2
Detroit ....
3 1
Kansas City.
Los Angeles .
Memphis . .
Milwaukee .
New Haven.
New Orleans
New York. .
68 1
. . City
Omaha ....
Pittsburgh .
Portland . . .
San Fr'cisco.
Salt Lake
City ....
Seattle ....
St. Louis . .
Washington .
Oomb. — Combination of CI. & S.R. — CI. & D.R. — CI., S.R. & D.R. — S.R. & D.R.
• Including three Consent Appeals.
3fa Jfflemortam— 1944
W^7I TH the (lose of 1944, the amusement industry pauses to pay a final tribute to
*• those affiliates in all branches whose deaths were recorded in the 12-month period.
In this necrology, the more widely known personalities to pass are given with place of
death and date obituary was published in The Film Daily.
Chester Alexander, Midwest-Pa-
cific Coast agent and vaude
actor. Miami. FD: 1-25.
George P. Aarons, assistant gen-
eral counsel, MPPDA. Phila-
delphia. PD: 3-10.
George Ade, humorist and play-
wright. Brook, Ind. FD: 5-18.
Charles H. Amos, theater mana-
ger. Nashville. FD: 10-13.
Louis Aubert, French film actor.
Berne. FD: 6-12.
Carlyle G. Barrett. WB district
manager. New Haven. FD:
Arch M. Bowles, FWC general
manager. San Francisco. FD:
Joseph Bell, M-G-M Western su-
pervisor. Hollywood. FD: 3-16.
William Bitzer, pioneer camera-
man. Hollywood. FD: 5-2.
Ellen Barker, author of "The
Art of Photoplay Writing."
New York. FD: 6-12.
Mrs. Dora Berg, pioneer woman
exhib. Detroit. FD: 7-5.
Paul M. Bryan, producer of Reel
Life. Hollywood. FD: 8-8.
Charles A. Buckley, FWC v-p and
general counsel. Hollywood.
FD: 9-14.
C. N. Belden, veteran exhib.
Cleveland. FD: 9-22.
Harry Beresford, actor. Holly-
wood. FD: 10-6.
William Bausch, B & L board
chairman. Rochester, N. Y.
FD: 10-20.
Kichard Bennett, actor. Holly-
wood. FD: 10-24.
Charles E. Blayney, theatrical
producer. Canaan. Conn. FD:
Isadore Bernstein, pioneer show-
man. Hollywood. FD: 10-24.
Earle Brown, film and stage ac-
tor. Hollywood. FD: 12-1.
D. B. Bly, Shea partner, theater
owner. Cleveland. FD: 12-4.
William Collier, Sr., actor. Holly
wood. FD: 1-14.
Mrs. John Cannon, theater op-
erator. New Haven. FD: 2-16.
Irvin S. Cobb, author, film actor.
New York. FD: 3-13.
Joseph Cardinal, theater owner.
Montreal. FD: 3-15.
Benjamin Cohen, veteran circuit
owner. Detroit. FD: 3-17.
Humphrey Cobb, writer. Port
Washington, L. I. FD: 4-27.
Mitchell Connery, theater opera-
tor, Ravena, N. Y. FD: 4-28.
T. W. Case, developer of Movie-
tone. Auburn, N. Y. FD: 5-16.
Maurice A. Choynski, pioneer
exhib. Chicago. FD: 6-14.
Nat Carr. actor. Hollywood.
FD: 7-11.
Ed Collins, Interstate Circuit city
manager. San Antonio, Tex.
FD: 7-11.
Betty Compton, former actress.
New York. FD: 7-17.
John Alden Cooke, agent. Holly-
wood. FD: 8-11.
EH Cohen, circuit operator.
Montgomery, Ala. FD: 8-15.
Kobert L. Charlton, former indie
producer. New York. FD :
Henrietta Crosman, actress. New
York. FD: 11-1.
Sen. Smith W. Brookhart, author
of bills against films. Prescott,
Ariz. FD: 11-16.
Miss Len Cohen, Loew's assistant
treasurer. New York. FD:
Laird Cregar, actor. Hollywood.
FD: 12-12.
Daniel J. Danker, Jr., of J.
Walter Thompson Agency.
Hollywood. FD: 7-7.
W. H. ("Bide") Dudley, critic
and playwright. New York.
FD: 1-5.
Lewis Danz, industry pioneer.
Seattle. FD: 1-20.
Alan Dinehart, actor. Holly-
wood. FD: 7-19.
Abe Frankle, veteran exhib. Des
Moines. FD: 3-3.
Sam Forrest, veteran stage di-
rector. New York. FD: 5-4.
Augustin J. Fink, president,
Films Mundial. Mexico City.
FD: 5-8.
Clarence A. Fullerton, theater
architect. Detroit. FD: 5-16.
Dario L. Faralla, Edward Small
production manager. Holly-
wood. FD: 6-5.
A. John Frey, Republic branch
manager. Los Angeles. FD:
Frederick Fisher, former circuit
head. Portland, Ore. FD: 7-7.
Robert Frazer, film actor. Holly-
wood. FD: 8-22.
Solomon P. Flayer, former cir-
cuit operator. Detroit. FD:
H. A. Fortington, former mem-
ber Paramount board. Ren-
frew, Ont. FD: 9-6.
B. Fassio, producer. FD: 10-27.
Ernest Freeman, partner, Free-
man-Newbold Circuit. Cincin-
nati. FD: 12-6.
Lawrence Grossmith, English ac-
tor. Hollywood. FD: 2-25.
Harry J. Gruvar, treasurer, New
Theater Co. Baltimore. FD:
Augustus S. Greening, pioneer
theater manager. Detroit. FD:
David Goldenberg, former mana-
ger, Metro Theater. Bombay.
FD: 8-31.
Ferdinand Gottschalk, film and
stage actor. London. FD:
Isaac Goldsmith, veteran theater
executive. Chicago. FD: 12-21.
Sydney C. Gibson, legit actor.
New York. FD: 12-27.
Wedward Hannan, M-G-M film
library head. Hollywood. FD:
Frank J. Howard, pioneer ex-
hib. Boston. FD: 1-13.
William Howard, film and stock
actor. Hollywood. FD: 1-27.
M. H. Hoffman, veteran producer.
Hollywood. FD: 3-8.
T. Hayes Hunter, film director.
London. FD: 4-18.
Frank Hollis, theater manager.
Portsmouth, N. H. FD: 6-8.
John M. Hix, cartoonist. Los An-
geles. FD: 6-8.
C. William Hicks, Baltimore cir-
cuit director. New York. FD:
Isidore H. Herk, theatrical pro-
ducer. New York. FD: 7-7.
Mildred Harris, actress, former
wife of Charlie Chaplin. Hol-
lywood. FD: 7-21.
C. Floyd Hopkins, Wilmer &
Vincent Circuit. Philadelphia.
FD: 10-17.
Saul E. Harrison, pioneer film di-
rector. New York. FD: 10-17.
Herbert Hayman, manager, Capi-
tol. Baltimore. FD: 10-18.
Ben Heidingsfleld, president.
United Theaters. Cincinnati.
FD: 11-10.
Herbert Ives, industry veteran.
Detroit. FD: 6-13.
Aaron J. Jones, Sr., president,
Jones, Linick & Schaefer. Chi-
cago. FD: 5-16.
Myron Johnson, Mills Industries.
Chicago. FD: 6-8.
William Jay, Universal represen-
tative. London. FD: 6-14.
Sir William Jury, British film
pioneer. London. FD: 8-3.
Isabel Irving, stag'e actress. Nan-
tucket. FD: 9-5.
Maurice Klein, president, North
Beach Theater Co. San Fran-
cisco. FD: 1-10.
Charles King, U. S. actor Lon-
don. FD: 1-12:
Alonzo Klaw, theatrical pro-
ducer. Winter Park. Fla. FD:
Arnold Korff, actor. New York.
FD: 6-8.
William Kaimann, president, Kai-
mann Circuit. St. Louis. FD:
George Kann, Loew theater man-
ager. New York. FD: 3-21.
Burton L. King, veteran pro-
ducer. Hollywood. FD: 5-10.
Lew Kelley, actor. Hollywood
FD: 6-14.
Frank T. Kintzing, booking
agent. New York. FD: 7-25.
Carleton Kelsey, orchestra leader.
Hollywood. FD: 10-18.
Henry Kaufman, stage producer.
New York. FD: 11-21.
George Kitzinger, former At-
lanta FILM DALLY corre-
spondent. Milwaukee. FD: 11-
Merna Kennedy, actress. Holly-
wood. FD: 12-21.
John E. Leffler, stage producer-
manager. New York. FD: 2-25.
James Felix Lunday, Paramount
Denver adv. manager. New
York. FD: 5-12.
Jacob Lasker, president, Lasker
Sons Circuit. Chicago. FD:
John Lancaste, former Metro
casting chief. Hollywood. FD:
Edgar A. Licho, actor. Holly-
wood. FD: 10-17.
Clayton Lynch, M-G-M Los An-
geles manager. Chicago. FD
Irving Liner, Fabian manager
New York. FD: 11-28.
Fred J. Laurent, film executive
St. Louis. FD: 12-7.
Harry Langdon, film comedian
Hollywood. FD: 12-26.
Dr. Nathaniel Lief, dentist-com
poser. New York. FD: 12-26
Edward MeGoldrick, minstrel
man. Philadelphia. FD: 1-11
Fred B. Miller, theater manager,
Detroit. FD: 1-28.
Lou Metzger, theater operator
former Columbia sales man
ager. Hollywood. FD: 2-15.
Frederick McKay, drama critic
theater manager. New York
FD: 3-2.
Mrs. Elizabeth McGaffey, RKO
research dept. head. Los An
geles. FD: 3-15.
William Marsh, Loew's traveling
auditor. Montvale, N. J. FD
John J. McGuirk, former presi-
dent, Stanley Co. and First
National. Philadelphia. FD
Fred Mitchell, Loew booker.
New York. FD: 4-6.
Sig Marcus, aide to Myron Selz-
nick. Hollywood. FD: 4-6.
Walter Mendenhall, Paramount
partner. Boise. FD: 4-24.
Isaac C. Mishler, retired theater
owner. Altoona, Pa. FD: 5-10.
Sam Moscow, Columbia South-
ern division manager. Atlanta.
FD: 5-12.
Sir John Martin-Harvey, actor.
London. FD: '5-16.
Edmund Mortimer, director-actor.
Hollywood. FD: 5-25.
Mrs. Langdon Elwyn Mitchell,
actress. New York. FD: 6-12.
Edgar C. Mayor, director. De-
troit. FD: 6-21.
J. S. MacLeod, of M-G-M. Killed
in Santa Fe wreck. FD: 7-6.
Carl Mayer, writer-producer.
London. FD: 7-16.
Fred Miller, president, Mills In-
dustries. Chicago. FD: 7-6.
Otto L. Meiser, pioneer theater
owner. Milwaukee. FD: 7-12.
Warren C. Martinson, theatrical
attorney. Chicago. FD: 7-17.
Mikhail Mordkin, dancer. New
York. FD: 7-18.
William B. Morgan, 20th-Fox
Spanish-Portuguese rep. New
York. FD: 7-25.
Eddie Mack, vaudeville actor.
Hollywood. FD: 8-3.
George McDaniel, star of early
serials. Hollywood. FD: 8-22.
Richard Marshall, veteran the-
aterman. San Francisco. FD:
Henry McRae, Universal director-
studio manager. Hollywood.
FD: 10-5.
Maurice McKenzie, aide to Will
H. Hays. Hollywood. FD: 10-
Frank A. Merrick, former WE
president. Hamilton, Ont. FD:
Edward McNamara, stage and
screen actor. Boston. FD: 11-
Harry T. Nolan, pioneer exhib.
Denver. FD: 7-6.
Eugene T. Oliver, former theater
manager. Little Rock. FD: 5-
James O'Neill, actor. New York.
FD: 11-30.
George F. Perley, founder, Otta-
wa Film Productions. Ottawa.
FD: 2-25.
Richard Purcell, actor. Holly-
wood. FD: 4-12.
Antonia Paula, theater manager.
Havana. FD: 5-2.
Louis N. Parker, dramatist. Lon-
don. FD: 9-22.
John Philliber, actor. Elkhart,
Ind. FD: 11-8.
Stuart Paton, veteran film direc-
tor. Hollywood. FD: 12-19.
Axel Pearson, theater executive.
Connersville, Ind. FD: 12-27.
Billy Reeves, actor. Suffolk, Eng-
land. FD: 1-3.
Winston J. Ray, theater execu-
tive. Greenville, Ala. FD: 1-3.
Frederick D. Raymond, M-G-M
sound engineer. Hollywood.
FD: 1-4.
Louis Reichert, film pioneer.
San Francisco. FD: 1-10.
Anita Rothe, actress. New York.
FD: 1-13.
Morris Reitman, treasurer. SOS
Cinema Supplies. New York.
FD: 1-17.
Albert Ray, director. Hollywood.
FD: 2-10.
W. G. Roost, vice-president. Jar-
vis Theater Co. Lansing. FD:
Herman C. Raymake, pioneer
director. Hollywood. FD: 3-9.
Jessie Ralph, actress. Gloucester,
Mass. FD: 6-2.
John Romwebber, veteran exhib.
Cleveland. FD: 6-13.
Ira Riker, former circuit opera-
tor. New York. FD: 6-13.
Sam Rosen, Monogram branch
manager. Philadelphia. FD:
Edward Rausch, B & L chair-
man. Rochester, N. Y. FD: 8-1.
Arthur Richman, playwright.
New York. FD: 9-13.
Harold B. Robb, president R &
R-United Theaters. Dallas.
FD: 11-1.
Adolph Ramish, film financier.
Hollywood. FD: 11-27.
William E. Raynor, veteran ex-
change manager. New York.
FD: 12-15.
Peter Stelle, Sr., Warner labora-
tory superintendent. Holly-
wood. FD: 1-4.
Charles A. Sandbloom, theater
architect. New York. FD: 1-
Dr. F. W. Schanze, theater own-
er. Baltimore. FD: 1-14.
Jack C, Smith, actor-song writer.
Hollywood. FD: 1-18.
Edgar Selwyn, playwright-direc-
tor, Hollywood. FD: 2-15.
Max Schwartz, veteran M-G-M
salesman. Chicago. FD: 2-15
J. Barney Sherry, veteran actor
Philadelphia. FD: 2-24.
Donald Stuart, screen actor. Hoi
lywood. FD: 2-25.
Peter Schaefer, founder, Jones
Linick & Schaefer. Chicago
FD: 3-14.
Walter L. Stokes, Wilmer & Vin
cent auditor. Atlanta. FD: 3
Myron Selznick, artists' agent
Hollywood. FD: 3-24.
Herman Sussman, Westchester
theater owner. New York. FD
Mort H. Singer, theater circuit
owner. Chicago. FD: 3-30.
Charles Sonin, Loew's purchasing
agent. New York. FD: 4-25.
Newton I. Steers, former presi-
dent. DuPont Film. White
Plains. N. Y. FD: 5-18.
M. S. Schlesinger, theater opera-
tor. Orange, N. J. FD: 5-24.
A. M. (Doc) Salomon, WB Ted-
dington Studios head. London.
FD: 7-7.
George B. Seitz, writer-director.
Hollywood. FD: 7-11.
Joseph I. Schnitzer, former RKO
president. Hollywood. FD:
Albert F. Sulzer, Eastman Ko-
dak v-p, Rochester, N. Y. FD:
Sidney Spiegel, Essaness Circuit
treasurer-v. p. Chicago. FD:
Ludwig Schindler, pioneer exhib.
Chicago. FD: 11-30.
Barnett Tabackman, theater op-
erator. Bridgeport, Conn. FD:
Harry Turberg, veteran theater
manager. Hamilton, O. FD:
Sydney Towell, 20th-Fox v-p and
treasurer. New York FD: 12-
Lupe Velez, actress. Hollywood.
FD: 12-15.
Charles Vincent, former theater
manager. Detroit. FD: 6-27.
Michael J. White, theater owner.
Dover, N. H. FD: 1-26.
Wallace Worsley, director. Holly-
wood. FD: 3-29.
Mrs. Thomas G. Winter, AMPP
director of department of pub-
lic service. Hollywood. FD:
Arthur Pat West, actor. Holly-
wood. FD: 4-13.
J. Irving White, veteran actor.
Hollywood. FD: 4-21.
William Weiland, veteran film
and theaterman. Pittsburgh.
FD: 4-21.
Sigbert Wittman, former Uni-
versal sales exec. New York.
FD: 5-8.
Darrell Ware, producer. Holly-
wood. FD: 5-31.
Wendell L. Willkie, 20th-Fox
board chairman. New York.
FD: 10-10.
Be Witt C. Webber, theater own-
er. Denver. FD: 10-19.
Charles W. York, veteran the-
ater manager, Portland, Ore.
FD: 4-7.
Astor Theater
Broadway & 45th St Circle 6-4642
Capitol Theater
1639 Broadway COlumbus 5-1250
Criterion Theater
1514 Broadway BRyant 9-3839
Embassy Newsreel Theaters
33 W. 50th St PEnnsylvania 6-3200
42nd St. & Park Ave PEnnsylvania 6-3208
46th St. & Broadway PEnnsylvania 6-3200
72nd St. & Broadway PEnnsylvania 6-3200
55th St. Playhouse
154 W. 55th St COlumbus 5-9438
Globe Theater
1555 Broadway Circle 6-0800
Radio City Music Hall
1260 Sixth Ave Circle 6-4600
Palace Theater
Broadway & 47th St BRyant 9-4300
Paramount Theater
1501 Broadway BRyant 9-8738
Rialto Theater
1481 Broadway Wisconsin 7-0206
Hivoli Theater
1620 Broadway Circle 7-1633
Roxy Theater
Seventh Ave. & 50th St Circle 7-6000
Strand Theater
Broadway & 47th St Circle 7-59O0
Algonquin Hotel
59 W. 44th St MUrray Hill 2-0100
Ambassador Hotel
Park Ave. & 51st St WIckersham 2-1000
Astor Hotel
Broadway & 44th St Circle 6-6000
Barbizon-Plaza Hotel
Sixth Ave. & 58th St Circle 7-7000
Edison Hotel
228 W. 47th St Circle 6-5000
Lincoln Hotel
Eighth Ave. & 44th St Circle 6-4500
Lombary Hotel
111 E. 56th St PLaza 3-8600
Park Central Hotel
Seventh Ave. & 55th St Circle 7-8000
Pierre Hotel
Fifth Ave. & 61st St REgent 4-5900
Plaza Hotel
Fifth Ave. & 59th St PLaza 3-1740
Plymouth Hotel
143 W. 49th St Circle 7-8100
Rltz Tower Hotel
Park Ave. & 57th St WIckersham 2-5000
St. Moritz Hotel
50 Central Park South WIckersham 2-5800
St. Regis Hotel
Fifth Ave. & 55th St PLaza 3-4500
Savoy-Plaza Hotel
Fifth Ave. & 59th St Volunteer 5-2600
Sherry-Xetherland Hotel
Fifth Ave. & 59th St Volunteer 5-2800
Taft Hotel
Seventh Ave. & 50th St Circle 7-4000
Victoria Hotel
Seventh Ave. & 51st St Circle 7-7800
Waldorf -Astoria Hotel
50th St. & Park Ave ELdorado 5-3000
Waldorf-Astoria Tower Apartments
50th St. & Park Ave ELdorado 5-3100
Warwick Hotel
65 W. 44th St Circle 7-2700
Air Lines
American Airlines, Inc.
80 E. 42nd St HAvemeyer 6-5000
Kastern Air Lines, Inc.
80 E. 42nd St MUrray Hill 6-3100
Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc.
80 E. 42nd St MUrray Hill 2-1122
United Air Lines
80 E. 42nd St MUrray Hill 2-7300
Sport Arenas
Ebbets Field (Brooklyn)
Bradford Ave. & Sullivan Place
BUckminister 4-8500
Madison Square Garden
Eighth Ave. & 50th St COlumbus 5-6800
Polo Grounds
Eighth Ave. & 155th St EDgecomb 4-8160
Yankee Stadium
Riverside Ave. & E. 157th St.. . .JErome 7-3300
Raw Stock
245 W. 55th St Circle 7-6270
Brulatour. J. E„ Inc. (Eastman)
Fort Lee, N. J FOrt Lee 8-2460
Gevaert Co. of America
423 W. 55th St COlumbus 5-1223
A. F. E. Corp.
1270 Sixth Ave Circle 6-8927
Aeus Pictures Corp.
130 W. 46th St BRyant 9-4755
American Film Center, Inc.
30 Rockefeller Plaza Circle 5-5750
Artcinema Associates, Inc.
729 Seventh Ave MEdalion 3-4850
Artkino Pictures, Inc.
723 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-7680
Astor Pictures
130 W. 40th St BRyant 9-2457
Blake. B. K., Inc.
1270 Sixth Ave COlumbus 5-1854
Bondy, AI O.
63" Ninth Ave Circle 6-6 744
Casai.^va-Artlee Pictures, Inc.
1600 Broadway Circle 6-1647
Columbia Pictures Corp.
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-7900
('■■minings, Samuel
165 W. 46th St LOngacre 3-2576
Disney. Walt, Productions
1270 Sixth Ave Circle 7-8282
Horfman, Edmund, Productions
1270 Sixth Ave COlumbus 5-7370
English Films, Inc.
1560 Broadway BRyant 9-6072
Golden, Edward A., Productions
1270 Sixth Ave Circle 7-2085
Goldwyn, Samuel
1270 Sixth Ave COlumbus 5-4482
Guaranteed Pictures Co., Inc.
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-4368
Hoffberg Productions, Inc.
620 Ninth Ave Circle 6-9031
Levey, Jules
1270 Sixth Ave Circle 7-7956
Loew's, Inc. (Metro-Goldwn-Mayer)
1540 Broadway BRyant 9-7800
March of Time, Inc.
369 Lexington Ave Circle 5-4400
Monogram Pictures Corp.
1270 Sixth Ave COlumbus 5-7674
Movietone News
460 W. 54th St COlumbus '5-7200
News of the Day
450 W. 56th St COlumbus 5-0402
Newsreel Distributors, Inc.
1560 Broadway PEnnsylvania 6-3200
PRC Pictures, Inc.
625 Madison Ave PLaza 3-6100
Paramount News
544 W. 43rd St MEdalion 3-4300
Paramount Pictures, Inc.
1501 Broadway BRyant 9-8700
Pathe News, Inc.
625 Madison Ave PLaza 3-4400
RKO Radio Pictures
1270 Sixth Ave COlumbus 5-6500
Republic Pictures Corp.
1790 Broadway COlumbus 5-2500
Rice, Grantland, Sport-Pictures Corp.
22 W. 48th St BRyant 9-4564
Roach, Hal, Studios, Inc.
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-7266
Scandia Films, Inc.
220 W. 42nd St Wisconsin 7-7059
Small. Edward, Productions, Inc.
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-2230
Stromberg, Hunt, Productions, Inc.
729 Seventh Ave LOngacre 3-6692
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
444 W. 56th St COlumbus 5-3320
United Artists Corp.
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-7300
United Newsreel Corp.
625 Madison Ave ELdorado 5-6317
Universal Newsreel
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-8115
Universall Pictures Co., Inc.
12'50 Sixth Ave Circle 7-7100
Vanguard Films, Inc.
400 Madison Ave ELdorado 5-5323
Warner Bros. Pictures
321 W. 44th St Circle 6-1000
Vorke, Emerson
35 W. 45th St BRyant 9-9091
Excelsior Pictures Corp.
723 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-0581
Exclusive Pictures Corp.
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-4369
Film Classics Distributing Co.
362 W. 44th St COlumbus 5-7111
Loew's, Inc. (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-6200
Monogram Pictures Corp.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-8886
PRC Pictures of New York
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-8866
Paramount Pictures Inc.
331 W. 44th St Circle 6-6160
RKO Radio Pictures, Inc.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-4700
Republic Pictures Corp.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-0760
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp.
345 W. 44th St Circle 6-6700
United Artists Corp.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-5480
Universal, See: Big "U"
Warner Bros. Pictures Distributing Corp.
315 W. 44th St Circle 6-1000
Brooks Costume Co.
1150 Sixth Ave VAnderbilt 5060
Eaves Costume Co.
151 W. 46th St BRyant 9-7212
Film Libraries
General Film Library
1600 Broadway Circle 6-0081
Miles Film Library
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-5600
Progress Film Library
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-5600
Stone, Dorothy T.
155 Riverside Drive SChuyler 4-1148
Projection Room
Bonded Film Storage Co.
1600 Broadway Circle 6-0081
Lloyd's Projection Room
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-5600
Miles Projection Room
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-5600
Preview Theater
1600 Broadway Circle 6-0865
RCA Victor
411 Fifth Ave AShland 4-7605
Rttilroad Terminals
Grand Central Terminal
E. 42nd St. & Vanderbilt Ave.
MUrray Hill 6-9100
Pennsylvania Station
Eighth Ave. & 32nd St .. .PEnnsylvania 6-5600
460 W. 54th St COlumbus 5-7200
Paramount Newsreel
544 W. 43rd St MEdalion 3-4300
Reeves Sound" Studios, Inc.
1600 Broadway Circle 6-6686
West Coast Sound Studios, Inc.
510 W. 57th St Circle 7-2062
A. F. E. Corp.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-8710
Astor Pictures Film Exchange
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-0980
Big "U" Film Exchange, Inc.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-4747
Brandon Films, Inc.
1600 Broadway Circle 6-4868
Columbia Pictures Corp.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-0900
Cinema-Craft Co.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-9565
National Screen Service Corp.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-5700
Special Screen Service, Inc.
653 Eleventh Ave Circle 6-6950
Welgot Trailer Service
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-6450
Film Carriers
Daily Film Delivery, Inc.
690 Eighth Ave LOngacre 5-4567
Highway Express Lines, Inc.
692 Eleventh Ave COlumbus 5-8496
Prudential Film Distributors Corp.
630 Ninth Ave COlumbus 5-6884
State Film Delivery, Inc.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-4994
Tacme Film Service, Inc.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-0662
Ace Film Laboratories (Warner Bros)
1227 E. 14th St., B'klyn. . .Nightingale 4-8700
Consolidated Film Industries, Inc.
1790 Broadway COlumbus 5-1776
DeLuxe Laboratories, Inc. (20th-Fox)
850 Tenth Ave Circle 7-3220
I)u-Art Film Laboratories, Inc.
245 W. 55th St COlumbus 5-5584
Film Laboratories of Canada, Inc.
American Representative, Arthur Gottlieb
245 W. 55th St COlumbus 5-5584
Filmlab, Inc.
126 W. 46th St BRyant 9-4981
Film Service Laboratories, Inc.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-6690
H. E. R. Laboratories
457 W. 46th St Circle 6-5232
Major Film Laboratories, Inc.
653 Eleventh Ave Circle 6-6950
Malcolm Film Laboratories, Inc.
244 W. 49th St Circle 6-61'50
Mecca Film Laboratories, Inc.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-5290
Mercury Film Laboratories, Inc.
723 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-2790
Movielab Film Laboratories
1600 Broadway Circle 6-9855
Paramount Laboratory
Sixth & Pierce Sts., Astoria. RAvenswood 8-8000
Paramount News Laboratory
544 W. 43rd St MEdallion 3-4300
Pathe Laboratories, Inc.
625 Madison Ave PLaza 5-9600
Precision Film Laboratories, Inc.
21 W. 46th St BRyant 9-8396
Producers Laboratories, Inc.
1600 Broadway Circle 6-6446
Star Safety Film
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-0888
Theater Supply Dealers
Amusement Supply Co.
341 W. 44th St Circle 6-0850
Capitol Motion Picture Supply Corp.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-0340
Crown Motion Picture Supplies Corp.
346 W. 44th St Circle 6-4780
Hornstein, Joe, Inc.
630 Ninth Ave Circle 6-6285
National Theater Supply
356 W. 44th St Circle *o-6900
SOS Cinema Supply Co.
449 W. 42nd St LOngacre 3-4040
Allied Non Theatrical Film Association, Inc.
299 Broadway WOrth 2-3354
American Arbitration Association
9 Rockefeller Plaza Circle 5-4700
30 Rockefeller Plaza COlumbus 5-7464
Authors' Guild-Authors' League
6 E. 39th St MUrray Hill 5-6930
Catholic Actors Guild
Hotel Astor Circle 6-5566
Catholic Writers Guild
128 W. 71st St ENdicott 2-0411
Cinema Lodge 1366 B'nai B'rith
321 W. 44th St Circle 6-1010
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
444 Madison Ave PLaza 5-3939
Copyright Protection Bureau
1270 Sixth Ave Circle 7-1934
Dramatists' Guild
6 E. 39th St MUrray Hill 5-6930
Educational Film Library Association
45 Rockefeller Plaza Circle 5-5750
Film Players' Club, Inc.
251 W. 51st St COlumbus 5-9222
Friars National Association
226 W. 47th St Circle 6-5835
Lambs, The
130 W. 44th St BRyant 9-8020
MPPDA (Hays Office)
28 W. 44th St BRyant 9-4000
Museum of Modern Art Film Library
11 W. 53rd St Circle 5-8900
Music Publishers' Protective Ass'n
45 Rockefeller Plaza Circle 6-3084
National Board of Review
70 Fifth Ave ALgonquin 4-8344
National Legion of Decency
35 E. '51st St WIckersham 2-3143
National Variety Artists, Inc.
233 W. 46th St COlumbus 5-2638
Office of Censorship (Federal)
253 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-8600
OWI-Overseas Motion Picture Bureau
35 W. 45th St BRyant 9-9455
Paramount-Pep Club
1501 Broadway BRyant 9-8700
Picture Pioneers, Inc.
729 Seventh Ave BRyant 9-7900
Society of Authors' Representatives
522 Fifth Ave MUrray Hill 2-0166
Society of Motion Picture Engineers
Hotel Pennsylvania PEnnsylvania 6-0620
Television Broadcasters Association
500 Fifth Ave LAckawanna 4-4788
USO-Camp Shows, Inc.
8 W. 40th St PEnnsylvania 6-4641
War Activities Committee
1501 Broadway Wisconsin 7-9350
Labor Unions
45 W. 47th St BRyant 9-3550
Actors Equity Association
45 W. 47th St BRyant 9-3550
American Federation of Musicians
570 Lexington Ave PLaza 8-0600
Empire State Motion Picture Operators
251 W. 42nd St LOngacre 3-1342
Film Exchange Employees Union
690 Eighth Ave LOngacre 5-5893
630 Fifth Ave Circle 5-4370
Independent Motion Picture Operators Union
358 W. 44th St COlumbus 5-0159
International Photographers
1697 Broadway Circle 7-2091
Motion Picture Film Editors
369 Lexington Ave MUrray Hill 5-2630
Motion Picture Laboratory Technicians
165 W. 46th St BRyant 9-3281
Motion Picture Office Employees
251 W. 42nd St Wisconsin 7-8161
Motion Picture Studio Mechanics
251 W. 42nd St Wisconsin 7-3490
Moving Picture Machine Operators (Local 306)
251 W. 42nd St Wisconsin 7-3808
30 E. 29th St MUrray Hill 3-9080
Screen Publicists Guild
1560 Broadway BRyant 9-6872
Theatrical Protective Union
254 W. 54th St COlumbus 5-2394
30 E. 29th St MUrray Hill 3-9080
Trade Publications
1564 Broadway MEdalion 3-1615
9 Rockefeller Plaza COlumbus 5-6370
Film Bulletin
1270 Sixth Ave COlumbus 5-2125
1501 Broadway BRyant 9-7117
Harrison's Reports
1270 Sixth Ave Circle 7-4622
Hollywood Reporter
229 W. 42nd St Wisconsin 7-2470
Independent, The
Hotel Astor Circle 6-6460
International Projectionist
19 W. 44th St MUrray Hill 2-2948
Jay Emanuel Publications
1600 Broadway Circle 5-6282
Motion Picture Daily
Rockefeller Center Circle 7-3100
Motion Picture Herald
Rockefeller Center Circle 7-3100
Radio Daily
1501 Broadway Wisconsin 7-6336
Showmen's Trade Review
1501 Broadway BRyant 9-5606
154 W. 46th St BRyant 9-8153
Advance Productions
4376 Sunset Drive NOrmandie 1-2131
Alexander-Stern Productions, Inc.
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 3414
Ameche's, Don, Command Pictures
1626 N. Vine St Hillside 3188
Abbott, George-Hugh Herbert-Sol Siegel
Columbia 'Studios Hollywood 3181
Alperson, Edward
20th Century-Fox Studios. . . .CRestview 6-2211
American Productions
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 8111
Angelus Pictures, Inc.
9138 Sunset Blvd CRestview 5-1028
Arnold Productions, Inc.
1040 N. Las Palmas Ave. . . .HEmpstead 3231
Arrowhead Productions
Warner Bros. Studios HOIlywood 12'51
Banner Productions
4378 Sunset Drive NOrmandie 2-1101
Bogeaus, Benedict, Productions
1040 N. Las Palmas Ave GRanite 3111
Boland, John J.
1585 Cross Roads of the World. Hollywood 7349
Monogram Studio NOrmandie 1-2131
Bronston, Samuel, Pictures, Inc.
1041 N. Las Palmas Ave GRanite 5111
Biltmore Productions
4376 Sunset Drive NOrmandie 1-2131
Blake, B. K.. Inc.
PRC Studios Hillside 8111
Bragg, Harry, Productions
PRC Studios Hillside 8111
Burkett Productions
4376 Sunset Drive NOrmandie 1-2131
Cagney Productions, Inc.
1401 N. Formosa Ave GRanite 5111
California Pictures Corp.
5255 Clinton St HOIlywood 1101
Cathedral Films, Inc.
6404 Sunset Blvd GLadstone 3743
Chadwick Productions
738 Irola St FItzroy 4827
Cassidy, James B., Productions
5255 Clinton St HOIlywood 1101
Cinema Artists
1041 N. Formosa Ave GRanite 5111
Champion Productions, Inc.
RKO-Pathe Studios AShley 4-2931
Colmes, Walter, Productions
9113 Sunset Blvd BRadshaw 2-3782
Continental Pictures, Inc.
6362 Hollywood Blvd GRanite 3546
Cowan, Lester, Productions
1040 N. Las Palmas Ave GRanite 3111
Crosby, Blng, Productions
1040 N. Las Palmas Ave GRanite 3111
DeSylva, B. G„ Productions, Inc.
Paramount Studios HOIlywood 2411
Darmonr, Larry, Productions
5823 Santa Monica Blvd GRanite 1166
DeMille, Cecil B., Productions
5451 Marathon St Hollywood 2411
Este Productions
5255 Clinton St HOIlywood 1101
Forum Films
649 S. Olive St TRinity 4881
Frank, W. K., Productions
5255 Clinton St HOIlywood 1101
Gilliam, Rodney, Productions
7904 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 2220
(■olden, Edward A.
569 N. Rossmore Ave HOIlywood 3661
(ioldstone. Phil, Productions
6912 Hollywood Blvd Hillside 7561
Goldwyn, Samuel
1041 N. Formosa Ave GRanite 5111
Great Western Pictures
4376 Sunset Drive NOrmandie 1-2131
Gourfain, Harry, Productions
PRC Studios Hillside 8111
Hughes, Howard, Productions
7000 Romaine St Hillside 8121
International Pictures, Inc.
1401 N. Formosa Ave GRanite 5111
Katzman, Sam-Jack Dietz
Monogram Studios NOrmandie 2-1101
King Bros. Productions
6605 Hollywood Blvd HEmpstead 23 75
Kleinert-Vershel Productions
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 8111
Kosloff, Maurice, Productions, Inc.
8800 Wilshire Blvd BRadshaw 2-2546
Krasne Productions
4376 Sunset Drive NOrmandie 1-2131
f.andres, M. M.
1426 Beachwood Drive HEmpstead 1191
I. ant/., Walt, Productions
Universal Studios STanley 7-1211
Lloyd, Harold, Corp.
1225 Benedict Canyon CRestview 6-2024
Levine, Nat
6331 Hollywood Blvd Hillside 6311
Loew-Hakim, Inc.
General Service Studios GRanite 3111
I.ysander Productions
1041 N. Las Palmas GRanite 3111
Mascot Pictures Co.
321 Hollywood Guarantee Bldg. . .Hillside 6311
Monogram Pictures Corp.
Monogram Productions, Inc.
4376 Sunset Drive NOrmandie 1-2131
Mutual Productions
General Service Studios GRanite 3111
Neufeld, Sig, Productions
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 8111
Pine-Thomas Productions
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 8111
PRC Productions
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 8111
Prescott Productions
11563 Ventura Blvd SUnset 1-7844
Manhattan Productions
California Studios HOIlywood 1101
Principal Productions, Inc.
9336 W. Washington Blvd AShley 4-2931
Producing Artists, Inc.
1040 N. Las Palmas Ave GRanite 3111
Producers Corp. of America
1041 N. Formosa Ave GRanite 5111
Range Busters. Inc.
11315 Ventura Blvd SUnset 2-1159
R. C. M. Productions
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 8111
Keed, Rowland, Productions
8627 Sunset Blvd CRestview 6-1101
Rogers, Charles R., Enterprises
1040 N. Las Palmas Ave GRanite 3111
Roth, Greene & Rouse Productions
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 8111
Ryan, Phil L.
9172 Sunset Blvd CRestview 1-7197
Schwarz, Jack, Productions
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 8111
Sherman, Harry, Productions
5255 Clinton St HOllywood 1101
Small, Edward, Productions, Inc.
9336 Washington Blvd AShley 4-2931
Stephens-Lang Productions, Inc.
8949 Sunset Blvd CRestview 5-6193
Stone, Andrew, Productions, Inc.
1041 N. Las Palmas Ave GRanite 3111
Stromberg, Hunt, Productions, Inc.
1040 N. Las Palmas Ave GRanite 3111
Sturges, Preston, Productions
5255 Clinton St Hollywood 1101
Supreme Pictures Corp.
1509 N. Vine St Hillside 7178
Skirball, Jack H.-Bruce Manning Productions
California Studios HOllywood 1101
Triangle Film Productions
2800 W. Olive St CHapman 8-8412
Television Productions
5451 Marathon St HOllywood 2411
United Artists Productions, Inc.
1040 N. Las Palmas Ave GRanite 3111
Vanguard Films, Inc.
9336 W. Washington Bldg AShley 4-2931
Wallis, Hal B., Productions
Paramount Studios HOllywood 2411
Wanger, Walter, Productions, Inc.
Universal Studios STillwell 7-1211
Westen, Carry, Productions, Inc.
1357 N. Gordon St Hillside 9085
California Studios, Inc.
5255 Clinton St HOllywood 1101
Chaplin, Charles, Studios
1416 N. La Brea Ave HEmpstead 2141
Columbia Pictures Corp.
1438 Gower St HOllywood 3181
1422 N. Lyman Place OLympia 2131
Darmour, Larry, Studios
5823 Santa Monica Blvd GRanite 1166
Disney, Walt, Inc.
2400 West Alameda, Burbank. .STillwell 7-1281
General Service Corp.
6625 Romaine St GRanite 3111
Goldwyn, Samuel, Studios
1041 N. Formosa Ave GRanite 5111
Gordon Street Studio
1357 Gordon St Hillside 9085
Harman, Hugh, Productions
9713 Santa Monica Blvd., Bev. Hills
CRestview 1-8184
Hollywood Film Enterprises, Inc.
6060 Sunset Blvd Hillside 2181
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios
10202 Wa-aington Blvd., Culver City
AShley 4-3311
Monogram Studios
4376 Sunset Drive NOrmandie 1-2131
National Screen Service Studio
7026 Santa Monica Blvd GLadstone 3136
PRC Studios
7324 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 8111
Pal, George, Productions, Inc.
1041 N. McCadden Place HOllywood 1466
Paramount Studios
5451 Marathon St HOllywood 2411
Pickford, Mary
1041 N. Formosa Ave GRanite 5111
Popular Pictures, Inc.
1041 N. Formosa Ave GRanite 5111
Quality Pictures Co.
5634 Santa Monica Blvd GLadstone 4088
RKO Radio Pictures Studios
780 Gower St HOllywood 5911
RKO-Pathe Studios
9336 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City
AShley 4-2931
Republic Studios
4024 Radford Ave., N. Hollywood
SUnset 2-1121
Roach, Hal E., Studios, Inc.
8822 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City
AShley 4-2761
PRC Studio Hillside 8111
Scientific Films, Inc.
6052 Sunset Blvd GLadstone 7101
Screen Gems, Inc.
861 N. Seward St HOllywood 2907
Telefilm, Inc.
6039 Hollywood Blvd GLadstone 5748
Twentieth Century-Fox Studios
10201 W. Pico Blvd., Bev. Hills
CRestview 6-2211
Sunset Blvd. & Western Ave., Bev. Hills
HOllywood 3141
Universal Pictures Studios
Universal City STanley 7-1211
Venus Productions
1041 N. Formosa Ave GRanite 5111
Warner Bros. Studios
Burbank HOllywood 1251
1703 Talmadge St NOrmandy 1-7010
5842 Sunset Blvd HOllywood 5811
Wolf, Raphael G., Studios
1741 N. Wilton Place GRanite 6126
Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences
1201 Taft Bldg GLadstone '5131
American Federation of Labor
815 S. Hill St TRinity 5481
Association of Motion Producers
5504 Hollywood Blvd GLadstone 6111
California Research Bureau
6331 Hollywood Blvd GRanite 0881
Independent Motion Picture Producers Association
738 Irola St FItzroy 4827
Independent Theater Owners of Southern Calif.
1914 S. Vermont Ave Rochester 1171
Motion Picture Society for the Americas
6331 Hollywood Blvd HEmpstead 4133
Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers
6233 Hollywood Blvd HOllywood 6371
War Activities Committee-Motion Picture Industry
6233 HollywooS Blvd HOllywood 6371
Call Bureau
5504 Hollywood Blvd HOllywood 2921
Central Casting Corp.
5504 Hollywood Blvd GArfield 3711
Masquers, The
1765 N. Sycamore Ave HOllywood 2164
Hollywood Writers Mobilization
1655 N. Cherokee Ave HOllywood 3601
Southern California Theater Associates
1914 S. Vermont Ave Rochester 1194
Motion Picture Internationals Committee
1651 Cosmo St Hillside 8331
Actors Equity Association
6331 Hollywood Blvd Hillside 5121
American Federation of Radio Artists
6331 Hollywood Blvd Hillside 5121
American Guild of Variety Artists
1586 Cross Roads of the World. . .Hillside 8«19
Screen Actors Guild
7046 Hollywood Blvd HOllywood 7311
Screen Children's Guild
1597 Cross Roads of the World. HOllywood 1810
Studio Air Conditioning Engineers
1509 N. Vine St GRanite 5129
Society of Motion Picture Art Directors
9172 Sunset Blvd CRestview 1-8774
American Society of Cinematographers
1782 N. Orange Drive GRanite 2135
International Photographers
6461 Sunset Blvd Hillside 0125
Studio Carpenters
'5164 Santa Monica Blvd. . .MOrningside 1-1101
Screen Cartoonists
6272 Yucca St Hillside 4197
Screen Directors Guild, Inc.
1508 Cross Roads of the World. . . Hillside 8165
Motion Picture Film Editors
1525 Cross Roads of the World. . .Hillside 0275
Motion Picture Electricians
7579 Melrose Ave WEbster 9144
Motion Picture Studio Police & Firemen
4151 W. Fifth St DRexel 3128
Motion Picture Studio Grips
6472 Santa Monica Blvd Hillside 7588 i
Motion Picture Location Managers
P. O. Box 900, Bev. Hills. . . .CRestview 6-2211 ;
Screen Office Employees Guild
1515 Cross Roads of the World . HEmpstead 51S1
Screen Players Union
723 N. Western Ave HYperion 3301
Screen Publicists Guild
1515 Cross Roads of the World. HEmpstead 5181
Script Clerks Guild
1710 S. Garth Ave AShley 4-3012
Motion Picture Costumers
7046 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood 8207
Screen Writers Guild
1655 N. Cherokee Ave Hollywood 3601
Hotels and Apartments
Ambassador Hotel
3400 Wilshire Blvd DRexel 7011
Beverly Hills Hotel
9641 Sunset Blvd CRestview 1-8131
Beverly Wilshire Hotel
0514 Wilshire Blvd CRestview 6-7111
Biltmore Hotel
515 S. Olive St Michigan 1011
Castle Argyle Arms Apartments
1919 Argyle Ave Hollywood 2141
Chapman Park Hotel
6155 Alexandria Ave FItzroy 1181
Chateau Elysee Apartments
5930 Franklin Ave Hollywood 2171
Fontenoy Apartments
1811 N. Whitley Ave Hillside 5191
Garden of Allah Hotel
8152 Sunset Blvd Hollywood 3581
Gaylord Apartments
3355 Wilshire Blvd Exposition 4150
Hermoyne Apartments
569 N. Rossmore Ave Hollywood 3661
Hollywood Athletic Club
6525 Sunset Blvd HEmpstead 1161
Hollywood Knickerbocker Hotel
1714 Ivar Ave Gladstone 3171
Hollywood Plaza Hotel
1637 N. Vine St Gladstone 1131
Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel
7000 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood 2442
Hotel Mayfair
1256 W. Seventh St Hollywood 2442
Los Angeles Athletic Club
431 W. Seventh St MAdison 2211
Montecito Apartments
6650 Franklin Ave GLadstone '5124
Ravenswood Apartments
570 N. Rossmore Ave Hollywood 5391
Langham Apartment Hotel
715 S. Normandie Ave FItzroy 5241
Lido Apartment Hotel
6500 Yucca St Hollywood 2961
Los Altos Hotel & Apartments
4121 Wilshire Blvd DRexel 1181
Town House, The
639 S. Commonwealth Ave. . . .Exposition 1234
Sunset Towers
8358 Sunset Blvd Hillside 7171
Villa Italia
1201 N. Crescent Heights Blvd. . Hollywood 5361
Voltaire Apartments
1428 N. Crescent Heights Blvd.
HEmpstead 8089
Newspapers, Trade Publica-
tions and Fan Magazines
American Cinematographer
1782 N. Orange Drive GRanite 2135
Billboard, The
1509 Vine St Hollywood 1866
Daily News
1257 S. Los Angeles St Richmond 6565
1243 Trenton St Richmond 4141
1111 S. Broadway Richmond 1212
6404 Hollywood Blvd GLadstone 1186
6425 Hollywood Blvd GRanite 8607
Hollywood Citizen-News
1545 N. Wilcox Ave Hollywood 1235
Hollywood Reporter
6715 Sunset Blvd Hillside 7411
Hollywood Review
6060 Sunset Blvd GRanite 5149
International Photographer
6461 Sunset Blvd Hillside 9189
Motion Picture Daily
Motion Picture Herald
6305 Yucca St GRanite 2145
Pacific Coast Showman
2020 S. Vermont Ave REpublic 4163
Radio Artists Directory
1509 N. Vine St Hillside 0101
Radio Daily
6425 Hollywood Blvd GRanite 6607
202 W. First St MAdison 2345
1708 N. Vine St HOllywood 1141
Bar of Music
7551 Beverly Blvd., B. H WEbster 7811
Beachcomber Cafe
1727 N. McCadden Place HOllywood 3968
Biltmore Bowl
Biltmore Hotel MIchig-an 6439
Bit of Sweden
9051 Sunset Blvd BRadshaw 2-2800
Brown Derby
9537 Wilshire Blvd., B. H. . .CRestview 6-2311
1628 N. Vine St HOllywood 5151
4500 Los Feliz Blvd OLympia 2913
3377 Wilshire Blvd FItzroy 5151
Ella Campbell's
8351 Sunset Blvd HOllywood 0556
9039 Beverly Blvd CRestview 1-2168
Roosevelt Hotel HOllywood 2442
8433 Sunset Blvd HEmpstead 2381
Clover Club
8477 W. Sunset Blvd HEmpstead 7141
Cock'n Bull
9170 Sunset Blvd BRadshaw 2-1397
Cocoanut Grove
Ambassador Hotel DRexel 7011
Sari Carroll
6230 Sunset Blvd HOllywood 7101
Florentine Garden
9599 Hollywood Blvd HOllywood 6311
Gotham Cafe
7050 Hollywood Blvd HOllywood 1438
Hollywood Palladium
6215 Sunset Blvd HOllywood 7356
House of Murphy
410 S. Van Vicente Blvd CRestview 5-0191
La Rue Restaurant
8633 Sunset Blvd BRadshaw 2-2733
Les Comiqules
Plaza Hotel GLadstone 5166
Mike Lyman's
1623 N. Vine St HEmpstead 3191
8588 Sunset Blvd BRadshaw 2-3443
Musso & Frank
6667 Hollywood Blvd GRanite 7788
3927 Wilshire Blvd FEderal 1221
The Players
8225 Sunset Blvd Hillside 7303
Roosevelt Hotel
7000 Hollywood Blvd HOllywood 2442
6351 Hollywood Blvd HOllywood 2131
Slapsy Maxie's
5665 Wilshire Blvd WEbster 6181
Somerset House
155 N. La Cienega Blvd BRadshaw 2-1052
Tail O' the Cock
477 S. La Cienega Blvd BRadshaw 2-2214
Trocadero Cafe
8610 Sunset Blvd BRadshaw 2-3128
The Tropics
421 N. Rodeo Dr., B. H BRadshaw 2-2045
7953 Sunset Blvd HOllywood 7203
Exclusive Management
Associate Editor, The Film Daily
■ O say that television moved ahead in 1944 would be an understatement, for its progress
from both the standpoints of technical advancements and program development was, to be trite,
on the sensational side. While 1943 in the field of television was devoted largely to experimenta-
tion, the succeeding year saw a rapid gain in public interest and the initial steps in a wider
application of the use of advertising; in other words, sponsored television. It can be said justly
that television is here.
The motion picture industry's participation in the so-called video is ample proof that the
business will be closely allied with this new form of entertainment. What television's effect will
be on motion pictures as a whole is still problematical; not until the war is over and receiving
sets are plentiful can it be determined whether the public will take television to its heart as
readily as it did sound pictures. Industry leaders believe that it will. In any event, the industry
has no intentions to be caught short.
RK.O made the initial plunge as a television film producer in June when it formed a sub-
sidiary known as RKO Television Corp. for the purpose of producing news and entertainment
shorts exclusively for the new medium. Paramount already held a 50 per cent interest in DuMont
Laboratories, in addition to an interest in Scophony Corp. of America in which General Precision
Equipment Corp. also held an interest. In April, the first television premiere of a film to be
televised was M-G-M's "Patrolling the Ether." Later in the year, Metro announced that it had
applied for tele station permits in three cities.
While television progressed, the year was not without its controversial issues, the most important
of which was the question of whether video should be frozen at its present standards for the
duration of the war and whether television should move to the higher spectrum under the FCC's
allocation plan. Then, to the interest of the film business, there was the question of whether
motion pictures or "live" programs should dominate the early stages of television for public
consumption. Ralph Austrian, head of RKO Television Corp., insisted at the first annual conven-
tion of the Television Broadcasters Association that film would and should be the backbone of
the programs. Others at the convention took the opposite stand, and the controversy probably
will not be settled until there is a receiving set in the majority of homes.
Television's place in the motion picture theater was the subject for wide discussion during the
last year. The entrance of the United States into the war in 1941 cut short initial experiments in
theater television, following demonstrations on screens 15 by 20 feet in two New York theaters.
At the FCC hearings last year, it was pointed out that the major companies had indicated that
as soon as wartime restrictions were lifted, or as soon after the war as possible, they would start
experiments with the production and exhibition of television programs in local theaters, the
programs to be transmitted to theaters in other cities. It was pointed out that theater television,
insofar as the immediate post-war period was concerned, probably would be presented in mono-
chrome, using 525 lines, the present tele standard. To satisfy the public and assure its favorable
reception, the presence of color would be required, according to testimony at the hearings. Because
theater television is still in such an embryonic stage, the FCC declined to allocate any specific
The growing interest in television was evidenced early in 1944 when the Television Broadcasters
Association was formed by broadcasters and manufacturers. The interest was further enhanced in
December when the association held its first convention and drew more than 800 persons to the
Commodore Hotel. Another important event in the cavalcade of television in 1944 was the
inauguration of the first television network, linking WNBT in New York, WRGB in Schenectady
and WPTZ in Philadelphia. The network had one of its first programs on Nov. 11 when the
Army-Notre Dame football game was televised over the three-city stations. Television played its
part in the Presidential elections on Nov. 7, returns having been televised over WNBT, WABD,
Something of a historical event was the presentation of the first full length original two-hour
(Continued on Page 776)
The Film Daily Stajj
RAWING the reins on production in color, war time restrictions have stymied what began
as a bullish 1944 year in the marketing of color film fare.
The indication shown in Technicolor's activity during the year and the bids for recognition
of Cinecolor, Magnacolor, Thomascolor, and Ansco, as processes ready to reap their share of the
production crop, gives rise to the possibility of a general switch to the printing of all postwar
major features in color.
Demand for Technicolor features exceeded the ability to supply them. Yet, a new high mark
was set in production, 30 Hollywood features having been photographed with this process during
1944, in addition to short subject production and work for the armed forces. It was estimated
at the year's end that 1945 might see the production of 35 features in Technicolor.
In 1944, for the first time, the Monopack process was used for complete photography on interiors
as well as the exteriors of three features: M-G-M's "Son of Lassie" and "Hold High the Torch,"
and 20th-Fox's "Thunderhead, Son of Flicka." A fourth Monopack feature, M-G-M's "Early
to Wed," has been scheduled for early in 1945.
By the Monopack method, ordinary studio black-and-white cameras may be used to photograph
Technicolor originals for processing in the Technicolor plant and subsequent print making by
the Technicolor process. General application of Monopack probably will have to wait upon the
Technicolor postwar program, as will introduction of many improvements which have been
worked out in the research laboratory.
Being groomed for intensive use in the postwar era by the motion picture industry, Ansco's
new color film was previewed at a press demonstration this year.. Ansco color film is a type
which can be processed by any laboratory with minor modification of equipment. The film re-
quires no special cameras, since a complete record is made on a single film during exposure in
standard camera equipment. Natural or simulated daylight illumination can be used.
Ansco officials assert that distribution of the new film "will be expanded as rapidly as possible"
with provisions being made for availability not only in sheet and 16mm but also in 35mm, and
providing suitable duplication in both gauges.
The company is cooperating with the armed services at present in color photography and is
furnishing them with newly perfected products for special uses where the necessity exists for the
development of negatives on the spot.
In 1942 the technical staff of Cinecolor Corp. perfected a system of obtaining prints in three-
color. This plant has recently installed new equipment to handle the printing and blowup of
film from 16mm to 35mm, both in the two- and three-color process.
Some of the features produced by the Cinecolor process are Monogram's "The Gentleman
from Arizona," and three produced in Mexico: "Asi se Quiere en Jalisco," "China Poblana,"
and "The Adventures of Pinnochio."
At present Magnacolor is processing the "Popular Science" and "Unusual Occupations" series,
produced by Jerry Fairbanks for Paramount Pictures release.
LABOR ^ 1944
In the East
The Film Daily Staff
WO developments in the labor field stood out above all others in 1944. One was the growth
of the power of the unions through further consolidation of their gains and the negotiation
of new contracts and adjustments bringing additional benefits to industry workers. The other
was the burgeoning of the unions into a political force. Both the AFL and CIO labor groups,
notably the latter, injected themselves into the political picture to push issues and candidates
favored by them.
Huddles on new contracts between the film companies and all studio unions dominated
labor negotiations last year. It took six weeks to reach an agreement on the issues involved.
Participating in the conferences, which were held at the New York offices of Pat Casey, producers'
labor contact, were 11 IATSE unions, the Conference of Studio Unions and the basic-agreement
group, all affiliated with the AFL. The unions came out of the meetings with contracts calling
for better working conditions and wage increases to meet the rise in living costs.
Other unions took steps to improve the lot of film workers through contract negotiations.
The Screen Office and Professional Employes Guild, Local 109 of the United Office and Profes-
sional Workers of America, CIO, started talks with Paramount, Loew's, 20th-Fox, RKO and
Columbia on new contracts, but was unable to reach an accord with the companies. The dispute
had to be submitted to arbitration, with the outcome still in doubt at this writing. The Screen
Publicists Guild of New York, Local 114, UOPWA, CIO, obtained wage hikes and approval of a
plan of merit increases in a contract dispute with the majors. The Motion Picture Film Editors,
Local 771, IATSE, won a number of benefits for its members in negotiating its first contract with
the five newsreels. Applications seeking wage increases for exchange workers in all key centers
were filed jointly by the IATSE and the companies. Some already have been approved by the
Regional War Labor Boards.
Managers and assistants in RKO houses in the New York City area gave expression to dissatis-
faction in the ianks of managerial help when they organized themselves into the Motion Picture
Theater Operating Managers and Assistant Managers Guild, which won recognition as their
accredited collective bargaining agent. Efforts to work out an agreement with the circuit
ended in a dispute which went to the Regional War Labor Board when the State Board of
Mediation failed to bring about a settlement. There the matter stood at press time.
In February of this year the Eastern processors met collectively with the Motion Picture
Laboratory Technicians Union, Local 702, IATSE, to work out a basic agreement to apply
equally to all firms having agreements with the union. The negotiations hastened banding of
the smaller Eastern processors into the Movie Film Laboratory Association, improvement of
conditions in the laboratory field being their main purpose. Understood to have been prompted
by the growth in buying and booking combines, film salesmen in the New York territory took
action looking to their organization into a guild to make their jobs secure. Salesmen outside
of New York were said to be interested observers. Interest in this development was heightened
by the IATSE's announcement that it was studying a proposal to organize film salesmen through-
out the country.
Labor rivalry in the white-collar field was sharpened, coming to a head when the Motion
Picture Office Employes, Local 23169, AFL, tried to draw into its fold office workers over whom
the SOPEG claimed jurisdiction. The MPOE, which had signed a new contract with Warner
Bros, calling for higher wages, added to its strength by absorbing office help at Universal affili-
ated with the American Federation of Office Employes, Local 20940, AFL. The SOPEG made
its own bid for greater strength by voting for a merger with Local 1 of the UOPWA.
Chartering of the AFL Office Workers International Union was interpreted as a move to
eliminate the possibility of jurisdictional dispute within the AFL which might eventually involve
office employes in the business already under the IATSE banner. Efforts were being made to
affiliate all white-collar groups in the industry with the new international.
The IATSE resumed its campaign to unionize front-of-the-house help in the New York
theaters. The drive had been halted by the heavy turnover of ushers, doormen and cashiers
resulting from the war.
The proposed labor draft filled the industry and the unions with concern. The manpower
situation stirred new feeling against the featherbedding practices of certain unions.
Consolidation of Empire State Motion Picture Operators Union with the IATSE's Local 306
was upheld by the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court in the action brought by
a group of Empire operators to upset the merger.
The only serious strike was that of St. Louis County (Mo.) exchange workers and projection-
ists called in protest over the hiring of non-union operators by three theaters. The walkout
darkened a majority of the theaters in the county before it was settled.
Richard F. Walsh was re-elected president of the IATSE.
New pacts signed with the major sound servicing companies contained provisions protecting
the jurisdiction of the IATSE in that field.
On the Vou&t
West Coast Representative, The Film Daily
URIXG the year 1944 there was very little delay in production due to union activities.
Late in the year members of the Screen Set Designers, Local 1421, did not appear at work at
five studios, and painters and machinists who were pledged to support them also took a holiday.
The designers insisted it was not a real strike, but to show their displeasure with the action of
producers in failing to give them jurisdiction over their type of work.
At this writing, Attorney Thomas Tongue of Portland, Ore., named by the National War
Labor Board to settle the dispute, which also involved the Prop Men's local, affiliated with the
IATSE, has ruled that the producers must bargain with the set designers, whose local took
over a contract made with the producers by the former Society of Interior M. P. Directors. The
IATSE and the producers can appeal to the NLRB or the union can ask the American Federation
of Labor to settle the conflicting claims, but the producers are required to continue negotiations
with the designers pending any appeal that may be taken.
The Tenth Regional WLB, with headquarters in San Francisco, rejected the Screen Cartoonists
Guild's demand for a 20 per cent slice of the gross income of Walt Disney Productions from
re-issues and the sale of television rights to old subjects. Ruling was a reversal of the findings
of a Los Angeles panel of the WLB, which considered the Guild's proposal for a share of the
gross from re-issues and sale of tele rights "a proper subject for collective bargaining." Disney
had maintained the issue involved property rights and could be settled only by the courts. The
Guild had demanded the cut retroactively, with the union to disburse the money to its unem-
ployed and members who are in the service.
One of the biggest fights has been between the new Screen Players Union and the Screen
Actors Guild. At an NLRB election, the SPU won over the SAG, but at this writing both
unions and the producers are awaiting a decision on the appeal made by the producers to the
NLRB to reverse its certification, which gave the SPU jurisdiction over extras and extras doing
bits, parts, songs and stunts. The SAG has contended that its contract with the producers
give it exclusive jurisdiction over any speaking parts, no matter how minor.
Fenchon & Marco Theatres
Paramount Theatres
The Film Daily Staff
-B- HIS YEAR the flirtation carried on between Hollywood and Broadway stage hits, with
best-seller books winking from the third angle of a triangle, will cost the Hollywood segment
an unprecedented figure. Magazine stories and original screenplays will always maintain their
spot in the sun, but, the planting of a closer-knit development by major producers for yarns
from the drama and novel sources appears to have taken root.
Topping the purchases for 1944 and setting an all time high for the screen rights to a play,
Warner Bros, parted with $500,000 as a down-payment for "Life With Father" on a 50-50 partner-
ship deal with producer Oscar Serlin and his associates. Next in importance for the same
company was the purchase of "The Voice of the Turtle," at a reported $600,000 against a smaller
percentage. A new high for story value was also reached at Columbia with its acquisition of
"Jacobowsky and the Colonel" and "Over 21," at a reported price of $350,000 each, while
"Junior Miss" is said to have nestled in 20th-Fox's lap for $400,000.
Paralleling this activity, in the novel field M-G-M paid $200,000 for A. J. Cronin's "The Green
Years," with the same figure reported paid by Mike Todd for Edna Ferber's "The Great Son,"
and 20th-Fox agreeing on this sum for "Forever Amber" subject to approval by the Hays office.
Warner Bros, is understood to have paid $150,000 for Ellin Berlin's "Land I Have Chosen."
The "scavenger hunt" policy for story material in the pre-consent decree days, when exhibi-
tors, lured by a company's star lineup for the year, contracted for numbers of "untitled" films,
has, under the present sales system, become a highly competitive search by the film producers
for proven properties. This transition is the combined result of increased production costs,
the use of fewer "B" films, the decreasing number of feature releases, and the ultimate bid for
extended playing time.
In the drama field, activity by the companies in sponsoring new productions has increased
considerably. Apropos to this, plans and agreements which have been used or suggested during
the year, as a basis of negotiation for the purchase of film rights, have been under consideration
by a motion picture committee of the Dramatist Guild Council. It is expected that the finer
points of all these plans will be combined to form an amendment to the Guild's current "basic
One of these plans, submitted by H. William Fitelson, film attorney, was designed to
encourage unrecognized playwrights. This plan allows a film company or producer to secure
the film rights to a stage vehicle upon a downpayment of $25,000 with a sliding scale upwards
to a maximum of $250,000, predicated on the number of Broadway performances.
In an effort to foster creative writing and to produce motion pictures based on the best
novels available, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer created an Annual Novel Award for the novel con-
sidered most outstanding by a distinguished board of judges. A maximum total of $200,000,
contingent upon book sales, with a minimum of $125,000 for the author, was established as the
prize money. This year's prize-winning author was Elizabeth Goudge, for her "Green Dolphin
The purchase of screen rights to approximately 77 novels and 38 plays during 1944 gives
rise to the expectation of another peak year to follow for these two fields.
Charles P. Skouras, President
West Coast Representative, THE FILM DAILY
_H_ HE year 1944 was one of the busiest in the history of West Coast-produced films
made by industrial producers for private companies, various branches of the armed
services, principally the Navy, and Government agencies.
One of the most expensive of the productions was "Red Wagon," a feature-length offering
based on the life of Gustavus F. Swift, founder of the Chicago packing company. It was filmized
by the American Film Center, Inc., a non-profit organization endowed by the Rockefeller Foun
dation. The picture will be shown to the 60,000 employes of Swift & Co., and may later be
exhibited in schools. Sixteen millimeter Kodachrome was used in the making of the picture.
Roland Reed had an active year, and one of his most interesting productions was "Youth
For the Kingdom," dealing with juvenile delinquency and showing the church's approach to the
problem. It is feature length and will be shown in the 15,000 churches comprising the Lutheran
Synod, which has headquarters in St. Louis.
Reed also produced "A Million-Dollar Partner," a three-length subject for the American
States Insurance Co. It deals with the rehabilitation of the returning soldier. Gene Lockhart.
Stuart Erwin and Kathleen Lockhart were among the players used in the cast. Reed also filmed
"Music In The Air," a two-reel subject based on John Charles Thomas' radio program. It will
be shown under the auspices of the Westinghouse Corp.
The Becton-Dickinson Foundation, Rutherford, N. J., is sponsoring "Bill Proctor's Choice,"
which was made to stimulate the interest of students to embrace the pharmaceutical profession.
It was produced by Reed's organization as a three-reel subject. Reed also produced "In The
Service," a three-reel offering picturizing the production of Liberators by Ford at Willow Run,
The Raphael G. Wolff organization made a one-reel Technicolor subject for the Governor's
office of Hawaii, designed to arouse the interest of Hawaiians in war production. Wolff also
made technical subjects for General Motors, General Electric and other large industrial concerns.
He produced four single-reel Kodachrome films for Coca-Cola designed for entertainment of
American servicemen in the various theaters of war. In addition, Wolff fashioned numerous
subjects for the Navy.
Wilding Picture Productions had a busy year, producing 283 subjects, one to seven reels in
length, for the Navy and Government agencies, in addition to several productions for industrial
companies and associations.
Carl Dudley, formerly a writer at MGM and Warner Bros., and a comparative newcomer to
the non-theatrical field, produced a three-reel subject for the Association of American Railroads,
and also made "The Time Is Now," for the Santa Fe, and one for the American States Insurance
Co., Minneapolis. Tradefilms continued active, as did Frederick K. Rockett, a pioneer pro-
ducer, and Jack Boland.
Associate Editor, The Film Daily
-■- HE foreign film market has never been in a more interesting situation than it is today,
nor have as many climactic changes been so imminent. What has happened, is happening and
will happen on the continent of Europe is of primary interest. Today, the continent presents
a kaleidoscope picture commencing in Portugal which is normal, and going eastward on the
Iberian Peninsula to Spain, where Franco and his forces appear to be exerting their utmost
strength to force American pictures off the Spanish screens. Decree law follows decree law,
each succeeding decree raising new obstacles and bringing forth new difficulties to be placed
in the path of free American motion picture enterprise within the borders of the Spanish
In France, most of the film companies are operating in their old offices with many of their
former staff members. The DeGaullist regime, however, has not as yet deigned to extend visas
to American managers destined for the key posts in France and has given no reason for such
withholding. There exists in France a governmental newsreel monopoly which, until cessation
of hostilities, will prevent the appearance of American newsreels as such on French screens.
Great difficulties are being encountered in the shipment of new film into France, the difficulties
being occasioned in part by wartime shipping conditions and in part by governmental difficulties
within France. Beyond these factors, however, free and open business is permitted and most
American companies are doing a remarkable gross in France, using their old stock to accomplish it.
American motion pictures are being distributed in Italy under the auspices of the Office of
War Information. Some 40 American features have been released thus far and, as in France,
have met with great success. Italy has experienced great material damage as a result of the
war and until civil life returns to something like normal conditions it is doubtful that the
military authorities will permit the American motion picture concerns to handle their own
business. It is likely, therefore, that the OWI will continue distribution in Italy for some
time to come.
From the monetary standpoint, the situation on the continent does not appear very bright.
These countries, with the exception of Portugal and the possible exception of Spain, will not be
able to acquire gold balances for a long time, so that the remarkable business being done in local
currencies is not likely to be translated into dollars during 1945. In Spain, governmental
restrictions have set up artificial barriers to the free exchange of money even though Spain
has a limited gold balance available.
Business in England continues unusually high for all American companies due to a box
office condition which has been created by the presence of foreign troops and millions of pounds
which have been coming in in the form of foreign currency expended in England.
Of extreme interest is the advent of dubbing in Latin America. The American producers
have finally taken the plunge and have shown determination to send their pictures into Latin
America in the language of its people. Sharp increases in the over-all Latin American grosses
are expected, as it is hoped in the first instance to attract many new customers to the Hollywood-
made films and in the second instance to combat the inroads made by the native-language pic-
tures. The situation in Australia is similar to that in England and is subject to the same influences.
In the movements of American troops northward, there is a possibility that many of the
Japanese-invaded territories will be liberated during the next 12 months. Certainly the
Philippines should be free of the Nipponese, but unfortunately the burning of Manila will
greatly restrict any possible revenues through the destruction of theaters which included some
of the finest in the Far East. For the time being, at least, the OWI will supervise the re-introduc-
tion of American films into the Philippines.
The year 1945, therefore, is likely to witness the return of American films into many parts of
the war- torn world.
In Preparation
To Be Followed By
To Be Released
Through Warner Bros.
Best Production— Going My Way (Paramount)
Actress— Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight)
Actor— Bing Crosby (Going My Way)
Supporting Actor— Barry Fitzgerald (Going
My Way)
Supporting Actress— Ethel Barrymore (None
But the Lonely Heart)
Direction— Leo McCarey (Going My Way)
Screenplay— Frank Butler, Frank Cavett (Go-
ing My Way)
Original Screenplay— Lamar Trotti (Wilson)
Original Story— Leo McCarey (Going My Way)
Scoring, Musical— Morris Stoloff, Carmen Dra-
gon (Cover Girl)
Scoring, Drama— Max Steiner (Since You
Went Away)
Original Song— "Swinging on a Star," (Going
My Way) music, James Van Heusen; Lyrics,
Johnny Burke
Art Direction, Black and White— Edwin B.
Willis, Paul Huldschinsky (Gaslight)
Art Direction, Color— Thomas Little (Wilson)
Film Editing— Barbara McLean (Wilson)
Sound Recording— E. H. Hansen (Wilson)
Cinematography, Black and White— Joseph
LaShelle (Laura)
Cinematography, Color— Leon Shamroy (Wil-
Special Effects, Photographic— A. Arnold Gil-
lespie, Donald Jahraus, Warren Newcombe
(Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo)
Special Effects, Sound — Douglas Shearer
(Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo)
Short Subjects— Cartoon: Mouse Trouble
(M-G-M); One-reel: Who's Who in Animal
Land (Jerry Fairbanks-Paramount); Two-
reel: I Won't Play (Gordon Hollingshead-
Warners) ;
Thalberg Memorial Award— Darryl F. Zanuck
Special Award— Margaret O'Brien (as the out-
standing child actress of the year)
Documentary Production— Teature: Fighting
Lady (20t'h-Fox-U. S. Navy); Short Subject:
With the Marines at Tarawa (U. S. Marine
Best Production— Casablanca (Warners)
Actress— Jennifer Jones (The Song of Berna-
Actor— Paul Lukas (Watch on the Rhine)
Supporting Actor— Charles Coburn (The
More the Merrier)
Supporting Actress— Katina Paxinou (For
Whom the Bell Tolls)
Direction— Michael Curtiz (Casablanca)
Screenplay— Jules J. Epstein, Philip G. Ep-
stein, Howard Koch (Casablanca)
Original Screenplay— Norman Krasna (Prin-
cess O'Rourke)
Original Story— William Saroyan (The Hu-
man Comedy)
Song— "You'll Never Know," music, Harry
Warren; Lyric, Mack Gordon (Hello,
Frisco, Hello)
Scoring, Musical— Ray Heindorf (This is the
Scoring, Drama— Alfred Newman (The Song
of Bernadette)
Art Direction, Black and White— James Basevi,
William Darling (The Song of Bernadette)
Art Direction, Color— Alexander Colitzen and
John B. Goodman (The Phantom of the
Film Editing— George Amy (Air Force)
Sound Recording— Stephen Dunn (This Land
Is Mine)
Cinematography, Black and White— Arthur
Miller (The Song of Bernadette)
Cinematography , Color— Hal Mohr, W. How-
ard Green (The Phantom of the Opera)
Special Effects, Photographic— Fred Sersen
(Crash Dive)
Special Effects, Sound— Roger Heman (Crash
Short Subjects— Cartoon: Yankee Doodle
Mouse (M-G-M); One-reel: Amphibious
Fighters (Grantland Rice— Paramount);
Two-reel: Heavenly Music (M-G-M)
Thalberg Memorial Aiuard— Hal B. Wallis
Special Award— George Pal (for his novel
technique in producing Puppetoon shorts)
Best Production— Mrs Miniver (M-G-M)
Actress— Greer Garson (Mrs. Miniver)
Actor— James Cagney (Yankee Doodle Dandy)
Supporting Actor— Van Heflin (Johnny Eager)
Supporting Actress— Teresa Wright (Mrs.
Direction— Maj. William Wyler (Mrs. Mini-
Screenplay— Arthur Wimperis, George Froes-
chel, James Hilton, Claudine West (Mrs.
Original Screenplay — Ring Lardner, Jr.,
Michael Kanin (Woman of the Year)
Original Story— Emeric Pressburger (The In-
In Preparation:
Art Direction, Black and White— Richard
Day, Joseph Wright (This Above All)
Art Direction, Color— Richard Day, Joseph
Wright (My Gal Sal)
Cinematography, Black and White— Joseph
Ruttenberg (Mrs. Miniver)
Cinematography, Color— Leon Shamroy (The
Black Swan)
Sound Recording— Nathan Levinson (Yankee
Doodle Dandy)
Short Subjects— Cartoon: Der Fuehrer's Face
(Walt Disney); One Reel: Speaking of
Animals and Their Families (Paramount-
Fairbanks & Carlisle); Two Reels: Beyond
the Line of Duty (Warner Bros.)
Film Editing— Daniel Mandell (The Pride of
the Yankees)
Special Effects, Photographic— Gordon Jen-
nings, Farciot Edouard, William L. Pereira
(Reap the Wild Wind)
Special Effects, Sound — Louis Masenkop
(Reap the Wild Wind)
Musical Picture Score— Ray Heindorf, Heinz
Roemheld (Yankee Doodle Dandy)
Dramatic Picture Score— Max Steiner (Now,
Song— "White Christmas," music and lyrics
by Irving Berlin (Holiday Inn)
Documentaries — Features: Moscow Strikes
Back (Artkino-Republic), Prelude to War
(U. S. Army Special Services); Short Sub-
jects: The Battle of Midway (U. S. Navy),
Kokoda Front Line (Australian News Infor-
mation Bureau)
Special Awards— Charles Boyer (for the crea-
tion of the French Research Foundation);
In Which We Serve (for outstanding inter-
national foreign production); M-G-M (for
production of the Andy Hardy series which
best reflects the American Way of Life)
Thalberg Memorial Award— Sidney Franklin
(Mrs. Miniver and Random Harvest)
Best Production— How Green Was My Valley
(20th Century-Fox)
Actress— Joan Fontaine (Suspicion)
Actor— Gary Cooper (Sergeant York)
Supporting Actor— Donald Crisp (How Green
Was my Valley)
Supporting Actress— Mary Astor (The Great
Direction— John Ford (How Green Was My
Original Story— Harry Segall (Here Comes
Mr. Jordan)
(Here Comes Mr. Jordan)
Screenplay— Sidney Buchman, Seton I. Miller
Original Screenplay— John Mankiewicz, Orson
Welles (Citizen Kane)
Thalberg Memorial Award— Walt Disney
Art Direction, Black and White— Richard
Day, Nathan Juran (How Green Was My
Art Direction, Color— Cedric Gibbons, Uric
McCleary (Blossoms in the Dust)
Cinematography, Black and White— Arthur
Miller (How Green Was My Valley)
Cinematography, Color— Ernest Palmer, Ray
Rennahan (Blood and Sand)
Sound Recording— Jack Whitney, General
Service Studios (That Hamilton Woman)
Short Subjects— Cartoon: Lenda Paw (Walt
Disney). One reel: Of Pups and Puzzles
(M-G-M); Two-reel: Main Street on the
March (M-G-M)
Film Editing— William Holmes (Sergeant
Special Effects, Photographic— Farciot Ed-
ouard, Gordon Jennings (I Wanted Wings)
Special Effects, Sound— Louis Mesenkop (I
Wanted Wings)
Musical Picture Score— Frank Churchill,
Oliver Wallace (Dumbo)
Dramatic Picture Score— Bernard Hermann
(All That Money Can Buy)
Song— "The Last Time I Saw Paris," music
Jerome Kern, Lyrics by Oscar Hammer-
stein, II (Lady Be Good)
Documentaries — Two - reelers: Churchill's
Island (Canadian Film Board-United Ar-
tists). Features: Kukan (Reynold Scott-
Adventure Films) and Target for Tonight
(British Information Library-Warner Bros.)
Interior Decoration, Black and White-
Thomas Little (How Green Was My
Interior Decoration, Color— Edwin B. Willis
(Blossoms in the Dust)
Special Awards— Walt Disney, William Gar-
rity, John A. Hawkins, RCA Manufactur-
ing Co. (use of sound in Fantasia); Leo-
pold Stowkowski and associates (unique
creation of visualized music in Fantasia)
Best Production— Rebecca (Selznick Inter-
Actress— Ginger Rogers (Kitty Foyle)
Actor— James Stewart (The Philadelphia
Supporting Actor— Walter Brennan (The
Supporting Actress— Jane Darwell (The
Grapes of Wrath)
Direction— John Ford (The Grapes of Wrath)
Original Story— Benjamin Glazer, John S.
Toldy (Arise My Love)
Screenplay— Donald Ogden Stewart (The
Philadelphia Story)
Original Screenplay— Preston Sturges (The
Great McGinty)
Original Score— Leigh Harline, Paul J. Smith,
Ned Washington (Pinocchio)
Song— Music, Ned Washington; lyric, Leigh
Harline (When You Wish Upon a Star—
Scoring— Alfred Newman (Tin Pan Alley)
Art Direction, Black and White— Cedric Gib-
bons, Paul Groesse (Pride and Prejudice)
Art Director, Color- Vincent Korda (The
Thief of Bagdad)
Film Editing— Anne Bauchens (North West
Mounted Police)
Sound Recording— Douglas Shearer (Strike
Up the Band)
Black and White Cinematography— George
Barnes (Rebecca)
Color Cinematography— George Perinal (The
Thief of Bagdad)
Photographic Effects— Lawrence Butler (The
Thief of Bagdad)
Sound Effects— Jack Whitney (The Thief of
Short Subjects— Cartoon: The Milky Way
(M-G-M); One-Reeler: Quicker'n a Wink
(M-G-M); Two-Reeler: Teddy the Rough
Rider (Warners)
Special Awards— Bob Hope, Col. Nathan Lev-
Best Production— Gone With the Wind (Selz
nick-International— M-G-M)
Actress— Vivien Leigh (Gone With the Wind)
Actor— Robert Donat (Goodbye, Mr. Chips)
Supporting Actress— Hattie McDaniel (Gone
With the Wind)
Supporting Actor— Thomas Mitchell (Stage
Direction— Victor Fleming (Gone With the
Original Story— Louis R. Foster (Mr. Smith
Goes to Washington)
Screenplay— Sidney Howard (Gone With the
Original Music Score— Herbert Stothart (The
Wizard of Oz)
Scoring— Richard Hageman, Frank Harling,
John Leipold, Leo Shuken (Stagecoach)
Song—E. Y. Harburg, Harold Arlen ("Over
the Rainbow" in The Wizard of Oz)
Art Direction— Lyle Wheeler (Gone With the
Film Editing— Hal Kern, James Newcome
(Gone With the Wind)
Sound Recording— Bernard B. Brown (When
Tomorrow Comes)
Black and White Cinematography — Gregg
Toland (Wuthering Heights)
Color Cinematography— Ernest Haller, Ray
Rennahan (Gone With the Wind)
Special Effects— E. H. Hansen (The Rains
Short Subjects— Cartoon: The Ugly Duckling
(Walt Disney); One-Reeler: Busy Little
Bears (Paramount); More than One Reel;
Sons of Liberty (Warner Bros.)
Thalberg Memorial Award— David O. Selz-
Special Awards— Douglas Fairbanks, Sr., Tech-
nicolor, The Motion Picture Relief Fund,
Judy Garland, William Cameron Menzies.
Best Production— You Can't Take It With
You (Columbia)
Actress— Bette Davis (Jezebel)
.4 cror— Spencer Tracy (Boys Town)
Supporting Actress— Fay Bainter (Jezebel)
Supporting Actor— Walter Brennan (Ken-
Direction— Frank Capra (You Can't Take It
With You)
Original Story— Dore Schary and Eleanore
Griffin (Boys Town)
Screenplay— George Bernard Shaw (Pygma-
Adaptation— W. P. Lipscomb, Cecil Lewis,
Ian Dalrymple (Pygmalion)
Cinematography— Joseph Ruttenberg (The
Great Waltz)
Art Direction— Carl Weil (The Adventures
of Robin Hood.)
Sound Recording- T '. Moulton (The Cowboy
and the Lady)
Musical Composition— "Thanks for the Mem-
ory" by Ralph Ranger and Leo Robin
(The Big Broadcast of 1938)
Film Editing— Ralph Dawson (The Adven-
tures of Robin Hood)
Original Score—Eric Wolfgang Korngold
(The Adventures of Robin Hood)
Scoring— Alfred Newman (Alexander's Rag-
time Band)
Short Subjects— One-reeler: That Mothers
Might Live (M-G-M); Two-reeler: The
Declaration of Independence (Warner
Bros.); Cartoon: Ferdinand the Bull (Walt
Disney-RKO Radio)
Thalberg Memorial Award— Hal B. Wallis
Special Awards— H. M. Warner, Oliver Marsh
and Allen Davies, Deanna Durbin and
Mickey Rooney, Walt Disney, Gordon Jen-
nings, Farciot Edouard and Loren Ryder,
J. Arthur Ball.
Best Production— The Life of Emile Zola
(Warner Bros.)
Actress— Luise Rainer (The Good Earth)
Actor— Spencer Tracy (Captains Courageous)
Supporting Actress— Alice Brady (In Old
Supporting Actor— Joseph Schildkraut (The
Life of Emile Zola)
Direction— Leo McCarey (The Awful Truth)
Assistant Director— Robert Webb (In Old
Original Story— William A. Wellman, Rob-
bert Carson (A Star Is Born)
Screenplay— Norman Riley Raine, Heinz Her-
ald, Geza Herczeg (The Life of Emile
Cinematography — Karl Freund (The Good
Art Director— Stephen Gooson (The Lost
Sound Recording— Thomas Moulton (The
Musical Composition— "Sweet Leilani," by
Harry Owens (Waikiki Wedding)
Dance Direction— Hermes Pan (A Damsel in
Film Editing— Gene Havlick, Gene Melford
(Lost Horizon)
Scoring— 100 Men and a Girl (Universal)
Short Subjects— One-reeler: The Private Life
of the Ganets (Educational); Two-reeler:
Torture Money (M-G-M); Cartoon: The
Old Mill (Walt Disney); Color Subject:
Penny Wisdom (Pete Smith-M-G-M)
Thalberg Plaque— Darryl F. Zanuck
Special Awards— Mack Sennett, Edgar Ber-
gen, W. Howard Green, Museum of Mod-
ern Art Film Library.
Outstanding Production— The Great Zieg-
feld (M-G-M)
Actress— Luise Rainer (The Great Ziegfeld)
Actor— Paul Muni (The Story of Louis Pas-
Supporting Actress— Gail Sondergaard (An-
thony Adverse)
Supporting Actor— Walter Brennan (Come
and Get It)
Director— Frank Capra (Mr. Deeds Goes to
Assistant Director — Jack Sullivan (The
Charge of the Light Brigade)
Original Story— Sheridan Gibney, Pierre Col-
lings (The Story of Louis Pasteur)
Screenplay— Sheridan Gibney, Pierre Collings
(The Story of Louis Pasteur)
Cinematography— -Tony Gaudio (Anthony
Art Direction— Richard Day (Dodsworth)
Sound Recording— M-G-M Sound Depart-
ment, headed by Douglas Shearer (San
Musical Composition— The Way You Look
Tonight, from Swing Time; music by
Jerome Kern; lyrics by Dorothy Fields.
Dance Director— Seymour Felix (A Pretty Girl
Number from The Great Ziegfeld)
Film Editing— Ralph Dawson (Anthony Ad-
Scoring— Leo Forbstein (Anthony Adverse)
Short Subjects— One-reeler: Board of Educa-
tion (M-G-M-Hal Roach); Two-reeler: The
Public Pays (M-G-M-Jack Chertok); Car-
toon: Country Cousin (United Artists-
Disney); Color Subject: Give Me Liberty
(Warner Bros.).
Special Award— The March of Time, as a
distinct novelty.
Best Production— Mutiny on the Bounty (M-
Actress— Bette Davis (Dangerous)
A ctor— Victor McLaglen (The Informer)
Direction— John Ford (The Informer)
Original Story— Ben Hecht and Charles Mac-
Arthur (The Scoundrel)
Screenplay— Dudley Nichols (The Informer)
Cinematography— Hal Mohr (A Midsummer
Night's Dream)
Art Direction— Richard Day (The Dark An-
Sound Recording — William Steinkampf
(Naughty Marietta)
Musical Compositon— Lullaby of Broadway,
from Gold-Diggers of 1935; Music by Harry
Warren, Lyrics by Al Dubin
Dance Direction— Dave Gould (I've a Feelin'
You're Foolin', from Broadway Melody of
1936 and Straw Hat number from Folies
Film Editing— Ralph Dawson (A Midsummef
Night's Dream)
Assistant Direction— Clem Beauchamp (Lives
of a Bengal Lancer)
Scoring— Max Steiner (The Informer)
Short Subjects— Cartoon: Three Orphan K it-
tens, (Walt Disney); Comedy: How i<«
Sleep, (M-G-M); Novelty: Wings Ove
Mount Everest (Educational)
Outstanding Production— It Happened On»
Night (Columbia)
Actress— Claudette Colbert (It Happened One
Actor— Clark Gable (It Happened One Nigln)
Direction— Frank Capra (It Happened One-
Original Story— Arthur Caesar (Manhaiian
Screenplay— Robert Riskin (It Happened One
Art Direction— The Merry Widow
Cinematography— -Victor Milner (Cleopatra)
Sound Recording— One Night of Love
Assistant Director— Johnny Waters
Short Subjects— Tortoise and the Hare
La Cucaracha, City of Wax
Scoring— One Night of Love
Musical Composition— The Continental
Actress— Katherine Hepburn (Morning Glory)
Actor— Charle Laughton (Henry VIII)
Direction— Frank Lloyd (Cavalcade)
Outstanding Production— Cavalcade (Fox)
Original Story— Robert Lord (One Way Pas-
Yvonne DeCarlo, Rod Cameron,
David Bruce, Walter Slezak,
Albert Dekker, Marjorie Rambeau,
J. Edward Bromberg, Abner Biberman
Screenplay by LAURENCE STAlllNGS
From an original story by Michael J. Phillips
Associate Producer, Alexander Golitien
A FRITZ LANG Production
Edward G. Robinson
Joan Bennett
with Dan Duryea
Merle Oberon
Turhan Bey
Gale Sondergaard, Ray Collins,
Thomas Gomez, Ernest Truex,
George Dolenz, Jerome Cowan,
Paul Cavanagh
Screenplay by ERNEST PASCAL, Adaptation by Emmet lavery
From the novel "Peacock's Feather" by George S. Hellman
Directed by ARTHUR LUBIN, Produced by WALTER WANGER
The Great Saturday Evening Post Serial
by the Author of "Stagecoach"
Screenplay by ERNEST PASCAL
A dap tation— Sarah V. Mason, Victor Heerman
(Little Women)
Photography— Charles Lang (Farewell to
Art Direction— William Darling (Cavalcade)
Sound Recording— Harold C. Lewis (Farewell
to Arms)
Short Subjects— Three Little Pigs (Walt Dis-
ney); So This Is Harris (RKO Radio); Kra-
katoa (Educational)
Actress— Helen Hayes (Sin of Madelon Clau-
Actor— Fredric March (Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
Extra Award— Wallace Beery (The Champ)
Outstanding Production— Grand Hotel (M-
Direction— Frank Borzage (Bad Girl)
Original Story— Frances Marion (The Champ)
Adaptation— Edwin Burke (Bad Girl)
Photography— Lee Garmes (Shanghai Express)
Art Direction— Gordon Wiles (Transatlantic)
Sound Recording— Paramount (Shanghai Ex-
press, A Broken Lullaby, One Hour With
You, etc.)
Short Subjects— Flowers and Trees (Walt
Disney). A Wrestling Swordfish (Mack Sen-
nett), Laurel and Hardy in The Music Box
(Hal Roach)
Special Award— Walt Disney (for creation of
Mickey Mouse)
Certificate of Honorable Men tion— Techni-
Honorable Mention— Eastman Kodak Co.
Actress— Marie Dressier (Min and Bill)
Actor— Lionel Barrymore (A Free Soul)
Direction— Norman Taurog (Skippy)
Best Produced Picture— Cimarron (Radio Pic-
Original Story— John Monk Saunders (Dawn
Adaptation— Howard Estabrook (Cimarron)
Cinematography— Floyd Crosby (Tabu)
Art Direction— Mux Ree (Cimarron)
Sound Recording— Paramount
Scientific Achievements
Noise Reduction Recording Equipment-
Electrical Research Products, RCA Photo-
phone and RKO Radio Pictures
Super-Sensitive Panchromatic Film—Du Pont
Film Mfg. Co. and Eastman Kodak Co.
Honorable Mention for Synchro-Projection
Composite Photography— Fox Film Co.
Actress— Norma Shearer (The Divorcee)
Actor— George Arliss (Disraeli)
Direction— Lewis Milestone (All Quiet on the
Western Front)
Outstanding Production— (All Quiet on the
Western Front) (Universal)
Cinematography— Joseph T. Tucker and Wil-
lard Vander Veer (With Byrd at the South
Art Direction— Herman Rosse (King of Jazz)
Sound Recording — Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer
Studio (The Big House)
Writing— Frances Marion (The Big House)
Actress— Mary Pickford (Coquette)
Actor— Warner Baxter (In Old Arizona)
Direction— Frank Lloyd (Weary River, Divine
Lady, Drag)
Outstanding Production— The Broadway Mel-
ody (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer)
Cinematography — Clyde DeVinna (White
Shadows of the South Seas)
Art Direction— Cedric Gibbons (Bridge of San
Luis Rey)
Writing— Hans Kraly (The Patriot)
Actress — Janet Gaynor (Seventh Heaven,
Street Angel, Sunrise)
Actor— Emil Jannings (Way of All Flesh, Last
Directors— Frank Borzage (Seventh Heaven),
Lewis Milestone (Two Arabian Knights)
Outstanding Productions — Wings (Para-
mount), Sunrise (Fox)
Cinematography— Charels Rosher and Karl
Struss (Sunrise)
Art Direction— William Cameron Menzies
(Temptation, The Dove)
Writing Achievements— -Ben Hecht (Under-
world), Benjamin Glazer (Seventh Heaven)
Title Writing— Joseph W. Farnham (Telling
the World, Fair Co-ed)
Etigineering Achievement— Roy J. Pomeroy,
For Marking An Epoch In Motion Picture
History— Warner Bros, for producing The
Jazz Singer.
SELECTED by the nation's critics, reviewers and commentators,
representing newspapers, magazines, syndicates and radio stations,
in a national poll conducted by The Film Daily.
Best Performances hy Male Stars
BING CROSBY as Father "Chuck" O'Malley
in Paramount's "Going My Way."
SPENCER TRACY as Pete Sandidge in
M-G-M's "A Guy Named Joe."
GARY COOPER as Dr. Corydon M. Wassell
in Paramount's "The Story of Dr. Wassell."
FREDRIC MARCH as Mark Twain in
Warners' "The Adventures of Mark Twain."
Mr. Skeffington in
Warners' "Mr. Skeffington.
Rest Performances by Feminine Stars
JENNIFER JONES as Bernadette Soubirous
in 20th-Fox's "The Song of Bernadette."
INGRID BERGMAN as Paula Alquist in
M-G-M's "Gaslight."
GREER GARSON as Madame Curie in
M-G-M's "Madame Curie."
BETTE DAVIS as Fanny Trellis in Warners'
"Mr. Skeffington."
Susan Ashwood in
M-G-M's "The White Cliffs of Dover."
Best Performances by Supporting Actors
BARRY FITZGERALD as Father Fitzgibbon
in Paramount's "Going My Way."
WALTER PIDGEON as Pierre Curie in
M-G-M's "Madame Curie."
VAN JOHNSON as Ted Randall in M-G-M's
"A Guy Named Joe."
* Tied.
MONTY WOOLLEY* as Colonel Smollett in
UA-Selznick's "Since You Went Away."
KEEN AN WYNN* as Private Mulvihill in
M-G-M's "See Here, Private Hargrove."
WALTER HUSTON* as Ling Tan in
M-G-M's "Dragon Seed."
Best Performances by Supporting Actresses
ALINE MacMAHON as Ling's wife
M-G-M's "Dragon Seed."
RKO's "None But the Lonely Heart."
MIRIAM HOPKINS* as Milly Drake
Warners "Old Acquaintance."
DIANA LYNN* as Emmy Kockenbocker in
Paramount's "The Miracle of Morgan's
* Tied.
Best Performances by Juvenile Actors
RODDY McDOWALL as Joe Carraclough in RODDY McDOWALL as John Ashwood II
M-G-M's "Lassie Come Home." (as a boy) in M-G-M's "The White Cliffs
of Dover."
TED DONALDSON as Pinky in Columbia's LON McCALLISTER as Sparke Thornton in
"Once Upon a Time." 20th-Fox's "Home in Indiana."
DONALD O'CONNOR as Jimmy Monahan
in Universale "The Merry Monahans."
Best Performances by Juvenile Actresses
MARGARET O'BRIEN as Alpha in M-G-M's SHIRLEY TEMPLE as Bridget Hilton in
"Lost Angel." UA-Selznick's "Since You Went Away."
JOYCE REYNOLDS as Janie Conway in PEGGY ANN GARNER as Jane (as a child)
Warners' "Janie." in 20th-Fox's "Jane Eyre."
MARGARET O'BRIEN as Adele Varens in
20th -Fox's "Jane Eyre."
Best Direction
LEO McCAREY for "Going My Way"- ALFRED HITCHCOCK for "Lifeboat" -
Paramount. 20th-Fox.
HENRY KING for "The Song of Berna- JOHN CROMWELL for "Since You Went
dette"— 20th-Fox. Away"— UA-Selznick.
GEORGE CUKOR for "Gaslight"-M-G-M.
Outstanding Screenplays
Cavett— Paramount. Seaton— 20th -Fox.
mond Chandler— Paramount. Selznick— UA-Selznick.
"LIFEBOAT" Joe Swerling-20th-Fox.
Outstanding Photography
LADY IN THE DARK" (Technicolor) Ray "LASSIE COME HOME" George Seaton-
Rennahan— Paramount. M-G-M.
Harold Rosson-M-G-M. Miller-20th-Fox.
"JANE EYRE" George Barnes-20th-Fox.
"Finds" of the Year
Released thru RKO
Released thru RKO
"BELLE of the YUKON"
(in Technicolor)
(in Technicolor)
A Gary Cooper Production
'in Technicolor)
Producer — Writer
International Pictures
Producer and Writer .
in the WINDOW"
Starring Gary Cooper and Loretta Young
International Pictures
1% $&&&,
J j
tfiiir* j^n&l^^^ for *
Production Designer
Best Drama Films
'None But the Lonely Heart" (RKO)
'Going My Way" (Paramount)
'The Miracle of Morgan's Creek" (Para-
'Hail the Conquering Hero" (Paramount)
'The Song of Bernadette" (20th-Fox)
"Wilson" (20th-Fox)
"Meet Me in St. Louis" (M-G-M)
"Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo" (M-G-M)
"Thunder Rock" (English Films)
"Lifeboat" (20th-Fox)
Best Documentaries
'Memphis Belle"
'With the Marines at Tarawa"
"Battle for the Marianas'
"Tunisian Victory"
Outstanding Acting
Ethel Barrymore in "None But the Lonely
Ingrid Bergman in "Gaslight"
Eddie Bracken in "Hail the Conquering
Himphrf.v Bogart in "To Have and Have
Bing Crosby in "Going My Way"
June Duprez in "None But the Lonely
Barry Fitzgerald in "Going My Way"
Betty Hutton in "The Miracle of Morgan's
Margaret O'Brien in "Meet Me in St. Louis"
Franklin Pangborn in "Hail the Conquering
Jflost Popular Films
'Going My Way" (Paramount)
'Wilson" (20th-Fox)
'The Song of Bernadette" (20th-Fox)
'Since You Went Away" (UA-Selznick)
None But the Lonely Heart" (RKO)
Meet Me in St. Louis (M-G-M)
"Dragon Seed" (M-G-M)
"Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo" (M-G-M)
"Laura" (20th-Fox)
"The White Cliffs of Dover" (M-G-M)
'OVERING a wide variety of topics of interest to both the public and the
industry, The Film Daily in September presented the 1944 Critics' Forum.
Material represents the views of motion picture editors and commentators of
newspapers, magazines, syndicates and radio stations across the nation on a series
of eight questions.
Question I
Looking forward to Victory and the post-war period, what types of stories do you feel
Hollywood studios should produce?
Critics feel that post-war film fare should be diversified and lighter than much of the wartime
product. Many call for the discarding of war themes; there were heavy votes for comedies and
musicals, although a not inconsiderable number of Forum participants held out for all kinds
of motion pictures, so long as they entertain.
On the other hand, not a few of the scriveners believe that films should become more socially
conscious; should emphasize post-war problems, democracy, religious themes, American ideals ot
international matters. There were some boosters for documentary or instructional subjects.
Question Mi- A
Is there, in your immediate territory, any marked public interest in television?
Only 38 per cent of Forum contributors could see any appreciable degree of public interest
in television. To most critics, excepting those on the Coasts where programs are being televised,
the medium is just something they and their readers or listeners have read about, but of which
they have little first-hand knowledge.
Question II-B
Granting that theatrical television is assured, do you regard it as a threat to the motion
picture theater as now constituted}
But a small part— 27 per cent— of critical America see television as a threat to the film theater.
Balance believe that the industry will continue much as it is now constituted when theatrical
television becomes a reality.
Question III
British interests from time to time have contended that English quality pictures have
not found a welcome in the United States. Would you say that audiences in your city
are not disposed to accept such pictures?
Forty-five per cent of the critics believe that their audiences are not disposed to accept most
British pictures. A number qualified their answers by noting that outstanding British-made
films are welcomed in their cities, but many cited the difference in pace between U. S. and British
product, the thick accents in some English films, or a lack of technical qualities in the general
run of British pictures.
Question TV
In your opinion, will the post-war period bri?xg a recession in film attendance in your
area as a result of such factors as the end of ban on 'recreational motoring, counter-lure
of sports, population shifts, etc.? Which of these factors would you consider major?
Half of the critics expect a recession in film theater attendance with the end of the war.
Return to unlimited gasoline is considered the major factor, with population shifts, including
the closing of camps used to train personnel for the armed forces, as the next strongest. Many
critics argue that sports have not been curtailed in their localities and only a few believe that
field will add to competition. Payroll reductions as war plants return to normal working hours,
other unspecified recreations, and the end of train and bus travel difficulties are listed as factors
threatening theater box-offices in the post-war period.
Quality of product is considered a determining factor by one group which hold that the cost
of a theater ticket, or the time required to attend a worthwhile attraction, can always be spared.
Question V
The post-ivar period will see many new theaters constructed and many more modernized
and re-fitted. As a more-frequent-than-most movie-goer, what innovations, improvements
and changes in architecture and equipment would you like to see?
Comfort, eye, ear and body, and elimination of distractions from the screen are sought by
film critics in the post-war theater. Topping their list of looked for equipment improvements
are pleas for better air conditioning, including Summer cooling and ventilation in both warm
and cool seasons. Tied in second place are demands for comfortable chairs and for more leg
room between rows so that patrons will not have to stand up to let people in and out of
adjacent seats.
Coupled with the latter, the critics would like improved seating arrangements to eliminate
bad perspective from front and side seats, with chairs staggered and the auditorium sloped to
assure a clear view of the screen from all seats. Wider aisles are also proposed.
Modernized lighting was mentioned by many of the constant movie-goers, with the most
repeated suggestion one to graduate lights so that a person coming from the bright outdoors will
be eye-accustomed to interior darkness by the time he seeks a place to sit down. Critics hold
that isle lights should be arranged to adequately illuminate the aisles but not so they can shine
in the eyes of patrons in aisle seats.
Proper acoustics and improved sound reproduction are sought with many complaining that
their local houses have dead spots so far as sound is concerned.
As for new theaters, critics feel they should be small, featuring functional architecture and
less gaudy decoration. Some call for stadium type houses, eliminating balconies. There were
scattered suggestions of glass enclosed standee space, hard-of-hearing devices, check rooms, chil-
dren's sections, improved rest rooms, soda fountains, nurseries, or "cry" rooms for babies, recrea-
tion space, more drinking fountains, clocks visible to audiences, and parking space adjacent
to theaters. One chap suggested an escalator between the main floor and balcony of his
local theater.
Critics would eliminate candy and popcorn machines from theaters and a number would
eliminate those who eat candy or popcorn during performances.
Question VI
You are familiar with the motion picture industry's splendid record of war-time service.
Do you feel that the general public is fully acquainted with what the industry has done
for the war effort? Or do you feel that the industry has been remiss in not publicizing
its contributions as have such industries as motors, aviation, etc.?
While almost all of the critics* feel that the motion picture industry is doing a bang-up war
effort job, only slightly more than half— 59 per cent— believe the public is familiar with the
effort. At the same time, only 38 per cent believe that the industry has been remiss in not
publicizing its contributions. Scribes seem to feel that films have not suffered from a lack of
publicity during the war as have industries whose products were off the market.
Question VII
Hollywood during the war years has reduced the number of features made annually.
Do you feel such a policy should be continued in the post-war period?
Sixty-three per cent of the scribes favor continuance of fewer features after the war. Points
in the policy's favor include the hope that fewer pictures will mean generally better productions,
while many of the commentators see the eventual end of dual features— a long standing horror
among critics.
Question VIII
Does your paper give preference to motion picture stories and art originating with news
services and syndicates, to publicity supplied by studio publicity departments or to
material you develop locally?
Material developed locally by critics is given top preference by motion picture editors, while
radio commentators depend equally on news services and studio publicity for their information,
using little self-developed material.
Breakdown shows that 38 per cent of newspaper editors prefer local material, 30 per cent
favor the syndicates and news services, 12 per cent like studio matter and 17 per cent concede
that they use all mediums as background information or in some other way.
A Selznick International Picture
An RKO Radio Picture
Best Motion Picture: "Going M\ Wa\" (Para
Best Male Performance: Barry Fitzgerald,
"Going My Way."
Best Feminine Performance: Tallulah Bank-
head, "Lifeboat" (20th-Fox).
Best Direction: Leo McCarey, "Going My
Special Award: U. S. Army for its factual
films, with specific commendation for
"Memphis Belle" and "Attack."
Best Motion Picture: "Watch on the Rhine"
Best Male Performance: Paul Lukas, "Watch
on the Rhine" (Warners).
Best Feminine Performance: Ida Lupino,
"The Hard Way" (Warners).
Best Direction: George Stevens, "The More
the Merrier" (Columbia).
Special Award: U. S. Army Signal Corps, for
its fact films and for "Report from the
Best Motion Picture: "In Which We Serve"
(UA-Noel Coward).
Best Male Performance: James Cagney, "Yan-
kee Doodle Dandy" (Warner Bros.).
Best Feminine Performance: Agnes Moore-
head, "The Magnificent Ambersons" (RKO-
Orson Welles).
Best Direction: John Farrow, "Wake Island"
Best Motion Picture: "Citizen Kane" (RKO-
Best Male Performance: Gary Cooper, "Ser-
geant York" (Warners).
Best Feminine Performance: Joan Fontaine
"Suspicion" (RKO Radio).
Best Direction: John Ford, "How Green Was
My Valley" (20th Century-Fox).
Best Motion Picture: "The Grapes of Wrath"
(20th Century-Fox).
Best Male Performance: Charles Chaplin*,
"The Great Dictator" (UA-Chaplin).
Best Feminine Performance: Katharine Hep-
burn, "The Philadelphia Story" (M-G-M).
Best Direction: John Ford, "The Grapes of
Best Foreign Film: "The Baker's Wife"
(Baker's Wife, Inc).
Award refused.
Best Motion Picture: "Wuthering Heights"
Best Male Performance: James Stewart, "Mr.
Smith Goes to Washington" (Columbia).
Best Feminine Performance: Vivien Leigh,
"Gone With the Wind" (M-G-M-Selznick
Best Direction: John Ford, "Stagecoach"
Best Foreign Film: "Harvest" (French Cin-
ema Center).
Best Motion Picture: "The Citadel"
Best Male Performance: James Cagney, "An-
gels With Dirty Faces" (Warners).
Best Feminine Performance: Margaret Sul-
lavan, "Three Comrades" (M-G-M).
Best Direction: Alfred Hitchcock, "The Lady
Vanishes" (Gaumont-British).
Best Foreign Film: "Grand Illusion" (World).
"The Life of Emile
Paul Muni, "The
Best Motion Picture:
Zola" (Warners).
Best Male Performance:
Life of Emile Zola."
Best Feminine Performance: Greta Garbo,
"Camille" (M-G-M).
Best Direction: Gregory La Cava, "Stage
Door" (RKO-Radio).
Best Foreign Film: "Mayerling" (Pax Film).
Best Motion Picture: "Mr. Deeds Goes
Town" (Columbia).
Best Male Performance: Walter Huston,
"Dodsworth" (UA-Goldwyn).
Best Feminine Performance: Luise Rainer,
"The Great Ziegfeld" (M-G-M).
Best Direction: Rouben Mamoulian, "The
Gay Desperado" (UA-Lasky).
Best Foreign Film: "La Kermese Herioque"
W^ELECTED by 479 representative critics and commentators
of newspapers, magazines, syndicates, and radio stations in the
23rd annual poll conducted by The Film Daily.
Picture Distributor Votes
Going My Way Paramount 428
The Song of Bernadette 20th Century-Fox 325
Since You Went Away UA-Selznick 231
Madame Curie M-G-M 207
Dragon Seed M-G-M 191
The White Cliffs of Dover M-G-M 190
Gaslight M-G-M 187
A Guy Named Joe M-G-M 175
The Story of Dr. Wassell Paramount 161
Lifeboat 20th Century-Fox 154
Picture and Distributor lotes
Lassie Come Home (M-G-M) 152
Double Indemnity (Paramount) 133
Arsenic and Old Lace (Warners) 123
The Miracle of Morgan's Creek (Para-
mount) 117
Destination Tokyo (Warners) 103
Mr. Skeffington (Warners) 98
See Here, Private Hargrove (M-G-M) 88
Jane Eyre (20th-Fox) 85
The Sullivans (20th-Fox) 85
The Adventures of Mark Twain (War-
ners) 81
Cover Girl (Columbia) 70
Lady in the Dark (Paramount) 68
Two Girls and a Sailor (M-G-M) 65
Home in Indiana (20th-Fox) 63
Up in Arms (RKO-Goldwyn) 61
Hail the Conquering Hero (Paramount). 60
Guadalcanal Diary (20th-Fox) 53
None But the Lonely Heart (RKO) 51
Thousands Cheer (M-G-M) 49
The Purple Heart (20th-Fox) 47
Old Acquaintance (Warners) 44
The Eve of St. Mark (20th -Fox) 42
Lost Angel (M-G-M) 42
The Uninvited (Paramount) 40
Janie (Warners) 38
Picture and Distributor Votes
An American Romance (M-G-M) 36
Casanova Brown (RKO-International). . . 30
The Lodger (20th-Fox) 29
Happy Land (20th-Fox) 27
The North Star (RKO-Goldwyn) 25
Flesh and Fantasy (Universal) 23
Bathing Beauty (M-G-M) 20
Tender Comrade (RKO) 18
Wing and a Prayer (20th-Fox) 18
Christmas Holiday (Universal) 17
Passage to Marseille (Warners) 16
The Mask of Dimitrios (Warners) 15
Between Two Worlds (Warners) 14
In Our Time (Warners) 14
Phantom Lady (Universal) 14
The Woman in the Window (RKO-Inter-
national) 14
Buffalo Bill (20th-Fox) 13
The Impatient Years (Columbia) 13
Once Upon a Time (Columbia) 13
Kismet (M-G-M) 12
Show Business (RKO) 12
Shine On, Harvest Moon ( Warners) 11
Address Unknown (Columbia) 10
The Bridge of San Luis Rey (UA-
Bogeaus) 10
The Hitler Gang (Paramount) 10
(Paramount Release)
"The Bells of St. Mary's"
A Rainbow Production
(RKO Release)
"Going My
A Paramount Picture
CREDITS; Executive Producer, B. G. DeSylva; Producer-Director, Leo McCarey; Screenplay,
Frank Butler, Frank Cavett; Story, Leo McCarey; Director of Photography, Lionel Lindon; Art
Directors, Hans Dreier, William Flannery; Special Photographic Effects, Gordon Jennings; Editor,
Leroy Stone; Costumes, Edith Head; Makeup Artist, Wally Westmore; Sound Recording, Gene
Merritt, John Cope; Set Decorator, Steve Seymour; Music Director, Robert Emmett Dolan; Vocal
Arrangements, Joseph J. Lilley; Music Associate, Troy Sanders; Songs, "Day After Tomorrow,"
"Would You Like to Swing on a Star?" and "Going My Way," by Johnny Burke and James
van Heusen.
CAST: Bing Crosby, Rise Stevens, Barry Fitzgerald, James Brown, Jean Heather, Eily
Malyon, Frank McHugh, Stanley Clements, Gene Lockhart, Porter Hall, Fortunio Bonanova.
One of THE FILM DAILY Ten Best Pictures of 1944
ihe Song of
Bernaaette n
A 20th Century-Fox Picture
CREDITS: Director, Henry King; Producer, William Perlberg; Screenplay, George Seaton;
Novel, Franz Werfel; Music, Alfred Newman; Director of Photography, Arthur Miller; Art
Directors, James Basevi, William Darling; Set Decorator, Thomas Little; Associate, Frank E.
Hughes; Film Editor, Barbara McLean; Costumes, Rene Hubert; Special Photographic Effects,
Fred Sersen; Makeup Artist, Guy Pearce; Sound, Alfred Bruzlin, Roger Heman; Orchestral
Arrangements, Edward Powell.
CAST: Jennifer Jones, William Eythe, Charles Bickford, Vincent Price, Lee J. Cobb, Gladys
Cooper, Anne Revere, Roman Bohnen, Mary Anderson, Patricia Morison, Aubrey Mather,
Charles Dingle, Edith Barrett, Sig Ruman, Blanche Yurka, Ermadean Walters, Marcel Dalio,
Pedro De Cordoba, Jerome Cowan, Charles Waldron, Moroni Olsen, Nana Bryant, Manart
Kippen, Merrill Rodin, Nino Pipitone, Jr., John Maxwell Hayes, Jean Del Val, Nestor Paiva,
Tala Birell, Eula Morgan, Alan Napier, Dorothy Shearer, Frank Reicher, Charles La Tone.
Nino Pipitone, St., Edwin Stanley, Lionel Braham, Ian Wolfe, Andre Chariot.
One of THE FILM DAMLY Ten Best Pictures of 1944
^ m
S3****" "
Since You Went Away"
A David O. Selznick Picture
Released through United Artists
CREDIXSs Producer, David O. Selznick; Director, John Cromwell; Screenplay, David O.
Selznick; Production Designer, William L. Pereira; Photography, Stanley Cortez, Lee Garmes;
Music, Max Steiner; Associate, Louis Forbes; Settings, Mark Lee Kirk; Special Effects, Jack
Cosgrove; Associate, Clarence Slifer; Supervising Film Editor, Hal C. Kern; Sound Editor,
Charles L. Freeman; Interior Decorations, Victor A. Gangelin; Recorder, Percy Townsend;
Technical Advisor, Lt. Col. J. G. Taylor, USA; Dance Director, Charles Walters; Make-up Super-
visor, Robert Stephanoff; Wardrobe Director, Elmer Ellsworth; Associate, Adele Sadler.
CAST: Claudette Colbert, Jennifer Jones, Shirley Temple, Joseph Cotten, Lionel Barrymore,
Robert Walker, Monty Woolley, Hattie McDaniel, Jane Devlin, Lloyd Corrigan, Gordon Oliver,
Agnes Moorehead, Robert Anderson, Irving Bacon, Aileen Pringle, Charles Williams, Wallis Clark,
Neila Hart, Leonide Mostovoy, Dorothy Garner, James Carlisle, George Chandler, John A.
James, Mary Anne Durkin, Joyce Home, Anne Gillis, Grady Sutton, Ruth Valmy, Jackie Moran,
Buddy Gorman, Patricia Peters, Andrew McLaglen, Addison Richards, George Lloyd, Barbara
Pepper, Guy Madison, Jill Warren, Byron Foulger, Harry Hayden, Edwin Maxwell, Russell Hoyt,
Loudie Claar, Don Najarian, Helen Koford, Florence Bates, Conrad Binyon, Theodore Von Eltz,
Adeline de Walt Reynolds, Christopher Adams, Jimmy Dodd, Martha Outlaw, Verna Knopf,
Robert Cherry, Kirk Barron, Earl Jacobs, Cecil Ballerino, Jack Gardner, Doodles Weaver, Dorothy
Adams, James Westerfield, Warren Hymer, Paul Esburg, Richard C. Wood, Ralph Reed, Willard
Jillson, Dorothy Mann, Peggy Maley, Robert Johnson, Dorothy Dandridge, Shelby Bacon, Eddie
Hall, Warren Burr, Lela Bliss, Eilene Janssen, Harlan Miller, Mrs. Ray Feldman, Neyle Marx,
Johnny Bond, Ruth Roman, Betsy Howard, Stephene Wayne, William B. Davidson, Tom Dawson,
Marilyn Hare, Jonathan Hale, Walter Baldwin, Eric Sinclair, Craig Stevens, Albert Basserman,
Jerry Revell, Nazimova, Jimmy demons, Jr., Keenan Wynn.
• One of THE FIIM DAILY Ten Best Pictures of 1944 «
Ci . »
An M-G-M Picture
CREDITS? Director, Mervyn LeRoy; Producer, Sidney Franklin; Screenplay, Paul Osborn,
Paul H. Rameau; Book, Eve Curie; Narrator, James Hilton; Director of Photography, Joseph
Ruttenberg; Musical Score, Herbert Stothart; Recording Director, Douglas Shearer; Art Director,
Cedric Gibbons; Associate, Paul Groesse; Set Decorations, Edwin B. Willis; Associate, Hugh Hunt;
Special Effects, Warren Newcombe; Costume Supervision, Irene; Associate, Sharaff; Men's
Costumes, Gile Steele; Make-Up, Jack Dawn; Film Editor, Harold F. Kress.
CAST: Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Henry Travers, Albert Basserman, Robert Walker,
C. Aubrey Smith, Dame May Whitty, Victor Francen, Elsa Basserman, Reginald Owen, Van
Johnson, Margaret O'Brien.
• One of THE FILM DAILY Ten Best Pictures of 1944 •
(Betty Grable-Robert Young)
(Rosalind Russell-Brian Aherne)
An m-G-M Picture
CREDITS: Directors, Jack Conway, Harold S. Bucquet; Producer, Pandro S. Berman;
Screenplay, Marguerite Roberts, Jane Murfin; Novel, Pearl S. Buck; Director of Photography,
Sidney Wagner; Musical Score, Herbert Stothart; Recording Director, Douglas Shearer; Art
Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Lyle R. Wheeler; Set Decorations, Edwin B. Willis; Associate, Hugh
Hunt; Special Effects, Warren Newcombe; Costume Supervisor, Irene; Costume Designer,
Valles; Make-Up, Jack Dawn; Film Editor, Harold F. Kress.
CAST: Katharine Hepburn, Walter Huston, Aline MacMahon, Akim Tamiroff, Turhan Bey,
Hurd Hatfield, J. Carrol Naish, Agnes Moorehead, Henry Travers, Robert Bice, Robert Lewis,
Frances Rafferty, Jacqueline De Wit, Clarence Lung, Paul E. Burns, Anna Demetrio.
One of THE FILM DAILY Ten Best Pictures of 1944
of Dover"
An M-G-M Picture
CREDITS! Director, Clarence Brown; Producer, Sidney Franklin; Screenplay, Claudine
West, Jan Lustig, George Froeschel; Based on the poem by Alice Duer Miller; Additional poetry
for the picture, Robert Nathan; Director of Photography, George Folsey; Musical Score, Herbert
Stothart; Art Director, Cedric Gibbons; Associate, Randall Buell; Set Decorations, Edwin B.
Willis; Associate, Jacques Mersereau; Special Effects, Arnold Gillespie, Warren Newcombe;
Costume Supervision, Irene; Men's Costumes, Gile Steele; Make-Up, Jack Dawn; Technical
Advisor, Maj. Cyrl Seys Ramsey-Hill; Film Editor, Robert J. Kern; Recording Director, Douglas
CAST: Irene Dunne, Alan Marshal, Roddy McDowall, Frank Morgan, Van Johnson, C.
Aubrey Smith, Dame May Whitty, Gladys Cooper, Peter Lawford, John Warburton, Jill
Esmond, Brenda Forbes, Norma Varden.
• One of THE FILM DAILY Ten Best Pictures of 1944 •
4 "
An M-G-M Picture
CREDITS: Director, George Cukor; Producer, Arthur Hornblow, Jr.; Screenplay, John Van
Druten, Walter Reisch, John L. Balderston; Play, Patrick Hamilton; Director of Photography,
Joseph Ruttenberg; Musical Score, Bronislau Kaper; Piano Solos, Jakob Girapel; Art Director,
Cedric Gibbons; Associate, William Ferrari; Set Decorations, Edwin B. Willis; Associate, Paul
Huldschinsky; Special Effects, Warren Newcombe; Costume Supervision, Irene; Associate, Marion
Herwood; Make-Up, Jack Dawn; Film Editor, Ralph E. Winters; Recording Director, Douglas
CAST: Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten, Dame May Whitty, Angela Lansbury,
Barbara Everest, Emil Rameau, Edmund Breon, Halliwell Hobbes, Tom Stevenson, Heather
Thatcher, Lawrence Grossmith, Jakob Gimpel.
One of THE FILM DAILY Ten Best Pictures of 1944
- flflflflfl|
Named Joe
An JW-G-JW Picture
CREDITS: Director, Victor Fleming; Producer, Everett Riskin; Screenplay, Dalton Trumbo;
Adaptation, Frederick Hazlitt Brennan; Original Story, Chandler Sprague, David Boehm; Direc-
tors of Photography, George Folsey, Karl Freund; Musical Score, Herbert Stothart; Technical
Advisor, Maj. Edward G. Hillery, USAAC; Recording Director, Douglas Shearer; Art Director,
Cedric Gibbons; Associate, Lyle Wheeler; Set Decorations, Edwin B. Willis; Associate, Ralph
Hurst; Special Effects, Arnold Gillespie, Donald Jahraus. Warren Newcombe; Costume Supen'isor,
Irene; Film Editor, Frank Sullivan.
-<m> — —
CAST: Spencer Tracy, Irene Dunne, Van Johnson, Ward Bond, James Gleason, Lionel
Barrvmore. Barrv Nelson, Esther Williams, Henrv O'Neill, Don De Fore, Charles Smith.
• One of THE FILM DAILY Ten Best Pictures of 1944 •
lhe Story of
Dr. Wassell"
A Paramount Picture
CREDITS? Producer-Director, Cecil B. DeMille; Directors of Photography, Victor Milner,
William Snyder; Technical Director, Natalie Kalmus; Associate, Robert Brower; Special Photo-
graphic Effects, Gordon Jennings; Process Photography, Farciot Edouart, Wallace Kelley; Tech-
nical Supervisor, Lt. Com. H. D. Smith, USN (Ret.); Music Score, Victor Young; Art Directors,
Hans Dreier, Roland Anderson; Editor, Anne Bauchens; Sound Recording, Hugo Granzbach,
John Cope; Costumes, Natalie Visart; Make-Up Supervision, Edwin Maxwell; Set Decorator,
George Sawley; Screenplay, Alan LeMay, Charles Bennett; Associate Producer, Sidney Biddell;
Second Unit Director, Arthur Rosson.
CAST: Gary Cooper, Laraine Day, Signe Hasso, Dennis O'Keefe, Carol Thurston, Carl Esmond,
Paul Kelly, Elliott Reid, Stanley Ridges, Renny McEvoy, Oliver Thorndike, Philip Ahn,
Barbara Britton.
One of THE FILM DAILY Ten Best Pictures of 1944
Under Contract To
Producers Releasing Corp.
A 20th Century-Fox Picture
CREDITS: Director, Alfred Hitchcock; Producer, Kenneth Macgowan; Author, John
Steinbeck; Screenplay, Jo Swerling; Director of Photography, Glen MacWilliams; Art Directors,
James Basevi, Maurice Ransford; Set Decorator, Thomas Little; Associate, Frank E. Hughes;
Film Editor, Dorothy Spencer; Costumes, Rene Hubert; Make-Up Artist, Guy Pearce; Special
Photographic Effects, Fred Sersen; Technical Advisor, Thomas Fitzsimmons; Sound, Bernard
Freericks, Roger Heman; Music, Hugo W. Friedhofer; Musical Director, Emil Newman.
CAST: Tallulah Bankhead, William Bendix, Walter Slezak, Mary Anderson, John Hodiak,
Henry Hull, Heather Angel, Hume Cronyn, Canada Lee.
• One of THE FILM DAMKY Ten Best Pictures of 1944 •
In Preparation
Warner Bros.
Random Harvest— 305 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Ronald Colman, Greer Garson; Direc-
tor: Mervyn LeRoy.
For Whom the Bell Tolls-285 votes; Dist.:
Paramount; Stars: Gary Cooper, Ingrid
Bergman; Director: Sam Wood.
Yankee Doodle Dandy— 285 votes; Dist.: War-
ners; Star: James Cagney; Director: Michael
rhis Is the Army— 276 votes; Dist.: Warners;
Director: Michael Curtiz.
Casablanca— 259 votes; Dist.: Warners; Stars:
Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman; Direc-
tor: Michael Curtiz.
The Human Comedy— 241 votes; Dist.:
M-G-M; Stars: Mickey Rooney, Frank Mor-
gan; Director: Clarence Brown.
Watch on the Rhine- -220 votes; Dist.: War-
ners; Stars: Bette Davis, Paul Lukas; Di-
rector: Herman Schumlin.
In Which We Serve-208 votes; Dist.: United
Artists; Star: Noel Coward; Directors: Noel
Coward, David Lean.
So Proudly We Hail!— 201 votes; Dist.: Para-
mount; Stars: Claudette Colbert, Paulette
Goddard, Veronica Lake; Director: Mark
Stage Door Canteen— 162 votes; Dist.: United
Artists (Sol Lesser); Director: Frank
Mrs. Miniver— 555 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon; Di-
rector: William Wyler.
How Green Was My Valley— 500 votes; Dist.:
20th Century-Fox; Stars: Walter Pidgeon,
Maureen O'Hara, Donald Crisp; Director:
John Ford.
Kings Row— 269 votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.;
Stars: Ann Sheridan, Robert Cummings,
Ronald Reagan, Betty Field; Director: Sam
Wake Island— 260 votes; Dist.: Paramount;
Stars: Brian Donlevy, Robert Preston, Mac-
donald Carey; Director: John Farrow.
The Pride of the Yankees— 241 votes; Dist.:
RKO (Samuel Goldwyn); Stars: Gary
Cooper, Teresa Wright; Director: Sam
The Man Who Came to Dinner— 238 votes;
Dist.: Warner Bros.; Stars: Monty Woolley,
Bette Davis, Ann Sheridan; Director: Wil-
liam Keighley.
One Foot in Heaven— 197 votes; Dist.: War-
ner Bros.; Stars: Fredric March, Martha
Scott; Director: Irving Rapper.
Suspicion— 197 votes; Dist.: RKO Radio:
Stars: Cary Grant, Joan Fontaine; Director:
Alfred Hitchcock.
Woman of the Year— 185 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn;
Director: George Stevens.
The Pied Piper— 176 votes; Dist.: 20th Cen-
tury-Fox; Stars: Monty Woolley, Roddy
McDowall; Director: Irving Pichel.
Gone With The Wind— 452 votes; Dist.:
M-G-M (Selznick International); Stars:
Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Thomas Mit-
chell, Olivia de Havilland, Leslie Howard;
Director: Victor Fleming.
Sergeant York— 413 votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.;
Star: Gary Cooper; Director: Howard
The Philadelphia Story— 358 votes; Dist.:
M-G-M; Stars: Katharine Hepburn, Cary
Grant, James Stewart; Director: George
Citizen Kane-341 votes; Dist.: RKO; Star:
Orson Welles; Director: Orson Welles.
Here Comes Mr. Jordan— 248 votes; Dist.:
Columbia; Star: Robert Montgomery; Di-
rector, Alexander Hall.
The Little Foxes-243 votes; Dist.: RKO;
Star: Bette Davis; Director: William Wyler.
Kitty Foyle-233 votes; Dist.: RKO; Star:
Ginger Rogers; Director: Sam Wood.
The Great Dictator- 229 votes; Dist.: United
Artists; Star: Charles Chaplin; Director:
Charles Chaplin.
Meet John Doe— 218 votes; Dist.: Warner
Bros.; Stars: Gary Cooper, Barbara Stan-
wyck; Director: Frank Capra.
Blossoms in the Dust— 153 votes; Dist.: M-
G-M; Star: Greer Garson; Director: Mervyn
Of "ECSTASY" And Other
Sensational European Pictures
an nr^ z\ n ^n na^aa
Starring John Loder, Karen Morley, Jane Randolph,
With Hugo Haas and Nils Asther)
Based on an Original Idea by Dalton Trumbo
Screenplay By Arnold Phillips
Rebecca— 391 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
Stars: Laurence Olivier, Joan Fontaine;
Director: Alfred Hitchcock.
The Grapes of Wrath- 367 votes; Dist.: 20th
Century-Fox; Stars: Henry Fonda, Jane
Darwell; Director: John Ford.
Ninotchka— 269 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Greta Garbo, Melvyn Douglas; Director:
Ernst Lubitsch.
Foreign Correspondent— -247 votes; Dist.:
United Artists; Stars: Joel McCrea, Laraine
Day; Director: Alfred Hitchcock.
All This, And Heaven Too— 230 votes; Dist.:
Warner Bros.; Stars: Bette Davis, Charles
Boyer; Director: Anatole Litvak.
Abe Lincoln in Illinois— 221 votes; Dist.: RKO
Radio; Star: Raymond Massey; Director:
John Cromwell.
Boom Town— 215 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy, Claudette Col-
bert, Hedy Lamarr; Director: Jack Con-
Northwest Passage— 198 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Spencer Tracy, Robert Young; Direc-
tor: King Vidor.
Our Town— 198 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists; Stars: William Holden, Martha Scott;
Director: Sam Wood.
The Mortal Storm-172 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Margaret Sullivan, James Stewart;
Director: Frank Borzage.
Goodbye, Mr. Chips— 472 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Robert Donat, Greer Garson; Direc-
tor: Sam Wood; Produced in England.
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington— 433 votes;
Dist.: Columbia; Stars: Jean Arthur, James
Stewart; Producer-Director: Frank Capra.
Pygmalion— 349 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Leslie Howard, Wendy Hiller; Directors:
Anthony Asquith, Leslie Howard; Produced
in England.
Wuthering Heigh ts— 283 votes; Dist.: United
Artists (Goldwyn); Stars: Merle Oberon,
Laurence Olivier, David Niven; Director:
William Wyler.
Dark Victory— 280 votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.;
Star: Bette Davis; Director: Edmund
The Women-254 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Norma Shearer, Joan Crawford, Rosalind
Russell; Director: George Cukor.
The Wizard of Oz-244 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray
Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley; Director:
Victor Fleming.
Juarez— 216 votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.; Stars:
Paul Muni, Bette Davis; Director: William
Stanley and Livingstone— 213 Votes; Dist.:
20th Century-Fox; Stars: Spencer Tracy,
Nancy Kelly, Richard Greene; Director:
Henry King.
The Old Maid— 166 votes; Dist.: Warner
Bros.; Stars: Bette Davis, Miriam Hopkins;
Director: Edmund Goulding.
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs— 419
votes; Dist.: RKO Radio; Producer: Walt
Disney; Cartoon.
You Can't Take It With You— 372 votes;
Dist.: Columbia; Stars: Jean Arthur, Lionel
Barrymore, James Stewart, Edward Arnold;
Director: Frank Capra.
Alexander's Ragtime Band— 324 votes; Dist.:
20th Century-Fox; Stars: Tyrone Power,
Alice Faye, Don Ameche; Director: Henry
Boys Town— 313 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Spencer Tracy, Mickey Rooney; Director:
Norman Taurog.
Marie Antoinette— 287 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Norma Shearer, Tyrone Power; Di-
rector: W. S. Van Dyke, II.
In Old Chicago-243 votes; Dist.: 20th Cen
tury Fox; Stars: Tyrone Power, Alice Faye,
Don Ameche; Director: Henry King.
The Adventures of Robin Hood— 218 votes;
Dist.: Warners; Star: Errol Flynn; Direc-
tors: Michael Curtiz, William Keighley.
The Citadet-210 votes; Dist.: M-G-M (Pro-
duced in England); Stars: Robert Donat,
Rosalind Russell; Director: King Vidor.
Love Finds Andy Hardy— 180 votes; Dist.:
M-G-M; Stars: Mickey Rooney, Lewis
Stone, Judy Garland, Cecilia Parker, Fay
Holden; Director: George B. Seitz.
The Hurricane— 172 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists (Samuel Goldwyn); Stars: Dorothy
Lamour, Jon Hall. Mary Astor; Director:
John Ford.
The Life of Emile Zola— 453 votes; Dist.:
Warner Bros.; Star: Paul Muni; Director:
William Dieterle.
The Good Earth-424 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Paul Muni, Luise Rainer; Director:
Sidney Franklin.
Captains Courageous— 380 votes; Dist.: M-
G-M; Stars: Freddie Bartholomew, Spencer
Tracy, Lionel Barrymore; Director: Victor
Lost Horizon— 325 votes; Dist.: Columbia;
Star: Ronald Colman; Director: Frank
A Star Is Born— 287 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists (Selznick International); Stars: Janet
Gaynor. Fredric March; Director: William
A. Wellman.
Romeo and Juliet— 251 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Norma Shearer, Leslie Howard; Di-
rector: George Cukor.
Stage Door— 235 votes; Dist.: RKO Radio;
Stars: Katharine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers,
Adolphe Menjou; Director: Gregory La
Dead End— 197 votes; Dist.: United Artists
(Samuel Goldwyn); Stars: Sylvia Sidney,
Joel McCrea; Director: William Wyler.
Winterset— 165 votes; Dist.: RKO Radio;
Stars: Burgess Meredith, Margo; Director:
Alfred N. Santell.
The Awful Truth— 160 votes; Dist.: Colum-
bia; Stars: Irene Dunne, Cary Grant; Di-
rector: Leo McCarey.
Mutiny On The Bounty— 416 votes; Dist.:
M-G-M; Stars: Charles Laughton, Clark
Gable, Franchot Tone; Director Frank
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town— 372 votes; Dist.:
Columbia; Star: Gary Cooper; Director:
Frank Capra.
The Great Ziegfeld—145 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: William Powell, Myrna Loy, Luise
Rainer, Frank Morgan; Director: Robert
Z. Leonard.
San Francisco— 264 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Clark Gable, Jeanette MacDonald,
Spencer Tracy; Director: W. S. Van Dyke.
Dodsworth— 254 votes; Dist.: United Artists
(Goldwyn); Stars: Walter Huston, Ruth
Chatterton, Mary Astor, Paul Lukas, David
Niven; Director: William Wyler.
The Story of Louis Pasteur— 250 votes; Dist.:
Warner Bros.; Star: Paul Muni; Director:
William Dieterle.
A Tale of Two Cities— 235 votes; Dist.: M-
G-M; Star: Ronald Colman; Director: Jack
Anthony Adverse— 231 votes; Dist.: Warner
Bros.; Star: Fredric March; Director:
Mervyn LeRoy.
The Green Pastures— 197 votes; Dist.: Warner
Bros.; Directors: Marc Connelly, William
A Midsummer Night's Dream— 166 votes;
Dist.: Warner Bros.; Stars: James Cagney,
Joe E. Brown, Dick Powell; Directors: Max
Reinhardt, William Dieterle.
David Copperfield-339 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Freddie Bartholomew, W. C. Fields,
Lionel Barrymore; Director: George Cukor.
Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The— 278 votes;
Dist.: Paramount; Stars: Gary Cooper,
Franchot Tone, Richard Cromwell; Di-
rector: Henry Hathaway.
Informer ,The-256 votes; Dist.: RKO Radio;
Star: Victor McLaglen; Director: John
Naughty Marietta— 250 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Jeanette MacDonald, Nelson Eddy;
Director: W. S. Van Dyke.
Les Miserables— 235 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists, (20th Century); Stars: Fredric March,
Charles Laughton, Cedric Hardwicke; Di-
rector: Richard Boleslawski.
Ruggles of Red Gap- 222 votes; Dist.: Para-
mount; Stars: Charles Laughton, Mary Bo-
land, Charles Ruggles; Director: Leo Mc-
Top Hat-174 Votes; Dist.: RKO Radio;
Stars: Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers; Direc-
tor: Mark Sandrich.
Broadway Melody of 1936—166 votes; Dist.:
M-G-M; Stars: Jack Benny, Eleanor Pow-
ell; Director: Roy Del Ruth.
Roberta— 155 votes; Dist.: RKO Radio; Stars:
Irene Dunne, Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers;
Director: William A. Seiter.
Anna Karenina— 129 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Greta Garbo, Fredric March; Direc-
tor: Clarence Brown.
The Barrets of Wimpole Street— 348 votes;
Dist.: M-G-M; Stars: Norma Shearer, Fred-
ric March, Charles Laughton; Director:
Sidney Franklin.
The House of Rothschild- 338 votes; Dist.:
United Artists; Star: George Arliss; Direc-
tor: Alfred Werker.
It Happened One Night— 281 votes; Dist.:
Columbia; Stars: Clark Gable, Claudette
Colbert; Director: Frank Capra.
One Night of Love— 265 votes; Dist.: Colum-
bia; Star: Grace Moore; Director: Victor
Little Women- 264 votes; Dist.: RKO Radio;
Star: Katharine Hepburn; Director: George
The Thin Man-249 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: William Powell, Myrna Loy; Direc-
tor: W. S. Van Dyke.
Viva, Villa!-188 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Star:
Wallace Beery; Director: Jack Conway.
Dinner at Eight- 172 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Marie Dressier, John Barrymore,
Wallace Beery, Jean Harlow, Lionel Barry-
more, Lee Tracy, Edmund Lowe; Direc-
tor: George Cukor.
The Count of Monte Cristo— 145 votes;
Dist.: United Artists; Stars: Robert Donat,
Elissa Landi; Director: Rowland V. Lee.
Berkeley Square— 119 votes; Dist.: Fox; Stars:
Leslie Howard, Heather Angel; Director:
Frank Lloyd.
"United in determination to enhance and pro-
tect the art of motion picture producing . . .
to encourage creative talent ... to maintain
economic equality ... to foster broader public
appreciation. . . ."
LOYD WRIGHT, president & general counsel
JOHN C. FLINN, executive secretary
6233 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood 6371
Cavalcade— 304 votes; Dist.: Fox; Stars: Clivc
Brook, Diana Wynyard; Director: Frank
42nd Street— 209 votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.;
Stars: Warner Baxter, Bebe Daniels, Ruby
Keeler, Dick Powell; Director: Lloyd Bacon.
Private Life of Henry VIII— 187 votes; Dist.:
United Artists; Star: Charles Laugh ton;
Director: Alexander Korda; Produced in
England. *
Lady for a Day— ITS votes; Dist.: Columbia;
Director: Frank Capra.
State Fair— 169 votes; Dist.: Fox; Stars: Will
Rogers, Janet Gaynor, Lew Ayres, Sally
Eilers; Director: Henry King.
A Farewell to Arms— 167 votes; Dist.: Para-
mount; Stars: Helen Hayes, Gary Cooper;
Director: Frank Borzage.
She Done Him Wrong— 158 votes; Dist.:
Paramount; Star: Mae West; Director:
Lowell Sherman.
I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang— 156
votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.; Star: Paul
Muni; Director: Mervyn LeRoy.
Maedchen in Uniform— 137 votes; Dist.:
Filmchoice; Stars: Dorothea Wieck. Hertha
Thiele; Director: Leontine Sagan; Produced
in Germany.
Rasputin and the Empress— 128 votes; Dist.:
M-G-M; Stars: John, Ethel, and Lionel
Barrymore; Director: Richard Boleslawski.
Grand Hotel- 296 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Greta Garbo, John Barrymore, Joan Craw-
ford, Wallace Beery, Lionel Barrymore,
et al; Director: Edmund Goulding.
The Champ- -214 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Wallace Beery, Jackie Cooper; Director:
King Vidor.
Arrow smith— 192, votes; Dist.: United Artists;
Stars: Ronald Colman, Helen Hayes; Di-
rector: John Ford.
The Guardsman— \1Q votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: Alfred Lunt, Lynn Fontanne; Direc-
tor: Sidney Franklin.
Smilin' Through— 168 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Star: Norma Shearer; Director: Sidney
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde— 161 votes; Dist.:
Paramount; Star: Fredric March; Director:
Rouben Mamoulian.
Emma— 154 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Star: Marie
Dressier; Director: Clarence Brown.
Bill of Divorcement— 141 votes; Dist.: RKO
Radio; Stars: John Barrymore, Katharine
Hepburn; Director: George Cukor.
Back Street— 136 votes; Dist.: Universal; Stars:
Irene Dunne, John Boles; Director: John
M. Stahl.
Scarface— 135 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
Star: Paul Muni; Director: Howard Hawks.
Cimarron- 273 votes Dist.: RKO Radio; Star:
Richard Dix; Director: Wesley Ruggles.
Street Scene— 200 votes; Dist.: United Artists'
No star; Director: King Vidor.
Skippy— 178 votes; Dist.: Paramount; Star:
Jackie Cooper; Director: Norman Taurog.
Had Girl— 172 votes; Dist.: Fox; Stars: James
Dunn, Sally Eilers; Director: Frank Bor-
Min and Bill— 464 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Marie Dressier, Wallace Beery; Director:
George Hill.
Front Page— 162 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
No star; Director: Lewis Milestone.
Five Star Final— 138 votes; Dist.: Warner
Bros; Star: Edward G. Robinson; Direc-
tor: Mervyn LeRoy.
City Lights— 128 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
Star and Director: Charles Chaplin.
A Free Soul— 114 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Star:
Norma Shearer; Director: Clarence Brown.
Sin of Madelon Claudet— 99 votes; Dist.:
M-G-M; Director: Edgar Selwyn.
All Quiet on the Western Front— 271 votes;
Dist; Universal; No star; Director: Lewis
Abraham Lincoln— 167 votes; Dist.: United
Artists; No star; Director: D. W. Griffith.
Holiday— 166 votes; Dist.: Pathe; Star: Ann
Harding; Director: Edward H. Griffith.
Journey's End— 151 votes; Dist.: Tiffany; Star:
Colin Clive; Director: James Whale.
Anna Christie— 141 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Star:
Greta Garbo; Director: Clarence Brown.
The Big House- 141 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; No
star; Director: George Hill.
With Byrd at the South Pole— 121 votes; Dist.:
Paramount; No star or director.
The Divorcee— 94 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Star:
Norma Shearer; Director: Robert Z. Leon-
Hell's Angels— 91 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
No star; Director: «™«'ard Hughes.
Old English— 87 votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.;
Star: George Arliss; Director: Alfred E.
Disraeli— 192 votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.; Star:
George Arliss; Director: Alfred E. Green.
Broadway Melody— 163 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
No star; Director: Harry Beaumont.
Charles K. feldman
Ralph H. Blum
}ack Gordean
tfed Marin
Al Rockett
William B. Dover
Grace Dobish
Minna W«»«
Tony Owen
Kubey Cowan
,,. i Smith
Militant )■ 0'
Michael Baird
Emil Corwin
Milt Grossman
Madame X— 161 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Star:
Ruth Chatterton; Director: Lionel Barry-
Rio Rita-l5S votes; Dist.: Radio; Star: Bebe
Daniels; Director: Luther Reed.
Gold Diggers of Broadway— 139 votes; Dist.:
Warner Bros; No star; Director: Roy Del
Bulldog Drummond— 125 votes; Dist.; United
Artists; Star: Ronald Colman; Director:
F. Richard Jones.
In Old Arizona— 121 votes; Dist.: Fox; No
star; Directors: Raoul Walsh and Irving
Cock-Eyed World-112 votes; Dist.: Fox;
Stars: Victor McLaglen, Edmund Lowe; Di-
rector: Raoul Walsh.
Last of Mrs. Cheney— 110 votes; Dist.: M-
G-M; Star: Norma Shearer; Director: Sidney
Director: King Vidor.
Hallelujah— 101 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; No star;
The Patriot— 210 votes; Dist.: Paramount;
Star: Emil Jannings; Director: Ernst Lu-
Sorrell and Son— 180 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists; Stars: H. B. Warner, Alice Joyce; Di-
rector: Herbert Brenon.
Last Command— 135 votes; Dist.: Paramount
Star: Emil Jannings; Director: Josef von
Four Sons— 125 votes; Dist.: Fox; No star;
Director: John Ford.
Street Angel— 124 votes; Dist.: Fox; Stars:
Janet Gaynor, Charles Farrell; Director:
Frank Borzage.
The Circus— 122 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
Star and Director: Charles Chaplin.
Sunrise-- 119 votes; Dist.: Fox; Stars: George
O'Brien, Janet Gaynor; Director: F. W.
The Crowd— 105 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
James Murray, Elinore Boardman; Direc-
tor: King Vidor.
King of Kings— 99 votes; Dist.: Pathe; Stars:
H. B. Warner, Joseph and Rudolph Schild-
kraut; Director: Cecil B. De Mille.
Sadie Thompson— 95 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists; Star: Gloria Swanson; Director: Raoul
{*) Beau Geste— 235 votes; Dist.: Pammount;
Stars: Ronald Colman, Noah Beery; Di-
rector: Herbert Brennon.
* During: the early stagres of THE FILM DAILY
polls, certain productions were 6elected twice.
Voting- system has been altered so that critics now
vote from a ballot supplied by THE FILM DAILY.
This ballot includes pictures actually released
during- the fiscal year.
(*) Big Parade— 205 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: John Gilbert, Renee Adoret; Direc-
tor: King Vidor.
(*) What Price Glory?-\79 votes; Dist.: Fox;
Stars: Victor McLaglen, Edmund Lowe; Di-
rector: Raoul Walsh.
Way of All Flesh— \61 votes; Dist.: Para-
mount; Star: Emil Jannings; Director: Vic-
tor Fleming.
(*) Ben Hur— 164 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Ramon Novarro, Francis X. Bushman; Di-
rector: Fred Niblo.
Seventh Heaven— 162 votes; Dist.: Fox; Stars;
Janet Gaynor, Charles Farrell; Director:
Frank Borzage.
Chang— 146 votes; Dist.: Paramount; No star;
Directors: Merian Cooper, Ernest Schoed-
Underworld— 91 votes; Dist.: Paramount;
Stars: George Bancroft, Clive Brook; Direc-
tor: Josef von Sternberg.
Resurrection— 91 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
Star: Rod La Rocque; Director: Edwin
Flesh and the Devil— -71 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Star: John Gilbert; Director: Clarence
Variety— 169 votes; Dist.: Paramount; Star:
Emil Jannings; Director: E. A. Dupont.
(*) Ben Hur— 114 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Ramon Novarro, Francis X. Bushman; Di-
rector: Fred Niblo.
(*) Big Parade-108 votes; Dist.: M-G-M;
Stars: John Gilbert, Renee Adoree; Direc-
tor: King Vidor.
Black Pirate— 108 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists; Star: Douglas Fairbanks; Director:
Albert Parker.
(*) Beau Geste— 100 votes; Dist.: Paramount;
Stars: Ronald Colman, Noah Beery; Direc-
tor: Herbert Brennon.
Stella Dallas— 95 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
Star: Belle Bennett; Director Henry King.
J'olga Boatman— 94 votes; Dist.: PDS; Star:
William Boyd; Director: Cecil B. De Mille.
(*) What Price Glory- 66 votes; Dist.: Fox;
Stars: Victor McLaglen, Edmund Lowe;
Director: Raoul Walsh.
Sea Beast— 62 votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.; Star:
John Barrymore; Director: Millard Webb.
La Boheme— 49 votes; Dist.: M-G-M; Stars:
Lillian Gish, John Gilbert; Director: King
Gold Rush— 63 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
Star and Director: Charles Chaplin.
and 31 Key Cities, Coast to Coast
Unholy Three— 60 votes; Dist.: Metro-Gold-
wyn; Star: Lon Chaney; Director: Tod
Don Q Son of Zorro—51 votes; Dist.: United
Artists; Star: Douglas Fairbanks; Director:
Donald Crisp.
Merry Widow— 57 votes; Dist.: Metro- Gold-
wyn; Stars: Mae Murray, John Gilbert; Di-
rector: Erich von Stroheim.
Last Laugh— 55 votes; Dist.: Universal; Star:
Emil Jannings; Director: F. W. Murnau.
The Freshman— 52 votes; Dist.: Pathe; Star:
Harold Lloyd; Directors: Fred Newmeyer,
Sam Taylor.
Phantom of the Opera— 38 votes; Dist.: Uni-
versal; Star: Lon Chaney; Director: Rupert
Lost World— 36 votes; Dist.: First National;
Stars: Bessie Love, Lewis Stone; Director:
Harry Hoyt.
(•) Big Parade— SO votes; Dist.: Metro-Gold-
wyn; Stars: John Gilbert, Renee Adoree;
Director: King Vidor.
Kiss Me Again— 29 votes; Dist.: Warner Bros.;
Stars: Marie Prevost, Monte Blue; Direc-
tor: Ernst Lubitsch.
Thief of Bagdad— 52 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists; Star: Douglas Fairbanks; Director:
Raoul Walsh.
Sea Hawk— 51 votes; Dist.: First National;
Stars: Milton Sills, Enid Bennett, Wallace
Beery; Director: Frank Lloyd.
Monsieur Beaucaire— 36 votes; Dist.: Para-
mount; Star: Rudolph Valentino; Director:
Sidney Olcott.
Beau Brummel— 35 votes; Dist.: Warner
Bros.; Star: John Barrymore; Director:
Harry Beaumont.
Secrets— 33 votes; Dist.: First National; Star:
Norma Talmadge; Director: Frank Borzage.
Marriage Circle— 32 votes; Dist.: Warner
Bros.; Stars: Monte Blue, Florence Vidor;
Director: Ernst Lubitsch.
Ten Commandments— 30 votes; Dist.: Para-
mount; No star; Director: Cecil B. De
Girl Shy-30 votes; Dist.: Pathe; Star: Harold
Lloyd; Directors: Fred Newmeyer, Sam
Abraham Lincoln— 30 votes; Dist.: First
National; Stars: George Billings, Louise
Fazenda; Director: Philip Rosen.
America— 23 votes; Dist.: United Artists;
Stars: Carol Dempster, Lionel Barrymore;
Director: D. W. Griffith.
Covered Wagon— 53 votes; Dist.: Paramount;
Stars: Ernest Torrence, J. Warren Kerrigan,
Lois Wilson; Director: James Cruze.
Merry-Go-Round— 26 votes; Dist.: Universal;
Stars: Mary Philbin, Norman Kerry; Di-
rector: Rupert Julian.
Hunchback of Notre Dame— 25 votes; Dist.:
Universal; Star: Lon Chaney; Director:
Wallace Worsley.
(*) Robin Hood— 25 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists; Star: Douglas Fairbanks; Director
Allan Dwan.
Green Goddess— 22 votes; Dist.: Goldwyn;
Star: George Arliss; Director: Sidney Ol-
Scaramouche— 20 votes; Dist.: Metro; No star;
Director: Rex Ingram.
Safety Last— 18 votes; Dist.: Pathe; Star:
Harold Lloyd; Directors: Fred Newmeyer,
Sam Taylor.
Rosita— 18 votes; Dist.: United Artists; Star:
Mary Pickford; Director: Ernst Lubitsch.
Down to the Sea in Ships— 17 votes; Dist.:
Hodkinson; Star: Raymond McKee; Direc-
tor: Elmer Clifton.
Little Old New York— 17 votes; Dist.: Gold-
wyn (Cosmopolitan); Star: Marion Davies;
Director: Sidney Olcott.
Orphans of the Storm— 81 votes; Dist.: United
Artists; Stars: Gish Sisters, Monte Blue;
Director: D. W. Griffith.
Grandma's Boy— 29 votes; Dist.: Asso. Exhibi-
tors; Star: Harold Lloyd; Director: Fred
Blood and Sand— 28 votes; Dist.: Paramount;
Star: Rudolph Valentino; Director: Fred
Prisoner of Zenda— 25 votes; Dist.: Metro;
All Star; Director: Rex Ingram.
When Knighthood Was in Flower— 22 votes;
Dist.: Paramount; Star: Marion Davies;
Director: Robert G. Vignola.
Nanook of the North— 21 votes; Dist.: Pathe;
Native cast; Director: R. J. Flaherty.
Smilin' Through— 20 votes; Dist.: First Na-
tional; Star: Norma Talmadge; Director:
Sidney Franklin.
Tol'able David— \9 votes; Dist.: First Na-
tional; Star: Richard Barthelmess; Director:
Henry King.
(•) Robin Hood— 17 votes; Dist.: United Ar-
tists Star: Douglas Fairbanks; Director:
Allan Dwan.
Oliver Twist— 13 votes; Dist.: First National;
Star: Jackie Coogan; Director: Frank Lloyd.
j4^ju^ io^JUsf
Publicity Director
National March of Dimes Committee
-■. ERRIFIC! Stupendous! and Colossal! are favorite and much-overworked adjectives amongst
the motion picture fraternity— so we'll modestly call the 1945 March of Dimes a gargantuan
achievement and qualify our "understatement" with facts and figures. When all of the reports
are in, the adding machines have stopped their clicking, and the accountants
have certified the figures, the total sum raised for infantile paralysis sufferers
will be a target to shoot at in years to come. American moviegoers have
contributed more generously than ever before to their favorite charity!
The estimated results at the moment are $5,500,000— with optimists
predicting $6,000,000!
To refresh your memory, here are a few facts: Motion picture theaters
were first invited to participate in the March of Dimes in 1941, when lobby
collections totaled $435,000. .In 1942, with many theaters making auditorium
collections, the total shot up to $1,403,000. In 1943, it soared to $2,116,000
and in 1944 it leaped to an amazing $4,667,000. Including the current year,
moviegoers will have given over $14,000,000 to this most worthy of causes.
More than 13,000 theaters participated in the 1945 drive, an increase of
2,000 over the previous year. It is hoped that 1945 will see another 2,000
theaters joined in the battle against the Crippler.
Theater managers and their staffs are no longer novices at the art of
collecting money. Their experiences in past "Dimes" drives, Red Cross and
United Nations campaigns have developed their "know-how" along these
lines. Therefore, the only problem of the national committee is to recruit as many theaters as
possible, to urge these theaters to make collections at EVERY performance, and to have enough
collectors on hand to insure quick and thorough coverage of every nook and cranny of a theater.
The plus effort must be spontaneous. The activities that have been developed by imaginative
showmen during the last two campaigns has resulted in several hundred thousands of dollars
additional for the fund. The money is around— the question is how to get it. Most good
showmen are exploiteers and publicists at heart. They know that a "Dimes" stand at a busy
corner, or in a department store, hotel lobby or railroad station will pick up many an extra
dime and dollar. Coin collection boxes near the cashiers of restaurants, drug stores, taverns,
bowling alleys, and other places, siphon off an amazing amount of loose change. No one
has been able to prove that a store tie-up or street ballyhoo on a motion picture has actually
brought extra money into the theater. We all think these things help, but with the March of
Dimes we can prove they do.
Plans for the 1945 drive were made last October, just as soon as the 1944 report book was off
the presses. We decided that the infantile paralysis epidemics which swept a number of states
last Summer had awakened the public to the existence of this dread affliction. Since a high
pearcentage of polio victims are children, we decided to slant our appeal to the hearts of both
exhibitors and moviegoers through the use of child photographs and drawings. The lovely
drawing of the little girl at prayer, drawn by Lucile Patterson March, made up our minds.
We asked other famous artists to contribute child drawings. These were amplified by photos
from the U. S. Army and news services made during the recent epidemics.
We then made a survey of several hundred theaters which led their cities and states in the
1944 drive. "How did you do it?" was the question. The response, which was magnificent,
boiled down to nine points: (1) Collections at every show. (2) Plenty of volunteers. (3) Pretty
girl collectors. (4) Use open containers. (5) Lights up during collections. (6) Strong screen
attractions during drive. (7) Cover events away from theater. (8) Wishing wells and other un-
usual lobby collection devices. (9) Arouse enthusiasm of entire theater staff. These opinions and
excerpts from exhibitors' letters were used in the campaign book.
The appeal trailer is the most important of all. We again asked Greer Garson to make the
trailer, which she graciously consented to do. Frank Whitbeck of MGM agreed to produce and
direct the film. He cut in a number of actual scenes filmed at Hickory, N. C, last Summer. The
result was "The Miracle of Hickory," the most sincere and emotion-arousing appeal that has
been made in any drive to date.
No activity is closer to the heart of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt than the infantile
paralysis cause. He invited some 90 exhibitor sfate chairmen and members of the national
committee to a conference at the White House on December 19. There, each showman was
introduced to the Chief Executive, who expressed his appreciation for the work that had been
done and the urgent need for the continued cooperation of members of our industry.
The White House meeting was preceded by a business luncheon at the Hotel Statler where
plans for the 1945 drive were outlined. Each chairman was presented with a "kit" containing
photostatic blow-ups of the individual theater collections in his state in 1944, a list of all
operating theaters in his state, the names of National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis county
chairmen, samples of all report forms, complete campaign book, poster samples, National Founda-
tion coin cards and collection boxes, and miscellaneous literature pertaining to the drive.
In addition to the 48 States and the District of Columbia, the territories of Alaska and
Hawaii, and Puerto Rico and the Canal Zone joined in the drive.
In New York, a giant demonstration planned for Times Square had to be called off owing
to a severe cold spell. However, the trailer was shown on a special screen on the War Activities'
Statue of Liberty for the first seven days of the campaign.
Thousands of theaters held over their collections for an additional four to seven days, hoping
to offset a drop in attendance caused by the worst weather in nearly 25 years.
For the record, the same national committee which officiated in former years handled the
1945 drive, with the addition of a few new and active members. Nicholas M. Schenck was again
National Chairman. Members of the Executive Committee included: Barney Balaban, Joseph
Bernhard, Harry Brandt, Oscar A. Doob, Gus Eyssell, S. H. Fabian, Harry Kalmine, Malcolm
Ringsberg, Charles C. Moskowitz, Herman Robbins, Spyros Skouras, Joseph R. Vogel, Richard
Walsh, Ernest Emerling, Tom Connors, Leonard Goldenson and Walter Vincent.
Now let's think about the March of Dimes for '46!
,.*— «#*•"*
A Statistical Report On
Industry men and women in the Armed Forces (estimated) 40,000
Breakdown: Production, 7,000: Distribution. 5.400; Exhibition, 27,600.
Theatres Pledged to WAC Cooperation 16,203
National Collections in Motion Picture Theaters (1941-1944) $21,407,242.42
Greek War Relief (1941), $777,586.26; USO (1941), $997,885.95; March of
Dimes (1942), $1,420,568.72; Army-Navy Emergency Relief (1942), $2,120,212.66;
United Nations Week (1943), $1,644,723.40; March of Dimes (1943), $2,116.-
539.18; Red Cross Week (1943), $3,067,236.25; March of Dimes (1944), $4,618,
419.00; Red Cross (1944), $4,844,071.00.*
Industry's 16 mm. Gift to the Armed Forces (to Dec. 31, 1944):
Feature Prints 24,867
Short Subject Prints 26,341
(Industry now delivers 117 of three new pictures each week selected by
the Army Overseas Motion Picture Bureau.)
Average Bookings of War Information Films During 1944 13,500
Percentage of Newsreel Subjects covering the Fighting Fronts 48%
Hollywood Victory Committee to 1944:
Total Events for Which HVC Supplied Talent 5,680
Total Appearances 37,979
Artists in Overseas Tours 139
Players in 324 USO-Camp Show Tours 341
Performances in Hospitals for Servicemen 1,545
Personalities in War Bond Tours 233
Hollywood Charity Contributions, 1944 $1,876,887.67
War Chest $1,170,407.67
March of Dimes 49,101.00
Red Cross 657,379.00
* In addition $657,379.00 was contributed to Red Cross in Hollywood and $634531.04
contributed as corporate sifts.
Executive Vice-Chairman, WAC
around the world.
i HE YEAR AHEAD, 1945, is challenging
institutions. The task that confronts us is
premium is precious. Freedom is the reward,
There is one objective for America,— the
same objective of freedom loving men
There cannot be a
divided endeavor i n
this country. We must
resist the very human
urge to plan for a fu-
ture beyond the end
of the war. Reconver-
sion must be shelved
and all of us must con-
sider our interests and
the future only in con-
nection with what we
need to do to success-
fully conclude the war.
The War Activities
Committee has fallen
into a pattern of ser-
vice that enables it to
be the industry's agent
in all regular war activities and at the same
time handle expeditiously the emergency
tasks that occasionally face us.
During 1944 there were three War Loan
Campaigns, the 4th, 5th and 6th. In each,
motion picture people— producers, distribu-
tors and exhibitors, as well as the allied
crafts and arts, performed gloriously. It
would be fairly easy to estimate the millions
of dollars of property that the motion pic-
lure industry gave away in the interest of
war bond selling. None could evaluate the
unselfish generosity and patriotism of the
thousands of motion picture people who
gave their time and their energy to these
three campaigns.
The same devotion and attention was given
to assisting the Red Cross and National War
Fund drives, while the March of Dimes, as
usual, had its brilliant direction and exe-
On several occasions the motion picture
industry, with difficulty, met the Govern-
ment's demands in connection with the cir-
culation of information films which was
and threatening to Americans and their
gigantic. If successfully carried out the
Peace among men is not beyond prob-
deemed important to the public. The day
after the American forces invaded France,
the War Department urged the showing of a
fdm titled "Eve of Invasion." It was dis-
tributed as quickly as possible as a substi-
tute for the current newsreels. This was a
generous and patriotic action on the part of
the newsreel companies in handling the film
instead of their own product. There were
other and equally important instances of
emergency action by the War Activities Com-
mittee to channel between the Government
and the industry the activities which were
considered important in the national war
For 1945 the War Activities Committee
hopes that its service will be more effective
and efficient for both the industry and the
S. H. Fabian, Chairman
The President of the United States in a
letter to Nicholas M. Schenck, president of
Loew's, Inc., referred to the motion picture
theater as a community institution. He meant
by that reference that all community activities
of municipal emergency demands, of war-
ime needs find a common meeting place in
the metropolitan and neighborhood motion
picture house. During the past year the
motion picture theaters— 16,463 of them—
gave unusual outstanding assistance to three
War Bond campaigns, the usual March of
Dimes, Red Cross and National War Fund
collections, besides playing Government spon-
sored information films and taking part in a
variety of local war activities, almost too
numerous to mention. During 1944 the
motion picture theater men strengthened
their reputation for being leaders in every
community need.
The Theaters Division of WAC functions
through 31 exhibitor exchange area chair-
men— a group of devoted and patriotic show-
The chairmen of the special committees of
the WAC which directed the motion picture
industry's participation in the three War
Bond campaigns were theater men. Under
their direction all agencies and branches of
the industry work harmoniously and suc-
cessfully. The Government recognized that
the motion picture industry is the chief sales-
man for Bonds and the outstanding exploiter
of all Bond Sales.
The Red Cross has recognized that theaters
are one of the chief agencies for recruiting
blood donors. There is no more worthwhile
patriotic task. None can know until the war
is over how many lives have been saved by
blood plasma.
The two theater collections during the
past year resulted as follows: Infantile
Paralysis (March of Dimes), $4,667,520.00;
Red Cross, $6,793,060.04.
The total for the past three years from
theater collections was $24,646,182.27 and the
money came out of the ppckets of movie-
sent overseas each week. In addition the
newsreels cooperating with the OWI dis-
tribute to neutral countries, and wherever
possible to countries in enemy hands, com-
posite newsreel information. This film
called United News is produced in 14 lan-
It is not necessary to enumerate all of the
battle action films which have been shown
on motion picture theater screens through-
out the past year. Wherever the men of
Eisenhower, Clark, Mountbatten, Stalin and
DeGaulle plunged against the enemy there
were newsreel cameras present to record
the heroic and historic scenes. Newsreels
were with Nimitz, Halsey and MacArthur
in the Pacific. They recorded our bom-
bardment of Tokio. They wrote in an
everlasting language of America's heroism
and sacrifice. When the last enemy flag is
furled a newsreel man will be there to tell
that story.
Ned E. Depinet, Chairman
Walton C. Anient, Chairman
The newsreels during this war and par-
ticularly during the past year, 1944 have
demonstrated that they are the most accurate
historians of the present day. Every week
more than one hundred million people in
the United States see at least one of the
twice weekly releases of the several companies.
More than 85 per cent of the newsreel pic-
tures during the past year dealt with the
war. About 25 per cent of this total dealt
with home front war activities, while more
than 60 per cent were shots taken outside
of the United States. A large part of the
newsreel showings are from overseas war
combat pictures.
Besides this direct recording of history in
the making the newsreels are an important
instrument for governmental information re-
quiring widespread distribution. Film bulle-
tins produced in conjunction with the Office
of War Information have been attached to
newsreels. The shortage of film footage has
made it necessary to reduce the length of
these bulletins without distorting or dimin-
ishing the message. Special newsreels are
made up for servicemen and women and
The distributors of films performed a
difficult task with commendable zeal during
the past year. Ned E. Depinet, Chairman,
was the successor to his able predecessors,
William F. Rodgers and William A. Scully.
There was tremendous difficulty in the ar-
ranging of films for special movie days, bond
premieres, children's premieres and other
extraordinary campaign events. The dis-
tributors throughout the United States did
a remarkable job, not only in handling
those films that were necessary for these
needs but in stimulating an interest in
theater operators, many of whom had be-
come fatigued because of the great extra
demands upon their time.
The distributors are responsible for the
handling of governmental short subjects of
which there are 52 a year. Not only do the
distributors undertake to see that these films
reach all of the pledged theaters but they
have in many cases where unusual exploita-
tion was required assumed much of the job
of exploitation. I am listing the govern-
ment sponsored films distributed during
AT HIS SIDE — a ten-minute subject made by
March of Time for the American Red Cross,
and depicting' the activities of that organization
here and abroad. 35mm. Rel. 1/27/44. War-
ner Bros.
WHY OF WARTIME TAXES — a ten-minute sub-
ject made by Columbia for the OWI, explaining-
in ABC language what happens to the $6.00
that is being deducted from Joe Doakes' pay
check every week for Government taxes. 35mm.
Rel. 3/9/44. Col.
PRICES UNLIMITED — a ten-minute subject made
by Universal for the OWL A powerful pre-
sentation of what would happen to prices in
this country if we did not have rationing.
35mm. Rel. 3/16/44. RKO.
subject made by Warner's for the OWL The
weapon is food, and the subject shows how
American farmers worked together in 1943 to
turn out the greatest food crop in the nation's
history. Rel. 3/30/44. Warner.
een-minute pay subject in Technicolor, filmed
by the Marine Corps Photographic Unit, and
recording the bloodiest engagements in Marine
history. 35mm. Rel. 3/2/44. Univ.
THE NEGRO SOLDIER — a full length feature,
approximately forty-three minutes running
time, distributed gratis. Rel. 4/10/44. G
THE MEMPHIS BELLE — a forty-five-minute
Technicolor pay subject showing a famous Fly-
ing Fortress in a thrilling raid on Wilhelms-
haven. Rel. 4/13/44. Para.
IT'S YOUR WAR TOO — ten-minute subject. The
Signal Corps of the War Department has pro-
duced the story of the WACS. General Marshall,
Chief of Staff for the Army pays a tribute to
women in uniform. Rel. 4/20/44. U.A. and
NO ALTERNATIVE — ten-minute subject showing
the why of gasoline rationing. This picture is
going to make every operator of a motor vehicle
who has ever used black market coupons realize
exactly how he is undermining the nation's war
effort. Rel. 4/27/44. Fox.
minute subject on Economic Stabilization. Made
by Paramount Pictures. Includes such stars as:
Alan Ladd, Betty Hutton, Susan Hayward and
William Bendix. Script written by Charles
Brackett. Rel. 5/11/44. Para.
ROAD TO VICTORY — ten-minute subject made by
Warner Bros., on the Fifth War Loan Cam-
paign. It features Bing Crosby, Cary Grant.
Frank Sinatra, Charles Ruggles and other fine
performers. Rel. 5/18/44. Warner Bros.
REWARD UNLIMITED — ten-minute subject writ-
ten by Mary C. McCall, Jr., produced by Selz-
nick and starring Dorothy McGuire and James
Brown. It dramatizes the great need and ex-
citing work of Cadet Nurses. Rel. 5/25/44.
U.A. MGM Exchanges handling subject in Al-
bany. Des Moines, Memphis, Oklahoma City and
MOVIES AT WAR — ten-minute subject made by
the War Department and showing the handling
and distribution of 16mm prints of feature pic-
tures contributed by the industry to the military
services for showing to our troops. Rel. 6/8/44.
LIBERATION OF ROME — a twenty-one-minute
subject produced by the Army Pictorial Services
in collaboration with British Service Units.
Rel. 7/13/44. MGM.
BATTLE STATIONS — a ten-minute subject show-
ing how the SPARS of the Coast Guard are
taking over practically all shore jobs formerly
filled by men. The voices of James Cagney and
Ginger Rogers. Rel. 7/27/44. Fox.
MEMO FOR JOE — a ten-minute National War
Fund subject produced by RKO-Pathe under the
general supervision of the Public Relations De-
partment of Community Chests and Councils.
Queiitin Reynolds starring in this story of the
Community Chest services. Rel. 8/10/44. RKO.
REPORT TO JUDY — a ten-minute subject. Ex-
cellent action footage of the part that the
Navy has played in the invasion of Europe, in
the South Pacific, and in the clearing of the
Atlantic of Nazi submarines. The music track
is an original score, played by the New York
Philharmonic Orchestra. A mother telle of
her experiences as a Navy WAVE. Rel.
8/24/44. Univ.
THE WAR SPEEDS UP — a fifteen-minute subject
showing the rapidly expanding requirements for
artillery, ammunition, and other types of ex-
pendable material. The home front likewise
must increase the production tempo to meet
the increasing demand of our military as THE
WAR SPEEDS UP. Rel. 9/7/44. Col. Army
twenty-minute subject taken from some 260,000
feet of action footage shot during the invasion
and conquest of the islands of Saipan. Guam
and Tinian in the Mariannas. Rel. 7/21/44.
Warner Bros.
six-minute War Department subject showing
the Arawe Beach attack on December 16th and
the drive on to Cape Gloucester, December 25th.
Rel. approx. 6/20/44. RKO.
IT'S MURDER — a ten-minute subject produced by
Columbia. A new approach to the security of
information story centering around action in
the Pacific. Rel. 10/12/44. Col.
TARGET — JAPAN — a ten-minute subject made
by March of Time for the Navy. A dramatic
story of the job that the Navy has accom-
plished in the past year in the Pacific. Secre-
tary Forrestal and Admiral King tell of the
vastness of the job ahead. Rel. 10/26/44.
V-l — THE ROBOT BOMB — a nine-minute subject
produced for the British Ministry of Informa-
tion by the Crown Film Unit and released for
the U. S. Government. Contains spectacular
shots of the destruction of robot bombs by anti-
aircraft fire and by fighter planes. Will tie in
with 6th War Loan and War Bond premieres.
Rel. 11/16/44. RKO.
Mary C. McCall, Jr., Chairman
Virtually all of the short subjects and
news bulletins used in the War Bond and
other industry drives were made in Holly-
wood. A large percentage of the Govern-
ment sponsored information films were
either made in Hollywood or assembled and
edited there. The Pacific Coast motion pic-
ture capital also sent out many of its screen
stars during War Bond campaigns and in
addition through the Hollywood Victory
Committee thousands of actors and actresses
enrolled under the USO-Camp Shows for
overseas and domestic tours. As the casu-
alty totals increased as a result of the wide-
spread conflicts, the motion picture stars
extended and enlarged their hospital visita-
tions. Nothing that the film artists have
done in this war has been more important
and appealing than their visits to war hos-
pitals in this country.
Hollywood individuals and motion picture
corporations also gave generously to all of
the war and peace time charities supported
by popular contributions. This figure for
1944 was $1,170,407.67.
Hollywood's contribution of talent for the
entertainment of service personnel, overseas
and at home, was generous in 1944. Overseas
engagements were filled by 94; 90 played
hospital dates, and 138 made camp tours on
this side. Additionally, talent appeared in
485 one-night shows, whose casts averaged
seven to 10 performers.
Thousands of men and women recruited
from the motion picture industry, the Holly-
wood branch, are serving in the Army, Navy
and Marine Corps. A regrettably large
number have lost their lives in combat serv-
ice. Nothing that the stay-at-homes of the
industry do can approximate the sacrifice
they made.
Joseph McConville, Chairman
The 16 mm. gift film service for combat
areas was extended during 1944 because of
the increased number of service men and
women assigned to duty outside of con-
tinental United States. The circuit set-up
by the Army was extended and the number
of prints required was much greater than a
year before. The latest entertainment films,
many of them before exhibition in the
United States, were shown to more than a
million combat troops each week. A sub-
stantially larger number of top rate film
stories had thelk premieres in the battle
zones. At one tiSie one of the blue ribbon
films of the industry was having its first
presentation in 18 spots in France not long
after Eisenhower's men invaded the Nor-
mandy coast.
More than a million service men and
women on overseas duty nightly see the
16 mm. gift films. The circuit which pro-
vides for the distribution of the gift films
has 19 exchange centers around the world.
Wherever and whenever possible the films
are shipped by airplane but there have been
instances where dog sleds, camel caravans
and foot messengers made the film deliv-
eries. From the initial contribution of four
prints a week the industry's contribution to
morale building and entertainment for the
lighting man has grown to 750 prints a
week. During the past year the Army,
Navy and Marine Corps have been able to
obtain more projection machines and as a
result the service of gift films has been
greatly enhanced.
Oscar A. Doob, Chairman
The public relations area chairmen in
I hose cities of 25,000 population or more
are the jacks of all trades in the motion
picture industry's local war work. There
are 31 area chairmen and 636 city chair-
men. They not only localize publicity for
all of the campaigns and drives in which
WAC has a part but they contribute valu-
able information as advisers to civic com-
mittees as idea men for local groups and
as exploitation experts wherever necessary.
The public relations men working with
the national committee of WAC have done
an outstanding job during the past year,
particularly in the War Bond Drives. In a
large measure through their work the slo-
gans and objectives of the campaigns become
battle cries for the entire population. They
are chiefly responsible for the excellent co-
operation the industry receives from trade
press, the general newspaper business, radio
and magazines. All of these mediums of ex-
pression joined with the industry to make
the War Bond Drives vivid examples of
American unity in its war effort.
Jack Alicoate, Chairman
Each year since the formation of the WAC
the Trade Press Committee has been an ac-
tive assistant to the WAC officers and the
special committee chairmen who were called
upon to do specific jobs in the war effort.
In 1944 437 pages of advertising space were
contributed by the trade press members.
In the year previous the advertising space
contributed was almost 200 pages, while in
1942 the contribution of advertising space
was 96 pages.
Special sections of regular editions, pic-
ture stories and articles by staff wrriters were
generously employed by all of the trade
papers to help the War Bond Drives and
other campaigns in behalf of national activi-
ties and sponsored by the WAC. The trade
press during 1945 will as in the past years
do everything possible to assist the motion
picture industry in its war activities.
Wbt heroic Jftlm Beab
?W*HESE arc not dead. In the heart of every America?!, they live. In the pride of children,
the love of youth and the reverence of age, they live. . In undone deeds of heroism to come,
they live, hi the litany of Liberty which the unborn yet shall sing, they live. In the song of
the lathe, the hymn of the hammer, the roar of the locomotive, the prayer of the persecuted,
they live.
These are not dead. They have arisen above death. In that world of tomorrow where
women and children are safe, where hearthstones are inviolate, where man's campus sltall be
kindness and his sanctuary God, these shall know abiding life.
— Charles Francis Coe.
Lt. Charles M. Baer, AAF, of
RCA Victor. FD: 1-4.
Russell Suchy, doorman at a WB
theater in Cleveland; killed in
Bouganville. FD: 1-4.
S/Sgt. James J. O'Donnell, man-
ager RKO's 23rd St. Theater,
N. Y. C; in raid over Bremen.
FD: 1-10.
Pfc. John R. Hargrove, of staff
of State Theater, Nashua. N.
H.; in the Southwest Pacific.
FD: 1-19.
Pvt. Willie W. Mercier, Berlin,
N. H. theater employe; in ac-
tion in Italy. FD: l-2'5.
Pvt. Richard C. McArthur, usher
at Roosevelt Theater. Detroit;
in Italy. FD: 1-25.
Corp. Henry Larner of the Para-
mount publicity dept.; of
wounds in Italy. FD: 2-1.
Arthur Meehan, son of Geo. Mee-
han. Columbia cameraman in
Hollywood; in the Navy. FD:
Corp. PanI E. Holland, USMC,
usher in Fort Theater, Rock
Island. 111.: in So. Pacific. FD:
Lt. Earle Lieberman, shipper,
Columbia exchange; in plane
crash in Arizona. FD: 2-29.
Lt. Donald L. Lembcke, of
Bausch & Lomb; in raid over
Germany. FD: 3-1.
S Sgt. James W. Riley, of Robb
& Rowley Circuit; in Medi-
terranean battle. FD: 3-2.
Lt. Benjamin F. Farber of Spot
Films; in plane crash in Pa-
cific. FD: 3-3.
Lt. (j.g.) Edward Martin, co-
owner and general manager of
Southern Amusement Co. of
Lake Charles, La.; at Great
Lakes training station. FD:
Lt. Lambert C. Root, AAF, RKO
messenger; in action over Eng-
land. FD: 3-24.
Lt. Robert Yentes, of 20th-Fox's
New York exchange; at Cas-
sino. FD: 4-4.
Lt. William Murphy, brother of
John Murphy; in plane smash-
up. FD: 4-11.
Lt. Daniel Boone Bruce, of
Metro's Atlanta branch; in air
collision. FD: 4-21.
Lt. Albert Grant, AAF, exec, of
Pantheon Theater, Chicago;
over Germany. FD: 4-21.
Ensign Gerald Thoman, of
Bausch & Lomb; in Allied ter-
ritory outside the U. S. FD:
Lt. Monroe E. Billings, USN., of
Eastman Kodak; in Kansas
plane crash, FD: 4-25.
Lt. George Halaby, staff chief at
New York Strand Theater; in
New Guinea. FD: 5-3.
Lt. John E. Daly, Jr., son of the
head of Loew's mailing depart-
ment; a Fortress pilot, in
Europe. FD: 5-3.
Flying Officer Charles Olmstead,
actor; in plane crash in Can-
ada. FD: 5-4.
Capt. G. Oglietti, Jr. of Lynch-
burg, Pa.; of wounds in Italy.
FD: 5-8.
Lt. Nicholas Loukides, USMC,
usher in New Haven; in Flor-
ida training accident. FD: 5-9.
Frederick Faust ("Max Brand"),
war correspondent; in Italy.
FD: 5-17.
George Brennan. AFS, Ideal Pic-
tures executive: of wounds in
India. FD: 5-17.
Lt. Harold A. Dew, AAF, RCA
employe in Indianapolis: over
Italy. FD: '5-24.
Joseph Weisman, of the New
York Roxy Theater staff; in
Italy. FD: 6-13.
T/Sgt. Frederick H. Homnick.
brother of Curtis Homnick,
Wilkes-Barre. FD: 6-15.
David Cohen of the De Luxe
Lab.; at Anzio. FD: 6-20.
Walter Oakes, Chicago projec-
tionist; in New Guinea. FD:
Lt. James G. Schaefer, son of
George J. Schaefer; in Nor-
mandy. FD: 6-27.
S/Sgt. John S. Chaklos, of DeVry
Corp.; in France. FD: 7-12.
Corp. Joseph Libel, DeVry Corp.:
in South Pacific. FD: 7-12.
PFC. Elliott Auclair of Geneva.
N Y.; in Marshall Islands.
FD: 7-12.
T/Sgt. Harold E. Rogers, film
stunt man; in Europe. FD:
Corp. Leonard J. Giverson, usher
in Plymouth. N. H.. theater;
in action on D-Day. FD: 7-21.
Burdette Page, son of Stanley
Page (New Haven projection-
ist). FD: 7-25.
Sgt. Robert D. Fowler, De6
Moines theater employe; in
Italy. FD: 7-25.
Lt. Robert Pearman, husband of
secretary to Charles Einfeld;
in jungle bomber crash. FD:
Capt. Lewis S. Mentlik, N. Y.
Rep. of Jay Emanuel Publi-
cations; in Normandy. FD:
Sydney Lande, son of Harry A.
Lande (Cleveland distributor) ;
in France. FD: 8-2.
Pvt. Herbert Kaufman, son of
Abe Kaufman (Terre Haute
exhibitor); in France. FD:
Capt. James P. Parish, assistant
manager Paramount Theater,
Montgomery, Ala.; in air bat-
tle in France. FD: 8-15.
Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., USN,
son of Joseph Kennedy; in
plane explosion over England.
FD: 8-16.
William Langyher, ex- manager
Princess Theater, Washington,
D. C: in France. FD: 8-18.
Lt. Charles E. Coleman, Para-
mount auditor; in combat over
Germany. FD: 8-21.
Pvt. William J. Walker, Para-
mount shipping clerk in Phila-
delphia; in Italy. FD: 8-21.
Pvt. John F. Morrell, Metro home
office employe; in France. FD:
Lt. Nick Ermolieff, foreign pub-
licity head at RKO Studios; in
Normandy. FD: 8-24.
Harlan Steincamp, son of Ted
Mendenhall (manager Para-
mount Theater, Des Moines) ;
in France. FD: 8-25.
Lt. Frederick F. Striby, RCA
Victor; in France. FD: 8-31.
Pfc. Charles N. Bess, manager
Woodbine Theater. Nashville;
in France. FD: 8-31.
Sgt. Lee Powell, screen actor; in
action. FD: 9-1.
Capt. Hal Freeman, son of Al
Freeman: in Pacific. FD: 9-1.
Jerome Potrykusoff, Bausch &
Lomb; in Italy. FD: 9-5.
Lt. Morton C. Enstis, associate
editor Theater Arts Magazine;
in France. FD: 9-6.
Douglas F, Harris, nephew of
J. J. O'Connor; in France. FD:
Lt. Bernard Pollock, assistant
manager. Omaha Theater.
Omaha; in France. FD: 9-13.
Lt. Newton Goldman, son of
Harry Goldman of Boston; in
European area. FD: 9-19.
Lt. John S. Schultz, manager
Columbia Theater, Erie, Pa.;
in airplane crash. FD: 9-19.
Lt. Frank Hanskowski, of South-
town Theater, Chicago; in
New Guinea. FD: 9-20.
Rene Descateaux, son of New
Hampshire theater owner; in
South Pacific. FD: 9-22.
Nick Kurls, Jr., son of Theater
owner in Muskegon, Mich.; in
France. FD: 9-25.
Danaien Parer, Paramount News
ace; in Peleliu. FD: 9-26.
Lt. Roy Zesser, nephew of Alex-
ander Zesser, Detroit theater
owner. FD: 9-27.
Pvt. James S. Noel, formerly
with Republic in Charlotte,
N. C. FD: 9-27.
Lt. C. J. Kontos, nephew of Har-
old Abbott, equipment dealer
of Chicago. FD: 9-27.
Sgt. John K. Mullen, manager,
Warners' Ardmore, Philadel-
phia; in France. FD: 10-3.
Pfc. Pan! W. Winter, projection-
ist, Philadelphia; in France.
FD: 10-3.
Pvt. John W. Krivo, Local B-179,
Detroit: in France. FD: 10-9.
Cpl. Eric G. Svenson, staff of
Pantheon. Chicago; in sinking
of ship in Mediterranean. FD:
Lt. Channing Trafford, doorman
at Empire, Montgomery, Ala.;
in N. M. air crash. FD: 10-13..
Corp. Grover Brown, actor; in
France. FD: 10-18.
Jimmy Smith, Cincinnati booker;
in France. FD: 10-23.
Corp. Alton T. Brown, of Queen
Theater, Austin, Tex.: on
Tinian Island. FD: 10-25.
T/Sgt. Arthur Sorenson, Jr., son
of editor of Movietone News;
in Germany. FD: 10-31.
Lt. Jerry Marcus, former Metro
booker, Omaha; in France.
FD: 11-2.
Lt. Bernard Pollock, Tri-State,
Sioux City, la.; in France. FD:
Robert Chasa, Zephyr Theater,
Burlington, la.; in France.
FD: 11-3.
Lt. Monroe Samsalig, S.O.S. ship-
ping clerk; in France. FD:
Harry Born, manager New York
Globe Theater; in Europe. FD:
Lt. Jack B. Dougherty, WB home
office; in Germany. FD: 11-13.
Glen Schwartz, brother of Don
and Abbott Schwartz, Minne-
apolis; in Italy. FD: 11-13.
T/Sgt. Edward J. Wall, Jr., son
of E. J. Wall of Londonville,
N. Y.; in France. FD: 11-14.
Sgt. Howard B. Craven, head
usher Art Theater, Springfield,
Mass.: in Germany. FD: 11-14.
Lt. Joseph T. Dandrea, Essaness
theater manager, Chicago; in
France. FD: 11-17.
S/Sgt. Henry S. Rosenwald, New
York theater operator; in
Italy. FD: 11-17.
Lt. Robert L. Kuhl, owner of two
Iowa theaters; in plane crash
in Texas. FD: 11-20.
John Engst, Essaness theater
manager; in France: FD: 11-
Pvt. Roy Algeo, Jr., Republic
shipper, Pittsburgh ; on
Saipan. FD: 11-24.
J. Samuel Weltman. Syracuse
theater owner; in France. FD:
Lt. Gerald Steinberg, son-in-law
of I. J. Hoffman, New Haven;
in France. FD: 12-1.
Lt. Richard H. Fitzgerald, son of
Harold J. Fitzgerald, Fox, Wis.
Amusement head; on Leyte.
FD: 12-4.
Pvt. James J. Galizia, Famous
Music Corp. employe; in air
accident in Georgia. FD: 12-7.
Corp. Mike Renda, service staff.
Loew's Theater, St. Louis; in
Italy. FD: 12-7.
Gene Hensley, of Black Diamond
Circuit, W. Va.; over France.
FD: 12-13.
Pfc. Edward Planine, G-S man-
ager in Joliet, 111.; in Holland.
FD: 12-16.
Joseph P. De Conco, still lab.
employe at Universal studio;
on Leyte. FD: 12-19.
Lt. Robert Drew, former Mono-
gram rep. for W. Va.; in
bomber crash. FD: 12-20.
Lt. James B. Crawley, manager
Keresotes theater in Chilli-
cothe. 111.; in Holland. FD:
F/O David Coleck, son of Dora
Koleck of B & K's Uptown
Theater, Chicago; over Rou-
mania. FD: 12-22.
Walter Oakes, member of Chi-
cago operators' union; in
South Pacific. FD: 12-22:
Pfc. Edward Suttell, former
manager Old Vienna Theater,
Buffalo; in Germany. FD: 12-
Pvt. Robert W. Woolums, former
manager Drexel Theater, Co-
lumbus, O., in France. FD:
Pvt. Joseph Smith, son of Harry
Smith, RKO booker in Boston:
in Europe. FD: 12-29.
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V K AT I J It ti S
— A —
A Wave, a Wac and a Marine
Monogram; 70 mins.
Reviewed, 7-31-44: Released, 10-7-44.
Cast, Elyse Knox, Anne Gillis, Sally Eilers,
Richard Lane, Marjorie Woodworth, Ramsay
Ames, Henry Youngman. Charles Marshall, Alan
Dinehart, Billy Mack, Cy Kendall, Aileen Pringle,
Jack Mulhall, Mabel Todd, Milton Bronson, Elvia
Allman, Sid Tomack, Rose Murphy, The Music
Maids, Freddie Rich Orchestra, Connie Haines.
Producer, Edward Sherman; Director, Phil Karl-
stein; Author, Hal Firnberg; Screenplay, Hal Firn-
berg; Art Director, Georg-e Van Marter; Musical
Score, Freddie Rich; Cameraman, Maury Gertz-
man; Editor, William Austin.
Abroad With Two Yanks
United Artists; 80 mins.
Reviewed, 7-24-44; Released, 8-4-44.
Cast, William Bendix, Helen Walker. Dennis
O'Keefe, John Loder, George Cleveland, Janet Lam-
bert, James Flavin, Aruthur Hunnicutt, William
Jillson, Herbert Evans, William Forrest, John
Producer, Edward Small; Director, Allan Dwan:
Author, Fred Guiol; Screenplay, Charles Rogers.
Wilkie Mahoney, Ted Sills; Musical Director, Lud
Gluskin; Art Director, Joseph Sternad: Camera-
man; Charles Lawton, Jr.; Editor, Richard Heer-
Action in Arabia
RKO; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 2-18-44.
Cast, George Sanders, Virginia Bruce, Lenore
Aubert, Gene Lockhart, Robert Armstrong, H. B.
Warner, Alan Napier, Andre Chariot, Marcel Dalio.
Robert Anderson, Jamiel Hasson, John Hamilton,
Rafael Stern, Mike Ansara.
Producer, Maurice Geraghty; Director, Leonide
Moguy; Screenplay, Philip MacDonald, Herbert
Biberman; Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Al
Herman; Musical Score, Roy Webb; Cameraman,
Roy Hunt; Editor, Robert Swink.
Address Unknown
Columbia; 72 mins.
Reviewed, 4-24-44: Released, 6-1-44.
Cast, Paul Lukas, Carl Esmond. Peter Van Eyck.
Mady Christians, Morris Carnovsky, K. T. Stevens.
Emory Parnell. Mary Young-, Frank Faylen.
Charles Halton, Erwin Kaiser, Frank Reicher.
Dale Cornell, Peter Newmeyer, Larry Joe Olsen.
Gary Gray.
Producer, William Cameron Menzies; Assistant
Producer, Lonnie D'Sora; Director, William Cam-
eron Menzies; Author, Kressmann Taylor; Screen-
play. Herbert Dalmas; Art Directors, Lionel Banks.
Walter Holscher; Musical Score, Ern6t Toch;
Musical Director, M. W. Stolon*: Cameraman,
Rudolph Mate; Editor, Al Clark.
Adventure in Bokhara
Artkino : 84 mins.
Reviewed. 8-28-44: Released, 8-19-44.
Produced in the U. S. S. R.
Cast, Lev Sverdlin, M. Mirzakarimova, K. Mik-
hailov, E. Heller.
Director. Y. Protozov: Authors. L. Soloview.
V. Vitkovitch; Music, N. Gainiev, Briunchugin.
Adventure in Music
AFE Corp.; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 4-18-44.
Cast, Jose Iturbi, Emanuel Feuermann, Mildred
Dilling, Bronsky and Babin, the Coolidgre String
Producers, Walter Lowendahl, Rudolph Polk;
Directors, Ernest Matray, S. K. Winston, Reginald
LeBorg-; Cameramen, Jackson Rose, Paul Ivano.
Walter Lundin, Harry Jackson: Editors, Harvey
Pergament, Tom Biggart, Dick Wray.
Adventures of Mark Twain,
Warners; 130 mins.
Reviewed, 5-3-44: Released, 5-6-44.
Cast, Fredric March, Alexis Smith, Donald
Crisp, Alan Hale, C. Aubrey Smith, John Carra-
dine, William Henry, Robert Barrat, Walter Hamp-
den, Joyce Reynolds, Whitford Kane, Percy Kil-
bride, Nana Bryant, Dennis Donnelly, Hooper Atch-
ley, Georg-e Reed, Sam McDaniel, Dudley Dickerson,
Betty Roadman, Viola Callahan, Frank Wilcox,
Libby Taylor, Lillian Randolph, Mildred Gover.
Dickie Jones, Kay Johnson, Jackie Brown, Eugene
Holland, Michael Miller, Frederick Spencer, Russell
Gleason, Victor Kilian, Christian Rub, Harry
Woods, Eddie Waller, John (Skins) Miller, Willie
Fungr, Creighton Hale, Fred Kelsey, Oliver Prickett.
Leo White, Joseph Crehan, Cliff Saum, Harry
Tyler, Ronald Drew, Walter Soderling-, Sailor Vin-
cent, Richard Kipling, Bill Edwards, Bill Kennedy,
Stuart Holmes, Joan Winfield, Sarah Edwards,
Leah Baird, Frank Reicher, George Haywood,
Frank Drien, Douglas Wood, Willie Best, Burr
Caruth, Harry Hilliard, Brandon Hurst, Davison
Clark, Harry Holman, Frank Dae, Henry Blair,
Francis Pierlot, Joseph Crehan, Jessie Grayson,
Bobby Larson, Earl Dewey, Lee Powell, Sammy
McKim, Harry Worth, Lee "Lasses" White, Ernie
Adams, William Gould, Arthur Aylesworth, Jack
Mower, Frank Mayo, William Haade, Robert
Homans, Lew Kelly, Paul Panzer, Monte Blue.
Paul Newlan, Ernest Whitman, Emmett Smith,
Pat O'Malley, Georg-e Sherwood, Charles Marsh,
Charles McAvoy, Jim Farley, Frank Pharr, Norman
Willis, Dick Elliott, Bud Osborne, Thurston Hall.
George Humbert," Chester Conklin, Georg-e Lessey,
Dorothy Vaug-han, Gloria Ann Crawford, Lynne
Bag-grett, Carol Joyce Coombs, Charlene Salerno,
Joyce Tucker, Charles Waldron, Paul Scardon,
Paul Lawford, Robert Herrick, Charles Peck,
Bill Lechner, Jack Gardner, Jack Gargan, Francis
Sayles, Charles Irwin, Rose Ford, Rosina Galli.
Producer, Jesse L. Lasky; Director, Irving Rap-
per; Author, Harold M. Sherman; Screenplay,
Alan LeMay; Musical Score, Max Steiner; Art
Director, John Hughes; Musical Director, Leo F.
Forbstein; Camerman, Sol Polito; Special Effects,
Lawrence Butler, Edwin Linden; Editor, Ralph
Monogram; 76 mins.
Reviewed. 10-10-44; Released, 12-22-44.
Cast, Kent Taylor, Margaret Lindsay, John
Carradine, Dean Jagger, Nils Asther, Iris Adrian,
George Cleveland, Dewey Robinson, Lee "Lasses"
White, John Rogers, Jack Gorton, John Maxwell,
Warren Jackson, Dick Scott.
Producer, Lindsley Parsons: Director, George
Archainbaud: Screenplay, George Wallace Sayre.
Harrison Orkow. Malcolm Stuart Boyland, from
"Flush of Gold," by Jack London; Art Director,
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E. R. Hickson; Musical Director. Edward Kay:
Lyrics and Music, Kay and Cherkose; Dance
Director, Jack Boyle: Cameraman, Mack Stengler,
Archie Stout; Editor, Richard Currier.
All Baba and the Forty
Universal; 87 mine.
Reviewed, 1-10-44; Released, 1-14-44.
Cast. Maria Montez, Yvette Duguay, Jon Hall,
Scotty Beckett, Turhan Bey, Kurt Hatch, Andy
Devine, Frank Puglia, Moroni Olsen, Fortunio
Bonanova, Harry Cording-, Ramsay Ames, Noel
Cravet, Belle Mitchell, Crispin Martin.
Producer, Paul Malvern; Director, Arthur
Lubin; Screenplay, Edmund L. Hartmann; Art
Director, Richard H. Riedel; Musical Score, Ed-
ward Ward; Cameraman, George Robinson.
Allergic to Love
Universal; 66 mins.
Reviewed. 5-13-44; Released, 7-21-44.
Cast. Noah Beery, Jr., Martha O'Driscoll, David
Bruce, Franklin Pangborn, Max Rosenbloom, Fuzzy
Knight. Marek Windheim, George Chandler, Olin
Howlan, John Hamilton, Henry Armetta, Grady
Sutton. Olive Blakeney. Paul Stanton, William
Davidson. Dudley Dickerson, Lotte Stein, Edna
Holland, Antonio Triana & Montes, Chinita,
Guadalajara Trio.
Associate Producer, Warren Wilson; Director,
Edward Lilley; Authors, Warren Wilson, Jack
Townley, John Larkin; Screenplay. Warren Wilson:
Art Director, John Goodman; Cameraman, George
Robinson; Editor. Philip Cahn.
Amazing Mr. Forrest, The
PRC; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 6-26-44; Released. 3-29-44.
Produced in England.
Cast, Edward Everett Horton, Otto Kruger,
Jack Buchanan, Jack LaRue, Googie Withers, Syd
Walker, David Burns, Walter Rilla, Charles Car-
son, Leslie Perrins, Ronald Shiner.
Producer, Jack Buchanan; Director, Thornton
Freeland; Screenplay, Ralph Spence (from "The
Gang's All Here"); Cameraman, C. Friese-Greene.
An American Romance
M-G-M; 151 mins.
Reviewed, 6-3-44; Released, October, 1944.
Cast. Brian Donlevy, Ann Richards, Walter
Abel, John Qualen, Horace McNally.
Producer, King Vidor; Director, King Vidor;
Author, King Vidor; Screenplay, Herbert Dalmas,
William Ludwig; Technicolor Director, Natalie
Kalmus; Musical Score, Louis Gruenberg: Art
Director, Cedric Gibbons; Associate, Urie McCleary;
Cameraman, Harold Rosson; Special Effects,
Arnold Gillespie; Editor, Conrad A. Nervi*.
And Now Tomorrow
Paramount; 85 mins.
Reviewed, 10-18-44.
Cast, Alan Ladd, Loretta Young, Susan Hay-
ward, Barry Sullivan, Beulah Bondi, Cecil Kella-
way. Grant Mitchell, Helen Mack, Darryl Hick-
man, Anthony L. Caruso, Jonathan Hale, Conrad
Binyon, Connie Leon, George M. Carleton, Leo
Associate Producer, Fred Kohlmar; Director,
Irving Pichel; Author, Rachel Field: Screenplay,
Frank Partos, Raymond Chandler; Musical Score.
Victor Young; Art Directors, Hans Dreier, Hal
Pereira; Cameraman, Daniel L. Fapp; Special
Effects, Farciot Edouart: Editor, Duncan Mans-
And the Angels Sing
Paramount; 96 mins.
Reviewed, 4-25-44.
Cast, Dorothy Lamour, Fred MacMurray, Betty
Hutton, Diana Lynn, Mimi Chandler, Raymond
Walburn, Eddie Foy, Jr., Frank Albertson, Mikhail
Rasumny, Frank Faylen, George McKay, Harry
Harris, Donald Kerr, Perc Launders, Tom Kennedy.
Associate Producer, E. D. Leshin; Director,
Claude Binyon; Screenplay, Melvin Frank, Norman
Panama; Art Directors, Hand Dreier, Hal Pereira:
Musical Director, Victor Young; Musical Numbers,
Danny Dare; Cameraman, Karl Struss; Editor,
Eda Warren.
Andy Hardy's Blonde Trouble
M-G-M; 107 mins.
Reviewed, 4-24-44; Released, May, 1944.
Cast, Lewis Stone, Mickey Rooney, Fay Holden,
Sara Haden, Herbert Marshall, Bonita Granville,
Jean Porter, Keye Luke. Lee Wilde, Lyn Wilde,
Marta Linden.
Director, George B. Seitz; Screenplay, Harry
Ruskin, William Ludwig, Agnes Christine Johnston;
Musical Score, David Snell; Art Director, Cedric
Gibbons; Cameraman, Lester White; Editor, George
Are These Onr Parents?
Monogram; 73 mins.
Reviewed, 6-16-44; Released, '6-27-44.
Cast, Helen Vinson, Lyle Talbot, Noel Neill.
Richard Byron, Emma Dunn, Addison Richards,
Anthony Warde, Robin Raymond, Ian Wolfe,
Jean Carlin, Claire McDowell, Emmett Vogan.
Producer, Jeffrey Bernerd; Director, William
Nigh; Author, Hilary Lynn; Screenplay, Michel
Jacoby; Score-Musical Director, Edward Kay;
Technical Director, Dave Milton; Cameraman,
Harry Neumann; Editor Johnny Link.
Arizona Trail
Universal; 57 mins.
Reviewed, 5-10-44.
Cast, Tex Ritter, Fuzzy Knight, Dennis Moore,
Janet Shaw, Jack Ingram, Erville Alderson, Joseph
Greene, Glenn Strange, Dan White, Art Fowler,
Johnny Bond and his Red River Valley Boys.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake; Director,
Vernon Keays; Screenplay, William Lively; Musi-
cal Director, Paul Sawtell; Art Directors, John
B. Goodman, Abraham Grossman; Cameraman,
William Sickner; Special Effects, John P. Fulton;
Editor, Alvin Todd.
Arizona Whirlwind
Released, 2-21-44.
Cast, Ken Maynard, Hoot Gibson, Bob Steele.
Ian Keith, Myrna Dell, Don Stewart, Charles
King, Karl Hackett, George Chesebro. Dan White,
Charles Murray, Jr., Frank Ellis.
Producer, Robert Tansey; Director, Robert Tan-
sey; Screenplay, Frances Kavanaugh; Musical Di-
rector, Frank Sanucci; Cameraman, Edward Hull;
Editor, John C. Fuller.
Army Wives
Monogram; 68 mins.
Reviewed, 12-6-44.
Cast, Elyse Knox, Marjorie Rambeau, Rick
Vallin, Dorothea Kent, Hardie Albright, Murray
Alper, Ralph Lewis, Ralph Sanford, Jimmy San-
ford, Jimmy Conlin, Kenneth Brown, Billy Lenhart.
Producer, Lindsley Parsons; Director, Phil
Rosen; Screenplay, B. Harrison Orkow; Art Direc-
tor, David Milton; Musical Director, Edward Kay;
Cameraman, Mack Stengler.
Arsenic and Old Lace
Warners; 18 mins.
Reviewed, 9-1-44; Released, 9-23-44.
Cast, Cary Grant, Priscilla Lane, Raymond
Massey, Jack Carson, Edward Everett Horton,
Peter Lorre, James Gleason, Josephine Hull, Jean
Adair, John Alexander, Grant Mitchell, Edward
McNamara, Garry Owen, John Ridgely, Vaughan
Glaser, Chester Clute. Charles Lane, Edward
Producer, Frank Capra; Director, Frank Capra:
Author. Joseph Kesselring; Screenplay, Julius J.
and Philip G. Epstein; Art Director, Max Parker:
Musical Score, Max Steiner; Musical Director, Leo
F. Forbstein; Cameraman, Sol Polito: Special
Effects, Byron Haskin, Robert Burks; Editor,
Daniel Mandell.
JUSXI'l-MNITT I'inil'IW. Inc.
723 Seventh Avenue
NEW YORK 19, U. S. A.
Established 1887
U. S. Bonded Warehouse
Complete facilities for the handling of export
and import shipments of films and accessories.
Other offices at:
2.J>-25 Beaver Street, New York 4, N. Y.
Marine Terminal
LaGuardia Airport, New York
6160 Santa Monica Boulevard
Hollywood 38, Cal.
Queen & Crescent Building
New Orleans 12, La.
Cable: "MASSECO" New York
Atlantic City
Republic; 86 mins.
Reviewed, 8-3-44; Released, 9-15-44.
Cast, Constance Moore, Brad Taylor, Charley
Grapewin, Jerry Colonna, Robert B. Castaine,
Adela Mara, Pierre Watkin, Harry Tyler, Stanley
Andrews, Donald Kerr, Charles Williams, Daisy
Mothershed, Paul Whiteman orchestra, Louis Arm-
strong; orchestra; Buck and Bubbles, Dorothy
Dandridge, Belle Baker. Joe Frisco. Jack Kenny,
Al Shean. Gus Van, Charles Marsh.
Associate Producer, Albert J. Cohen; Director,
Ray McCarey; Author, Arthur Caesar; Screenplay,
Doris Gilbert, Frank Gill, Jr.. George Carleton
Brown; Musical Director, Walter Scharf: Musical
Supervisor, Albert Newman ; Art Director, Rus-
sell Kimball; Cameraman, John Alton.
— B —
Babes on Swing Street
Universal; 70 mins.
Reviewed. 9-18-44; Released 10-13-44.
Cast, Ann Blyth, Peggy Ryan. Andy Devine.
Leon Errol, Anne Gwynne, Kirby Grant, June
Preisser, Alma Kruger, Billy Dunn, Sidney Miller.
Marion Hutton, Freddie Slack orchestra, Ruben-
Associate Producer, Bernard W. Burton; Di-
rector, Edward Killey; Author, Brenda Weisberg;
Screenplay, Howard Dimsdale, Eugene Conrad:
Art Directors. John B. Goodman, Abraham Gross-
man; Musical Director, Sam Freed, Jr., Dance
Director, Louis Da Pron; Cameraman, Jerome Ash;
Special Effects, John P. Fulton; Editor, Fred R.
Reitschans, Jr.
Barbary Coast Gent
M-G-M; 87 mins.
Reviewed, 8-3-44; Released, September. 1944.
Cast, Wallace Beery, Binnie Barnes, John Car-
radine, Bruce Kellogg, Frances Raftery, Chjill
Wills, Noah Beery, Sr., Henry O'Neill. Ray Collins.
Morris Ankrum, Donald Meek, Addison Richards.
Harry Hayden. Paul E. Burns, Paul Hurst, Victor
Kilian, Cliff Clarke, Louise Beavers.
Producer, Orville O. Dull; Director, Roy Del
Ruth; Screenplay, William R. Lipman, Grant Gar-
rett;; ;;Mu;s;i;c;a;l; ;Score, David Snell; Art
Directors, Cedric Gibbons, William Ferrari: Cam-
eraman, Charles Salerno, Jr.;; Editor, Adrienne
Bathing Beauty
M-G-M; 101 mins.
Reviewed, 5-31-44; Released, July, 1944.
Cast, Red Skelton, Esther Williams, Basil Rath-
bone, Bill Goodwin, Ethel Smith, Nana Bryant.
Ann Codee, Francis Pierlot, Jean Porter, Carlos
Ramirez, Donald Meek, Harry James, Helen For-
rest, Xavier Cugat, Lina Romay, William Hayden.
Producer. Jack Cummings; Director, George
Sidney; Authors, Kenneth Earl, M. M. Mueselman.
Curtis Kenyon; Screenplay, Dorothy Kingsley,
Allen Boretz, Frank Waldman; Musical Director,
Johnny Green; Dance Directors, Jack Donohue.
Robert Alton ; Art Directors, Cedric Gibbons,
Stephen Goosson, Merrill Pye; Cameraman, Harry
Stradling; Editor, Blanche Sewell.
Beautiful but Broke
Released, 1-28-44.
Cast, Joan Davis, John Hubbard, Jane Frazee.
Judy Clark, Bob Haymes, Danny Mummert; Byron
Foulger, George McKay, Ferris Taylor, Isabel
Withers, John Eldredge, Grace Hayle, John Dilson.
Producer, Irving Briskin; Director, Charles Bar-
ton; Author, Arthur Housman; Screenplay, Monte
Brice; Art Director, Lionel Banks; Musical Direc-
tor, M. W. Stoloff; Cameraman, L. W. O'Connell;
Editor, Richard Fantl.
Belle of the Yukon
RKO-Intemational; 84 mins.
Reviewed, 12-6-44.
Cast, Randolph Scott, Gypsy Rose Lee, Din all
Shore. Bob Burns, Charles Winninger, William
Marshall, Guinn "Big Boy" Williams, Robert
Armstrong, Florence Bates, Edward Fielding.
Producer, William A. Seiter; Director, William
A. Seiter; Author, Houston Branch; Screenplay,
James Edward Grant; Art Director, Perry Fergu-
son; Musical Score, Arthur Lange; Musical Di-
rector, Arthur Lange; Dance Director, Don Loper;
Cameraman, Ray Rennahan; Editor, Ernest Nims.
Beneath Western Skies
Republic: 55 mins.
Reviewed, 5-25-44; Released. 3-3-44.
Cast, Bob Livingston, Smiley Burnette, Erne
Laird, Frank Jaquet, Tom London, Charles Miller,
Joe Strauch, Jr., Leroy Mason, Kenne Duncan,
Charles Dorety, Jack Kirk, Bud Geary.
Associate Producer, Louis .Gray; Director, Spen-
cer Bennet; Screenplay, Albert DeMond, Bob
Bermuda Mystery
20th-Fox; 65 mins.
Reviewed, 4-24-44; Released, May, 1944.
Cast, Preston Foster, Ann Rutherford, Charles
Butterworth, Helen Reynolds, Jean Howard, Rich-
ard Lane, Roland Drew, John Eldredge, Theodore
von Eltz, Pierre Watkin, Jason Robards, Kane
Richmond, Emmett Vogan, Edward Keane, Ches-
ter Clute, Holmes Herbert, Jack Chefe, Margaret
Brayton, Frances Morris, Harry Seymour, Leslie
Denison, Eddie Dunn, Olin Howlin, Tom Dugan,
James Flavin, Ralph Sanford, Pat Davis, Edwin
Mills, Harry Wilson, Frank Dawson, Edward
Produced, William Girard; Director, Benjamin
Stoloff; Author, John Larkin; Screenplay, W.
Scott Darling: Art Directors. James Basevi. Rus-
sell Spencer; Musical Score, Arthur Lange; Musi-
cal Director, Emil Newman; Cameraman, Joseph
La Shelle; Special Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor,
Norman Colbert.
Between Two Women
M-G-M; 83 mins.
Reviewed, 12-18-44.
Cast, Van Johnson, Lionel Barrymore, Gloria lie
Haven, Keenan Wynn, Marilyn Maxwell, Almn
Kruger, Marie Blake. Keye Luke. Nell Craig1, Edna
Holland, Lorraine Miller, Walter Kingsford, Tom
Trout, Shirley Patterson.
Director. Willis Goldbeck; Screenplay, Harrj
Ruskin; Musical Score, David Snell: Dance Direc-
tor, Jeannette Bate; Art Directors, Cedric Gibbons,
Edward Carfagno; Cameraman, Harold Rosson:
Editor, Adrienne Fazan.
Between Two Worlds
Warners; 112 mins.
Reviewed, 5-5-44; Released, 5-20-44.
Cast, John Garfield, Paul Henreid, Sydney Green -
street, Eleanor Park, Edmund Gwenn, George
Tobias, George Coulouris. Faye Emerson, Sara
Allgood, Dennis King, Isobel Elsom, Gilbert
Emery, Lester Matthews, Pat O'Moore.
Producer, Mark Hellinger; Director, Edward A.
Blatt; Screenplay, Daniel Fnehs; from "Outward
Bound," by Sutton Vane: Music. Erich Wolfgang
Korngold; Art Director, Hugh Reticker; Musical
Director, Leo F. Forbstein; Cameraman. Carl
Guthrie: Editor, Rudi Fehr.
Big Noise, The
20th-Fox; 74 mins.
Reviewed, 9-22-44; Released. October, 1944.
Cast, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Doris Merrick,
Arthur Space, Veda Ann Borg. Bobby Blake.
Frank Fenton. James Bush. Phil Van Zandt,
Esther Howard, Robert Rudley, Edgar Dearing,
Selmar Jackson, Harry Hayden, Francis Ford.
Jack Norton, Charles Wilson, Ken Christy, Beal
Wong, Louis Areo.
Producer, Sol M. Wurtzel; Director. Mai St.
('lair; Screenplay, W. Scott Darling; Art Director*,
Lyle Wheeler, John Ewing; Musical Score, Cyril
J. Mockridge; Musical Director, Emil Newman;
En tertainmen t
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Our Staff is available for consultation by any
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NEW YORK 20, N. Y.
Cameraman, Joe MacDonald: Special Effects, Fred
Sersen; Editor, Norman Colbert.
Black Magic
Monogram; 67 mine.
Reviewed, 7-26-44; Released, 8-19-44.
Cast, Sidney Toler, Manton Moreland, Frances
Chan, Joe Crehan, Jacqueline DeWit, Ralph Peters,
Helen Beverley, Frank Jaquet, Dick Gordon, Charles
Jordan, Claudia Dell, Geraldine Wall, Harry Depp.
Edward Earle.
Producers, Philip N. Krasne, James S. Burkett;
Director, Phil Rosen; Author, George Callahan;
Screenplay, Georgre Callahan; Cameraman, Arthur
Martinelli; Editor, John Link.
Black Parachute, The
Columbia; 65 mins.
Reviewed, 6-5-44; Released, 5-4-44.
Cast, John Carradinc, Osa Massen, Larry Parks,
Jeanne Bates, Jonathan Hale, Ivan Triesault,
Trevor Bardette, Art Smith, Robert Lowell, Charles
Wagenheim, Charles Waldron, Ernie Adams.
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Lew Landers;
Screenplay. Clarence Upson Young; Art Directors,
Lionel Banks, Carl Anderson; Cameraman, Georgre
Meehan; Editor, Otto Meyer.
Block Busters
Monogram; 60 mins.
Reviewed, 8-15-44; Released. 8-19-44.
Cast, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Gabriel Dell,
Billy Benedict, Jimmy Strand, Bill Chaney, Minerva
Urecal, Roberta Smith, Noah Beery, Sr., Harry
Langdon, Fred Pressel, Jack Gilman, Kay Marvis,
Charles Murray, Jr.
Producers, Sam Eatzman, Jack Dietz; Associate
Producer, Barney Sarecky; Director, Wallace Fox;
Author, Houston Branch; Cameraman, Marcel
Blonde Fever
M-G-M; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 12-5-44.
Cast, Philip Dorn, Mary Astor, Felix Bressart,
Gloria Grahame, Marshall Thompson, Curt Bois,
Elisabeth Risdon, Arthur Walsh.
Producer, William H. Wright; Director, Richard
Whorl; Author, Ferenc Molnar; Screenplay, Pa-
tricia Coleman; Musical Score, Nathaniel Shilkret;
Art Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Preston Ames;
Cameraman, Lester White; Editor, George Hively.
PRC: 73 mins.
Reviewed, 10-19-44; Released, 11-11-44.
Cast, John Carradine, Jean Parker, Nils Asther,
Ludwig Stossel, George Pembroke, Teala LorLng,
Sonia Sorell, Iris Adrian, Henry Kolker, Emmett
Lynn, Patti McCarty, Carrie Deven, Anne Sterling.
Producer, Leon Fromkess; Associate Producer,
Martin Mooney; Director, Edgar Ullmer; Authors,
Arnold Phillips, Warner H. Furst; Screenplay,
Pierre Gendron; Art Director, Paul Palmentola;
Musical Director, Leo Erdody; Cameraman, Jockey
A. Feindel; Editor, Carl Pierson.
Border ton n Trail
Released, 8-11-44.
Cast, Smiley Burnette, Sunset Carson, Ellen
Lowe, Weldon Heyburn, Addison Richards, Francis
McDonald, Jack B. Luden, Rex Lease, John James,
Jack Kirk, Henry Wills, Cliff Parkinson.
Associate Producer, Louis Gray; Director, Lesley
Selander; Screenplay, Bob Williams, Jesse Duffy;
Art Director, Gano Chittenden; Musical Score.
Joseph Dubin; Cameraman, Ernest Miller; Editor,
Charles Craft.
Boss of Boonitown
Released. 5-26-44.
Cast, Rod Cameron, Tom Tyler, Fuzzy Knight.
Vivian Austin, Jack Ingram, Ray Whitley, Robert
Barron, Marie Austin, Max Wagner, Sam Flint,
Dick Alexander.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake; Director, Ray
Taylor; Screenplay, William Lively; Art Directors.
John B. Goodman, Abraham Grossman; Camera-
man, William Sickner; Editor, Ted Kent,
Boss of Bawhide
PRC; 57 mins.
Reviewed, 9-15-44.
Cast, Dave O'Brien, Jim Newill, Guy Wilkerson,
Neil O'Day, Edward Cassidy, Jack Ingram, Billy
Bletcher, Charles King, Jr., George Chesebro,
Robert Hill, Dan White, Lucille Vance.
Producer, Alfred Stern; Director, Elmer Clifton;
Screenplay, Elmer Clifton; Musical Director, Lee
Zahler; Cameraman, Robert Cline; Editor, Charles
Henkel, Jr.
Bowery Champs
Monogram; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 11-8-44; Released, 11-25-44.
Cast, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Billy Benedict,
Jimmy Strand, Bobby Jordan, Bud Gorman, Anne
Sterling, Gabriel Dell, Frank Jaquet, Francis Ford,
Evelyn Brent, Eddie Cherkose, Wheeler Oakman,
Ian Keith, Thelma White, Bill Rhul.
Producers, Sam Katzman, Jack Dietz; Associate
Producer, Barney Sarecky; Director, William
Beaudine; Screenplay, Earle Snell; Cameraman,
Ira Morgan; Editor, John Link.
Bowery to Broadway
Universal; 94 mins.
Reviewed, 10-25-44; Released, 11-3-44.
Cast, Jack Oakie, Donald Cook, Susanna Foster,
Turhan Bey, Maria Montez, Louise Allbritton,
Andy Devine, Frank McHugh, George Dolenz,
Rosemary DeCamp, Ann Blyth, Thomas Gomez,
Leo Carrillo, Evelyn Ankers, Maude Eburne, Don-
ald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan, Ben Carter, Mantan
Moreland, Richard Lane, Robert Warwick.
Producer, John Grant; Director, Charles Lamont;
Screenplay, Edmund Joseph, Bart Lytton; Art
Director, John B. Goodman; Musical Director,
Edward Ward; Dance Directors, Carlos Romero,
John Boyle, Louis Da Pron; Cameraman, Charles
Van Enger; Editor, Arthur Hilton.
Brand of the Devil
Released, 7-30-44.
Cast, Dave O'Brien, Jim Newill, Guy Wilkerson,
Ellen Hall, I. Stanford Jolley, Charles King, Jr.,
Reed Howes, Budd Buster, Carl Hackett, Kermit
Maynard, Edward Cassidy.
Producer, Arthur Alexander; Director, Harry
Fraser; Screenplay, Elmer Clifton; Musical Direc-
tor, Lee Zahler; Cameraman, Edward Kull; Editor,
Charles Henkel, Jr.
Republic; 91 mins.
Reviewed, 10-27-44; Released, 11-30-44.
Cast, Tito Guizar, Virginia Bruce, Edward
Everett Horton, Robert Livingston, Veloz and
Yolanda, Fortunio Bonanova, Richard Lane, Frank
Puglia, Auroa Miranda, Alfredo de Sa, Henry Da
Silva, Rico de Montez, Leon Leonoir, Roy Rogers.
Associate Producer, Robert North; Director,
Joseph Santley; Author, Richard English; Screen-
play, Frank Gill, Jr., Laura Kerr; Musical
Director, Walter Scharf; Music, Ary Barroso; Art
Director, Russell Kimball; Dance Director, Billy
Daniels; Cameraman, Jack Marta; Editor, Fred
Bride by mistake
RKO; 81 mins.
Reviewed, 7-27-44.
Cast, Alan Marshal, Laraine Day, Marsha Hunt,
Allyn Joslyn, Edgar Buchanan, Michael St. Angel,
Marc Carmer, William Post, Jr., Bruce Edwards,
Nancy Gates, Slim Summerville, John Miljan,'
Robert Anderson.
Producer, Bert Granet; Director, Edward Wal-
lace: Author, Norma Krasna; Screenplay, Phoebe
and Henry Ephron; Art Directors, Albert S.
D'Agostino, Walter E. Keller; Musical Score, Roy
Webb; Musical Director, C. Bakaleinikoff ; Camera-
man, Nicholas Musuraca; Editor, Les Millbrook.
Bridge of San Luis Hey, The
United Artists.
Released, 2-11-44.
Cast, Lynn Bari, Francis Lederer, Akim Tamiroft",
Nazimova, Louis Calhern, Blanche Yurka, Donald
Woods, Emma Dunn, Barton Hepburn, Joan Lor-
ringr, Abner Biberman, Minerva Urecal.
Producer, Benedict Bogeaus; Director, Rowland
V. Lee; Author, Thornton Wilder; Screenplay,
Howard Estabrook; Art Director. Charles Odds;
Musical Director, Dimitri Tiomkin; Cameraman,
John Boyle; Editor, Harvey Mang-er.
Broadway Rhythm
M-G-M; 115 mine.
Reviewed. 1-19-44; Released, March, 1944.
Cast, George Murphy, Ginny Simms, Charles
Winninger, Gloria DeHaven, Nancy Walker, Ben
Blue, Lena Home, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson,
Hazel Scott, Ray Kent, Ross Sisters, Dean Murphy,
Louis Mason, Bunny Waters, Walter B. Lone.
Tommy Dorsey and orchestra.
Producer, Jack Cummings; Director, Roy Del
Ruth; Screenplay, Dorothy Kingsley, Harry Clork;
from "Very Warm for May," by Jerome Kern,
Oscar Hammerstein, II; Musical Director, Johnny
Green; Dance Directors, Charles Walters, Jack
Donahue, Robert Alton, tton Loper; Art Director,
Cedric Gibbons; Cameraman, Leonard Smith; Edi-
tor, Albert Akst.
Buffalo Kill
20th-Fox; 90 mins.
Reviewed. 3-17-44; Released, April, 1944.
Cast, Joel McCrea, Maureen O'Hara, Linda
Darnell, Thomas Mitchell, Edgar Buchanan, An-
thony Quinn, Moroni Olsen, Frank Penton, Matt
Briggs. George Lessey, Frank Orth, George Chand-
ler, Chief Many Treaties, Nick Thompson, Chief
Thundercloud, Sidney Blackmer, Edwin Stanley,
John Dilson, Evelyn Beresford, William Haade,
Merrill Rodin, Talzumbia Dupea.
Producer, Harry A. Sherman; Director, William
A. Wellman; Author, Frank Winch; Screenplay,
Aeneas MaeKenzie, Clemen te Ripley, Cecile Kramer;
Art Directors, James Basevi, Lewis Creber; Musical
Director, Emil Newman; Cameraman, Leon Sham-
roy; Special Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor, James
B. Clark.
— c —
California Joe
Republic; 55 mins.
Reviewed, 4-17-44.
Cast, Don Barry, Wally Vernon, Helen Talbot,
Twinkle Watts, Brian O'Hara, Terry Frost.
Associate Producer, Eddy White: Director,
Spencer Bennett; Screenplay, Norman S. Hall; Art
Director, Fred Ritter; Musical Score, Mort Glick-
man; Cameraman, Ernest Miller, Editor, Harry
Call of the Jungle
Monogram; 60 mins.
Reviewed, 8-28-44; Released. 7-29-44.
Cast, Ann Corio, James Bush, John Davidson.
Claudia Dell, Edward Chandler, Muni Seroff, I.
Stanford Jolley, J. Alex Havier, Phil Van Zandt,
Harry Burns.
Producers, Philip N. Krasne, James S. Burkett;
Director, Phil Rosen: Screenplay, George Callahan:
Art Director, Dave Milton; Musical Director, David
Chudnow; Cameraman, Arthur Martinelli; Editor,
Richard Currier.
Call of the Rockies
Released, 7-14-44.
Cast, Smiley Burnette, Sonny Carson, Harry
Woods, Kirk Alyn, Ellen Hall. Frank Jaquet,
Charles Williams. Jack Kirk, Tom London, Robert
Kortman. Edmund Cobb.
Associate Producer. Louis Gray: Director, Les-
ley Selarider; Screenplay, Bob Williams; Art Direc-
tor. Fred A. Ritter: Musical Score, Joseph Dubin;
Cameraman, John MacBurnie; Editor, Harry Keller.
Call of the South Seas
Released, 7-7-44.
Cast, Janet Martin, Allan Lane, William Henry.
Roy Barcroft, Wally Vernon, Adele Mara* Duncan
Renaldo, Frank Jaquet, Anna Demetrio, Dick
Alexander, Nena Campana, Satini Puailoa, Budd
Buster, John Eberts, Marga Dean.
Associate Producer, Walter H. Goetz; Director,
John English; Screenplay, Albert DeMond; Art
Director, Gano Chittenden; Musical Director, Mor-
ton Scott: Dance Director, Jerry Jarrette; Camera-
man, William Bradford: Editor, Richard Van
Candlelight in Algeria
20th-Fox; 85 mins.
Reviewed, 6-6-44; Released, July, 1944. ■
Produced in England.
Cast, James Mason, Carla Lehmann, Raymond
Lovell, Enid Stamp-Taylor, Walter Rilla, Pamela
Sterling, Lea Seidl, Rella Kurty, Leslie Bradley.
MacDonald Parke, Michel Morel, Albert Whelan.
Minehart Maur, Paul Bonifas, Harold Berens.
Richard George, Bart Norman, John Slater, Berke-
ley Sehultz, Jacques Metadier, Graham Penley.
Richard Mollainas, Cecile Chevreau, Cot D'Ordan,
Paul Sheridan.
Producer, John Stafford; Director, George King;
Author, Dorothy Hope; Screenplay, Brock Wil-
liams, Katherine Strueby; Art Director, Norman
Arnold; Musical Director, Jack Beaver; Musical
Score, Roy Douglas, James Turner; Cameraman.
Otto Heller; Editors, Terrence Fisher, Winifred
Can't Help Singing
Universal; 89 mins.
Reviewed, 12-18-44; Released, 12-29-44.
Cast, Deanna Durbin, Robert Paige, Akim
Tamiroff. David Bruce, Leonid Kinskey, Ray Col-
lins, June Vincent, Andrew Tombes, Thomas
Gomez, Clara Blandick, Olin Howlin, George
Producer, Felix Jackson; Associate Producer.
Frank Shaw; Director, Frank Ryan; Authors, John
Klorer, Leoji Townsend. from "Girl of the Over-
land Trail," by Samuel J. and Curtis B. Warshaw-
sky; Screenplay, Lewis R. Foster, Frank Ryan;
Music, Jerome Kern; Lyrics, E. Y. Harburg; Tech-
nicolor Director, Natalie Kalmus; Art Directors,
John B. Goodman, Robert Clatworthy; Cameramen
Woody Bredell, W. Howard Greene.
Canterville Ghost, The
M-G-M; 96 mins.
Reviewed, 5-31-44: Released, July, 1944.
Cast, Charles Laughton, Robert Young, Mar-
garet O'Brien, William Gargan, Reginald Owen.
"Rags" Ragland, Una O'Connor, Donald Stuart,
Elisabeth Risdon, Frank Faylon, Lumsden Hare,
Mike Mazurki, William Mossi, Bobby Readick,
Marc Cramer, William Tannen, Peter Lawford.
Producer, Arthur L. Field; Director, Jules
Dassin; Author, Oscar Wilde; Screenplay, Edwin
Harvey Blum; Dance Director, Jack Donohue; Art
Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Edward Carfagno; Cam-
eraman, Robert Planck; Editor, Chester W.
Career Girl
Released, 1-11-44.
Cast, Frances Langford, Edward Norris, Iris
Adrian, Craig Woods, Linda Brent, Alec Craig.
Ariel Heath, Lorraine Krueger, Renee White.
Gladys Blake. Charles Judels, Charles Williams.
Producer, Jack Schwarz; Associate Producer.
Harry D. Edwards; Director, Wallace W. Fox;
Authors, Dave Silverstein. Stanley Rauh; Screen
play, Sam Neuman; Musical Director, Rudy
Schrager; Musical Supervisor, David Chudnow;
PARTY of the YEAR!
Art Director, Frank Sylso; Cameraman, Gustave
Peterson; Editor, Robert Crandall.
Casanova Brown
RKO; 94 mins.
Reviewed, 8-3-44.
Cast, Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright, Frank Mor-
gan, Anita Louise, Patricia Collinge, Edmond
Breon, Jill Esmond, Mary Treen, Emory Parnell,
Isabel Elsom, Halliwell Hobbes.
Producer, Nunnally Johnson; Director, Sam
Wood; Author, Floyd Dell (from "Bachelor
Father"); Screenplay, Nunnally Johnson; Musical
Score, Arthur Lange; Art Director, Perry Fergu-
son; Cameraman, John Seitz; Editor, Thomas Neff.
Carolina Bines
Columbia; 81 mins.
Reviewed, 12-20-44; Released, 9-26-44.
Cast, Kay Kyser, Ann Miller, Victor Moore.
Jeff Donnell, Howard Freeman, Georgia Carroll.
M. A. Bogue, Harry Babbitt, Sully Mason, Diane
Pendleton, Robert Williams. Doodles Weaver.
Dorothea Kent, Eddie Acuff, Harold Nicholas, The
Christianis, Layson Bros., Four Step Bros.
Producer. Samuel Bisehoff; Director, Leigh
Jason: Authors, M. M. Musselman, Kenneth Earl;
Screenplay, Joseph Hoffman, Al Martin; Art Di-
rectors, Lionel Banks, Edward Jewell; Musical
Director, M. W. Stoloff: Dances, Sammy Lee; Cam-
eraman, Franz F. Planer; Editor, James Sweeney.
Casanova in Burlesque
Republic: 74 mins.
Reviewed, 1-31-44; Released, 2-19-44.
Cast. Joe E. Brown, June Havoc, Dale Evans,
Marjorie Gatesson, Lucien Littlefleld, Ian Keith,
Roger Imhof, Harry Tyler, Patricia Knox, Sugar
Geise, Jerome Franks, Jr., Marga Dean.
Associate Producer, Albert J. Cohen; Director.
Leslie Goodwins; Screenplay, Frank Gill, Jr.;
Musical Director, Walter Scharf; Art Director.
Russell Kimball; Set Decorator, Charles Thompson;
Cameraman, Reggie Lanning: Editor, Ernest Nlm.
Castle of Crimes
Released, 12-22-44.
Produced in England.
Cast, Kenneth Kent, Diana Churchill, Belle
Chrystall, Peter Murray-Hill, Clifford Evans, Louise
Hampton, Catherine Lacey, Aubrey Dexter, James
Harcourt. Ivor Barnard.
Producer, Walter C. Mycroft; Director, HaroM
French; Screenplay, Doreen Montgomery, from "The
Arrow," by A. E. W. Mason; Cameraman, Walter
Harvey; Editor, E. B. Jarvis.
Charlie Chan in the Secret
Monogram; 63 mins.
Reviewed. 1-19-44; Released, 2-14-44.
Cast, Sidney Toler, Mantan Moreland, Gwen
Kenyon, Arthur Loft, Sarah Edwards, George
Lewis, Marianne Quon, Benson Fong, George
Lessey, Muni Seroff, Barry Berhard, Gene Oliver,
Eddie Chandler, Lelah Tyler, Dave Clark.
Producers, Philip N. Krasne, James S. Burkett;
Director, Phil Rosen; Screenplay, George Calla-
han; Musical Director, Karl Hajos; Cameraman,
Ira Morgan; Editor, Martin G. Cohn.
Cheyenne Wildcat
Released. 9-30-44.
Cast, Bill Elliott, Bobby Blake. Alice Fleming,
Peggy Stewart, Francis McDonald, Roy Barcroft.
Tom London, Tom Chatterton, Kenne Duncan,
Bud Geary. Jack Kirk. Sam Burton.
Associate Producer, Louis Gray; Director, Lesley
Selander; Screenplay, Randall Faye; Art Director.
Fred A. Ritter: Musical Score, Joseph Dubin :
Cameraman, Bud Thackery; Editor, Charles Croft.
Chinese Cat, The
Monogram; 65 mins.
Reviewed, 4-3-44; Released, 6-20-44.
Cast, Sidney Toler, Benson Fong, Joan Wood-
bury, Mantan Moreland, Weldon Heyburn, Sam
Flint, Cy Kendall, Anthony Warde, Dewey Rob-
inson, John Davidson, Betty Blythe, I. Stanford
Jolley, Jack Norton, Luke Chan, Ian Keith.
Producers, Philip N. Krasne, James S. Burkett;
Director, Phil Rosen; Author, George Callahan:
Art Director, Dave Milton; Cameraman, Ira Mor-
gan; Editor, Fred Allen.
Chip Off the Old Block
Universal; 82 mins.
Reviewed, 2-14-44; Released, 2-25-44.
Cast, Donald O'Connor, Peggy, Ann Blyth, Helen
Vinson, Helen Broderick, Arthur Treacher, Patric
Knowles, J. Edward Bromberg, Ernest Truex,
Minna Gombell, Samuel S. Hinds, Irving Bacon,
Joel Kupperman.
Associate Producer, Bernard W. Burton: Direc-
tor, Charles Lamont; Screenplay, Eugene Conrad,
Leo Townsend; Art Directors, John B. Goodman,
Ralph M. Delacy; Musical Director, Charles Previn;
Cameraman, Charles Van Enger; Editor, Charles
Christmas Holiday
Universal; 92 mins.
Reviewed. 6-7-44; Released, 6-30-44.
Cast, Deanne Durbin, Gene Kelly. Richard
Whorf, Dean Harens, Gladys George, Gale Sonder-
gaard, David Bruce.
Producer, Felix Jackson; Associate Producer,
Frank Shaw; Director, Robert Siodmak; Author,
W. Somerset Maugham ; Screenplay, Herman J.
Mankiewicz; Art Directors, John B. Goodman.
Robert Clatworthy; Music Score-Direction, H. J.
Salter: Cameraman, Woody Bredell; Special Pho-
tography, John P. Fulton: Editor, Ted Kent.
Climax, The
Universal; 86 mins.
Reviewed, 9-25-44; Released, 10-20-44.
Cast, Boris Karloff, Susanna Foster, Turhan
Bey, Gale Sondergaard, Thomas Gomez, June Vin-
cent, George Dolenz, Ludwig Stossel, Jane Farrar,
Erno Verebes, Lotte Stein, Scotty Beckett, William
Edmunds, Maxwell Hayes, Dorothy Lawrence.
Producer, George Waggner; Director, George
Waggner: Author, Edward Locke: Screenplay.
Curt Siodmak, Lynn Starling; Art Directors, John
B. Goodman, Alexander Golitzen; Musical Score,
Edward Ward; Musical Director, Edward Ward:
Cameramen, Hal Mohr, W. Howard Greene: Editor.
Russell Schoengarth.
Cobra Woman
Universal; 70 mins.
Reviewed, 6-16-44; Released. 5-12-44.
Cast, Maria Montez, Jon Hall, Sabu. Edgar
Barrier, Mary Nash, Lois Collier, Samuel S. Hinds,
Moroni Olsen, Lon Chaney.
Producer, George Waggner; Director, Robert
Siodmak; Author, W. Scott Darling; Screenplay,
Gene Lewis, Richard Brooks: Art Directors, John
B. Goodman, Alexander Golitzen; Musical Score,
Edward Ward; Dance Director, Paul Oscard: Cam-
eramen, George Robinson, W. Howard Greene;
Special Effects, John Fulton; Editor, Charles
Code of the Prairie
Released, 10-6-44.
Cast, Smiley Burnette, Sunset Carson, Peggy
Stewart, Weldon Heyburn, Tom Chatterton, Roy
Barcroft, Bud Geary, Tom London, Jack Kirk,
Tom Steele.
Associate Producer. Louis Gray; Director, Spen-
cer Bennet; Author, Albert Demond: Screenplay
Albert Demond, Anthony Coldwey; Art Director
Fred A. Ritter; Musical Score, Joseph Dubin
Cameraman, Bud Thackery; Editor, Harry Keller
Conspirators, The
Warners: 101 mins.
Reviewed, 10-17-44; Released, 10-21-44.
Cast. Hedy Lamarr, Paul Henreid, Sydney Green-
BRycmt 9-7680
723 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y.
Nicholas Napoli
street, Peter Lorre, Victor Francen, Joseph Calleia.
Carol Thurston, Vladimir Sokoloff, Edward Cian-
nelli, Stephen Geray, Kurt Hatch, Gregory Gay,
Marcel Dalio, George Macready, Doris Lloyd, Louis
Mercier, Monte Blue, Billy Roy, David Hoffman,
Otto Reichow, Leon Belasco, Frank Reicher.
Producer, Jack Chertok; Director, Jean Neg-
ulesco; Screenplay, Vladimir Posner, Leo Rosten;
Music, Max Steiner; Art Director, Anton Grot:
Music Arrangements; Leonid Raab; Musical Di-
rector, Leo F. Forbstein; Cameraman, Arthur
Edeson; Special Effects, William McGann: Editor.
Rudi Fehr.
Crazy Knights
Contender, The
PRC; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 5-10-44; Released, 5-10-44.
Cast, Buster Crabbe, Arline Judge, Julie Gibson,
Donald Mayo, Glenn Strange, Milton Kibbee.
Roland Drew, Sam Flint, Duke York, George
Producer, Bert Sternbach; Director, Sam New-
field; Authors, George Sayre, Jay Doten; Screen-
play, George Sayre, Jay Doten, Raymond Schrock;
Art Director, Paul Palmentola; Musical Score.
Albert Glasser; Musical Supervisor, David Chud-
now; Cameraman, Robert Cline; Editor, Holbrook
N. Todd.
Cover Girl
Columbia; 107 mins.
Reviewed. 3-7-44; Released, 4-6-44.
Cast, Rita Hayworth, Gene Kelly, Lee Bowman,
Phil Silvers, Jinx Falkenburg, Leslie Brooks, Eve
Arden, Otto Kruger, Jess Barker, Anita Colby, Curt
Bois, Ed Brophy, Thurston Hall, Jean Colleran,
Francine Counihan, Helen Mueller, Cecilia Meagher,
Betty Jane Hess, Dusty Anderson, Eileen McClory,
Cornelia B. von Hessert, Karen X. Gaylord, Cheryl
Archibald, Peggy Lloyd, Betty Jane Graham, Mar-
tha Outlaw, Susann Shaw, Rose May Robson.
Producer, Arthur Schwartz ; Associate Producer,
Norman Deming: Director, Charles Vidor; Screen-
play, Virginia Van TJpp, Musical Director, M. W.
Stoloff; Art Directors, Lionel Banks, Cary Odell;
Cameramen, Rudolph Mate, Allen M. Davey; Edi-
tor, Viola Lawrence.
Cowboy and the Senorita, The
Republic; 78 mins.
Reviewed, 4-5-44; Released, 5-12-44.
Cast, Roy Rogers, Mary Lee, Dale Evans, John
Hubbard, Guinn Williams, Fuzzy Knight, Dorothy
Christy, Lucien Littlefield, Hal Taliaferro, Jack
Kirk, Capella and Patricia, Jane Beebe, Ben
Roehelle, Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers.
Associate Producer, Harry Grey; Director, Joseph
Kane; Author, Bradford Ropes; Screenplay, Gordon
Kahn; Musical Director, Walter Scharf; Art
Director, Fred A. Ritter; Dance Director, Larry
Ceballos; Cameraman, Reggie Lanning, Editor,
Tony Martinelli.
Cowboy Canteen
Released, 2-8-44.
Cast, Charles Starrett, Jane Frazee, Vera Vague.
Tex Ritter, Max Terhune, Dub Taylor, Guinn
Williams, Edythe Elliott, Emmett Lynn, The Mills
Brothers, Jimmy Wakely, Roy Acuff.
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Lew Landers;
Screenplay, Paul Gangelin: Art Director, Lionel
Banks; Musical Director, M. W. Stoloff; Camera-
man, George Meehan; Editor, Aaron Stell.
Cowboy from Lonesome River
Released, 9-21-44.
Cast, Charles Starrett, Vi Athens, Dub Taylor.
Jimmy Wakely, Ozie Waters, Arthur A. WenzeJ.
Shelby D. Atchison, Foy Willingham, Al Sloe.v .
Ian Keith, John Tyrrell, Craig Woods, Bud Geary,
Steve Clark, Kenneth MacDonald.
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Benjamin Kline;
Screenplay, Luci Ward; Art Director, Lionel Banks:
Cameraman, David Ragin; Editor, Aaron Stell.
Released, 12-8-44.
Cast, Billy Gilbert, Shemp Howard, Maxie Rosen-
bloom, Tim Ryan, Jayne Hazard, Bernie Sell, Tay
Dunn, Minerva Urecal, mister Brodie, Art Miles,
Dan White, John Hamilton, Betty Sinclair.
Producer, Sam Katzman, Jack Dietz; Associate
Producer, Barney Sarecky; Director, William
Beaudine; Screenplay, Tim Ryan; Cameraman.
Marcel LePicard; Editor, Dick Durrier.
Crime by Night
Warners; 72 mins.
Reviewed, 7-27-44; Released, 9-9-44.
Cast, Jane Wyman, Jerome Cowan, Faye Emer-
son, Charles Lang, Eleanor Parker, Stuart Craw-
ford, Cy Kendall, Charles Wilson, Juanita Stark.
Creighton Hale, George Huhl, Hank Mann, Bill
Kennedy, Dick Rich, Fred Kelsey.
Director, William Clemens; Author, Geoffrey
Homes; Screenplay, Richard Weil, Joel Malone;
Art Director, Charles Novi; Cameraman, Henry
Sharpe; Editor, Doug Gould.
Cry of the Werewolf
Columbia; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 8-23-44; Released, 8-17-44.
Cast, Nina Foch, Stephen Crane, Osa Massen,
Blanche Yruka, Barton MacLane, Ivan Triesault.
John Abbott. Fred Graff. John Tyrrell, Robert
Williams, Fritz Lieber, Milton Parsons.
Producer, Wallace MacDonald; Director, Harold
Levin; Screenplay, Griffin Jay, Charles O'Neal; Art
Directors, Lionel Banks, George Brooks; Musical
Director, Mischa Bakaleinikoff ; Cameraman, L. W.
O'Connell ; Editor, Reg Browne.
Curse of the Cat People, The
RKO; 70 mins.
Reviewed, 2-21-44.
Cast, Simone Simon, Kent Smith, Jane Randolph,
Ann Carter, Elizabeth Russell, Eve March, Julia
Dean, Erford Gage, Sir Lancelot, Joel Dayid,
Juanita Alvarez.
Producer, Val Lewton; Directors, Gunther V.
Pritsch, Robert Wise; Screenplay, DeWitt Bodeen;
Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Walter E.
Keller; Musical Score, Roy Webb: Cameraman.
Nicholas Musuraca; Editor, J. R. Whittredge.
Cyclone Prairie Rangers
Released, 11-9-44.
Cast, Charles Starrett, Dub Taylor, Constance
Worth, Jimmy Davis, Jimmy Wakely, Robert Fiske.
Clancy Cooper, Ray Bennett, Stan Jolley, Edward
M. Phillips, Edmund Cobb, Forrest Taylor, Paul
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Benjamin Kline;
Screenplay, Elizabeth Beecher; Art Director.
Lionel Banks; Cameraman, Fayte M. Brown; Edi-
tor, Aaron Stell.
— D —
Dancing in Manhattan
Released, 12-14-44.
Cast, Fred Brady, Jeff Donnell, William Wright.
Ann Savage, Cy Kindall, Howard Freeman, Eddie
Kane, Sally Bliss, Adelane Roberts, Jean Stevens.
George McKay, Dorothy Vaughan.
Producer, Wallace MacDonald; Director, Henry
Levin; Screenplay, Erna Lazarus; Art Director.
George Brooks; Cameraman, L. W. O'Connell;
Editor, Richard Fantl.
Dangerous Passage
Paramount: 61 mins.
Reviewed. 12-18-44.
Cast, Robert Lowery, Phyllis Brooks, Charles
Arnt, Jack LaRue, Victor Kilian, William Edmunds.
Alec Craig, John Eldredge.
Producer, William Pine, William Thomas; Di-
rector, William Berke: Author, Geoffrey Homes;
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Art Director, F. Paul Sylos; Musical Score, Alex
Laszlo; Cameraman, Fred Jackman, Jr.; Editor,
Henry Adams.
Dark Mountain
Paramount; 56 mins.
Reviewed, 9-6-44.
Ca9t, Robert Lowery, Ellen Drew, Regis Toomey.
Eddie Quillan, Elisha Cook, Jr., Ralph Dunn, Wal-
ter Baldwin, Rose Plumber, Virginia Sale, Byron
Foulger, Johnny Fisher, Alex Callam, Eddie Kane,
Angelos Desfis.
Producers, William Pine, William Thomas; Di-
rector, William Berke; Authors, Paul Franklin,
Charles Royal; Screenplay, Maxwell Shane; Art
Director, F. Paul Sylos; Cameraman, Fred Jack-
man, Jr.; Editor, Henry Adams.
Dark Waters
United Artists; 90 mins.
Reviewed, 10-31-44; Released, 11-10-44.
Cast, Merle Oberon, Franchot Tone, Thomas
Mitchell, Fay Bainter, John Qualen, Eli9ha Cook,
Jr,. Rex Ingram, Odette Myrtil, Eugene Borden,
Eileen Coghlan, Nina May McKinney, Alan Napier.
Rita Beery.
Producer, Benedict Bogeaus; Director, Andre De
Toth; Authors, Frank and Marion Cockrell; Screen-
play, Joan Harrison, Marion Cockrell; Art Director,
Charles Odds; Musical Score, Dr. Miklos Rosza;
Dance Director, Jack Crosby; Cameramen, Archie
Stout, John Mescall; Editor, James Smith.
Days of Glory
RKO; 86 mins.
Reviewed, 4-27-44.
Cast, Tamara Toumanova, Gregory Peck, Alan
Reed, Maria Palmer, Lowell Gilmore, Hugh Haas,
Dena Penn, Glenn Vernon, Igor Dolgoruki, Edward
L. Durst, Lou Crosby, William Challee, Joseph
Vitale, Erford Gage, Ivan Triesalt, Maria Bibikov,
Edgar Licho, Gretl Dupont, Peter Helmers.
Producer, Casey Robinson; Director, Jacques
Tourneur; Author, Melchior Lengyel; Screenplay,
Casey Robinson; Musical Score, Daniele Amfl-
theatrof; Musical Director, C. Bakaleinikoff ; Art
Directors, Albert S. D'Agrostino, Carroll Clark;
Production Designer, Mordecai Gorelik; Camera-
man, Tony Gaudio; Editor, Joseph Noriega.
Dead Man's Eyes
Universal; 64 mins.
Reviewed, 9-14-44; Released, 11-10-44.
Cast, Lon Chaney, Jean Parker, Paul Kelly,
Thomas Gomez, Jonathan Hale, Edward Fielding,
George Meeker, Pierre Watkin, Eddie Dunn,
Associate Producer, Will Cowan; Director, Regi-
nald LeBorg; Screenplay, Dwight V. Babcock; Mu-
sical Director, Paul Sawtell: Art Directors, John
B. Goodman, Martin Obzina; Cameraman, Paul
Ivano; Speci?1 Photography, John P. Fulton; Edi-
tor, Milton Carruih.
Dead or Alive
Released, 11-9-44.
Cast, Tex Ritter, Dave O'Brien. Guy Wilkerson.
Marjory Clements, Rebel Randall, Ray Bennett,
Charles King, Bud Osborne, Henry Hall, Ted Mapes.
Producer, Arthur Alexander; Director, Elmer
Clifton; Screenplay, Harry Fraser; Cameraman.
Robert Cline; Editor, Hugh Winn.
Delinquent Daughters
PRC; 72 mins.
Reviewed, 6-6-44; Released, 8-10-44.
Cast, June Carlson, Fifi D'Orsay, Teale Loring.
Mary Bovard, Marga Dean, Johnny Duncan, Joe
Devlin, Jimmy Zaner, Don Dawson, Frank McGlynn.
Parker Gee, Warren Mills, John Christian, Frank
Stephens, Floyd Criswell, John Valentine, Belle
Thomas, Sheila Roberts, Norval Mitchell, Juan
De La Cruz, Sheila Roddick.
Producers, Donald C. McKean, Albert Herman;
Director. Albert Herman; Author, Arthur St. Claire-
Screenplay, Arthur St. Claire; Art Director, Paui
Palmentola; Musical Director, Lee Zahler; Cam-
eraman, Ira Morgan; Editor, George Merrick.
Universal; 6'5 mins.
Reviewed, 12-21-44; Released, 12-22-44.
Cast, Gloria Jean, Alan Curtis, Frank Craven,
Grace McDonald, Vivian Austin, Frank Fenton,
Minna Gombell.
Associate Producer, Roy William Neill; Director,
Reginald Le Borg: Screenplay, Roy Chanslor,
Ernest Pascal; Music, Frank Skinner, Alexandre
Tansman; Art Directors, John B. Goodman, Abra-
ham Grossman, Richard Riedel; Cameramen,
George Robinson, Paul Ivano: Editor, Paul
Detective Kitty O'Day
Monogram; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 4-5-44; Released, 5-13-44.
Cast, Jean Parker, Peter Cookson, Tim Ryan,
Veda Ann Borg, Edward Gargan, Douglas Fowley,
Herbert Heyes, Pat Gleason, Olaf Hytten.
Producer, Lindsley Parsons; Director, William
Beaudine; Author, Victor Hammond; Screenplay,
Victor Hammond, Tim Ryan; Art Director, E. R.
Hickson; Musical Director, Edward Kay; Camera-
man, Ira Morgan; Editor, Richard Currier.
Dixie Jamboree
PRC; 72 mins.
Reviewed, 7-12-44; Released, 8-15-44.
Cast, Frances Langford, Guy Kibbee, Eddie
Quillan, Charles Butterworth, Fifi D'Orsay, Lyle
Talbot, Frank Jenks, Elmira Sessions, Joe Devlin,
Louise Beavers, Ben Carter, Gloria Jetter, Edward
Shattuck, Ethel Shattuck, Tony Warde, Angel
Producer, Jack Schwarz; Associate Producer,
Harry D. Edwards; Director, Christy Cabanne;
Author, Lawrence E. Taylor; Screenplay, Sam
Neuman; Art Directors, Paul Palmentola, Frank
Sylos; Music and Lyrics, Michael Breen, Sam
Neuman; Musical Conductor, Rudy Schrager; Cam-
eraman, Jack MacKenzie; Editor, Robert Crandall.
Double Exposure
Paramount; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 12-18-44.
Cast, Chester Morris, Nancy Kelly, Phillip Terry.
Jane Farrar, Richard Gaines, Charles Arnt, Claire
Rochelle, Roma Aldrich.
Producers, William Pine, William Thomas;
Director, William Berke; Authors, Ralph Graves,
Winston Miller; Screenplay, Winston Miller, Max-
well Shane; Art Director, F. Paul Sylos; Musical
Score, Alex Laszio; Cameraman, Fred Jackman,
Jr.; Editor, Henry Adams.
Double Indemnity
Paramount; 106 mins.
Reviewed, 4-24-44.
Cast, Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck, Ed-
ward G. Robinson, Porter Hall, Jean Heather,
Tom Powers, Byron Barr, Richard Gaines, Fortunio
Bonanova, John Philliber.
Producer, Joseph Sistrom; Director, Billy Wilder;
Author, James M. Cain; Screenplay, Billy Wilder,
Raymond Chandler; Musical Score, Miklos Rozsa:
Art Directors, Hans Dreier, Hal Pereira; Camera-
man, John Seitz; Process Photography, Farciot
Edouart; Editor, Doane Harrison.
Doughgirls, The
Warners; 102 mins.
Reviewed, 8-30-44; Released, 11-25-44.
Cast, Ann Sheridan, Alexis Smith. Jack Carson,
Jane Wyman, Irene Manning, Charlie Ruggles,
Eve Arden, John Ridgely, Alan Mowbray, John
Alexander, Craig Stevens, Barbara Brown, Stephen
Richards, Francis Pierlot, Donald MacBride. Regis
Toomey, Joe De Rita.
Producer, Mark Hellinger; Director, James V.
Kern: Author, Joseph A. Fields: Screenplay, James
V. Kern, Sam Hellman; Art Director. Hugh
Reticker; Cameraman, Ernest Haller; Special
Effects, William McCann; Editor, Folmer Blang-
Dragon Seed
M-G-M; 145 mins.
Reviewed, 7-18-44; Released, August, 1944.
Cast, Katharine Hepburn, Walter Huston, Aline
MaeMahon, Akim Tamiroff, Turhan Bey, Hurd
Hatfield, J. Carrol Naish, Agnes Moorehead, Henry
Travers, Robert Bice, Robert Lewis, Frances
Rafferty, Jacqueline DeWit, Clarence Lung, Paul
E. Burns, Anna Demetrio.
Producer, Pandro S. Berman; Directors, Jack
Conway, Harold S. Bucquet; Author, Pearl S.
Buck: Screenplay, Marguerite Roberts, Jane Mur-
fin- Musical Score, Herbert Stothart; Art Direc-
tors, Cedric Gibbons, Lyle R. Wheeler; Cameraman,
Sidney Wagner; Special Effects, Warren Newcombe;
Editor, Harold F. Kress.
Drifter, The
PRC; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 6-14-44.
Cast, Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Carol Parker,
Kermit Maynard, Jack Ingram, Roy Brent, George
Chesebro, Ray Bennett, Jimmy Aubrey, Slim
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director, Sam
Escape to Danger
— E —
Artkino; 95 mins.
Reviewed, 9-18-44; Released. 9-9-44.
Produced in the U. S. S. R.
Cast, A. Dykki, N. Okhlophov, S. Zakanadze.
V. Gotovzev, E. Kaluzhski, E. Brilling, A. Polia-
kov, A. Stephanov, N. Timchenko, N. Ruzhov, S.
Blinnikov, B. Chirkov, I. Skuratov, G. Terkhov.
Director, Vladimir Petrov; Screenplay, V. Solo-
viev; Musical Score, U. Shaporin; Cameraman, M.
End of the Road
Republic; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 12-6-44; Released, 11-10-44.
Cast, Edward Norris, John Abbott, June Storey.
Jonathan Hale, Pierre Watkin, Ted Hecht, Kenne
Duncan, Eddy Fields, Ferris Taylor, Emmett Vogan,
Charles Williams, Edward Van Sloan.
Associate Producer, George Blair; Director.
George Blair; Author, Alva Johnson; Screenplay.
Denison Clift, Gertrude Walker; Art Director, Fred
A. Ritter; Musical Score, Richard Sherwin; Cam-
eraman, William Bradford; Editor, Arthur Roberts.
Enemy of Women
Monogram; 86 mins.
Reviewed, 8-28-44; Released, 10-21-44.
Cast, Claudia Drake, Paul Andor, Donald Woods,
H. B. Warner, Sigrid Gurie, Ralph Morgan, Gloria
Stuart, Robert Barrat, Beryl Wallace, Byron
Foulger, Lester Dorr, Craig Whitley, Charles Hal-
ton, Marian Sais.
Producer, W. R. Frank; Associate Producer,
Fred W. Kane; Director, Alfred Zeisler; Authors,
Alfred Zeisler, Herbert O. Phillips; Screenplay,
Alfred Zeisler, Herbert O. Phillips; Art Director,
Stanley Fleischer; Music, Arthur Guttman: Cam-
eraman, John Alton; Editor, Douglas W. Bagier.
Enter Arsene Lupin
Universal; 72 mins.
Reviewed, 12-5-44; Released, 11-24-44.
Cast, Charles Korvin, Ella Raines, J. Carrol
Naish, George Dolenz, Gale Sondergaard, Miles
Mander, Leland Hodgson, Tom Pilkington, Lillian
Bronson, Holmes Herbert, Charles LaTorre, Gerald
Hamer, Ed Cooper, Art Foster, Clyde Kenny,
Alphonse Martell.
Producer, Ford Beebe; Director, Ford Beebe;
Screenplay, Bertram Millhauser; Musical Score,
Milton Rosen; Musical Director, Milton Rosen;
Art Directors, John B. Goodman, Abraham Gross-
man; Cameraman, Hal Mohr; Editor, Saul A. Good-
RKO; 84 mins.
Reviewed, 2-14-44.
Produced in England.
Cast, Eric Portman, Ann Dvorak, Karel Ste-
panek, Ronald Ward, Ronald Adam, A. E. Mat-
thews, David Peel, Ivor Barnard, Brefni O'Rorke.
Hay Petrie.
Producer, Victor Hanbury; Directors, Lance
Comfort, Mitz Greenbaum; Author, Patrick Kir-
Eve of St. Mark, The
20th-Fox; 96 mins.
Reviewed, 5-22-44; Released, June, 1944.
Cast, Anne Baxter, William Eythe, Michael
O'Shea, Vincent Price, Ruth Nelson. Ray Collins.
Stanley Prager, Henry Morgan, Robert Bailey,
Joan Dolan, Toni Favor, George Mathews, John
Archer, Murray Alper, Dickie Moore, Joven E.
Rola, Harry Shannon, David Essex, Arthur Hohl.
Roger Clark, Jimmy Clark.
Producer, William Perl berg; Director, John M.
Stahl; Author, Maxwell Anderson; Screenplay.
George Seaton; Art Directors, James Basevi, Rus-
sel Spencer; Musical Score, Cyril J. Mockridge;
Musical Director, Emil Newman; Cameraman.
Joseph La Shelle; Special Effects, Fred Sersen;
Editor, Louis Sackin.
Ever Since Venus
Columbia; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 9-22-44; Released, 9-14-44.
Cast, Ina Ray Hutton Band; Hugh Herbert.
Ann Savage, Billy Gilbert, Glenda Farrell, Ross
Hunter, Alan Mowbray, Marjorie Gateson, Thurs-
ton Hall, Fritz Feld, Dudley Dickerson.
Director, Arthur Dreifuss; Screenplay, McElbert
Moore, Arthur Kreifuss; Dance Director, Jack
Boyle; Art Directors, Lionel Banks, Cary Odell;
Cameraman, Benjamin Kline; Editor, Otto Meyer.
Experiment Perilous
RKO; 91 mins.
Reviewed, 12-18-44.
Cast, Hedy Lamarr, George Brent, Paul Lukas.
Albert Dekker, Carl Esmond, Olive Blakeney.
George N. Neise, Margaret Wycherly, Stephanie
Bachelor, Mary Servoss, Julia Dean, William Post.
Jr., Billy Bond.
Producers, Robert Fellows, Warren Duff; Direc-
tor, Jacques Tourneur; Author, Margaret Car-
penter; Screenplay, Warren Duff; Art Directors.
Albert S. D'Agostino, Jack Okey; Music, Roy
Webb; Musical Director, C. Bakaleinikoff ; Camera-
man, Tony Gaudio; Special Effects, Vernon L.
Walker; Editor, Ralph Dawson.
— F —
Faces in the Fog
Republic; 71 mins.
Reviewed, 10-27-44; Released, 11-30-44.
Cast, Jane Withers, Paul Kelly, Lee Patrick.
John Litel, Eric Sinclair, Dorothy Peterson, Ger-
trude Michael, H. B. Warner, Richard Byron.
Roger Clark, Adele Mara, Bob Stebbins, Charles
Trowbridge, Helen Talbot, Joel McGinnis, Tom
London, Emmett Vogan.
Associate Producer, Herman Millakowsky; Di-
rector, John English; Screenplay. Jack Townley ;
Art Director, Frank Hotaling; Musical Director.
Richard Cherwin; Cameraman, Reggie Lanning;
Editor, Tony Martinelli.
Falcon in Hollywood, The
RKO; 67 mins.
Reviewed, 12-6-44.
Cast, Tom Conway, Barbara Hale, Veda Ann
Borg, John Abbott, Sheldon Leonard, Konstantin
Shayne, Emory Parnell, Frank Jenks, Jean Brooks.
Rita Corday, Walter Soderling, Useff Ali, Robert
Producer, Maurice Geraghty; Director, Gordon
Douglas; Screenplay, Gerald Geraghty; Art Diree-
It's a BIG Year!
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Maurice Franklin
In Current Release
tor, Albert D'Agostino, L. O. Croxton; Musical
Director, C. Bakaleinikoff; Dance Director, Theo-
dore Rand: Cameraman, Nicholas Musuraca; Edi-
tor, Gene Milford.
Falcon in Mexico, The
RKO: 70 mins.
Reviewed, 7-31-44.
Cast, Tom Conway, Mona Maris, Martha Mac-
Vicar, Nestor Paiva. Mary Currier, Cecilia Callejo,
Emory Parnell, Joseph Vitale, Pedro de Cordoba.
Fernando Alvarado. Bryant Washburn, George
Lewis, Julian Rivero, Juanita. Ruth Alvarez.
Producer, Maurice Geraghty: Director, William
Berke; Screenplay, George Worthington Yates.
Gerald Geraghty; Art Director, Albert S. D'Agos-
tino; Musical Director, C. Bakaleinikoff: Camera-
man, Prank Redman: Special Effects, Vernon L
Walker; Editor, Joseph Noriega.
Falcon Out West, The
RKO; 64 mins.
Reviewed, 3-3-44.
Cast, Tom Conway, Barbara Hale, Don Douglas.
Carole Gallagher. Joan Barclay. Cliff Clark. Ed
Gargan, Minor Watson, Lyle Talbot, Lee Trent,
Perc Landers, Wheaton Chambers, Chief Thunder-
Producer, Maurice Geraghty; Director. William
Clemens; Screenplay, Billy Jones. Morton Grant:
Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Alfred
Herman; Musical Score. Roy Webb; Musical Direc-
tor. C. Bakaleinikoff; Cameraman, Harry Wilk;
Editor, Gene Milford.
Farewell My Lovely
RKO; 95 mins.
Reviewed. 12-8-44.
Cast, Dick Powell, Claire Trevor, Anne Shirley,
Otto Kruger. Mike Mazurki. Miles Mander. Dousrlas
Walton. Don Douglas, Ralf Harokle, Esther
Producer. Adrian Seott; Director. Edward
Dmytryk; Author, Raymond Chandler: Screenplay,
John Paxton; Art Directors. Albert S. D'Agostino.
Carroll Clark: Musical Score. Roy Webb; Musical
Director, C. Bakaleinikoff; Cameraman, Harry J.
Wild: Special Effects, Vernon L. Walker; Editor,
Joseph Noriega.
Fighting Seabees, The
Republic: 100 mins.
Reviewed. 1-19-44; Released. 3-10-44.
Cast, John Wayne, Susan Hayward, Dennis
O'Keefe, William Frawley, Leonid Kinskey, J. M.
Kerrigan, Grant Withers, Paul Fix, Ben Welden,
William Forrest, Addison Richards, Jay Norris,
Duncan Renaldo.
Associate Producer, Albert J. Cohen; Director,
Edward Ludwig; Author, Borden Chase; Screen-
play, Borden Chase, Aeneas MacKenzie; Musical
Score, Walter Scharf: Art Director, Duncan
Cramer; Cameraman, William Bradford: Special
Effects, Theodore Lydecker; Editor, Richard Van
Firebrands of Arizona
Released, 12-1-44.
Cast, Smiley Burnette, Sunset Carson, Peggy
Stewart, Earle Hodgins, Roy Barcroft, LeRoy
Mason, Tom London, Jack Kirk, Bud Geary. Rex
Associate Producer, Louis Gray; Director. Lesley
Selander; Screenplay. Randall Faye; Art Director.
Frank Hotaling; Cameraman, Bud Thackery; Edi-
tor. Harry Keller.
Follow the Boys
I'niversal. 122 mins.
Reviewed. 3-27-44; Released. 5-5-44.
last. Georre Raft. Vera Zorina. Grace McDon-
ald. Charley Grapewin, Charles Butterworth.
Ramsay Ames. Elizabeth Patterson. Regis Toomey.
George M.-i'ieaily. Frank Jenks. Addison Richards.
Emniett Vogan, Cyril King. Theodore von Eltz.
Maxie Rosenbloom, Martha O'Driscoll, Jeanette
MacDonald, Orson Welles, Marlene Dietrich, Dinah
Shore, Donald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan, W. C. Fields,
Andrews Sisters, Artur Rubinstein, Carmen
Amaya, Sophie Tucker, Delta Rhythm Boys.
Leonard Gautier, Ted Lewis, Freddie Slack, Charlie
Spivak, Louis Jordan, Maria Montez, Susanna
Poster, Louise Beavers, Louise Allbritton, Robert
Paige, Alan Curtis, Lon Chaney, Gloria Jean.
Andy DeVine, Turhan Bey, Evelyn Akers, Noah
Beery, Jr., Samuel S. Hinds, Clarence Muse, Gale
Sondergaard, Peter Coe, Nigel Bruce, Thomas
Producer, Charles K. Feldman; Associate Pro-
ducers, Albert L. Rockett; Director, Edward
Sutherland; Screenplay, Lou Breslow, Gertrude
Purcell; Dance Director, George Hale; Art Direc-
tors, John G. Goodman, Harold H. MacArthur;
Musical Director, Leigh Harline; Cameraman,
David Abel.
Follow the Leader
Monogram; 64 mins.
Reviewed, 6-8-44; Released, 6-3-44.
Cast. Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall. Gabriel Dell,
Billy Benedict, Joan Marsh, Jack LaRue, Mary
Gordon, J. Farrell McDonald. Dave Durand, Bobby
Stone, Jimmy Strand, Bud Gorman.
Producers, Sam Katzman, Jack Dietz; Associate
Producer, Barney Sarecky; Director, William Beau-
dine: Author, Ande Lamb; Screenplay, William X.
Crowley, Beryl Sachs; Cameraman, Marcel Le
Picard; Editor, Carl Pierson.
48 Hours
AFE Corp.; 94 mins.
Reviewed, 6-5-44.
Produced in England.
Cast, Leslie Banks, Basil Sydney. Frank Lawton,
Elizabeth Allan, Valerie Taylor, Marie Lohr.
C. V. France, John Slater, Johnny Schofield,
Edward Rigby, Mervyn Johns, Muriel George,
Thora Hird, Patricia Hayes, Harry Fowler, Eric
Micklewood, David Farrar, Norman Pierce.
Producer, Michael Balcon; Associate Producer,
S. C. Balcon; Director, Cavalcanti; Author,
Graham Greene: Screenplay, Diana Morgan, Angus
MacPhail; Music. William Walton; Art Director,
Tom Morahan; Musical Director, Ernest Irving:
Cameraman, Wilkie Cooper; Special Effects, Roy
Forty Thieves
United Artists; 60 mins.
Reviewed. 7-12-44: Released. 6-23-44.
Cast, William Boyd, Andy Clyde, Jimmy Rogers,
Douglas Dumbrille, Louise Currie, Kirk Alyn,
Herbert Rawlinson, Robert Frazer, Glenn Strange,
Hal Taliaferro, Jack Rockwell, Bob Kortman.
Producer, Harry A. Sherman; Director, Leslie
Selander; Screenplay, Michael Wilson, Bernie
Four Jills in a Jeep
20th-Fox; 89 mins.
Reviewed, 3-17-44; Released. March, 1944.
Cast. Kay Francis, Carole Landis, Martha Raye,
Mitzi Mayfair, Jimmy Dorsey and Orchestra, John
Harvey, Phil Silvers, Dick Haymes, Alice Faye,
Betty Grable, Carmen Miranda, George Jessel,
Lester Matthews, Glen Langan, Paul Harvey, Miles
Mander, Winifred Harris, Mary Servoss, B. S.
Producer, Irving Starr; Director. William A.
Seiter; Authors, Froma Sand, Fred Niblo, Jr.;
Screenplay, Robert Ellis. Helen Logan. Snag Wer-
ris; Art Directors, James Basevi. Albert Hogsett;
Musical Numbers, Don Loper: Cameraman, Peverell
Mai-ley; Special Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor, Ray
I 'Ul'llss.
Frenchman's Creek
Paramount: 113 mins.
Reviewed, 9-20-44.
Cast, Joan Fontaine. Arturo de Cordova, Basil
Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Cecil Kellaway, Ralph
Forbes. Harold Ramond. Billy Daniels. Moyna
MaeGill. Patricia Barker, David James, Mary
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Now Preparing for the Stage
NEW YORK, (19) N. Y.
PHONES: Circle 6-6252-3
BLACK and WHITE or COLOR * 16 or 35 mm
Field. David Clyde, Charles Coleman, Paul Oman,
Arthur Gould Porter, Evan Thomas, Leslie Deni-
son. Denis Green, George Kirby.
Producer, B. G. DeSylva; Associate Producer,
David Lewis; Director, Mitchell Leisen; Author.
Daphne du Maurier; Screenplay, Talbot Jennings:
Musical Score, Victor Young:; Art Directors, Hans
Dreier. Ernst Fegte; Process Photography, Farciot
Edouart; Cameraman, George Barnes; Special
Effects, Gordon Jennings; Editor. Alma Macrorie.
Frontier Outlaws
PRC; 56 mins.
Reviewed, 7-27-44; Released, 3-4-44.
Cast. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Frances Glad-
win, Marin Sais, Charles King, Jack Ingram,
Kermit Maynard, Edward Cassidy, Emmett Lynn,
Bud Buster.
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director, Sam New-
field; Author, Joe O'Donnell; Screenplay, Joe
O'Donnell; Cameraman, Robert Cline; Editor, Hol-
brook N. Todd.
Fuzzy Settles Down
Released, 7-25-44.
Cast. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patti Mc-
Carthy, Charles King, John Merton, Frank McCar-
roll, Hal Price, John Elliott, Ed Cassidy, Robert
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director, Sam New-
field; Screenplay, Louis Rousseau; Cameraman,
Jack Greenhalgh; Editor, Holbrook N. Todd.
— G —
Gambler's Choice
Paramount; 05 mins.
Reviewed, 4-27-44.
Cast, Chester Morris, Nancy Kelly, Russell Hay-
den, Lee Patrick, Lloyd Corrigan, Sheldon Leonard,
Lyle Talbot. Maxine Lewis, Tom Dugan, Charles
Arnt, Billy Nelson.
Producers, William Pine, William Thomas; Di-
rector, Frank McDonald: Authors, Howard Em-
mett Rogers, James Edward Grant; Screenplay.
Maxwell Shane. Irving Reis; Art Director, F.
Paul Sylos; Musical Director, Mort Glickman :
Cameraman, Fred Jackman, Jr.; Editor, Howard
Gangsters of the Frontier
Released, 9-21-44.
Cast, Tex Ritter, Dave O'Brien, Guy Wilkerson,
Patti McCarthy, Harry Harvey, Betty Miles, I.
Stanford Jolley, Marshall Reed, Charles King, Jr.
Clarke Stevens.
Producer, Arthur Alexander; Director, Elmer
Clifton; Screenplay, Elmer Clifton: Cameraman.
Robert Cline; Editor, Charles Henkel, Jr.
M-G-M; 114 mina.
Reviewed, 5-11-44; Released, May, 1944.
Cast, Charles Boyer, Ingrid Bergman, Joseph
Cotten, Dame May Whitty, Angela Lansbury, Bar-
bara Everest, Emil Rameau, Edmund Breon, Halli-
well Hobbes, Tom Stevenson, Heather Thatcher,
Lawrence Grossmith, Jakob Gimpel.
Producer, Arthur Hornblow, Jr.: Director, George
Cukor; Author, Patrick Hamilton; Screenplay,
John Van Druten, Walter Reisch; John L. Nalder-
ston; Musical Score. Bronislau Kaper; Art Direc-
tor, Cedric Gibbons; Cameraman, Joseph Rutten-
berg; Special Effects, Warren Newcombe; Editor,
Ralph E. Winters.
Gentle Annie
M-G-M; 80 mins.
Reviewed. 12-20-44.
Cast. James Craig. Donna Reed. Marjorie Main.
Henry Morgan. Paul Langton. Barton MaeLane.
John Philliber, Morns Ankrum.
Producer, Robert Sisk; Director, Andrew Martin:
Author. MacKinlay Kantor; Screenplay, Lawrence
Hazard; Musical Score, David Snell; Art Directors,
Cedric Gibbons, Leonid Vasian; Cameraman,
Charles Salerno, Jr.; Editor, Chester W. Schaeffer.
Ghost Catchers
Universal; 67 mins.
Reviewed, 6-8-44; Released, 6-16-44.
Cast, Ole Olsen, Chic Johnson, Gloria Jean,
Martha O'Driscoll, Leo Carrillo, Andy Devine, Lon
Chaney, Kirby Grant, Walter Catlett, Ella Mae
Morse, Morton Downey, Walter Kingsford.
Producer, Edmund L. Hartmann; Director, Ed-
ward L. Cline; Screenplay, Edmund L. Hartmann;
Art Directors, John B. Goodman, Richard H.
Riedel; Musical Director, Edward Ward; Musical
Numbers, Louis DaPron; Cameraman, Charles Van
Enger; Editor, Arthur Hilton.
Ghost That Walks Alone, The
Released. 2-10-44.
Cast, Arthur Lake, Janis Carter, Lynne Roberts,
Frank Sully, Warren Ashe, Arthur Space, Barbara
Brown, Matt Willis, Ida Moore, Jack Lee, Paul
Hurst, Robert Williams, John Tyrrell.
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Lew Landers;
Author, Richard Shattuck; Screenplay, Clarence
Upson Young; Art Directors, Lionel Banks, Paul
Murphy; Musical Director, M. W. Stoloff; Camera-
man, L. W. O'Connell; Editor, Jerome Thorns.
Gildersleeve's Ghost
RKO; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 9'-6-44.
Cast, Harold Peary, Marion Martin, Richard
LeGrand, Amelita Ward, Freddie Mercer, Margie
Stewart, Marie Blake. Emory Parnell, Frank
Reicher, Joseph Vitale, Lillian Randolph, Nico-
demus Stewart.
Producer, Herman Schlom; Director, Gordon
Douglas: Screenplay, Robert E. Kent: Art Directors,
Alert D'Agostino, Carroll Clark: Musical Director,
C. Bakaleinikoff; Cameraman, Jack Mackenzie:
Editor, Les Milbrook.
Girl in the Case
Released. 4-20-44.
Cast, Edmund Lowe, Janis Carter. Robert Wil-
liams. Richard Hale. Stanley Clements, Carole
Mathews, Robert Scott, Dick Elliott, Gene Stuten-
Producer, Sam White: Director, William Berke;
Author, Charles F. Royal; Screenplay, Joseph Hoff-
man, Dorcas Cochran: Art Directors, Lionel Banks.
Paul Murphy; Musical Director, M. W. Stoloff:
Cameraman. L. W. O'Connell; Editor, Paul Borof-
Girl Rush
RKO; 65 mins.
Reviewed, 10-25-44.
Cast. Wally Brown. Alan Carney. Frances Lang-
ford, Vera Vague. Robert Mitchum, Paul Hurst.
Patti Brill. Sarah Padden. Cy Kendall, John Merton.
Producer, John Auer: Director. Gordon Douglas;
Authors, Laszlo Vadnay, Aladar Laszlo; Screen-
play, Robert E. Kent: Art Directors, Albert S.
D'Agostino, Walter Keller; Musical Director, C.
Bakaleinikoff; Cameraman. Nicholas Musuraca:
Special Effects, Vernon L. Walker; Editor, Duncan
Girl Who Dared, The
Reviewed, 12-5-44: Released. 8-5-44.
Cast, Lorna Gray, Peter Cookson. Grant Witheri.
Veda Ann Borg. John Hamilton. Willie Best, Vivien
Oakland. Roy Barcroft. Kirk Alyn.
Associate Producer. Rudolph E. Abel; Director.
Howard Bretherton: Author. Medora Field (from
"Blood on Her Shoe") ; Screenplay. John K. But-
ler; Art Director, Gano Chittenden; Musical Direc-
tor, Morton Scott; Cameraman, Bud Thackery;
Editor, Arthur Roberts.
George A. Hirliman, President
Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies
Executive Offices: 25 West 45th Street New York 19, N. Y.
Goin* to Town
RKO; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 9-29-44.
Cast, Chester Lauck, Norris Goff, Barbara Hale,
Florence Lake, Dick Elliott, Grady Sutton, Herbert
Rawlinson, Dick Baldwin, Ernie Adams, Jack Rice,
Sam Flint, Andrew Tombes, George Chandler, Ruth
Lee, Danny Duncan, Marietta Canty, Niles T.
Producer, Frank Melford; Director, Leslie Good-
wins; Screenplay, Charles E. Roberts, Charles R.
Marion; Musical Director, Lud Gluskin; Art Di-
rector, Alfred C. Ybarra; Dance Director, Paul Os-
card; Cameraman, Robert Pittack; Editor, Hanson
T. Fritch.
Going My Way
Paramount; 130 mins.
Reviewed, 2-28-44.
Cast, Bing Crosby, Rise Stevens, Barry Fitz-
gerald, James Brown, Gene Lockhart, Jean Heather,
Eily Malyon, Frank McHugh, Stanley Clemens,
Porter Hall, Fortunio Bonanova, Carl "Alfalfa"
Switzer, Robert Mitchell Boy Choir.
Producer, Leo McCarey; Director, Leo McCarey;
Author, Leo McCarey; Screenplay, Frank Butler,
Frank Cavett; Art Directors, Hans Dreier, William
Flannery; Musical Director, Robert Emmett Dolan;
Cameraman, Lionel Lindon; Special Effects, Gor-
don Jennings; Editor, Leroy Stone.
Goodnight, Sweetheart
Republic; 67 mins.
Reviewed, 6-12-44; Released, 6-17-44.
Cast, Robert Livingston, Ruth Terry, Henry
Hull, Grant Withers, Thurston Hall, Lloyd Corri-
gan. Maude Eburne, Olin Howland, Lucien Little-
field, Ellen Lowe, Chester Conklin, Emmett Lynn,
Billy Benedict.
Associate Producer, Eddy White; Director, Jo-
seph Santley; Authors, Frank Fenton, Joseph Hoff-
man; Screenplay, Isabel Dawn, Jack Townley; Art
Director, Fred A. Ritter; Musical Director, Morton
Scott; Cameraman, Bud Thackery; Editor, Ralph
RKO; 105 mins.
Reviewed, 5-25-44.
Produced in Spain.
Cast, Imperio Argentina, Rafael Rivelles, Ar-
mando Calvo, Ramon Moryori, Jose Latorre, Eloise
Muro, Antonio Casas, Manuel Moran, Manueel
Requena, Marta Flores, Juan Calvo, Antonio
Bayon, Marina Torres, Maria Vera.
Director, Benito Quiroga; Author, Fernando
Periquet; Music, Enrique Granados; Musical
Adaptor-Director, M. Manoz Mollanda; Ballet Di-
rector, Vicente Escudero.
Great Mike, The
PRC; 70 mins.
Reviewed. 9-1-44: Released, 11-5-44.
Cast, Stuart Erwin, Robert Henry, William Halli-
gan, Carl Switzer. Edythe Elliott, Pierre Watkin,
Gwen Kenyon, Bob Meredith, Lane Chandler,
Marion Martin, Ed Cassidy, Eddie Rocco, Charlie
King, Leon Tyler.
Producer, Leon Fromkess; Associate Producer,
Martin Mooney; Director, Wallace W. Fox; Author,
Martin Mooney; Screenplay, Raymond L. Schrock;
Art Director, Paul Palmentola; Musical Score,
lee Zahler; Cameraman, J. A. Feindel : Editor,
Hugh Winn.
Great Moment, The
Paramount: 83 mins.
Reviewed. 6-9-44.
Cast, Joel McCrea, Betty Field, Harry Carey,
William Demarest, Louis Jean Heydt. Julius Tan-
nen, Edwin Maxwell, Porter Hall, Franklin Pang-
born, Grady Sutton. Donivee Lee, Harry Hayden,
Torben Meyer, Vic Potel, Thurston Hall, J. Farrell
MacDonald. Robert Dudley, Robert Frandsen, "Syl-
via Field, Reginald Sheffield, Robert Greig, Shela
Sheldon, Harry Rosenthal, Frank Moran.
Director, Preston Sturges; Author, Rene Fulo-
Miller; Screeenplay, Preston Sturges; Musical
Score, Victor Young; Art Directors, Hans Dreier,
Ernst Fegte; Cameraman. Victor Milner: Editor,
Stuart Gilmore,
Greenwich Village
20th-Fox; 82 mins.
Reviewed, 8-15-44; Released, September, 1944.
Cast, Carmen Miranda, Don Ameche, William
Bendix, Vivian Blaine, Felix Bressart, Tony and
Sally De Marco, The Revuers, B. S. Pully, Four
Step Brothers, Emil Remeau, Frank Orth, Torben
Meyer, Herbert Evers, Hal K. Dawson, William B.
Davidson, Eddie Dunn, Sherry Hall, Paul Hurst,
Tom Dugan, Billy Wayne, Charles Arnt, Oliver
Prickett, Charles Williams.
Producer, William Le Baron ; Director, Walter
Lang; Author, Frederick Hazlitt Brennan; Screen-
play, Earl Baldwin, Walter Bullock; Songs, Leo
Robin, Nacio Herb Brown; Dance Director, Sey-
mour Felix; Art Directors, James Basevi, Joseph C.
Wright; Musical Directors, Emil Newman, Charles
Robinson; Cameraman, Leon Shamroy, Harry Jack-
son; Special Effects. Fred Sersen; Editor, Robert
Guest in the House
. United Artists; 121 mins.
Reviewed, 12-4-44; Released, 12-8-44.
Cast, Anne Baxter, Ralph Bellamy, Aline Mac-
Mahon, Ruth Warrick, Scott McKay, Jerome
Cowan, Marie McDonald. Percy Kilbride, Margaret
Hamilton, Connie Laird.
Producer, Hunt Stromberg; Dicertor. John
Brahm; Authors, Hagar Wilde, Dale Eunson:
Screenplay, Ketti Frings; Musical Score, Werner
Janssen ; Production Designer, Nicolai Remisoff ;
Cameraman, Lee Garmes: Editor. James Newcom.
Guns of the Law
Released, 4-10-44.
Cast, Dave O'Brien, Jim Newill, Guy Wilkerson,
Jennifer Holt, Budd Buster, Charles King, Jr.,
Jack Ingram, Robert Kortman, Robert Barron,
Frank McCarroll.
Producer, Arthur Alexander; Director Elmer
Clifton; Screenplay, Elmer Clifton; Cameraman,
Edward Kull; Editor, Charles Henkel, Jr.
Gunsnioke Mesa
PRC; 59 mins.
Reviewed, 6-23-44; Released, 1-3-44.
Cast, Jim Newill, Dave O'Brien. Guy Wilkerson ]
Patti McCarty, Jack Ingram, Kermit Maynard;
Robert Barron, Dick Alexander, Michael Vallon,
Roy Brent, Jack Rockwell.
Producer, Arthur Alexander; Director, Harry
Fraser; Screenplay, Elmer Clifton; Musical Direc-
tor, Lee Zahler; Songs, Aleth Hansen; Camera-
man, Ira Morgan; Editor, Charles Henkel, Jr.
Gypsy Wildcat
Universal; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 8-7-44; Released. 9-1-44.
Cast, Maria Montez, Jon Hall, Peter Coe, Nigei
Bruce, Leo Carrillo, Gale Sondergaard, Douglas
Dumbrille, Curt Bois, Harry Cording.
Producer, George Waggner; Director, Roy Wil-
liam Neill; Authors, James Hogan, Ralph Stock;
Screenplay, James Hogan, Gene Lewis, James M.
Cain: Art Directors, John B. Goodman, Martin
Obzina; Musical Score. Edward Ward; Musical
Director, Edward Ward; Dance Director, Lester
Horton: Song. George Waggner. Edward Ward;
Cameraman, George Robinson; Special Photogra-
phy. John P. Fulton; Editor, Russell Schoengarth.
— H —
Hail the Conquering Hero
Paramount: 101 mins.
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Released thru
*Not a Re-Issue.
Reviewed, 6-7-44.
Cast. Eddie Bracken. Ella Raines, Bill Edwards.
Kaymond Walburn, William Demarest, Jimmy Dun-
dee, Georgia Caine. Alan Bridge, James Damore,
Freddie Steele, Stephen Gregory, Len Hendry, Es-
ther Howard, Elizabeth Patterson, Jimmy Conlin,
Arthur Hoyt, Harry Hayden, Franklin Pangborn,
Victor Potel. Torben Meyer, Jack Norton, George
Melford, Frank Morgan, Chester Conklin, Merrill
Rodin, Marjean Neville, Dot Farley, Julie Gibson.
Miriam Franklin, Paul Porcasi.
Director, Preston Sturgess; Screenplay, Preston
Sturgess; Art Directors, Hans Dreier, Haldane
Douglas; Musical Score, Werner Heymann; Musi-
cal Director. Sigmund Krumgold; Cameraman,
'ohn Seitz: Editor. Stuart Giltnore.
Hairy Ape, The
Uniteeu Artists; 90 mins.
Reviewed, 6-18-44; Released, 0-16-44.
Cast, William Bendix, Susan Haywood, John
Loder, Dorothy Comingore, Roman Bohuen, Tom
Fadden, Alan Napier, Charles Cane, Raphael Storm,
Charles La Torre, Don Zolaya, Mary Zavian, George
Sorrel, Paul Weigel, Egon Brecher. Gesia Werbsek,
Carmen Rachel, Jonathan Lee, Dick Baldwin,
Ralph Dunn, William Halligan, Tommy Hughes,
Bob Perry, Ruth Robinson, Rod De Medici, Eddie
Producer, Jules Levey; Associate Producer, Jo-
seph H. Nadel; Director. Alfred Santell; Author,
Eugene O'Neil; Screenplay, Robert D. Andrews,
Decla Dunning; Art Director, James Sullivan;
Musical Director, Edward Paul; Cameraman. Lucien
Andriot: Special Effects, Harry Redmond: Editor,
William Ziegler.
Hat Check Honey
Universal; 69 mins.
Reviewed. 3-17-44; Released. 3-10-44.
Cast, Grace McDonald, Leon Errol, Waller Cat-
lett, Ramsay Ames, Richard David, Jimmy Cash,
Milburn Stone, Emmett Vogan, Russell Hicks, Lee
Bennett. Freddy Slack and Orchestra; Harry Owns
and Orchestra; Ted Weems and Orchestra.
Associate Producer, Will Cowan ; Director, Ed-
ward F. Cline; Author, Al Martin; Screenplay,
Maurice Leo, Stanley Davis; Art Director, John
Goodman; Cameraman, Milton Krasner; Editor,
Saul Goodkind.
Heavenly Days
RKO; 72 mins.
Reviewed, 8-4-44.
Cast, Jim Jordan, Marian Jordan, Eugene Pal-
lette, Gordon Oliver. Raymond Walburn, Barbara
Hale, Don Douglas, Frieda Inescort, Irving Bacon,
t'liarles Trowbridge, the King's Men.
Producer, Robert Fellows; Director, Howard
Estabrook; Author, Howard Estabrook; Screeen-
play, Howard Estabrook, Don Quinn; Art Direc-
tors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Ralph Berger; Musical
Score, Leigh Harline; Musical Director, C.
Bakaleinikoff; Cameraman. Roy Hunt; Special
Effects, Vernon L. Walker; Editor, Robert Swink.
Henry Aldrich, Boy Scout
Paramount: 66 mins.
Reviewed, 1-13-44.
Cast, Jimmy Lydon. Charles Smith, John Litel.
Olive Blakeney. Joan Mortimer, Minor Watson,
Darryl Hickman, David Holt, Richard Haydel.
Associate Producer, Michel Kraike; Director,
Hugh Bennett: Author. Agnes Christine Johnson;
Screeenplay, Muriel Roy Bolton; Art Directors.
Hans Dreier. Walter Tyler; Musical Director. Irvin
Talbot; Cameraman, Daniel Fapp; Editor. Everett
Henry Aldrich Plays Cupid
Paramount: 65 mins.
Reviewed. 4-24-44.
Cast, Jimmy Lydon, Charles Smith, John Litel,
Olive Blakeney, Diana Lynn, Vaughn Glaser. Vera
Vague, Paul Harvey, Harry Bradley, Betty Har-
rington, Gladden James, Shirl«y Coatea.
Associate Producer, Michel Kraike; Director,
Hugh Bennett; Author, Aleen Leslie; Screenplay,
Muriel Roy Bolton, Val Burton,; Musical Director,
Irvin Talbot; Art Directors, Hans Dreier, Franc
Bachelin; Cameraman, Daniel Fapp; Editor, Ev-
erett Douglas.
Henry Aldrich's Little Secret
Paramount; 75 mins.
Reveiwed. 6-12-44.
Cast, Jimmy Lydon. Charles Smith, Joan Morti-
mer, John Litel. Olive Blakeney, Ann Doran. John
David Robb, Tina Thayer, Sarah Edwards, Harry
Bradley, Lucille Ward, Almira Sessions, Tom Fad-
den, George Carleton, Byron Fouiger, Fern Emmett,
Dorothy Vaughn, Eddie Dunn, Hal K Dawson,
Noel Ncill.
Associate Producer, Michel Kraike; Director,
Hugh Bennett; Author, Aleen Leslie: Musical Di-
rector. Irvin Talbot; Art Directors, Hans Dreier,
Franz Bachelin: Cameraman, Daniel L. Fapp:
Editor, Everett Douglas.
Her Primitive Man
Universal; 79 mins.
Reviewed, 6-16-44; Released. 4-21-44.
Cast, Louise Allbritton, Robert Paige, Robert
Benchley, Edward Everett Horton, Helen Brod-
crick. Stephanie Bachelor. Ernest Trues, Walter
Catlett, Louise Jean Heydt, Nydia Westman, Oscar
O'Shea. Sylvia Field, Ian Wolfe, Irving Bacon.
Producers, Michael Fessier, Ernest Pagano;
Director, Charles Lamont; Author, Dick Irvine
Hyland: Screenplay, Michael Fessier. Ernest Pa-
gano; Musical Director, Edward Ward: Art Di-
rectors, John B. Goodman. Richard H. Riedel;
Cameraman, rharles Van Enger; Editor. Ray
Here Come the Waves
Paramount; 99 mins.
Reviewed, 12-18-44.
Cast, Bing Crosby, Betty Hutton. Sonny Tufts,
Ann Doran, Gwen Crawford, Neol Neill. Catherine
Craig, Mariorie Henshaw.
Producer, Mark Sandrich; Director, Mark Sand-
rich; Screenplay, Allan Scott, Ken Englund. Zion
Myers; Music, Harold Arlen; Lyrics. Johnny
Mercer: Musical Director, Robert Emmett Dolan;
Art Directors. Hans Dreier. Roland Anderson:
Process Photography, Farciot Edouart; Special
Effects, Gordon Jennings, Paul Lerpae; Cameraman,
Charles Lang; Editor, Ellsworth Hoagland.
Hey, Rookie
Released, 3-9-44.
Cast, Joe Besser, Ann Miller, Larry Parks, Joe
Sawyer, Jimmy Little, Selmer Jackson, Larry
Thompson, Barbara Brown, Charles Trowbridge,
Charles Wilson. Syd Saylor. Doodles Weaver: Hi,
Lo-Jack and the Dame; Condos Brothers; Jack
Gilford, Judy Clark, Bob Evans, Jerry O'Leary.
Hal Mclntyre Orchestra.
Producer, Irving Briskin: Associate Producer,
Henry Myers, Edward Eliscu. Jay Gorney: Director,
Charles Barton; Screenplay, Henry Myers. Edward
Eliscu, Jay Gorney; Art Director. Lionel Banks;
Dance Director, Val Raset : Musical Director, M.
W. Stoloff; Cameraman, L. W. O'Connell; Editor,
James Sweeney.
Hi, Beautiful
Universal; 64 mins.
Reviewed. 12-18-44: Re'eased, 12-8-44.
Cast. Martha O'Drieeoll. Noah Beery. Jr.. Hat tic
McDauiel. Walter Catlett. Tim Ryan. Florence
Lake, Grady Sutton. Lou Lubin. Virginia Sale.
Tom Dugan. Dick Elliot, James Dodd.
Associate Producer, Dick Irving Hyland: Direc-
tor, Leslie Goodwins: Authors. Eleanor Griffin.
William Rankin: Screenplay. Dick Irving Hyland:
Musical Score-Direction. Frank Skinner: Art Di-
rectors, John B. Goodman. Alexander Golitzen :
Cameraman, Paul Ivano: Editor, Edward Curtiss.
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Satisfaction is assured to you when we
handle your photo work because we
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Hi, Good Look in'
Universal; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 3-24-44; Released, 3-24-44.
Cast. Harriet Hilliard, Kirby Grant, Roscoe
Karns, Milburn Stone, Betty Eean, Eddie Quillan,
Frank Fenton, Marie Harmon, Vivian Austin,
Marjorie Gatcson, Fuzzy Knight, Robert Emmett
Keane, Elizabeth Dow, Sidney Miller, Ozzie Nel-
son Orchestra, Jack Teagarden Orchestra, Delta
Rhythm Boys; Tip, Tap and Toe.
Associate Producer, Frank Gross; Director, Ed-
ward Lilley; Author, Paul Gerard Smith; Screen-
play, Paul Gerard Smith, Bradford Ropes, Eugene
Conrad; Art Director, John Goodman; Musical
Director, H. J. Salter; Cameraman, Jerome Ash;
Editor, Edgar Zane.
Hidden Valley Outlaws
Cast, Bill Elliott, George "Gabby" Hayes, Ann
Jeffreys, Roy Barcroft, Kenne Duncan, Charles
Miller, John James. Fred Toones, Budd Buster,
Tom London, LeRoy Mason, Earle Hodgins, Yakima
Canutt. '
Associate Producer, Louis Gray; Director, How-
ard Bretherton: Author, John K. Butler: Screen-
play, John K. Butler, Bob Williams; Art Director.
Fred Ritter; Musical Score, Mort Glickman; Cam-
eraman, Reggie Lanning; Editor, Tony Martinelli.
Hitler Gang, The
Paramount; 101 mins.
Reviewed, 4-26-44.
Cast, Robert Watson, Roman Bohnen, Martin
Kosleck. Victor Varconi, Luis Van Rooten, Alex-
ander Pope, Ivan Triesault, Poldy Dur, Helene
Thimig, Reinhold Schunzel, Sig Ruman, Alexander
Grannch, Fritz Kortner, Tonio Selwart, Richard
Ryen, Rav Collins. Ludwig Donath, Erno Verebes.
Walter Kinisford. Fred Nurney, Arthur Loft.
Lionel Royee.
Producer, B. G. DeSylva: Associate Producer.
Joseph Sistrom: Director, John Farrow; Screen-
play, Frances Goodrich, Albert Haekett; Musical
Score, David Buttolph; Art Directors, Hans Dreier.
Franz Bachelin: Cameraman. Ernest Laszlo; Edl
tor. Eda Warren.
Hollywood Canteen
Warners; 124 mins.
Reviewed. 12-5-44; Released. 12-30-44.
Cast, Andrews Sisters. Jack Benny. Joe E.
Brown. Eddie Cantor. Kitty Carlisle. Jack Carson.
Dane Clark. Joan Crawford. He'nuit Dantine. Bette
Davis, Faye Emerson, Victor Franeen. John Gar-
field. Sydney Greenstrppt. Alan Hale, Paul Henreid.
Robert Hutton, Andrea King, Joan Leslie. Peter
f.orre. Ida Lupino. Irene Manning. Nora Martin,
Joan McCracken. Dolores Moran. Dennis Morgan,
.Tanis Paige, Eleanor Parker. William Prince. Joyce
Reyno'd*. John Ridgely, Roy Rogers, S. Z. Sakall,
Zachary Scott, Alexis Smith. Barbara Stanwyck.
Craig Stevens. Joseph Szigeti. Donald Woods. Jane
Wyman. Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra. Carmen Caval-
laro Orchestra, Golden Gates Quartette, Rosario
& Antonio, Sons of the Pioneers, Julie Bishop.
Barbara Brown. Theodore Von Eltz. Mary Gordon,
Betty Bordel, Eddie Marr, Chef Milani, Robert
Producer, Walter Gottlieb; Director, Delmer
Daves: Screenplay, Delmer Daves: Musical Num-
bers, LeRoy Prinz; Art Director, Leo Kilter; Mu-
sical Director, Leo F. Forbstein; Cameraman, Bert
Glennon; Editor, Christian Nyby.
Home in Indiana
20th-Fox; 103 mins.
Reviewed. 5-25-44: Released, July. 1944.
Cast, Walter Brennan. Lon McCallister, Jeanne
Crain, June Haver, Charlotte Greenwood. Ward
Bond, Charles Dingle, Robert Condon, Charles Sag-
gau, Willie Best,- George Reed. Noble "Kid" Chissel,
Walter Baldwin. George Cleveland, Arthur Ayles-
worth, Llbby Taylor. Roger Imhof, Matt Me-
Hugh, Eddy Waller, Billy Mitchell, Tom Dugan,
Sam McDaniel, Emmett Smith.
Producer, Andre Daven; Director, Henry Hatha-
way; Author, George Agnew Chamberlain; Screen-
play; Winston Miller; Art Directors, James Basevi,
Chester Gore; Dance Director, Geneva Sawyer; Mu-
sical Score, Hugo W. Friedhofer; Musical Director,
Emil Newman; Cameraman, Edward Cronjager;
Editor, Harmon Jones.
Hot Rhythm
Monogram; 77 mins.
Reviewed, 3-14-44; Released, 4-22-44.
Cast, Dona Drake, Robert Lowery, Tim Ryan,
Irene Ryan, Sidney Miller, Robert Keut, Jerry
Cooper, Harry Langdon, Paul Porcasi, Joan Curtis,
Lloyd Ingraham, Cyril Ring.
Producer, Lindsley Parsons; Director, William
Beaudine; Author, Tim Ryan, Charles Marion;
Screenplay, Tim Ryan, Charles Marion; Art Di-
rector, E. R. Hickson; Musical Director, Edward
Kay; Cameraman, Ira Morgan.
Hour Before the Dawn, The
Paramount; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 2-28-44.
Cast, Franchot Tone, Veronica Lake, John Sut-
ton, Binnie Barnes, Henry Stephenson, Philip
Merivale, Nils Asther, Edmond Breon, David Le-
land, Aminta Dyne, Morton Lowry, Ivan Simpson,
Donald Stuart, Harry Allen, Mary Gordon, Ernest
Severn, Raymond Severn.
Associate Producer, William Dozier; Director,
Frank Tuttle; Author, W. Somerset Maugham;
Screenplay, Michael Hogan; Adaptation, Lesser
Samuels; Musical Score, Miklos Rozsa; Art Direc-
tors, Hans Dreier, Earl Hedrick; Cameraman. John
F. Seitz; Special Effects, Gordon Jennings; Editor.
Stuart Gilmore.
I Accuse IHy Parents
PRC: 68 mins.
Reviewed, 10-27-44: Released, 11-4-44.
Cast, Mary Beth Hughes, Robert Lowell, John
Miljan, Vivienne Osborne. George Meeker, Edward
Earle, George Lloyd, Patricia Knox, Florence
Johnson, Richard Bartell.
Producer, Max Alexander; Director, Sam New-
field; Author, Arthur Caesar; Screenplay, Harry
Fraser, Marjorie Dudley: Art Director, Paul Pal-
mentola; Musical Director, Lee Zahler; Music-
Lyrics, Ray Evans, Jay Livingston; Cameraman,
Robert Cline; Editor, Charles Henkel, Jr.
I Love a Soldier
Paramount: 106 mins.
Reviewed, 6-14-44.
Cast, Paillette Goddard. Sonny Tufts, Beulah
Bondi, Walter Sande, Mary Treen, Ann Doran,
Marie MacDonald, James Bell, Barry Fitzgerald,
Frank Albertson.
Producer, Mark Sandrich; Director. Mark Sand-
rich: Screenplay, Allan Scott: Musical Score. Rob-
ert Emmett Dolan; Art Directors. Hans Dreier,
Earl Hedrick; Cameraman, Charles Lang: Process
Photography, Farciot Edouart ; Editor, Ellsworth
Ill Be Seeing You
United Art;sts: 85 mins.
Reviewed. 12-20-44.
Cast. Ginger Rogers. Joseph Cotten. Shirley
Temple Sprint Bvin-rton. Tom Tully, Chill Wills,
Dare Harris, Kerrny Bowers.
Producer. Dore Schary; Director. William
Dieterle: Author. Charles Martin: Screenplay,
Marion Parsonnet: Musical Score. Daniele Am-
fitheatrof: Art Director. Mark Lee Kirk: Camera-
man, Tony Gaudio; Editor, William H. Ziegler.
I'm from Arkansas
PRC; 68 mins.
Warner Bros
Reviewed, 10-6-44; Released, 10-31-44.
Cast, Slim Summerville, El Brendel, Iris Adrian,
Bruoe Bennett, Maude Eburne, Cliff Nazarro, Al
St. John, Carolina Cotton, Danny Jackson, Paul
Newlan. Harry Harvey, Arthur Q. Bryan, John
Hamilton, Douglas Wood, Walter Baldwin, Flo
Bert, Jimmy Wakely, Pied Pipers, Sunshine Girls.
Milo Twins.
Producers, E. H. Kleinert, Irving- Vershal ; Dine
tor. Lew Landers; Author, Marcy Klauber; Screen
play, Marcy Klauber, Joseph Carole; Art Director,
P. Paul Sylos: Musical Director, Eddie Paul;
Cameraman, Robert Pittaek; Editor, John Link.
Impatient Years, The
Columbia; 91 mins.
Reviewed, 9-25-44; Released, 9-7-44.
Cast. Jean Arthur, Lee Bowman, Charles Coburn,
Edgard Buchanan, Charley Grapewin, Phil Brown.
Harry Davenport, Jane Darwell, Grant Mitchell,
Frank Jenks, Frank Orth, Charles Arnt, Robert
Emmett Keane.
Producer, Irving- Cummings; Associate Producer,
Virginia Van Upp; Director, Irving Cummings;
Screenplay, Virginia Van Upp; Art Directors, Lionel
Banks. Cary Odell: Musical Score, Artlin Skiles;
Musical Director, M. W. Stoloff; Cameramen, Hal
Mohr, W. Howard Greene; Editor, Russell Sehoen-
earth .
Impostor, The
Universal; 95 mins.
Reviewed. 2-10-44: Released, 2-11-44.
Cast: Jean Gabin, Richard Whorf, Allyn Joslyn,
Ellen Drew, Peter Van Eyck, Ralph Morgan, Ed-
die Quillan, John Qualen, Dennis Moore, Milburn
Stone, John Philliber, Charles McGraw, Otho
Gaines, John Forrest, Fritz Leiber, Ian Wolfe,
William Davidson, Frank Wilcox, Warren Ashe,
Peter Cookson, Leigh Whipper, Ernest Whitman.
Grandon Rhodes, George Irving.
Producer, Julien Dnvivier; Director, Julien
Duv'ivier; Screenplay. Julien Duvivier; Musical
Score. Dimitri Tiomkin; Art Directors, John B.
Goodman, Eugene Lourie: Cameraman, Paul Ivano;
Special Effects, John P. Fulton: Editor, Paul
In Our Time
Warners; 110 mins.
Reviewed, 2-4-44; Released. 2-19-44.
Cast, Ida Lupion, Paul Henreid, Nancy Coleman.
Mary Boland, Victor Francen, Nazimova, Michael
Chekhov. Marek Windheim, Ivan Triesault, John
Bleiffer, Lotte Palfe. Wolfgang Zilser, Richard
Producer, Jerry Wald: Director, Vincent Sher-
man: Screenplay, Ellis St. Joseph, Howard Koch:
Musical Score, Franz Waxman; Art Director, Hugh
Reticker: Cameraman. Carle Guthrie: Editor, Fudi
In Society
Universal; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 8-15-44; Released, 8-18-44.
Cast, Bud Abbott. Lou Costello, Marion Button.
Kirby Grant, Anne Gillis, Arthur Treacher, Thomas
Gomez, George Dolenz, Steven Geray, Margaret
Irving, Murray Leonard, Thurston Hall, Nella
Walker, William B. Davidson, Will Osborne Orches-
tra, Three Sisters.
Producer, Edmund L. Hartmann; Director, Jean
Yarbrough; Authors, Hugh Wedlock, Jr., Howard
Snyder; Screenplay, John Grant, Edmund L. Hart-
mann, Hal Fimberg; Musical Director, Edgar
Fairchild: Art Directors, John B. Goodman, Eugene
Lourie; Musical Numbers, George Dobbs; Camera-
man, Jerome Ash; Special Effects, John P. Fulton:
Editor, Philip Cahn.
In the Meantime, Darling
20th-Fox; 72 mins.
Reviewed, 9-22-44; Released, October, 1944.
Cast, Jeanne Crain, Frank Latimore. Eugene
Pallette, Mary Nash, Stanley Prager, Gale Robbins.
Jane Randolph, Doris Merrick, Cara Williams, Ann
Corcoran, Reed Hadley, Heather Angel, Bonnie
Bannon, William Colby, Cliff Clark, Elisabeth RiB-
don, Marjorie Massow, Lee March, Ruth Clifford,
Frank Wilcox, Glenn Langan. Clarence Muse, Blake
Edwards, Mary McCarty, Olin Howlin, Evelyn Mul-
hall, Geraldine Wall, Don Hayden, Lillian Bronson,
Eddie Acuff, Merrill Rodin, Janet Burston, Paul
Harvey, Milton Kibbee, Marvin Davis, Charles
Hayes. Frank McLure, B. S. Pully.
Producer. Otto Preminger; Director. Otto Prem-
inger; Screenplay, Arthur Robert, Michael Uris;
Art Directors, James Basevi, John Ewing; Dance
Director, Geneva Sawyer; Musical Score, David
Buttolph; Musical Director, Emil Newman; Cam-
eraman, Joe MacDonald; Editor, Louis Loeffler.
Invisible Man's Revenge, The
Universal; 77 mins.
Reviewed, 6-9-44; Released. 6-9-44.
Cast, Jon Hall, Alan Curtis, Evelyn Ankers,
Leon Errol, John Carradine, Doris Lloyd, Ian
Wolfe, Gale Sondergaard, Lester Matthews, Halli-
well Hobbes, Leland Hodgson, Billy Bevan.
Producer, Ford Beebe; Director, Ford Beebe;
Screenplay, Bertram Milllianser: Art Director.
John B. Goodman; Cameraman. Milton Krasner;
Special Effects, John Fulton; Editor, Saul Good-
Irish Eyes Are Smiling
20th-Fox; 90 mins.
Reviewed, 10-6-44; Released. October, 1944.
Cast, June Haver, Dick Haymes, Monty Woolley,
Anthony Quinn, Beverly Whitney, Maxie Rosen-
bloom, Veda Ann Borg, Clarence Kolb, Leonard
Warren, Blanche Thebom, Chick Chandler, Kenny
William, Michael Dalmatoff, Marion Martin.
Producer, Damon Runyon; Director, Gregory
Ratoff; Author, A. E. Ellington; Screenplay, Earl
Baldwin, John Tucker Battle; Dance Director,
Hermes Pan ; Art Directors, Lyle Wheeler, Joseph
C. Wright; Musical Directors, Allied Newman.
Charles Henderson: Cameraman, Harry Jackson;
Special Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor, Harmon
It Happened Tomorrow
United Artists; 84 mins.
Reviewed, 3-24-44; Released, 4-7-44.
Cast, Dick Powell, Linda Darnell, Jack Oakle,
Edgar Kennedy, John Philliber, Edward Brophy,
George Cleveland, Sig Riunann. Paul Guilfoyle.
George Chandler, Eddie Acuff, Marion Martin,
Jack Gardner, Eddie Coke, Robert Homans, Robert
Dudley, Emma Dunn.
Producer, Arnold Pressburger; Associate Pro-
ducer, T. W. Braumfeld: Director, Rene Clair;
Screenplay, Dudley Nichols, Rene Clair; Technical
Director, Eugen Shufftan; Art Director, Erno Metz-
tier; Musical Score, Roboit Stoltz; Musical Director,
Robert Stoltz; Cameraman. Archie Stout; Editor.
Fred Pressburger.
Jam Session
Columbia: 77 mins.
Reviewed, 6-9-44; Released, 4-13-44.
Cast, Ann Miller, Jess Barker, Charles D. Brown,
Eddie Kane, George Eldredge, Renie Riano, Clarence
Muse, Pauline Drake, Charles LaTorre, Anne Loos,
Ray Walker, Charlie Barnet Orchestra, Louis Arm-
strong Orchestra, Alvino Rey Orchestra, Jan Garber
Orchestra, Glen Gray Orchestra, Teddy Powell Or-
chestra, The Pied Pipers, Nan Wynn.
Producer, Irving Briskin ; Director, Charles Bar-
ton; Authors, Harlan Ware, Patterson MeNutt:
Screenplay, Manny Seff; Art Directors, Lionel
Banks, Paul Murphy: Musical Director, M. W.
Stoloff; Cameraman, L. W. O'Connell; Editor,
Richard Fantl.
Republic; 71 mins.
9122 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles 46, Calif.
Associate Producer
Production Manager
Reviewed, 4-24-44; Released, 6-6-44.
Cast, Ruth Terry, George Byron, Paul Harvey,
Edwin Stanley, Freddie Fisher, The Music Maids,
Ernest Bubb, Don Wilson, Isabel Randolph, Rufe
Davis, Shirley Mitchell, George "Shu" Fisher.
Associate Producer, Armand Schaefer; Director,
Joseph Santley; Authors, Jack Townley, Taylor
Cavan; Screenplay, Jack Townley; Musical Director,
Morton Scott; Art Director, Russell Kimball;
Cameraman, William Bradford; Editor, Richard
Van Enger.
Jane Eyre
20th Fox; 96 mins.
Reviewed, 2-3-44; Released, Feb., 1944.
Cast, Orson Welles, Joan Fontaine, Margaret
O'Brien, Peggy Ann Garner, John Sutton, Sara
Allgood, Henry Daniell, Agnes Moorehead, Aubrey
Mather, Edith Barrett, Barbara Everest, Hillary
Brooke, Ethel Griffies, Mae Marsh, Eily Malyon,
Mary Forbes, Thomas Loudon, Ivan Simpson, John
Abbott, Ronald Harris, Charles Irwin.
Producer, William Goetz; Director, Robert Ste-
venson; Author, Charlotte Bronte; Screenplay,
Aldous Huxley, Robert Stevenson, John Houseman;
Art Directors, James Basevi, Wiard B. Ihnen;
Cameraman, George Barnes; Special Effects. Fred
Sersen; Editor. Walter Thompson.
Warners: 106 mins.
Reviewed, 7-25-44; Released, 9-2-44.
Cast, Joyce Reynolds, Robert Button, Edward
Arnold, Ann Harding, Robert Benchley, Alan Hale,
Clare Foley, Barbara Brown, Hattie McDaniel, Dick
Erdman, Jackie Moran, Ann Gillis, Ruth Tobey,
Virginia Patton, Colleen Townsend, William Frabes,
Georgia Lee Settle, Peter Stackpole, Michael Har-
rison, Russell Hicks.
Producer, Alex Gottlieb; Director, Michael Cur-
tiz; Authors, Josephine Bentham, Herschel W.
Williams, Jr.; Screenplay, Agnes Christine John-
ston, Charles Hoffman; Art Director, Robert Haas;
Musical Score, H. Roemheld; Musical Director, Leo
F. Forbstein; Song, Jule Styne, Sammy Cahn;
Cameraman, Carl Guthrie; Special Effects, Law-
rence Butler, Warren Lynch; Editor, Owen Marks.
Johnny Doesn't Live Here
Any More
Monogram; 77 mins.
Reviewed, 5-16-44; Released, 6-24-44.
Cast, Simone Simon, James Ellison, William
Terry, Minna Gombell, Chick Chandler, Alan Dine-
hart, Gladys Blake, Robert Mitchum, Dorothy
Grainger, Grady Sutton, Fern Emmett, Chester
Clute, Jerry Maren, Janet Shaw.
Producer, Maurice King; Associate Producer.
Franklin King; Director, Joe May; Author, Alice
Means Reeve; Screenplay; Philip Jordan, John
Kafka; Art Directors, Paul Palmentola, George
Moskov; Musical Score, Frank W. Harling; Camera-
man, Ira Morgan; Special Effects, Ray Mercer:
Editor, Martin G. Cohn.
Jungle Woman
Universal; 54 mins.
Reviewed, 7-24-44; Released, 7-7-44.
Cast, Acquanetta, Evelyn Ankers, J. Carrol Kaish,
Samuel S. Hinds, Lois Collier, Milburn Stone.
Douglas Dumbrille, Richard David, Nana Bryant,
Pierre Watkin, Christian Rub, Alec Craig, Edward
M. Hyams, Jr., Richard Power.
Associate Producer, Will Cowan; Director, Regi-
nald LeBorg; Screenplay, Bernard Schubert, Henry
Sucher, Edward Dein; Art Directors, John B.
Goodman, Abraham Grossman; Cameraman, Jack
MacKenzie; Editor, Ray Snyder.
— K —
Kansas City Kitty
Columbia; 72 mins.
Reviewed, 9-1-4: Released. 8-24-44.
Cast. Joan Davis, Bob Crosby, Jane Frazee, Erik
Rolf, Tim Ryan, Robert Emmett Keane, Matt
Willis, John Bond, Charles Wilson, Lee Gotch.
Charles Williams, William Newell.
Producer, Ted Richmond: Director, Del Lord:
Screenplay, Manny Seff; Art Director, Lionel Banks:
Musical Director, Marlin Skiles: Cameraman, Bur-
nett Guffey; Editor, Gene Havlick.
Keys of the Kingdom
20th-Fox; 137 mins.
Reviewed, 12-15-44.
Cast, Gregory Peck, Thomas Mitchell, Vincent
Price, Rosa Stradner, Roddy McDowall, Edmund
Gwenn, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Peggy Ann Garner,
Jane Ball, James Gleason, Anne Revere, Ruth Nel-
son, Benson Fong, Leonard Strong, Philip Ahn,
Arthur Shields, Edith Barrett, Sara Allgood,
Richard Loo, Ruth Ford, Kevin O'Shea, H. T.
Tsiang, S-Lan Chen, Eunice Soo-Hoo, Dennis Hoey,
Ethel Griffies, Terry Kilburn, Lumsden Hare, J.
Anthony Hughes, Abner Biberman, George Nokes.
Producer, Joseph L. Mankiewicz; Director, John
M. Stahl; Author, A. J. Cronin; Screenplay, Joseph
L. Mankiewicz, Nunnally Johnson; Musical Score,
Alfred Newman; Art Directors, James Basevi, Wil-
liam Darling; Cameraman, Arthur Miller; Special
Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor, James B. Clark.
M-G-M; 100 mins.
Reviewed, 8-22-44; Released, October, 1944.
Cast, Ronald Colman, Marlene Dietrich, James
Craig, Edward Arnold, Hugh Herbert, Joy Ann
Page, Florence Bates, Harry Davenport, Hobart
Producer, Everett Riskin; Director, William Die-
terle; Author, Edward Knoblock; Screenplay, John
Meehan; Musical Score, Herbert Stothart; Songs,
Harold Arlen; E. Y. Harburg; Art Directors. Cedric
Gibbons, Daniel B. Cathcart; Cameraman, Charlei
Rosher; Special Effects, Warren Newcombe; Editor,
Ben Lewis.
Knickerbocker Holiday
United Artists: 85 mins.
Reviewed, 2-29-44; Released, 3-17-44.
Cast, Nelson Eddy, Charles Coburn, Constance
Dowling, Ernest Cossart, Shelley Winter, Johnny
"Scatt" Davis, Percy Kilbride, Otto Kruger, Richard
Hale, Fritz Feld, Chester Conklin, Carmen Amaya
and company.
Producer, Harry Joe Brown ; Director, Harry Joe
Brown; Screenplay, David Boehm, Rowland Leigh:
Musical Director, Jacques Samassoud; Musical
Score, Werner Heymann; Cameraman, Phil Tan-
nura; Editor, John F. Link.
Ladies Courageous
Universal; 88 mins.
Reviewed, 3-24-44; Released, 3-17-44.
Cast, Loretta Young, Geraldine Fitzgerald Fraser,
Anne Gwynne, Diana Barrymore, Evelyn Ankers,
David Bruce, June Vincent, Lois Collier, Phillip
Terry, Samuel S. Hinds, Frank Jenks, Kane Rich-
mond, Marie Harmon, Janet Shaw, Dorothy Moore,
Gwen Crawford, Eleanor Lawson, Betty Brodel,
Mary O'Brien, June Millarde, Audrey Manners,
Jackie Warrington, Carrie Devon, Betsay Howard,
Ruth Roman, Sandra Coles, Mary Moore, Patsy
Producer, Walter Wangrer; Director, John Raw-
lins; Screenplay, Norman Reilly Raine, Doris Gil-
bert; Art Director, John Goodman; Cameraman,
Hal Mohr; Editor, Philip Cahn.
Ladies of Washington
20th-Fox; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 5-25-44; Released, June, 1944.
Cast, Trudy Marshall, Ronald Graham, Anthony
Quinn, Sheila Ryan, Robert Bailey, Beverly Whit-
ney, Jackie Palet, Carleton Young1, John Philliber.
Robin Raymond, Dorris Merrick, Barbara Booth,
Score for
Soon to be Released
Jo-Carroll Dennieon, Lillian Porter, Harry Shannon,
ftuby Dandrldgre, Charles D. Brown, Pierre Watkin,
Nella Walker, Inna Gest, Rosalind Keith, Edna
Mae Jones.
Producer, William Girard; Director, Louis King;
Screenplay, Wanda Tuchock; Art Directors, James
Basevi, Leland Fuller; Cameraman, Charles Clarke;
Special Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor, Nick De
M aggie
Lady and the Monster, The
Republic; 86 mins.
Reviewed, 3-24-44; Released, 4-17-44.
Cast, Vera Hruba Ralston, Richard Arlen, Erich
von Stroheim, Helen Vinson, Mary Nash, Sidney
Blackmer. Janet Martin, Bill Henry, Charles Cane,
Juanita Quigley, Josephine Dillon, Antonio Triana.
Lola Montes.
Associate Producer, George Sherman; Director.
George Sherman; Screenplay, Dane Lussier, Fred-
erick Kohner, from "Donovan's Brain," by Curt
Siodmak; Musical Score, Walter Scharf; Art Direc-
tor, Russell Kimball; Cameraman, John Alton;
Special Effects, Theodore Lydecker; Editor, Arthur
Lady in the Dark
Paramount; 100 mins.
Reviewed, 2-10-44.
Cast, Ginger Rogers, Ray Milland, Jon Hall,
Warner- Baxter, Barry Sullivan, Mischa Auer, Mary
Philips, Phyllis Brooks, Edward Fielding, Don
Loper, Mary Parker, Catherine Craig, Marietta
Canty; Virginia Farmer, Fay Helm, Gail Russell,
Marian Hall, Kay Linaker, Harvey Stephens,
Billy Daniels, Georgia Backus, Rand Brooks,
Pepito Perez, Charles Smith, Mary MacLaren, Paul
McVey, Paul Pierce, George Mayon.
Producer, Richard Blumenthal; Director, Mitchell
Leisen; Screenplay, Frances Goodrich, Albert
Hackett; Musical Score, Robert Emmett Dolan;
Art Director, Hans Dreier; Cameraman, Ray
Reunahan; Special Effects, Gordon Jennings; Editor,
Alma Macorie.
Lady in the Death House
PRC* 56 mins.
Reviewed, 3-24-44; Released, 3-15-44.
Cast, Jean Parker, Lionel Atwill, Douglas Fowley,
Marcia Mae Jones, John Maxwell, Cy Kendall,
Robert Middlemass, George Irving, Forrest Taylor.
Producer, Jack Schwarz; Associate Producer,
Harry D. Edwards; Director, Steve Sekely: Author,
Frederick C. Davis; Screenplay, Harry O. Hoyt; Art
Director, Frank Sylos; Music, Jan Gray; Musical
Supervisor, David Chudnow; Cameraman, Gus
Peterson; Editor. Robert Crandall.
Lady, Let's Dance!
Monogram; 88 mins.
Reviewed, 1-26-44: Released. 3-T44.
Cast, Belita, James Ellison, Frick and Frack,
Walter Catlett, Lucien Littlefield. Maurice St.
Clair, Eugene Mikeler, Henry Busse, Harry Harvey,
Jack Rice, Emmett Vogan, Barbara Wooddell;
orchestras of Henry Busse. Eddie LeBarron, Mitch
Ayres, Lou Bring.
Producer, Scott R. Dunlap; Associate Producer.
William D. Shapiro; Director, Frank Woodruff;
Authors, Bradbury Foote, Scott R. Dunlap; Screen
play, Michael Panaieff:, Peter Milne; Musical
Director, Edward Kay; Cameraman, Mack Stengler;
Editor, Richard Currier.
Lake Placid Serenade
Republic; 85 mins.
Reviewed, 12-21-44.
Cast, Vera Hruba Ralston, Eugene Pallette, Vera
Vague, Robert Livingston, Stephanie Bachelor.
Walter Catlett, Lloyd Corrigan, Ruth Terry, Wil
liam Frawley, John Litel, Ludwig Stossel, Andrew
Tombe9, Roy Rogers, Ray Noble Orchestra, Harry
Owens Orchestra, McGowan and Mack, Twinkle •
Watts, Merry Meisters.
Associate Producer, Harry Grey; Director, Steve
Sekely; Author, Frederick Kohner; Screenplay.
Dick Irving Hyland, Doris Gilbert; Musical Direc-
tor, Walter Scharf; Art Director, Russell Kimball:
Cameraman, John Alton; Special Effects, Howard
and Theodore Lydecker; Editor, Arthur Roberts.
Land of the Outlaws
Monogram; 56 mins.
Reviewed, 12-5-44; Released, 9-16-44.
Cast, Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hatton,
Stephen Keyes, Nan Holliday, Hurh Prosser,
Charles King, John Merton, Steve Clark, Art
Fowler, Tom Quinn, Ray Elder, Chick Hannon.
Bob Cason, Kansas Moehring.
Director, Lambert Hillyer; Screenplay, Joseph
O'Donnell; Musical Director, Edward Kay; Camera-
man, Harry Neumann; Editor, John C. Fuller.
Laramie Trail, The
Released, 4-3-44.
Cast, Bob Livingston, Smiley Burnette, Linda
Brent, Martin Garralaga, Emmett Lynn, John
James, George J. Lewis, Leander de Cordova,
Charles Whitaker, Bud Osborne, Bud Geary, Roy
Associate Producer, Louis Gray; Director, John
English: Author, Jack Gregory (from "Mystery at
Spanish Hacienda") ; Screenplay, J. Benton Cheney:
Art Director, Fred Ritter; Musical Score, Nort
Glickman; Cameraman, Ellis Thackery; Editor,
Harry Keller.
Last Horseman, The
Reviewed, 10-27-44; Released, 6-22-44.
Cast, Russell Hayden, Dub Taylor, Bob Wills,
Ann Savage, John Maxwell, Frank LaRue, Nick
Thompson, J, T. Whiteford, Ted Mapes. Forre«t
Producer, Leon Barsha; Director, William Berke:
Screenplay, Ed Earl Repp; Art Director, Lionel
Banks: Cameraman, George Meehan; Editor, Jer»me
Last Ride, The
Warners; 56 mins.
Reviewed, 9-14-44; Released, 10-7-44.
Cast, Richard Travis, Charles Lang, Eleanor
Parker, Jack LaRue, Cy Kendall, Wade Boteler,
Mary Gordon, Harry Lewis, Michael Ames. Virginia
Patton, Ross Ford, Jack Mower, Frank Mayor,
Stuart Holmes, Leah Baird.
Director, D. Ross Lederman; Screenplay, Ray-
mond L. Schrock: Art Director, Leo E. Kuter;
Cameraman, James Van Trees; Editor, Harold
20th-Fox: 88 mins
Reviewed, 10-17-44: Released, November. 1944.
Cart. Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, Clifton Webb.
Vincent Price, Judith Anderson, Dorothy Adams,
James Flavin. Clyde Fillmore. Ralph Dnnn, Grant
Mitchell, Kathleen Howard, Lee Tung Foo, Cy
Kendall, Harold Schlickenmayer, Harry Strang,
Lane Chandler.
Producer, Otto Pieminger; Director, Otto Prem-
inger; Author, Vera Caspary; Screenplay, Jay
Dratler, Samuel Hoffenstein. Betty Reinhardt: Art
Directors, Lyle Wheeler, Leland Fuller; Musical
Score, David Raskin: Musical Director, Emil New-
man; Cameraman, Joseph La Shelle; Editor, Louis
Law Men
Released, 5-6-44.
Cast, Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hatton,
Jan Wiley, Kirby Grant, Robert Frazer, Edmund
Cobb, Art Fowler, Harry F. Price, Marshall Reed.
Isabel Withers, Ben Corbett, Ted Mapes, Steve
Clark, Bud Osborne.
Director, Lambert Hillyer; Screenplay, Glenn
Tryon; Musical Director, Edward Kay: Cameraman,
Harry Neuman; Editor, John C. Fuller.
Rene Clair Prod. — U.A.
Hunt Stromberg Prod. — U.A.
Edward Small Prod. — U.A.
Law of the Saddle
PRC; 59 mins.
Reviewed, 6-7-44.
Cast, Bob Livingston, Al (Fuzzy) St. John, Betty
Miles, Lano Chandler, John Elliott, Reed Howes,
Curley Dresden, Al Ferguson, Frank Ellis.
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director, Merville
De Lay: Screenplay, Fred My ton; Cameraman,
Robert Cline: Editor, Holbrook N. Todd.
Law of the Valley
Released, 11-4-44.
Cast, Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hatton,
Lyune Carver, Kirk Barron, Hal Price, Edmund
Cobb, Tom Quinn, Charles King, Marshall Reed,
Gsorge DeNorrnand, Steve Clark, George Morrell.
Director, Howard Bretherton; Screenplay, Joseph
O'Donnell; Musical Director, Edward Kay; Camera-
man, Marcel LePicard; Editor, Pierre Janet.
Leave It to the Irish
MonogTam; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 9-14-44; Released, 8-5-44.
Cast, James Dunn, Wanda McKay, Dick Purcell,
Arthur Loft, Vince Barnett, Barbara Woodell,
Jack LaRue, Joe DeVillard, Eddie Allen, Dick
Scott, Ted Stanhope, Olaf Hytten.
Producer, Lindsley Parsons: Director, William
Beaudine; Screenplay, Tim Ryan, Eddie Davis: Art
Director, David Milton; Cameraman, Ira Morgan;
Editor, Dick Currier.
20th-Fox; 96 mins.
Reviewed. 1-12-44: Released, 1-28-44.
Cast, Tallulah Bankhead, William Bendix, Walter
Slezak, Mary Anderson. John Hodiak, Henry Hull,
Heather Angel, Hume Cronyn, Canada Lee.
Producer, Kenneth Macgowan; Director, Alfred
Hitchcock; Author, John Steinbec: Screenplay, Jo
Swerling; Art Directors, James Basevi, Maurice
Ransford; Musical Score, Hugo W. Friedhofer:
Musical Director, Emil Newman; Cameraman, Glen
MacWilliams: Special Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor,
Dorothy Spencer.
Lights of Old Sante Fe
Republic: 78 mins.
Reviewed. 12-5-44; Released. 11-6-44.
Cast, Roy Rogers. George "Gabby" Hayes, Dale
Evans, Lloyd Corrigan, Richard Powers, Claire
Du Brey, Arthur Loft, Roy Barcroft, Lucien Lit-
tlefie'd, Sam Flint, Bob Nolan and the Sons of
the Pioneers.
Associate Producer, Harry Grey; Director, Frank
McDonald; Screenplay, Gordon Kahn, Bob Williams;
Musical Director, Morton Scott: Art Director,
Frank Hotaling; Dance Director, Larry Ceballos;
Cameraman, Reggie Lanning; Editor, Ralph Dixon.
Lodger, The
20th-Fox: 84 mins.
Reviewed, 1-7-44: Released, 1-7-44.
Cast, Merle Oberon, George Sanders, Laird
Cregar, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Sara Allgood. Aubrey
Mather, Queeme Leonard, Doris Lloyd, David Clyde,
Helena Pickard. Lumsden Hare, Frederick Worlock,
Olaf Hytten, Colin Campbell, Harold De Becker,
Anita Bolster, Billy Bevan, Forrester Harvey,
Charles Hall, Skelton Knaggs, Edmund Breon,
Harry Allen.
Producer, Robert Bassler; Director, John Brahm;
Author. Marie Belloc Lowndes: Screenplay, Barre
Lyndon: Musical Score, Hugo W. Friedhofer;
Dance Director, Kenny Williams: Art Directors,
James Basevi, John Ewing: Musical Directors,
Thomas Little. Walter M. Scott: Cameraman,
Lucien Ballard: 9ppc»al Effects, Fred Sersen: Edi-
tor, J. Watson Webb. Jr.
Lost in a Harem
M-G-M: 89 mins.
Reviewed. 8-31-44: Released, December, 1944.
Cast, Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Marilyn Max-
well, John Conte, Douglas Dumbrille, Lottie Har-
rison, J. Lockard Martin, Murray Leonard, Adia
Kuznetzoff, Milton Parsons, Ralph Sanford. Jimmy
Dorsey Orchestra.
Producer, George Haight; Director, Charles Ries-
ner; Screenplay, Harry Ruskin, John Grant, Harry
Crane; Musical Director, David Snell; Art Direc-
tors, Cedric Gibbons, Daniel B. Cathcart; Camera-
man, Lester White; Editor, George Hively.
Louisiana Hayride
Columbia; 67 mins.
Reviewed. 9-1-44; Released. 7-13-44.
Cast, Judy Canova, Ross Hunter, Richard Lane.
Lloyd Bridges, Matt Willis, George McKay, Minerva
Urecal, Hobart Cavanaugh, Eddie Kane, Nelson
Leigh, Arthur Loft, Robert Homans, Russel Hicks.
Director, Charles Barton; Author, Paul Yawitz,
Manny Seff; Screenplay, Paul Yawitz; Art Direc-
tors, Lionel Banks, Walter Holschier; Musical
Director, M. R. Bakaleinikoff ; Cameraman, L. W.
L'Connell; Editor, Otto Meyer.
United Artists: 65 mins.
Reviewed, 4-27-44; Released, 4-28-44.
Cast, William Boyd, Andy Clyde, Jimmy Rogers,
Herbert Rawlinson, Ellen Hall, Ethel Wales,
Douglas Dumbrille, Francis McDonald, John Whit-
ney, Hal Taliaferro, Henry Wills, Charles Morton,
Frances Morris, Jack Rockwell, Bob Burns.
Producer, Harry A. Sherman; Associate Pro-
ducer, Lewis Rachmil; Director, Lesley Selander;
Screenplay, Norman Houston; Cameraman, Russell
— M —
Machine Gun Mama
PRC; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 9-29-44; Released, 8-18-44.
Cast, Armida, El Brendel, Wallace Ford, Jack
La Rue, Luis Alberni, Ariel Heath, Julian Rivero.
Eumonio Blanco, Anthony Warde.
Producer, Jack Sehwarz; Director, Harold Young;
Screenplay, Sam Neuman; Art Director, Frank
Sylos; Musical Directors, Mort Glickman, David
Chudnow; Cameraman, Gus Peterson; Editor,
Robert O. Crandall.
Mademoiselle Fifi
RKO; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 7-28-44.
Cast, Simone Simon, John Emery, Kurt Kreuger.
Alan Napier, Helen Freeman, Jason Robards,
Norma Varden, Romaine Callendar, Fay Helm,
Edmund Glover, Charles Waldron, Mayo Newhall,
Lillian Bronson, Alan Ward, Daun Kennedy, Wil-
liam Von Wymetal, Max Willenz, Marc Carmer.
John Good.
Producer, Val Lewton; Director, Robert Wise:
Author, Guy de Maupassant: Screenplay, Josef
M'ischel, Peter Ruric; Art Directors, Albert D'Agos-
tino, Walter E. Keller: Musical Score, Werner
Heymann; Musical Director, C. Bakaleinikoff:
Cameraman. Harry Wild. Special Effects, Vernon
L. Walker: Editor, J. R. Whitredge.
Main Street After Dark
M-G-M: '67 mins.
Reviewed, 12-6-44.
Cast, Edward Arnold. Selena Royle. Tom Trout.
Audrey Totter, Dan Duryea, Hume Cronyn, Doro-
thy Ruth Morris.
Producer, Jerry Bresler: Associate Producer,
Herbert Moulton; Director. Edward Cahn; Author,
John C. Higgins; Screenplay, Karl Kamb, John C.
Higgins; Musical Score, George Bassman; Art
Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Richard Duce; Camera-
man, Jackson Rose; Editor, Harry Komer.
Maisic Goes to Reno
M-G-M-; 90 mins.
Reviewed, 8-16-44; Released, September, 1944.
i i ' ;gsBsse
Super-DeLuxe Productions
Cast, Ann Sothern, John Hodiak, Tom Drake,
.Maria Linden, Paul Cavanagh, Ava Gardner, Ber-
nard Nedell, Roland Dupree, Chick Chandler,
Bunny Waters, Donald Meek.
Producer, George Haight; Director, Harry Beau-
mont; Authors, Harry Ruby, James O'Hanlon;
Screenplay, Mary C. McCall. Jr.; Musical Score,
David Snell; Art Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Howard
Campbell; Song, Sammy Fain, Ralph Freed;
Cameraman, Robert Planck; Editor, Frank E.
Make Your Own Bed
Warners; 82 mins.
Reviewed, 5-22-44; Released, 6-10-44.
Cast, Jack Carson, Jane Wyman, Allan Hale,
Irene Manning, George Tobias, Robert Shayne, Tala
Birell, Ricardo Cortez, Majorie Hoshelle, Kurt
Hatch, Harry Bradley, William Kennedy.
Producer, Alex Gottlieb; Director, Peter Godfrey;
Authors, Harvey J. O'Higgins, Harriet Ford;
Screenplay, Francis Swann, Edmund Joseph;
Adaptation, Richard Weil; Art Director, Stanley
Fleischer; Musical Score, H. Roemheld; Musical
Director, Leo F. Forbstein; , Cameraman, Robert
Burke; Special Effects, Willafd Van Enger.
Man Front Frisco
Republic; 91 mins.
Reviewed, 5-10-44; Released, 7-1-44.
Cast, Michael O'Shea, Anne Shirley, Gene Lock-
hart, Dan Duryea, Stephanie Bachelor, Ray Walker,
Tommy Bond, Robert Warwick, Olin Howlin, Ann
Shoemaker, Russell Simpson, Stanley Andrews,
Forbes Murray, Erville Alderson, Michael Barnitz.
Associate Producer, Albert J. Cohen; Director,
Robert Florey; Authors, George Worthington Yates,
George Carlton Brown; Screenplay, Ethel Hill,
Arnold Manoff; Musical Score, Marlin Skiles; Art
Director, Russell Kimball; Cameraman, Jack Marta:
Editor, Ernest Nims.
Man in Half Moon Street, The
Paramount; 92 mins.
Reviewed, 10-19-44.
Cast, Nils Asther, Helen Walker, Reinhold
Schunzel, Paul Cavanagh, Edmund Breon, Morton
Lowry, Matthew Boulton, Brandon Hurst, Aminta
Dyne, Arthur Mulliner, Edward Fielding, Reginald
Sheffield. Eustace Wyatt, Forrester Harvey, Kon-
s tan tin Shayne.
Director, Ralph Murphy; Author, Bane Lyndon:
Screenplay, Charles Kenyon; Musical Score, Miklos
Rozsa; Art Directors. Hans Dreier, Walter Tyler;
Cameraman, Henry Sharp: Editor. Tom Neff.
Marine Raiders
RKO; 91 mins.
Reviewed, 7-11-44.
Cast, Pat O'Brien, Robert Ryan, Ruth Hussey,
Frank McHugh, Barton MacLane, Richard Martin,
Edmund Glover, Russell Wade, Robert Anderson,
Michael St. Angel, Martha MacVicar, Harry
Producer, Robert Fellows; Director, Harold
Schuster; Authors, Martin Rackin, Warren Duff;
Art Directors, Albert D'Agostino, Walter E. Keller;
Music, Roy Webb; Musical Director, C. Bakalei-
nikoff; Cameraman, Nicholas Musuraca; Special
Effects, Vernon L. Walker; Editor, Philip Martin.
Mark of the Whistler, The
Columbia; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 10-9-44; Released. 11-2-44.
Cast. Richard Dix, Jan is Carter, Porter Hall.
Paul Guilfoyle. John Calvert, Matt Willis, Matt
McHugh, Howard Freeman.
Producer, Rudolph C. Flothow; Director. Wil-
liam Castle; Author, Cornell Woolrich; Screen-
play, George Bricker; Art Director. John Datul;
Music. Wilbur Hatch: Cameraman. George Meehan;
Editor, Reg Browne.
Reviewed, 1-6-44; Released, 7-29-44.
Cast, Hoot Gibson, Bob Steele, Veda Ann Borg,
Mauritz Hugo, Steve Clark, Charles Stevens, Ralph
Lewis, Lynton Brent, Bud Osborne, George Morrell,
Allen B. Sewall, Benny Corbett.
Director, J. P. McCarthy; Screenplay, J. P.
McCarthy, Victor Hammond; Musical Director,
Frank Sanucci; Cameraman, Harry Neumann:
Editor, John C. Fuller.
Marriage Is a Private Affair
M-G-M; 116 mins.
Reviewed. 8-23-44; Released, October, 1944.
Cast, Lana Turner, James Craig, John Hodiak,
Frances Gifford, Hugh Marlowe, Natalie Schafer,
Keen an Wynn, Herbert Rudley, Paul Cavanaugh,
Morris Ankrum, Jane Green, Tom Drake.
Producer, Pandro S. Berman ; Director, Robert
Z. Leonard; Author, Judith Kelly; Screenplay,
David Hertz, Lenore Coffee; Musical Score, Bronis-
lau Kaper; Art Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Hubert
B. Hobson: Cameraman, Ray June; Editor, George
Marshal of Gunsmoke
Released, 1-21-44.
Cast, Tex Ritter, Russell Hayden, Fuzzy Knight,
Jennifer Holt, Harry Woods, Herbert Rawlinson.
Ethan Laidlaw, Ray Bennett, Michael Vallon,
Ernie Adams, Slim Whitaker, Johnny Bond.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake; Director,
Vernon Keays; Screenplay William Lively; Musical
Director, H. J. Salter; Art Directors, John B.
Goodman, Abraham Grossman; Cameraman, Harry
Marshal of Reno
Released, 7-2-44.
Cast. Bill Elliott, Bobby Blake, Alice Fleming,
George "Gabby" Hayes, Herbert Rawlinson, Jay
Kirby, LeRoy Mason, Blake Edwards, Fred Graham.
Associate Producer, Louis Gray; Director, Wal-
lace Grissell; Authors. Anthony Coldewey, Taylor
Caven; Screenplay, Anthony Coldewey; Art Direc-
tor, Gano Chittenden; Musical Score, Joseph Dubin;
Cameraman, Reggie Lanning; Editor, Charles Craft.
Mask of Diniitrios, The
Warners; 95 mins.
Reviewed, 6-8-44; Released, 7-1-44.
Cast, Sydney Greenstreet, Zachary Scott, Faye
Emerson, Peter Lorre, Victor Francen, Steven
Geray, Florence Bates. Edward Ciannelli, Kurt
Katch, Majorie Hoshelle, Georges Metaxa, John
Abbott, Monte Blue, David Hoffman.
Producer, Henry Blanke; Director, Jean Negu-
lesco; Screenplay, Frank Gruber; Art Director. Ted
Smith; Musical Score, Adolps Deutseh, from "Coffin
for Dimitrios," by Erie Ambler: Musical Director,
Leo F. Forbstein; Cameraman. Arthur Edeson;
Editor, Frederick Richards.
Master Race, The
RKO: 96 mins.
Reviewed, 9-22-44.
Cast, George Coulouris, Stanley Ridges. 09a
Massen, Carl Esmond. Nancy Gates, Morris Car-
novsky, Lloyd Bridges. Eric Feldary, Helen Beverly,
Gavin Muir, Paul Gilfoyle, Richard Nugent, Louis
Donath, Herbert Rudley, Jason Robards, Merrill
Roden, Ghislaine Porreau.
Producer, Robert Golden; Director, Herbert J.
Biberman; Author, Herbert J. Biberman; Screen-
play, Herbert J. Biberman, Anne Froelick, Rowland
Leigh; Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Jack
Okay; Musical Score, Ray Webb; Musical Director,
• C. Bakaleinikoff ; Cameraman, Russell Metty:
Editor, Ernie Leadley.
Marked Trails
Meet Me in St. Louis
M-G-M: 113 mins.
Reviewed. 11-1-44.
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Phone: BRyant 94368
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Cast. Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, Mary
Astor, Lucille Bremer, Tom Drake, Marjorie Main.
Leon Ames, Harry Davenport, June Lockhart.
Henry H. Daniels. Jr.. Joan Carroll. Hugh Mar-
lowe, Robert Sully, Chill Wills.
Producer, Arthur Freed; Director, Vineente Min-
nelli; Author, Sally Benson; Screenplay, Irving
Breeher. Fred F. Finklehoffe; Musical Director,
Georgie Stoll; Dance Director, Charles Walters;
Art Directors, Cedric Gibbons. Lemuel Ayers;
Cameraman, George Folsey; Editor, Albert Akst.
Meet Miss Bobby Soeks
Columbia; 08 mins.
Reviewed. 1 a -2 2-44; Released. 10 12-44.
Cast, Bob Crosby, Lynn Merrick, Louise Erick-
9au, Robert White, Howard Freeman, Mary Cur-
rier, Pat Parrish. Sally Bliss, John Hamilton,
Douglas Wood. Pierre Watkin.
Producer, Ted Richmond; Director, Glenn Tryon;
Screenplay, Muriel Roy Bolton; Art Directors,
Lionel Banks, Carl Anderson ; Musical Director,
Marlin Sidles; Cameraman, George Meehan ; Editor,
Jerome Thorns.
Meet the People
M-G-M: 100 mins.
Reviewed, 4-21-44: Released. June. 1944.
Cast, Lucille Ball, Dick Powell. Virginia O'Brien.
Bert Lahr, "Rags" Ragland, June Allyson. Steve
Geray, Paul Ragland, Howard Freeman, Betty
Jaynes. John Craven, Morris Anltrum, Miriam
LaVellc, Ziggie Talent, Mata and Mari, Vaughn
Monroe Orchestra, Spike Jones and His City
Producer, E. Y. Harburg; Director, Charles Reis-
ner; Authors, Louis Lantz, Sol and Ben Barzman;
Screenplay, S. M. Herzig. Fred Saidy; Art Direc-
tor, Cedric Gibbons; Musical Director, Lennie
Hayton; Dance Directors, Sammy Lee, Charles
Walters, Jack Donahue; Songs. Sammy Fain. E.
Y. Harburg, Harold Arlen. Burton Lane, Earl
Brent, Richard Rodgers. Lorenz Hart, Henry
Myers, Jay Gorney; Cameraman. Robert Surtees;
Editor, Alexander Troffey.
Men of the Sea
Released, 5-30-44.
Produced in England.
Cast, Wilfrid Lawson. Mary Jerrold, William
Freshman, Kathleen O'Regan, Hubert Harben.
Oharles Rolfe, Trefor Jones.
Director, Norman Walker: Author. Manning
Haynes; Screenplay Harold Simpson. Lydia Hay-
ward: Art Director, Sidney Gausden; Musical
Director, Albert Cazabon: Cameraman, Eric Cross:
Editor, Sam Simmonds.
Men On Her Mind
PRC: 67 mins.
Reviewed, 2-4-44; Released. 2-12-44.
Cast. Mary Beth Hughes, Edward Norris. Ted
North, Alan Edwards, Luis Alberni. Kay Linaker,
Claire Rochelle, Lyle Latell, Claire McDowell, Eva
Hamil. Isabel La Mai. Lane Chandler.
Producer. Alfred Stern: Director, Wallace W.
Fox; Author, Raymond L. Schrock; Screenplay,
Raymond L. Schrock; Art Director. Paul Palmen-
tola; Musical Director. Lee Zahler: Cameraman,
Robert Cline: Editor, Charles Henkel, Jr.
Merry Monahans, The
Universal; 91 mins.
Reviewed, 8-24-44; Re'eased. 9-15-44.
Cast, Donald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan, Jack Oakie,
Ann Blyth, Rosemary De Camp. John Miljan.
Gavin Muir, Isabel Jewell. Ian Wolfe, Robert
Homans, Marion Martin. Lloyd Ingraham.
Producers, Michael Fessier, Ernest Pagano:
Director, Charles Lamont; Screenplay, Michael Fes-
sier, Ernest Pagano; Art Directors, John B. Good-
man. Martin Obzina; Musical Director, H. J. Salter;
Dance Directors, Louis Da Pron, Carlos Romero;
Cameraman. Charles Van Enger; Editor. Charles
Million Dollar Kid
Monogram; 65 mins.
Reviewed, 2-25-44; Released, 2-28-44.
Cast, Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Gabriel Dell, Billy
Benedict, Louise Currie, Noah Beery, Sr., Iris
Adrian, Herbert Heyes, Robert Grieg, Johnny
Duncan, Stanley Brown, Patsy Moran, Mary Gor-
iluii. Al Stone, Dave Durand. Bud Gorman. Jimmy
Strand, Pat Costello.
Producers, Sam Katzman. Jack Dietz; Associate
Producer, Barney Sarecky; Director, Wallace Fox;
Author, Frank Young: Screenplay, Frank Young;
Cameraman, Marcel Le Picard: Editor, Carl Pierson.
Ministry of Fear
Paramount; 84 mins.
Reviewed, 10-19-44.
Cast, Ray Milland. Marjorie Reynolds, Carl
Esmond, Hillary Brooke, Percy Waram, Dan
Duryea, Alan Napier, Erskine Stanford, Thomas
Louden, Aminta Dyne, Eustace Wyatt, Mary Freid,
Byron Foulger. Lester Mathews.
Associate Producer, Seton I. Miller; Director,
Fritz Lang; Author, Graham Greene: Screenplay,
SHnii I. Miller; Musical Score. Victor Young; Art
Directors, Hans Dreier. Hal Pereira; Cameraman.
Henry Sharp; Editor, Archie Marshek.
Minstrel Man
PRC; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 6-21-44; Released. 8-1-44.
Cast, Benny Fields, Gladys George, Alan Dine-
hart, Roscoe Earns, Judy Clark, Gloria Petroft.
Molly Lamont, Jerome Cowan, John Raitt, Eddie
Kane, Lee White, The Ernestos.
Producer, Leon Fromkess; Associate Producer,
Harry Revel; Director, Joseph H. Lewis; Authors,
Martin Rooney, Raymond L. Schrock; Screenplay,
Irwin Franklyn, Pierre Gendron ; Art Director, Paul
Palmentola; Production Designer, Edgar Ulmer;
Dance Director, Johnny Boyle; Music Score, Ferde
Grofe; Musical Director, Leo Erdody; Cameraman,
.Marcel Le Picard: Editor, Carl Pierson.
Miraele of Morgan's Creek,
Paramount: 99 mins.
Reviewed, 1-5-44.
Cast, Eddie Bracken, Betty Hutton, Diana Lynn.
William Demarest. Brian Donlevy, Akim Tamiroff.
Porter Hall. Emory Parnell, Alan Bridge, Julius
Tannen. Victor Potel, Almira Sessions, Esther
Howard. J. Farrell McDonald. Frank Moran. Connie
Tompkins, Georgia Caine. Torben Meyer, George
Melford, Jimmy Conlin, Harry Rosenthal.
Director. Preston Sturges; Screenplay, Preston
Sturges; Musical Score, Leo Shuken, Charles
Bradshaw: Art Directors, Hans Dreier, Ernst Fegte;
Cameraman, John Seitz; Editor. Stuart Gilmore.
Missing Juror, The
Released. 11-16-44.
Cast. Jim Bannon, Janis Carter, George Macready.
.lean Stevens. Joseph Crehan, Carole Mathews,
Cliff Clark, Edmund Cobb, Mike MaBUrW. Oflorta
Producer, Wallace MacDonald; Director, Oscar
Boetticher, Jr.; Authors, Leon Abrams. Richard
Wilkinson; Screenplay, Charles O'Neal; Art Direc-
tor, George Brooks; Musical Director, Mischa
Bakaleinikoff ; Cameraman, L. W. O'Connell; Edi-
tor, Paul Borofsky.
Mr. Skeffington
Warners; 146 mins
Reviewed, 5-31-44; Released, 8-12-44.
Cast, Bette Davis, Claude Rains, Walter Abel
Richard Waring, George Coulouris, Marjorie Bior
dan, Robert Shayne, John Alexander, Jerome Cowan
Charles Drake, Dorothy Peterson, Peter Whitney
Bill Kennedy, Tom Stevenson, Halliwell Hobbes
Sylvia Arslan, Bunny Sunshine, Gigi P«rreau
Dolores Gray, Walter Kingsford, Molly Lamont.
Producers, Philip G- and Julius J. Epstein
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We are fully equipped and experienced to make
special sound motion pictures on any subject.
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Director, Vincent Sherman: Author, Elizabeth:
Screenplay, Philip Q. and JuliU9 J. Epstein;
Musical Score, Franz Waxman ; Art Director,
Robert Haas; Musical Director, Leo P. Forbstein;
Cameraman, Ernest Haller; Editor, Ralph Dawson.
Mr. Winkle Goes to War
Columbia: 80 mins.
Reviewed, 7-19-44: Released, 8-3-44.
Cast, Edward G. Robinson. Ruth Warrick, Ted
Donaldson, Roy Haymes, Richard Lane, Robert
Armstrong, Richard Gaines. Walter Baldwin, Art
Smith, Ann Shoemaker, Paul Stanton, Buddy
Tarus, William Forrest, Bernadine Hayes.
Producer. Jack Moss: Associate Producer. Nor-
man Deming; Director, Alfred E. Green: Author,
Theodore Pratt: Screenplay, Waldo Salt, George
Corey, Louis Solomon: Art Directors, Lionel Banks,
Rudolph Sternad: Musical Score. Carman Dragon;
Musical Director. M. W. Stoloff; Cameraman,
Joseph Walker; Editor, Richard Fantl.
Mojave Firebrand
Re'eased. 3-19-44.
Cast, Bill Elliott. George "Gabby" Hayes, Anne
Jeffreys, LeRoy Mason. Jack Ingram, Harry McKim,
Karl Hackelt. Forrest Taylor, Hal Price. Marshall
Reed, Kenne Duncan, Bud Geary. Jack Kirk.
Associate Producer, Eddy White; Director, Spen-
cer Bennet: Screenplay, Norman S. Hall; Art
Director, Fred Ritter; Musical Score. Mort Glick-
man: Cameraman, Ernest Miller: Editor, Harry
Monster Maker, The
PRC: 62 mins.
Reviewed. 3-10-44: Released. 4-15-44.
Cast, J. Carrol Naish. Ralph Morgan, Tala
Birell, Wanda McKay. Terry Frost, Glenn Strange,
Alexander Pollard. Sam Flint.
Producer. Sigmund Neufeld: Director, Sam New-
field: Author, Lawrence Williams: Screenplay,
Pierre Gendrnn, Martin Mooney; Art Director,
Paul Palmpntola: Musical Score. Albert Glasser;
Musical Supervisor, David Chudnow: Cameraman,
Robert Cline; Editor, Holbrook N. Todd.
Moon Over Las Vegas
Universal; 69 mins.
Reviewed. 4-27-44: Released. 4-28-44.
Cast, Anne Gwynne, David Bruce, Vera Vague,
Vivian Austin. Alan Dinehart, Lee Patrick, Joe
Sawyer. Milburn Stone. Addison Richards, Manton
Moreland. Eddie Dunn, Tom Dugan, Pat West,
Muni Seroff. Gene Austin, Sherrell Sisters. Connie
Haines. Capelia and Patricia, Lillian Cornell, Ann
Triola. Jimmy Dodd. The Sportsmen.
Producer, Jean Yarbrough; Director, Jean Yar-
brough; Author. George Jeske; Screenplay, George
Jeske, Clyde Bruckman: Art Directors, John B.
Goodman. Abraham Grossman: Cameraman. Je-
rome Ash; Editor, Milton Carruth.
Moonlight and Cactus
Universal; 60 mins.
Reviewed. 10-23-44; Released, 9-8-44.
Cast. Andrews Sisters. Leo Carrillo, Elyse Knox,
Tom Seidel. Eddie Quillan. Shemp Howard, Tom
Kennedy, Mitch Ayres Orchestra, Murray Alper,
Frank Lackteen. Minerva Urecal.
Associate Producer. Frank Gross: Director.
Edward F. Cline; Art Directors, John B. Goodman,
Martin Obzina; Music Arranger, Vic Schoen;
Dances, Charles Curran; Cameraman, Jerome Ash;
Editor, Ray Snyder.
Mrs. Parkington
M-G-M: 124 mins.
Reviewed, 9-14-44: Released. November, 1044.
Cast, Greer Garson, Walter Pidgeon, Edward
Arnold, Agnes Moorehead, Cecil Kellaway, Gladys
Cooper, Frances Rafferty, Tom Drake, Peter Law-
ford, Dan Duryea, Hugh Marlowe, Selena Royle,
Fortunio Bonanova, Lee Patrick, Harry Cording,
Celia Travers, Mary Servoss.
Producer, Leon Gordon: Director, Tay Garnett;
Author, Louis Bromfield: Screenplay, Robert
Thoeren, Polly James; Musical Score, Bronislau
Kaper; Art Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Randall
Duell; Cameraman, Joseph Ruttenberg; Editor,
George Boemler.
Mummy's Curse, The
Universal; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 12-20-44.
Cast, Lon Chaney, Peter Coe, Virginia Christine,
Kay Harding, Dennis Moore, Martin Kosleck, Kurt
Katch, Addison Richards, Holmes, Herbert, Charles
Stevens, William Farnum, Napoleon Simpson.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake; Director, Les-
lie Goodwins; Authors, Leon Abrams, Dwight V.
Babcock; Screenplay, Bernard Schubert; Musical
Director, Paul Sawtell; Art Director, John B.
Goodman; Songs, Oliver Drake, Frank Orth;
Cameraman, Virgil Miller; Editor, Fred R. Feit-
Mummy's Ghost, The
Universal; 60 mins.
Reviewed. 7-12-44; Released, 7-7-44.
Cast, John Carradine, Lon Chaney, Robert
Lowery, Ramsay Ames, Barton MacLane, George
Zucco, Frank Reicher, Harry Shannon, Emmett
Vogan, Lester Sharpe, Claire Whitney, Oscar
Associate Producer, Ben Pivar; Director, Regi-
nald Le Borg; Screenplay, Griffin Jay, Henry
Sucher, Brenda Weisberg; Musical Director, H. J.
Salter; Art Directors, John B. Goodman, Abraham
Grossman; Cameraman, William Sickner; Editor
Saul Goodkind.
Murder in the Blue Room
Universal: 61 mins.
Reviewed, 11-8-44; Reused, 12-1-44.
Cast, Anne Gwynne, Donald Cook, John Litel,
Grace McDonald, Betty Kean, June Preisser, Regis
Toomey, Nella Walker, Andrew Tombes, Ian Wolfe.
Emmett Vogan, Bill MacWilliams, Frankie Mar-
Associate Producer, Frank Gross: Director, Les-
lie Goodwins; Author, Erich Philippi; Screenplay,
I. A. L. Diamond, Stanley Davis: Musical Director,
Sam Freed, Jr.; Art Directors, John B. Goodman,
Harold H. MaeArthur; Dance Director, Carlo9
Romero; Cameraman, George Robinson; Special
Effects, John F. Fulton; Editor, Charles Maynard.
Music for Millions
M-G-M: 120 mins.
Reviewed, 12-18-44.
Cast, Margaret O'Brien, Jose Iturbi, Jimmy
Durante, June Allyson, Marsha Hunt, Hugh Her-
bert, Harry Davenport, Marie Wilson, Larry Adler.
Ben Lessy, Connie Gilchrist. Katharine Balfour,
Helen Gilbert, Mary Parker, Madeleine LeBeau.
Producer, Joe Pasternak; Director, Henry Koster;
Screenplay. Myles Connolly; Musical Director,
Georgie Stoll; Musical Adaptor, Georgie Stoll;
Orchestration, Joseph Nussbaum: Ted Duncan.
Calvin Jackson; Art Directors. Cedric Gibbons,
Hans Peters: Cameraman, Robert Surtees; Editor.
Douglas Biggs.
Music in Manhattan
RKO: 81 mins.
Reviewed, 7-27-44.
Cast, Anne Shirley, Dennis Day, Philip Terry.
Raymond Walburn, Jane Darwell, Patti Brill.
Charlie Barnet Orchestra; Nilo Mendendez Rhumba
Producer, John H. Auer; Director, John H.
Auer; Authors, Maurice Tombragel, Hal Smith,
Jack Scholl; Screenplay, Lawrence Kimble; Mu-
sical Score, Leigh Harline; Musical Director, C.
Bakaleinikoff ; Musical Numbers, Charles O'Cur-
ran; Art Directors, Albert D'Agostino, Al Herman;
Cameraman, Russell Metty; Editor, Harry Marker.
Outstanding Added Attractions
Also an outstanding Novelty Series
Produced for
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Highly Specialized Distribution of American and Foreign Features and Shorts
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My Best Gal
Republic: 67 mins.
Reviewed, 3-24-44; Released, 3-28-44.
Cast, Jane Withers, Jimmy Lydon, Frank Craven,
Fortunio Bonanova, George Cleveland, Franklin
Pangborn, Mary Newton, Jack Boyle.
Associate Producer, Harry Grey; Director, An-
thony Mann; Author, Richard Brooks; Screenplay,
Olive Cooper, Earl Felton; Musical Director, Mor-
ton Scott; Songs, Kim Gannon, Walter Kent; Art
Directors, Russell Kimball, Gano Chittenden; Dance
Director, Dave Gould; Cameraman, Jack Marta:
Editor, Ralph Nixon.
My Buddy
Republic; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 9-27-44; Released, 10-12-44.
Cast, Donald Barry, Ruth Terry, Lynne Roberta,
Alexander Granach, Emma Dunn, John Litel,
George E. Stone, Jonathan Hale, Ray Walker, Joe
Davlin, Matt McHugh.
Associate Producer, Eddy White; Director, Steve
Sekely; Author, Prescott Chaplin; Screenplay,
Arnold Manoff. Art Director, J. Frank Hotaling;
Musical Director. Morton Scott; Cameraman, Reg-
gie Lanning: Editor, Tony Martinelli.
My Gal Loves Music
Universal ; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 12-5-44; Released, 12-15-44.
Cast, Bob Crosby, Alan Mowbray, Grace Me-
Donald, Betty Kean, Walter Catlett, Freddie Mercer.
Paulina Carter, Tom Daly, Gayne Whitman.
Producer. Edward Lilley; Director, Edward
Lilley; Author, Patricia Harper; Screenplay,
Eugene Conrad; Art Directors, John B. Goodman.
Abraham Grossman; Cameraman, Hal Mohr; Spe-
cial Photography, John P. Fulton; Editor, Russell
My Pal, Wolf
RKO; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 9-25-44.
Cast, Sharyn Moftett, Jill Esmond, Una O'Con-
nor, George Cleveland, Charles Arnt, Claire Carle-
ton, Leona Maricel, Bruce Edwards, Edward
Fielding, Olga Fabian, Larry Olsen, Jerry Michel-
sen, Bobby Larson, Marc Carmer.
Producer, Adrian Scott; Director, Alfred Werker;
Author, Frederick Hazlitt Brenna; Screenplay,
Lillie Hay ward, Leonard Praskins, Jack Paxton:
Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Carroll Clark;
Musical Score, Werner Heymann; Musical Director,
C Bakaleinikoff : Cameraman. Jack Mackenzie;
Editor, Harry Marker.
Mystery Man
United Artists.
Released, 5-31-44.
Ca6t, William Boyd, Andy Clyde, Jimmy Rogers,
Don Costello, Francis McDonald, Forrest Taylor,
Eleanor Stewart, Jack Rockwell, Bill Hunter, John
Merton, Pierce Lyden, Bob Burns.
Producer, Harry A. Sherman; Director, George
Archainbaud: Screenplay, J. Benton Cheney.
— JV —
Released, 1-25-44.
Cast, Buster Crabbe, Fifi D'Orsay, Barton Mac-
Lane, Julie London, Bryant Washburn, Herbert
Rawlinson, Price Modupe, Jackie Newfield.
Producer,, Sigmund Neufeld: Director, Sam
Newfield; Screenplay, Fred Myton; Musical Super-
visor, David Chudnow; Cameraman, Robert Cline;
Editor, Holbrook N. Todd.
National Barn Dance, The
Paramount; 76 mins.
Reviewed, 9-5-44.
Cast, Jean Heather, Charles Quigley, Robert
Benchley, Mabel Paige, Charles Dingle, Pat But-
iram, Joe Kelly, Lulu Belle and Scotty, Dinning
Sisters, Hoosier Hot Shots, Luther W. Ossenbrink.
Director, Hugh Bennett; Screenplay, Lee Loeb.
Hal Fimberg; Musical Director, L-vin Talbot; Art
Directors, Hans Dreier, Walter Hyler: Dance Direc-
tor, Jack Crosby: Cameraman. Henry Sharp; Editor,
Everett Douglas.
National Velvet
M-G-M; 125 mins.
Reviewed, 12-6-44.
Cast, Mickey Rooney, Donald Crisp, Elizabeth
Taylor, Amie Revere, Angela Lansbury, Jackie
Jenkins, Juanita Quigley, Arthur Treacher, Regi-
nald Owen, Norma Varden, Terry Kilburn.
Producer, Pandro S. Berman; Director, Clarence
Brown; Author, Enid Bagnold; Screenplay, Theo-
dore Reeves, Helen Deutsch ; Musical Score, Herbert
Stothart; Art Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Urie
McCleary; Cameraman, Leonard Smith; Special
Effects, Warren NVwcombe; Editor, Robert J.
Navy Way, The
Paramount; 74 mins.
Reviewed, 2-25-44.
Cast, Robert Lowery. Jean Parker, Bill Henry,
Roscoe Karns, Sharon Douglas, Robert Armstrong.
Richard Powers, Larry Nunn, Mary Treen, Joseph
Producers, William Pine, William Thomas; As-
sociate Producer, L. B. Merman; Director, William
Berke; Author, Maxwell Shane; Screenplay, Max-
well Shane; Art Director, F. Paul Sylos; Musical
Score, Willy Stahl; Cameraman, Fred Jaekman,
Jr.; Editor, Howard Smith.
RKO; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 12-20-44.
Cast, Bob Mitchum, Anne Jeffreys, Guinn "Big
Boy" Williams, Nancy Gates, Richard Martin,
Craig Reynolds, Harry Woods, Edmund Glover.
Alan Ward, Harry McKim, Wheaton Chambers.
Philip Morris.
Producers, Sid Rogell, Herman Schlom; Director,
Edward Killy; Author, Zane Grey; Screenplay,
Norman Houston.
Night Club Girl
Universal; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 12-18-44.
Cast, Vivian Austin, Edward Norris, Maxie
Rosenbloom, Mina Gombell, Judy Clark, Billy
Dunn, Leon Belasco, Andrew Tombes, Fred San-
born, Clem Bevans, Virginia Brissac, Emmet t
Vogan, George Davis, The Mulcays, Paula Drake.
Delta Rhythm Boys.
Associate Producer, Frank Gross; Director.
Eddie Cline; Author, Adele Commandini; Screen-
play, Henry Blankf ort, Dick Irving Hyland ; Art
Directors, John B. Goodnjan, Martin Obzina; Dance
Director, Louis DaPron; Cameraman, Charles Van
Enger; Editor, Charles Maynard.
Night of Adventure, A
RKO; 65 mins.
Reviewed, 6-9-44.
Cast, Tom Conway, Audrey Long, Edward Bro-
phy, Louis Borell, Addison Richards, Jean Brooks.
Nancy Gates, Russell Hopton, Claire Carleton.
Emory Parnell, Edmund Glover.
Producer, Herman Schlom ; Director, . Gordon
Douglas; Author, Wilhelm Speyer (from "Hat.
Coat and Glove"); Screenplay, Crane Wilbur; Art
Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Ralph Berger;
Music, Leigh Harline; Music Director, C. Bakaleini-
koff; Cameraman, Frank Redman; Editor, Les
Nine Girls
Released, 2-17-44.
Cast, Ann Harding, Evelyn Keyes, Jinx Falken-
burg, Anita Louise, Leslie Brooks, Lynn Merrick,
Jeff Donnell, Nina Foch, Shirley Mills, Marcia Mae
NEW YORK 19, N. Y.
Musical Direction
March of Time
Universal Pictures
Columbia Pictures
Producer - Director
Triumph Films
Sound ies Dist. Corp.
460 WEST 54th STREET
NEW YORK 20, N. Y.
Jones, Wlllard Robertson. William Demarest, Lester
Producer, Burt Kelly: Director, Leigh Jason:
Author, Wilfrid H. Pettit; Screenplay, Karen
DeWolf, Connie Lee: Art Directors, Lionel Banks,
Ross Bellah; Music Director, M. W. Stolofl; Mu-
sical Score, John Leopold; Cameraman, James
Van Trees: Editor, Otto Meyer.
No Greater Love
Artkino: 68 mins.
Reviewed, 3-3-44; Released, 2-23-44.
Produced in the U. S. S. R.
Cast, Vera Maretskaya, Anna Smirnova, Peter
Aleinkov, Alexander Violinov, Nikolai Bogroliubov,
trina Fedorova, I. Peltzer, W. Gremin, B. Dom-
chovsky, G. Kozshoun, V. Medvedyev, E. Memt-
chenko, G. Semenov, A. Chepurnov.
Producer, Frederick Ermler; Director, Frederick
Ermrler; Screenplay, M. Bleiman, I. Bondin: Mu-
sical Score, G. Popov: English Dialogue, William
C. White, Alexander Bakshy, I. Elman; English
Version, I. E. Lopert, W. A. Pozner; Cameramen.
V. Rappaport. A. Zavialov: Editor, Geraldin^
None But the Lonely Heart
RKO; 113 mins.
Reviewed, 10-3-44.
Cast, Cary Grant, Ethel Barrymore, Barry Fitz-
gerald. June Duprez, Jane Wyatt, George Coulouris.
Dan Duryea, Roman Bohnen, Konstantin Shayne,
Eva Leonard Boyne, Morton Lowry, Helen Thimig,
William Chalee.
Producer, David Hempstead: Associate Producer,
Sherman Todd; Director, Clifford Odets: Author,
Richard Llewellyn; Screenplay, Clifford Odets; Art
Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Jack Okey; Musical
Score, Hanns Eisler; Musical Director, C. Bakaleini-
koff; Cameraman, George Barnes; Special Effects,
Vernon L. Walker; Editor, Roland Gross.
None Shall Escape
Columbia; 86 mins.
Reviewed, 1-28-44; Released, 2-3-44.
Cast, Marsha Hunt, Alexander Knox. Henry
Travers, Erik Rolf, Richard Crane, Dorothy Morris,
Richard Hale, Ruth Nelson, Kurt Kreuger, Shirley
Mills, Elvin Field, Trevor Bardette, Frank Jaquet,
Ray Teal, Art Smith, George Lessey.
Producer. Samuel Bischoff; Associate Producer,
Burt Kelly; Director, Andre DeToth; Authors, Al-
fred Neumann, Joseph Than; Screenplay, Lester
Cole: Art Director, Lionel Banks; Musical Score,
Ernst Toch; Cameraman, Lee Garmes; Editor,
Charles Nelson.
Oh, What a Night
Norway Replies
J. H. Hoffberg; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 3-2-44.
Director, F. Herrick: Author, F. Herrick; Mu-
sical Director, Jack Shaindlin.
Nothing But Trouble
M-G-M; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 12-6-44.
Cast, Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Mary Boland.
Philip Merivale, Henry O'Neill, David Leland, John
Warburton, Matthew Boulton. Connie Gilchrist.
Producer, B. F. Zeidman; Director, Sam Taylor;
Screenplay, Russell Rouse, Ray Golden; Musical
Score, Nathaniel Shilkret; Art Directors, Cedric
Gibbons, Harry McAfee; Cameraman, Charles
Salerno, Jr.; Editor, Conrad A. Nervig.
Oath of Vengeance
Released, 12-9-44.
Cast, Buster Crabbe, Al (Fuzzy) St. John, Mady
Lawrence, Jack Ingram, Charles King, Marin Sais,
Karl Hackett, Kermit Maynard, Hal Price, Frank
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director, Sam New-
field; Screenplay, Fred My ton; Cameraman, Robert
Monogram: 72 mins.
Reviewed, 8-10-44; Released, 9-2-44.
Cast, Edmund Lowe, Marjorie Rambeau, Jean
Parker, Alan Dinehart, Pierre Watkin, Claire
DuBrey, Ivan Lebedeff, Olaf Hytten, Karin Lang,
Charles Miller, George Lewis, Charles Jordan,
Crane Whitley, Dick Rush.
Producer, Scott Dunlap; Director, William
Beaudine; Author, Marion Orth; Screenplay, Paul
Gerard Smith; Musical Director, Edward Kay;
Cameraman, Mack Stengler; Editor, Dan Milner.
Oklahoma Raiders
Released, 3-17-44.
Cast, Tex Ritter, Fuzzy Knight, Dennis Moore,
Jennifer Holt, Jack Ingram, George Eldredge, John
Elliott, Slim Whitaker, I. Stanford Jolley, Dick
Alexander, Herbert Rawlinson, Ethan Laidlaw.
Johnny Bond.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake: Director,
Lewis D. Collins; Screenplay, Betty Burbridge;
Musical Director, Paul Sawtell; Cameraman, Wil-
liam Sickner.
Old Texas Trail, The
Released, 12-15-44.
Cast, Rod Cameron, Eddie Dew, Fuzzy Knight,
Ray Whitley, Virginia Christine, Joseph J. Greene,
Marjorie Clements, George Eldredge. Edmund Cobb.
Jack Clifford.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake; Director,
Lewis D. Collins; Screenplay. Wililam Lively;
Musical Director, Paul Sawtell; Art Directors, John
B. Goodman, Harold H. MacArthur; Cameraman,
William Sickner; Editor, Saul Goodkind.
Once Upon a Time
Columbia; 89 mins.
Reviewed, 4-27-44; Released, 5-11-44.
Cast, Cary Grant, Janet Blair, James Gleason
Ted Donaldson, Howard Freeman, William Dem
arest, Art Baker, Paul Stanton, Mickey McGuire
Producer, Louis F. Edelman; Director, Alex
ander Hall; Screenplay, Lewis Meltzer, Oscar Saul
from "My Client Curly," by Norman Corwin
Musical Score, Frederick Hollander: Musical Di
rector, M. W. Stoloff; Art Directors, Lionel Banks
Edward Jewell: Cameraman, Franz F. Planer
Editor, Gene Havlick.
One Body Too Many
Paramount; 74 mins.
Reviewed, 10-19-44.
Cast, Jack Haley, Jean Parker, Bela Lugosi,
Bernard Nedell, Blanche Yurka, Douglas Fowley.
Dorothy Granger, Lyle Talbot, Lucien Littlefleld,
Fay Helm, Maxine Fife, William Edmunds.
Producers, William Pine, William Thomas:
Director, Frank McDonald; Authors, Winston
Miller, Maxwell Shane; Screenplay, Winston Miller,
Maxwell Shane; Art Director, F. Paul Sylos;
Cameraman, Fred Jackman, Jr.; Editor, Howard
One Inch From Victory
Scoop Productions; 67 mins.
Reviewed, 5-10-44.
Producer, Noel Madison; Supervisor, Maurice
Levy, Narration, Quentin Reynolds.
One Mysterious Night
Columbia; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 10-31-44; Released. 9-19-44.
Cast, Chester Morris, Richard Lane, Janis Carter,
William Wright, Robert Williams, George E. Stone
Dorothy Maloney, Robert E. Scott, Lyle Latell
George McKay, Early Cantrell, Joseph Crehan.
Producer, Ted Richmond: Director, Oscar Boet
ticher, Jr.; Screenplay, Paul Yawitz; Art Direc
tors, Lionel Banks, George Brooks: Musical Direc
tor, Mischa Bakaleinikoff ; Cameraman, L. W
O'Connell; Editor, Al Clark.
One of the Ten Best— Nat'l Bd. of Re-
Daring Comedy — Time Magazine
Thrilling Espionage Drama — Film Daily
Glorious Technicolor Musical — New
York Times
Best Comedy of the Year — Time Maga-
A Film Delight— -N. Y. Daily News
Amusing Farce. — N. Y. Daily News
*Soon to be Released
Exciting Mystery Thriller
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
Dolores Del Rio
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
Valerie Hobson — Alan Hale
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.
Margaret Lockwood
Paul Cavanaugh
Margot Grahame
Cngltei) Jftlmsf, Int.
1560 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. —
BRyant 9-6073
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Diagram showing the ice bunker
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Typhoon Air Conditioning Co., Inc.
2 52 West 26th Street
New York, N. Y
Our Hearts Were Young and Passage to Marseille
Paramount; 81 mins.
Reviewed, 8-31-44.
Cast, Gail Russell, Diana Lynn, Charlie Rubles.
Dorothy Gish, Beulah Bondi, James Brown. Bill
Edwards, Jean Heather, Alma Kruger, Helene
Freeman, Joy Harington, Valentine Perkins,
Georges Renavent, Roland Varno, Holmes Herbert,
Reg-inald Sheffield, Edmond Breon, Nina Koshetz.
Associate Producer, Sheridan Gibney; Director,
Lewis Allen; Authors, Cornelia Otis Skinner, Smily
Kimbrough; Screenplay, Sheridan Gibney; Art
Directors, Hans Dreier, Earl Hedrick; Musical
Score, Werner Heymann; Special Effects, Gordon
Jennings; Process Photography, Farciot Edouart;
Cameraman, Theodor Sparkuhl; Editor, Paul
Outlaw Roundup
Released. 2-10-44.
Cast. Jim Newill, Dave O'Brien, Guy Wilkerson.
Helen Chapman, Jack Ingram, I. Stanford Jolley,
Charles King, Reed Howes, Bud Osborne, Frank
Hllie, Bud Buster.
Producer, Alfred Stern; Director, Harry Fraser.
Screenplay, Elmer Clifton; Cameraman, Ira Mor-
gan; Editor, Charles Henkel, Jr.
Outlaw Trail
Released, 4-18-44.
Cast, Hoot Gibson, Bob Steele, Chief Thunder-
cloud, Jennifer Holt, Cy Kendall, Rock Cameron.
George Eldridge, Charles King, Hal Price, John
Bridges, Bud Osborne, Jim Thorpe.
Producer, Robert Tansey; Director, Robert
Tansey; Author, Alvin Neitz; Screenplay, Frances
Kavanaugh; Musical Director, Frank Sanucci;
Cameraman, Edward Kull; Editor, John C. Fuller.
Outlaws of Santa Fe
Republic; 56 mine.
Reviewed, 7-24-44; Released, 4-4-44.
Cast, Don "Red" Barry, Wally Vernon, Helen
Talbot, Twinkle Watts, Charles Morton, Herbert
Heyes, Bud Geary, LeRoy Mason, Kenneth Duncan.
Nolan Leary, Walter Soderling, Edmund Cobb.
Frank McCarroll, Nan Kortman, Emmett Lynn.
Associate Producer, Eddy White; Director, How-
ard Bretherton: Screenplay, Norman S. Hall; Art
Director, Fred Ritter; Musical Score. Mort Glick-
man; Cameraman, John McBurnie; Editor, Charles
Warners; 110 mins.
Reviewed, 2-17-44; Released. 3-11-44.
Cast, Humphrey Bogart, Michele Morgan, Claude
Rains, Philip Dorn, Sidney Greenstreet, Peter
Lorre, John Loder, George Tobias, Vladimir Soko-
loff, Edward Ciannelli, Konstantin Shayne, Victor
Francen, Helmut Dantine, Louis Mercler, Monte
Blue, Stephen Richards, Hans Conried, Frederick
Brunti, Billy Roy, Charles La Torre, Gerald Perreau.
Producer, Hal B. Wallis; Director, Michael
Curtiz; Authors, Charles Nordhoff, James Norman
Hall; Screenplay, Casey Robinson, Jack Moffit;
.Musical Score, Max Steiner; Art Director, Carl
Jules Weyl; Cameraman, James Wong Howe: Spe-
cial Effects, Jack Cosgrove, Edwin DuPar; Editor,
Owen Marks.
Passport to Destiny
RKO; 64 mins.
Reviewed, 1-31-44; {Reviewed as "Passport to
Cast, Elsa Lanchester, Gordon Oliver, Lenore
Aubert, Lionel Royce, Fritz Feld, Joseph Vitale,
Gavin Muir, Lloyd Corrigan, Anita Bolster, Lydia
Bilbrook, Lumsden Hare, Hans Schumm.
Producer, Herman Schlom; Director, Ray
McCarey; Screenplay, Val Burton, Muriel Roy
Bolton; Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Jack
Okey; Musical Score, Rob Webb; Cameraman,
Jack Mackenzie: Special Effects, Vernon L.
Walker; Editor, Robert Swink.
Pearl of Death, The
Universal; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 8-28-44; Released, 9-22-44.
Cast, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Evelyn
Ankers, Miles Mander, Dennis Hoey, Rondo Hat-
ton, Richard Nugent, Ian Wolfe, Charles Francis.
Holmes Herbert, Mary Gordon.
Producer, Roy William Neill; Director. Roy
William Neill; Screenplay, Bertram Millhauser:
Musical Director, Paul Sawtell; Art Directors.
John B. Goodman, Martin Obzina; Cameraman,
Virgil Miller; Editor, Ray Snyder.
Phantom Lady
Universal; 87 mins.
Reviewed, 1-26-44; Released, 1-28-44.
Cast, Ella Raines, Franchot Tone, Alan Curtis.
Thomas Gomez, Fay Helm, Aurora Miranda, An-
drew Tombes, Elisha Cook, Jr., Jay Novello, Joseph
Ciehan, Regis Toomey.
Associate Producer, Joan Harrison; Director.
Robert Siodmak; Author, William Irish; Screen-
play, Bernard C. Schoenfeld; Musical Director.
H. J. Salter; Art Director, John B. Goodman:
Cameraman, Elwood Bredell; Editor, Arthur Hilton.
Pardon My Rhythm
Universal; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 5-12-44; Released, 6-19-44.
Cast, Gloria Jean, Patric Knowles. Evelyn Ank-
ers, Marjorie Weaver, Walter Catlett, Mel Tonne.
Patsy O'Connor, Ethel Griffies, Jack Slattery. Boh
Crosby Orchestra. Saul Grauman.
Associate Producer, Bernard W. Burton; Direc-
tor, Felix E. Feist; Author, Hurd Barrett; Screen-
play, Val Burton, Eugene Conrad; Musical Direc-
tor, H. J. Salter; Art Directors, John B. Goodman.
Ralph M. DeLacy; Cameraman, Paul Ivano: Edi
tor, Edward Curtiss.
Partners of the Trail
Released, 3-28-44.
Cast, Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hatton,
Christine Mclntyre, Craig Woods, Robert Frazer,
Harry F. Price, Jack Ingram, Lynton Brent. Mar-
shall Reed, Ben Corbett, Steve Clark, Lloyd In
Producer, Scott R. Dunlap; Director, Lambert
Hillyer; Screenplay, Frank H. Young; Musical
Director, Edward Kay; Cameraman, Harry Neu-
mann; Editor, Carl Heim.
Pinto Randit, The
Released, 4-27-44.
Cast, Dave O'Brien, Jim Newill, Guy Wilkerson.
Mady Lawrence, James Martin, Jack Ingram. Ed-
ward Cassidy, Budd Buster, Karl Hackett, Robert
Kortman, Charles King, Jr.
Producer, Alfred Stern; Director, Elmer Clifton:
Screenplay, Elmer Clifton; Musical Director, Lee
Zahler; Cameraman, Edward Kull; Editor, Charles
Henkel, Jr.
Pin-up Girl
20th-Fox; 83 mins.
Reviewed, 4-25-44; Released, May, 1944.
Cast, Betty Grable, John Harvey, Martha Raye.
Joe E. Brown, Eugene Pallette, Dorothy Kent,
Dave Willock, Condos Brothers, Charlie Spivak
Orchestra, Robert Homans, Marcel Dalio, Roger
(lark, Leon Belasco, Irving Bacon, Walter Tetley,
Ruth Warren, Max Willenz, Mantan Moreland.
Charles Moore.
Producer, William LeBaron; Director, Bruce
Humberstone; Author, Libbie Block; Screenplay.
Robert Ellis, Helen Logan, Earl Baldwin: Dance
Director, Hermes Pan; Musical Supervisor. Fan-
chon; Art Directors. James Basevi. Joseph C.
Wright; Musical Directors, Emil Newman, Charles
Henderson: Cameraman, Ernest Palmer; Special
Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor, Robert Simpson.
Port of Forty Thieves, The
Republic: 58 mins.
Reviewed, 6-23-44; Released, 8-13-44.
Cast, Stephanie Bachelor, Richard Power, Lynn
Roberts, Olive Blakeney, Russell Hicks, George
Meeker, Mary Field, Ellen Lowe, Patricia Knox,
John Hamilton, Harry Depp.
Associate Producer, Walter H. Goetz; Director,
John English; Screenplay, Dane Lussier; Art Direc-
tor, Russell Kimball; Musical Director, Morton
Scott; Cameraman, Jack Marta; Editor, Richard
Van Enger.
Practically Yours
Paramount; 90 mins.
Reviewed, 12-20-44.
Cast, Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMurray, Gil
Lamb, Cecil Kellaway, Robert Benchley, Tom
Powers, Jane Frazee, Rosemary De Camp, Isabel
Randolph, Mikhail Rasumny.
Producer, Mitchell Leisen; Associate Producer,
Harry Tugend: Director, Mitchell Leisen; Author,
Norman Krasna; Art Directors, Hans Dreier,
Robert Usher; Musical Score, Victor Young; Songs,
Sam Coslow; Cameraman, Charles Lang, Jr.; Editor,
Doane Harrison.
Pride of the Plains
Released, 1-5-44.
Cast, Bob Livingston, Smiley Burnette, Nancy
Gay, Stephen Barclay, Kenneth MacDonald, Charles
Miller, Kenne Duncan, Jack Kirk, Bud Geary,
Yakima Canutt.
Associate Producer, Louis Gray: Director, Wal-
lace Fox; Author, Oliver Drake; Screenplay, John
K. Butler, Bob Williams: Art Director, Fred Ritter;
Musical Score, Mort Glickman; Cameraman, John
MacBurnie; Editor, Charles Craft.
Princess and the Pirate, The
RKO; 94 mins.
Reviewed, 10-17-44.
Cast, Bob Hope, Virginia Mayo, Walter Brennan,
Walter Slezak, Victor McLaglen, Marc Kuznetzoff,
Brandon Hurst, Tom Kennedy, Stanley Andrews,
Robert Warwick.
Producer, Sam Goldwyn; Associate Producer,
Don Hartman; Director, David Butler; Author, Sy
Bartlett; Screenplay, Don Hartman, Melville Shavel-
son, Everett Freeman; Musical Score, David Rose;
Art Director, Ernst Fegte; Cameraman, Victor
Milner; Special Effects, R. O. Binger, Clarence
Slifer; Editor, Daniel Mandell.
Purple Heart, The
20th-Fox; 99 mins.
Reviewed, 2-23-44; Released, March, 1944.
Cast, Dana Andrews, Richard Conte. Farley
Granger, Kevin O'Shea, Donald Barry, Trudy Mar-
shall, Sam Levine, Charles Russell, John Craven,
Tala Birell, Richard Lee, Peter Chong, Gregory
Gaye, Torben Meyer, Kurt Katch, Martin Gar-
ralaga, Erwin Kaiser, Igor Dolgoruki. Nestor
Paiva, Alex Papana, H. T. Tsiang, Benson Fong,
Key Chang, Allen Jung, Wing Foo, Pavil Fung,
Joseph Kim, Luke Chan, Beal Wong, Marshall
Producer, Darryl F. Zanuck; Director, Lewis
Milestone; Author, Melville Crossman: Screenplay,
Jerome Cady; Art Directors, James Basevi, Lewis
Creber; Musical Score, Alfred Newman: Camera-
man, Arthur Miller; Editor, Douglas Biggs.
— R —
Racket Man, The
Released, 1-18-44.
Cast, Tom Neal, Hugh Beaumont. Jeanne Bates,
Larry Parks, Douglas Fowley. Lewis Wilson. Clar-
ence Muse, Mary Gordon, Anthony Caruso, Warren
Ashe. Pauline Drake.
Producer, Wallace MacDonald: Director. D. Ross
Lederman; Author, Casey Robinson: Screenplay.
Paul Yawitz, Howard J. Green; Art Director,
Lionel Banks; Musical Director, M. W. St»lofl;
Editor, Paul Borofsky.
Raiders of the Border
Released, 1-31-44.
Cast, Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hatton.
Craig Woods, Ellen Hall, Raphael Bennett, Edmund
Cobb, Ernie Adams, Dick Alexander, Lynton
Brent, Stanley Price.
Producer, Scott R. Dunlap; Director. John P.
McCarthy; Author, Johnston McCulley: Screen-
play, Jess Bowers: Musical Director, Edward Kay:
Cameraman, Harry Neumann; Editor, Carl Pierson.
Rainbow, The
Artkino; 93 mins.
Reviewed, 10-20-44; Released, 10-21-44.
Produced in the U. S. S. R.
Cast, Natasha Uzhvey, Natalia Alisova, Elena
Tiapkina, Vera Ivasheva, Anton Dunaysky, Anna
Lisyanskaya, G. Klering, N'klai Bratersky, Vitya
Vinogradov, Alik Letichevsky, Emma Peralstein,
Vova Ponomariov.
Director, Mark Donsky; Author, Wanda Wasil-
ewska; Music, Lev Shvartz; English Titles,
Charles Clement; Cameraman, Boris Manastireky.
Rainbow Island
Paramount; 97 mins.
Reviewed. 9-5-44.
Cast, Dorothy Lamour, Eddie Bracken, Sil Lamb.
Barry Sullivan, Forrest Orr, Anne Revere. Reed
Hadley, Marc Lawrence, Adia Kuznetzoff, Olga San
Juan, Elena Verdugo.
Associate Producer, E. D. Leshin: Director,
Ralph Murphy; Author, Seena Owen: Screenplay,
Walter DeLeon, Arthur Phillips: Art Directors,
Hans Dreier, Haldane Douglas: Musical Score, Roy
Webb; Dances, Danny Dare: Cameraman. Karl
Struss; Special Effects, Gordon Jennings: Process
Photography, Farciot Edouart.
Range Law
Monogram: 57 mins.
Reviewed, 8-22-44: Reused, fi-24-44.
Cast, Johnny Mack Brown. Raymond Hatton.
Sara Padden, EPen Hall, Lloyd Ingraham. Marshall
Reed, Steve Clark. Jack Ingram. Hugh Prosser,
Stanley Price. Art Fowler, Harry F. Price, Ben
Corbett. Bud Osborne.
Producer. Trem Carr: Director. Lambert Hillyer;
Author, Frank H. Young: Screenplay, Frank H.
Young: Musical Director, Edward, Kay: Camera-
man, Harry Neumann; Editor, John C. Fuller.
M-G-M: 93 mins.
Reviewed. 1-28-44: Released. March. 1944.
Cast, Wallace Beery, Marjorie Main. Donald
Meek, Dorothy Morris, Howard Freeman, Connie
Gilchrist, Tommy Batten, Gloria Dickson, Henry
O'Neill. Richard Hall, Char'es Halton, Morris
Ankrum, Carol Ann Beery. Douglas Fowley, Chester
Producer. Orville O. Dull; Director. Willis Gold-
beck: Screenplay. William R. Lipman. Grant Gar-
rett. Harry Ruskin: Art Director. Cedric Gibbons;
Musical Score. David Snell; Cameraman, Sidney
Wagner; Editor, Ferris Webster.
Reckless Age
Universal: 63 mins.
Reviewed. 8-31-44; Released, 11-17-44.
Cast, Gloria Jean, Henry Stephenson. Kathleen
Howard, Franklin Pangborn, Andrew Tombes,
Marshal Thompson. Jane Darwell. Lloyd Corrigan.
Judy Clark. Jack Gilford, Chester Clute, The Delta
Rhythm Boys. Harold Nicholas.
Producer. Felix E. Feist: Director. Felix E.
Feist: Author, Al Martin: Musical Director, Sam
Freed; Art Directors, John B. Goodman. Harold H.
MaeArthur; Cameraman, Jerome Ash; Editor, Ray
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Return of the Ape Man
Monogram; 60 mins.
Reviewed, 6-6-44; Released, 7-17-44.
Cast, Bela Lugosi, John Carradine. George Zucco.
Frank Moran, Judith Gibson, Mary Currier, Mi-
chael Ames, Mike Donovan, George Eldridge, Ed
Chandler, Ernie Adams.
Producers, Sam Katzman, Jack Dietz; Associ-
ate Producer, Barney Sarecky; Director, Philip
Rosen; Author, Robert Charles; Screenplay, Robert
Charles; Musical Director, Edward Kay; Camera-
man, Marcel Le Picard; Editor, Carl Pierson.
Return of the Rangers, The
PRC: 60 mins.
Reviewed, 8-4-44.
Cast, Dave O'Brien, Jim Newill, Guy Wilkerson,
Nell O'Day, Glenn Strange, Emmett Lynn. I. Stan-
ford Jolley, Robert Barron, Henry Hall, Harry
Producer, Arthur Alexander; Director, Elmer
Clifton; Screenplay. Elmer Clifton; Musical Direc-
tor, Lee Zahler; Cameraman, Robert Cline: Editor,
Charles Hankel, Jr.
Return of the Vampire, The
Columbia; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 2-25-44.
Cast, Bela Lugosi, Frieda Inesecort, Nina Foch,
Roland Varno, Miles Mander, Matt Willis. Ottola
Nesmith, Gilbert Emery, Leslie Denison, William
C. P. Austin.
Producer, Sam White; Director, Lew Landers;
Screenplay, Griffin Jay; Art Director, Lionel Banks;
Musical Director, M. W. Stoloff; Cameraman, John
Stumar, L. W. O'Connell; Editor, Paxil Borofsky.
Riders of the Deadline
United Artists: 70 mins.
Reviewed, 1-31-44.
Cast, William Boyd. Andy Clyde, Jimmy Rogers,
Richard Crane, Frances Woodward, Tony Ward,
Bob Mitchum, Jim Bannon, Hugh Prosser, Her-
bert Rawlinson, Montie Montana, Earle Hodgins,
Bill Beckford, Pierce Lyden.
Producer, Harry A. Sherman; Associate Pro-
ducer, Lewis Rachmil: Director, Lesley Selander:
Screenplay, Bennett Cohen; Art Director, Ralph
Berger; Cameraman, Russell Harlan; Editor, Fred
Riders of the Santa Fe
Released, 11-10-44.
Cast, Rod Cameron, Eddie Dew, Fuzzy Knight.
Jennifer Holt. Ray Whitley, Lane Chandler, Earle
Hodgins, George Douglas, Dick Alexander, Budd
Buster, Ida Moore.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake; Director,
Wallace W. Fox; Screenplay, Ande Lamb; Musical
Director, Paul Sawtell; Art Directors, John B.
Goodman, Abraham Grossman; Cameraman, Maury
Gertsman; Editor, Ray Snyder.
Riding West
Columbia; 58 mins.
Reviewed. 9-25-44; Released, 5-18-44.
Cast, Charles Starrett, Arthur Hunnicutt, Shirley
Patterson, Ernest Tubb, Steve Clark, Wheeler
Oakman, J. P. Whitefield, Clancy Cooper, Bill
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, William Berke;
Screenplay, Luci Ward; Art Director, Lionel
Banks; Cameraman. Benjamin Kline; Editor, Jer-
ome Thomas.
Roger Touhy, Gangster
20th-Fox; 65 mins.
Reviewed, 6-6-44; Released, July. 1944.
Cast, Preston Foster, Victor McLaglen, Lois
Andrews, Kent Taylor, Anthony Quinn, William
Post. Jr.. Henry Morgan, Matt Briggs, Moroni
Olsen, Reed Hadley, Trudy Marshall, John Archer,
Frank Jenks. George E. Stone, Charles Lang, Kane
Richmond. George Holmes, Ralph Peters. Roy
Roberts. John Harmon, Horace MacMahon, Ed-
mund Macdonald, Cy Kendall, William Pawley,
Murray Alper, Selmer Jackson, Joseph Crehan,
Byron Foulger, George Lessey, Addison Richards,
Ralph Dunn, Arthur Aylesworth.
Producer, Lee Marcus: Director, Robert Florey:
Author, Crane Wilbur; Screenplay, Crane Wilbur.
Jerry Cady; Art Directors, James Basevi, Lewis
Creber; Musical Score, Hugo W. Friedhofer:
Musical Director, Emil Newman; Cameraman, Glen
MacWilliams; Editor, Harry Reynolds.
Rogues' Gallery
Released, 12-6-44.
Cast, Frank Jenks, Robin Raymond, H. B.
Warner, Ray Walker, Davison Clark, Bob Homans.
Frank McGlynn, Pat Gleason, Edward Keane, Earl
Dewey, Milton Kibbee, Gene Stutenroth, George
Kirby, Norval Mitchell, John Valentine, Jack
Raymond, Parker Gee.
Producers, Donald C. McKean, Albert Herman;
Director, Albert Herman; Screenplay. John T.
Neville; Musical Director, Lee Zahler; Art Director,
Paul Palmentola; Cameraman, Ira Morgan; Editor,
Fred Bain.
Rosie, the Riveter
Republic; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 4-5-44; Released, 4-9-44.
Cast, Jane Frazee, Frank Albertson, Vera Vague,
Frank Jenks, Lloyd Corrigan, Frank Fenton, Maud
Eburne, Carl Switzer, Louise Erickson, Ellen
Lowe, Arthur Loft, Tom Kennedy.
Associate Producer, Armand Schaefer; Director,
Joseph Santley: Author, Dorothy Curnow Handley
(from "Room for Two") ; Screenplay, Jack Town-
ley, Aleen Leslie: Musical Director, Morton Scott;
Art Director, Russell Kimball; Dance Director,
Dave Gould; Cameraman, Reggie Lanning; Editor,
Ralph Dixon.
Rustlers' Hideout
Reviewed, 11-8-44; Released, 9-2-44.
Cast, Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Patti McCarty,
Charles King, John Merton, Terry Frost, Hal
Price, Lane Chandler, Al Ferguson, Frank McCar-
roll, Ed Cassidy.
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director. Sam
Newfield; Screenplay. Joe O'Donnell; Cameraman.
Jack Greenhalgh; Editor, Holbrook N. Todd.
— s —
Saddle Leather Law
Released, 12-21-44.
Cast, Charles Starrett, Dub Taylor, Vi Athens,
Lloyd Bridges, Reed Howes, Robert Kortman,
Frank La Rue, Ted French. Ed Cassidy, Steve
Clark, Frank O'Connor, Bud Buster, Franklin Far-
num, Jimmy Wakely, Salty Holmes.
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Benjamin Kline:
Screenplay, Elizabeth Beeeher; Art Directors.
Lionel Banks, Perry Smith: Cameraman, George
Meehan; Editor, Aaron Stell.
Sagebrush Heroes
Cast, Charles Starrett, Dub Taylor, Constance
Worth, Elvin Field, Bobby Larson, Forrest Taylor.
Jimmy Wakely, Ozie Waters, Joel Friedkin. Lane
Chandler, Paul Zaremba, Eddie Laughton, Johnny
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Benjamin Kline;
Screenplay, Luci Ward; Art Directors, Lionel
Banks, Perry Smith; Cameraman, George Meehan;
Editor, Aaron Stell.
Sailor's Holiday
Columbia; 60 mins.
Reviewed, 3-29-44; Released, 2-24-44.
Cast, Arthur Lake, Jane Lawrence, Bob Haymes.
Shelley Winter, Lewis Wilson, Edmund MacDonald,
Pat O'Malley, Herbert Rawlinson, Buddy Yarus, Vi
Athens, George Ford.
Producer, Wallace MacDonald; Director. William
Berke: Screenplay, Manny Sen"; Art Directors,
Lionel Banks, Victor Greene; Musical Director,
M. W. Stoloff; Cameraman, Burnett Guffey: Edi-
tor. Paul Borofsky.
San Antonio Kid, The
Released, 8-16-44.
Cast, Bill Elliott, Bobby Blake, Alice Fleming:.
Linda Stirling", Earle Hodgins, Glenn Strange.
LeRoy Mason, Duncan Renaldo, Tom London,
Jack Kirk, Bob Wilke, Cliff Parkinson, Jack O'Shea.
Associate Producer, Stephen Auer; Director,
Howard Bretherton; Screenplay, Norman S. Hall;
Art Director, Gano Chittenden: Musical Score.
Joseph Dubin; Cameraman, William Bradford:
Editor, Tony Martinelli.
San Diego, I Love You
Universal; 83 mine.
Reviewed, 9-5-44; Released. 9-29-44.
Cast, Jon Hall, Louise Allbritton, Edward Ever-
ett Horton, Eric Blore, Buster Keaton, Irene Ryan.
Rudy Wissler, Gerald Perreau, Charles Bates. Don
Davis, Florence Lake, Chester Clute, Sarah Selby,
Fern Emmett.
Producers, Michael Fessier, Ernest Pagano;
Director, Reginald LeBorg: Authors, Ruth Me-
Kenney, Richard Bransten; Screenplay, Michael
Fessier, Ernest Pagano; Musical Score, H. J.
Salter; Musical Director, H. J. Salter; Art Direc-
tors, John B. Goodman, Alexander Golitzen: Cam-
eraman. Hal Mohr; Special Effects. John P. Ful-
ton; Editor, Charles Maynard.
San Fernando Valley
Republic; 74 mins.
Reviewed, 8-28-44; Released, 9-15-44.
Cast, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Jean Porter.
Andrew Tombes, Charles Smith, Edward Gargan,
Dot Farley, LeRoy Mason, Bob Nolan and the
Sons of the Pioneers, Vernon and Draper, Mor-
rell Trio.
Associate Producer, Eddy White: Director, John
English; Screenplay, Dorrell and Stuart McGowan;
Musical Director, Morton Scott: Dance Director,
Larry Ceballos; Cameraman, William Bradford;
Editor, Ralph Dixon.
Searlet Claw, The
Universal; 74 mins.
Reviewed, 6-6-44; Released, 5-26-44.
Cast, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Gerald
Hamer, Paul Cavanaugh, Arthur Hohl, Miles
Mander, Kay Harding', David Clyde, Ian Wolfe.
Victoria Home.
Producer, Roy William Neill; Director, Roy
William Neill; Authors, Paul Gangelin, Brenda
Weisberg; Screenplay, Edmund L. Hartmann, Roy
William Neill; Musical Director, Paul Sawtell;
Art Directors, John B. Goodman, Ralph M. DeLacy:
Cameraman, George Robinson; Editor, Paul
Landres; Special Photography, John P. Fulton.
Secret Command
Columbia; 82 mins.
Reviewed, 6-5-44; Released, 7-20-44.
Cast. Pat O'Brien, Caole Landis, Chester Morris,
Ruth Warrick, Barton MacLane, Tom Tully, Wal-
lace Ford, Howard Freeman, Erik Rolf, Matt
McHugh, Frank Sully, Frank Fenton, Charles D.
Brown, Carol Nugent, Richard Lyon, George
McKay, Cyril Ring.
Producer, Phil L. Ryan; Director, Edward
Sutherland; Authors. John Hawkins, Ward Haw-
kins (from "Pilebuek" ) ; Screenplay, Roy Chans-
lor; Art Directors, Lionel Banks, Edward Jewell;
Musical Score, Paul Sawtell; Musical Director.
M. W. Stoloff: Cameraman. Franz F. Planer;
Special Effects. Robert Wright; Editor. Viola
Secret Mission
English Films. Inc.: 82 mins
Reviewed, 8-28-44.
Produced in England.
Cast. Hugh Williams, Carla Lehmann, James
Mason, Roland Culver, Michael Wilding, Nancy
Price, Percy Walsh, Anita Gombault. David Page.
Betty Warren, Nicholas Stuart. Brefni O'Rourke.
Karel Stepanek, F. R. Wendhausen, John Salew.
Herbert Lom, Yvonne Andre, Beatrice Varley.
Stewart Granger.
Producer, Marcel Helman: Director, Harold
French: Author, Shaun Terence Young: Screen-
play, Anatole de Grunwald. Basil Bartlett: Camera-
man, Bernard Knowles; Editor. E. B. Jarvis.
Secrets of Scotland Yard
Republic; 68 mins.
Reviewed, 6-21-44; Released, 7-26-44.
Cast, Edgar Barrier, Stephanie Bachelor, C.
Aubrey Smith, Lionel Atwill, Henry Stephenson.
John Abbott, Walter Kingsford, Martin Kosleck.
Forrester Harvey, Frederick Worlock. Matthew
Boulton, Bobby Cooper.
Associate Producer, George Blair; Director,
George Blair; Screenplay, Denison Clift (from
"Room 4, O. B.," by Denison Clift) ; Art Direc-
tor, Gano Chittenden: Musical Director. Morton
Scott; Cameraman, William Bradford; Editor, Fred
See Here, Private Hargrove
M-G-M; 101 mins.
Reviewed, 2-18-44; Released. March, 1944.
Cast, Robert Walker, Donna Reed, Keenan
Wynn. Robert Benchley, Ray Collins, Chill Wills.
Bob Crosby, Marta Linden, Grant Mitchell, George
Offerman, Jr.. Edward Fielding, Donald Curtis.
William Phillips, Douglas Fowley.
Producer, George Haight; Director, Wesley
Ruggles: Author, Marion Hargrove: Screenplay.
Harry Kurnitz; Musical Score, David Snell; Art
Director, Cedric Gibbons; Cameraman, Charles Law-
ton; Editor, Frank E. Hull.
Sensations of 1345
United Artists; 86 mins.
Reviewed, 6-23-44; Released, 6-30-44.
Cast, Eleanor Powell, Dennis O'Keefe, C.
Aubrey Smith, Eugene Pallette, Mimi Forsythe,
Lyle Talbot. Hubert Castle, W. C. Fields, Sophie
Tucker, Dorothy Donegan, The Christians, Pallen-
berg Bears, Cab Calloway Band, Woody Herman
Band, David Lichine, Richard Hageman, Marie
Blake. Stanley Andrews, Louise Currie, Betty Wells.
Bert Roach, Crandon Rhodes, Earl Hodgins, Con-
stance Purdy, Joe Devlin, George Humbert, Wen-
dell Niles, Anthony Warde, Gene Rodgers, Ruth
Lee, Les Paul Trio, The Copelands, Mel Hall. The
Johnson Brothers.
Producer, Andrew Stone; Associate Producer.
James Nasser; Director, Andrew Stone; Author.
Frederick Jackson; Screenplay, Dorothy Bennett.
Andrew Stone; Art Director, Charles Odds; Music.
Al Sherman; Lyrics, Harry Tobias; Musical Direc-
tor, Mahlon Merrick; Cameramen, Peverell Marley,
John Mescall; Editor, James E. Smith.
Sergeant Mike
Released, 11-9-44.
Cast. Larry Parks, Jeanne Bates, Loren Tindall.
Jim Bannon, Robert Williams. Richard Powers.
Larry Joe Olsen, Eddie Acuff, John Tyrrell, Charles
Producer, Jack Fier; Director. Henry Levin;
Screenplay, Robert Lee Johnson; Art Director.
Edward Jewell; Musical Director, Mischa Bnk;i-
leinikoff; Cameraman. L. W. O'Connell; Editor. Reg
Seven Days Ashore
RKO; 74 mins.
Reviewed, 4-21-44.
Cast, Wally Brown. Alan Carney, Marcy McGuire.
Gordon Oliver, Virginia Mayo, Amelita Ward.
Elaine Shepard. Dooley Wilson, Marjorie Gateson.
Alan Dinehart. Miriam LaVelle, Margaret Dumonl.
Emory Parnell. Ian Wolfe, Freddie Fisher Or-
Produce! John H. Auer; Director. John H
Auer; Author, Jacques Deval; Musical Director,
C. Bakaleinikoff; Dance Director, Charles O'Curran;
Art Director, Albert S. A'Agostino; Songs, Mort
Grene, Lou Pollock, Freddie Fisher; Cameraman,
Russell Metty; Special Effects, Vernon Walker;
Editor, Harry Marker.
Seven Doors to Death
PRC; 64 mins.
Reviewed. 8-3-44: Released, 8-5-44.
Cast, June Clyde, Chick Chandler, George
Meeker, Michael Raffetto, Gregory Gaye, Edgar
Dearing, Rebel Randall, Milton Wallace, Casey
Producer, Alfred Stern; Director, Elmer Clifton:
Author, Helen Kiely; Screenplay, Elmer Clifton:
Musical Director. Lee Zahler; Cameraman, Robert
('line; Editor, Charles Henkle, Jr.
Seventh Cross, The
M-G-M; 110 mins.
Reviewed, 7-24-44: Released. September, 1944.
Cast, Spencer Tracy, Signe Hasso, Hume Cronyn,
Jessica Tandy, Agnes Moorehead, Herbert Rudley.
Felix Bressart. Ray Collins, Alexander Granach,
Katherine Locke. George Macready, Paul Guilfoyle,
Steven Geray, Kurt Hatch, Karen Verne, Konstantin
Shayne, George Suzanne, John Wengraf, George
Zucco, Steven Muller, Eily Malyon.
Producer, Pandro S. Berman; Director, Fred
Zinnemann; Author, Anna Seghers; Screenplay.
Helen Deutsch; Musical Score, Roy Webb; Art
Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Leonid Vasian; Camera-
man, Karl Freund; Editor, Thomas Richards.
Shadow of Suspicion
Monogram; 68 mins.
Reviewed, 10-9-44: Released, 9-23-44.
Cast, Marjorie Weaver, Peter Cookson. Tim
Ryan, Pierre Watkin, Clara Blandick, J. Farrell
MacDonald, John Hamilton, Tom Herbert, Anthony
Warde, George Lewis, Frank Scanell, Ralph Lewis.
Producer, A. W. Hackel; Director, William
Beaudine; Author, Harold Goldman; Screenplay.
Albert DeMond, Earle Snell; Musical Director,
Lee Zahler; Cameraman, Marcel LePicard; Editor,
William Austin.
Shadows in the Night
Released, 10-19-44.
Cast, Warner Baxter, Nina Foch, George Zucco.
Minor Watson, Lester Matthews. Ben Welden.
Edward Norris, Charles Wilson, Charles Halton,
Jeane Bates.
Producer, Rudolph C. Flothow; Director. Eugene
J. Forde; Screenplay, Eric Taylor; Art Director,
John Datu; Cameraman, James S. Brown, Jr.;
Editor, Dwight Caldwell.
Shake Hands With Murder
PRC; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 6-23-44: Released, 4-22-44.
Cast, Iris Adrian, Frank Jenks, Douglas Fowley
Jack Raymond, Claire Rochelle, Herbert Rawlinson,
Juan De La Cruz, Stan Jolley, Forrest Taylor,
George Kirby, Gene Stutenroth, Anita Sparrow,
Buck Harrington.
Producers, Donald C. McKean, Albert Herman:
Director, Albert Herman; Author, Martin Mooney;
Screenplay, John T. Neville; Musical Director, Lee
Zahler; Art Director, Paul Palmentola; Camera-
man, Robert Cline; Editor, George Merrick.
She's a Soldier Too
Columbia; 67 mins.
Reviewed, 9-29-44: Released, 6-29-44.
Cast, Beulah Bondi, Nina Foch, Jess Barker,
Lloyd Bridges, Percy Kilbride, Ida Moore, Erik
Rolf, Jeanne Bates, Shelley Winter, Marilyn John-
Producer. Wallace MacDonald; Director, William
Castle; Author, Hal Smith; Screenplay, Melvin
Levy; Art Directors, Lionel Banks, George Brooks;
Cameraman, Benjamin Kline: Editor, Aaron Stell.
She's a Sweetheart
Released. 12-7-44.
Cast, Jane Frazee, Larry Parks, Jane Darwell,
Nina Foch, Ross Hunter. Jimmy Lloyd. Loren
Tindall. Carole Mathews. Eddie Bruce. Pat Lane.
Danny Desmond, Ruth Warren. Dave Willock.
Producer, Ted Richmond; Director, Del Lord;
Screenplay, Muriel Roy Bolton; Art Director, Carl
Anderson; Cameraman, Benjamin Kline; Editor,
Al Clark.
Sheriff of Sundown
Released, 11-7-44.
Cast, Allan Lane, Linda Stirling, Max Terhune,
Twinkle Watts, Roy Barcroft, Duncan Renaldo,
Hud Geary, Jack Kirk, Herbert Rawlinson, Tom
London, Kenne Duncan, Bob Wilke.
Associate Producer, Stephen Auer; Director,
Lesley Selander; Screenplay, Norman S. Hall; Art
Director, Fred A. Ritter; Musical Score, Joseph
Dubin; Cameraman, Bud Thackery; Editor, Harry
Sherlock Holmes and the
Spider Woman
Universal; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 1-13-44: Released, 1-21-44.
Cast, Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce, Gale Sonder-
gaard, Dennis Hoey, Vernon Downing, Alec Craig,
Mary Gordon, Arthur Hohl, Teddy Infuhr.
Producer, Roy William Neill; Director, Roy
William Neill; Author, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
Screenplay, Bertram Millhauser; Art Director, John
B. Goodman; Cameraman, Charles Van Enger:
Editor. James Gibbon.
Shine On, Harvest Moon
Warners; 112 mins.
Reviewed, 3-10-44; Released, 4-8-44.
Cast, Ann Sheridan, Dennis Morgan, Jack Car-
son, Irene Manning, S. Z. Sakall, Marie Wilson,
Robert Shayne, The Ashburns, Four Step Brothers,
William Davidson, James Bush, Joseph Crehan,
Betty Bryson, Don Kramer, George Rogers, Harry
Charles Johnson, Walter Pietilla.
Producer, William Jacobs; Director, David But-
ler; Author, Richard Weil; Screenplay, Sam Hell-
man, Richard Weil, Francis Swann, James Kern:
Art Director, Charles Novi; Musical Director. Leo
F. Forbstein; Cameraman, Authur Edeson; Special
Effects, Edwin A. DuPar; Editor, Irene Morra.
Show Business
RKO; 92 mins.
Reviewed, 4-20-44.
Cast, Eddie Cantor, George Murphy, Joan Davis,
Nancy Kelly, Constance Moore, Don Douglas.
Producer, Eddie Cantor; Director, Edwin L.
Marin; Author, Bert Granet; Screenplay, Joseph
Quillan, Dorothy Bennett: Musical Director, C.
Bakaleinikoff; Musical Numbers, Nick Castle;
Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Jack Okey;
Cameraman, Robert DeGrasse; Special Effects,
Vernon L. Walker; Editor, Theron Warth.
Silent Partner
Republic; 55 mins.
Reviewed, 6-14-44; Released, 6-9-44.
Cast, William Henry, Beverly Lloyd, Grant
Withers, Ray Walker, Joan Blair, Roland Drew,
George Meeker, Wally Vernon, John Harmon, Dick
Elliott, Eddie Fields, Pat Knox.
Associate Producer, George Blair: Screenplay.
Gertrude Walker; Musical Director, Morton Scott;
Art Director, Russell Kimball ; Cameraman, Wil-
liam Bradford; Editor, Ralph Dixon.
Silver City Kid
Released, 7-20-44.
Cast, Allan Lane, Peggy Stewart. Wally Vernon,
Twinkle Watts, Harry Woods, Frank Jaquet, Lane
Chandler, Glenn Strange, Bud Geary, Tom Steele,
Tom London, Jack Kirk, Sam Flint, Frank Mc-
Associate Producer, Stephen Auer; Director,
John English; Author, Bennett Cohen; Screenplay,
Taylor Caven; Art Director, Fred A. Ritter; Musical
Score, Joseph Dubin; Cameraman, Reggie Lan-
ning; Editor, Charles Craft.
Since You Went Away
United Artists; 172 mins.
Reviewed, 7-19-44; Released, 7-20-44.
Cast, Claudette Colbert, Jennifer Jones, Joseph
Cotten, Shirley Temple, Monty Woolley, Lionel
Barrymore, Robert Walker, Hattie McDaniel, Nazi-
mova, Keenan Wynn, Gordon Oliver, Lloyd Cor-
rigan, Jane Devlin, Agnes Moorehead, Albert Bas-
serman, Guy Madison, Craig Stevens, Jackie Moran,
Anne Gillis, Robert Anderson, Irving Bacon, Aileen
Pringle, Charles Williams, Wallis Clark, Neila
Hart, Leonide Mostovoy, Dorothy Garner, James
Carlisle, George Chandler, John A. James, Mary
Anne Durkin, Joyce Horn, Ruth Valmy, Grady
Sutton, Buddy Gorman, Patricia Peters, Andrew
McLaglen, Addison Richards, George Lloyd, Bar-
bara Pepper, Jill Warren, Byron Foulger, Harry
Hayden, Edwin Maxwell, Russell Hoyt, Loudde
Claar, Don Majarian, Helen Koford, Florence Bates.
Conrad Binyon, Theodore von Eltz, Adeline de Walt
Reynolds, Christopher Adams, Jimmy Dodd, Martha
Outlaw, Verna Knopf, Robert Cherry, Kirk Barron,
Earl Jacobs, Cecil Ballerino, Jack Gardner, Doodles
Weaver, Dorothy Adams, James Westerfield, War-
ren Hymer, Paul Esburg, Richard C. Wood, Ralph
Reed, William Jillson, Dorothy Mann, Peggy Maley,
Robert Johnson, Dorothy Dandridge, Shelby Bacon,
Eddie Hall, Warren Burr, Lela Bliss, Eileen Jansen,
Harlan Miller, Mrs. Ray Feldman, Neyle Marx,
Johnny Bond, Ruth Roman, Betsy Howard,
Stephen Wayne, William B. Davidson, Tom Daw-
son, Marilyn Hare, Jonathan Hale, Walter Baldwin,
Eric Sinclair, Craig Stevens, Jerry Revell, Jimmy
demons, Jr.
Producer, David O. Selznick; Director, John
Cromwell; Screenplay, David O. Selznick; Produc-
tion Designer, William L. Pereira; Music, Max
Steiner; Dance Director, Charles Walters; Camera-
man, Stanley Cortez, Lee Garmes; Special Effects,
Jack Cosgrove; Editor, Hal C. Kern.
Sing a Jingle
Universal; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 1-3-44; Released, 1-7-44.
Cast, Allan Jones, June Vincent, Edward Norris,
Gus Schilling, Betty Kean, Samuel S. Hinds, Jerome
Cowan, Joan Castle, Dicky Love, Vivian Austin,
Lorin Raker, William Newell.
Producer, Edward C. Lilley; Director, Edward
C. Lilley; Screenplay, John Grey, Eugene Conrad,
Lee Sands, Fred Rath; Musical Director, Charles
Previn; Art Director, John Goodman; Cameraman,
Jerry Ash; Editor, Charles Maynard.
Sing, Neighbor, Sing
Republic; 70 mins.
Reviewed, 8-23-44; Released, 8-12-44.
Cast, Brad Taylor, Ruth Terry, Virginia Brissac,
Beverly Lloyd, Charles Irwin, Olin Howlin, Maxine
Doyle, Mary Kenyon, Roy Acuff, Lulubelle and
Scotty, Harry "Pappy" Cheshire, Milo Twins, Caro-
lina Cotton.
Associate Producer, Donald H. Brown; Director,
Prank McDonald; Screenplay, Dorrell and Stuart
McGowan; Art Director, Gano Chittenden; Musical
Director, Morton Scott; Dance Director, Jerry Jar-
rette; Cameraman, Reggie Lanning, Editor, Ralph
Singing Sheriff, The
Universal; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 9-14-44; Released, 10-9-44.
Cast, Bob Crosby, Fay McKenzie. Fuzzy Knight,
Iris Adrian, Samuel S. Hinds, Edward Norris,
Andrew Tombes, Joe Sawyer, Walter Sande,
Doodles Weaver, Pat Starling, Louis Da Pron,
Spade Cooley Orchestra.
Associate Producer, Bernard W. Burton; Direc-
tor, Leslie Goodwins; Author, John Grey; Screen-
play, Henry Blankfort, Eugene Conrad; Musical
Director, Sam Freed, Jr.; Art Directors, John B.
Goodman, Abraham Grossman; Cameraman,
Charles Van Enger; Editor, Edward Curtiss.
Slightly Terrific
Universal; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 4-27-44; Released, 5-5-44.
Cast, Leon Errol, Anne Rooney, Eddie Quillan,
Betty Kean, Lorraine Krueger, Ray Malone, Lee
Bennett, Richard Lane, Jayne Forrest, Donald
Novis, Lillian Cornell, Star Dusters, Maritza
Dancers, Eight Rhythmers.
Associate Producer, Alexis Thurn-Taxis; Direc-
tor, Edward F. Cline: Authors, Edith Watkins,
Florence McEnany; Screenplay, Edward Dein,
Stanley Davis; Art Director, John B. Goodman;
Musical Director, Don George; Cameraman, Paul
Ivano; Editor, Norman A. Cerf.
Smart Guy
Monogram; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 1-3-44.
Cast, Rick Vallin, Bobby Larson, Veda Ann Borg,
Wanda McKay, Jack LaRue, Mary Gordon, Paul
McVey, Addison Richards, Roy Darmour, John
Producer, John T. Coyle; Director, Lambert Hill-
yer; Screenplay, Charles R. Marion, John W.
Krafft; Musical Director, Edward Kay; Camera-
man, Mack Stengler; Editor, Carl Pierson.
Something for the Boys
20th-Fox; 87 mins.
Reviewed, 11-1-44; Released, November, 1944.
Cast, Carmen Miranda, Michael O'Shea, Vivian
Blaine, Phil Silvers, Sheila Ryan, Perry Como,
Glenn Langan, Roger Clark, Cara Williams, Thurs-
ton Hall, Clarence Kolb, Paul Hurst, Andrew
Producer, Irving Starr; Director, Lewis Seiler;
Screenplay, Robert Ellis, Helen Logan, Frank
Gabrielson; Dance Director, Nick Castle; Art Di-
rectors, Lyle Wheeler, Albert Hogsett: Musical
Directors, Emil Newman, Charles Henderson; Cam-
eraman, Ernest Palmer; Editor, Robert Simpson.
Song of Nevada
Republic; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 6-16-44; Released, 8-5-44.
Cast, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Mary Lee, Lloyd
Corrigan, Thurston Hall, John Eldredge, Forrest
Taylor, Emmet Vogan, LeRoy Mason, William
Davidson, Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers.
Associate Producer, Harry Grey; Director, Joseph
Kane; Screenplay, Gordon Kahn, Oliver Cooper;
Musical Director, Fred A. Ritter; Dance Director,
Larry Ceballos; Cameraman, Jack Marta; Editor,
Tony Martinelli.
Song of the Open Road
United Artists; 93 mins.
Reviewed, 5-3-44; Released, 6-21-44.
Cast, Edgar Bergen, Jane Powell, W. C. Fields,
Bonita Granville, Sammy Kaye Orchestra, Peggy
O'Neill, Jack Moran, Bill Christy, Reginald Denny,
Regis Toomey, Rose Hobart, Sig Arno, Irene
Tedro, Pat Starling, Condos Brothers, Lipham
Four, Chuck Faulkner Band, Catron and Popp.
Producer, Charles R. Rogers; Director, S. Sylvan
Simon; Authors, Irving Phillips, Edward Verdier;
Screenplay, Albert Mannheimer; Musical Director,
Charles Previn ; Art Director, Bernard Herzbrun ;
Musical Presentations, George Dobbs; Songs, Wal-
ter Kent, Kim Gannon; Cameraman, John W.
Boyle; Editor, Truman K. Wood.
Song of the Range
Released, 12-1-44.
Cast, Jimmy Wakely, Dennis Moore, Lee "Lasses"
White, Gay Forester, Pierre Watkin, George
Eldridge, Hugh Prosser, Steve Clark. Edmund Cobb,
Bud Osborne, Kenneth Terrell, Carl Mathews.
Producer, Phillip N. Krasne; Associate Prodiicer.
Dick L'Estrange; Director, Wallace Pox; Screen-
play, Betty Burbridge; Cameraman, Marcel Le-
Pieard; Editor, Martin G. Conn.
'I Love a Soldier"
'Here Come the Waves'
'The Virginian"
'Miss Susie Slagle's'
'Cross My Heart"
'Bring on the Girls"
Sonora Stagecoach
Monogram; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 8-28-44; Released, 6-10-44.
Cast, Hoot Gibson, Bob Steele, Chief Thunder-
cloud, Rocky Cameron, Betty Miles, Glen Strange.
George Eldridge, Karl Hackett, Henry Hall, Charles
King', Bud Osborne, Charlie Murray, Jr., John
Bridges, Al Ferguson, Forrest Taylor.
Producer, Robert Tansey; Director, Robert Tan-
sey; Author, Robert Emmett; Screenplay, Frances
Kavanaugh; Musical Director, Frank Sanucci;
Cameraman, Edward Kull; Editor, John C. Fuller.
Soul of a Monster, The
Reviewed, 10-31-44; Released. 8-17-44.
Cast, Rose Hobart, George Macready, Jim Ban-
non, Jeanne Bates. Erik Rolf, Ernest Hilliard.
Producer, Ted Richmond; Director, Will Jason:
Screenplay, Edward Dein; Art Directors, Lionel
Banks, George Brooks; Musical Director, Mischa
Bakaleinikoff; Cameraman, Burnett Guffey; Editor.
Paul Borofsky.
South of Dixie
Universal; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 6-6-44; Released, 6-23-44.
Cast, Anne Gwynne, David Bruce, Jerome Cowan,
Ella Mae Morse, Joe Sawyer, Samuel S. Hinds,
Eddie Acuff, Marie Harmon, Oscar O'Shea, Louise
Beavers, Pierre Watkin, Bill Bevans, Marie Blake.
Rita Gould, Edward Keane, Mantan Moreland.
Ray Walker, Eddie Bruce, Jack Mulhall, Bobby
Brooks Quartette, Lester Cole, The Debutantes,
The Charmers.
Producer, Jean Yarbrough; Director, Jean Yar-
brough; Author, Sam Coslow; Screenplay, Clyde
Bruckman; Musical Director, Sam Freed, Jr.; Art
Directors, John B. Goodman, Harold H. Mac-
Arthur; Cameraman, Jerome Ash; Editor, Paul
Spook Town
Released, 6-3-44.
Cast, Dave O'Brien, Jim Newill, Guy Wilkerson,
Mady Lawrence. Dick Curtis, Harry Harvey, Ed-
ward Cassidy, Charles King, Jr., Robert Barron,
Dick Alexander.
Producer, Arthur Alexander; Director, Elmer
Clifton; Screenplay, Elmer Clifton; Musical Direc-
tor, Lee Zahler; Cameraman, Robert C. Cline;
Editor, Charles Henkel, Jr.
Stagecoach to Monterey
Released, 9-15-44.
Cast, Allan Lane, Peggy Stewart, Wally Vernon.
Twinkle Watts, Tom London, LeRoy Mason. Roy
Barcroft, Kenne Duncan, Bud Geary, Carl Sepul-
veda, Jack Kirk, Fred Graham.
Associate Producer, Stephen Auer; Director,
Lesley Selander; Screenplay, Norman S. Hall: Art
Director, Gano Chittenden: Musical Score. Joseph
Dubin; Cameraman, William Bradford; Editor.
Harry Keller.
Standing Room Only
Paramount: 83 mins.
Reviewed, 1-7-44.
Cast, Fred MacMurray, Paulette Goddard, Ed-
ward Arnold, Hillary Brooke, Roland Young, Anne
Revere, Clarence Kolb, Isobel Randolph, Porter
Hall, Marie McDonald, Josephine Whittell, Veda
Ann Borg.
Associate Producer, Paul Jones; Director, Sidney
Lanfleld; Author, Al Martin; Screenplay, Darrel
Ware, Karl Tunberg: Musical Score, Robert Em-
mett Dolan ; Art Directors, Hans Dreier, Earl
Hedrick; Cameraman, Charles Lang; Editor, Wil-
liam Shea.
Stars on Parade
Released, 5-25-44.
Cast. Larry Parks, Lynn Merrick, Ray Walker,
Jeff Donnell, Robert Williams, Selmer Jackson,
Edythe Elliott, Mary Currier, Danny O'Neil, Frank
Hubert, Jean Hubert, The Chords, King Cole Trio,
Ben Carter Choir.
Producer, Wallace MacDonald; Director, Lew
Landers: Screenplay, Monte Brice; Art Directors,
Lionel Banks, Walter Holscher; Cameraman, L. W.
O'Connell; Editor, Jerome Thorns.
Step Lively
RKO; 88 mins
Reviewed, 6-21-44.
Cast, Frank Sinatra, George Murphy, Adolphe
Menjou, Gloria De Haven, Walter Slezak, Eugene
Pallette, Wally Brown, Alan Carney, Grant Mit-
chell, Anne Jeffreys.
Producer, Robert Fellows; Director, Tom
Whelan: Screenplay, Warren Duff, Peter Milne,"
Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino, Carroll Clark;
Musical Numbers. Ernst Matray: Musical Director,
C. Bakaleinikoff: Cameraman, Robert de Grasse:
Editor, Gene Milford.
Storm Over Lisbon
Republic; 86 mins.
Reviewed, 9-5-44; Released. 10-16-44.
Cast, Vera Hruba Ralston, Richard Arlen, Erich
von Stroheim, Otto Kruger, Eduardo Cianelli,
Robert Livington, Mona Barrie, Frank Orth, Sarah
Edwards, Alice Fleming, Leon Belasco, Kenne
Duncan, Aida Broadbent Girls.
Associate Producer, George Sherman; Director,
George Sherman: Author, Elizabeth Meehan;
Screenplay, Doris Gilbert; Musical Director, Mor-
ton Scott; Art Director, Russell Kimball; Camera-
man, John Alton; Special Effects, Theodore Ly-
decker; Editor, Arthur Roberts.
Story of Dr. Wassell, The
Paramount; 140 mins.
Reviewed, 4-26-44.
Cast, Gary Cooper, Laraine Day, Signe Hasio,
Dennis O'Keefe, Carol Thurston, Carl Esmond,
Paul Kelly, Elliot Reid, Stanley Ridges, Renny
McEvoy, Oliver Thorndike, Philip Ahn, Barbara
Producer, Cecil B. deMille: Associate Producer,
Sidney BiddeTl; Director, Cecil B. deMille; Screen-
play, Alan LeMay, Charles Bennett; Technicolor
Director, Natalie Kalmus; Musical Score, Victor
Young; Art Directors, Hans Dreier. Roland Ander-
son; Cameramen, Victor Milner. William Snyder;
Process Photography, Farciot Edouart, Wallace
Strange Affair
Columbia; 78 mins
Reviewed, 12-21-44: Released, 10-5-44.
Cast, Allyn Joslyn, Evelyn Keyes, Marguerite
Chapman, Edgar Buchanan. Nina Foch, Hugo Haas,
Shemp Howard. Frank Jenks. Erwin Kaiser, Tonio
Selwart, John Wengraf, Erik Rolf, Carole Mathews,
Edgar Dearing. Ray Teal.
Producer, Burt Kelly; Director, Alfred E. Green;
Screenplay, Oscar Saul, Eve Greene, Jerome Odium,
from "Stalk the Hunter," by Oscar Saul: Art
Directors, Lionel Banks, Walter Holscher; Musical
Score, Marlin Skiles; Musical Director, M. W.
Stoloff; Cameraman, Franz F. Planer; Editor.
Richard Fantl.
Strangers in the Night
Republic; 56 mins.
Reviewed, 11-8-44; Released, 9-12-44.
Cast, William Terry. Virginia Grey, Helene
Thimig, Edith Barrett, Anne O'Neal.
Associate Producer, Rudolph E. Abel; Director,
Anthony Mann: Author, Phillip MacDonald; Screen-
play, Bryant Ford. Paul Gangelin; Art Director,
Gano Chittenden; Musical Director, Morton Scott:
Cameraman, Reggie Lanning; Editor, Arthur
Sullivans, The
20th-Fox; 111 mins.
Reviewed, 2-3-44; Released, Feb., 1944.
Cast, Anne Baxter, Thomas Mitchell, Selena
Royle, Edward Ryan, Trudy Marshall, John
Campbell, James Cardwell, John Alvin, George
Offerman, Jr., Roy Roberts, Ward Bond, Mary
McCarthy, Bobby Driscoll, Nancy June Robinson,
Marvin Davis, Buddy Swan, Billy Cummings,
Johnny Calkings, John Nesbitt, Selmer Jackson,
Harry Shannon, Barbara Brown, Larry Thompson,
Addison Richards.
Producer, Sam Jaffe: Associate Producer, Robert
T. Kane; Director, Lloyd Bacon; Screenplay, Mary
C. McCall, Jr.; Art Directors, James Basevi, Leland
Fuller; Cameraman, Lucien Andriot; Special
Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor, Louis Loeffler.
Summer Storm
United Artists- Angelus.
Reviewed, 5-25-44; Released, 7-14-44.
Cast, George Sanders, Linda Darnell, Anna Lee,
Edward Everett Horton, Hugo Haas, Lori Lahner,
John Philliber, Sig Ruman, Andre Chariot, Mary
Servoss, John Abbott, Robert Greig, Paul Hurst,
Charles Trowbridge, Byron Foulger, Charles Wagen-
heim, Frank Orth, Elizabeth Russell, Ann Staunton,
Johnny Conlin, Kate MacKenna, Fred Kurney,
Sarah Padden, Gabriel Lionoff, Mike Mazurki, John
Producer, Seymour Nebenzal; Associate Pro-
ducer, Rudolph Joseph; Director, Douglas Sirk;
Author, Anton Chekhov; Screenplay, Rowland
Leigh; Musical Score, Earl Hajos; Musical Director.
Karl Majos; Art Director, Rudi Feld; Cameraman,
Archie M. Stout; Editor, Greg Tallas.
Sunday Dinner for a Soldier
20th-Fox; 86 mins.
Reviewed, 12-8-44; Released, December, 1944.
Cast, Anne Baxter, John Hodiak, Charles Win-
ninger, Anne Revere, Connie Marshall, Chill Wills,
Robert Bailey, Bobby Driscoll, Jane Darwell, Billy
Cummings, Marietta Canty, Barbara Sears, Larry
Thompson, Bernie Sell, Charles Conklin.
Producer, Walter Morosco; Director, Lloyd
Bacon; Author, Martha Cheavens; Screenplay,
Wanda Tuchock, Melvin Levy; Musical Score,
Alfred Newman; Art Directors, Lyle Wheeler, Rus-
sell Spencer; Cameraman, Joe MacDonald; Special
Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor, J. Watson Webb.
Sundown Valley
Columbia; 55 mins.
Reviewed, 7-24-44; Released, 3-23-44.
Cast, Charles Starrett, Dub Taylor, Jeanne
Bates, Jessie Arnold, Clancy Cooper, Jack Ingram,
Wheeler Oakman, Joel Friedkin, Grace Lenard,
Eddie Laughton, Forrest Taylor, Tennessee Ram-
blers, Jimmy Wakely.
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Benjamin Kline;
Screenplay, Luci Ward; Art Director, Lionel Banks;
Cameraman, George Meehan; Editor, Aaron Stell.
Suspect, The
Universal; 85 mins.
Reviewed, 12-22-44.
Cast, Charles Laughton, Ella Raines, Dean
Harens, Stanley C. Ridges, Henry Daniell, Rosalind
Ivan, Molly Lamont, Raymond Severn, Eve Amber,
Maude Eburne, Clifford Brooke.
Producer, Islin Auster; Director, Robert Siod-
mak; Author, James Ronald; Screenplay, Bertram
Millhauser; Musical Score, Frank Skinner; Musical
Director, Martin Obzina; Cameraman, Paul Ivano;
Editor, Arthur Hilton.
Sweet and Lowdown
20th-Fox; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 8-7-44: Released, September, 1944.
Cast, Benny Goodman Orchestra, Linda Darnell.
Lynn Bari, Jack Oakie, James Cardwell, Allyn
Joslyn, John Campbell, Roy Benson, Dickie Moore,
Buddy Swan, Beverly Hudson. Dorothy Vaughan.
George Lessey, Ray Mayer, Billy Dawson, Harry
McKim, Robert Emmett Keane, Hope Landin,
Cara Williams, Roger Clark, William Colby.
Producer, William LeBaron ; Director, ' Archie
Mayo; Authors, Richard English, Edward Halde-
man; Screenplay, Richard English; Art Directors,
Lyle Wheeler, Maurice Ransford; Musical Directors,
Emil Newman, Charles Henderson; Songs, Mack
Gordon, James Monaco; Cameraman, Lucien Bal-
lard; Special Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor, Doro-
thy Spencer.
Sweethearts of the I . S. A.
Monogram; 63 mins.
Reviewed, 2-25-44; Released, 2-7-44.
Cast, Una Merkel, Parkyakarkus, Donald Novis,
Lillian Cornel, Judith Gibson, Joel Friend, Cobina
Wright, Sr., Marion Martin, Vince Barnett, Ralph
Sanford, Joseph Kirk, Jan Garber, Henry King
and Phil Ohman orchestras.
Producer, Lester Cutler; Associate Producer,
George M. Merrick, Max Kravetz: Director, Lew
Collins; Screenplay, Arthur St. Claire, Sherman
Lowe, Mary Sheldon; Musical Director, Dave
Chudnow; Cameraman, Ira Morgan; Editor, George
M. Merrick.
Swing Hostess
Released, 9-8-44.
Cast, Martha Tilton, Iris Adrian, Charles Collins,
Cliff Nazarro, Harry Holman, Emmett Lynn, Betty
Brodel, Claire Rochelle, Paul Porcasi, Terry Frost,
Phil Van Zandt, Earle Bruce.
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director, Sam New-
field; Screenplay, Louise Rousseau, Gail Davenport;
Cameraman, Jack Greenhalgh; Editor, Holbrook
N. Todd.
Swing in the Saddle
Released, 8-31-44.
Cast, Jane Frazee, Guinn Williams, Slim Sum-
merville, Sally Bliss, Mary Treen, Red River Dave,
Carole Mathews, Byron Foulger, Hoosier Hot
Shots, King Cole Trio, Jimmy Wakely.
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Lew Landers;
Author, Maurice Leo; Screenplay, Elizabeth
Beecher, Morton Grant, Bradford Ropes; Art Direc-
tors, Lionel Banks, Charles Clague; Cameramen,
George Meehan, Glen Gano; Editor, Aaron Stell.
Swingtime Johnny
Universal; 60 mins.
Reviewed, 1-3-44; Released, 2-4-44.
Cast, Andrews Sisters, Harriet Hilliard, Peter
Cookson, Tim Ryan, Matt Willis, William Phillips.
Tom Dugan, Ray Walker, Marion Martin, John
Hamilton, John Sheehan, Mitch Ayres Band.
Producer, Warren Wilson; Director, Edward F.
Cline; Author, Warren Wilson; Screenplay, Clyde
Bruckman; Art Director, John B. Goodman; Mu-
sical Director, Vic Schoen; Cameraman, Jerome
Ash: Editor, Edward Curtiss.
— T —
Tahiti Nights
Released, 12-28-44.
Cast, Jinx Falkenburg, David O'Brien. Eddie
Bruce, The Vagabonds, Pedro De Corboda, Hila
Hattie. Carole Mathews, Isabel Withers. Peter
Cusanelli, Charles Opunui, Chris Willowbird.
Producer, Sam White; Director, Will Jason:
Cameraman, Burnett Guffey; Editor, James
Take It Big
Paramount; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 6-9'-44.
Cast, Jack Haley, Harriet Hilliard, Mary Beth
Hughes, Richard Lane, Arline Judge, Fritz Feld.
Lucile Gleason, Fuzzy Knight, Frank Forest,
George Meeker, N. T. Granlund, Ozzie Nelson
Orchestra, Ralph Peters.
Producers, William H. Pine. William C. Thomas;
Associate Producer, Maxwell Shane; Director,
Frank McDonald; Author. Howard J. Green;
Screenplay, Howard J. Green; Art Director, F.
Paul Sylos; Musical Score, Rudy Schrager; Songs,
Lester Lee, Jerry Seelen, Johnny Burke, James
Van Heusen; Cameraman, Fred Jackman, Jr.; Edi-
tor, Howard Smith,
KHTinfl P R x i n 0 u
Take It or Leave It
20th-Fox; 70 mins.
Reviewed, 7-17-44; Released, August, 1944,
Cast, Phil Baker, Edward Ryan, Marjorie Mas-
sow, Stanley Prager, Roy Gordon, Carleton Young,
Ann Corcoran, Nella Walker, Nana Bryant, Renie
Riano, Frank Jenks.
Producer, Bryan Foy; Director, Benjamin Stoloff:
Screenplay, Harold Buchman, Snag Werris, Mac
Benoff; Art Directors, Lyle Wheeler, Leland Fuller;
Musical Director, Emil Newman; Cameraman,
Joseph LaShelle; Special Effects, Fred Sersen;
Editor, Harry Reynolds.
Tall in the Saddle
RKO; 87 mins.
Reviewed, 9-29-44.
Cast, John Wayne, Ella Raines, Ward Bond.
George "Gabby" Hayes, Audrey Long-, Elisabeth
Risdon, Don Douglas, Paul P. Fix, Russell Wade,
Emory Parnell, Raymond Hatton, Harry Woods.
Wheaton Chambers, Frank Puglia, Bob McKenzie.
Producer, Robert Fellows; Associate Producer,
Theron Warth; Director, Edwin L. Marin: Author.
Gordon Ray Young; Screenplay, Michael Hogan,
Paul P. Fix; Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino.
Ralph Berger; Score, Roy Webb; Musical Director,
C. Bakaleinikoff ; Cameraman, Robert de Grasse;
Special Effects, Vernon L. Walker; Editor. Philif
Martin, Jr.
20th-Fox; 75 mins.
Reviewed, 4-5-44; Released, April, 1944.
Cast, Edward G. Robinson, Lynn Bari, Victor
McLaglen, Robert Bailey, Marc Lawrence, E. J.
Ballan'tine, Mona Maris, Tonio Selwart, Carl Ek-
berg, Roy Roberts, George Sorel, Charles Lang,
Ralph Byrd, Louis Hart, Paul Kruger. Martin
Cichy, Constance Romanoff, Oscar Handrian,
Antonio Moreno, Nestor Paiva, Muni Seroff, Juan
Varro, Ben Erway, Helene Brown, Martin Gar-
ralaga, Margaret Martin, David Cota, Arno Frey.
Chris-Pin Martin, Trevor Bardette, Peter Helmers.
Otto Reichow, Ludwig Donath, Rudolph Lindau,
Jean Del Val, Hans Von Morhart.
Producer, Robert Bassler; Director, Lothar
Mendes; Author, Ladislas Fodor; Screenplay, Ken-
neth Garnet, Fred Niblo, Jr., Richard Maeaulay;
Dance Director, Geneva Sawyer; Art Directors.
James Basevi, Albert Hogsett; Musical Director,
Emil Newman; Cameraman, Charles Clarke; Editor,
Robert Frit eh.
Taxi to Heaven
Artkino; 70 mins.
Reviewed, 6-6-44: Released, 5-24-44.
Produced in the TJ. S. S. R.
Cast, Mikhail Zharov, Ludmila Tselikovskaya.
Georgi Spiegel, Boris Glinov, B. Grigkov, Tamara
Govorkova, K. Sorokin, L. Shabaldina, Boris
Shiskin, Mikhail Kuznetzov.
Producer, Frederick Ermler; Director, Henry
Rappaport; Screenplay, Eugene Petrov; Musical
Score, U. Birkukov; Cameraman, A. Halpern:
Special Effects, B. Khrennikov, M. Kortkin.
Texas Masquerade
United Artists; 59 mins.
Reviewed, 2-4-44; Released, 2-18-44.
Cast. William Boyd, Andy Clyde, Jimmy Rogers,
Mady Correll, Don Costello. Russell Simpson, Nel-
son Leigh, Francis McDonald, J. Farrell McDonald,
June Pickerell, John Merton, Pierce Lyden, Robert
McKenzie, Bill Hunter.
Producer, Harry A. Sherman; Associate Pro-
ducer, Lewis Rachmil; Director, George Archain-
baud; Screenplay, Norman Houston, Jack Lait,
Jr.; Art Director. Ralph Berger; Cameraman,
Russell Harlan; Editor, Walter Hannemann.
That's My Baby!
Republic; 68 mins.
Reviewed, 9-14-44: Released, 9-14-44.
Cast, Richard Arlen, Ellen Drew, Leonid Kinskey,
Richard Bailey, Minor Watson, Marjorie Manners,
Madeline Grey, Alex Callam, P. J. Kelly, Billy
Benedict, Jack Chafe, Mike Riley, Freddie Fisher,
Isabelita, Gene Rodgers, Peggy and Peanuts, Frank
Mitchell, Lyle Latell, Alphonse Berge, Doris Du»ne,
Aida Kuznetzoff, Chuy Reyes, Al Mardo, Pigmean
Producer, Walter Colmes; Associate Producer,
David Fleischer; Director, William Berke; Author,
Irving Wallace; Screenplay, Nicholas Barrows,
William Tunberg; Art Director, Frank Dexter;
Musical Director, Jay Chernis; Cameraman, Robert
Pittack; Editor, Robert Jahns.
They Live in Fear
Reviewed, 10-6-44; Released. 6-15-44.
Cast, Otto Kruger, Clifford Severn, Pat Parrish,
.Jimmy Carpenter, Erwin Kaiser, Danny Jackson,
Jimmy Zaner, Jimmy Clark, Danny Desmond, Billy
Benedict, Kay Dowd, Eileen McClory, Douglas
Wood, Frederick Giermann.
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Josef Berne;
Author, Wilfrid Pettitt; Screenplay, Michael L.
Simmons, Sam Ornitz; Art Directors, Lionel
Banks, Carl Anderson: Cameraman, George Meehan;
Editor, James Sweeney.
They Met in Moscow
Artkino; 80 mins.
Reviewed, 6-9-44; Released, 6-6-44
Produced in the U. S. S. R.
Cast, Marina Ladynina, Vladimir Zeldin, Nikolai
Kruichkov, Elena Schastlivtseva, Grigori Alexeyev.
Producer, Ivan Piriev ; Director, Ivan Piriev ;
Screenplay, Victor Gusev; Musical Score, Tikhon
Khrennikov; English Titles, Charles Clement; Eng-
lish Lyrics, Philip Sterling.
They Shall Have Faith
Monogram; 83 mins.
Reviewed, 12-18-44.
Cast, Gale Storm, Sir Aubrey Smith, John Mack
Brown, Conrad Nagel, Mary Boland. Frank Craven,
Johnny Downs, Catherine McLeod, Selmer Jackson.
Matt Willis, Maurice St. Clair, Leo Diamond.
Producer, Jeffrey Bernerd; Director, William
Nigh; Authors, William Nigh, Neil Rau, George
W. Sayre; Screenplay, William Nigh, George W.
Sayre; Musical Director, Dimitri Tiomkin; Camera-
man, Harry Neumann; Editor, Richard Currier.
Thin Man Goes Home, The
M-G-M: 100 mins.
Reviewed, 12-6-44.
Cast, William Powell, Myrna Loy. Lucile Watson.
Gloria DeHaven, Anne Revere, Helen Vinson. Harry
Davenport, Leon Ames, Donald Meek, Edward
Brophy, Lloyd Corrigan, Anita Bolster, Ralph
Brooke, Donald MacBride. Asta.
Producer, Everett Riskin : Director, Richard
Thorpe; Author, Robert Riskin; Screenplay, Robert
Riskin, Dwight Taylor: Musical Score, David Snell :
Art Director, Cedric Gibbons, Edward Carfagno:
Cameraman, Karl Freund; Editor, Ralph E.
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo
M-G-M; 138 mins.
Reviewed, 11-15-44.
Cast, Van Johnson, Robert Walker, Spencer
Tracy, Phyllis Thaxter. Tim Murdock, Scott
McKay, Gordon McDonald, Don DeFore, Robert
Mitchum, John R. Reilly. Horace McNally, Donald
Curtis, Louis Jean Heydt. William "Bill" Phillips.
Douglas Cowan, Paul Langton, Leon Ames.
Producer, Sam Zimbalist; Director, Mervyn
LeRoy; Authors, Capt. Ted W. Lawson, Robert
Considine; Screenplay, Dalton Trumbo; Musical
Score, Herbert Stothart; Art Directors, Cedric Gib-
bons, Paul Groesse; Cameramen, Harold Rosson,
Robert Surtees; Editor, Frank Sullivan.
This Is the Life
Universal; 87 mins.
Reviewed, 5-10-44; Released, 6-2-44.
Cast, Donald O'Connor, Susanna Foster, Patric
Knowles, Louise Allbritton, Dorothy Peterson.
In Technicolor
In Production
For Paramount
Peggy Ryan. Jonathan Hale, Frank Puglia, Eddie
Quillan. Maurice Marsae, Otto Hoffman, Frank
Jenks, Ray Eberle, Virginia Brissae, Bobby Brooks
Associate Producer, Bernard Burton; Director.
Felix Feist: Authors, Sinclair Lewis, Fay Wray
(from "Ang-ela Is 22"); Screenplay, Wanda
Tuchock; Musical Director, Charles Previn; Art
Director, John B. Goodman: Cameraman, Hal
Mohr; Editor, Ray Snyder.
Three Caballeros, The
RKO; 70 mins.
Reviewed, 12-15-44.
Producer, Walt Disney; Production Supervisor-
Director, Norman Ferguson; Production Manager,
Dan Keefe; Sequence Directors, Clyde Geronimi,
Jack Kinney. Bill Roberts: Story. Ernest Terrazzas,
Ted Sears, Bill Peed, Ralph Wright. Elmer Plum-
mer, Homer Brightman, Roy Williams, William
Cottrell, Del Connell, James Bodrero; Musical
Directors, Charles Woleott, Paul J. Smith. Edward
Plumb: Lyrics, Ray Gilbert; Art Supervision. Mary
Blair. Ken Anderson. Robert Cormack; Process
Effects, UB Iwerks: Film Editor. Don Halliday:
Sound. C. O. Sly field: Live Action Sequences
Photography, Ray Rennahan: Art Director, Rich-
ard F. Irvine: Choreography, Billy Daniels, Aloysio
Oliveira, Carmelita Maraeci.
Three Is a Family
United Artists: 81 mins.
Reviewed, 11-22-44: Released, 11-23-44.
Cast, Mariorie Reynolds, Charlie Ruggles. Fay
Bainter. Helen Broderick. Arthur Lake, Hattie
McDaniel. Jeff Donnell, John Philliber. Walter
Catlett, Clarence Kolb, William Terry. Cheryl
Walker, Fred Brady. Margaret Early. Else Jansen,
Renie Riano. Warren Hymer, Clyde Fillmore.
Christian Rub. Donna and Elissa Lambertson.
Producer. Sol Lesser: Director. Edward Ludwig:
Authors. Phoebe and Henry Ephron: Screenplay.
Harry Chandlee, Marjorie L. Pfaelzer: Musical
Score. Werner R. Hevmann: Musical Director,
rharles Previn: Art Director. Al Ybarra: Produc-
tion Designers. Phil Paradise. J. Patrick; Camera-
man, Charles Lawton, Jr.; Editor, Robert Crandall.
Three Little Sisters
Republic: 69 mins.
Reviewed, 7-28-44: Released, 7-31-44.
Cast, Mary Lee. Ruth Terry, Cheryl Walker.
William Terry, Jackie Moran, Charles Arnt. Frank
Jenks. William Shirley. Tom Fadden, Tom London.
Milt Kibbee. Addison Richards, Lillian Randolph.
Sam McDaniel. Forrest Taylor.
Associate Producer. Harry Grey: Director, Joseph
Santley; Authors, Maurice Clark. Olive Cooper:
Screenplay, Olive Cooper; Art Director. Gano
Chittenden: Musical Director. Morton Scott; Cam-
eraman. Reggie Lanning; Editor, Fred Allen.
Three Men in White
M-G-M: 85 mins.
Reviewed. 5-10-44: Released. June. 1944.
Cast. Lionel Barrymore, Van Johnson, Marilyn
Maxwell, Keye Luke. Ava Gardner, Alma Kruger,
"Rags" Ragland, Nell Craig, Walter Kingsford,
George H. Reed, Patricia Barker, Addison Richards,
Violet Wilson.
Director. Willis Goldbeck ; Screenplay, Martin
Berkeley, Harry Ruskin; Musical Score, Nathaniel
Shilkret: Art Directors, Cedric Gibbons, Harry-
McAfee ; Cameraman, Ray June; Editor, George
Three of a Kind
Released. 7-22-44.
Cast, Billy Gilbert. Shemp Howard. Maxie
Rosenbloom, Helen Gilbert, June Lang. Buzzy
Henry, Paul Phillips, Wheeler Oakman. Franklyn
Parker, Marie Austin. Sheila Roberts, Bob McKen-
zie, Sid Saylor, Harris Ashburn.
Producers. Sam Katzman, Jack Dietz; Associate
Producer, Barney A. Sareeky; Director. D. Ross
Lederman; Screenplay, Earle Snell, Arthur Caesar;
Cameraman, Marcel Le Picard; Editor, Lloyd
Thunder Rock
English Films, Inc.; 90 mins.
Reviewed, 9-14-44.
Produced in England.
Cast, Michael Redgrave, Barbara Mullen, James
Mason, Lilli Palmer, Finlay Currie, Frederick
Valk, Sybilla Binder, Frederick Cooper, Jean Shep-
erd, Barry Morse, George Carney, A. E. Matthews.
Producer, John Boulting; Director, Roy Boult-
ing; Attthor, Robert Ardrey; Screenplay, Jeffrey
Dell, Bernard Miles; Music, Hans May; Camera-
man, Mutz Greenbaum.
Thundering Gun Slingers
PRC; 59 mins.
Reviewed. 9-22-44; Released, 3-25-44.
Cast. Buster Crabbe, Al St. John, Frances Glad-
win, Karl Hackett, Charles King, Jack Ingram,
Kermit Maynard, Budd Buster, George Chesbro.
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director, Sam New-
field; Author, Fred Myton; Screenplay, Fred Myton :
Cameraman, Robert Cline.
Till We Meet Again
Paramount; 88 mins.
Reviewed, 8-30-44.
, Cast, Ray Milland, Barbara Britton, Walter
Slezak, Lucile Watson, Konstantin Shayne, Vladi-
mir Sokoloff, Marguerite D'Alvarez, Mona Free-
man, William Edmunds, George Davis, Peter Hel-
mers, John Wengraf. Mira McKinney, Tala Birell.
Associate Producer, David Lewis; Director,
Frank Borzage; Author, Alfred Maury; Screen-
play, Lenore Coffee; Musical Score, David But-
tolph; Art Directors, Hans Dreier, Robert Usher:
Cameraman, Theodor Sparkuhl; Special Effects,
Gordon Jennings; Editor, Elmo Vernon.
Timber Queen
Paramount; 66 mins.
Reviewed, 1-13-44.
Cast, Richard Arlen, Mary Beth Hughes, June
Havoc, Sheldon Leonard, George E. Stone, Dick
Purcell, Tony Hughes, Edmund MacDonald, Bill
Haade. Clancy Cooper, Dewey Robinson, Horace
McMahon, Jimmy Ames.
Producers, William Pine, William Thomas: Di-
rector, Frank McDonald; Screenplay, Maxwell
Shane, Edward T. Lowe; Musical Score, Willy
Stahl: Art Director, F. Paul Sylos; Cameraman,
Fred Jackman, Jr.; Editor, Howard Smith.
To Have and Have Not
Warners; 100 mins.
Reviewed, 10-18-44.
Cast. Humphrey Bogart, Walter Brennan, Lauren
Bacall, Dolores Moran, Hoagy Carmichael, Walter
Melnar, Sheldon Leonard, Marcel Dalio, Walter
Sande, Dan Seymour, Aldo Nadi, Paul Marion.
Patricia Shay, Pat West, Emmett Smith, Sir
Producer, Howard Hawks; Director. Howard
Hawks: Author, Ernest Hemingway; Screenplay.
Jules Furthman, William Faulkner: Art Director,
Charles Novi; Musical Director, Leo F. Forbstein;
Cameraman, Sid Hickox; Special Effects. Roy
Davidson, Rex Wimpy; Editor, Christian Nyby.
Together Again
Columbia; 93 mins.
Reviewed, 11-8-44; Released, 12-22-44.
Cast, Irene Dunne. Charles Boyer, Charles
Coburn, Mona Freeman. Jerome Courtland, Eliza-
beth Patterson, Charles Dingle, Walter Baldwin
Fern Emmett. Frank Puglia.
Producer, Virginia Van Upp: Director, Charles
Vidor; Authors, Stanley Russell, Herbert Biber-
man; Screenplay, Virginia Van Upp. F. Hugh
Herbert; Art Directors. Stephen Goosson. Van Nest
Polgalse; Musical Score. Werner R. Heymann:
Musical Director. M. W. Stoloff: Cameraman.
Joseph Walker: Editor, Otto Meyer.
William H. Pine
William C. Thomas
Tomorrow the World
United Artists: 86 mins.
Reviewed, 12-18-44; Released, 12-29-44.
Cast, F'redric March, Betty Field. Agnes Moore-
head, Skippy Homeier, Joan Carroll, Edith Angold,
Rudy Wissler, Boots Brown, Marvin Davis, Patsy
Ann Thompson, Marry Newton, Tom Fadden.
Producer. Lester Cowan: Associate Producer,
David Hall; Director, Leslie Fenton; Authors.
James Gow, Arnaud D'Usseau; Screenplay, Ring
Lardner. Jr., Leopold Atlas; Art Director, James
Sullivan: Cameraman, Henry Sharp; Editor, Ann
Town Went Wild, The
PRC; 77 mins.
Reviewed. 11-9-44; Released, 12-15-44.
Cast, Freddie Bartholomew, James Lydon. Ed-
ward Everett Horton, Tom Tully, Jill Browning,
Minna Gombell, Ruth Lee, Roberta Smith, Maude
Eburne, Charles Halton, Ferris Taylor, Jimmy
Conlin, Monte Collins, Olin Howlin, Charles Mid-
dleton, Emmett Lynn, Dorothy Vaughan.
Producers, Bernard B. Roth. Clarence Greene.
Russell Rouse: Director Ralph Murphy; Authors.
Bernard B. Roth. Clarence Greene. Russell Rouse:
\rt Director, George Van Marter; Musical Director.
Davis Chudnow; Cameraman, Philip Tannura :
Editor, Thomas Neff.
Trail of Terror
PRC: 63 mins.
Reviewed, 3-3-44.
Cast, Dave O'Brien. Jim Newill, Guy Wilkerson.
Patricia Knox, Jack Ingram, Stanford Jolley, Bud
Buster, Kenne Duncan, Frank Ellis. Robert Hill.
Producers, Alfred Stern, Arthur Alexander;
Director, Oliver Drake; Screenplay, Oliver Drake:
Musical Score, Lee Zahler; Art Director, Fred
Preble: Cameraman, Ira Morgan; Editor, Charlees
Henkel, Jr.
Trail to Gunsight
Released. 8-18-44.
Cast. Eddie Dew, Lyle Talbot, Fuzzy Knight.
Ray Whitley, Maris Wrixon, Buzzy Henry, Marie
Austin, Sarah Padden, Glenn Strange, Ray Ben-
' nett, Charlie Morton.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake: Director,
Vernon Keays; Author, Jay Karth; Screenplay.
Bennett Cohen; Musical Director, Paul Sawtell;
Art Directors, John B. Goodman, Abraham Gross-
man; Cameraman, Maury Gertsman; Editor, Rus-
sell Schoengarth.
Trigger Law
Released. 9-30-44.
Cast, Bob Steele, Hoot Gibson, Beatrice Gray.
Ralph Lewis, Ed Cassidy, Jack Ingram, George
Eldridge, Pierce Lyden, Lane Chandler, Bud Os-
borne, George Morell.
Producer, Charles J. Bigelow; Director, Vernon
Keays; Screenplay, Victor Hammond; Musical
Director, Frank Sanucci; Cameraman, Marcel
LePicard; Editor, John M. Fuller.
Trigger Trail
Released, 7-7-44.
Cast, Rod Cameron, Fuzzy Knight, Eddie Dew,
Vivian Austin, Lane Chandler, George Eldredge,
Buzzy Henry, Davison Clark, Michael Vallon, Dick
Alexander, Jack Rockwell, Budd Buster.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake; Director.
Lewis D. Collins: Screenplay, Ed Earl Repp; Art
Directors, John B. Goodman, Abraham Grossman;
Cameraman, William Sickner; Editor, Milton Car-
Republic; 74 mins.
Reviewed, 4-24-44; Released, 4-24-44.
Cast, Rosemary Lane, Johnny Downs,
Morgan, Dick Purcell, Sheldon Leonard, Cliff
Nazarro, Marjorie Manners, Erskine Johnson.
Dave Fleischer, Emmett Vogan, Charles Calvert,
Dewey Robinson, Ruth Hilliard, Eddie Bartell,
Bob Chester Orchestra, Matty Malneck Orchestra.
Gus Arheim Orchestra, Eddie LeBaron Orchestra.
Wingy Mannone, The Radio Rogues, The Star-
dusters, Ida James, Patricia Kay, Betty Bradley,
Jane Ellison.
Producer, Walter Colmes; Director, William
Nigh; Authors, Charles F. Chaplin, Garret Holmes:
Screenplay. Allen Gale: Musical Director, Jay
Chernis; Cameraman, Jackson Rose; Editor, Robert
Tucson Raiders
Republic; 55 mins.
Reviewed, 5-25-44; Released, 5-14-44.
Cast, Bill Elliott, George "Gabby" Hayes.
Bobby Blake. Alice Fleming, Ruth Lee, Peggy
Stewart, LeRoy Mason, Stanley Andrews, John
Whitney, Bud Geary, Karl Hackett, Tom Steele,
Marshall Reed, Tom Chatterton, Edward Cassidy.
Associate Producer, Eddy White; Director,
Spencer Bennett: Aiithor, Jack O'Donnell; Screen-
play, Anthony Coldeway; Art Director, Gano Chit-
tenden; Musical Score, Joseph Dubin; Cameraman,
Reggie Lanning; Editor, Harry Keller.
Twilight on the Prairie
Universal; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 8-28-44; Released, 7-14-44.
Cast, Johnny Downs, Vivian Austin, Leon Errol,
Connie Haines, Eddie Quillan, Jack Teagarden
Orchestra, Milburn Stone, Jimmie Dodd, Olin
Howlin, Perc Launders, Dennis Moore, Ralph
Peters, Foy Willing.
Associate Producer, Warren Wilson; Director,
Jean Yarbrough; Author, Warren Wilson; Screen-
play, Clyde Bruckman; Art Directors, John B. Good-
man, Abraham Grossman; Cameraman, Jerome
Ash; Editor, Fred R. Feitshans, Jr.
Two Girls and a Sailor
M-G-M; 124 mins.
Reviewed, 4-27-44; Released, June, 1944.
Cast, Van Johnson, June Allyson, Gloria De-
Haven, Jose Iturbi, Jimmy Durante, Gracie Allen.
Lena Home, Tom Drake, Henry Stephenson, Henry
O'Neill, Ben Blue, Carlos Ramirez, Frank Sully,
Albert Coates, Donald Meek. Amparo Iturbi.
Virginia O'Brien, Wilde Twins, Frank Jenks, Harry
James Orchestra. Helen Forrest, Xavier Cugat
Orchestra, Lina Romay.
Producer, Joe Pasternak: Director, Richard
Thorpe: Screenplay, Richard Connell, Gladys Leh-
man; Musical Director, Georgie Stoll; Dance Direc-
tor, Sammy Lee; Art Director, Cedric Gibbons;
Cameraman, Robert Surtees; Editor, George Boem-
Two-Man Submarine
Columbia; 62 mins.
Reviewed, 3-2'9-44; Released, 3-16-44.
Cast, Tom Neal, Ann Savage, J. Carrol Naish.
Robert Williams, Abner Biberman, George Lynn
J. Alex Havier.
Producer, Jack Fier; Director, Lew Landers:
Author, Bob Williams; Screenplay, Griffin Jay,
Leslie T. White: Art Directors, Lionel Banks,
Cary Odell; Musical Director, M. W. Stoloff; Cam-
eraman, James Van Trees: Editor, Jerome Thorns.
Two Soldiers
Artkino; 72 mins.
Reviewed, 7-31-44; Released, 7-26-44.
Produced in the U. S. S. R.
Cast, Mark Bernes, Boris Andreyev, Vera Sher-
shevna, Yannina Zheimo, Maxim Straukh, I.
Kuznetzof, S. Krilov, Peter Masokha.
Director, L. Lukov; Screenplay, Eugene Ga-
brilovich; Music, N. Bogoslavsky; Songs, V.
Agatov, M. Colovny; English Titles, Charles Cle-
1945 ■ 1946
Tenth Year for Paramount
— 1/ —
U-Boat Prisoner
Columbia: 65 mins.
Reviewed, 8-22-44; Released, 7-25-44.
Cast. Bruce Bennett, Erik Wolf, John Abbott,
John Wengraf, Robert Williams, Kenneth Mac-
Donald, Erwin Kaiser, Egon Brecher, Frederick
Giermann, Arno Frey, Sven-Hugo Borg, Nelson
Leigh, Fred Graff, Trevor Bardette, Paul Conrad,
Eric Feldary.
Producer, Wallace MacDonald; Director, Lew
Landers; Author, Archie Gibbs; Sreenplay, Audrey
Wisberg; Art Directors. Lionel Banks. Perry Smith:
Cameraman, Bernard Guffey.
20th-Fox; 83 mins.
Reviewed, 1-20-44; Released, 1-21-44. (Produced
in England.)
Cast, Eric Portman, Phyllis Calvert, Griffith
Jones, Peter Glenville, Frederick Culley, Raymond
Lovell. Irene Handl, Carl Jaffe, Stuart LindseU,
Felix Aylmer, Eliot Makeham, J. H. Roberts,
Walter Hudd, Aubrey Mallalieu. Ben Williams.
Arthur Goulett, John Slater, Philip Godfrey,
Lloyd Pearson, Phyllis Monkman. Kathleen Boutall.
Producer, Edward Black; Director, Anthony
Asquith; Author, Oscar E. Millard: Screenplay.
Rodney Ackland, Terrence Ratigan; Art Director.
Velchinsky; Musical Director, Louis Levy: Cam-
eraman, Arthur Crabtree.
Producer. Sam White: Director, Herman Rotsten ;
Authors, Charles Kenyon, Robert Wilmot: Screen-
play, Leslie T. White, Charles Kenyon; Art Direc-
tor, Perry Smith: Musical Director. Mischa
Bakaleinikoff ; Cameraman. Burnett Guffey; Editor.
Gene Havlick.
Uncertain Glory
Warners; 102 mins.
Reviewed, 4-24-44; Released, 4-22-44.
Cast, Errol Flynn, Paul Lukas, Jean Sullivan.
Lucile Watson, Faye Emerson, James Flavin.
Douglas Dumbrille, Dennie Hoey, Sheldon Leonard.
Odette Myrtil, Francis Pierlot, Wallis Clark. Vic-
tor Kilian, Ivan Triesault, Van Antwerp, Art
Smith, Carl Harbaugh, Mary Servoss, Charles La-
Torre, Pedro de Cordoba, Bobby Walberg, Erskine
Sanford, Felix Basch, Joel Friedkin.
Producer, Robert Buckner; Director, Raoul
Walsh; Authors, Joe May, Laszlo Vadnay; Screen-
play, Laszlo Vadnay, Max Brand; Art Director,
Robert Haas: Musical Score, Adolph Deutsch:
Musical Director, Leo Forbstein: Cameraman, Sid
Hickox; Special Effects, Roy Davidson; Editor.
George Amy.
Underground Guerrillas
Columbia; 82 mins.
Reviewed, 9-22-44: Released. 5-18-44.
Produced in England.
Cast, John Clements. Tom Walls, Rachel Thomas.
Stephen Murray. Mary Morris, Godfrey Tearle.
Robert Harris, Michael Wilding, Charles Victor,
Niall MacGuinnis. Ivor Bernard.
Producer, Michael Balcon; Director, Sergei
Xolbandov: Author. George Slocombe; Screenplay,
John Dighton. M. Manischewsky; Cameraman, W.
Cooper; Special Effects, Roy Kellino.
Uninvited, The
Paramount; 98 mins.
Reviewed, 1-6-44.
Cast, Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, Donald Crisp,
Cornelia Otis Skinner, Dorothy Stickney, Barbara
Everest, Alan Napier, Gil Russell, Jessica New-
combe, John Kieran, Rita Page.
Associate Producer, Charles Brackett; Director.
Lewis Allen; Author, Dorothy Macardle; Screen-
play, Dodie Smith, Frank Partos; Musical Score,
Victor Young; Art Directors, Hans Dreier, Ernst
Fegte; Cameraman, Charles Lang; Special Effects,
Farciot Edouart; Editor, Doane Harrison.
Unwritten Code, The
Columbia; 61 mins.
Reviewed, 12-20-44; Released. 10-26-44.
Cast. Ann Savage, Tom Neal, Roland Varno,
Howard Freeman, Mary Currier, Bobby Larson.
Teddy Infuhr. Otto Reichow. Fred Essler. Frederick
Giermann. Tom Holland. Phil Van Zandt, Car]
Ekberg. Alan Bridge.
Up in Arms
RKO; 106 mins.
Reviewed, 2-7-44.
Cast, Danny Kaye, Dinah Shore, Dana Andrews.
Constance Dowling. Louis Calhern. George Mathews.
Benny Baker, Elisha Cook, Jr., Lyle Talbot, Wal-
ter Catlett, George Meeker, Richard Powers.
Margaret Dumont, Donald Dickson, Charles Arnt.
Charles Halton, Tom Dugan, Sig Arno, Harry
Hayden, Charles D. Brown, Maurice Cass, Fred
Essler, Rudolf Friml, Jr.
Producer, Samuel Goldwyn; Associate Producer,
Don Hartman; Director, Elliott Nugent: Author.
Owen Davis (from "The Nervous Wreck") ; Screen-
play, Don Hartman, Allen Boretz, Robert Pirosh;
Musical Director, Lou Forbes; Art Directors, Perry
Ferguson, Stewart Chanev: Dance Director. Danny
Dare; Cameraman, Ray Rennahan; Special Effects.
Clarence Slifer, R. O. Binger; Editors. Daniel
Mandell, James Newcom.
Up in Mabel's Room
United Artists; 76 mins.
Reviewed, 3-24-44; Released, 4-28-44.
Cast, Marjorie Reynolds. Dennis O'Keefe Gail
Patrick, Mischa Auer, Charlotte Greenwood, Lee
Bowman, John Hubbard, Binnie Barnes, Janet
Lambert, Fred Kohler, Jr.. Harry Hayden.
Producer, Edward Small; Director, Allan Dwan;
Authors, Otto Harbach, Wilson Collison; Screen-
play, Tom Reed; Musical Director, Edward Paul:
Art Director, Joseph Sternad; Cameraman, Charles
Lawton, Jr.; Special Effects, George Emick; Edi-
tor, Grant Whytock.
Utah Kid, The
Released. 7-26-44.
Cast, Bob Steele, Hoot Gibson, Beatrick Grey.
Evelyn Eaton. Maurice Hugo. Ralph Lewis. James-
son Shade, Mike G. Letz, Dan White.
Director, Vernon Keays; Screenplay, Victor
Hammond: Cameraman, Harry Neumann; Editor.
John C. Fuller.
— V —
Valley of Vengeance
PRC; '56 mins.
Reviewed, 8-28-44: Released. 5-5-44.
Cast, Buster Crabbe. Al St. John, Evelyn Finley.
Donald Mayo, David Pononsky, Glenn Strange.
Charles King, John Merton, Lynton Brent, Jack
Ingraham, Bud Osborne. Nora Bush, Steve Clark.
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director, Sam New-
field; Screenplay, Joseph O'Donnell; Cameraman.
Jack Greenhalgh; Editor, Holbrook N. Todd.
Very Thought of You, The
Warners; 99 mins.
Reviewed, 10-20-44: Released, 11-11-44.
Cast, Dennis Morgan, Eleanor Parker. Dane
Clark, Faye Emerson, Beulah Bondi. Henry Travers.
William Prince, Andrea King, John Alvin, Marianne
O'Brien, Georgia Lee Settle, Dick Erdman. Francis
Producer, Jerry Wald; Director. Delmer Daves:
Author, Lionel Wiggam: Screenplay, Alvah Bessie.
Delmer Daves; Musical Score, Franz Waxman:
Art Director, Leo Kuter; Musical Director, Leo
F. Forbstein; Cameraman. Bert Glennon; Editor.
Alan Crosland, Jr.
Vigilantes of Dodge City
Released, 11-15-44.
Cast, Bill Elliott. Bobby Blake. Alice Fleming.
Linda Stirling. LeRoy Mason. Hal Taliaferro. Tom
London. Stephen Barclay, Bud Geary. Kenne Dun-
can. Bob Wilke.
n i. m
Thanks to my many friends ior
remembering me during my 18
months in the U. S. Navy.
Under Contract to
M. C. A.
Associate Producer, Stephen Auer; Director. Wal-
lace Grissell: Author, Norman S. Hall; Screenplay.
Norman S. Hall, Anthony Coldewey; Art Director.
Fred A. Ritter; Musical Score, Joseph Dubia;
Cameraman, William Bradford; Editor, Charles
Vigilantes Ride, The
Released. 2-3-44.
Cast, Russell Hayden, Dub Taylor. Bob Wills.
Shirley Patterson, Tristram Coffin, Jack Rockwell,
Robert Kortman, Dick Botiller, Jack Kirk, Stanley
Producer, Leon Barsha; Director, William Berke;
Screenplay, Ed Earl Repp; Art Director, Lionel
Banks; Cameraman, Benjamin Kline; Editor, Jer-
ome Thomas.
Voice in the Wind
United Artists; 85 mins.
Reviewed, 3-3-44; Released, 4-21-44.
Cast, Francis Lederer, Sigrid Gurie, J. Edward
Bromberg. J. Carrol Naish, Alexander Granach,
Da vie Cota. Olga Fabian, Howard Johnson, Hans
Schumm, Luis Alberni, George Sorel, Martin Gar-
ralaga. Jacqueline Dalya, Rudolph Myzet, Fred
Nurney, Bob Stevenson, Otto Reichow, Martin
Producers. Rudolph Monter, Arthur Ripley; Di-
rector, Arthur Ripley; Author, Arthur Ripley;
Screenplay, Frederick Torberg; Musical Score.
Michel Michelet; Art Director. Rudy Feld; Musical
Director, Yascha Paii: Cameraman, Dick Fryer:
Editor, Holbrook N. Todd.
Voodoo Man
Monogram: 62 mins.
Reviewed. 2-15-44: Released, 2-21-44.
Cast, Bela Lugosi, John Carradine, George
Zucco, Wanda McKay, Louise Currie, Michael
Ames, Ellen Hall, Terry Walker, Mary Currier,
Claire James. Henry Hull, Dan White, Pat McKee,
Mici Goty.
Producers. Sam Katzman, Jack Dietz; Associate
Producer, Barney Sarecky; Director, William Beau-
dine; Author, Robert Charles; Screenplay, Robert
Charles: Art Director, Dave Milton; Musical Di-
rector, Edward Kay; Cameraman, Marcel Le Picard:
Editor, Carl Pierson.
— w —
PRC: 65 mins.
Reviewed, 5-25-44; Released. 6-10-44.
Cast. John Carradine, J. Carrol Naish, Maris
Wrixon, Edwin Maxwell, Terry Frost. John Bleifer,
Marten Lamont, Olga Fabian, Claire Rochelle, Billy
Producer, Arthur Alexander: Director, Steve
Sekely; Screenplay. Martin Mooney, Irwin F.
Franklyn; Art Director. Paul Palmentola: Mu-
sical Director, Lee Zahler; Cameraman, Robert
Cline; Editor, Charles Henkel, Jr.
Weekend Pass
Universal; 65 mins.
Reviewed, 2-14-44; Released, 2-18-44.
Cast, Martha O'Driscoll, Noah Beery, Jr., George
Barbier, Dennis Moore, Pierre Watkin, John James,
Lotte Stein, Irving Bacon, Andrew Tombes, Mayris
Chaney, Delta Rhythm Boys, Leo Diamond Quin-
Associate Producer, Warren Wilson: Director,
Jean Yarbrough; Author, Warren Wilson; Screen-
play, Clyde Bruckman: Art Director, John B. Good-
man; Musical Director, Don George; Cameraman,
William Siekner.
We've Come a Long, Long
Negro Marches On, Inc.; 70 mins.
Reviewed, 6-6-44.
Producer, Jack Goldberg; Director. Jack Gold-
Weird Woman
Released, 4-14-44.
Cast, Lon Chaney. Anne Gwynne, Evelyn Ankers,
Ralph Morgan, Elizabeth Risdon, Lois Collier.
Elizabeth Russell, Harry Cayden, Phil Brown,
Jackie Lou Harding, Hanna Kaapa.
Associate Producer, Oliver Drake: Director, Regi-
nald Le Borg; Author, Fritz Leiber, Jr.; Screen-
play, Brenda Weisberg: Musical Director, Paul
Aawtell; Art Directors, John B. Goodman, Richard
Riedel; Cameraman, Virgil Miller; Editor, Milton
West of the Rio Grande
Reviewed, 10-3-44; Released, 8-9-44.
Cast, Johnny Mack Brown, Raymond Hatton.
Dennis Moore, Christine Mclntyre, Lloyd In-
graham. Kenneth MacDonald, Frank LaRue, Art
Fowler, Hugh Prosser, Edmund Cobb, Steve Clark,
Jack Rockwell, Hal Price, John Merton.
Director, Lambert Hillyer; Screenplay, Betty
Burbridge; Musical Director, Edward Kay: Camera-
man, Arthur Martinelli; Editor, John C. Fuller.
Westward Round
Released. 1-10-44.
Cast. Ken Maynard. Hoot Gibson, Bob Steele.
Betty Miles, John Bridges. Harry Woods, Karl
Hackett, Weldon Heyburn, Hal Price, Roy Brent,
Frank Ellis, Curley Dresden.
Producer. Robert Tansey; Director, Robert Tan-
sey; Screenplay, Frances Kavanaugh; Musical
Director, Frank Sanucci; Cameraman, Marcel Le
Picard: Editor, John C. Fuller.
When Strangers Marry
Monogram; 67 mins.
Reviewed. 9-21-44; Released, 10-44.
Cast, Dean Jagger, Jim Hunter, Robert Mitchum.
Neil Hamilton, Lou Lubin, Milt Kibbee, Dewey
Robinson, Claire Whitney, Edward Jeane, Virginia
Sale, Dick Elliott, Lee White.
Producers, Maurice King, Franklin King; Direc-
tor, William Castle; Author, George V. Moscov;
Screenplay, Philip Yrujan. Dennis Cooper; Art Di-
rector, F. Paul Sylos; Music Editor, Leon Birn-
baum; Musical Score, Dimitri Tiomkin; Camera-
man, Ira Morgan; Editor, Martin G. Conn.
When the Lights Go On Again
PRC; 74 mins.
Reviewed, 9-14-44; Released, 10-23-44.
Cast, James Lydon, Regis Toomey, George Cleve-
land, Grant Mitchell. Dorothy Peterson, Harry
Shannon, Lueien Littlefield, Luis Alberni, Emmett
Lynn. Joseph Crehan, Warren Mills, Jill Brown-
ing, Roberta Carling\ Larry Thompson, James
Hope, Barbara Belden.
Producer, Leon Fromkess; Director, William
K. Howard; Author, Frank Craven; Screenplay.
Milton Lazarus; Art Director, Paul Palmentola:
Musical Score, W. Franke Harling; Music Super-
visor, David Chudnow; Cameraman, Ira Morgran.
Whispering Skull, The
Released, 12-29-44.
Cast, Tex Ritter, Dave O'Brien, Guy Wilkerson,
Denny Burke, I. Stanford Jolley, Henry Hall.
George Morrell, Edward Cassidy, Robert Kortman.
Wen Wright.
Producer, Arthur Alexander; Director, Elmer
Clifton; Screenplay, Harry Fraser; Cameraman,
Edward Kull; Editor, Hugh Winn.
Whistler, The
Columbia; '59 mins.
Reviewed, 6-6-44; Released, 3-30-44.
Cast, Richard Dix, J. Carrol Naish, Gloria
Stuart, Alan Dinehart, Don Costello, Joan Wood-
bury, Cy Kendall, Trevor Bardette, Robert E.
Keane, Clancy Cooper, George Lloyd, Byron Foul-
ger. Charles Coleman, Robert Homans.
Producer, Rudolph C. Flothow: Director, Wil-
liam Castle; Author, J. Donald Wilson: Screen-
play, Eric Taylor; Art Director, George Van Mar-
ten; Musical Score, Wilbur Hatch; Cameraman,
James S. Brown; Editor, Jerome Thorns.
White Cliffs of Dover, The
M-G-M; 126 mins.
Reviewed, 3-13-44; Released, June, 1944.
Cast, Irene Dunne, Alan Marshal, Frank Morgan,
Roddy McDowall, Van Johnson, C. Aubrey Smith,
Dame May Whitty, Gladys Cooper, Peter Lawford,
John Warburton, Jill Esmond, Brenda Forbes,
Norma Varden.
Producer, Sidney Franklin; Director, Clarence
Brown; Author, Alice Duer Miller; Screenplay,
Claudine West, Jan Lustig, George Froeschel;
Art Director, Cedric Gibbons; Musical Score, Her-
bert Stothart; Cameraman, George Folsey; Spe-
cial Effects, Arnold Gillespie, Warren Newcombe;
Editor, Robert J. Kern.
20th-Fox; 154 mins.
Reviewed, 8-2-44.
Cast, Alexander Knox, Charles Coburn, Gerald-
ine Fitzgerald, Thomas Mitchell, Ruth Nelson,
Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Vincent Price, William Eythe,
Mary Anderson, Ruth Ford, Sidney Blackmer,
Madeleine Forbes, Stanley Ridges, Eddie Foy,
Jr., Charles Halton, Thurston Hall, J. M. Kerri-
gan, James Rennie, Katherine Locke, Stanley
Logan, Marcel Dalio, Edwin Maxwell, Clifford
Brooke, Tonio Selwart, John Ince, Charles Miller,
Anne O'Neal, Arthur Loft, Russell Gaige, James-
son Shade, Reginald Sheffield, Robert Middlemass,
Matt Moore, George Anderson, Robert Barron,
Paul Everton, Arthur Space, George MacCready,
Roy Roberts, Frank Orth, Dewey Robinson, Fran-
cis X. Bushman, Cy Kendall, Emory Parnell,
Farris Taylor, Ken Christy, Guy D'Ennery, An-
tonio Filauri, Hilda Plowright, Joseph J. Greene,
Gus Glassmire, Ralph Dunn, Davidson Clark, Tony
Hughes, Isabel Randolph, Jess Lee Brooks, Glad-
den James, Frank Dawson, Larry McGrath, Josh
Hardin, Ralph Linn, Russ Clark, Harold Schlicke-
meyer, Ed Mundy, Aubrey Mather, Jesse Graves,
Del Henderson, John Ardell, George Matthews, John
Whitney, Harry Tyler, William Forrest, Harry
Carter, Jessie Grayson.
Wing and a Prayer
20th-Fox; 97 mins.
Reviewed, 7-24-44; Released, August, 1944.
Cast, Don Ameche, Dana Andrews, William
Eythe, Charles Bickford, Sir Cedric Hardwicke,
Kevin O'Shea, Richard Jaeckel, Henry Morgan,
Richard Crane, Glenn Langan, Renny McEvoy,
Robert Bailey, Reed Hadley, George Mathews, B.
S. Pully, Dave Willock, Murray Alper, Charles
Lang, Irving Bacon, John Miles, Joe Haworth,
Charles Smith, Ray Teal, Matt MeHugh, Charles
Trowbridge, John Kelly, Larry Thompson, Billy
Producers, William A. Bacher, Walter Morosco:
Director, Henry Hathaway; Screenplay, Jerome
Cady; Art Directors, Lyle Wheeler. Lewis Creber;
Cameraman, Glen MacWilliams; Special Effects,
Fred Sersen; Editor, J. Watson Webb.
Winged Victory
20th-Fox; 130 mins.
Reviewed, 11-22-44; Released, 12-44.
Cast, Lon MoCallister, Jeanne Crain, Edinond
O'Brien, Jane Ball, Mark Daniels, Jo-Carroll Den-
nison, Don Taylor, Judy Holliday, Lee J. Cobb.
Peter Lind Hayes, Alan Baxter, Geraldine Wall,
Red Buttons, Barry Nelson, Rune Hultman, Garry
Merrill, George Reeves, George Petrie, Alfred
Ryder, Karl Maiden, Martin Ritt, Harry Lewis,
Henry Rowland. Sascha Brastoff. Archie Robbins.
Jack Slate, Henry Slate, George Humbert, Richard
Hogan, Phillip Bourneuf, Damian O'Flynn. Ray
Bidwell, Carroll Riddle.
Producer, Darryl F. Zanuck; Director, George
Cukor; Author, Moss Hart; Screenplay, Moss Hart;
Musical Score, David Rose: Art Directors, Lyle
Wheeler, Lewis Creber; Cameraman, Glen Mac-
Williams: Special Effects, Fred Sersen; Editor.
Barbara McLean.
Wolves of the Range
PRC; 60 mins.
Reviewed, 6-14-44.
Cast, Bob Livingston, Al "Fuzzy" St; John,
Frances Gladwin, I. Stanford Jollye, Karl Hackett.
Ed Cassidy, Jack Ingraham, Kenne Duncan, Bud
Buster, Bob Hill.
Producer, Sigmund Neufeld; Director, Sam New-
field: Screenplay, Joe O'Donnell; Cameraman, Rob-
ert Cline; Editor, Holbrook N. Todd.
Woman in the Window, The
RKO-International; 99 mins.
Reviewed, 10-10-44.
Cast, Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett, Ray-
mond Massey, Edmond Breon, Dan Duryea,
Thomas E. Jackson, Dorothy Peterson, Arthur
Loft, Frank Dawson, Carol Camerson, Bobby Blake.
Producer, Kunnally Johnson; Director, Fritz
Lang; Author, J. H. Wallis; Original Title, "Once
Off Guard"; Screenplay, Nunnally Johnson; Mu-
sical Score, Arthur Lang; Art Director, Duncan
Cramer; Cameraman, Milton Krasner; Special
Effects, Vernon Walker; Editor, Marjorie Johnson.
— Y —
Yellow Canary, The
RKO; 84 mins.
Reviewed, 5-12-44.
Produced in England.
Cast, Anna Neagle, Richard Greene. Nova Pil-
beam, Albert Lieven, Lucie Mannheim, Margaret
Rutherford, Marjorie Fielding, Valentine Dyall,
David Home, Claude Bailey.
Producer, Herbert Wilcox; Director, Herbert
Wilcox: Author, P. M. Bower; Screenplay, Miles
Malleson, DeWitt Brodeen; Art Director, W. C.
Andrews; Musical Score, Clifford Parker; Camera-
man, Mase Greene; Editor, Vera Campbell.
Yellow Rose of Texas, The
Republic; 69 mins.
Reviewed, 5-25-44; Released, 6-24-44.
Cast, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Grant Withers,
Harry Shannon, George Cleveland, William Haade,
Weldon Heyburn, Hal Taliaferro, Tom London,
Dick Botiller, Janet Martin, Brown Jug Reynolds,
Bob Nolan and the Sons of the Pioneers.
Associate Producer, Harry Grey; Director, Jo-
seph Kane; Screenplay, Jack Townley; Musical
Director, Morton Scott; Art Director, Fred A.
Ritter; Dance Director, Larry Ceballos; Camera-
man, Jack Marta; Editor, Tony Martinelli.
Yon Can't Ration Love
Paramount; 79 mins.
Reviewed, 2-28-44.
Cast, Betty Rhodes, Johnny Johnston, Bill Ed-
wards, Marjorie Weaver, Marie Wilson, Johnnie
"Scat" Davis, Mabel Paige, Jean Wallace, Roland
Dupre, Christine Forsythe, D'Artega and His
All-Girl Orchestra.
Associate Producer, Michel Kraike; Director.
Lester Fuller; Author, Muriel Roy Bolton: Screen-
play, Val Burton, Hal Fimberg; Art Directors,
Hans Dreier, Walter Tyler; Musical Director,
Irvin Talbot: Cameraman, Stuart Thompson; Edi-
tor, Tom Neff.
Youth Runs Wild
RKO; 67 mins.
Reviewed, 6-5-44.
Cast, Bonita Granville, Kent Smith, Jean Brooks,
Glenn Vernon, Tessa Brind, Ben Bard, Mary Ser-
voss, Arthur Shields, Lawrence Tierney, Dickie
Moore, Johnny Walsh, Rod Rodgers, Elizabeth
Producer, Val Lewton; Director, Mark Robson:
Authors, John Fante, Herbert Kline; Screenplay,
John Fante; Art Directors, Albert S. D'Agostino.
Carroll Clark; Music, Paul Sawtell; Musical Di-
rector, C. Bakaleinikoff : Cameraman. John J.
Mescall; Special Effects, Vernon L. Walker: Editor.
John Locker t.
(For Paramount)
'Columbia Pictures
In Preparation
HTITLES, distributors and The Film Daily review dates for features released since
1915 are listed hereafter. Distributors are noted with code letters, the key to these
codes starting on this page and the actual list of titles beginning on page 231.
Features released before talking pictures are shown with a star ("A"), indicating a silent
picture. (PT) indicates a part-talking release, and (SSE) synchronized sound effects.
Code to Distributors
ABA — A. B. A. Films.
ABR — Abrams.
ACA — American Committee for
Relief of Armenia.
ACD — Academy Pictures.
ACE — Ace Pictures.
ACI — American Cinema.
ACT — Action Pictures.
ADC — Adventure Epics.
ADP — Adolph Pollak.
ADV — Advanced.
AE — Associated Exhibitors.
AEO — Aeolian Pictures.
AEP — Affiliated European Pro-
AFE — A. F. E. Corp.
AFF — Affiliated.
AGF — American General Films.
AGR — Dept. of Agriculture.
AHR — Asher.
AI — Associated Independent Pro-
AID — Aida Films.
AJ — Ajax.
ALA — Atlantic.
ALD — Alder.
ALE — Alexander.
ALI — Allied Pictures.
ALL — Alliance.
ALP — All Art Pictures.
ALW — William Alexander.
AM — Amkino.
AM A — Amer Anglo.
AMB — Ambassador.
AME — American.
AMG — Amalgamated,
AMR — American-Roumanian
Film Co.
AMT — American Tobis.
AMU — American Mutual.
AN — Anchor.
ANG — Anglo Films.
ANT — Anti-Vice Motion Pic-
AP — Allied Pictures.
APA — A-l Producer and Dis-
APD — Allied Producers and Dis-
APF — Oscar Apfel.
APH — Associated Photoplays.
APO — Apollo.
APP — A. P. Plays.
APQ — Approved .
APR — Associated Producers.
APX — Apex.
AR — American Releasing Co.
ARA — Arfa Films.
ARB — Arc Films.
ARC — Art class Pictures (Weiss
ARF — Ar-Fllms.
ARI — Arista.
ARK — Arkay Film Exchange.
ARN — Arnaud.
ARO — Aristocrat.
ART — Artcraft Pictures.
ARQ — Artkino.
ARTArteraft Pictures.
ARU — Arcturus Pictures.
ARW — Arrow.
ASA — Asta.
ASF — Associated Features.
ASS — Associated Cinemas.
AST — Astor.
ATA — American Trading Assn.
ATN — Atlantic.
ATL — Atlas.
AUC — Audio Cinema.
ATJD — Audible Pictures.
AUH — Harold Austin.
AUR — Aurora Film Corp.
ACS — Australian Films.
AUT — Capt. Harold Auten.
AV — Avramenko.
AY — Aywon.
AYC — Aycie.
AZ — Azteca.
BAB — The Baker's Wife, Inc.
B AC — Backer-Hoffman .
BAE — Banner.
B AK — Baker-Hoffman .
BAN — Bancroft.
BAR — Barsky.
BAT — Bartlett.
BAC — Bavarian Film A-O.
BAY — Bacon-Aywon.
BB — B. B. Features.
BBF. — . Bacon - Backer . Four-
BD — British A Dominions.
BE — Beacon.
BEA — Beacon.
BEB — George Beban.
BEF — Better Films.
BEH — Behrman Productions.
BEK — Beekman Film Co.
BEL — Berlin Films.
BEN — Chester Bennett.
BLR — Bertad.
BES — Best Film Co.
BET — Bernstein.
BETJ — Beaumont.
BEW — Walldemar D. Bell.
BFP — Byron Foy.
BHA — Bert Hall.
BI — British International.
BIF — Big Four.
BIG — Big Three.
BIL — Blltmore Productions.
BIS — Blschoff.
BL — Bluebird.
BLA — Blalr-Coan.
BLC — Blackton.
BLO — Richard Block.
BLR — Blue Ribbon.
BLTJ — Blumenthal.
BLZ — Samuel Blitz.
BM — Balboa-Mutual.
BNE — British New Era.
BOL — H. Bollman.
BON — H. 0. Bondy.
BOT — Bottonelli.
BOW — Bowes Productions.
BOX — Box Office Attractions.
BOY — John W. Boyle.
BPI — Bureau of Public Informs
BR — C. C. Burr.
BRA — Brady-World.
BRB — Brenda Pictures.
BRC — Brewster.
BRD — Bradley.
BRE — Brentwood-Mutual.
BRF — Broadcast Films.
BRH — Broadway-Hollywood Pro-
BRI — Briskin.
BRL — Brill.
BRO — Lee Brody Co.
JRTJ — Bran ton-Paradise.
BRY — Bryant Productions
8RX — Leo Breeher.
BSB — B. 8. B. Corp.
BTZ — Bu rrou ght -Tarzan .
BC — Butterfly.
BCF — Buffalo Motion Picture
BCL — Butler Productions.
BUN — Bumside.
BDR — H. B. Burroughs.
BUT — Butterfly.
CAF — Capital Foreign Attrac-
CAL — California Motion Pic-
ture Co.
CAM— Cameo.
CAN — Canyon.
CAO — Casino.
CAP — Capitol Film Exchange.
CAS — Castleton-Shipman.
CAT — Capitol Productions.
CBC — Cohen-Brandt-Cohen (Co-
lumbia) .
CBP — C. B. Price.
CC — Clark-Cornelius.
CEL — Celebrity Pictures.
CEN — Century Pictures.
CF — Cinema Franeals.
CFP — Collective Film Producers.
CHA — Chadwick Pictures.
CHE — Chesterfield; Chesterfield-
CHR — Charter.
CIE — Clnes.
CIG — Cine Grand Films.
CTL — Cine-Lux. Inc.
CIN — Cinema Attractions.
CIR — Circle Film Attractions.
CTX — Cinexport.
Production Manager
Released Thru PARAMOUNT
tl.A — Claridge.
CLP — Classplay.
CLK — Russell Clark
CI, H — W. H. Clone.
CM — Columbia-Metro.
CMA — C. & M. Pictnrei.
CNN — Conn Pictures.
COA — E. B. Coane.
COB — Contemporary Amuse-
ments, Inc.
COC — Concord Films.
COD — C. O. D. Blanchfleld.
CUE! — Commodore.
COG — Congo Pictures.
COH — Max Cohen.
COL — Columbia.
COM — Commonwealth.
CON — Consolidated-Met .
COO — Colony.
COP — Congo Pictures.
COQ — Conquest.
COR — Corona.
COS — Cosmos.
COT — Continental Pictures.
COU — Cos mart.
COV — Cort.
CP — Collywn Pictures.
CBA — Crea.
CBB — Crest.
CRD — Certified.
CRE — J. V. Cremonim.
CUE — Crescent Pictures.
I'Kl — Criterion Films.
CBO — Credo Pictures.
CRT — Creative.
CRY — Crystal Pictures.
CCC— Compagnle Universelle.
CUE — Enrico Cutali.
CUM — Cuminings.
CCO— Samuel Cummins.
CUB — Bichard Currier Produc-
CUT — Curtis*
CWO — Comstock-World.
DAB — Dansk-Blograf.
DAI — Daily Productions.
DAN — Danubia.
DAV — Davis Distributing Co.
DAW — Norman Dawn Produc-
DEM — Democracy Photoplays.
DEN — Denver-Dixon.
DIE — Dletrich-Kenyon .
DII, — Di Lorenzo.
DIS — Walt Disney.
DIV — Diversion.
DIX — Dixie National.
DOM — Dome Films.
DOO — Doo-Lee.
DRR — Drkik-Martel.
DUB — Dublin Film Co.
DUD — Dudley-Unity.
DUW — Du World.
EAG — Eagle Productions.
EAS — Eastern Films.
EC — East Coast.
EDO — Edgar.
EDK — Edlson-Klelne.
EDP — Edison Perfection.
EDU — Educational.
EKE — Edison-K. E. S. E.
EKO — E. K. 0. Film Co.
ELB — Ellbee Pictures.
ELD — El Dorado Productions.
ELF — C. 8. Elfelt.
ELK — Edward L. Klein.
ELL — William Elliot Produc-
EMP — Empire.
EMU — Empire Mutual.
ENO — English Films, Inc.
ENC — European Newt Co.
ENR — Enterprise.
ENT — Entente.
EP — Epco.
EPA — EMP A Films.
EPI — Export and Import.
EPP — Dr. 1. J. Eppel.
EQ — Equitable.
EQA — Equality.
EQU — Equity.
EQW — Equitable-World.
ERA — New Era.
ERB — Erbograph Art.
ERM — Ermine.
ERO — Eron Pictures, Inc.
ES — Essanay.
ESP — Esperia.
ETR — Eastern Triangle.
ECK — Eureka Prods.
EL'P — Europa.
Kl'K — European Productions.
El S— Captain H. Eustace.
EX A — Excelsior.
EXC — Exceptional.
EXD — Exclusive.
EXE — Exhibitors Film E
EXH — Exhibitors' Film Corp.
EXL — Exhibitors Mutual.
EXO — Explorers Film Co.
EXP — Excellent Pictures.
EXQ — Exploitation Pictures.
EXR — Express.
F — Fox Film Corp.; 80th Cen-
FA — Fine Arts.
FAB — Jacob Fabian.
FAF — Foreign American Films.
FAH — Faith Pictures.
FAI — Fairmont.
FAM — Foreign American Films.
FAT — Fine Arts-Triangle.
FBO — Film Booking Offices.
FBW — F. B. Warren.
FCA — Foreign Cinema Arts.
FCC — French Cinema Center.
FCH — Film Clearing House.
FD — First Division.
FDC — Film Distributing Co.
FED — Federated.
FEL — Felson-Europa Produc-
FER — Fery Film (Germany) .
FF — Franco Films (France).
FFA — Future Farmers of Amer-
FFF — Foreign Feature Films.
FFS — Fifty-fifth St. Playhouse
FGC — Film Guild Cinema.
FGU — Film Arts Guild.
FHG — Foreign-Hanover-Genernl.
FIA — Film Alliance of the
United States.
FID — Fidelity.
FIL — Film Market.
FIM — Film Exchange.
FTP — Filippine Films.
FIT — James A. FitzPatriek.
FLE — J. J. Fleming.
FLI — Joseph Fliesler.
FMA — Famous Attractions.
FN — First National.
FOF — Foreign Films.
FOP — Fort Pitt.
FOR — Forward.
FOY — Foy Productions, Ltd.
FRA — Franco American Export
& Import Co.
FRE — Freuler Film Associates.
FRF — Frontier Films.
FRM — French Motion Pictur*
FRN — France Films.
FRO — Frohman.
FTA — First Anglo.
FTP — Foreign Talking Pictures.
PUT — Walter Futter (Wafilms).
FW — F. * W. Films.
FWA — Franklyn Warner.
FWO — Frohman-World.
(■ — Samuel Goldwyn
GAF — Garfield.
GAG — Leon Garganoff.
GAL — Gallic Films.
GAR — Garson.
GAS — Garrison Films.
GAT — Gateway Productions.
G A U — Gaumont.
dit — Gaumont-British.
GUG — Henry Ginsburg.
GEF — General Films.
OEG — German ia.
GE1 — Irving Geist.
U EN — Geneva.
CEO — Genius.
(.EC — General Pictures.
GER — Gerson.
GFF — General Foreign Sales.
(JGR — Al Griffith-Grey.
GHA — G. Hamilton.
Li LA — Gladiator Films.
G LB — Gladstone.
GLD — Symon Gould.
GLE — Goldie Films.
GLO — Amer- Anglo Corp.
GN — Grand National.
GOB — Globe.
GOG — Golgothia Corp.
G O I — G oldstone.
GON — Goodman.
GOO — Goodwill.
GOR — Gordon Film Co.
GOS — Goldsmith Prods.
GOT — Gotham Productions.
i.oi — M. J. Gourland.
GRA — Graphic Film Corp.
GRB — Great Wall Film Co.
GRC — Arthur Greenblatt.
GRE — Greater.
(iRI — D. W. Griffith Produc-
GRN — Great Northern.
GSF — Golden Stars Films.
GCA — Guaranteed Pictures.
HAD — Horsley-Art Dramas.
HAL — Hallmark.
HAM — Arthur Hammerstein
HAN — Hensen-Marine.
HAP — High Art Pictures.
HAR — Harm a.
HAS — Harris-Hanover.
HAT — Hatch.
HAW — Hall-Abrahams- Werner.
HEA — Headline Pictures.
IIEL — Helber Pictures.
HEM — Herman.
HEN — Henley-Seng.
HEP — Hepworth.
HER — Hercules Productions.
HES — Hesperia.
HEW — Herman Wohl.
III! — Hampton-Hodkinson.
HHA — H. & H.
HIM — Himalaya Films.
HIR — Hirliman Florida Produc-
HIS — Historic Films.
HM — Hi-Mark.
HMU — Horsley-Mutual.
HNE — Robert J. Horner.
HOB — J. H. Hoffberg.
HOC — Hooper-Conneii.
HOD — W. W. Hodkinson Co.
HOF — M. H. Hoffman.
HOI, — Hollywood.
HOP — Hopp Hadley.
HOR — Horkheimer.
HOU — Houdini.
HOW — Howell.
HPI — Hollywood Pictures.
HRM — Hampton-Mutual.
HUG — Howard Hughes.
HUM — Hutton-Mutual.
HUN — Hungaria Pictures.
HUR — Hugo Reisenfeld.
HWA — Haworth.
Composer and Conductor
HWF— Hlller A Wllk.
HYP — Hyperion .
IAM — Irish-American Film Corp.
ICE— International Cinema Ex-
IDE — Ideal Pictures.
1FC — Independent Film Clear-
ing House.
[ML — Imperial Dlst.
IMM — Indo-American .
IMP — Imported Picture*.
INC — Inee-Trlangle.
IND— Independent.
INE — Inter-Continental.
INF — Inter-Continent.
INL — Industrial Films.
INK — International Roadshows.
INS — International Stageplay
INT — International.
INV — Invincible.
INW — Interworld.
IRO — Iroquls.
IRV — Irving Exchange.
ITA — Itala Films.
IV — Ivan.
J A — Jans.
JAC — Jacobs-Hall.
JAF — Jaffe Art Films
JAW — Jawltz.
JDK — Jay Dee Kay Productions.
JEF — Jewish Film Productions.
JEN — Jennings-Shlpman.
JEP — Jeffrey Pictures.
JEW — Jewell.
JFA — Jafa.
JO — Joan.
JOE — Buck Jones Productions.
JOH — Ray Johnston.
JUD — Judea Films.
JUL — Ben Judell.
JT7N — Juno Films.
JW — J. W. Films.
KAC — Krimsky-Cochran.
KAJ — M. J. KandeU.
KAL — Kalem.
KAN — Kane.
KAS — Frank Kessler.
KAC — Henry Kaufman.
KEA — James Keane.
KEL — Kelly.
KEM — John M. Kelley.
KEN — Willis Kent.
KER — Kerman.
KES — K. E. S. E.
KIN — Burton King.
KIO — Klnotrade.
KIP — Kinopol.
KIT — Klnematrade.
KLA — Captain F. Klelnschmldt.
KLE — George Klelne Service.
KLU — R. H. Klumb.
KR — R. A R. Film Co.
KRA — Kremer.
KRB — Sherman S. Krellberg.
KRE — Krelbar.
KCR — F. W. Kurtz.
LAB — Labor Film Service.
LAF — Latin Films.
LAM — Lamont Pictures.
LAT — Latin-Artists Pictures.
LBR — Lee-Bradford Co. (Art-
LED — Lederer.
LEE — Artlee Pictures.
LEL — Lewis-Lesser
LEM — Levey.
LEN — Lenauer-Internatlonal.
LEO — Leo Films.
LES — Sol Lesser.
LEV — Levlnson.
LEW — Lenwal Productions.
LIB — Liberty Productions.
LIC — Llchtman.
LIE — Llebfreed A Miller.
LIN — Lincoln Prods.
LLV — Edgar E. Lloyd.
LON — London Film-Cosmofoto
LOP — I. E. Lopert.
LOU — Louben Films.
LOW — Lowell.
LST — Jack Lustberg
LUB — Bert Lubln.
LUM — Lumas (Gotham).
LUR — Lumlnar
LYC — Lyceum.
LYN — Lynn Productions.
LYR — Lyric Films.
M — Metro.
MA — Modern Arts.
MAB — Arthur Mayer and Joseph
MAC — Marey Exchange.
MAD — Madison Pictures.
MAF — Mayfair.
MAJ — Majestic Pictures.
MAK — Marketed.
HAL — Ernst Mattsson.
MAM — Mammoth.
MAN — Manson.
MAO — Mascot Pictures.
MAP — Mascot.
MAQ — Mabel Attractions.
MAR — H. B. Marinelll.
MAS — Mastodon.
MAT — Frank Mattison.
MAU — Master.
MAV — Masterpiece.
MAW — Malvlna.
MAX — Max Graf.
MAY — Mayf alr-Shallenberger A
MAZ — Maimer.
MBR — Malcolm-Browne.
MCA — McArthur.
MCF — Bernarr McFadden.
MCL — Douglas MacLean.
MCM — MeManus.
MIC — Merit.
MEL— Melody Pictures.
MEN — Mena.
MEO — Metropolis.
MEP — Metropolitan .
MER — Mercury Pictures.
MES — Metropolis Pictures.
MET — Men tone.
MG — Metro-Goldwyn .
MGM — Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer,
MGR — M-G-R Productions.
MHM — Maxim Prod.
MIC — Mickey.
MIF — Midfllm.
MIL — Million Dollar
MIN — Michael Mlndlln.
MOD — Modern Film Corp.
MOE — Moeler.
MON — Monopol.
MOP — Monogram .
MOS — B. S. Moss.
MOV — Movlegraphs, Ine.
MOZ — Mozart Film, Inc.
MPG — Motion Picture Guild.
MPS — Metropolis.
MT — Mutual.
MUN — Mundus.
MUR — Murray Productions.
NAM — N. A. M. P. I.
NAN — National Pictures.
NAP — Napoll FUms.
NAT — National Players, Ltd.
NBR — New Brunswick.
NEG — Negro Marches On, Inc.
NER — New Era.
NES — New Star Films.
NEW — New Cal.
NF — National Films.
NOB — Noble-Duplex.
NOC — Harold Noce.
NOF — Northern Films.
NOL — Nola.
NOR — Norwegian American
NPI — National Pioneer.
NUO — Nuovo Mondo.
OCE — Ocean-Raver.
OCP — Olcott Players.
OD — Od-Fllms.
OG — Ogden.
OLM — Olympic Pictures.
OLY — Olympia Macrl Excelsior.
ORE — Ore-Bernstein.
OSO — Osso Productions.
PAA — Palestine-American.
PAC — Play Choice.
PAF — Pacific.
PAG — Paragon Pictures.
PAI — Patriot,
PAL — Paralta.
PAM — Paragon.
PAN — Panelllnias Film Co.
PAP — Parthenon Pictures (Os-
car Price).
PAR — Paramount (Famous-
Lasky, etc.)
PAS— Passion Flay Committee.
PAT — Pathe A RKO Pathe
PAX — Pax Films, Inc.
PBA — Paragon-Brady-World.
PBW — Peerless-Brady-World.
PDC — Producers Distributing
PEA — Peacock.
PEE — Peerless.
PEN — Pennant.
PER — Perfeet.
PES — Harry C. Pearson.
PET — Petrova.
PFT — Perfection.
PFC — Polish Film Corp.
PGO — Play Co.
PHD — Photo-Dramas .
PHE — Phoenix.
PHF — Public Health Films.
PHI — Chris Phillis Productions.
PHL — Photoplay Library.
PHO — Phoebus Films.
PI — Pioneer.
PIC — Picture Classics.
PIE — Piedmont.
PIN — Pinnacle.
PIT — Pittaluga.
PIZ — Pizor.
PLA — Plaza Pictures.
PLC — Plunkett A Carroll.
PLC — Plurograph Unity.
PLY — Plymouth.
PMU — Powell-Mutual.
POA — Polish American Film
POB — Bud Pollard Prods.
POL — Pole Pictures.
POL — Polish Government Films.
PON — Pollner Distributing Co.
POW — Peerless-Power.
POM — Pollard-Mutual.
POP — Powers Pictures.
POR — Portale Pictures.
PPR — Photo-Producers.
PRC — Producers Releasing Corp.;
PRC Pictures, Inc.
PRE — Preferred.
PRG — Progressive Pictures.
PRI — Principal.
PRM — Prime.
PRO — Pro Patria Films.
PRP — Producers Pictures Corp.
PRR — Prizma.
PRS — Presidio Pictures.
PRW — Premo-World.
PRX — Protex Trading Corp.
PS — Producers Security.
PSR — Pacific.
PUB — Public Rights.
PUR — Puritan.
PWO — Pearless-World.
PWP — Public Welefare Pictures.
PYM — Pyramid.
PYR — Pyramid-World.
QDE — Quigley-Davenport-Ex-
QU — Quality Distributors.
R — Rex Film Co.
RA — Ray art Pictures.
RAD — Radin.
RAE — Raleigh Pictures.
RAF — Radiosol.
RAI — Rainbow.
RAL — General.
RAO — Roma.
RAS — Raspin Productions.
RAT — Harry Rathner.
RAV — Raver.
RAY — B. B. Ray.
RB — Rex Beach Producelons.
RBG — Rex Beach-Goldwyn.
RC — R. C.
REA — Realart.
REB — Reliable.
REC — Ritchey Export Corp.
RED — Red Films.
REE — J. P. Reed.
REF — Reformation Films.
REG — Regal.
REH — Record Pictures.
REI — Reliance.
REK — Edwin S. Relkin.
REL — Realistic.
REM — Remington Pictures.
REN — Regent Pictures.
REP — Republic.
RGR — Russel-Griever.
RHF — Rapf -Hoffman-Four
RIA — Rialto.
RIE — Jack Rieger.
RIM — Rimax Productions.
RKO — RKO Radio.
ROA — Roadshow Pictures.
ROB — Roberts & Cole.
ROC — Roma Film Co.
ROG — F. B. Rogers.
ROL — Rolfe.
ROM — Romayne.
ROM — Cines-Rome.
ROP — H. H. Rosenfleld.
ROS — Rosemary Films.
ROU — Roubert.
ROW — Rowland-Wagner.
ROY — Fanchon Royer.
RSR — Rapf.
RUL — Russell.
RUS — Russian Student Club of
SA — Sherrill-Art.
SAB — Sable.
SAC — Sack Amusement Co.
SAG — S. & G. Films.
SAL — Edward Salisbury.
SAM — Samwick.
SAN — San ford.
SAS — Sascha Films.
SAZ — Walter S. Sazela.
SCA — Scandinavian Pictures.
SCE — Schenck-Select.
SCH — B. P. Schulberg.
SCI — Schomer.
SCL — Schlesinger.
SCN — George Schneider.
SCO — Lester F. Scott.
SCP — Scoop Productions
SCR — Screencraft.
SCW — Schwab.
SDC — Stanley Dist. Corp.
SE — Select.
SEA — Red Seal.
SEC — Second National.
SEE — S. & E.
SEI — Joseph Seiden.
SEL — Selig-V. L. 8. E.
SET — Marie Seton.
SEV — Seventh Avenue Film Co.
SEX — Selexart.
SEZ — Selznick.
SFI — Sflnks Films.
SGE — Super Golden Eagle.
SHE — Sherry
SHI — Shipman.
SHO — Shockuchi (Japan).
SHP — Showmen's Pictures.
SHU — Sherman-United.
SIE — Sierra Films.
SIG — Signet.
SIN — Dr. Alexander Singelow.
SKT — Sennett-Keystone-
SL — S-L Films.
SM — S. & L. Film Co.
SMI — William H. Smith.
SNO — Sidney A. Snow.
SOA — Sofar Films.
SOF — So. Feature Films.
SOL — Solitary Sin Corp.
SON — Sonora.
SOU — Southland Pictures.
SPE — Spectrum.
SPI — Sphinx Films.
SR — State Rights.
SS — Stage & Screen.
ST — Steiner.
STA — Star Film Co.
STB — States Cinema Corp.
STC — A. G. Stern.
STD — Stein.
STE — Sterling.
STF — M. F. Stearns.
STG — Steger.
STH — Standard.
STI — William Steiner.
STJ — Standard Pictures.
STL — Stoll.
STN — Z. Stanczweskl.
STO — Goldstone.
STP — Scandinavian Talking
SU — Sunset.
SUA — Super Art.
SUB — Sunbeam.
SUM — Supreme.
SUN — Sun.
SUO — Superior.
SUP — Superlative.
SUR — Superb Pictures.
SUS — Sunshine Pictures.
SUT — Sunray Films.
SWE — Swedish Biograph.
SWI — Bruno Zwicker.
SWO — Shubert-World.
SWP — Swedish Talking Pictures.
SYA — Synchro Art.
SYN — Syndicate.
SYR — Syracuse.
TAP — John S. Tapernoux; Ta-
pernoux-MetropoIis. — '
TAR — Tarzan.
TCS — Tucker-Cosmofotofllm-
TE — Triumph-Equitable.
TEL — Telepictures.
TEM — Temple.
TER — Tom Terriss.
THC — Theater Classics.
THH — T. Hayes Hunter.
THL — Thalia.
THP — Thornby Productions.
TIF — Tiffany Productions.
TIM — Times Pictures.
TOB — Tobis Forenfllms.
TOD — Today Film Corp.
TOF — Tomtllms, Inc.
TOM — Tom Arnold.
TOP — Topical.
TOW — Tower.
TPC — Trinity Pictures.
TPE — Talking Picture Epics.
TRA — Transatlantic.
TRB — Tribune-United.
XRC — Tr«,o Productions.
TRE — Trans-Oceanic.
TRF — Trans-America Films.
XRG — True Life Photoplays.
TRI — Triangle.
TRK — Trekolog Films.
TRL — Transcontinental Pic-
TRN — Tri-National.
TRO — J. D. Trop.
TRP — Otto Trippel.
TRS — Treasure Pictures.
TRU — Truart.
TY — Tyrad.
U — Universal.
UA — United Artists.
UED — Ufa Eastern Division.
UCO — Unique-Fotofllms.
UFA — Ufa Films.
UG — Eugenic.
UKR — Ukrafilm Productions
ULT — Ultra Films.
UNA — Unity.
UNG — Charles Unger.
UNI — United Picture Theaters.
UNP — Unusual Photoplays.
UNV — University Film Products.
UPC — United Pictures Co.
URF — Universal Red Films.
USA — U. S. Amusement Art
USF — Usa Film Distributors.
USL — Usla.
USP — U. S. Public Service.
VAL — Bruno Valletti.
VAN — Van Dyke-Art.
VED — Vedis Films.
VIC — Victory.
VIE — Viennese Film Co.
VIK — Viking Productions.
VIO — Victory.
VIT — Vitagraph.
VIU — Vitullo Films.
VLS — V. L. S. E.
VTL — Vital.
WA — Warner Bros.
WAC — War Activities Committee.
WAD — Worldart.
WAF — Worldart Film Corp.
WAL — Waldorf.
WAN — Aloha Wanderwell.
WAR — Wharton-Sherriott.
WAS — Walch Film Corp.
WAW — Warwick Pictures.
WEB — Weber-North.
WEB — Weber-North.
WEB — Webster.
WEI — Jesse Weil Productions.
WEL — Carveth Wells.
and why shouldn't we be
Yes, why shouldn't we be producer proud . . .we have the greatest
group of motion picture producers in the business... and we're mighty
proud of the boxoffice records their pictures have built up in the past — and will in
the future. ..and we're also very, very proud of the fact that these producers mc
£Re/e€i&ed $t/iu fyfttifed 'jwiti&fo
AvVx P'
*j4M ' Actn
WES — Westart.
WET — West.
WH — W. H.
WHI — 3. R. Whitney.
WIB — William Berke.
WID — Frank R. Wilson.
WIE — G. H. Wiley.
WIK — Jacob Wilk.
WIL — Wilke-Independent.
WIM — Willamson-Submarlne.
WIN — Hans Winter.
WIO — J. D. Williams.
WIP — Windsor Pictures.
WK — Willis Kent.
WO — World.
IS — Wistara.
WOD — World's Trade Ex-
WOK — Worldkino.
WOO — A. H. Woods.
WOW — World Wide.
WPX — W. P. Exchange.
WRI — Wright.
WSR — Western.
WTL — Wharton-International.
WW — Sono Art-World Wide.
XX — Distributor unknown.
XYD — A. J. Xydias.
TAN — Yankee.
YID — Yiddish Talking Pictures.
YOR — York Pictures.
YOU — Robertson-Young.
ZAK — Zakoro.
ZBY — Zbyszko Polish-American
Film Corp.
ZER — Zerner.
ZIE — Arthur Ziehm, Inc.
ZIO — Zion.
Code to Distributors is Started on Page 221
A. B. C. of Love * PAT
A Brivele der Mamen
( Yiddish )-SPI. .9-21-39
A Csunya Lany ( Hungarian ) -
DAN. . .10-21-35
A Donto Pillanat (Hun-
garian)-HUN. .10-12-38
A Falu Fossza (Hun-
garian)-HUN. .4-20-38
A Fifi Mind Orult (Hun-
garian)-DAN. .4-18-38
A Ill-es ( Hungarian )-
DAN. .4-18-38
A Kek Balvany-XX 4-19-33
A Kiralyne Huszarja (Hun-
garian)-. .1-18-36
A Nous La Liberte
(French) -AUT. .5-22-32
A Wave, A Wac and a
Marine-MOP 7-31-44
Abduction ( German )-
CAO. .1938
Abdul the Damned-ALL. . 6-1-35
Abe Lincoln in Illinois
-RKO. .1-19-40
Abel Mit Der Mundharmonika
-UFA . . 9-5-34
Abie's Irish Rose (S-SE)
PAR. .4-22-28
Able Minded Lady if
PSR 1922
About Face-UA 4-16-42
Above All Law ir PAR (re-
viewed as Mysteries of
India) 7-30-22
Above All, the Truth
(German) -XX. .1939
Above Suspicion-MGM. .4.28-43
Above the Clouds-COL. .12-19-33
Abraham Lincoln-UA . . . 8-31-30
Abraham Lincoln ir FN. 1-27-24
Abroad With Two Yanks-
UA. .7-24-44
Absent Minded, The
(Italian) -XX. .2-28-40
Absolute Quiet-M-G-M. .4-6-36
Abus de Confiance
(French) -COL. .12-7-38
Abused Confidence ( French )-
AFE. .1944
Abysmal Brute if U. . .4-15-23
Abyssinia if AM 12-10-36
Accent on Love-F 7-9-41
Accent on Youth-PAR. .8-10-36
Accidental Honeymoon if
RSR. .5-19-18
Accidents Will Happen
-WA. .4-27-38
Accomplice ir SA. .. .2-22-17
According to Hoyle ir
WSR. .1922
According to Law if MT. 3-9-16
According to the Code if
ES.. 7-20-16
Accused if Ind 1926
Accused-UA 12-17-36
Accusing Finger, The
-PAR. .11-17-36
Accusing Post (Spanish)
-COL. .1938
Ace High if F 6-30-18
Ace of Aces-RKO 11-11-33
Act of Action if AE 1926
Ace of Cactus if SR....1924
Ace of Cads if PAR 10-24-26
Ace of Clubs * RA 1926
Ace of Hearts if G. . . .10-30-21
Ace of the Saddle if U. 7-13-19
Aces and Eights-PUR . . . 8-8-36
Aces Wild-COE 1-20-37
Acht Tage Glueck ( Ger-
man )-FLI. .8-2-31
Acquittal, The •*• U... 10-21-23
Acquitted ■*• FAT 4-27-16
Acquitted-COL 12-22-29
Across the Atlantic (S-SE)
-WA. .5-13-28
Across the Border if AY. 1-29-22
Across the Continent if
PAR. .4-30-22
Across the Dead Line ir
U. .1-8-22
Across the Deadline it
ST. .4-26-25
Across the Divide if AE.1922
Across the Pacific if
WA. .10-17-26
Across the Pacific-WA. .8-18-42
Across the Plains if AI.1928
Across the Plains-MOP. .1939
Across to Singapore if
M-G-M. .5-6-28
Across to Sierra-COL 1941
Across the World With Mr. &
Mrs. Martin Johnson if
TPE 1-26-30
Action if U 9-4-21
Action Craver if RA....1927
Action for Slander-UA . 1-24-38
Action Galore if ARC... 1926
Action in Arabia-RKO. . 2-18-44
Action in the North Atlantic-
WA 5-17-43
Action of Souls ir FN.. 6-1-19
Actress, The if M-G-M. 7-15-28
Ada, To Nie Wypada !
(Polish) -XX. 5-7-37
Adam and Eva * PAR. 2-18-23
Adam and Evil if M-G-M
Adam Had Four Sons
-COL.. 2-24-41
Adam's Rib if PAR... 3-4-23
Address Unknown-COL. .4-24-44
Adele if U 1-19-19
Adieu Les Beaux Jours
-XX. .4-24-34
Adios Nicanor (Spanish)
-XX. .3-17-38
Adolf Armstarke (Swedish)
-SCA. .10-8-37
Adopted Son if M 11-8-17
Adorable-F 5-19-33
Adorable Cheat if CHE. 4-1 5-28
Adorable Deceiver if
FBO. .1926
Adorable Savage if U. . 8-8-20
Adoration (S-SE)-FN. . 12-16-28
Adventure ir PAR. .. .4-26-25
Adventure Girl-RKO. ... 8-3-34
Adventure in Bokhara
(Russian) -ARQ. .8-28-44
Adventure in Blackmail-
ENG 8-5-43
Adventure in Diamonds
-PAR.. .4-5-40
Adventure in Hearts if
PAR 1919
Adventure in Iraq-WA . . 9-27-43
Adventure in Manhattan
-COL. . .10-23-36
Adventure in Music- AFE .4-18-44
Adventure in Sahara
-COL. . .12-23-38
Adventure in Washington
COL. . .5-29-41
Adventure Mad • PAR. 5-12-28
Adventures of Mark Twain.
The-WA. .5-3-44
Adventure Shop ir VIT. 1-5-19
Adventurer. The ir M-G-M
Adventurer, The * US A. 2-22-1 7
Adventurer, The ■*■ F . . . . 3-7-20
Adventure's End-U. .. .11-11-37
Adventures in Pygmy Land ir
HOD. .3-11-28
Adventures of a Rookie,
The-RKO 8-20-43
Adventures of Carol ir WO. 1927
Adventures of Chico-MOP. 3-3-38
Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn. The-M-G-M 2-17-39
(Reviewed as "Huckleberry
Adventures of Jane Arden
-WA. . .1939
Adventures of Martin Eden,
The-COL. .2-26-42
Adventures of Marco Polo
-UA. .2-15-38
Adventures of Maya if
ELK. .4-28-29
Adventures of Prince Achmed
(German) -XX. .1942
Adventures of Robin Hood
-WA. .4-29-38
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
-F. .8-28-39
Adventures of Tartu,
The-See: Tartu.
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
UA. .2-16-38
Releasing Through
•IrUidiiceb = ^'tcutl
Adventuress * SEZ 1920
Adventurous Blonde, The
-WA. .11-30-37
Adventurous Knights
-AJ.. .6-7-35
Adventurous Sex if AE. 6-21-25
Adventurous Soul if HM.1928
Advice to the Lovelorn
- UA.. 12-14-33
Aelita * AM 1929
Aerial Gunner-PAR 1943
Affair Lafont, The
( French )-TRA. .10-24-39
Affair of Cappy Ricks, The
-REiP 5-29-37
Affair of Susan-U 9-17-35
Affair of the Follies, An if
-FN. ..3-13-27
Affair of Three Nations, An if
PAT.. 11-4-15
Affairs of a Gentleman
-U.. 6-23-34
Affairs of Anatol if
PAR.. 9-1 8-21
Affairs of Annabel-RKO. 7-13-38
Affairs of Cellini-UA . . 5^5-34
Affairs of Jimmy Valentine-
REP. .3-31-42
Affairs of Lady Hamilton if
HOD. .4-29-23
Affairs of Martha, The-MGM
(Reviewed as "Once Upon a
Thursday") . .5-21-42
Affairs of Maupassant (Ger-
man)-GAL. .2-17-38
Affectionately Tours-WA . 5-9-41
Affinities if HOD 1922
Afghanistan if AM... 10-6-29
Aflame in the Sky if FB0.1927
Afraid to Fight if U.. 7-23-22
Afraid to Love * PAR. 4-17-27
Afraid to Talk-U 1932
Africa (Spanish)-XX 1941
Africa Speaks if COL. 9-21-30
African Holidays if PES. 6-7-37
After a Million if SU. . 5-18-24
After Business Hours if
PDC. .6-28-25
After His Own Heart -fcM.1919
After Marriage if SU. . .11-8-25
After Mein Kampf — ?-CRY
After Midnight if SEZ. 9-25-21
After Midnight with Boston
Blackie-COL 1943
After Office Hours
-M-G-M. .2-16-35
After Six Days if ARC. 1922
After the Ball * FBO . . . 1924
After the Ball-F 3-18-33
After the Dance-COL. .8-14-35
After the Fog-BE 1-19-30
After the Show if PAR. 10-9-21
After the Storm if COL. 5-27-28
After the Thin Man
-M-G-M.. 12-7-36
After the Verdict if
BNE 1-26-30
After the War if U 12-1-18
After Tomorrow-F 3-6-32
After Tonight-RKO . . . 10-26-33
After Tour Own Heart if
F... 8-7-21
Aftermath if CP 12-17-27
Aftermath if P|AR 1914
Against All Odds if F. 7-27-24
Against the Law if EP. .1922
Against the Law-COL. .11-21-34
Age for Love-UA. . .11-16-31
Age of Consent-RKO. .8-25-32
Age of Desire, The if
FN 1-20-24
Age of Indiscretion-MGM
Age of Innocence. The if
WA . . . 1924
Age of Innocence-RKO
Aggie Appleby, Maker of
Men-RKO.. .10-19-33
Agulis Frente Al Sol
( Spanish) -LST 1932
A-Haunting We Will Go-F. 7-8-42
Ah. Wilderness-M-G-M . 11-15-36
Ai Vostri Ordini Signora
(Italian) -ESP.. .1940
Ain't Love Funny if FBO. 1926
Air Circus (PT)-F 9-9-28
Air Devils-U 9-15-38
Air Eagles-COT 12-27-31
Air Force-WA 2-3-43
Air Hawks if FBO 1926
Air Hawks-COL 6-1-35
Air Hostess-COL 1-21-33
Air Legion if RKO. . .11-25-28
Air Mail-U 1932
Air Mail if PAR 3-29-26
Air Mail Pilot if HM.. 5-13-28
Air Patrol if U 1928
Air Police-WW 3-22-31
Air Police-KK 3-22-31
Air Raid Wardens-MGM. 3-18-43
Al Zuio Insieme (Italian)
-CIL... 8-19-37
Al Yeman if AM 1-11-31
Alabaster Box if VIT...1917
Aladdin and the Wonderful
Lamp* F.. 10-11-17
Aladdin from Broadway if
VIT... 3-16-17
Aladdin's Other Lamp if
M... 7-5-17
Alarm Clock Andy if PAR
Alarma (Spanish) -XX 1939
Alaska Highway-PAR . . . 6-24-43
Alaska-MOP 10-10-44
Alaskan if PAR 9-21-24
Alaskan Adventures if
PAT.. 1916
Albany Night Boat if
TIF ... 9-23-28
Alcatraz Island- WA . . 1-21-38
Alchet ( Polish ) - JEF ... 9-17-37
Aldebaran (Italian) -XX
Alex the Great if FBO. .3-18-28
Alexander Hamilton-WA
Alexander Nevsky (Russian)
-AM. .3-29-39
Alexander's Ragtime Band
-F.. 5-28-38
Alfs Button if FN 3-19-22
Algiers-UA 6-28-38
Ali Baba and the Forty
Thieves if F. .12-1-18
Ali Baba and the Forty
Thieves-U 1-10-44
Ali Baba Goes to Town
-F.. 10-21-37
Alias Boston Blackie-COL. .1942
Alias Bulldog Drummond
-GB... 9-10-35
Alias French Gertie-RKO
Alias Jimmy Valentine if
M.. 4-11-20
Alias Jimmy Valentine (PT
-M-G-M.. 11-18-2 8
Alias Julius Caesar if FN. 1922
Alias Mary Brown if TRI. 8-4-18
Alias Mary Dow-U 6-29-35
Alias Mary Flynn if FBO
Alias Mary Smith-MAF . 8-24-32
Alias Mike Moran if PAR
Alias Miss Dodd * U. . 6-13-20
Alias Mrs. Jessup if M..1917
Alias Phil Kennedy if FBO. 1922
Alias the Bad Man-TLF
Alias the Deacon if U. 6-26-27
Alias the Deacon-U. . .5-20-40
Alias the Dootor>FN. .3-6-32
Alias the Lone Wolf if
COL. .10-2-27
Alias the Night Wind if
F... 8-19-23
Alibi-UA 4-14-29
Alibi. The * VIT 8-10-16
Alibi for Murder-COL. 10-2-36
Alibi Ike-WA 7-17-36
Alibi (French)AFE 1944
Alibi-REP 3-31-43
Alice Adams if AE ...6-24-23
Alice Adams-RKO ...8-14-35
Alice in Wonderland if PAT
Alice in Wonderland
UCO.. .9-20-31
Alice in Wonderland-PAR
Alice Through a Looking
Glass if PAT. 1928
Alien Souls if PAR 6-11-16
Alimony if FBO 1-20-24
Alimony Madness-MAF. . .6-5-33
All Aboard if FN 4-10-27
All American. The-U 1932
All American Chump- M-G-M
All-American Co-ed-UA
All-American Sweetheart
-COL 2-24-38
All Around Frying Pan if
FBO... 11-15-26
All At Sea * M-G-M. . .6-6-29
All By Myself -U 6-1-43
All Dolled Up * U... 3-6-21
All For a Husband if
F.. .1917
All For a Woman if FN
All Man if PBW 11-30-16
All Man if VIT 8-4-18
All Men Are Enemies-F. 4-26-34
All Night if U 12-1-18
All of a Sudden Norma if
BB. .1-5-19
All of a Sudden Peggy if
PAR. .1920
All of Life in One Night
(Italian) -XX 1940
All of Me-PAR 2-3-34
All Over Town-REP. . .8-26-37
All Quiet on the Western Front
-U... 4-27-30
All Souls Eve if RE A.. 2-20-21
All That Money Can Buy
-RKO... 7-16-41
(Reviewed as "Here Is a
All the Brothers Were Valiant if
M.. 1-21-23
All the King's Horses
-PAR. .2-13-35
All the World To Nothing if
PAT... 1918
All the World's a Stage if
PRI. .1922
All This, and Heaven Too
-WA... 6-17-40
All Through the Night-
WA.. 1-28-42
All Woman if G 6-26-18
All Women Have Secrets
-PAR 1939
All Wrong if PAT. . .5-18-19
All's Fair in Love if G
Alia En El Rancho Grande
(Spanish) -XX. . .11-24-36
Alle Tage 1st Kein Sonntag
(German) -XX. . .7-16-36
Allegheny Uprising-RKO
Allergi Masnadieri (Italian)
-XX 10-20-39
Allergic to Love-U 5-12-44
A lies um eine Frau (German)
-XX... 12-24-35
Alles Wesg'n Dem Hund
(German) -XX. . .4-1-36
All o tri a ( German ) -XX .... 1941
Alma Jarocha (Spanish)
-XX. 1938
Aknas Encontradas-XX 7-7-33
MARY I'll' kill II II
for UNITED ARTISTS release
from the smash Broadway musical
Sam Coslow, Associate Producer
Almighty Dollar if PBA
Almost a Gentleman-RKO. . 1939
Almost a Honeymoon-BI
Almost a Husband if
(J.. 10-19-19
Almost a Lady if
PDC. .9-19-26
Almost Human * PAT.. 1927
Almost Married-F 7-29-32
Almost Married it M... 6-8-19
Almost Married-U 6-10-42
Aloha-TIF 2-1-31
Aloha-ee * TRI 11-8-15
Aloma of the South Seas it
PAR. .5-23-26
Aloma of the South Seas
-PAR. . .8-28-41
Alone ( S-SE ) -AM 6-6-32
Along: Came Love-PAR. 10-6-36
Along- Came Ruth if
MG. .7-20-24
Along Came Sally-GB. .6-16-34
Along Came Youth-PAR. 1-11-31
Along the Rio Grande-RKO
Along the Sunset Trail-
PRC. .1942
Alpine Love ( Italian )-NUO
Alpine Passion (German) -XX
Alraune-UPA 5-7-34
Alster Case if ES 12-16-15
Altar Stairs, The if U.. 12-3-22
Altars of Desire if MGM. 5-1-27
Alte Kameraden (German)
-XX. .4-29-36
Altitude 3,200 ( French I -
AFE. .1944
Always a Bride-WA. . . .11-28-40
Always a Bridesmaid-U. 9-29-43
Always Audacious if PAR
Always Goodbye-F 5-24-31
Always Goodbye-F 6-27-38
Always in My Heart-WA. 3-5-42
Always in the Way if M. .1915
Always in Trouble-F 8-19-38
Always the Woman if
G. .7-16-22
Am Seidenen Faden
(German) -UFA. .1939
Vmaneeldy ( Russian) -AM .. 1939
Amarilly of Clothesline Alley if
ART. .3-21-18
Amateur Adventuress if
M. .1919
Amateur Daddy -F 4-24-32
Amateur Devil. An if
PAR. .1920
Amateur Gentleman if
FN. .9-12-26
Amateur Gentleman, The
-UA. .4-27-36
Amateur Orphan if
PAT. .5-24-17
Amateur Widow ■*■ WO... 1919
Amateur Wife if PAR.. 5-2-20
Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse
WA. .6-21-38
Amazinsr Mr. Forrest. Thp-
PRC. .6-26-44
Amazing Imposter it
PAT. .1-26-19
Amazing Lovers it JA. . . .1922
Amazing Mr. Williams, The
-COL. .11-22-39
Amazing Mrs. Holliday,
The-U 2-10-43
Amazing Quest it HEP... 1924
Amazing Vagabond if
RKO. .4-28-29"
Amazing Wife if U 3-9-19
Amazing Woman if SEZ
Amazon Head Hunters, The
-PRI. .11-17-32
Amazons if PAR 8-30-17
Ambassador Bill-F 11-15-31
Ambition if F 7-6-16
Ambush-PAR 1-18-39
Ambush Valley-REB. . .10-26-36
America if UA 3-2-24
America's Answer it
BPI. .8-4-18
American Aristocracy if
FAT. .11-9-16
American Beauty, An if
FN. .10-2-27
American Beauty if
PAR. .6-29-16
American Buds if F . . . .4-18-18
American Consul if
PAR. .2-22-17
American Empire-UA. . 12-11-42
American Gang Busters
-TIM . . 4-3-40
American Live Wire if
VIT. .4-11-18
American Madness-COL. .7-1-32
American Maid if MT. . .12-6-17
American Manners if
FBO. .8-31-24
American Methods if F. .5-24-17
American Pluck if
CHA. .10-18-25
American — That's All if
FAT. .6-7-17
American Toreador it
AN. .1922
American Venus if
PAR. .1-31-26
American Way if WO... 7-6-19
American Widow it
M. .12-20-17
Americano it FAT 1-4-17
Amicizia (Italian ) -ESP. ... 1940
Amo Te Sola (Italian) -
NUO. .7-22-36
Among Cannibals of the South
Pacific •*• IND.. 7-28-18
Among Human Wolves
-FIA. .1940
Among the Living-PAR. .9-4-41
Among the Missing
-COL. .9-25-34
Among Those Present it
PAT. .1921
Amor Que Vuelve
(Spanish) -KIT. .1935
Amore E Dolore
(Italian) -XX. .5-18-37
Amore E Morte
( Italian )-AUR. .10-6-32
Amore Sulle Alpi
(Italian) -ESP. .1939
Amphitryon (French)
GOB. .3-30-37
An Alien if R 1915
An Alien Enemy ir
HOD. .4-25-18
An Amateur if WO. .. .5-18-19
An American Romanoe-
MGM. .6-3-44
An American Tragedy
PAR. .8-9-31
An Angel From Texas
-WA. .5-15-40
An Leva De Gamla Sudar
( Swedish )-EUP. .11-16-37
An Old Spanish Custom
-HOF. .1-17-36
An Old Sweetheart of Mine it
M. .4-29-23
An Orphan Boy of Vienna
( German )-GFF. .9-17-37
Anabel Lee •*■ JO 1921
Ancestor, The ( Italian 1
XX. .1938
Ancient Highway it
PAR. .11-22-25
Ancient Law it MA... 12-7-24
Ancient Mariner ■*■ F. . .1-10-26
And a Still Small Voice it
NF. .12-15-18
And Now Tomorrnw-
PAR. .10-18-44
And One Was Beautiful
-MGM. .4-17-4^
And So They Were Married
-COL. .5-14 3'"
And Sudden Death-PAR. . 6-6-36
And the Angels Sing-
PAR. .4-24-44
And the Children Pay -ft
TY. .1919
Andalusian Nights
(German) -UFA. .1938
Andy Hardy's Double Life-
MGM. .12-2-42
Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever
-MGM . . 7-12-33
Andy Hardy Meets Debutante
-MGM. .7-2-40
Andy Hardy's Blonde
Trouble-MGM. .4-24-44
Andy Hardy's Private Secretary
-MGM. .2-20-41
Angel-PAR 9-17-37
Angel Child if HOD.. 9-15-18
Angel Citizen •*• ME 7-30-32
Angel Factory if PAT.. 9-13-17
Angel of Broadway if
PAT. .10-30-27
Angel of Crooked Street if
VIT 5-28-22
Angel's Holiday-F 4-27-37
Angelita ( Spanish ) -F ... 9-13-35
Angels Over Broadway
-COL. .11-22-40
Angels Wash Their Faces
-WA. .9-8-39
Angels With Broken Wings
-REP. .6-3-41
Angels With Dirty Faces
-WA. .10-24-38
Animal Crackers-PAR . . . .8-3-30
Animal Kingdom, The
-RKO. .12-23-32
Ankles Preferred it F.. 3-13-37
Ann Carver's Profession
-COL. .6-9-33
Ann Vickers-RKO 9-29-33
Ann's Finish it AMU... 4-4-18
Anna (Russian)-AM. ... 7-18-36
Anna Ascends it PAR. . 11-19-22
Anna Christie-MGM 2-9-30
Anna Christie if FN.. 11-25-23
Anna Karenina if F 1915
Anna Karenina-MGM. . .8-31-35
Annabel Takes a Tour-
RKO. .12-28-38
Annabelle's Affairs-F. . .6-28-31
Annapolis ( S-SE) -PAT. . .1928
Annapolis Farewell
-PAR. .8-23-35
Annapolis Salute-RKO. . 8-17-37
Anne Against the World if
RA . 7-7-29
Anne for Spite if AMU. '. 5-24-17
Anne of Green Gables
-RKO. .11-16-34
Anne of Green Gables it
REA. .11-23-19
Anne of Little Smoky if
AE. .1-15-22
Anne of Windy Poplars
-RKO. .6-19-40
Annemarie, Die Braut der
Companie-XX 1934
Annette in Paradise
( German ) -XX . . 3-10-36
Annexing Bill if PAT.. 6-30-1 8
Annie Laurie if M-G-M . . 6-5-27
Annie Oakley-RKO. ... 10-29-35
Another Dawn-WA 6-18-37
Another Face-RKO. .. .11-18-35
Another Language MGM . . 8-5-33
Another Man's Boots if
AY. .10-29-22
Another Man's Shoes if
U. .11-5-22
Another Man's Wife it
PDC. .1924
Another Scandal ir
PDC. .9-21-24
Another Thin Man
-MGM. .11-14-39
Answer it TRI 4-18-18
Anthony Adverse-WA . . .5-12-36
Anticipated Day (Polish)
-XX. .1939
Antics (German)-XX 1938
«_y« /^reparation
Story by Elliot Paul
By Harold Shumate from his novel
in Technicolor
Original by Gita Lewis and Silvia Lardner
Screen story by I. A. L. Diamond
Screenplay by Franz Spencer
Virginia Perdue's best-selling psychological drama
Based on Thompson Buchanan's stage play
Edgar Rice Burroughs'
by Griffin Jay and Marjorie Pfaelzer
and for the Broadivay stage
a dramatization of Ketti Frings' best-seller
Now being Released by United Artists
The Comedy of a Careless Stork
Based on John Golden's
hilarious stage hit
Soon to Be Released by RKO
Edgar Rice Burroughs'
starring Johnny Weismuller,
Brenda Joyce, Johnny Sheffield
•TiOflttcvl = ^tottd
Antics of Ann * PAR. .12-13-17
Anton the Terrible if
fAit. .10-5-16
Anush * -AM 11-11-32
Any Wight •* AMU 1922
Any Wile if F 1922
Any Woman if PAR. .6-31-26
Anybody Here been Kelly? if
U. .10-21-28
Anybody's Blonde-ACT. .11-1-31
Anybody's War-PAR. .. .7-13-30
Anybody's Woman
-PAR. .8-17-30
Anything: for a Thrill
-CNN.. 6-22-37
Anything- Once if CLP .. 6-21-36
Anything Once if BL.. 10-18-1 7
Apache if COL, 2-3-29
Apache Kid, The-REP. . 9-19-41
Apache Raider if PAT. .2-12-28
Apache Trail-MGM 6-25-42
Apaches of Paris if WW.. 1929
Apaches of Paris if
UFA.. 9-9-28
Apartment Above (Polish)
-XX.. 1938
Apartment 29 if VIT. . .4-19-17
Apassionata if FF 4-4-29
Ape Man. The-MOP 3-1-43
Ape, The-MOP 10-26-40
Apostle of Vengeance if
INC.. 6-15-16
Appearance if PAR ...... 7-3-21
Appearance of Evil if
WO.. 10-13-18
Applause-PAR 10-13-29
Apple-Tree Girl if
EDP. .10-11-17
Appointment for Love
U.. 10-28-41
Appointment in Berlin-
COL 7-26-43
April Blossoms-MGM 1936
April Folly if PAR 2-29-20
April Fool if CHA 11-7-26
April Romance-MGM 2-2-37
April Showers if PRE. .11-11-23
Arab, The * MG 7-6-24
Arabian Knight * RC .' .' 8-1*5-26
Arabian Nights-U 12-23-42
Arabian Knightmare if
PS. .1922
Arabian Love if F 4-2-22
Aranyember (Hungarian)
DAN.. 5-11-37
Are All Men Alike? if
M.. 10-31-20
Are Children to Blame? if
CRD . . 1922
Are Husbands Necessary?- .
PAR.. 6-15-42
Are Parents People? if
PAR. .7-14-25
Are These Our Children?
-RKO. .11-15-31
Are These Our Parents ?-
MOP. .6-16-44
Are We Civilized ?-RAS. .6-14-34
Arc Women to Blame? if
FD. .1928
Are You a Failure? if
PRE. .3-18-23
Are You a Mason? if
PAR. .1915
Are You a Mason?
-KAJ. .10-30-34
Are You Legally Married? if
THP. .4-6-19
Are You Listening?
-MGM. .4-24-32
Are You There ?-F 1931
Aren't We A11?-PAR 7-1-32
Argentine Love if PAR. 12-28-24
Argentine Nights-U. ... 10-15-40
Argyle Case-WA 9-1-29
Argyle Case * RSR 2-8-17
Aria del Continente (AT-
Italian) if ESP. .1939
Ariane-BLR 3-8-34
Arise, My Love-PAR. . .10-17-40
Aristocracy if PAR 1914
Arizona-COL 1931
Arizona if ART 12-16-18
Arizona-CUL 11-20-40
Arizona Bound if PAR.. 6-1-27
Arizona Bound-M OP. .. .7-18-41
Arizona Cyclone if U....1928
Arizona Cyclone-U 3-6-42
Arizona Cyclone-FD 1935
Arizona Cyclone-U 1941
Arizona Days if SYW.. 4-28-29
Arizona Days-GN 2-2-37
Arizona Express ■*■ F . . 3-23-24
Arizona Frontier-MOP. .10-28-40
Arizona Gun Busters-PRC. .1940
Arizona Gunflghter
-REP. .9-24-37
Arizona Kid-F 5-18-30
Arizona Kid. The-REP. .10-3-39
Arizona Legion-RKO 1939
Arizona Mahoney-PAR . . 6-4-37
Arizona Outlaw if WO... 1920
Arizona Raiders, The
PAR. .6-30-36
Arizona Romeo ^F... .1-18-25
Arizona Roundup-MOP. . . .1942
Arizona Speed if AI 1928
Arizona Stagecoach-MOP. . .1942
Arizona Streak if FB0...1926
Arizona Sweepstake if
U.. 11-15-25
Arizona Terror-TLF 9-27-31
Arizona Terrors-REP 1-9-42
Arizona to Broadway
F. .7-22-33
Arizona Trail-U 5-10-44
Arizona Whirlwind-MOP. . .1944
Arizona Whirlwind if
PAT. .3-20-27
Arizona Wildcat if F.. 1-29-28
Arizona Wildcat-F ... .11-8-38
Arizonian, The-RKO. . .7-27-35
Arkansas Judge-REP. . .1-22-41
Arkansas Traveler
-PAR. .10-4-38
Arm of the Law-MOP. . .7-1-32
Armored Car-U 6-22-37
Armored Vault if UFA . . . 1928
Arms and the Girl if
PAR.. 10-25-17
Arms and the Woman -^r
PAR.. 11-1 6-16
Armstrong's Wife if
PAR.. 11-25-15
Army Girl-REP 7-19-38
Army Surgeon-RKO. . . .10-26-42
Army Wives-MOP 12-6-44
Around the Corner-COL . . 5-4-30
Around the World in 80 Minutes
with Douglas Fairbanki-
UA . . 11-22-31
Around the World-RKO. 11-24-43
Around the World Via Graf
Zeppelin ( S-SE ) -TPE
Arrest Bulldog Drummond
-PAR.. 1-17-39
Arrowsmith-UA 12-13-31
Arsenal if AM 11-17-29
Arsene Lupin-MGM. .. .2-28-32
Arsene Lupin if GRE . . 2-22-17
Arsene Lupin xteiaraw
-MGM. .1-26-38
Arsenic and Old Lace-
WA. .9-1-44
Arshim Mai Alan (Armenian)
-XX. .3-15-37
Arson Gang Busters
REP. .4-4-38
Artie, the Millionaire Kid if
VIT. .1916
Artists and Models-PAR. . 8-5-37
Artists and Models Abroad
-PAR . . 8-5-37
Aryan. The if TRI 3-30-16
Arzt Aus Leidenschaft
(German) -XX. .1941
As a Man Desires if
FN. .2-22-25
As a Man Lives if
SEZ. .12-17-22
As a Man ThiriKs if
HOD. .4-xIU. 19
As Dream and Shadow
(Finnish) -XX. .1131
As Good as Married-U . . 4-22. )>
As Husbands Go-F l-27> / 4
As in a Looking Glass if
WO . . 3-9. 16
As Man Made Her if
PBW. .3-15 17
As Men Love if PAR . . . 6-24- 17
As No Man Has Loved if
F. .2-15-25
(Reviewed as "The Man With-
out a Country")
As the Devil Commands
-COL. .9-1-33
As the Earth Turns
-WA. .2-15-34
As the Sun Went Down if
M. .1918
As You Desire Me
MGM.. 6-5-32
As You Like It-F 11-6-36
(German) -XX. .3-12-3*
Asegure a Su Mujer
( Spanish )-F. .3-12-35
Ashamed of Parents if
WA. .12-18-21
Ashes if EC 1922
Ashes of Embers if
PAR. .10-12-16
Ashes of Hope if TRI.. 10-4-17
Ashes of Love if GRA. .10-6-18
Ashes of Vengeance if
FN.. 8-19-23
Asi Es La Mujer (Spanish)
-XX.. 10-22-36
Asphalt if AP 5-11-30
Assignment in Brittany-
MGM 3-11-43
At Bay if PAT 1922
At Dawn We Die-REP. .3-25-43
At Devil's Gorge if ARW. .1923
At First Sight if PAR. .6-28-17
At Piney Ridge ■* SEL. .4-27-16
At the Circus-MGM 11-17-39
At the Crossroads if AR. . .1922
At the Edge of the World if
UFA . . 6-23-29
At the End of the World if
PAR. .8-21-21
At the Front-WA 2-25-43
At the Mercy of Men if
SEZ. .4-25-18
At the Sign of the Jack
O'Lantern if HOD.. 1-22-22
At the South Pole if
POL. .3-3-29
At the Stage Door if
FBO. .12-18-21
At Your Orders, Madame
(Italian) -ESP. .6-31-40
Atlantic-BI 5-31-40
Atlantic Adventure
-COL. .9-10-35
Atlantic City-REP 8-3-44
Atlantic Convoy-COL. . .7-10-42
Atlantic Flight-MOP 9-20-37
Atom if TRI 9-15-18
Atonement if PI 1920
Atta Boy * PAT 10-3-26
Atta Boy's Last Race if
FAT. .10-19-16
Attack !-RKO 6-8-44
Attorney for the Defense
-COL. .5-8-32
Auction Block if MGM. .2-28-26
Auction Block if RBG. .12-20-17
Auction of Virtue if
USA. .5-17-17
Auctioneer if F 1-23-27
Audrey * PAR 3-30-16
Aufforderung Zum Tanz
(German) -GFS. .11-26-35
Aufruhr In Damaskus
(German) -UFA. .1939
August Week-End-CHE. .7-18-36
Aunt of the Girls
(Spanish) -XX. .1939
Aus Liebe Zum Vaterland
( German )-AMT. .12-2-37
Autumn if URE 3-9-16
Autumn Crocus-AUT. . 10-25-34
Autumn Love if AEP. .11-18-28
Autumn Maneuvers
( German )-CAO. .1939
Avec L'Assurance (French)
-PAR. .5-9-35
Avenger, The-COL 4-19-31
Aveng-er, The-MOP 10-4-33
Avengers, The-PAR 1943
Avenging- Rider, The-
RKO 2-15-43
Avalanche if ART 7-6-19
Avalanche-FD 3-27-32
Avalanche if PAR. ... 12-9-28
Ave Maria (Italian) -KIT. . 1935
Ave Maria (German)
-UFA. .10-8-37
Avec Le Sourire (French)
MAZ. .2-9-39
Avenging Fangs if
PAT. .5-29-27
Avenging- Rider if
FBO. .11-11-28
Avenging- Shadow if
PAT. .4-1-28
Avenging- Trail if M . . . .1-10-18
Avenging- Waters-COL. .. .7-8-36
Averag-e Woman if BR . . 2-3-24
Aviator-WA 1929
Avocate D'Amour (French)
-REG. .9-14-38
Awakening (S-SE)-
UA. .11-18-28
Awakening if PWO. ... 12-6-17
Awakening- of Helen Ritchie if
M. .1-18-17
Awakening- of Jim Burke
-COL. .5-18-35
Awakening of Ruth if
-EDP. .9-27-17
Away Goes Prudence if
PAR. .7-11-20
Awful Truth-PAT 8-4-29
Awful Truth if PDC. ... 7-5-25
Awful Truth, The-COL. 10-11-37
Aycie J. Pilsukskieg-o (Polish) -
MPS. .3-13-35
Az Ember Neha Tevd (Hun-
garian )-HU. . .4-9-38
Az Okos Mama (Hungarian! -
XX. . .4-15-36
Az uj Rokon (Hungarian )-
XX. . .3 13 35
Az Uj Foldesur (Hungarian) -
DAN. .10-2-36
Bab, the Fixer if BM. 8-30-17
Bab's Burglar if PAR. 11-15-17
Bab's Candidate if VIT. 7-4-20
Bab's Diary if PAR. . .10-18-17
Bab's Matinee Idol if PAR
Babes on Broadway-M-G-M
Babes on Swing Street-U. 9-18-44
Babbitt-FN 12-15-34
Babbitt if WA 7-20-24
Babbling- Tongues if IV
Babe Comes Home if FN
Babes in Arms-M-G-M . 9-19-39
Babes in the Woods if F. .1917
Babes in Toyland-M-G-M
Babette •*■ VIT 3-22-17
Babies for Sale-COL. . 6-14-40
Baboona-F 1-22-35
Baby Cyclone (S-SE)-
M-G-M. .10-7-28
Baby Doll Bandit, A if U....
Baby Face-WB 6-24-33
Baby Face Harrington-
M-G-M. .6-19-35
Baby Face Morgran-PRC. 7-22-42
Baby Marie's Roundup if
PAT. . .1919
Baby Mine •*■ M-G-M ... 1-15-28
Baby Mine if G 10-4-17
Baby, Take a Bow-F . . 6-30-34
Baby's Diplomacy if PAT
Bachelor Apartment-RKO. 3-8-31
Bachelor Apartments if
ARW. .1921
Bachelor Bait-RKO 7-20-34
Bachelor Brides if PDC. 5-16-26
Bachelor Daddy if PAR. 5-7-22
Bachelor Daddy-U 7-3-41
Bachelor Father-M-G-M. 2-1-31
Bachelor Girl (PT)-COL
Bachelor Mother-HOL. . 12-14-32
Bachelor Mother- RKO. . .7-3-39
Bachelor of Arts-F. .. 12-29-34
Bachelor Quarters to Let
(Hungarian) -XX. . .1940
Bachelor's Affairs-F ... 6-25-32
Bachelor's Baby if COL
Bachelor's Children if VIT
Bachelor's Club (S-SE)-
PAP. . .1929
Bachelor's Folly-WW. . 6-24-32
Bachelor's Paradise if TIF
Bachelor's Paradise
(German) -XX. .1940
Bachelor's Wife, A if
PAT. .5-18-19
Back Door to Heaven-PAR
Background to Danger-
WA 6-9-43
Back From Shanghai if
RAL. .3-23-30
Back Home and Broke if
PAR. .12-31-22
Back in Circulation-WA
Back in the Saddle-REP
Back of the Man if INC
Back Page-GEP 6-13-34
Back Pay-FN 6-1-30
Back Pay if PAR .... 2-19-22
Back Stage •*■ TIF 6-26-27
Back Staere-OB 8-12-37
Back Street-TT 1032
Back Street -U 2-5-41
Back to God's Country if
FN. .11-9-19
Back to God's Country if
U. .7-17-27
Back to Liberty if
EXP. .1-29-28
Back to Life if AE 1925
Back to Nature-F 8-14-36
Back to the Woods if G
Back to Yellow Jacket if
ARW. .1922
Back Trail if U 6-15-24
Backbone if G 5-6-23
Bad Boy if FAT 2-15-17
Bad Boy-GAT 7-10-39
Bad Boy-F 10-29-35
Bad Company if AE... 3-29-25
Bad Company-PAT 11-8-31
Bad Girl-F 8-9-31
Bad Guy-MGM 8-26-37
Bad Lands-RKO 8-28-39
Bad Lands if PDC 10-4-25
Badlands of Dakota-U. . 8-29-41
Bad Little Angel-M-G-M
Bad Man if FN 10-7-23
Bad Man, The-FN 9-28-30
Bad Man, The-M-G-M. .4-4-41
Bad Man from Red Butte-
U.. 6-14-40
Bad Man from Brimstone-
M-G-M. .1-18-38
Bad Man's Bluff * PAT. 1-30-27
Bad Man's Money if SYN
Ban Man of Deadwood-
REP.. .9-16-41
Bad Men of Missouri-WA
Bad Men of the Hills-
COL. .10-26-42
Bad One, The-UA 3-18-30
Bad Sister-U 4-5-31
Badge of Couragre if VIT
Badere of Honor-MAF. . 5-19-34
Baffled •*• IND 1924
Bag and Baggage if SEZ
Bahama Passage-PAR . 12-10-41
Bait • PAR 1-9-21
Baited Trap •*■ RA 1926
Baker's Wife. The (French) -
BAB. .2-28-40
Balalaika-M-O-M 12-15-39
Baldevins Brollop ( Swedish )-
SCA. .1-23-39
Balinese Love •*■ TPE. .12-13-31
Ball in Metropol (German) -
XX. .1938
Ball of Fire-RKO 12-2-41
Ball of Glass ( German 1-
XX . . 1 939
Ballad of Cossack Golta
(Russian) -AM. . . .3-2-38
Ballerina ( French > -
MAB. .11-9 38
Ballet Girl + BRA 2-3-16
Ballyhoo Buster if PAT
Baltic Deputy (Russian )-
AM. .9-16-37
Bambi-RKO 5-27-42
Band Plays On-M-G-M . . 1 2-22-34
Bandbox -*■ HOD 11-30-19
Bandit Buster • PAT... 1927
Bandit Raneer-RKO 1942
Bandit Trail, The-RKO. 9-5-41
Bandit's Baby + FBO. 6-7-25
Bandit's Son if FBO... 1927
Bandolero The + W flol"4
Bam'o On My Knee-F. . .12-1 -36
Bank Alarm-GN 6-4-37
Bank Dick. The-U 12-3-40
Bantam Cowboy if FBO
Bar 20-UA 7-21-43
Bar-C Mystery ir PAT. 3-21 -26
Bar-L Ranch-BTF 8-20-35
Bar Nothin' if F 10-16-21
Bar Sinister if HAW. .4-26-17
Bar 20 Rides Asrain-
PAR. .11-30-35
Bar 20 .Tustiee-PAR ... .4-14-38
Bar Z Bad Men-REP. .4-22-37
Baratsasros Arcot Kerek
(Hungarian) -XX. .10-8-36
Barb-Wire if ARW 1922
Barbara Frietchie * PDC
Barbara Fritchie if M. 12-2-1 5
Barbarian if PI 1921
Barbarian. The-M-G-M. 5-13-33
Barbarina Die Taenzerin Von
Sanssouci (German) -CAP
Barbary Coast-UA 9-24-35
Birbary Coast Gent-MGM 8-3-44
Barbary Sheep ir ART. 9-20-17
Barbed Wire + PAR . . . 8-14-27
Barcarole (German) -UFA
Bardely's, The Magnificent if
M-G-M. . .10-17-26
Bare-Fisted Gallagher if
HRM. . .6-29-19
' 7wOuc MARCH • g^ FIELD
lies Moorehead • Joan Carroll • Edit Angold
and 1«ti*duct*u} SKIPPY HOMEIER
Released thru United Artists
SPiocUice/i = S^Umd
Bare Fists if U 4-20-19
Bare Knees * GOT. . .1-29-28
Bare Knuckles ■*■ F 3-6-21
Baree, Son of Kazan if
VIT.. 5-21-18
Baree. Son of Karzan +
VIT.. 5-24-25
Barefoot Boy -MOP 9-1-38
Barefoot Boy. The if CBC
Bargain-FN (Reviewed as
"You and I") .. .9-6-31
Bargain, The if PAR... 1914
Bargains if BR 1923
Barker ■* SEL 8-23-17
Barker, The (PT) -FN. 12-9-28
Barnacle Bill-MGM 7-2-41
Barnstormer if FN 1922
Barnum Was Right
U.. 10-27-29
Barnyard Follies-REP. .11-22-40
Baroness and the Butler, The-
F.. 2-15-38
Barretts of Wimpole St.-
M-G-M. ..9-8-34
Barricade if FBO 10-9-21
Barricade + M 3-8-17
Barricade-F 12-14-3*9
Barrier if M-G-M 4-4-26
Barrier * RB 2-15-17
Barrier, The-PAR 11-6-37
Barriers Aflame if FN. .10-25-25
Barriers Burned Away if
AE. .12-21-24
Barriers of Folly if RUL. .1922
Barriers of Society if U
Barriers of the Law if IND
Bars of Hate-VIC 1935
Bars of Iron if STL. . .3-6-21
Bashful Bachelor, The-
RKO. .3-19-42
Bashful Buccaneer if RA
Bat, The if UA 3-21-26
Bat Whispers-UA 1-18-31
Bataan-MGM 5-28-43
Batalion (Czechoslovakian)
XX 1939
Bathing- Beauty -MGM . . 5-31-44
Battle, The-GAG 11-21-34
Battle Cry of Peace if
VIT.. .9-16-15
Battle for Siberia (Russian) -
Battle of Broadway-F. .4-27-38
Battle of Coronel and Falk-
land Islands if LEE. 2-19-28
Battle of Galopoli-CAP. 12-6-31
Battle of Greed-CRE . . . 1-4-37
Battle of Hearts if F 5-25-16
Battle of Life if F 12-14-16
Battle of Mons if ERA. 3-31-29
Battle of Paris-PAR. . . .1929
Battle of Russia-F 1943
Battle of the Sexes- (S-SE)
UA.. 10-14-28
Battle With the Dragon
(German) -XX. .1939
Battler if WO 8-31-19
Battlin' Kid if PS 1926
Battling Buddy •*• ARC. 9-14-24
Battling Bunyan if AE
Battling Butler if M-G-M
Battling Fool if GOL 1924
Battling Jane if PAR.. 10-6-18
Battling Orioles if PAT
Battling Thru if PIZ...1928
Bava if U 4-15-23
Bawbs o' Blue Bridge if INC
Be a Little Sport if F. 7-6-19
Be Mine Tonight-U. .. .3-16-33
Be My Wife if G 6-12-21
Be Yourself-UA 3-0-30
Beach of Dreams if RC. 6-26-21
Beachcomber if PAR... 1916
Beachcomber, The-PAR
Beans if U 9-15-18
Bear Cat if U 4-2-22
Beast if F 7-27-16
Beast of Borneo-DUW. 12-28-34
Beast of the City, The-
MGM. .3-13-32
Beasts of Berlin, See Goose Step
Beating the Game if G
Beating the Odds if VIT
Beatrice Fairfax if WTL
Beau Bandit-RKO 6-15-30
Beau Broadway if M-G-M
Beau Brummell if WA. 4-13-24
Beau Geste * PAR 8-15-26
Beau Geste-PAR 7-24-39
Beau Ideal-RKO 1-11-31
Beau Revel if PAR 3-20-21
Beau Sabreur if PAR. . .1-29-28
Beautiful Adventure if
EMU. .10-25-17
Beautiful and Damned if
WA... 12-17-23
Beautiful Blue Danube if
AY.. 1929
Beautiful But Broke-COL. .1944
Beautiful But Dumb if
TIF.. 9-9-2 8
Beautiful Cheat * U... 2-7-26
Beautiful City if FN.. 11-1-25
Beautiful Gambler if U. 6-26-21
Beautiful Liar if FN... 1921
Beautiful Lie if M... 5-31-17
Beautiful Sinner if PFT. 5-24-25
Beautifully Trimmed if U
Beauty and Bullets if
U. .1-20-29
Beauty and the Bad Man if
PDC. . .1925
Beauty and the Barge if
Beauty and the Boss-WA
Beauty and the Rogue if
AMU.. .2-21-18
Beauty for the Asking-
RKO.. 2-16-39
Beauty for Sale-M-G-M . . 9-13-33
Beauty in Chains if BL. 4-11-18
Beauty of the Pustra (Hun-
garian)-XX. . .1938
Beauty Market if FN... 1919
Beauty Parlor-CHE 10-4-32
Beauty Prize if MG 10-5-24
Beauty-Proof if VIT... 6-8-19
Beauty Shop if PAR . . . 5-14-22
Beauty Shoppers if TIF. 7-3-27
Beauty's Daughter-F .... 9-17-35
Beauty's Worth if PAR. 4-9-22
Because I Love You ( German )-
AGF . . . 2-2-30
Because of a Woman if
TRI. . .12-13-17
Beckoning Flame if TRI
Beckoning Roads if RC
Beckoning Trail if RED
Becky if M-G-M 10-16-27
Becky Sharp-RKO 6-14-35
Bed of Roses-RKO 7-1-33
Bedroom Window if PAR
Bedside-FN 3-6-34
Bedtime Story. A-PAR . . 4-22-33
Bedtime Story-COL. . . . 12-10-41
Bedzie Llepel (Polish) -
KIP.. .4-9-37
Beethoven Concerto (Russian) -
AM. . .3-3-37
Beethoven's Great Love
(French) -FRM. . .1-29-37
Befehl 1st Befehl ( German )-
XX. . .11-30-36
Before Dawn-RKO .... 10-17-33
Before I Hang-COL. . .10-4-40
Before Midnight * GBG. .7-5-26
Before Midnight-COL 1933
Before Morning if
GRC. 10-19-33
Before the White Man Came if
ARW. . .1920
Beg, Borrow or Steal-M-G-M
Beggar in Purple if
PAT.. 11-7-20
Beggar of Cawnpore if
INC. .4-27-16
Beggar on Horseback if
PAR. . .7-14-25
Beggar Prince if RC... 2-1-20
Beggar Student if AGF.. 1929
Beggar Woman if PAT. 3-14-18
Beggar's Holiday-TOW. 8-17-34
Beggars in Ermine-
MOP. .2-14-34
Beggars of Life (PT)-
PAR. .9-30-28
Behind Closed Doors if
COL.. .8-4-29
Behind Closed Doors if TE
Behind Jury Doors-
MAF. .3-15-33
Behind Masks if PAR. 7-10-21
Behind Office Doors-RKO
Behind Prison Bars-MOP
Behind Prison Gates-COL
Behind Prison Walls-PRC. 2-4-43
Behind Stone Walls-MAF
Behind that Curtain-F 1929
Behind the Altar * AEP
Behind the Curtain if U
Behind the Curtain (Egyp-
tian)-XX. . .1939
Behind the Door if PAR
Behind the Eight Ball-
U.. 12-21-42
Behind the Evidence-COL
Behind the Front if PAR
Behind the German Lines if
PAR. . .12-9-28
Behind the Rising Sun-
RKO 7-21-43
Behind Green Lights-MAO
Behind the Headlines-RKO
Behind the Lines if BL. . .9-7-16
Behind the Lines in Italy if
ROM.. .9-22-18
Behind the Makeup-PAR
Behind the Mask-COL. . 5-1-32
Behind the Mask * NF
Behind the Mike-U. .. 11-2-37
Behind the News-REP. 12-23-40
Behind the Scenes if PAR
Behold This Woman if
VIT . . . 7-27-24
Behold My Wife if PAR
.TMitfacek = 3%cud
Behold My Wife-PAR. 2-16-36
Bei Der Blonden Kathrein-
BAU. 12-5-34
Being Respectable if WA
Belgian, The * OCP. .. 11-1-17
Believe Me, Xantippe if
PAR. 5-19-18
Bell Boy 13 * FN... 2-11-23
Bella Donna -* PAR... 2-9-18
Bella Donna * PAR.. 4-22-23
Bella Donna-OLM 2-26-36
Bella of Brutte Si Sposan Tutte
(Italian) -ESP. .1940
Bellamy Trial (PT)-M-G-M
Belle of Alaska * AR. 2-26-22
Belle of Broadway * COL
Belle of New York if
SEZ. . .1919
Belle of the Nineties-PAR
Belle of the Season if M
Be:ie of the Yukon-RKO. 12-6-44
PWO. .7-19-17
Belle Starr -F 8-22-41
Bells + PAT 9-22-18
Bells * CHA 10-31-26
Bells of Capistrano-REP. 9-16-42
Bells of San Juan if
F. .10-15-22
Beloved-U 1-27-34
Beloved Adventuress if
Beloved Bachelor
-PAR. .10-18-31
Beloved Blackmailer if
WO. .8-18-18
Beloved Brat-WA 5-5-38
Beloved Brute * VIT. . 11-16-24
Beloved Cheater if RC. .11-16-19
Beloved Enemy-UA 12-12-36
Beloved Imposter if
VIT. .11-15-18
Beloved Jim if BL 12-20-17
Beloved Rogue if UA. .12-15-18
Beloved Traitor if G 3-7-18
Beloved Vagabond if
PAT. .12-9-15
Beloved Vagabond if
FBO. .4-13-24
Beloved Vagabond, The
COL. .2-9-37
Below the Border-MOP. . . .1942
Below the Deadline if
AHR. .1921
Below the Deadline if
CHE. .6-23-29
Below the Deadline
CHE . . 6-6-36
Below the Line if WA . . 9-27-25
Below the Sea-COL 6-3-33
Below the Surface if
PAR. .6-13-20
Ben Blair * PAR 3-9-16
Ben Hur if MGM 1-24-26
Ben Hur * MGM 12-6-31
Beneath Western Skies-
REP. .5-25-44
Bengal Tiger- WA 7-7-36
Benson Murder Case
PAR. .4-13-30
Bergslagsfolk ( Spanish )-
SCA. .3-15-38
Berkeley Square-F 9-15-33
Berlin After Dark if
WW. .6-2-29
Berlin Alexanderplatz-
XX. .5-13-33
Berlin Correspondent-F. . 8-17-42
Berlin, the Symphony of a
Big City if F. .1928
Bermuda Mystery -F .... 4-24-44
Bertha the Sewing Machine
Girl if F. .1-16-27
Best Bad Man if F. . . .12-6-25
Best Foot Forward-MGM . 6-30-43
Best Man if RAL 1917
Best Man if HH 4-27-19
Best Man Wins-COL 1-2-36
Best of Enemies if
SKT. .11-11-15
Best of Enemies-F 7-17-33
Best of Luck * M 7-11-20
Best People if PAR. . .11-1-25
Besuch Am Abend ( German )-
XX. .7-8-37
Betrayal if GLO 5-5-29
Betrayal ( French ) -
WO. .9-21-39
Betrayal, The (S-SE)-
PAR. .5-12-29
Betrayed * F 9-27-17
Betsy Ross * PWO 10-18-17
Betsy's Burglar * FAT.. 3-1-17
Better Days if TPC 1928
Better Half * SE 9-15-18
Better Man * AY 11-13-21
Better Man * FBO. ... 8-15-26
Better Man Wins if
SAN. .10-22-22
Better 'Ole if WA. ... 10-17-26
Better 'Ole if WO 3-9-19
Better Times if BRE.. 6-15-19
Better Way if COL 1926
Better Wire if SE .... 7-13-19
Better Woman if TE.. 11-11-15
Bettina Loved a Soldier If
BL. .8-3-16
Betty and the Buccaneers if
MT. .1917
Betty Takes a Hand *
TRI. .1-3-18
Betty to the Rescue if
PAR. .1-18-17
Between Dangers if
PAT. .1-30-27
Between Fighting Men-
WOW. .10-16-33
Between Friends if
VIT. .4-20-24
Between Men if TRI. . . .12-9-15
Between Men-SUM .... 10-29 35
Between Parents ( German )-
UFA . . 1938
Between Two Women-
MGM. .12-18-44
Between Two Women-
MGM. .6-29-37
Between Two Worlds-
WA. .5-5-44
Between Two Worlds if
ARC. .7-15-23
Between Two Worlds
(Italian) -ESP. .2-12-40
Between Us Girls-U 9-3-42
Beverly of Graustark if
MGM. .5-2-26
Beware of Bachelors (PT)-
WA. .1-20-29
Beware of Blondes if
COL. .8-26-28
Beware of Ladies-REP. . 1-12-37
Beware of Married Men
(S-SE)-WA. .1-29-28
Beware of Strangers if
FIL. .1918
Beware of the Bride if
F. .10-24-20
Beware of the Law if
JAW. .4-8-23
Beware of Widows if
U. .4-17-27
Beware, Spooks !-COL. .. 11-9-39
Beyond if PAR 9-11-21
Beyond All Odds •* CHE.. 1926
Beyond Bengal-SHP. .. .4-25-34
Beyond London's Lights if
FBO. .2-19-28
Beyond Price if F 5-8-21
Beyond Shadows if TRI
Beyond the Bend ■*• SEZ.. 1922
Beyond the Blue Horizon-
PAR. .5-7-42
Beyond the Border if PDC. .1928
Beyond tfce Crossroads if
PI. .1922
Beyond the Last Frontier-
REP 11-12-43
Beyond the Law-SYN. .11-2-30
Beyond the Law if
SOF. .12-8-18
Iejond the Law-COL. .. 7-31-34
b. yoiid the Rainbow if
BEN. .2-26-22
Beyond the Rio Grande
BIF. .5-4-30
Beyond the Rockies if
FBO. .1926
Beyond the Roekies-
Beyond the Rocks -fc
PAR. .5-14-22
Beyond Sacramento
COL. .5-8-41
Beyond the Sierras if
MGM. .12-16-28
Beyond the Trail if
CHE. .1926
Beyond the Wall if
PHO. .4-29-28
Beyond Tomorrow-
RKO. .9-30-40
Beyond Victory-PAT. . .4-12-31
Biif Bang Buddy * ARC. 10-5-24
Big Adventure if U.... 4-17-21
Bluff, The-TOW. .10-11-33
Bonanza, The-REP. . . .1944
Boss Tht-COL 5-20-41
Boy-WA 9-14-30
Boy Rides Again-FD. . 1935
Brain, The-RKO 8-5-33
Big Broadcast, The-
PAR. .10-15-32
Big Broadcast of 1936
Big Broadcast of 1937-
PAR. .10-6-36
Big Broadcast of 1938
Big Brother if PAR 12-30-23
Big Brown Eyes-PAR. . . .5-2-36
Big Business-F 4-13-37
Big Business Girl-FN. . . .6-14-31
Big Cage, The-U 5-10-33
Big Calibre-COE 1935
Big Chance, The-GRC. . 8-30-33
Big City if MGM 4-1-28
Big City, The-MGM. . .8-30-37
Big City Blues-WA 9-10-32
Big Dan if F 10-28-23
Big Diamond Robbery if
RKO. .4-21-29
Big Drive, The (S-SE)-
FD. .1-20-33
Executive-PAR. . .10-19-33
Fight- WW 5-11-30
Gamble-PAT 9-27-31
Game if M 8-21-21
Big Game. The-RKO 9-29-36
Big Guy, The-U 1-8-40
Big Happiness if RC 9-5-20
Big Hearted Herbert-
WA. .11-13-34
Hop if JOE 10-7-28
House-MGM 6-29-30
Jim Garrity if
Killing * PAR . .
Little Person if U.
Big Money-PAT . .
Big News-PAT. . .
Big Noise if FN
Big Noise. The-F .
Big Noise, The-WA
Big Pal if ROY . .
Big Parade •*■ MGM
Big Party -F
Big Pond, The-PAR
Big Punch if F. . .
Big Race-SHP. . . .
Big Shakedown-FN
• AE..
• PAR.
• EC.
Big Stampede, The-
WA. .11-11-32
. .7-8-28
. . .1919
. . .1926
. . 2-9-34
. . 6-4-42
. .9-7-16
. . .1922
Direction by DOUGLAS SIRK
tficduceh - SPtcttd
Store. The-MGM 6-18-41
Street, The-RKO 8-7-42
Timber * PAR 6-28-17
Timber * U 8-3-24
Timber-COL 7-11-32
Time-F 9-15-29
Big Time or Bust-TOW. .1-10-34
Big- Town-INV 12-22-32
Big Town Czar-U 5-11-39
Big: Town Girl-F 11-13-36
Big Town Ideas if F. . 5-15-21
Town Round-up if
F. .7-10-21
Trail-F 10-12-30
Tremaine if M.... 12-7-16
Bigamist if FBO 4-2-22
Bigger Man if M 9-23-15
Bigger Than Barnum's if
FBO. .7-4-26
Biggest Show on Earth, The if
PAR. .5-2-18
Bill Apperson's Boy if
FN. .7-20-19
Bill Cracks Do wn-REP. .3-22-37
Bill Henry if PAR 9-7-19
Bill of Divorcement if
AE. .10-15-22
Bill of Divorcement-
RKO . . 9-17-32
Bill of Divorcement, A-
RKO. .4-8-40
Billion Dollar Scandal
PAR. .1-7-33
Billions if M 12-5-20
Billy Jim * FBO 2-12-22
Billy the Kid-MGM 10-19-30
Billy the Kid-MGM 5-29-41
Billy the Kid in Texas-
K'uy rhe Kid UPturns-
^RP .9-16-38
Billy the Kid Outlawed-
PRC. .1940
Billy the Kid Trapped-
PRC. .4-21-42
Billy the Kid Wanted-
PRC. .11-28-41
Billy the Kid's Fighting- Pals-
PRC. .4-10-41
Billy the Kid's Gun Justice
PRC. .1940
Billy the Kid's Roundup-
PRC. .12-24-41
Billy the Kid's Smoking Guns-
PRC. .8-17-42
Biography of a Bachelor Girl-
MGM. .1-9-35
Bird of Paradise-
RKO. .8-12-32
Bird of Prey * F 8-11-18
Birds of Prey if COL.. 5-22-27
Birobidjan (Russian)
AM. .10-8-36
Birth if UG 4-19-17
Birth of a Man if
MOS. .5-18-16
Birth of a Nation if UA. .1915
Birth of a Soul if VIT. .2-1-20
Birth of Democracy if
FRA. .1-17-18
Birth of Patriotism if
RED. .4-26-17
Birth of the Blues-
PAR . . 9-3-41
Biscuit Eater, The-
PAR. .4-12-40
Bishop Misbehaves. The-
MGM. .9-28-35
Bishop Murder Case-
MGM. .2-2-30
Bishop of the Ozarks if
FBO . . 1 923
Bishop's Carriage if PAR. .1922
Bishop's Emeralds if
PAT. .6-1-19
Bit of Heaven if EXP.. 8-19-28
Bit of Jade if AMU. .4-18-18
Bit of Kindling- ■*• BM.. 6-28-17
Bit of Music ( German )-
XX 1940
Bits of Africa if MGM '.'.1938
Bits of Life if FN 9-4-21
Bitter Apples if WA .... 6-5-27
Bitter Fruit if ARW 1921
Bitter Sweet-UA 8-25-33
Bitter Sweet-MGM 10-20-40
Bitter Sweets * PEE. . .9-23-28
Bitter Tea of General Yen-
COL. .1-12-33
Bitter Truth if F 1-18-17
Bizarre Bizzarre (French) -
LEN. .4-14-39
Black Ace if PAT 9-2-28
Black Aces-U 8-25-37
Black Bag if U 6-4-22
Black Bandit-U 11-21-38
Black Beauty * VIT 1-9-21
Black Beauty-MOP. . . .8-23-33
Black Bird if MGM 2-7-26
Black Butterflies if
QU. .10-14-28
Black Butterfly if M.. 12-21-16
Black Camel-F 7-5-31
Black Cargoes of The South
Seas if BIG. .7-23-29
Black Cat-U , 5-19-34
Black Cat, The-U . .... .4-28-41
Black Circle if WO 10-19-19
Black Churl, The ( Spanish) -
XX. . 1940
Black Crook if KAL . . i -13-16
Black Cruise (PT)-
BER. .1929
Black Cyclone if PAT.. 5-24-25
Black Diamond Express if
WA 7-3-27
Black Diamonds-U 9-11-40
. .10-3-20
. .10-6-29
. .9-16-39
WA. .3-2-39
Black Doll-U 1-25-38
Black Dragons-MOP. .. .3-12-42
Black Eyes •*■ TRI 1919
Black Fear if RA 3-10-29
Black Fear * M 1-13-16
Black Feather if DAI 1928
Black Friday * RED.. 8-31-16
Black Friday-U 4-5-40
Black Fury -FN 3-28-35
Black Gate if VIT 1920
Black Gold * ST 1924
Black Hills if BIG 6-30-29
Black Hills Express, The-
REP 9-22-43
Black Jacket ( Chinese )-
XX 1939
Black is White if PAR. .3-14-20
Black King-, The-
SOU. .7-15-32
Black Legion-WA 12-30-36
Black Lightning- if
GOT. .11-16-24
Black Limelight- ALL. .. .7-6-39
Black List if PAR 3-2-16
Black Magic-MOP 7-26-44
Black Magic (S-SE)-F. .9-1-29
Black Market Rustlers-
MOP 8-31-43
Black Moon-COL 6-28-34
Black Orchids if U 1917
Black Oxen if FN 1-13-24
Black Panther's Cub if
EQU. .2-20-21
Black Parachute, The-
COL. .6-5-44
Black Paradise if F. . . .6-13-26
Black Pirate * UA 3-21-26
Black Raven, The-PRC .... 1943
Black Room-COL 8-13-35
Black Roses if RC. .. .4-17-21
Black Sea Fighters-ARQ. 8-20-43
Black Shadows if PAT. .5-13-23
Black Sheep-F 6-28-35
Black Sheep of the Family if
. Black Shirts 4-12-34
Black Spider if PS
Black Stork * WAR 4-5-17
Black Swan. The-F. .. 10-16-42
Black Tears if HPI. .. .7-3-27
Black Tulip if PS
Black Watch-F 5-26-39
Black Waters-WW 4-7-29
Black Wolf if PAR 2-15-17
Blackbirds if REA .... 12-12-20
Blackbirds if PAR 10-15-21
Blackguard if LBR 1926
Blackie's Redemption if
Blackjack if F.
Blackmail if M.
Blackmail-WW .
Blackout-UA . . .
BlackweU's Island-
Blame the Woman-
PRI. .10-22-32
Blanchette if PPR. .. .11-6-21
Blarney if MGM 10-10-26
Blarney Kiss-PRI 8-19-33
Blaze Away if PIL 4-16-22
Blaze O' Glory- WW. ... 1-5-30
Blazing Arrows if AP0..1922
Blazing Barriers-MOP . . 11-16-37
Blazing Days if U 1927
Blazing Guns-MOP. ... 10-19-43
Blazing Justice-SPE .... 1-29-36
Blazing Love if F 5-4-16
Blazing Six Shooters-
- . COL.. 3-12-40
Blazing Sixes-WA 1937
Blazing Trail if U 1921
Blessed Event-WA 8-23-32
Blind Adventure if VIT. . 1-10-18
Blind Adventure-RKO. .10-31-33
Blind Alibi-RKO 6-24-38
Blind Alibi-COL 5-29-39
Blind Alleys if P 3-20-27
Blind Bargain * G. . . .12-10-22
Blind Circumstances if
_,. J CC. .1922
Blind Date-COL 8-31-34
Blind Goddess * PAR.. 4-18-26
Blind Hearts if FN 10-16-21
Blind Husbands if U. . 10-19-19
Blind Justice if DAB. . . .9-28-16
Blind Love if BAT 1-18-20
Blind Man's Eyes if M 1919
Blind Man' Luck if
Blind Wives if F. . . .
Blind Youth if NF..!.„
Blinde Passagiere (German)-
XX.. 3-12-37
Blinded Trail if U.... 4-20-19
Blindfold (S-SE)-F 12-30-28
Blindfolded if HOD 5-2-18
Blindfolded Eyes (Spanish) -
„,. „ XX. .1939
Blinding Trail if U 1919
Blindness of Devotion if
MI M F. .11-18-15
Blindness of Divorce if
„,. a F.. 5-2-18
Blindness oj Love if
„,. , ROL. .8-16-16
Bhnky if U 8-26-23
Blitzkreig in the West-
( German) -XX. .1940
Blizzard if F 2-24-24
Block Busters-MOP . . . 8-15-44
Block Signal if LUM. . 10-10-26
Blockade (PT)-RKO. .. .12-9-28
Blockade-UA 6-9-38
Blocked Trail, The-REP. . . 1043
Blockheads-MGM 8-19-38
Blonde Captive-IML. .. 12-13-31
Blonde Carmen, The
(German) -XX. .1939
Blonde Cheat-RKO 1938
Blonde Comet. The-PRC. . 1941
Blonde Crazy-WA 12-6-31
Blonde Fever-MGM .... 12-5-44
Blonde for a Night if
PAT. .9-23-28
Blondie for Vict ory-COL. . 1942
Blonde from Singapore, The-
COL. .8-29-41
Blondie Goes to College-
COL. .3-2-42
Blonde Inspiratlon-
MGM. .2-17-41
Blonde or Brunette if
PAR. .1-16-27
Blonde Saint if FN. . . .11-18-96
. .1-9-21
Currently in Production on
•fmditcii - Srwiid
Blonde Trouble-PAR 8-11-37
Blonde Vampire if FBO. . .1922
Blonde Venus-PAR 9-24-32
Blondes at Work-WA. .3-10-38
Blondes by Choice if
LUM. .1927
Blondie-COL 11-7-38
Blondie Brings Up Baby-
COL. .11-8-39
Blondie Goes Latin-
COL. .2-27-41
Blondie Has Servant Trouble-
COL. .10-9-40
Blondie in Society-COL. . . 1941
Blondie Johnson-FN. .. .3-1-33
Blondie Meets the Boss-
COL. .5-1-39
Blondie of the Follies-
MGM. .9-2-32
Blondie on a Budget-
COL. .4-10-40
Blondie Plays Cupid-
COL. .12-6-40
Blondie Takes a Vacation-
COL. .9-14-39
Blondie's Blessed Event-
COL. .1942
Blood and Sand ir
PAR. .8-13-22
Blood and Sand-F 5-22-41
Blood and Steel if
IND. .3-1-25
Blood Barrier if PAT. . .4-3-20
Blood Marriage ( Spanish )-
XX 1939
Blood Money-UA 11-11-33
Blood of His Fathers if
HAD. .11-29-17
Blood Ship if COL 7-31-27
Blond Will Tell if F 1-15-28
Blood Will Tell * INC. .3-29-17
Bloodhound * FBO 1925
Blooming Angel if G 2-15-20
Blossom Time-BI 7-26-34
Blossoms in the Dust-
MGM. .6-23-41
Blossoms on Broadway-
PAR.. 11-17-37
Blot. The if FBW 8-21-21
Blow Your Own Horn if
FBO.. 11-4-23
Bludgeon if EQW 10-28-13
Blue Angel-PAR 11-16-30
Blue Bandanna if RC....1919
Blue Bird * ART 4-4-18
Blue Bird, The-F 1-22-40
Blue Blazes if RGR. .. .2-21-18
Blue Blazes if U 1-10-26
Blue Blood * CHA 1926
Blue Blood if G 5-2-18
Blue Blood and Red ir
F. .4-6-16
Blue Bonnet if HOD. . . .8-31-19
Blue Danube-MUN 11-7-34
Blue Danube ir PAT 1928
Blue Eagle if F 9-19-26
Blue Envelope Mystery if
VIT. .10-19-16
Blue Eyed Mary if F. . 5-26-18
Blue Grass if EQW 1<*21-15
Blue Jeans * M 3-28-18
Blue Light-DUW 6-8-34
Blue Montana Skies-REP. 5-4-39
Blue Moon if PAT 1921
Blue Mountain Mystery if
FBO . . 1922
Blue Pearl if SEZ 3-7-20
Blue Skies (S-SE)-F. . .7-7-29
Blue Squadron ( Spanish )-
XX. . 1938
Blue Steel-MOP .'5-5-34
Blue Streak if FBO 3-7-26
Blue Streak. The if F. .4-12-17
Blue Streak McCoy if U. .8-1-20
Blue Sunday if U 1921
Blue, White and Perfect-
F.. 12-19-41
Blue Waters if NBR 1924
Bluebeard, Jr. if ARL 1922
Bluebeard-PRC 10-19-44
Bluebeard's Eighth Wife if
PAR. .8-12-23
Bluebeard's Eighth Wife-
PAR. .3-18-38
Bluebeard's Seven Wives if
FN. .1-3-26
Blues in the Night-
Bluff if AMU
Bluff if PAR
Bluffer if WO
Blushing Bride if F.
Blyge Anton
. . . 5-4-24
. .1-26-19
( Swedish) -
XX. .1941
Boarding House Filoda
(German) -XX. .1939
Boaster, The if GER. .. .2-6-27
Boat from Shanghai, The-
FTA. .1932
Bob Hampton of Placer if
FN. .5-8-21
Bobbed Hair if PAR 3-26-22
Bobbed Hair if WA 11-8-25
Bobbie of the Ballet if
BL. .6-1-16
Bobby Burnit if PAR.... 1914
Bockbierf est ( German ) -
BLO. .4-5-31
Body and Soul-F 3-15-31
Body and Soul if FWO. .12-2-15
Body and Soul * M 10-17-20
Body and Soul if
MGM. .11-13-27
Body Disappears, The-WA. .1941
Body Punch if U 10-28-28
Bolero-PAR 2-17-34
Bohemian Dancer if
SYN 5-19-29
Bohemian Girl if SEZ.. 2-11-23
Bohemian Girl, The-
MGM. .2-6-36
Bohemian Life ( Spanish )-
XX. .1939
Bohemios (Spanish) -CIX. . 8-7-35
Boiling Point, The-AP. . 11-3-32
Bold Caballero, The-
REP. .12-3-36
Bolibar if BI 1928
Boliche (Spanish) -XX. .6-31-35
Bolshevism on Trial if
SE. .5-11-19
Bolted Door if U 2-25-23
Bombardier-RKO 5-13-43
Bombay Clipper-U 1-19-42
Bombay Mail-U 1-6-34
Bomben Auf Monte Carlo-
XX. .9-28-33
Bomber's Moon-F 7-9-43
Bombs Over Burma-PRC. 7-16-42
Bombs Over London-
FIA 9-18-39
Bombshell-MGM !io-ll-33
Bonanza Buckaroo if AE . .1926
Bond Between if PAR. .4-5-17
Bond Boy if FN 10-15-22
Bond of Fear if TRI. . 9-20-17
Bondage if BL 1917
Bondage if UFA 12-16-28
Bondage-F 4-22-33
Bondage of Barbara if
G. .1919
Bondage of Fear if
PBW. .1-18-17
Bonded Woman if PAR. .8-13-22
Bondman, The if F. . . .3-23-16
Bondman if WW 1929
Bonds of Honor if
HWA. .1-26-19
Bonds of Love •*• G. . 11-8-19
Bondwoman if KLE. . 12-23-15
Bonnie Annie Laurie if
F. .10-6-18
Bonnie, Bonnie Lassie if
U. .1919
Bonnie Briar Bush. The if
PAR. .12-4-21
Bonnie May if FED.... 1921
Bonnie Scotland-MGM . . 8-24-35
Boob if MGM 6-6-26
Boogie Men Will Get You. The-
COL. .1942
Book Agent if F 6-7-17
Booloo PAR 8-1-38
Boom Town-MGM 8-6-40
Boomerang if NPI 5-4-19
Boomerang if SCH. .. .3-15-25
Boomerang BUI if
PAR. .2-12-22
Boot Hill Bandits-MOP. . .1942
Bootbill Brigade-REP. . .8-11-37
Bootleggers if FBO. . . .4-12-22
Bootlegger's Daughter if
AE. .1922
Boots if PAR 3-2-19
Boots and Saddles if
BM. .11-2-16
Boots and Saddles-
REP. .10-26-37
Boots of Destiny-GN 1937
Bor Borson, Jr. (Norwegian) -
MAL. .11-10-39
Border Blackbirds if
PAT. .8-28-27
Border Brigands-U 6-4-35
Border Buckaroos-PRC . . . 8-4-43
Border Caballero-PUR . . 5-26-36
Border Cafe-RKO 6-9-37
Border Cavalier if U 9-25-27
Border Devils-ARC .... 3-20-32
Border Flight-PAR. ... 6-23-36
Border G-Man-RKO 1938
Border Intrigue if IND. 6-17-26
Border Justice if IND.... 1924
Border Law-COL 9-13-31
Border Legion, The-
REP. .11-28-40
Border Legion-PAR. .. .6-29-30
Border Legion if PAR.. 11-9-24
Border Legion if THH..8-4-18
Border Patrol if PAT. . .12-9-28
Border Patrol-UA 6-10-43
Border Patrolman, The-
F. .6-20-36
Border Phantom-REP. . .6-7-37
Border Raiders if PAT. .9-22-18
Border Rider if SIE 1926
Border Romance-TIF . . . 5-25-30
Border Scouts if BHA 1922
Border Sheriff * U 3-14-26
Border Vengeance if
AY. .8-2-25
Border Vigilantes-PAR. .. 6-3-41
Border Whirlwind if
FBO. .1926
Border Wildcat if U. .4-21-29
Border Wireless if
ART. .10-6-18
Border Wolves-U 1917
Border Wolves-U 2-24-38
Border Women if
GOL. .10-12-24
Borderland ■*■ PAR 7-30-22
Borderland-PAR 2-15-37
Bordertown Trail-REP. . . . 1944
Bordertown-WA 1-24-35
Bordertown Gun Fighters-
REP 10-1-43
Born Anew-AM 7-25-33
Born for Glory-GB 10-21-66
Born Reckless-F 5-25-30
Born Reckless-F 6-22-37
Born Rich if NF 1924
Born to Battle ■* PAT. . .9-4-27
Born to Battle-COE 1935
Born to Be Bad-UA 6-1-34
Born to Be Wild-REP. .2-18-38
Born to Dance-MGM. . 11-17-36
Born to Fight-CNN 4-27-36
Born to Gamble-REP. .10-4-35
Born to Love-PAT. .. .4-26-31
Born to Sing-MGM 1-21-42
Born to the Saddle ir V . . 4-7-29
Born to the West-PAR. .4-8-38
Born to the West if
PAR. .8-15-26
Borneo if F 9-10-37
Borosa Amerikaban
(Hungarian) -HUN. .3-6-39
Borrowed Castle
( Hungarian ) -XX . .1938
Borrowed Clothes if U. . . .1918
Borrowed Finery if TIF.. 1926
sricdacvl = tyltrnd
Borrowed Hero-MOP. .12-12-41
Borrowed Husbands if
VIT.. 5-18-24
Borrowed Plumage if
TBI. .7-5-17
Borrowed Wives-TIF . . 10-12-30
Borrowing: Trouble-F. .10-26-37
Boss of Boomtown-U 1944
Boss of Camp 4 if F... 11-9-22
Boss of Lonely Valley-
U. .12-22-37
Boss of Rawhide-PRC. . .9-15-44
Boss of Rustler's Roost if
PAT.. 1-15-28
Boss of the Lazy "Y" if
TRI. .1917
Boss of Big- Town-PRC. 10-15-42
Boss Rider of Gun Creek-
U. .12-16-36
Boss of Hang-town Mesa, The-
ir. .9-16-42
Boston Blackie •*• F.. 5-20-23
Boston Blackie Goes to
Holly wood-COL. .1942
Boston Blackie's Little Pal if
M. .9-8-18
Bottle Imp -k PAR 3-29-17
Bottom of the Well if
VIT. .10-25-17
Bottom of the World if
RC. .4-3-20
Bottom of the World. The if
TPE. .8-10-30
Bottoms Up-F 3-23-34
Boudoir Diplomat-U .... 12-7-30
Boug-ht-WA 8-16-31
Bought if WO 12-30-15
Bought and Paid For if
BRA. .11-2-16
Bought and Paid For if
PAR. .3-19-22
3oulder Dam-WA 2-25-36
Bound in Morroceo if
ART. .8-4-18
Bouquets from Nicholas
(French) -WAS. .3-6-39
Bowery Champs-MOP. .. 11-8-44
Bowery. The-UA 10-7-33
Bowery at Midnight-
MOP. .10-5-42
Bowery Bishop if SEZ. .9-28-24
Bowery Blitzkrieg-
MOP. .10-3-41
Bowery Boy-REP 1-3-41
Bowery Cinderalla if
EXP. .11-20-27
Bowery to Broadway-U. 10-25-44
Boy Crazy if FBO 3-5-22
Boy Friend if MGM .... 9-5-26
Boy Friend-F 6-27-39
Boy-Girl if BL 3-8-17
Boy Meets Girl-WA 7-22-38
Boy of Flanders -*■ MG. .3-30-24
Boy of Mine • FN 12-30-23
Boy of the Streets if
RA .10-2-27
Boy of the Strpet=-MOP. 1 2-2-37
Boy Rider •*• FBO. ... 11-27-27
Boy from Stalingrad. The-
COL 1943
Boy Slaves-RKO 1-18-39
Boy Trouble-PAR 1939
Boy's Reformatory-
MOP. .5-17-39
Boy's School (French) -
COL. .6-29-39
Boys from Syracuse-U. .7-15-40
Boys of the City-
MOP. .7-22-40
Boys Town-MGM 9-R-38
Boys Will Be Boys if G. .5-22-21
Brace Up ir BL 3-21-18
Bramble Brush if VIT. .9-28-19
Brand * G 2-23-19
Brand in Der Oper
(Germ an) -CAP. .7-14-32
Brand of Cowardice ir
M. .11-2-16
Brand of Cowardice if
TRU. .7-5-25
Brand of Hate-STI 11-7-34
Brand of Lopez if RC. .4-3-20
Brand of Satan ■£
PWO. .7-12-17
Brand of the Devil-PRC. . .1944
Brand's Daughter if
Branded ■*• LBR 1922
Branded-COL 11-1-31
Branded Man * RA 1928
Branded Men-TIP 12-13-31
Branded Sombrero if F. . 1-8-28
Branded Soul -*• F 1917
Branded Soul if STO. . 2-13-21
Branded Woman if
FN. .9-12-20
Branding Broadway if
ART. .12-22-18
Branding Iron if G.. 11-14-20
Brass if WA 3-18-23
Brass Bottle •*- FN 7-29-23
Brass Bowl if F 11-16-24
Brass Buttons if PAT. .4-13-19
Brass Check if M 3-28-18
Brass Commandments if
F. .1923
Brass Knuckles if
WA. .12-25-27
Brat-F 8-2-31
Brat, The if M 9-14-19
Brave and Bold if F. . 5-19-18
Braveheart if PDC 1-17-26
Bravest Way if PAR. ... 6-9-18
Brawn of the North ie
FN. .11-19-22
Brazen Beauty if U. . . .9-15-18
Brazil-REP 10-27-44
Breach of Promise-
WW. .11-23-32
Bread * MG 7-20-24
Bread * U 8-4-18
Bread Carrier if GLA .... 1928
Break of Hearts-RKO. . 5-16-35
Break the News-MOP. .1-10-41
Break the News to Mother if
SE. .5-29-19
Breaker, The -*■ ES 12-7-16
Breakers Ahead if M.. 4-11-18
Breakfast at Sunrise if
FN. .10-16-27
Breakfast for Two-
RKO. .10-7-37
Breaking Home Ties if
AE. .11-26-22
Breaking Into Society if
FBO. .1923
Breaking the Ice-RKO. . 9-1-38
Breaking Point if PAR. .4-13-24
Breaking Point if HOD.. 2-6-21
Breath of Scandal +
SCH. .8-24-24
Breath of the Gods if
U. .8-1-20
Breathless Moment if
U. .2-3-24
Bred in Old Kentucky +
FBO. .1926
Bred in the Bone if
MU. .12-30-15
Breed of Courage if FBO. .1927
Breed of Men if ART.. 2-9-19
Breed of the Border -^
FBO. .1925
Breed of the Border-
MOP. .5-10-33
Breed of the Border-
BEU. .1935
Breed of the Sea •*• FBO. .1926
Breed of the Sunsets -*■
FBO. .1928
Breed of the West-BIF. . . .1930
Breezing Home-TT 2-2-37
Breezy Bill -*- KYN. ... 9-14-30
Breezy Jim -*• TRI 1919
Brewster's Millions ir
PAR. .2-6-21
Brewster's Millions-UA .. .4-5-35
Bridal Suite-MGM 5-29-39
Bride by Mistake-RKO .7-27-44
Bride Came C. O. D.. The-
WA. .7-2-41
Bride Comes Home, The
PAR. .12-27-35
Bride for Henry, A-
MOP.. 9-27-37
Bride of Fear, The if
F. .4-25-18
Bride of Frankenstein-
U. .4-11-35
Bride of Hate if INC.. 1-25-17
Bride of the Desert-
RA. .11-24-29
Bride of the Lake-
AMA. .9-11-34
Bride of the Regiment-
FN. .5-25-30
Bride of the Storm if
WA. .4-11-2C
Bride of Torockoi
(Hungarian) -XX. . 193£
Bride 68 (PT-German)-
TOB. .4-20-30
Bride Walks Out, The-
RKO. .7-1-36
Bride Wore Crutches, The-
F. .5-29-41
Bride Wore Red, The-
MGM.. 10-12-37
Bride's Awakening- if
U. .5-12-18
Bride's Confession if
GRA. .1922
Bride's Play if PAR.. 1-15-22
Bride's Silence if MU 1917
Bridegroom for Two-
POP. .1-31-32
Brides Are Like That-
FN. .3-24-36
Bridge, The * M 1915
Bridge of San Luis Rey,
The-UA. .1944
Bridge of San Luis Rey PT)-
MGM. .4-28-29
Bridge of Sighs if WA. .4-5-25
Bridge of Sighs-INV 5-1-36
Bridges Burned if M 2-8-17
Brief Moment-COL 8-31-33
Brigadier Gerard if U.. 3-23-16
Brigham Young — Frontiers-
man-F. .8-27-40
Bright Eyes if BI 7-6-30
Bright Eyes-F 12-11-34
Bright Lights-FN 2-15-31
Bright Lights if MG.. 11-22-25
Brig-ht Lig-hts-FN 7-27-35
Bright Lights of Broadway if
PRI. .9-30-23
Bright Shawl if FN... 4-22-23
Bright Skies * RC 1920
Brilliant Marriage-
INV. .9-19-36
Bring 'Em Back Alive
RKO. .6-5-32
Bring Him In if VIT. .10-23-22
Bringing Home Father if
BL. .5-31-17
Bringing Up Baby-RKO. .2-11-38
Bringing Up Betty if
WO. .7-27-19
Bringing Up Father if
MGM. .3-25-28
British Agent-FN 8-2-34
British Intelligenee-WA. .2-14-40
Britton of the Seventh if
VIT. .5-11-16
Broad Daylight if U.. 10-29-22
Broad-Minded-FN 7-5-31
Broadway-U 6-2-29
Broadway-U 5-12-42
Broadway After Dark if
WA. .5-25-24
Broadway After Midnight if
KRE. .11-13-2';
Broadway and Home if
SEZ. .12-26-2(
Broadway Arizona if
TRI. .10-4-17
Broadway Babies (PT)-
FN. .6-30-29
Broadway Bad-F 3-7-33
Broadway Big- Shot, The-
PRC. .1-12-42
FOR 1945
* < i m >
(Temporary Title)
Also during 1945: —
"Genius in the Family" "French Town"
sruidftcvi = znoud
Broadway Bill * M 2-21-if
Broadway Bill-COL 11-9-34
Broadway Billy * RA . . . . 1926
Broadway Boob * A£. . 3-21-26
Broadway Broke if
SEZ. .12-30-23
Broadway Bubble if
VIT. .11-21-20
Broadway Butterfly if
WA, .3-29-25
Broadway Cowboy if
PAT . . 7-4-20
Broadway Daddies if
COL. .9-16-28
Broadway Drifter if
EXP. .5-29-27
Broadway Fever if TIF . . 1-6-29
Broadway Gallant if
FBO. .6-6-26
Broadway Gold if
TRU. .7-22-23
Broadway Gondolier-
WA. .7-11-35
Broadway Hoofer-COL. .3-30-30
Broadway Hostess-FN. . 12-16-35
Broadway Jones if
ART. .3-29-17
Broadway Lady if
FBO. .12-13-25
Broadway Limited-UA .. 6-18-41
Broadway Love if BL.. 1-17-18
Broadway Madness if EXP
Broadway Madonna if FBO
Broadway Melody -MGM . 2-17-2S
Broadway Melody of 1936
-MGM. .8-29-35
Broadway Melody of 1938
-MGM . . 8-17-37
Broadway Melody of 1940
-MGM. .2-14-40
Broadway Musketeers-WA
Broadway Nights-FN. . .5-15-27
Broadway or Bust if U
Broadway Peacock if F. 2-12-22
Broadway Rhythm-
MGM. .1-19-44
Broadway Rose if M.. 9-24-22
Broadway Saint if WO
Broadway Scandal if BL
Broadway Scandals-COL
Broadway Serenade-MGM
Broadway Sport if F. . 6-14-17
Broadway Thru a Keyhole-
UA. .11-2-33
Broadway to Hollywood-
MGM. . .9-2-33
Broken Barriers if EXP
Broken Barriers if MG. .8-10-24
Broken Barriers-ZIO 1919
Broken Blossoms if GRI. 5-18-19
Broken Blossoms-IML. .. 1-15-37
Broken Butterfly if RC
Broken Chains if G... 12-17-23
Broken Chains if PBW. .12-7-16
Broken Commandments if
F. .9-14-19
Broken Dishes-FN 1930
Broken Doll * APR. .. 6-19-21
Broken Dreams-MOP ..11-8-33
Broken Fetters if BL. . 6-22-16
Broken Gates if HOD. 12-26-20
Broken Gates if TIF. . .4-17-27
Broken Hearted (PT)-TPC
Broken Hearts if JAF... 3-7-26
Broken Hearts of Broadway if
CUM. .7-29-23
Broken Hearts of Hollywood if
WA. . .10-10-26
Broken Homes if TRS..1926
Broken Laws if F... 12-16-15
Broken Laws * FBO. 12-7-24
Broken Lullaby-PAR . . 1-24-32
Broken Mask if AN.... 4-8-28
Broken Melody if SEZ
Broken Melody-OLM . . 10-31-34
Broken Shadows if SEC. 1922
Broken Shoes-AM ...3-31-34
Broken Silence if ARW
Broken Spur if ARW
Broken Strings-INR ..3-18-40
Broken Ties if PWD..2-28 18
Broken Violin if ARW
4 8-23
Broken Vow, The ( Polish )-
CAP. .1932
Broken Wing-PAR 3-27-32
Broken Win? if PRE
Brokiga Blad (Swedish) -
STP. .11-29-31
Bromley Case if ARW.. 1920
Bronc Stumper if PAT
Broncho Buster if U... 5-8-27
Broncho Twister if F. .3-20-27
Bronze Bell * PAR 7-10-21
Bronze Bride if RED.. 3-29-17
Bronze Buckaroo. The-SAC
Brooding Eyes if STE
Brooklyn Orchid-UA 1-28-42
Brother and Sister ( Italian )-
KIT. . .1935
Brother Orchid- WA ..5-31-40
Brother Rat-WA . . . 10-17-38
Brother Rat and a Baby-
WA. .1-16-40
Brotherly Love if MGM
Brothers-COL 10-19-30
Brothers ■*■ RA 4-14-19
Brothers Divided if PAT
Brothers Under the Skin if
G. .11-19-22
Brown Derby if FN.. 6-20-26
Brown of Harvard if ES
Brown of Harvard if MGM
5 9-26
Brute if PAR 1925
Brute * WA 4-24-27
Brute Breaker if PAT. .11-23-19
Brute Master if HOD. .11-28-20
Bubbles if PI 1920
Buccaneer, The-PAR 2-4-38
Buchanan's Wife if F..1918
Buck Benny Rides Again-
PAR. .4-16-40
Buck Privates if U 2-5-28
Buck Privates if U 2-3-41
Buckaroo Kids if V . . .11-14-26
Bucking: Broadway if BUT
Bucking- the Barrier if F
Bucking- the Line if F. 11-6-21
Bucking- the Tig-er if SEZ
Bucking- the Truth if V
Buckskin Frontier-UA. . .3-10-43
Buffalo Bill-F 3-17-44
Buffalo Bill on the U. P. Trail-
SU. .1926
Bugle Call if INC 5-4-16
Bug-le Call if MGM. . .9-25-27
Bug-le Sounds, The-MGM
Bug-ler of Algiers if BL
Builders of Castles if EDP
3uilders of Socialism if AM
Bulldog- Drummond if HOD
Bulldog Drummond-UA
Bulldog Drummond at Bay-
REP. .7-23-37
Bulldog Drummond Comes
Back-PAR. . .9-7-37
Bulldog Drummond Escapes-
PAR. .4-6-37
Bulldog Drummond in Af-
rica-PAR. .8-1-38
Bulldog Drummond Strikes
Back-UA. . .5-4-34
Bulldog Drummond's Bride-
PAR. .7-6-39
Bulldog Drummond's Peril
(AT) -3-15-38
Bulldog Drummond's Revenge-
PAR. .12-22-37
Bulldog Drummond's Secret
Police-PAR. .4-12-39
Bulldog Edition-REP ..9-18-36
Bulldog Pluck if FBO . . 1927
Bullet Code-RKO 4-10-40
Bullet Mark if PAT. .4-1-28
Bullet Proof if U 4-6-20
Bullet Scars-WA 3-6-42
Bullets and Brown Eyes if
TRI. .3-2-16-
Bullets for Bandits-COL. . . 1942
Bullets for O'Hara-WA
Bullets for Rustlers-COL
Bullets or Ballots-FN. .5-18-36
Bullets and Saddles-MOP. . 1943
Bunch of Keys if ES. .9-30-16
Bunker Bean-RKO (Reviewed as
"His Majesty Bunker Bean")
Bunty Pulls the Strings if G
Bureau of Missing Persons-
FN. .9-2-23
Burden of Proof if SE.. 9-8-18
Burglar if PWO 11-8-17
Burglar and the Lady if
SUN. .12-30-15
Burglar for a Night if HOD
Burglar Proof * PAR 1921
Burglary by Proxy if FN
Buried Alive-PRC 1-23-40
Buried Gold * RA 1926
Buried Treasure if PAR
Burma Convoy-U 10-1-41
Burn 'Em Up Barnes if BR
Burn 'Em Up Barnes-MAO
Burn 'Em Up O'Connor-
MGM. .1-12-39
Burning Bridges if PAT
Burning Daylight if PAR
Burning Daylight if FN
Burning Daylight if M
Burning Gold ■*• ELB. . 2-27-27
Burning Gold-REP 5-22-36
Burning Heart, The if BI
Burning Sands if PAR
Pricducek = ^ettd
Burning the Candle if ES
Burning- the Wind if V
Burning- Trail if U.... 4-5-25
Burning- Up-PAR 2-9-30
Burning- Up Broadway if
PAT. .2-19-28
Burning- Words * U.. 5-27-23
Burnt Fingers if PAT
Burnt Wings if U. .. .2-22-20
Bury Me Not on the Lone
Prairie-U. . .1941
Bush Leaguer if WA. . . .9-4-27
Busher * PAR 6-1-19
Bushranger if MGM. . 1-20-29
Business and Pleasure-F
Business Is Business if U
Business of Life if VIT
Business of Love if AST
Busses Roar-WA 8-18-42
Buster if F 1923
Bustin' Through if U. 10-4-25
Busuljon a Lo ( Hungarian )-
DAN. .11-9-38
Busy Inn if PAT. . .4-25-18
But the Flesh is Weak-MGM
Butch Minds the Baby-U. .4-1-42
Butter and Egg Man if FN
Butterflies in the Rain if U
Butterfly * U 8-24-24
Butterfly Girl if AE.. 5-29-21
Butterfly Man if RC. 5-30-20
Butterfly on the Wheel if
WO. .11-18-15
Butterfly Range if ST
Buttons if MGM 1927
Buy Me That Town-PAR
Buzavirag ( Hungarian )-
DAN. .1-15-35
Buzzy and the Phantom Pinto-
ZIE. .4-30-41
By Appointment Only- INV
By Candlelight-U 1-6-34
By Divine Right if FBO
By Hook or Crook if WO
By My Pistols ( Spanish )-
XX. .1939
By Proxy if TRI 7-14-18
By Right of Possesion if VIT
By Right of Purchase if SEZ
By Rocket to the Moon ^r
UFA.. 2-8-31
By Royal Decree (German) -
UFA. .1938
By the World Forgot * VIT
By Whose Hand ?-COL. .. 8-3-32
By Whose Hand? if COL
By Whose Hand ?-EQW. 12-11-34
By Your Leave-RKO. .4-20-16
Bye. Bye Buddy (PT)-TPC
Caballa a Caballa ( Spanish )-
XX. .2-14-40
Cabaret if PAR 5-8-27
Cabaret, The if WO... 6-16-18
Cabaret Girl if U. ... 12-29-18
Cabaret Kid * LEE 1927
Cabin in the Cabin-FN. 10-1-32
Cabin in the Sky-MGM. .2-15-43
Cabinet of Dr. Calagari
(German) -XX. .1940
Cabinet of Dr. Calagari if G
Cabiria •*• FN
Cactus Crandall if TRI. 8-11-18
Cactus Trail if FBO.. 1-23-27
Cada Loco Con Su Temal
(Spanish) -XX. .1939
Cadet Girl-F 11-21-41
Cadets of San Martin
(Spanish) -XX. .1939
Cadets on Parade-COL. .5-28-42
Cafe Hostess-COL ....1-11-40
Cafe in Cairo, A if PDC
Cafe Metropole-F 4-29-37
Cafe Society-PAR 2-8-39
Cage of Death if AGF.1929
Caillaux Case if F... 10-13-18
Calaboose -UA 8-5-43
Cain-PRI 1-17-32
Cain and Artem if AM. 6-8-30
Cain and Mabel-WA. . .10-19-36
Cairo-MGM 8-17-42
Cairo Cruise (Spanish) -XX
Caleb Piper's Girl if PAT
Calendar Girl if AMU. 10-25-17
Calgary Stampede if U. 10-11-25
Calibre .45 if IND 1924
Calibre .38 if FCH 1919
California if MGM 7-10-27
California if ARW 4-17-27
California Frontier-COL. 12-13-38
California Joe-REP 4-17-44
California Joe-REP 1943
California Mail if FN. 5-5-29
California or Bust if FBO. 1927
California Romance if F
California Straight Ahead if U
California Straight Ahead-U
California Trail-COL. .. .7-22-33
Calif ornian, The-F 7-7-37
Call, The-BES 3-29-38
Call a Messenger-U. . .11-16-39
Call Her Savage-F. .. 11-26-32
Call It a Day-WA 3-6-37
Call It Luck-F 7-10-34
Call Me Co-Ed-FD 1935
Call of Courage * U.. 9-6-25
Call of East * PAR. . .11-29-17
Call of Her People if M
Call of Home * FBO . . . 1-22-22
Call of the Canyon * PAR
Call of the Canyon-REP. 8-17-42
Call of the Circus-HPI. . 1-19-30
Call of the Cumberlands if
PAR. .2-3-16
Call of the Desert if SYN
Call of the Flesh-MGM
Call of the Heart if U . . . .1928
Call of the Hills if LBR
Call of the Jungle-
MOP. .8-28-44
Call of the Klondike if RA
Call of the Mate if GOL
Call of the Mesquiteers-REP
2 25-38
Call of the North if PAR
Call of the Prairie-PAR
Call of the Rockies-REP. .1944
Call of the Rockies if SYN
Call of the Rockies-COL
Call of the Soul if P.. 1-2-19
Call of the South Seas-
REP. .1944
Call of the West-COL. .6-1-30
Call of the Wild if PAT
Call of the Wild-UA.. 4-30-35
Call of the Wilderness if
AE.. 1-30-27
Call of the Yukon-REP. 4-16-38
Call of Youth * PAR.. 1921
Call Out the Marines-RKO . 1-6-42
Call to Arms (Russian) -AM
Callahans and the Murphys if
MGM. .7-24-27
Calling All Cars-EMP. .1-9-35
Calling All Husbands-WA
Calling All Marines-REP
Calling- Dr. Death-U 12-16-43
Calling Dr. Gillespie-
MGM. .6-17-42
Calling Dr. Kildaire-MGM
Calling of Dan Matthews, The-
COL. .1-25 36
Calling Philo Vance-WA
Calling Wild Bill Elliott-
REP 4-22-43
Calm Yourself-MGM 7-30-35
Calvary of a Wife (Spanish) -
XX. 1938
Calvert's Valley * F. . 10-8-22
Cambric Mask if VIT. .3-30-19
Cameo Kirby-F 2-9-30
Cameo Kirby ■*■ F... 10-21-23
Cameraman if MGM. . . .9-23-28
Cameron of the Royal
Mounted * HOD. .1-15-22
Camilla * FN 5-1-27
Camille • FHG 10-18-17
Camille if F 1917
Camille if M 9-11-21
Camille if WO 12-30-15
Camille-MGM 12-15-36
Camille of the Barbary Coast ir
AE.. 8-2-25
Camille of the Yukon ^r F
Caminos De Ayer (Spanish) -
XX. .1941
Camouflage Kiss if F. .4-25-18
Campbells Are Coming- if V
Campo De Maggio (Italian) -
NUO. .9-15 36
Campus Confessions-PAR
Campus Flirt if PAR.. 9-26-26
Campus Knights if CHE
Campus Rhythm-MOP. .10-6-43
Can a Woman Love Twice if
FBO. .3-4-23
Can This Be Dixie ?-F. 11-12 36
Canadian if PAR 12-5-26
Canal Zone-COL 1942
Canary Murder Case-PAR
Cancelled Debts if STE
Candlelight in Alg/eria-
F. .6-6-44
Candy Girl * PAT 5-10-17
Candy Kid •*• DAI 1928
Cannonball Express-WW
Can't Help Singing--U. . .12-18-44
G. p:
in preparation
Tom Breneman's
for United Artists Release
'Producer of
distributed thru RKO
Edward A. Golden, Chairman &.**^l
Sam Dembow, Jr., President
Robert S. Golden, Vice-Pres.
.yuifkte&i = CTiOfid
Cantor's Son, The ( Yiddish )-
ERO. .12-29-37
Canyon Hawks-BIF . . . 10-12-30
Canyon of Adventure it FN
Canyon City-REP 1943
Canyon of Light • F. . 12-19-26
Canyon of Missing Men it
SYN. .3-23-30
Canyon of the Foods it
FBO. .1-28-23
Capital Punishment * SCH
Capitol. The • PAT. . 12-21-19
Cap'n Dan it UA
Cappello A Tre Punte (Italian) -
NUO. .1936
Cappy Ricks * PAR. .. 8-28-21
Cappy Ricks Returns REP
9 10-35
Caprice * PAR 1913
Caprice of the Mountains *k F
Captain Alverez * VIT
Captain Applejack- WA. .4-19-31
Captain Blood * VIT.. 9-14-24
Captain Blood-FN ...12-19-35
Captain Calaraity-REG (Re-
viewed as "Captain Hurri-
cane") 4-17-36
Captain Careless it FBO
Captain Caution-UA .... 8-2-40
Captain Courtesy it PAR
Captain Cowboy it SYN
Captain Fly-By-Night it
FBO. .12-24-22
Captain Fury UA 5-8-39
Captain Grant's Children
(Russian) -AM. .1-23-39
Captain Hates the Sea-COL
Captain Hurricane-RKO
Captain Is a Lady-MGM
Captain January it PRI
Captain January-F ....3-17-36
Captain Jinks of the Horse
Marines it ES
Captain Kidd, Jr. it ART
Captain Kiddo • PAT
Captain Lash (S-SE)-F. 2-10-29
Captain Moonlight- ATL. .4-26-40
Captain of His Soul it TRI
Captain of the Grey Horse
Troop • VIT. .5-24-17
Captain of the Guard-U. 3-30-30
Captain Salvation it MGM
Captain Swagger (S-SE)-PAT
Captain Swift * VIT. 4-26-20
Captain Thunder-WA ..5-10-31
Captain's Captain it VIT
Captain's Kid, The-FN 1936
Captain's Kid, The-WA. 1-23-37
Captains Courageous-MGM
Captains of the Clouds-
WA. .1-20-42
Canterville Ghost, The-
MGM. .5-31-44
Captivating Mary Carstairs it
NF. .12-16-15
Captivation-CAP 9-27-31
Captive God it TRI. . .7-13-16
Captive Wild Woman-U. .5-10-43
Captured-WA 8-19-33
Captured in Chinatown-
SUO. .7-30 35
Car No. 99-PAR 2-23-35
Caravan-F 9-28-34
Cardboard Lover it MGM
Cardigan it AR 2-26-22
Cardinal Richelieu-UA. .3-26-35
Career Giii-PRC 1944
Career Girl-PRC 12-14-43
Career-RKO 7-12-39
Career of Catherine Bush it
PAR. .8-17-19
Career Woman-F ...11-24-36
Careers PT) -FN 5-26-29
Carefree-RKO 8-30-38
Careful, Soft Shoulders-
F. .8-12-42
Careless Age-FN 10-13-29
Careless Lady-F 4-17-32
Carmen ( Spanish) -AZ . . 6-26-40
Carmen-POP 1-17-32
Carmen • ES 6-1-16
Carmen it EAS 1928
Carmen it F 11-4-15
Carmen it PAR 11-4-15
Carmen of the Klondike it
SEX. .2-28-18
Carmen of the North it HAL
Carnation Kid (PT)-PAR
Carnet de Bal ( French )-
AFE. .1944
Carnevale di Venezia ( Italian )-
ESP. .1940
Carnival it UA 7-3-21
Carnival-COL 2-15-35
Carnival Boat-RKO ...3-27-32
Carnival Girl it AE 1926
Carnival in Vienna ( German )-
XX. .1939
Carnival Lady-GOS 11-29-33
Carnival of Crime it UFA
Carnival Queen-U 1937
Carolina-F 2-2-34
Carolina Blues-COL ...12-20-44
Carolina Moon-REP ...7-16-40
Carolyn of the Corners it PAT
Carson City Cyclone-REP. 6-1-43
Carson City Kid, The-REP
Caryl of the Mountains-REB
Casablanca-WA 11-27-42
Casanova Brown-RKO . . . 8-3-44
Casanova * MGM 1928
Casanova in Burlesque-
REP. .1-31-44
Cascarrabias-PAR ...10-31-33
Case Against Mrs Ames The-
PAR. .5-5-36
Case at Law, A -fr ETR
Case of Becky it PAR
Case of Becky it PAR
Case of Jonathan Drew it
LEE. .1928
Case of Lena Smith it PAR
Case of Sergeant Grischa-
RKO. .3-2-30
Case of the Black Cat, The-
FN. .12-28-36
Case of the Black Parrot, The-
WA. .1-13-41
Case of the Curious Bride-
FN. .4-4-35
Case of the Howling Dog-
WA. .10-17-34
Case of the Lucky Legs-
WA. .11-1-36
Case of the Missing Man-
COL. .11-22-35
Case of the Stuttering Bishop-
WA. .8-10-37
Case of the Velvet Claws, The
FN. .8-29-36
Casey at the Bat it FAT
Casey at the Bat it PAR
Casey Jones it RA... 2-12-28
Casino Murder Case-MGM
Cassidy it ETR 10-18-17
Cassidy of Bar 20-PAR. 2-9-38
Casta Diva (Italian) -CIL
Caste * VIT 7-26-17
Cast-Off, 8he it INC.. 3-7-18
Castelli In Aria (Italian) -
ESP. .1940
Castle in the Desert-F. . .2-4-42
Castle of Crimes-PRC 1944
Castle On the Hudson-WA
Castles for Two it PAR
Castles in the Air it M
Castles in the Air ( Spanish )-
XX. .1938
Cat and the Canary it U
Cat and the Canary, The-
PAR. .10-31-39
Cat and the Fiddle-MGM
Cat Creeps, The-U 10-26-30
Cat People-RKO 11-16-42
Cat's Pajamas it PAR.. 1926
Cat's Paw-F 7 30-34
Catch as Catch Can it LUM
Catch My Dust it F
Catch My Smoke-UA .. 12-31-22
Catherine the Great-UA. .2-2-34
Catspaw * EDK 1-2016
Cattle Raiders-COL 5-4-38
Cattle Thief. The-COL. . .5-26-36
Catwalk, The ( German )-
XX. .1938
Caucasian Love it AM. .12-8-29
Caught-PAR 10-4-31
Caught Bluffing it U.. 9-17-22
Caught Cheating-TIF . . 1-4-31
Caught in the Act it F
12 15-18
Caught in the Act-PRC
Caught in the Draft-PAR
5 29-41
Caught in the Fog (PT)-
WA. .12-9-28
Caught Plastered-RKO ..8-9-31
Caught Short-MGM 6-22-30
Cause for Divorce it SEZ
Cavalcade-F 1-7-33
Cacalcade of Faith-JEP. 1-10-41
Cavalcade of South America-
XX. .6-22-42
Cavalcade of the West-DIV
Cavalier, The (S-SE)-TIF
Cavalier of the West-ARC
Cavalry-REP 10-6-36
Cavalry, Attention! ( German )-
XX. .1938
Cavanaugh of the Forest Ran-
gers it VIT. .2-28-18
Cave Girl it FN 2-26-22
Cave Man it WA 3-7-26
Cavell Case it SE 1918
Caveman it VIT 12-2-16
Sound Services, Inc.
Cecilia of the Pink Roses it
GRA.. 5-26-18
Ceiling Zero-WA 12-24-36
Celoe ( Spanish ) -XX 4-18-36
Cemetery of the Eagles
(Spanish) XX. .1939
Central Park-FN 12-9-32
Century Daredevil it AGP
Certain Rich Man it HOD
Certain Rich Man it SEZ
Certain Young Man it MGM
Cette Vielle Canaille ( French )-
KIT. .1-15-35
Chad Hanna-F 12-18-40
Chain Invisible ■*• EQ.. 4-27-16
Chain Lightning it ARW
Chain Lightning + F. .9-18-27
Chained-MGM 8-31-34
Chains of Evidence it HAL
Chalice of Sorrows it BL
Chalk Marks it PDC. . .11-23-24
Challenge it AR 1922
Challenge * PAT 12-14-16
Challenge. The-FIA 10-5-39
Challenge Accepted it HOD
Challenge of Chance it WIL
Challenge of the Law it F
Chalutzim-XX 4-3-34
Chamber of Mystery it ARW
Chamber of Horrors-MOP
Champ, The-MGM 11-15-31
Champagne Charlie-AFE . . 1944
Champagne Charlie-F . .5-7-36
Champagne for Breakfast-COL
Champagne Waltz-PAR .2-5-37
Champion of Lost Causes it F
Champs-Elysees (French) -
TRN.. 3-2-39
Chance at Heaven-RKO . 12-23-33
Chances-FN 6-14-31
Chance of a Lifetime,
The-COL 1943
Chandu the Magician-F
Chang it PAR 4-17-27
Chang and the Law it PS ... .
Change of Heart-F 6-11-34
Change of Heart-F 3-15-38
Changing Husbands it PAR
Changing Women it VIT
Channel Crossing-GB. . . .6-24-34
Channing of the Northwest it
SEZ. .1922
Chapayev (Russian) -AM
Chaperon it ES 11-23-16
Chapter in Her Life it U
Charge It it EQU 6-29-21
Charge It to Me it PAT
Charge of the Gauchos it FBO
Charge of the Light Brigade.
The-WA. .10-20-36
Charity it XX 1928
Charity Castle it AMU
Charlatan, The (PIT)-U
Charlemagne-XX . . . .9-10-36
Charley's Aunt it COL. 12-28-30
Charley's Aunt it PDC. 2-15-25
Charley's Aunt-F 7-33-41
Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo-
F. .11-6-37
Charlie Chan at the Circus-F
Charlie Chan at the Olympics-F
Charlie Chan at the Opera-F
Charlie Chan at the Race Track-
F. .7-14-36
Charlie Chan at the Wax
Museum-F. .8-1-40
Charlie Chan at Treasure Island-
F.. 9-11-39
Charlie Chan Carries On-F
Charlie Chan in City in
Darkness-F. .12-20-39
Charlie Chan in Egypt-F
Charlie Chan in Honolulu-F
Charlie Chan in London-F
Charlie Chan in Panama-F
Charlie Chan in Paris-F
Charlie Chan in Reno-F
Charlie Chan in Rio-F
Charlie Chan in Shanghai-F
Charlie Chan in the Secret
Service-MOP. .1-19-44
Charlie Chan on Broadway-F
Charlie Chan's Chance-F
Charlie Chan's Courage-F
Charlie Chan's Greatest Case-
F.. 10-7-33
Charlie Chan's Murder Cruise-F
Charlie Chan's Secret-F
Charlie McCarthy, Detective-U
Charlotte * COM 11-29-17
Charlotte Loewenskold
( Swedish )-STP. .2-28-32
Charm of La Boheme ( German )-
XX. .1938
Charm School it PAR . . 1-9-21
Charmer it BL 8-30-17
Charmer * PAR 4-19-26
Charming Deceiver it VIT
Charming Deceiver-MAJ
Charming Sinners-PAR .7-14-29
Charter Pilot-F 12-23-40
Chase * FAB 7-8-23
Chaser it FN 4-15-28
Chaser, The-MGM 8-8-38
Chasing Danger-F 5-29-39
Chasing Rainbows it F
Chasing Rainbows-MGM
Chasing the Moon it F
Chasing Thru Europe (S-SE)-
F.. 9-22-29
Chasing Trouble it D
Chasing Troubles-MOP .1-26-40
Chasing Yesterday-RKO
Chasity * FN 5-4-24
Chattel it VIT 9-14-16
Chatterbox-REP 4-12-43
Chatterbox-RKO 1-23-36
Cheap Kisses it FBO... 1924
Cheaper to Marry it MG
Cheat it PAR 9-2-23
Cheat * PAR
Cheat, The-PAR
Cheated Love it U. .
Cheated Hearts it U.
. .12-4-21
Cheater it M
. .6-20-20
Cheater Reformed it
. .5-11-34
Cheaters it TIF
. .3-20-27
Cheaters at Play-F .
. .2-28-32
Cheating Blondes-CAP
. .5-20-33
Cheating Cheaters-U
. .12-4-34
Cheating Cheaters it
Cheating Cheaters it
Cheating Herself it F..1919
Cheating the Public it F
Chechahcos it AE 5-18-24
Check and Double Check-RKO
Checkered Flag it STE
Checkers it F 8-3-19
Checkers-F 12-8-37
Checkmate it BAM. . .6-31-17
Cheer Leader * LUM. .1-15-28
Cheer Up and Smile-F
Cheerful Fraud • U . . 12-12-26
Cheerful Givers it FAT
Cheers for Miss Bishop-UA
Cheers of the Crowd-REP
Chelsea 7750 * PAR... 1913
Cherie (French)-PAR ..6-14-31
Cherokee Kid * FBO. .11-13-27
Cherokee Strip-PAR. .. .11-6-40
Cherokee Strip-WA 1937
Chess Player, The it UNP
Chetniks-F 1-11-43
Cheyenne it FN 3-3-29
Cheyenne Cyclone-KET .1-10-32
Cheyenne Kid-MOP 1940
Cheyenne Kid-RKO 7-13-33
Cheyenne Roundup-U. . .4-12-43
Cheyenne Trails it AI...1928
Cheyenne Wildcat-REP ...1914
Chi E Piu Felice Di Me
(Italian) -XX.. 2-12-40
Chicago it PAT 1-1-28
Chicago After Midnight it FBO
Chicken a la King it F
Chicken Casey it INC
Chicken in the Case it SEZ
Chicken Wagon Family-F
Chickens it PAR 3-13-21
Chickie it FN 5-3-26
Chief, The-MGM 12-2-33
Child is Born, A-WA. . .1-16-40
Child for Sale it GRA. .3-28-20
Child of Destiny it CM . . 8-3-16
Child of Manhattan-COL
Child of M'sieu * TRI...1919
Child of Mystery it U
Child of the Paris Street *
FAT. .5-18-16
Child of the Wild * F 1917
Child Thou Gavest Me it FN
Childhood of Maxim Gorky
(Russian)-AM. .10-5-38
i i
SPfoduce/i = zrtomd
Children in the House if FAT
Children Must Laugh ( Polish )-
XX. .1938
Children Not Wanted * SEZ
Children of Banishment if SE
Children of Chance-BI. . 1-25-31
Children of Destiny * SEZ
Children of Divorce -fr PAR
Children of Dreams-WA
Children of Dust * FN. .6-10-23
Children of Jazz * PAR.. 1923
Children of Night if F
Children of No Importance if
NF. .4-8-28
Children of Pleasure-MGM
Children of the Feud if FAT
Children of the New Day if
AM. .7-6-30
Children of the Ritz (S-SE)-
FN. .4-7-29
Children of the Whirlwind if
ARW. .10-18-25
Children Pay if FAT. .. 12-7-16
Chimmie Fadden if PAR.. 1915
Chimmie Fadden Out West if
PAR. .12-2-15
China Bound ■*- MGM . . 7-21-29
China Clipper-FN 8-12-36
China Express if AM. . .3-16-30
China Girls-F 12-9-42
China-PAR 1943
China Passage-RKO ...4-16-37
China Seas-MGM 7-25-35
China Slaver * TPC...1929
Chinatown After Dark-ACT
Chinatown Charlie if FN
Chinatown Nights-PAR. . .4-7-29
Chinatown Sauad-U 5-31-35
Chinese Cat. The-MOP. . .4-3-44
Chinese Den (AT) if FIA
Chinese Parrott if V.... 1-8-28
Chinese Revolution (Chinese) -
XX. .1938
Chip of the Flying U-U
Chip of the Flying U ■*• U
Chip Off the Old Block-
U. .2-14-44
Chivalrous Charley if SEZ
Chocolate Soldier. The-MGM
Choosing a Wife if FN
Chorus Girl's Romance if M
Chorus Kid * GOT 4-15-28
Chorus Lady if PAR.. 10-2-15
Chorus Lady if PDC .. .2-28-25
Christian if VIT .1923
Christian if G 1-28-23
Christina (PT)-F 4-7-29
Christine of the Big Tops if
STE. .1926
Christine of the Hungry Heart if
FN. .10-26-24
Christmas Carol. A-MGM
Christmas Holiday-U ....6-7-44
Christmas in July-PAR
Christopher Bean-MGM . .
Christopher Strong-RKO
Christus * ARF 1928
Chu Chin Chow-GB ... .9-22-34
Chu Chin Chow if MG. .2-15-25
Chucho El Roto (Spanish) -
CIX. .12-5-34
Chump at Oxford, A-TJA
Church Mouse. The-FN
Ciboulette (French) -XX
Cieca Di Sorrento (Italian) -
NUO. .1936
Cielito Lindo (Spanish)-XX
Cigarette Girl * PAT. . .6-28-17
Cimarron-RKO 1-18-31
Cimzett Ismeretlen ( Hungarian )-
XX. .2-8-30
Cinderella Man if G
Cinderella if PAR 1914
Cinderella of the Hills if F
Cinderella Swings It-
RKO 1-21-43
Cinderella's Twin if M... 1-9-21
Cinema Murder if PAR. .1-25-20
Cipher Bureau-GN .... 10-26-38
Circe, The Enchantress if MG
Circle * MG 10-4-25
Circle of Death-SYN. .4-11-35
Circular Staircase if SED
Circumstantial Evidence if CHE
Circumstantial Evidence-CHE
Circus if UA 1-22-28
Circus Ace if F 6-19-27
Circus Clown-FN 6-13-34
Circus Cowboy if F... 4-27-24
Circus Cyclone if U . . . 8-23-25
Circus Days if FN. ... 7-22-23
Circus Girl-REP 2-24-37
Circus Jim if PS
Circus Kid (PT)-FBO .. 9-16-28
Circus Life (German) -XX. .1940
Circus Man if PAR 1914
Circus of Life if U 1917
Circus Queen Murder-COL
Circus Romance if EQ.. 2-3-16
Circus Rookies if MGM
Circus Shadows-PEE ..6-3-35
Cisco Kid-F 10-25-31
Cisco Kid and the Lady-F
Citadel, The-MGM . . . 10-25-38
Citadel of Crime-REP. .. 8-4-41
Citadel of Silence (French) -FIA
Citadel of Warsaw (German) -
XX. .1938
Cities and Years if AM
Citizen Kane-RKO ....4-11-41
City if CWD 1-20-16
City if F 11-21-26
City Crime (Chinese)-XX. .1938
City for Conquest-WA
City Girl (PT)-F 4-6-30
City Girl-F 12-29-37
City Gone Wild if PAR
City Lights * UA 2-15-31
City Limits-MOP 3-28-34
City Limits-MOP 9-25-41
City of Chance-F 1-25-40
City of Comrades if G
City of Dim Faces if PAR
City of Illusion if IV.. 4-11-16
City of Masks if PAR. 7-18-29
City of Missing Girls-SE
City of Purple Dreams if FIL
City of Purple Dreams if RA
City of Shadows if FBO
City of Silent Men if PAR
City of Silent Men-PRC. .9-3-42
City of Song ( German )-
WOD. .5-15-32
City of Tears if U 6-30-18
City of Temptation if
GOU. .9-8-29
City of Youth ( Russian )-
AM. .1938
City Park-CHE 7-6-34
City Sparrow if PAR.. 9-12-20
City Streets-PAR 4-19-31
City Streets-COL 7-29-38
City That Never Sleeps if
PAR. .10-5-24
City That Stopped Hitler-
Heroic Stalingrad-PAR. 9-1-43
City Without Jews if
AY. .1928
City Without Men-COL. . . . 1943
Civilian Clothes if
PAR. .11-28-20
Civilization if INC 6-8-16
Civilization if ( Re-issue) -
ATA. .8-16-31
Civilization's Child if
TRI. .4-20-16
Claim if M 4-11-18
Clairvoyant, The-GB 6-8-35
Clancy in Wall Street-
ARO. .3-16-30
Clancy's Kosher Wedding if
FBO. .8-21-27
Clancy Street Boys-MOP. 3-29-43
Clarence if PAR 10-22-22
Clarence-PAR 3-10-37
Clarion if EQW 2-17-16
Clash of the Wolves if
WA. .11-22-25
Classified if FN 10-11-25
Classmates if FN. ... 11-23-24
Claudine ( French ) -FRM . . 4-3-40
Claudia-F 8-19-43
Claw if SE 6-9-18
Claw if U 5-22-27
Claws of the Hun if
PAR. .7-7-18
Clay Dollars if SEZ. . 10-23-21
Clean Gun if RAL 1917
Clean Heart -*• VIT 9-28-24
Clean-TJp if EXP 3-24-29
Clean-Up * U 9-16-23
Clean-Up if BL 8-9-17
Clean Up Man if U 1928
Clear All Wires-MGM 3-4-33
Clear the Decks (PT)-U. .4-7-29
Clearing the Range-
CAP. .5-24-31
Clearing the Trail if
U. .10-14-28
Clemencia ( Spanish )-
XX. .8-22-35
Cleopatra-PAR 7-25-34
Cleopatra if F 10-18-17
Clever Mrs. Carfax if
PAR. .11-8-17
Climax, The-U 9-26-44
Climax, The-U 2-16-30
Climber if RAL 1917
Climbing High-F 6-7-39
Climbers if VIT 11-9-19
Climbers if WA 5-8-27
Clinging Vine if PDC. 8-8-26
Clipped Wings-TRC 5-4-38
Clive of India-UA 1-17-36
Clock •*• BL 4-5-1*
Clodhopper if TRI 6-28-17
Cloistered + BES 5-20-36
Close Call for Ellery Queen, A-
COL. .1942
Close Harmony-PAR. .. .4-14-29
Closed Doors * VIT. . 5-22-21
Closed Gates •*• STE 5-19-27
Closed Road -A PBA 4-2-16
Closln' In ■*■ TRI 6-23-18
Closing: Net * PAT. . .10-14-15
Clothes -A M 9-19-20
Clothes A- PAR 1920
Clothes Make the Pirate Ar
FN. .11-29-25
Clothes Make the Woman Ar
TIP. .6-24-28
Cloud • VAN 3-15-17
Cloud Dodger * U 11-18-28
Cloudburst * LBR 1922
Cloud Rider * FBO 1925
Clouded Name A" WO. . . .8-24-19
Clouded Name A" PGO.. 2-25-23
Clouds Over Europe-
COL. .6-19-39
Cloven Tongue -A PAT 1918
Clover's Rebellion Ar
VIT. .5-24-17
Clown + COL 1928
Clown A: PAR 6-22-16
Clown Georg-e A- AM .. 8-27-32
Clown Must Laugh. A-
GB. .10-17-38
Club De Femmes (French) -
MAB. .10-26-37
Clutch of Circumstances if
VIT. .8-25-18
Co Moj Maz Rebi W Nocy?
(Polish) -XX. .12-2-35
Coast Guard-COL 9-7-39
Coast of Folly * PAR. .9-13-25
Coast of Opportunity if
HOD. .12-19-20
Coast Patrol * BAR 1925
Coastal Command-RKO. .7-21-43
Coax Me A" WO 8-3-19
Cobra * PAR 12-13-25
Cobra Woman-U 6-16-44
Cock O' The Walk-
WW. .4-13-30
rock O' The Walk -A PAR. 1919
Cock of the Air-UA. ... 1-31-32
Cnckpved Cavaliers-RKO. .7-3-34
Cock-Eyed World-F 8-4-29
Cocktail Hour-COL 6-3-33
Cocoanut Grove-PAR. . .5-18-38
Cocoanuts, The-PAR .... 6-2-29
Code of Cow Country ir
PAT. .1927
Code of Honor-SYN. . .11-16-30
Code of Marcia Gray if
PAR. .3-16-16
Code of the Air if BIS. .12-16-28
Code of the Fearless-
SPE. .1-16-39
Code of the Mounted-
AMB. .6-31-35
Code of the Northwest if
AE. .1926
Code of the Outlaw-REP. .2-4-42
Colo of the Prairie-REP. . .1944
Code of the Range if
RA. .5-15-27
Code of the Rangers-
MOP.. 4-13-38
Code of the Scarlet if
FN. .7-15-28
Code of the Sea if PAR. .6-1-24
Code of the Secret Service-
WA. .6-23-39
Code of the Streets-U. . . . 1939
Code of the West A-
PAR. .4-26-25
Code of the West if
SYN. .7-27-30
Code of the Wilderness if
VIT. .7-6-24
Code of the Yukon if
SCR. .12-8-18
Cognasse ( French )-
PAR. .4-16-35
Cohens and Kellys * U. . .3-7-26
Cohens and Kellys in Africa-
U.. 12-21-30
Cohens and Kellys in Atlantic
City (PT)-U. .3-24-29
Cohens and Kellys In
Holly wood-U. .4-24-32
Cohens and Kellys in Paris if
U. .2-12-28
Cohens and Kellys in Scotland-
U.. 3-2-30
Cohens and Kellys in Trouble-
U.. 4-15-33
Coiffeur Pour Dames
(French) -PAR. .10-29-32
Coincidence if M 5-8-21
Cold Deck * INC 11-8-17
Cold Steel if RC 6-5-21
Colleen * F 9-11-27
Colleen-WA 3-6-36
Colleen of the Pines if
FBO. .7-9-22
College (German) -XX. .. .1939
College * UA 9-18-27
College Boob + FBO 8-22-26
College Coach-WB. .. .11-10-33
College Coquette-COL. .. .9-1-29
College Days A- TIF. . .10-24-26
College Girl ( German >-
XX. .1938
College Hero if COL. . .11-27-27
College Holiday-PAR. .12-19-36
College Humor-PAR. .. .6-14-33
College Love-U 8-11-29
College Lovers-FN. .. .11-30-30
College Orphan if U. . 10-21-15
College Rhythm-iPAR ..11-1 -34
College Scandal-PAR. . .7-12-35
College Swing-PAR 4-28-28
College Widow if WA..1 1-6-27
Collegiate-PAR 1-23-36
Colonel Bridau if ENT. . . .1919
Colonel's Wife if PAT
Colorado-RHP 9-3-40
Colorado A- TT 2-27-21
Colorado Kid-REP. . . . 12-11-37
Colorado Pluck A- F.... 5-8-21
Colorado Sunset-REP. ... 8-2-39
Colorado Trail-COL 11-9-38
Colt Comrades-UA 6-21-43
Combat ir PAT 10-9-27
Combat ir TT 2-14-26
Comhat ir VIT 9-21-16
Combat of the Matterhorn
(German)-XX. .1938
Come Across (PT) -U. .7-14-29
Come Again Smith ir
HOD. .1-26-19
Come and Get It it
RKO. .2-17-29
Come and Get, It-TJA . . .10-29-36
Come-Back. The if M. . 5-14-16
Come Closer, Folks-
COL. .11-24-36
Come Live With Me-
MGM. .1-30-41
Come On, Cowboys ir
ARW. .1924
Come On, Cowboys !-
REP. .5-21-37
Come on Danger-RKO. .2-16-33
Come on Danger-RKO. . 12-10-41
Come On In if PAR. .9-22-18
Come On, Leathernecks-
REP. .8-23-38
Come On Marines-PAR. .3-24-34
Come On Over -AG... .3-19-22
Come On Rangers-REP. 11-28-38
Come On Tarzan-WOW. .1-4-33
Come Out of the Kitchen A"
PAR. .5-25-19
Come Through if U 1925
Come to My House if F. .2-5-28
Comet Over Broadway-
WA. .12-23-38
Comin' 'Round the Mountain-
PAR.. 10-3-40
Comin' 'Round the Mountain-
REP ,3-31-36
Comin' Through the R/e ■A'
HEP. .12-14-2*
Coming An' Goinr Ar
ARC. .1926
Coming of Amos if
PDC . . 9-27-25
Coming of the Law -A
F. .5-18-19
Coming Out Party-F. .3-17-34
Coming Through Ar
PAR. . 2- 22-26
Command Performance-
TIF. .1-18-31
Commandos Strike at
Dawn-COL 12-18-42
Commercial Pirates Ar
ARW. .1919
Common Cause -A
VIT. .12-8-18
Common Clay-F 8-3-30
Common Clay A- PAT.. 1-26-19
Common Ground A"
PAR. .8-3-16
Common Law A- SEZ.. 11-4-23
Common Law-PAT 7-19-31
Common Level A- TRA .... 1 920
Common Property Ar D..1920
Common Sense Ar SEZ
Common Sin, The -A
SEZ. .1920
Companionate Marriage ^A
FN. .11-11-28
Compliments of Mr. Flow
(French) -HOB. .1941
Compromise A- WA ... .11-1-25
Compromised-BI 1-18-31
Comrade John -A PAT.... 1915
Comrade X-MGM 12-11-40
Comrades if FD 3-4-28
Comrades of 1918
(German) -TOB. .2-22-31
Comrades of the Sea
(German) -XX. .1939
Conceit A- SEZ 12-25-21
Concert A- G 2-27-21
Concentratin* Kid-U. . . .10-26-80
Concentration Camp
(Russian) -AM. .4-0-39
Condpmned-UA 11-10-29
Condemned to Death-
FD. .7-14-32
Condemned to Live-
CHE. .1935
Condemned Women-
RKO. .3-10-38
Condottiere (Italian) -
ESP. .1940
Conductor 1492 A- WA. .3-23-24
Coney Island A- FBO.. 2-26-28
Coney Island-F 5-25-43
Coney Island Prineest Ar
PAR. .12-7-16
Confession if F 6-16-19
Confession if FN 1920
Confession-WA 7-20-37
Confessions of Boston Blaekie-
COL. .12-17 41
Confessions of a Cheat-
GAL. .1942
Confessions of a Co-ed-
PAR. .6-21-31
Confessions of a Nazi Spy-
WA. .4-28-39
Confessions of a Queen -A
MG. .3-29 25
Confessions of a Wife Ar
EXP. .3-24-29
Confetti A- FN 1928
Confidence -A U 9-24-22
Confidence Man A"
PAR. .4-20-24
Confidential-MAP 10-17-36
Confirm or Deny-F. ... 11-19-41
Conflict -A U 10-30-21
Conflict -A VIT 7-6-16
Conflict-U 11-28-36
Congo Maisie-MGM. .. .1-18-40
Congorilla-F 7-20-32
Congress Dances-UA. ... 5-15-32
Connecticut Yankee. A-
F. .4-12-31
Connecticut Yankee at King
Arthur's Court if F. .2-6-21
Conquered Hearts * KES..1918
Conquering Horde-PAB. .3-20-31
Conquering Power if M. .7-10-21
Conquering the Woman if
AE. .12-17-28
Conqueror if TBI 1-6-16
Conqueror if F 10-26-17
Conqueror*, The-BKO. .11-19-32
Conqueror! of the Arctic if
AM.. 11-29-37
Conquerors of the Nlght-
AM. .8-1-33
Conquest- WA 2-17-29
Conquest-MGM 10-26-37
Conquest of Canaan if
FBO. .10-5-16
Conquest of Canaan if
PAB. .7-17-21
Conquest of the Holy Land it
OP.. 8-26-29
Conquests of Peter the Great
(Russian) -AM. .1930
Conrad in Quest of Hie Touth if
PAB.. 11-14-20
Conscience if F 1817
Conscience of John David if
HMU. .4-27-16
Consolation Marriage*
BKO. .11-1 31
Conspiracy if PAB 1914
Conspiracy-BKO 9-6-39
Conspirators, The-WA .10-17-44
Constant Nymph if
BIG. .7-21-29
Constant Nymph, The-
WA. . 6-30-43
Constant Nymph-F 4-7-34
Constant Woman-WOW. .5-23-23
Contender, The-PRC ...5-10-44
Content if SEZ 1920
Continental Express-M OP. 4-9-42
Contra La Corriente
(Spanish) -XX3-12-36
Contraband if PAB. .. .3-29-25
Contrast if LAB 6-5-21
Convention City-FN 12-14-33
Convention Girl-FD. .. .5-14-35
Convict 993 if PAT. .12-20-17
Convict 13 if M 1920
Convict's Code, The-
STN.. 10-6-30
Convict's Code-MOP 1939
Convicted-ABC 10-4-31
Convicted-COL 8-24-38
Convicted Woman-COL. .3-8-40
Convicts at Large-
PBI.. 12-23-38
Convoy if FN 5-16-27
Convoy-BKO 1-8-41
Cook of Canyon Camp if
PAB.. 7-19-17
Co-Optimiste, The-EBA. .3-9-30
Cop if PAT 9-9-28
Copperhead if PAB 2-16-20
Coquette-TJA 4-14-29
Coquille et le Clergyman if
Cora if M 1915
Corazon Bandelero (Spanish) -
XX. .3-6-35
Corazones en Derrota-
XX. .10-11-34
Cordelia the Magnificent if
M. .5-20-23
Co-Respondent if U 1917
Corner if TRI 12-16-15
Corner Grocer if PAR. .10-11-17
Corner in Cotton if M.. 3-9-16
Cornered if WA 10-19-24
Cornered-COL 2-1-33
Coronado-PAR 12-19-35
Corporal Jim's Ward if
PS. 1921
Corporal Kate if PDC . . 12-26-26
Corpse Vanishes, The-
MOP. .4-16-42
Corregidor-PRC 3-25-43
Corruption-IML 6-21-33
Corsair-UA 11-22-31
Corsican Brothers •*■
UNI.. 12-28-19
Corsican Brother*, The-
UA.. 12-19-41
Corte D-Assise (Italian) -
rpp? 10-4-31
Corvette K-225-U .' .9-27-43
Cuti E La Vita (Italian; -
THL. .11-8-31
Cossack Whip if EKE. .11-16-16
Cossacks if MGM 7-1-28
Cossacks in Exile-
(Ukranian)-AV. .2-2-39
Cossacks ol the Don (S-SE)-
AM. .3-20-32
Cosmo Jones-Crime
SmasheiyMOP 2-18-43
(Reviewed as "Crime Smasher")
Cost if PAR 4-18-20
Cost of Hatred if
PAR. .4-19-17
Costello Case-WW 10-19-30
Cotton and Cattle if
WES. .1921
Cotton King if WO 9-9-16
Cougar, the King Killer
(S-SE)-SNO. .5-23-33
Counsel for Crime-
COL. .10-18-37
Counsel for the Defense if
AE. .1-17-26
Counsellor at Law-U. .11-28-33
Count of Brechard (Italian) -
XX.. 1940
Count of Luxembourg if
CHA.. 2-14-26
Count of Monte Cristo-
UA.. 8-29-34
Count of Monte Cristo if
PAR . . 1913
Count of Ten if V 3-18-28
Counter Espionage-COL. . . .1942
Counterfeit-COL 6-6-36
Counterfeit if PAR 11-30-19
Counterfeit Lady-COL. .1-12-37
Counterfeit Love if
PGO . . 6-24-23
Countess Charming if
PAR . . 9-27-17
Countess of Monte Cristo-
U.. 3-31-34
Countess Parma (Italian) -
XX. .1938
Country Beyond if F.. 10-24-2 6
Country Beyond, The-F. .4-7-36
Country Chairman if PAR. .1914
Country Cousin if
SEZ.. 12-14-19
Country Doctor if PDC. .9-11-27
Country Doctor. The-F .. 3-2-26
Country Bride ( Russian) -
AM.. 6-8-38
Country Fair-REP 6-9-41
Country Flapper if PS. .9-13-22
Country Gentlemen-
REP. .10-24-36
Country God Forgot if
KES.. 10-5-16
Country Kid, The if
WA.. 11-4-23
Country Mouse if PAR... 1914
County Chairman, The-
F.. 1-3-35
County Fair-MOP 5-1-32
County Fair * PI 1-23-21
County Fair-MOP 11-17-37
Courage if FN 6-19-21
Courage-WA 6-25-30
Courage for Two if
WO. .2-9-19
Courage of Commonplace if
PFT. .11-22-17
Courage of Marge O'Doone if
VIT. .6-6-20
Courage of Silence if
VIT. .2-8-17
Courage of the North-FD. .1935
Courage of the West-U. 12-10-37
Courageous Avenger- Mlh
SUM. .11-30-35^
Courageous Coward if f-
Courageous Coward if
SAB . . 1924
Courageous Dr. Christian-
RKO. .3-26-40
Courageous Mr. Penn-HOB. 1944
Courier of Lyons (French) -
PAX. .6-8-38
Court Martial if COL. .10-28-28
Court Martialed if U....1915
Courtesan if AMU. .. .5-25-16
Courtin' Wildcats-U .... 12-22-39
Courtship of Andy Hardy, The-
MGM. .2-11-42
Courtship of Miles Standish if
AE. .11-4-23
Cousin Kate if VIT 1921
Cover Girl-COL 3-7-44
Covered Trailer, The-
REP. .11-16-39
Covered Wagon if PAR. .3-25-23
Covered Wagon Days-
REP. .5-9-40
Covered Wagon Trails-
MOP. .5-9-40
Covered Wagon Trails if
SYN. .5-18-30
Coward if FBO 8-28-27
Coward if TRI 10-7-15
Cowardice Court if F....1919
Cowboy and the Bandit-
FD. .1936
Cowboy and the Blonde, The-
F. .4-23-41
Cowboy and the Countess if
F. .2-7-26
Cowboy and the Kid, The-
U. .6-2-36
Cowboy and the Lady if
PAR. .11-12-22
Cowboy and the Lady, The-
UA. .11-11-38
Cowboy and the Outlaw, The if
SYN. .2-23-30
Cowboy and the Senorita,
The-REP. .4-5-44
Cowboy Cavalier if
PAT. .1-29-28
Cowboy Commandos-
MOP 7-12-43
Cowboy Canteen-COL 1944
Cowboy Counsellor- ALL .2-1-33
Cowboy Courage if AY. . . .1926
Cowboy from Brooklyn-
WA. .6-14-38
Cowboy from Lonesome
River-COL. .1944
Cowboy from Sundown-
MOP. .1940
Cowboy in Manhattan-U. 4-12-43
Cowboy in the Clouds-
COL 1943
Cowboy Holiday -BE 12-26-34
Cowboy Kid if F 7-15-28
Cowboy Millionaire, The-
F. .4-25-35
Cowboy Musketeer if
FBO. .12-20-25
Cowboy Quarterback-
WA. .12-15-39
Cowboy Serenade-REP . . 1-21-42
Cowboys from Texas-
REP. .12-5-39
Coyote Fangs •*■ FW 9-28-24
Coyote Trails-COE 1935
Crab if INC 1-18-27
Crack O' Dawn if RA. .10-18-25
Crack-Up-F 12-14-36
Cracked NuU-RKO 4-5-31
Cracked Nuts-TJ 1941
Crackerjack if EC 5-24-25
Cradle if PAR 3-26-22
Cradle Buster if AR. . . .5-28-22
Cradle of Courage if
PAR. .9-26-20
Cradle Snatchers if F . . 6-12-27
Cradle Song-PAR 11-18-33
Craig's Wife ■*• PAT.. 8-26-28
Craig's Wife-COL 10-2-36
Crainquebille-DDW ....12-11-34
Crash, The-FN 9-9-32
Crash, The if FN. ... 11-11-28
Crash Dive-F 4-22-43
Crash Donovan-U 8-11-36
Crashin' Thru * FBO 4-1-23
Crashin' Thru Danger-
EXA. .11-11-38
Crashing- Hollywood-
RKO. .1-8-38
Crashing- Through if
PAT. .2-5-28
Crashing Through to Berlin if
U. .8-18-18
Crashing Thru-MOP. .. 12-28-39
Craven * BOL 1922
Craving * HOP 9-29-18
Craving * AMU 3-2-16
Crazy House-U 10-15-43
Crazy Knights-MOP 1H44
Crazy That Way-F ... .4-27-30
Crazy to Marry * PAR. .8-7-21
Creaking Stairs if U.... 2-2-19
Cricket -*• BUT 11-29-17
Cricket on the Hearth if
SEZ. .1923
Crime Afloat-TRC 11-9-38
Crime and Punishment if
PAT. .2-15-17
Crime and Punishment if
GOU. .4-28-29
Crime and Punishment-
COL. .11-22-35
Crime by Night-WA .... 7-27-44
Crime Doctor-COL 9-12-43
Crime Doctor-RKO 3-14-34
Crime Doctor's Strangest
Case-COL 1943
Crime et Chatiment
(French)-LEN. .11-14-35
Crime Nobody Saw, The-
PAR. .4-8-37
Crime of Dr. Crespi, The-
REP. .9-24-35
Crime of Dr. Forbes, The-
F. .6-16-36
"Crime" of Dr. Hallet-
U. .3-24-38
Crime of Helen Stanley-
COL. .7-3-34
Crime of the Century-
PAR. .2-18-33
Crime on the Hill-BI. . 10-13-34
Crime Over London-GB. . 8-3-38
Crime Patrol, The-
EMP. .5-13-36
Crime Ring-RKO 7-27-38
Crime School-WA 5-11-38
Crime Smasher-See Cosmo
Jones-Crime Smasher
Crime Takes a Holiday-
COL. .5-9-38
Crime Without Passion-
PAR. .8-18-34
Criminal, The if INC. . 10-26-16
Criminal at Large-
HEL. .12-20-33
Criminal Code-COL 1-4-31
Criminal Investigator-MOP. 1942
Criminal Lawyer-RKO. . 1-28-37
Criminal Within, See
"Murder at Glen A.thol"
Criminals of the Air-
COL. .11-1-37
Criminals Within-PRC. . . . 1941
Crimson Canyon if U. . 12-9-28
Crimson Challenge if
PAR. .4-23-22
Crimson Circle, The (PT)-
ERA. .2-9-30
Crimson Circle, The-
DUW. .12-30-36
Crimson City (S-SE)-
WA. .4-22-28
Crimson Clue * CC 1923
Crimson Cross if PI 1922
Crimson Dove * PRW. . 6-7-17
Crimson Gardenia if G. .6-15-19
Crimson Romance-
MAP. .9-26-34
Crimson Runner if
PDC. .6-7-25
Crimson Shoals if
Mon. .10-26-19
Crimson Stain Mystery if
CON. .8-24-16
Crimson Trail, The-U 2-8-35
Crinoline and Romance if
M. .1-28-23
Crippled Hand * BL. .4-20-16
Crisis * SEL 10-5-16
Crisis ( S-SE ) -MAB 3-20-39
Crisis Mundial ( Spanish )-
XX. .2-18-37
Critical Age * HOD 5-6-23
Crook of Dreams if
WO. .2-23-19
Crooked Alley * U 12-2-23
Crooked Circle, The-
WW. .9-23-32
Crooked Road, The-
REP. .5-15-40
Crooked Romance if
PAT. .9-27-17
Crooked Straight if
PAR. .11-2-19
Crooked Streets if PAR. .8-1-20
Crooks Can't Win if
FBO. .6-3-28
Crooky if VIT
Crooner-FN 8-6-32
Crosby Case-U 3-23-34
Cross-Bearer if PWO. . . .4-18-18
Cross-Country Romance-
RKO. .6-28-40
Cross Breed if BIS 10-16-27
Cross Country Cruise-U. . 1-10-34
Cross Currents if FAT.. 12-9-15
Cross Examination-
ARC. .2-14-32
Cross of Lorraine, The-
MGM 11-12-43
Cross Roads * SMI 1923
Cross Roads of New Tork if
FN. .5-28-22
Cross Streets-CHE 7-6-34
Crossed Signals if RA....1926
Crossed Trails * IND. . 4-20-24
Crossed Wires •£• U.... 5-20-23
Crossfire-RKO 8-15-33
Crossing Trails if APH. . . .1922
Crossroads ( French) -
THN. .3-21-39
Crossroads-MGM 6-24-42
Crossroads of Love if
HM. .1928
Crouching Beast, The-
OLM. .3-22-36
Crowd if MGM 2-26-28
Crowd Roars, The-WA. .3-27-32
Crowd Roars, The-MGM .. 8-2-38
Crowded Hour ■*■ PAR.. 5-3-25
Crown Jewels if TRI. . 12-22-18
Crown of Lies if PAR. .4-11-26
Crown of Thorns-XX. . . .3-30-34
Crown Prince's Double if
VIT. .1-6-16
Crow's Nest ■*• AY 1922
Crucial Test * BRA 7-6-16
Crucible if PAR 1914
Cruel Truth if STE .... 8-14-27
Cruise of the Hellion if
RA. .9-18-27
Cruise of the Jasper B if
PDC. .1926
Cruise of the Makebelieve if
PAR. .9-8-18
Crusader if F 1923
Crusader, The-MAJ. ... 10-5-32
Crusades, The-PAR 8-5-35
Cruz Diablo-COL 4-10-35
Cruz Diablo ( Spanish )-
COL. .1938
Cry of the Weak if
PAT. .4-20-19
Cry of the Werewolf-
COL. .8-23-44
Cry of the World-F 5-8-32
Cry Havoe-MGM 11-9-43
Crystal Ball, The-UA. .. 1-20-43
Crystal Cup if FN 10-9-27
Crystal Gazer if PAR.. 9-20-17
Csak Ecy Kislany
(Hungarian) -ERA. .3-27-32
Csak Egy Ejszaka
(Hungarian) -XX. .3-19-36
Cuando Canta La Ley
(Spanish) -PAR. .6-5-39
Cub Reporter if GOL. . 9-24-22
Cuban Love Song-MGM . .12-6-31
Cuckoos, The-RKO. .. .4-27-30
Cuesta Abajo-PAR 7-18-34
Cumberland Romance if
REA. .8-15-20
Cuore Napoletano (Italian) -
ESP. .1940
Cup of Fury if G 4-11-20
Cup of Life if AE 9-11-21
Cupid by Proxy if
PAT. .7-14-18
Cupid Forcloses if VIT.. 7-6-19
Cupid, the Cowpuncher if
G. .8-1-20
Cupid's Brand if ARW 1921
Cupid's Fireman if F. .12-10-23
Cupid's Round-up * F. . . .1918
Curly Top if F 1925
Curse of the Cat People,
The-RKO. .2-21-44
Curse of Drink if APO . . 9-3-22
Curse of Eve if COR. .10-18-17
Curse of Iku * ES ... .3-28-18
Curtain if FN 10-10-20
Curtain at Eight-MAJ. . .2-1-34
Curtain Call-RKO 4-10-40
Curtain Falls-CHE 10-2-34
Custard Cup * F 1-21-23
Cy Wittaker's Ward if
KES. .1917
Cycle of Fate if SEL. . . .4-6-16
Cyclone if F 1-18-20
Cyclone Bliss if ARW 1921
Cyclone Cavalier if RA. .10-4-25
Cyclone Cowboy if
PAT. .1-16-27
Cyclone Jones if AT.. 9-30-23
Cyclone Kid-BIF 12-22-31
Cyclone Kid. The-REP. . 8-10-42
Cyclone of Higgins, D.D. if
M.. 5-19-18
Cyclone of the Range if
FBO. .5-1-27
Cyclone of the Saddle-
FD. .1935
Cyclone on Horseback-
RKO. .1941
Cyclone Prairie Rangers-
COL. .1944
Cyclone Ranger-SPE .... 3-20-35
Cyclone Rider if F.... 10-5-24
Cynara-UA 11-12-32
Cynthia of the Minute if
HOD. .7-11-20
Cyrano De Bergerac if
ATL. .7-19-25
Cytherea if FN 4-20-24
Czar Ivan, the Terrible if
XX. .1928
Czar of Broadway-U. . . .6-29-30
Czar Wants to Sleep-
AM. .12-11-34
Czardos: Ihre Tollste Nacht
( German ) -XX .. 6-24-37
Czarina Commands, The
(Russian) -KIT. .1935
Dad's Girl if SEZ 1920
Daddies * WA 2-17-24
Daddy if FN 3-11-23
Daddy Long Legs if
FN. .5-18-19
Daddy Long Legs-F .... 6-7-31
Daddy's Girl * PAT 2-21-18
Daddy's Gone A'Hunting if
MG. .3-8-25
Daddy's Love if KLU 1922
Daggerwoman if PAT... 5-2-1 8
Damaged Goods if
BEN. .9-30-15
Damaged Goods-GN. ... 6-24-37
Damaged Hearts -fc
FBO. .1924
Damaged Love-WW. ... 1-25-31
You'll see.
This way
please _».
Next Companies 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.
Next Companies 5, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0.
M-G-M: 6 OUT OF 12
Next Companies: A, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.
And in Other Trade Surveys
IN FAME (Quigley Publications):
M-G-M Tops Box-office Champs
M-G-M Tops Stars of Tomorrow
M-G-M Tops in "Top Hits/' Stars, New Stars.
M-G-M: 5 OUT OF "10 BEST" IN
Next Companies: 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.
Thanks from our hearts to all (
who voted M-G-M Leader again.
Combining good pictures with
Friendly dealings makes the
gay Lion a popular Champ.
Here are just a few of the pictures
which won him the Laurels of
Leadership in the past year:
Leadership in 1945 is right below!
Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn,
Lucille Ball
Ed. G. Robinson, Margaret O'Brien,
James Craig,
Jackie "Butch" Jenkins
Lana Turner, Laraine Day,
Susan Peters
George Sanders, Hurd Hatfield,
Donna Reed
In Technicolor
Elizabeth Taylor, Frank Morgan
and Lassie
Greer Garson, Gregory Peck,
Donald Crisp, Lionel Barrymore
Judy Garland. Robert Walker
o In Technicolor
Van Johnson, Esther Williams,
Lauritz Melchior, Tommy Dorsey
and his Orchestra, Frances Gifford
Ginger Rogers, Lana Turner,
Walter Pidgeon, Van Johnson,
Xavier Cugat
In Technicolor
Fred Astaire, Lucille Ball, Lucille
Bremer, Fanny Brice, Judy Garland.
Kathryn Grayson, Lena Home,
Gene Kelly, James Melton, Victor
Moore, William Powell, Red
Skelton, Esther Williams
In Technicolor
Peter Lawford, Donald Crisp,
Lassie and Laddie
In Technicolor
Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson.
Gene Kelly, Jose Iturbi
Hedy Lamarr, Robert Walker,
June Allyson
Robert Donat, Deborah Kerr
In Technicolor
Van Johnson, Esther Williams,
Lucille Ball
In Technicolor
Judy Garland, John Hodiak,
Ray Bolger, Virginia O'Brien,
Angela Lansbury,
Marjorie Main, Chill Wills
In Technicolor
Fred Astaire, Lucille Bremer,
Frank Morgan
Robert Montgomery, John Wayne
Damaged Souls (S-SE)-
PWP. .1929
Dame Chance * ACI. . 10-24-26
Dame De Pique (French) -
LEN. .1939
Dame/-WA 8-16-34
Dames Ahoy-U 3-30-30
Damocles if PS
Damon and Pythias if U. .1915
Damsel in Distress if
PAT. .10-19-19
Damsel in Distress, A-
RKO. .11-20-37
Dance Band-ALL 6-6-35
Dance, Charlie, Dance-
WA. .8-27-37
Dance Fever * UFA.. 9-23-28
Dance, Fools, Dance-
MGM. .2-1-31
Dance, Girl, Dance-
RKO. .8-28-40
Dance, Girl, Dance-
INV. .12-26-33
Dance Hall-RKO 12-22-29
Dance Hall-F 7-9-41
Dance Hall Hostess-
MAF. .8-26-33
Dance Madness -fc
MGM. .2-7-26
Dance Magic * FN 7-31-27
Dance of Life-PAR 8-25-29
Dance Team-F 1-3-32
Dancer of Barcelona if
CUR. .10-6-29
Dancer of Paris if FN.. 4-4-26
Dancer of the Nile if
FBO 11-18-23
Dancer's Peril if PBW. .3-8-17
Dancer's Romance if ARW. ...
Dancers, The-FN 11-16-30
Dancers, The * F 1-18-25
Dancers, in the Dark-
PAR. .3-20-32
Dancin' Fool if PAR... 5-9-20
Dancing- Cheat if U. .. .4-20-24
Dancing Co-ed-MGM . . . 10-13-39
Dancing- Days if PRE . . 9-19-26
Dancing- Dynamite-CAP. . 8-16-31
Dancing Feet-REP 1-20-36
Dancing- in Manhattan-COL. 1944
Dancing- Lady-MGM .... 12-2-33
Dancing Man-PYM 7-14-34
Dancing Masters, The-F 10-27-43
Dancing Mothers if *
PAR. .2-28-26
Dancing On a Dime-
PAR. .1-31-41
Dancing Pirate-RKO .... 5-8-36
Dancing Sweeties-WA .. 8-17-30
Dancing Vienna-FN. .. .2-24-29
Danger if ELF 1923
Danger Ahead-MOP 7-3-40
Danger Ahead if GOL . . 9-30-23
Danger Ahead * U 7-21-21
Danger Ahead-VIC 7-19-35
Danger Flight-MOP. ... 11-10-39
Danger Game if G 4-25-18
Danger Girl if PDC 1-31-26
Danger, Go Slow if U. . 12-8-18
Danger in the Pacific-U. . 8-6-42
Danger Lights (AT)-
RKO. .12-14-30
Danger Line if FBO. . . .5-18-24
Danger — Love at Work-
F. .9-30-37
Danger Man if COS 4-27-30
Danger Mark if ART.. 7-14-18
Danger on the Air-U. .6-29-38
Danger On Wheels-U. . . .4-16-40
Danger Path if U
Danger Patrol if RA 1928
Danger Patrol-RKO. . . .11-27-37
Danger Quest if RA 1926
Danger Rider if U.... 12-2-28
Danger Signal if
EDK 11-25-15
Danger Signal if COL.. 8-9-25
Danger Street if FBO.. 10-7-28
Danger Trail if RAL 1928
Danger Trail * SEL 5-10-17
Danger Trail-FD 1935
Danger Valley if IND 1921
Danger Valley-MOP 1937
Danger Within if BL. . . .5-2-18
Danger ! Women at Work-
PRC 7-13-43
Danger Zone if F 1-19-19
Dangerous-WA 12-6-35
Dangerous Adventure if
WA. .1922
Dangerous Adventure, A-
COL. .1937
Dangerous Affair if HAL.. 1920
Dangerous Affair, A-
COL. .11-29-31
Dangerous Age * FN 2-4-23
Dangerous Blond if U.. 5-11-24
Danger Blondes-COL 1943
Dangerous Business if
FN. .12-5-20
Dangerous Corner-RKO. .12-4-34
Dangerous Coward if
FBO. .6-1-24
Dangerous Crossing
(German) -UFA. .1938
Dangerous Curve Ahead if
G. .10-9-21
Dangerous Curves-PAR. .7-21-29
Dangerous Days * G. .3-21-20
Dangerous Dub * AE....1926
Dangerous Dude •* RA . .8-29-26
Dangerous Flirt if FBO. . .1924
Dangerous Friends if
STE. .11-7-26
Dangerous Game if U....1923
Dangerous Game, A-U. . .3-13-41
Dangerous Holiday-
REP. .6-25-37
Dangerous Hours if
PAR. .2-8-20
Dangerous Innocence if
U.. 3-15-25
Dangerous Intrig\ie-
COL. .1-18-36
Dangerous Journey-F ..8-21-44
Dangerous Lady-PRC. . .10-13-41
Dangerous Lies if PAR.. 1921
Dangerous Little Demon if
U. .3-12-22
Dangerous Love if CBC...1921
Dangerous Maid if
FN. .12-16-23
Dangerous Moment if
U. .4-10-21
Dangerous Money if
PAR. .10-19-24
Dangerous Nan McGrew-
PAR. .6-22-30
Dangerous Number-
MGM. .1-27-37
Dangerous Secrets-GN. . 10-27-38
Dangerous Paradise-PAR. 2-16-30
Dangerous Passage-
PAR. .12-18-44
Dangerous Paradise if
SEZ. .10-24-20
Dangerous Pastime if EAS
Dangerous Paths if ARW. .1921
Dangerous Talent if PAT
Dangerous To Know-PAR
Dangerous Men if M... 4-18-20
Dangerous Traffic if GOO. 1926
Dangerous Trails if AMB. 4-6-24
Dangerous Virtue if LBR
Dangerous Waters if MT
Dangerous Waters-U . . . 1-23-36
Dangerous Woman-PAR .5-26-29
Dangerously They Live-WA
Dangerously Yours-F . . 2-24-33
Dangerously Yours-F ..9-21-37
Dangers of the Arctic-EXO
Daniel Boone-RKO ....9-22-36
Daniel Boone Thru the Wilder-
ness if SU. .1926
Dante's Inferno if F. . .10-12-24
Dante's Inferno-F 8-1-35
Danton (German) -CAP .9-13-31
Daphne and the Pirate if
FAT. .2-24-16
Daredevil * F 3-14-20
Daredevil if EXI 1920
Daredevil Kate if F. . . 8-24-16
Daredevil Drivers, The-WA
Daredevil's Reward if F
Daring Chances if U. . . .8-31-24
Daring Danger • AR 1922
Daring Danger-COL ....7-27-32
Daring Daughters-CAP . .3-25-33
Daring Deeds if RA 1927
Daring Hearts if VIT. . 7-27-19
Daring Love if TRU ... 6-29-24
Daring Years * EQU.. 12-9-23
Daring of Diana * VIT. 7-27-16
Daring Young Man, The-F
Daring Youth if PRI. . 5-18-24
Daring Young Man, The-
COL. .1942
Dark Angel * FN 10-18-25
Dark Angel, The-UA .. .8-30-35
Dark Command-REP ....4-5-40
Dark Eyes (French) -KAS
Dark Hazard-FN 2-23-34
Dark Horse-FN 6-11-32
Dark Hour, The-CHE . . 8-31-36
Dark Journey-UA 8-24-37
Dark Lantern if REA . . . 8-8-20
Dark Mirror if PAR... 1920
Dark Mountain-PAR ....9-6-44
Dark Rapture- U 10-11-38
Dark Red Roses-INT. . .3-23-30
Dark Road if INC 3-22-17
Dark Sands-REH 7-22-38
Dark Secrets if PAR.. 1-28-23
Dark Silence if PWO. . 9-21-16
Dark Skies-CAP 12-15-29
Dark Stairways if U.. 6-22-24
Dark Star if PAR 8-24-19
Dark Streets-FN 10-13-29
Dark Streets of Cairo-U. 12-4-40
Dark Swan if WA 12-7-24
Dark Victory-WA ....3-17-39
Dark Waters-UA 10-31-44
Darkened Rooms-PAR .... 1929
Darkened Skies-BIL 1930
Darkest Africa-REP .... 1936
Darkest Hour if VIT... 1920
Darkest Russia if PBW. .4-26-17
Darkness and Daylight if BAN
Darling Mine if SEZ 1921
Darling of New York if U
Darling of Paris if F.. 2-15-17
Darling of the Rich if SEZ
Daro' Un Milione (Italian) -XX
D'Artagnan if FAT. .. .2-10-16
Darwin Was Right if F
Das Alte Lied ( Germ an) -
KAU. .9-13-33
Das Blaue vom Himmel-DAN
Das Cabinet des Dr. Larifari
( German ) -SCN . . 9-13-31
Das Einmaliens Der Liebe
(German) -XX. .1-4-37
Das Ekel (German) -UFA
Das Erbe in Pretoria ( German )-
BAU. .4-21-36
Das Floetenkonzert Von Sans-
Souci (German) -UFA
Das Freundin ELues Groeaen
Mannes-UFA . . 9-18 34
Das Gaesschen Zum Paradlea
( German )-AMT. .8-27-27
Das Hofkonzert (German) -
UFA. .3-30 37
Dae Lied let Aus ( German) -
ASS. .1-31-32
Das Lied vom Glueck ( German )-
XX.. 1935
Das Lied Vom Leben ( German )-
TOB. .10-18-31
Das Lockende Ziel-XX 1933
Das Maedchen Irene (German)-
UFA . . 6-1-37
Das Maedchen Johanna (Ger-
man)-UFA. .10-9-35
Das Maedel von der Reep-
erbahn ( German )-TPE
Das Nachtigall Maedel (Ger-
man)-CAP. .1-28-33
Das Rheinlandmaedel (German) -
CAP. .9-20-31
Das Schicksal der Renate
Langen-XX. .11-6-33
Dai Schloss Im Flandem
( German) -AMT. .8-18-37
Das Schloss Im Sueden
(German) -UFA. .2-26-36
Das Schoene Abenteur
(German) -UFA . . 12-10-32
Das Schweigen In Walde
(German) -UFA. .12-16-37
Das Spiel Im Sommerwind
(German) -UFA. .1930
Das Testament Des Dr. M abuse
(German) -XX.. 1941
Das Unsterbliche Hera
( German ) -UFA . . 1939
Das Verlorene Tal (German)-
XX.. 6-3-36
Date With the Falcon, A-RKO
Daughter Angel* * TRI
Daughter of Destiny if FN
Daughter ol Eve if COM
Daughter of France if F
Daughter of Israel if STN
Daughter of Luxury if PAR
Daughter of MacGregor if
PAR. .9-21-16
Daughter of Maryland if EMU
Daughter of Mine if G. .4-27-19
Daughter of Shanghai-PAR
Daughter of the City if ES
12-23 -15
Daughter of the Don if ARW
Daughter of the Dragon-PAR
Daughter of the Gods if F
Daughter of the Hills if PAR . . .
Daughter of the Law if U
Daughter of the Old South- if
PAR. .10-26-18
Daughter of the Poor if FAT
Daughter of the Samuri
(Japanese) -MOD. .1938
Daughter of the Sea if EQ
Daughter of the Sioux if DAY
Daughter of the Tone-TIM
Daughter of the West it PAT
Daughter of the Wolf if PAR
Daughter of Two Worlds if FN
Daughter Pays * SEZ. .11-28-20
Daughters Couraceous-WA
Daughters of Desire if EXP
Daughters of Pleasure if PRI
Daughters of the Night if F
Daughters of the Rich * PRE
Daughters of Today * SEZ
Daughters of Two Fathers if
SHO. .3-24-29
Daughters Who Pay if BAE
David and Jonathan w SEC. 1922
David Copperfleld if AE
David Copperfield-MGM . . 1-8-36
David Garrick * PAR 1916
David Golder (French) -PRX
David Harum-F 3-2-34
Davy Crockett if PAR. .4-20-16
Davy Crockett at the Fall of
the Alamo if SU..1926
Dawn if COL 6-3-28
Dawn if PAT 12-17-19
Dawn Exprees-PRC 1942
Dawn of a Tomorrow if PAR
Dawn of Freedom if VIT
Dawn of Love if M . . . 10-5-16
Dawn of Revenge if AY. 1922
Dawn of the East if PAR
Dawn of Understanding if
VIT. .1918
Dawn on the Great Divide-
MOP.. 12-28-42
Dawn Over Ireland-ALW
Dawn Patrol-WA 12-14-38
Dawn Patrol, The-FN . . 7-13-30
Dawn Rider, The-MOP ... 7-9-35
Dawn Trail-COL 1934
Dawnmaker * INC .... 9-14-16
Day After Day-ARQ. . .11-24-43
Day After the Divorce (German)-
XX.. 1940
Day at the Races, A-MGM
Day Break if M 1-10-18
Day Dreams if G 1-19-19
Day of a Dog if PAR
Day of Days * PAR 1914
Day of Faith if G 12-2-23
Day of Reckoning-MGM
Day She Paid if U . . . 12-14-19
Day the Bookies Wept, The-
RKO. .9-18-39
Days of Old Cheyenne-REP.1943
Daybreak -MGM 5-31-31
Daybreak (French) -AFE. .8-6-40
Day -Time Wife-F . . . .11-16-39
Day's Pleasure * FN. .12-21-19
Days of Glory-RKO 4-27-44
Days of Jesse Jamea-REP
Daytime Wives if FBO. .9-2-23
De Be Van Het Regiment
(Dutch) -HOB. .1939
Dead Alive if GAU 2-17-16
Dead End-UA 8-3-37
Dead Game if U 4-22-23
Dead or Alive if ARW 1921
Dead Line if FBO 8-16-38
Dead Line if F 6-9-20
Dead Line • EXI 1919
Dead Man's Curve if FBO
Dead Man's Eyes-U 9-14-44
Dead Man's Gulch-REP. 3-24-43
Dead Man's Shoes-MOP. .6-14-41
Dead March, The-IML. .8-19-37
Dead Melody (German) -UFA
Dead Men Tell-F 4-18-41
Dead Men Tell No Tales-ALL
Dead Men Tell No Tales if VIT
Dead Men Walk -PRC ... 4-12-43
Dead or Alive-PRC 1944
Dead-Shot Baker -£
VIT. .10-18-17
Deadlier Sex if PAT. . .3-21-20
Deadline, The-COL 1-24-32
Deadline at Eleven if VIT
Deadly Game, The-MOP. 8-5-41
Deadwood Coach if F. . 1-25-25
Deadwood Pass-FRE . . . 6-6-33
Dealers in Death-TOP. .11-30-34
Dearie if WA 6-19-27
Death at a Broadcast-FIA . 1841
Death Cell-MOP 1942
Death Dan«» if SEL. . .7-21-18
Death Flies Eaat-COL. .2-27-36
Death From a Diatance-INV
Death Goes North-WAW
Death in the Air-PAR. .2-15-37
Death Kiss- WOW 1-28-33
Death of a Champion-PAR
Death of Censorship if
NAM. .10-12-16
Death on the Diamond-MGM
Death Takes a Holiday-PAR
Death Valley if FD. . .7-31-27
Death Valley Manhunt-
REP 11-24-43
Death Valley Outlaws-REP
Death Valley Rangers-
MOP 1943
Debt if PMU 6-3-17
Debt of Honor if F. . .4-11-18
Decameron Nights if UFA
Deceiver if ARW 1921
Deceiver, The-COL 11-29-31
Deception if PAR 4-24-21
Deception-COL 1-10-33
Deciding Eisa if U 7-14-18
Declasse * FN 4-6-26
Decoy if LED 7-6-16
Deemster if ARW 4-19-17
Deep Purple if REA... 5-9-20
Deep Waters if PAR 1921
Deerslayer if SEZ 1923
Deerslayer-REP 11-9-43
Defend Yourself if ELB. . .1926
Defenders of the Law-SYN
Defense of Volochayevsk
(Russian) -AM . . 9-1-38
Defense Rests-COL 8-15-34
Defying Destiny if SEZ. 1-13-24
Deep in the Heart of Texas-
U.. 9-16-42
Delicious-F 12-27-31
Delicious Litle Devil if U
Delightful Rogue-RKO. 10-20-29
Delinquent Daughters-
PRC . . 6-6-44
Deliverance •*■ LIE 8-24-19
De Luxe Annie if 6-26-18
Deluge, The-RKO 10-7-33
Demented Hero • FGU..1928
Demi-Bride *• MGM ... .4-3-27
Democracy, The Vision Re-
stored * DEM 8-29-20
Demon * M 7-28-18
Demon * U 1926
Demon Barber of Fleet Street-
SE. .10-11-39
Demon for Trouble-STI. . S-10-34
Demon of the Steppes >fr AM
Demon Rider * DAV...1925
Denare E D'Amore (Italian) -
XX. .3-22-37
Denial * MG 3-22-25
Denny from Ireland -fr KRA
Denver Dude • U 2-13-27
Dcr Adjutant Seiner Hoheit
( German ) -XX . . 1 0-22-34
Der Andere ( German ) -TOB
Der Arme Millionair ( German )-
UFA. .1939
Der Ball (German) -PRX. . .1922
Der Bettelstudent (German) -
UFA. .12-29-36
Der Biberplez (German) -UFA
Dcr Blaufuchs (German) -UFA
Der Brave Sunder ( German )-
XX. .1932
Der Choral von Leuthen
(German) -UFA. .1-22-35
Der Doppelbraetigam (German) -
GFS. .3-27-35
Der Dschungel Ruft ( German )-
XX. .4-27-37
Der Etappenhase ( German )-
CAO. .1-6-38
Der Fall Des Oberst Redl
(German) -CAP. .8-20-32
Der Falsche Ehemann
(Germanl-UFA. .10-18-32
Der Falsche Feldmarschall
(German) -CAP. .7-2-32
Der Feldherrn Shuesgel
(German) -XX. .4-24-34
Der Florentiner Hut ( German )-
UFA. .1939
Der Frechdachs (German) -UFA
Der Gipfelsturmer (German) -
XX. .4-14-37
Der Glueckszylinder-Unknown
Der Gouverneuer ( German )-
UFA. .1939
Der Grosse Tenor ( German )-
UFA. .5-31-31
Der Hampelmann ( German) -
TOB. .9-13-31
Der Hauptman von Koepenick
(German) -AMR. .1-20-33
Der Heldenkamp Um Heima-
terde (German) -XX. . 1941
Der Hellseher-XX 9-13-33
Der Herr Burovorstcher
(German) -CAP. .1932
Der Herr der Welt ( German )-
GFS. .12-17-35
Der Himmel auf Erden
(German)-XX. .12-30-35
Der Hochtourist ( German) -
UFA. .1-16-34
Der Hoehere Befehl ( German )-
UFA. .4-1-36
Der Jager Von Fall ( German )-
UFA. .4-27-37
Der Judas von Tirol ( German )-
XX. .4-29-36
Der Junge Graf ( German )-
UFA. .12-14-36
Der Kampf (Russian) -AM
Der Kaiser Von Kalifornien
(German)-XX. .5-13-37
Der Katzensteg (German) -
AMT. .2-1-38
Der Kleine Seitensprung
(German) -UFA. .1-10-32
Der Korvettenkapitaen
(German) -XX. .1933
Der Kosterjaeger (German)-
UFA . . 1-4-36
Der Letzte Waltzer ( German )-
XX. .4-19-37
Dcr Liebling von Wien
( German ) -EUR . . 6-14-33
Der Meisterboxer ( German )-
GFS. .1935
Der Meisterdetektiv ( German) -
XX. .2-14-34
Der Muede T*ieodor ( German )-
XX. .10-27-36
Der Multige Seefahrer (German) -
XX. .11-25-36
Der Page vom Dalmasse-
Hotel (German) -XX. .3-27-35
Der Postilion Von Lonjumeau
(German )-SWI. .11-23-37
Der Purimspieler (Yiddish) -
SPI. .1-21-37
Der Raub Der Mona Lisa
(German) -TOB. .4-3-32
Der Raub Der Sabinerinnen
(German) -AMT. .1-20-37
Der Schimmelreiter ( German )-
GFS. .1935
Der Schlemihl (German) -XX
Der Schreeken Der Garnison
(German)-CAP. .6-5-32
Der Schritt Vom Wege (Ger-
man)-UFA. .1939
Der Schuechterne Felix
(German) -XX. .9-10-35
Der Schueschterne Casanova
(German) -XX. .8-25-36
Der Schuetzen Koeni? ( German )-
GEF. .5-10-33
Der Schwarz Husar ( German )-
BRX. .12-23-32
Der Scirgende Tors ( German) -
XX. .1940
Der Sohn der Weissen Berge
( German )-ITA. .10-28-33
Der Stern von Valencia
(German) -UFA. .1934
Der Stolz Der 3 Kompagnie
(German) -CAP. .7-22-32
Der Storch Hat Uns Getraut
(German) -XX. .12-5-33
Der Storch Streikht ( German )-
TOB. .5-8-32
Der Tanz Geht Weiter
(German)-WA. .1-11-31
Der Teulfelsbruder ( Germ an) -
TRL. .4-10-32
Der Tiger Von Berlin
(German) -UFA. .1932
Der Tolle Bombert ( German )-
XX. .10-28-35
Der Traum vom Rhein (Ger-
man)-XX. .12-10-35
Der Traumende Mund (Ger-
man)-XX. .2-6-34
Der Tyrann ( German ) -XX
Der Umwiderstehliche (Ger-
man)-AMT. .1-11-38
Der Unbekannte (German) -XX
Der Ungetreue Ecke Hart
(German) -TOB. .1-24-32
Der Unsterbliche Lump
(Germanl-UFA. .1932
Der Unsterbliche Walzer
(German) -UFA. .1939
Der Verkannte Lebemann
(German) -UFA. .1939
Der Vetter Aus Dingsda
(German) -UFA. .2-4-36
Der Vierte Kommt Nicht
(German) -XX. .1941
Der Wackere Schustermeister
( German )-GEG. .7-8-36
Der Wahre Jakob ( German )-
TRA. .8-16-31
Der Zerbrochene Krug (Ger-
man)-AMT. .1-17-38
Der Zigeunerbaron ( German )-
UFA. .1935
Derelict-PAR 11-23-30
Derelict * F 5-3-17
De Sactina d Grande Diva
(Italian) -XX. .1941
Desert Bandit-REP 5-29-41
Desert Blossoms •*■ F.. 12-11-21
Desert Bride * COL. . .6-10-28
Desert Bridegroom -fc ARW
Desert Crucible * ARW. 1922
Desert Demon + ARC... 1926
Desert Driven + FBO. . 6-17-23
Desert Dust * U 12-25-27
Desert Flower •*• FN . . . 6-7-25
Desert Gold •*■ PAR. . .4-4-26
Desert Gold * HOD 11-16-19
Desert Gold-PAR
Greed • GOO 1926
Law + TRI.
Desert Love -fr F. . .
Desert Man * TRI.
Desert Men, The-FD.
Desert Nights (S-SE)
Desert of the Lost * PAT
Outlaw ^ F 8-31-24
Patrol-REP 6-3-38
Phantom-SUM .3-21-36
Pirate * FBO 1927
Rider * MGM. . .7-7-29
Desert Scorpion * EMP. . .1920
Desert Sheik * TRU .. .7-27-24
Desert Song-WA 5-5-29
Desert Song, The-WA . . 12-1J-43
Desert Trail-MOP 8-20-35
Desert Valley * F 1-9-27
Desert Venegeance-COL .3-1-31
Desert Victory -F 3-26-43
Desert Wooing * PAR. .6-16-18
Desert's Price ■*■ F... 12-6-25
Desert's Toll • MGM. .11-21-26
Deserted at the Altar * GOL
Deserter-AM 10-15-34
Deserter * INC 6-22-16
Design for Living-PAR. 11-17-33
Design for Murder-WO. 12-5-40
Design for Scandal-MGM
Desirable-WA 9-15-34
Desire (German) -XX 1940
Desire * M 9-23-23
Desire-PAR 2-4-36
Desire of the Moth if BL
Desired Woman * VIT. .4-11-18
Desired Woman -fr WA . . . 9-4-27
Desperadoes, The-COL. . 5-18-43
Desperate Adventure it IND
Desperate Adventure, A-REP
Desperate Cargo-PRC .10-2-41
Desperate Chance if RA. . .1926
Desperate Chance for Ellery
Queen, A-COL. .1942
Desperate Courage -fr PAT
Desperate Game ic U.. 12-6-25
Desperate Hero if SEZ
Desperate Journey-WA . . 8-18-42
Desperate Moment if STE
Desperate Odds ■*• SIE 1926
Desperate Trails * U. . .6-26-21
Desperate Trails-U 10-24-39
Desperate Youth if U.. 5-1-21
Despoiler • INC 12-30-15
Destination Tokyo-WA . 12-21-43
Destination Unknown-U. .4-8-33
Destination Unknown-U. 10-8-42
Destino Di Donna (Italian) -
PIE. .6-22-37
Destiny-U 12-21-44
Destiny if ARC 1922
Destiny if TRI 8-17-19
Destiny (Italian) -CIL 1938
Destiny or Soul of a Woman if
M.. 9-9-15
Destiny's Isle * AR 7-9-22
Destiny's Toy * PAR . . 6-22-16
Destroyer-COL 8-16-43
Destroyers * VIT 6-8-16
Destroying Angel if AE
Destruction if F 12-30-15
Destry Rides Again-U 1932
Destry Rides Again-U. .11-30-39
Detective Kitty O'Day-
MOP. .4-5-44
Detectives * MGM 10-23-28
Determination if LBR.. 3-12-22
Deuce Duncan if TRI 1918
Deuce High if ARC 1926
Deuce of Spades if FN
Devil if PAT 1-23-21
Devil and Miss Jones, The-RKO
Devil and the Deep-PAR . . 8-4-32
Devil at His Elhow if M
Devil Bat-PRC 1940
Devil Bat-PRC 1-31-41
Devil Commands, The-COL
Devil Dancer • UA. . .12-15-27
Devil Dodder * TRI . . . 10-4-17
Devil Dog- Dawson if ARW
Devil Dors if CRE 9-2-28
Devil Dogs of the Air-WA
Devil-Doll, The-MGM ...7-7-36
Devil Horse • PAT 7-18-26
Devil Is a Sissy-MGM . .9-9-36
Devil Is a Woman, The-PAR
Devil Is An Empress, The
(French) -COL. .12-15-39
Devil Is Driving-PAR. .12-16-32
Devil Is Driving:, The-COL
Devil McCare if TRI 1919
Devil May Care-MGM . . 12-29-29
Devil on Deck- WW 2-28-32
Devil on Horseback, The-GN
Devil Pays Off. The-REP
Devil Plays-CHE 12-20-31
Devil to Pay if PAT. . .12-5-20
Devil to Pay-UA 12-21-30
Devil Tiger-F 2-8-34
Devil with Hitler, The-
UA.. 10-22-42
Devil With Women, A-F
Devil Within * F 11-20-21
Devil's Apple Tree if TIF
Devil's Assistant if POM. 4-12-17
Devil's Battalion-RKO . . . 1930
Bondwoman if V . 1916
Brother-MGM . . .6-10-33
Cage if FD... 8-26-28
s Cargo if PAR.. 2-15-25
s Chaplin if R A . . 5-26-29
s Circus * MGM. .4-18-26
s Claim if RC 5-16-20
s Confession if CIR
s Daughter if
s Dice if STE . .
s Door Yard if
Devil's Daughter if F...1915
Devil's Dice •*■ STE 10-31-26
Devil's Door Yard if ARW
Devil's Double * INC.. 11-9-16
Devil's Garden if FN.. 10-31-20
Devil's Godmother ( Spanish )-
XX. .1938
Devil's Harvest-COT 1942
Devil's Holiday-PAR ...5-11-30
Devil's in Love-F 7-28-33
Devil's Island-WA 7-16-40
Devil's Island if CHA.. 8-8-26
Devil's Lottery -F 4-3-32
Devil's Mate-MOP 9-23-33
Devil's Needle * FAT. .7-20-16
Devil's Partner if IR0...1922
Devil's Party-U 6-2-38
Devil's Pass Keys if U
Devil's Passion if ARA
Devil's Fawn * PAR.. 6-18-22
Devil's Pay Day ■*• BL. . 1-28-17
Devil's Pipeline-U 11-15-40
Devil's Pit if U 10-20-29
Devil's Pit • U 3-16-30
Devil's PlaygTound if ALA
Devil's Playground-PRI. 11-12-32
Devil's Playground-COL. .2-16-37
Devil's Prayer Book if KLE
Devil's Prize if VIT 11-2-16
Devil's Riddle if F 2-29-20
Devil's Saddle ■*■ FN . . . 8-14-27
Devil's Saddle Legion-WA. .1937
Devil's Skipper * TIF. 4-22-28
Devil's Squadron-COL .5-12-36
Devil's Stone ■* ART. .12-20-17
Devil's Trail-COL 1942
Devil's Toy if PRW. .. .3-9-16
Devil's Tower if RA . . . 5-19-29
Devil's Trade-Mark if FBO
Devil's Trail if WO .... 6-15-19
Devil's Twin if PAT.... 1919
Devil's Twin if PAT. . .10-16-27
Devil's Wheel if F 4-18-18
Devilish Fellow (German) -XX
Devotion if APR 7-5-21
Devotion-PAT 10-4-31
Diamond Carlisle if CC . . . 1922
Diamond Frontier-U . . . 10-4-40
Diamond Handcuffs if MGM
Diamond Jim-U 8-24-35
Diamond Trail-MOP ...4-19-33
Diamonds Adrift if VIT. .1921
Diamonds and Pearls if PBW
Diana of Star Hollows if PS
Diana of the Green Van if
HUM.. 3-16-19
Diana of the Huntress if PLU
Diane of the Follies if FAT
Diary of a Nazi-ARQ . . . 3-31-43
Diary of a Revolutionist
(Russian) -AM. . .6-13-32
Dice of Destiny if PAT
Dice Woman if PDC. . .6-20-26
Dick Turpin if F 2-1-25
Dictator * PAR 7-9-22
Dictator, The-GB 3-11-35
Dictionary of Success if SEZ . . .
Die Barmherzige Luege
(German) -XX. .1941
Die Beiden Seehunde ( German )-
XX.. 4-12-35
Die Blaumenfrau von Lindenau
( German )-PRX. .7-9-32
Die Blonde Christl-XX. . .2-28-34
Die Blonde Nachtigall ( German )-
UFA. .8-23-31
Die Csardas Fuerstin ( German )-
UFA.. 4-26-35
Die Csikos Baroness ( German )-
CAP. .4-3-32
Die Drei Codonas ( German )-
XX.. 1941
Die Drei von der Tankstelle
UFA.. 6-21-31
Die Fahrt in die Jungend
(German) -TRE. .9-1-36
Die Fahrt Ins Gruene ( German )-
XX. .5-25-36
Die Finanzen des Grossherzog*
( German )-GFS. .4-10-35
Die Forsterchristl (German) -
CAP. .5-3-31
Die Frau von Der Man
Spricht-XX. .4-26-33
Die Fraunen Vom Tannhof
(German)-XX. .2-19-36
Die Galavorstellung ( German )-
XX. .12-11-33
Die Ganze Welt Dreht Sich Urn
Liebe (German) -XX. .11-30-36
Die Grobe Adele (German) -XX
Die Grosse Atttraktion ( Ger-
man )-BAV. .7-25-33
Die Grosse Chance ( German )-
XX. .5-9-35
Die Grosse Liebe ( German )-
FAF. .2-28-32
Die Grosse Sehnsucht ( German )-
TOB. .10-11-31
Die Helige un Hir Narr
(German) -UFA. .12-2-35
Die Herren Von Maxim (Ger-
man)-XX. .3-30-37
Die Kalte Mansell (German) -XX
Die Kleine Schwinderlin
(German) -XX. .3-30-37
Die Kluge Schwiegermutter
(German) -UFA. .1939
Die Letzte Kompagnie (German) -
UFA. .8-26-32
Die Liebe und die Erste
Eisenbahn ( German ) -UFA
Die Lindenwirten von Rhein
(German) -ACA. .9-27-31
Die Lustigen Musikanten
(German) -XX. .5-31-33
Die Lustigen Weiber von Wien
(German) -CAP. .7-12-31
Die Marquise Von Pompadour
(German) -XX. .2-4-36
Die Mutter der Kompagnie
(German) -XX. .3-13-34
Die Nacht Der Gro6sen Liebe
(German) -UNG. .10-8-37
Die Nacht Gehoert Uns
(German) -PRX. .1932
Die Nacht Mit Dem Kaiser
(German) -AMT. .8-25-37
Die Pfingstorgel (German) -XX
Die Privatsekretaerin ( German) -
CAP. .6-21-31
Die Privatsekretaerin Heiratet
( German )-BAU. .12-7-36
Die Reiter von Deutsch-Ostafrika
(German) -XX. .6-10-35
Die Schlacht Von Bademuende
(German) -UFA. .11-22-31
Die Schwebende Jungfrau
( German ) -SWI . . 8-27-37
Die Selige Excellenz ( German )-
GEG. .6-22-37
Die Singende Stadt (German) -
KIT. .1935
Die Sonne Geht Auf ( German )-
XX. .2-20 36
Die Sporchschen Jaeger
(German) -XX. .2-26-37
Die Stimme Der Liebe (German) -
XX. .5-18-36
Die 3 Groschenoper ( German )-
WA. .5-24-31
Die Tochter des Regiments
(German) -XX. .1934
Die Toerichte Jungfrau
(German)-UFA. .9-10-35
Die Unschult vom Lande
(German) -XX. .5-14-35
Die Vier Musketiere (German) -
XX. .11-12-35
Die Von Rummelplatz
(German) -CAP. .1-10-32
Diener Lassen Betten (German) -
XX. .1941
Dienst 1st Dienst (German) -
NER. .1932
Dimples * M 2-24-16
Dimples-F 9-26-36
Dinky-WA 6-28-35
Dinner at Eight-MGM .. 8-25-33
Dinner at the Ritz-F. .. 12-9-37
Dinty * FN 11-28-20
Diplomacy if PAR. .. .9-19-26
Diplomacy if PAR 3-2-16
Diplomaniacs-RKO 4-29-33
Diplomatic Mission if VIT
Diplomatic Wife (Polish) -XX
Dir Gehoert Mein Herz (Ger-
man)-UFA. .1939
Dirigible-COL 4-12-31
Disbarred-PAR 1-10-39
Discard if ES 3-9-16
Discarded Lovers-TOW. .. 1-3-32
Discarded Woman if HAL
Discontented Husbands if CBC
Discontented Wives if AE
Discord if PAT 11-6-27
Disciple if INC 10-28-15
Disgraced I-PAR 7-17-33
Dishonored-PAR 3-8-31
Diskretion Ehrensache
(German) -UFA. .1939
Disney's Academy Award Revue-
UA. .1937
Disorderly Conduet-F . . .4-10-32
Dispatch from Reuters, A-
WA. .9-24-40
Disputed Passage-PAR .10-20-39
Disraeli if UA 8-28-21
Disraeli-WA 10-13-29
Dive Bomber-WA 8-15-41
Dividend if INC 6-8-16
Divine Lady (S-SE) -FN. 3-3-29
Divine Sacrifice if PWO.2-7-18
Divine Sinner if R A... 9-23-28
Divine Woman if MGM. 1-22-28
Divorce if FBO 6-10-23
Divorce if VIT 9-13-17
Divorce Among Friends-WA
Divorce and the Daughter if
PAT. .11-23-16
Divorce Coupons if VIT
Divorce Games if PWO
Divorce in the Family-MGM
Divorce Made Easy-PAR. . .1929
Divorce of Convenience if SEZ
Divorce of Lady X-UA . .1-14-38
Divorce Trap if F 6-1-19
Divorced if TE 11-4-15
Divorcee if M 1-26-19
Divorcee, The-MGM . . . .4-20-30
Dixiana-RKO 9-7-30
Dixie-PAR 6-24-43
Dixie Dugan-F 3-17-43
Dixie Flyer if RA 10-24-26
Dixie Handicap if MG. 1-4-25
Dixie Jamboree-PRC ...7-12-44
Dixie Merchant if F 3-7-26
Dizzy Dames-LIG 7-18-36
Dizzy Heights and Daring
Hearts * TRI. .1-6-16
Do and Dare if F 9-24-22
Do It Now if GOL 2-24-24
Do Your Duty if FN. . .11-11-28
Dock on the Havel ( German )-
XX. .1938
Docks of Hamburg if PFA
Docks of New York if PAR
Docks of San Francisco-MAF
Doctor and the Woman if U
Doctor Bull-F 8-31-33
Dr. Broadway-PAR 6-7-42
Dr. Christian Meets the
Women-RKO. .8-5-40
Dr. Cyclops-PAR 3-8-40
Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet,
See : The Story of Dr. Ehr-
lich's Magic Bullet-WA
Doctor Epameinondas ( Greek )-
PAN. .4-9-38
Dr. Gillespie's Criminal
Case-MGM 5-11-43
Dr. Gillespie's New Assistant-
MGM. .11-12-42
Dr. Jack if PAT 12-31-22
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-PAR
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde if
PAR. .4-3-20
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde-MGM
Dr. Jim * U 11-20-21
Dr. Kildaire Goes Home-MGM
Dr. Kildaire's Crisis-MGM
Dr. Kildaire's Strange Case-
MGM. .4-16-40
Dr. Kildaire's Victory-MGM
Dr. Kildaire's Wedding Day-
MGM. .8-19-41
Dr. Knock (French ) -FRM
Dr. Monica- WA 6-22-34
Dr. Neighborhood if U
Dr. Renault's Secret-F. 10-19-42
Dr. Rhythm-PAR 4-30-38
Dr. Socrates-WA 10-3-35
Doctor Syn-GB 10-20-37
Doctor Takes a Wife, The-
COL. .6-17-40
Doctor X-FN 7-8-32
Doctor's Diary, A-PAR. .1-23-37
Doctor's Secret-PAR ...2-10-29
Doctor's Women if WW.. 1929
Doctor's Wives-F 4-26-31
Doctors Don't Tell-REP. 9-22-41
Documento Fatale (Italian) -
ESP. .1940
Dodek No Froncie ( Polish )-
XX. .1936
Dodge City-WA 4-5-39
Dodge City Trail-COL 1937
Dodging a Million if G.. 2-7-18
Dodsworth-UA 9-19-36
Does It pay? * F 8-26-23
Dog Justice * FBO.... 1928
Dog Law if FBO 10-14-28
Dog of Flanders, A-RKO
Dog of the Regiment if WA
Dog's Life if FN 1918
Doing Their Bit if F 8-4-18
Doll, The if FFS 1928
Doll's House if UA 2-19-22
Doll's House * BL 6-7-17
Doll's House * ART 6-2-18
Dollar a Year Man if PAR
Dollar and the Law if VIT
Dollar Devils if HOD. . .1-28-23
Dollar Down if TRU 8-16-25
Dollar for Dollar * PAT. 4-25-20
Dollars and Sense ■*• G. 6-27-20
Dollars and the Woman if
LUB. .3-30-16
Dollars and the Woman if VIT
Dolly Does Her Bit * PAT
Dolly Mact Karriere (German)
UFA. .7-26-31
Dolly's Vacation if PAT
Dombey & Son if TRI.. 1919
Domestic Meddlers if TIF
Domestic Relations if FN
Domestic Troubles (S-SE)-
WA. .7-29-28
Don Bosco (Italian) -XX
Don Daredevil * U 1925
Don Desperado if PAT. .5-1-27
Don Juan if WA 8-15-26
Don Juan's Three Nights if
FN. .10-3-26
Don Mike * FBO 2-20-27
Don Q • UA 6-21-25
Don Quentin El Amargo
(Spanish) -XX. .1941
Don Quickshot of the Rio
Grande * U . . 6-3-23
Don Quixote-BEW 12-26-34
Don Quixote * FAT. . .12-10-16
Don X if GOO 1926
Dona Francisquita (Spanish) -
XX. .4-29-35
Donner Blitz Und Sonnenschein
(German) -CAO . . 11-19-37
Donogoo Tonka
(German) -UFA. .4-15-36
Donovan Affair-COL ....5-5-29
Don't * MGM 2-21-26
Don't Bet on Blondes-WA
Don't Bet on Love-U 7-29-33
Don't Bet on Women-F. 2-15-31
Don't Blame Your Children if
FBO. .1922
Don't Call It Love * PAR
Don't Call Me Little Girl if
REA. .6-26-21
Don't Change Your Husband if
ART. .1-26-19
Don't Doubt Your Husband if
MG. .5-25-22
Don't Doubt Your Wife if
ART. .5-28-22
Don't Ever Marry * FN
Don't Gamble With Love-
COL. .2-29-36
Don't Get Personal if U. .1-8-22
Don't Get Personal-U. . .2-24-36
Don't Get Personal-U 1942
Don't Leave Your Husband if
FED.. 4-24-21
Don't Marry * F 5-27-28
Don't Marry for Money if
WEB. .8-26-23
Don't Neglect Tour Wile -ff
G. .7-31-21
Don't Shoot if U 8-20-22
Don't Tell Everything: if
PAR. .12-18-21
Don't Tell the Wife if
WA. .2-6-27
Don't Tell the Wife-
RKO. .2-20-37
Don't Turn 'Em Loose-
RKO. .9-24-36
Don't Worry ( Hungarian ) -
XX. .1938
Don't Write Letters if
M. .4-30-22
Doomed at Sundown-REP. .1937
Doomed Battalion-U 1932
Doomed Caravan-PAR. . 1-17-41
Doomed to Die-MOP. . . .9-3-40
Doomsday if PAR 4-8-28
Door Between if BL 1917
Door That Has No Key if
ALL. .1922
Doorsteps * MT 7-27-16
Doorway tn Hell-WA ... 1 1-2-30
Dopo una Notte D'amore
(Italian) -RAO. .10-30-35
Dorian's Divorce if M. 8-15-16
Dormant Power if
POW. .10-26-17
Dorothy Vernon of Haddon
Hall if UA. .5-25-24
Dos Mas Uno Dos-F. . . .10-30-34
Dos Monies ( Spanish )-
XX. .1-22-35
Dos Mujeres y un Don Juan
XX. .6-5-34
Dos Noches-HOB 5-10-33
Double Alibi-U 3-12-40
Double Crime In the Maginot
Line (French) -TOW. .4-13-39
Double Cross-PRC 1941
Double Cross Roads-F. .4-27-30
Double Crossed if
PAR. .9-27-17
Double Danger-RKO . . .2-11-38
Double Daring- if ARC .... 1926
Double Date-U 5-21-41
Double Deal-INR 12-14-39
Double Dealing- if U . . . . 5-27-23
Double Door-PAR 5-5-34
Double Dyed Deceiver if
G. .6-20-20
Double Exposure-PAR . .12-18-44
Double Fisted ■*■ RA . . . . 1926
Double Harness-RKO. . . .7-13-33
Double Indemnity-PAR. .4-24-44
Double O if ARW 1923
Double or Nothing-
PAR. .8-16-37
Double Room Mystery if
RED. .1-11-17
Double Speed if PAR... 2-8-20
Double Stakes if PSR .... 1922
Double Standard if U. . . .8-2-17
Double Trouble-MOP. .11-17-41
Double Wedding-MGM . . 9-23-37
Doubling for Romeo if
G. .10-30-21
Doubting- Thomas-F. .. .7-11-36
Douerh Boys-MGM 9-21-30
Doughboys in Ireland-COL. .1943
Doughgirls, Thp-WA ...8-30-44
Doughnuts and Society-
MAP. .3-17-36
Dove if UA 1-8-28
Down Argentine Way-F. .10-4-40
Down by the Rio Grande if
GOL. .6-22-24
Down Grade if LUM. . .8-21-27
Down Home if HOD. . 10-24-20
Down in "Arkansaw"-
REP. .10-7-38
Down in San Diego-
MGM. .7-30-41
Down Mexico Way-
REP. .10-15-41
Down on the Farm if
UA . . 5-2-20
Down on the Farm-F. . 10-11-38
Down Rio Grande Way-
COL.. 7-24-42
Down Texas Way-MOP. .6-10-42
Down the Stretch if U. .4-10-27
Down the Stretch-FN. . .11-5-36
Down the Wyoming Trail-
MOP. .6-14-39
Down to Earth if ART. .8-16-17
Down to Earth-F 9-2-32
Down to the Sea-REP. .6-30-36
Down to the Sea in Ships if
HOD. .2-18-23
Down to Their Last Yacht-
RKO . . 9-22-34
Down Upon the Swanee
River * LBR. .1925
Downhill if WW 1928
Downstairs-MGM ....10-10-32
Dracula-U 2-15-31
Dracula's Daughter-U. . 5-18-36
Draegerman Courage-
WA . . 5-24-37
Draft 258 if M 2-7-18
Drag-FN 6-30-29
Drag Harlan if FN 10-24-20
Drag Net * PAR 6-10-28
Dragnet, The-BTZ 5-13-36
Dragnet Patrol-MAF 1-3-32
Dragon if EQW 1-13-16
Drag-on Murder Case-
FN. .8-23-34
Dragon Painter if RC. .10-12-19
Dragon Seed-MGM 7-18-44
Drake Case-U 9-22-29
Dramatic School-MGM. .12-6-38
Dreaded Bandit if CIN. .4-1-28
Dream Cheater if HOD. .3-21-20
Dream Doll if KES 1917
Dream Girl if PAR 7-27-16
Dream Lady if U 7-28-18
Dream Melody if EXP.. 3-10-29
Dream of Butterfly, The
(Italian) -ESP. .2-20-41
Dream of Love if
MGM. .12-30-28
Dream of My People-
PAA.. 2-28-34
Dream Street if UA. .. .4-17-21
Dreaming-AFE 1944
Dreaming Lips-UA 5-20-37
Dreaming Out Loud-
RKO. .9-10-40
Drei Blaue Jungs — Ein Blondes
Maedel ( German ) -
XX. .12-30-36
Drei Kaiserjaeger ( German )-
XX. .3-19-35
Drei Maederl Um Schubert
( German )-AMT. .6-14-37
Drei Tage Mittelarrest-
XX. .5-18-33
Drei Unterofflziere
(German) -UFA. .It39
Drei von der Kavallerie
(German) -XX. .4-16-35
Dreiklang (German) -UFA. .1938
Dress Parade if PAT. .10-30-27
Dressed to Kill if F... 3-18-28
Dressed to Kill-F 7-25-41
Dressed to Thrill-F. .. .-10-8-35
Dressmaker form Paris if
PAR. .3-22-25
Dreyfus Case ( German )-
XX. .1940
Dreyfus Case-COL 8-30-31
Drift Fence-PAR 3-6-36
Driftin" Kid-The-MOP ....1941
Drifter if GAU 2-3-16
Drifter if RKO 1829
Drifter, The-KEN 1-10-32
Drifter, The-PRC 6-14-44
Drifters if HOD 12-29-18
Driftin' Sands if FB0....1928
Driftin' Thru if PAT. . . .2-21-26
Drifting * U 8-26-23
Drifting Souls-TOW 8-9-32
Drifting West waxd-MOIP. .1939
Driftwood if COL 11-25-28
Driftwood if OCE 3-23-16
Driven if U 11-26-22
Driven from Home if
CHA . 2-6-27
Drivin' Fool if HOD . . . . 9-2-23
Drop Kick if FN 9-18-27
Drug Store Cowboy if
IND. .1925
Druga Mlodosc ( Polish )-
POA. .11-1-39
Drugged Waters if U....1916
Drum Fire on the Western Front
(German) -XX. .1938
Drum Taps-WOW 2-26-33
Drums-UA 7-20-38
Drums Along the Mohawk-
F. .11-6-39
Drums O' Voodoo-INS . .5-12-34
Drums of Destiny-CRE. .6-15-37
Drums of Doom-MAF. .10-4-33
Drums of Fate if PAR. .1-21-23
Drums of Fu Manchu-
REP 11-10-43
Drums of Jeopardy if
TRU. .3-9-24
Drums of Jeopardy-TIF . .3-8-31
Drums of Love if UA. .2-5-28
Drums of the Congo-U. .7-22-42
Drums of the Desert-
MOP. .10-9-40
Drums of the Desert if
PAR. .8-21-27
Drunter Und Drueber
(German) -UNG. .12-23-32
Drusilla With a Million if
FBO. .6-7-25
Dry Martini (S-SE)-F. . 11-11-28
Du Gamla, du Fria
( Swedish )-SCA. .4-6-39
Du Oder Keine-XX 10-30-34
Dub * PAR 1-19-19
Du Barry if F 1917
Du Barry Was a Lady-
MGM 5-5-43
Du Barry, Woman of Passion-
UA. .11-2-30
Dubrovsky ( Russian )-
AM. .4-1-36
Duchess of Buffalo if
FN. .8-22-26
Duchess of Doubt if M. .6-7-17
Duck soup-par 11-17-33
Ducks and Drakes if REA
Dude Bandit-ALI 6-21-23
Dude Cowboy if FBO .... 1926
Dude Cowboy-RKO 9-5-41
Dude Ranch-PAR 4-26-31
Dude Ranger-F 9-29-34
Dude Wrangler-WW. .. .5-25-30
Dudes Are Pretty People-
UA. .1941
Dudes Are Pretty People-
UA. .4-16-42
Duds if G 3-21-20
Dugan of the Bad Landa-
MOP.. 8-2-31
Dugan of the Dugouts if
CRE. .8-5-28
Duke Comes Back, The-
REP. .12-3-37
Duke of Chimney Butte if
FED. .1-20-21
Duke of Reichstadt if
BRO. .1928
Duke of the Navy-PRC. .2-11-42
Duke of West Point-
UA. .12-16-38
Duke Steps Out (PT)-
MGM. .4-21-29
Dulcie's Adventure if
AMU. .10-5-16
Dulcy-MGM 10-3-40
Dulcy if FN 9-23-23
Dumb Girl of Portici if
U. .4-13-16
you see — and hear — all
the news when it's news,
where it's news in
A Metro-Goldtvyn-Mayer Release
Executive Offices: 1540 Broadway
Editorial Offices: 450 West 56th Street
New York
Dumbbells in Ermine-
WA. .7-27-30
Dumbo-RKO 10-1-41
Dummy if PAR 3-22-17
Dummy-PAR 3-10-20
Dupe * PAR 7-13-16
Durand of the Bad Lands if
F. .8-30-17
Durand "f the Bad Lands-F
F. .10-25-25
Durango Kid, The-COL. . 8-23-40
Dusk to Dawn * AE 9-3-22
Dusky Sentries (Italian) -
XX. .1038
Dust Be My Destiny-
WA. .10-10-39
Dust Flower * G 7-9-22
Dust of Desire * WO.. 7-13-14
Dust ot Egypt + VIT. .10-28-15
Duty First * SAN 1923
Duty's Reward if ELB. .4-24-27
Dwelling Place of Light if
HOD. .9-12-20
Dybbuk, The (Yiddish) -
GEI. .2-1-38
Dynamite Canyon-MOP. . . . 1941
Dynamite-Pat 1929
Dynamite Allan if F.. 2-27-21
Dynamite Dan -*• SU....1924
Dynamite Delaney-IML. . 1-27-38
Dynamite Denny-MAF. . . .7-8-32
Dynamite Ranch-WW. . 12-22-32
Dynamite Smith if PAT. .9-7-24
Each Dawn I Die-WA. .7-18-39
Each Pearl a Tear if
PAR. .9-7-16
Each to His Kind if
PAR. .2-8-17
Eager Lips if FD 8-21-27
Eagrle * UA 11-22-25
Eagle if BL 6-16-18
Eagle and the Hawk-
PAR . . 5-6-33
Eagle of the Caucasus if
AM. .9-27-32
Eagle of the Sea if
PAR. .11-21-26
Eagle Squadron-U 6-16-42
Eagle's Brood, The-
PAR. .10-10-35
Eagle's Feather if M.. 9-30-23
Eagle's Mate if PAR 1913
Eagle's Nest if VIT
Eagle's Wings if BL.. 11-30-16
Earl of Chicago, The-
MGM. .1-3-40
Earl of Pawtucket if U
Earl of Puddlestone-
REP. .8-14-40
Early Bird if EC 12-21-24
Early to Bed-PAR. ... 5-25-36
Early to Wed if F 5-16-26
Earth, Love and Suffering
(Spanish)-XX. .1938
Earth Woman if AE.. 4-18-26
Earthbound- F 6-13-40
Earthbound * G 8-15-20
Earthworm Tractors-FN6-16-36
Easiest Way-MGM 3-1-31
East is West-U 11-2-30
East is West if FN.... 9-3-22
East is West if MT M-9-16
East Lynne if F 6-22-16
East Lynne if F 11-1-25
East Lynne if HOD. .. .3-13-21
East Lynne * TAR 1921
East Lynne-F 2-22-31
East Meets West-GB. . . .9-19-30
East of Borneo-U 8-23-31
East of Broadway if
AE. .11-16-24
East of Fifth Avenue-
COL. .11-28-33
East of Java-U 12-17-35
East of Shanghai-POP. .3-27-32
East of Suez if PAR.. 1-11-25
East of the River-WA. .10-31-40
East Side of Heaven-U. .4-10-39
East Side Kide-MOP. ... 2-19-40
East Side Sadie ■*• WAD. .6-2-29
East Side, West Side if
F. .10-30-27
Bast Side, West Side if
PRI. .4-15-23
Easy Come, Easy Go if
PAR. .5-13-28
Easy Going * ARC 1926
Easy Going Gordon if
GER. .10-11-25
Easy Living-PAR 7-7-37
Easy Millions-FRE 9-6-33
Easy Money if PWO. . 11-29-17
Easy Money if RA 5-24-25
Easy Money-INV 7-11-36
Easy Pickings if FN.. 2-27-27
Easy Road if PAR. .. .2-27-21
Easy to Get if PAR.. 2-29-20
Easy to Love-WA. ... 1-13-34
Easy to Make Money if
M. .1919
Easy to Take-AR 10-20-36
Easy Virtue if WW 1928
Easiest Way if SEZ 5-17-17
Eastward Ho if F 11-23-19
Eat 'Em Alive (S-SE)-
AUH.. 11-4-33
Ebb Tide if PAR 11-26-22
Ebb Tide-PAR 9-28-37
Echo of a Dream ( German )-
GLF. .12-7-30
Echo of Youth if GRA. . 2-2-19
Ecstasy (Czechoslovakian)-
JEW. .1937
Ecstasy of Young Love
( Czecholovakian ) -
MEO. .3-10-36
Edelweisskoenig ( German )-
UFA. .1939
Eden and Return if
FBO. .12-25-21
Edes Mostoba ( Hungarian )-
XX. .11-23-35
Edge of Darkness-WA. .3-23-43
Edge of the Abyss if
TRI. .12-9-15
Edge of the Law if U 1917
Edge of the World if UFA
Edge of the World-PAX. .9-9-38
Edge of Youth if GAU. .10-9-21
Edison, The Man-
MGM. .5-17-40
Educating Father-F 5-23-36
Education of Elizabeth if
PAR. .1921
Efficiency Edgar's Courtship if
ES. .9-13-17
Egg-Crate Wallop if
PAR 10-12-19
Egy Ej Velenceben
(Hungarian) -XX. .12-30-35
Ehestreik ( German )-
UFA. .9-10-35
Eidia Que Me Quieras
(Spanish) -PAR. .4-3-35
Eight Bells-COL 5-11-35
Eight Girls in a Boat-
PAR. .1-13-34
"813" if RC 1-23-21
1812-ARQ ........ 9-18-44
Ein Ausgekochter Junge
(German) -CAP. .5-8-32
Ein Auto Und Kein Geld
(German) -XX. .8-11-36
Ein Burschenlied Aus Heidel-
berg (German) -UFA. .9-20-31
Ein Falscher Fuffziger
(German)-XX. .2-15-37
Ein Frau Wie Du-
BAU. .12-27-34
Ein Ganzer Kerl ( German )-
BAU. .4-27-36
Ein Gewisser Herr Gran
UFA. .2-24-34
Ein Hoffnungsloser Fall
(German) -UFA. .1939
Ein Idealer Gatte ( German )-
XX. .1-14-37
Ein Junges Madehen — Ein
■lunger Mann (German) -
BAU. .3-2-36
ljEin Liebesroman Im House
\ Hapsburg ( German )-
CAO. .10-13-36
Ein Lied. Ein Rubs, Ein Maede)
(German) -XX. .12-14-36
Ein Lied Geht Um Die Welt
(German) -XX. .9-28-36
Ein Maedel der Strasse-
XX. .4-10-33
Ein Maedel Mit Tempo
(German) -CAS. .8-30-37
Ein Mann Will Naeh Deutsch-
land-UFA. .11-14-34
Ein Prinz Verliebt Sich
(German) -CAP. .5-1-32
Ein Saltsamer Gast
(German) -UFA. .7-15-37
Ein Stadt Steht Kopf-ELI . 2-1-34
Ein Stelldichein Im Schwarz-
wald ( German ) -XX . . 3-5-37
Ein Toller Einfall-UFA. .5-22-3*
Ein Walzer Fuer Dich
(German) -XX. . 9-28-3f
Ein Walzer Von Strauss
(German) -BEX. .2-14-38
Eine Frau Die Weiss Was Sie
Will ( German ) -XX .. 7-20-36
Eine Freundin So Goldig Wie
Du ( German) -TOB. .10-25-31
Eine Liebesnaeht-XX. . . . 5-18-3U
Eine Nacht im Paradies-
AMR. .2-23-33
Eine Tuer Geht Auf-
PRX. .2-8-33
Einer Zu Viel An Bord
(German) -UFA. .1-28-38
Eines Prinzen Junge Liebe-
UFA. .3-28-34
Einmal Eine Grosse Dame Sein-
UFA. .10-30-34
Eisenstein in Mexico (S-SE)-
PRI. .11-2-33
El Agua en el Suelo
(Spanish) -COL. .2-6-35
El Asesinato de Los Penitentes
( Spanish )-KIO. .1936
El Astro Del Tango
(Spanish)-XX. .1941
El Caballo Del Pueblo
(Spanish) -XX. .12-17-35
El Cantante De Napoles
(Spanish) -WA. .2-26-35
El Calvario De Una Esposa
(Spanish) -XX. .9-28-36
El Capitan Adventurero
(Spanish) -XX. .10-12-39
El Crimen De Media Noche
(Spanish) -REB. .2-25-36
El Dancing ( Spanish) -
HOB. .1-30-35
El Desaparicido (Spanish) -
XX. .6-3-36
El Diablo Del Mar
( Spanish )-THC. .4-2-36
El Diablo Rides-MEP. .12-5-39
El Escandalo-XX 9-24-34
El Fantasma del Convento
(Spanish) -XX. .4-24-35
El Heroe de Nacozari
(Spanish) -XX. .9-24-35
El Hombre Que Assesino
(Spanish) -PAR. .1932
El Hombre Que Se Reia del Amor
(Spanish) -XX. .7-19-35
El Imposter (Spanish) -
XX. .4-14-37
El Maestro Leuita (Spanish)-
XX. 1940
El Matero ( Spanish) -XX .. 1940
El Octavo Mandamiento
(Spanish)-XX. .3-15-37
El Paradiso Recobrado
(Spanish)-XX. .4-30-36
El Precio de un Beso-F . . 8-1-33
El Principe Gondolero-
PAR. .9-13-33
El Prisionero 13-CIX. .3-30-34
Current Production
A Technicolor Production
Lassie, Elizabeth Taylor,
Frank Morgan and Tom Drake
El Pulpo Humano ( Spanish )-
HOB.. 5-9-35
El Rayo (Spanish) -
XX. .10-21-35
El Rey de Los Gitanos-
F. .5-31-33
El Relicario ( Spanish )-
XX. .1-2-36
El Rosal Bendito (Spanish) -
XX. .2-8-37
El Tango en Broadway
(Spanish) -PAR. .1-3-35
El Tesoro De Pancho Villa
(Spanish) -XX. .1-28-36
El Tigre de Yautepec-
XX. .10-22-34
El Traidor (Spanish) -
XX. .4-18-38
El Viegro Doctor ( Spanish )-
XX. .1940
El Vuelo de la Muerte
(Spanish) -XX. .4-18-35
Elephant Boy-UA 4-6-37
Elephants on His Hands if
PS. .1921
Eleven Who Were Loyal if
UFA. .5-26-29
Eleventh Commandment if
ADV. .6-16-18
Eleventh Commandment-
ALI. .3-25-3E
Eleventh Hour if F.... 7-29-23
Eli Eli (Tiddish)-XX 1940
Elinor Norton-F 1-22-35
Elizabeth of England-
ALL. .6-8-35
Elizabeth Von Oesterreich
( German ) -TOB . . 12-13-31
Ella Cinders if FN 6-13-26
Ellery Queen and the Murder
Ring-COL. .9-22-41
Ellery Queen and the Perfect
Crime-COL. .7-10-41
Ellery Queen, Master Detective-
COL.. 11-28-40
Ellery Queen's Penthouse
Mystery-COL. .2-26-41
Elmer and Elsie-PAR . . 8-4-34
Elmer the Great-FN. .. .5-26-33
Elnokkisasszony ( Hungarian) -
XX. .10-9-35
Elope If You Must if
F. .3-19-22
Elusive Isabel if BL.... 5-4-16
Embarrassing Moments-
U. .6-15-30
Embarrassing Moments-
U. .9-5-34
Embarrassment of Riches if
HOD. .9-29-18
Embers if AMU 3-2-16
Emergency Call-RKO. . . .6-24-33
Emergency Landing-
PRC. .7-10-41
Emergency Squad-PAR . . 1-10-40
Emil-OLM 4-18-38
Emil Und Die Detektive
( German) -UFA . . 12-20-31
Emma-MGM 1-3-32
Emmy of Stork's Nest if
M. .10-21-15
Empire of Diamonds if
PAT. .12-19-20
Emperor Jones-UA 9-16-33
Emperor's Candlesticks, The-
MGM. .6-29-37
Employees* Entrance-
FN. .1-21-33
Empress if PAT 3-1-17
Empty Arms if PHL....1920
Empty Cab if U 7-7-18
Empty Cradl* (Spanish) -
XX 1938
Empty Hands if PAR .. 8-24-24
Empty Hearts if BAE...1924
Empty Holsters-WA 1937
Empty PocketB if FN 1918
Empty Saddles-U 10-17-36
En Enda Natt (Swedish)-
XX.. 1942
En Glad Gutt-SCA 11-27-33
En Kvinnas Ansikte
(Swedish) -SCA. .9-18-39
En Natt (Swedish) -XX. .1-30-35
En Saga ( Swedish) -
HOB. .1-11-38
Enchanted April-RKO. .1-16-35
Enchanted Barn if VIT. .1-19-19
Enchanted Cottage if
FN. .4-20-24
Enchanted Hill if PAR. .1-10-26
Enchanted Island if
TIF. .6-19-27
Enchantment if PAR.. 11-6-21
End of a Day, The ( French) -
PAX. .9-18-39
End of St. Petersburg if
HAM. .6-10-28
End of the Game if
PAT. .3-23-19
End of the Rainbow if
BL. .10-26-16
End of the Road-REP. . .12-6-44
End of the Road if
PHF. .10-12-15
End of the Rope if
AY 7-29-23
End of the Tour if m! '. 2-15-17
End of the Trail • F . . 8-10-16
End of the Trail-COL. .2-23-33
End of the Trail-COL. . 10-31-36
End of the World-AUT. .4-17-34
End of the World if
GRN. .6-1-16
End of the World if
APD. .1924
Endstation ( German )-
XX. .7-21-37
Enemies of Children if
MAM. .12-16-23
Enemies of Progress-
Unknown. .1-16-34
Enemies of the Law-
REG. .7-12-31
Enemies of Women if
G. .4-8-23
Enemies of Youth if
MOE. .6-28-25
Enemigos-XX 7-23-24
Enemy if VIT 12-14-16
Enemy if MGM 1-1-28
Enemy Agent-U 4-26-40
Enemy Agents Meet Ellery
Queen-COL. .8-26-42
Enemy of Men if COL. .1-10-26
Enemy of Women-
MOP. .8-28-44
Enemy Sex *• PAR 7-6-24
Enemy to Society -fa
M. .10-14-15
Enemy to the King if
VIT. .11-23-16
Enlighten Thy Daughter if
IV. .2-8-17
Enlighten Thy Daughter-
EXQ. .12-27-33
En Sjoman Till Hast
(Swedish)-XX. .1941
Entente Cordiale (French)-
XX. .1-2-40
Enter Arsene Lupin-U. . 12-5-44
Enter Madam if M.... 11-5-22
Enter Madam-PAR 1-12-35
Enticement if FN 2-1-25
Environment if AMU.. 5-10-17
Environment if PRI. .12-24-22
Envy * TRI 1-25-17
Episode ( German )-MEO. 5-18-37
Eravamo Sette Sorella
(Italian) -ESP. .3-14-39
Eravamo Sette Vedove
(Italian) -ESP.. 1940
Erik a Buzakalasz
(Hungarian) -DAN. .9-18-39
Ermine and Rhinestones if
JA.. 8-15-26
Erstwhile Susan if
REA. .12-7-19
Es Gibt Nur Eine Liebe
(German) -XX. .2-5-37
Es War Eine Rauschwnde Ball-
nacht (German) -UFA. .1939
Es War Einmal Ein Walzer
(German) -XX. .10-15-34
Es Wird Schon Wieder Besser
(German) -UFA . . 1-24-34
Escale ( French ) -FRM 1942
Escapade-INV 5-29-32
Escapade-MGM 7-6-35
Escapade ( German ) -XX . . . 1938
Escape-MGM 10-31-40
Escape-RKO 11-2-30
Escape * F 5-13-28
Escape *■ U 4-4-26
Escape, The F 11-9-39
Escape to Danger-RKO. .2-14-44
Escape By Night-REP. .8-31-37
Escape from Crime-WA. .6-4-42
Escape from Devil's Island-
COL. .11-26-35
Escaped from Dartmoor if
BI. .4-20-30
Escape from Hong Kong-
U. .6-30-42
Escape from Yesterday
(French) -HOB. .5-11-39
Escape Me Never-UA . . 5-24-35
Escape to Glory-COL. . . .1940
Escape to Paradise-RKO. . 1939
Escaped from Hell if
AEP. .2-3-29
Eskimo-MGM 11-16-33
Esmeralda * PAR. .. .9-16-15
Espano Heroica ( Spanish )-
XX. .1938
Espionage-MGM 3-6-37
Espionage Agent-WA . . . 9-25-39
Eternal City if FN 11-11-23
Eternal City if PAR 1924
Eternal Flame • FN. .9-24-22
Eternal Fools ( Yiddish )-
JUD. .1930
Eternal Gif t-LAM 10-9-41
Eternal Grind * PAR. .4-13-16
Eternal Love * U . . . . 6-3-17
Eternal Love (S-SE)-
UA. .5-19-29
Eternal Magdalene if
G. .5-25-19
Eternal Mask, The
( German 1-MAB. .1-12-37
Eternal Mother if UM...1920
Eternal Mother if M . . . .12-6-17
Eternal Prayer if COH..1929
Eternal Question if M. . 7-20-16
Eternal Sappho if F. . . .5-11-16
Eternal Secret ( French )-
XX. . 1940
Eternal Sin if SEZ 3-22-17
Eternal Struggle if M . . 9-16-23
Eternal Temptress if
PAR. .12-13-17
Eternal Three if G.... 10-7-23
Eternal Woman if COL. .4-7-29
Eternally Yours-UA. . . .10-3-39
Eva and the Grasshopper if
UFA. .12-2-28
Eva, Das Fabrikmaedel
( German )-SWI. .1-13-38
Evangeline if F 8-24-19
Evangeline ( PT ) -UA . . . 8-14-29
Eva in Exile ■*■ PAT. .12-14-19
Eve of St. Mark, The-
F. .5-22-44
Eve's Daughter if PAR. .3-21-18
Eyes in the Night-MGM . 9-9-42
Eve's Leaves if PDC. . 5-30-26
Eve's Lover if WA .... 8-2-25
Eve's Secret if PAR . . 6-21-25
Evelyn Prentice-MGM. . 11-10-34
Even as Ever if FN.... 1920
Even as You and I if U. .4-5-17
Even Break, An if
TRI. .8-9-17
Evenings for Sale-
PAR.. 11-12-32
Evensong-GB 11-14-34
Ever in My Heart- WA . . 10-13-33
Ever Since Eve-F 3-27-84
Ever Since Eve if F. .7-31-21
Ever Since Eve-WA ... 6-22-37
L e n H
H 0 r n E
Ever Since Venus-COL. . 9-22-44
Evergreen-GB 1-11-35
Everlasting Whisper if
F. .10-25-25
Every Day's a Holiday-
PAR. .12-27-37
Every Girl's Dream if
F. .9-13-17
Everv Man's Price * SR..1921
Every Man's Wife if F. .5-31-25
Every Mother's Son if
F. .1-5-19
Every Night at Eight-
PAR. .7-30-35
Every Saturday Night-
F. .3-14-36
Every Woman's Problem if
PLY. .3-27-21
Everybody Dance-GB 1937
Everybody Sing-MGM . . 1 -26-38
Everybody's Acting if
PAR. .11-14-26
Everybody's Baby-F 1939
Everybody's Business if
WH. .1919
Everybody's Doing It-
RKO. .3-17-38
Everybody's Girl if
VIT. .11-17-18
Everybody's Hobby-
WA. .9-29 39
Everybody's Old Man-
F. .3-27-36
Everybody's Sweetheart if
SEZ. .10-24-20
Everyman's Law-SUM .. 7-21-36
Everything But the Truth if
U. .5-16-20
Everything Happens at Night-
F. .12-18-39
Everything for Sale if
REA. .10-2-21
Everything Is Rhythm-
AST. .1939
Everything Is Thunder-
GB. .11-20-36
Everything's On Ice-
RKO. .9-7-39
Everything's Rosie-
RKO. .5-24-31
Everywoman if PAR. . 12-21-19
Everywoman's Husband if
TRI. .7-7-18
Evfordula ( Hungarian )-
HUN. .10-21-37
Evidence if SEZ 6-18-22
Evidence if SWO 9-23-15
Evidence if TRI 1-17-18
Evidence-WA 10-6-29
Evil Eye if PAR 1-11-17
Evil Thereof * PAR.. 6-29-16
Evil Women Do if BL. . 9-14-16
Evolution if SEA. .. .7-19-25
Evolution of Man if AY.. 1921
Ex-Bad Boy-U 9-27-31
Ex-Champ-U 5-17-39
Ex-Flame-TIF 1-25-31
Ex-Lady- WA 5-13-33
Ex-Mrs. Bradford. The-
RKO. .4-23-36
Exalted Flapper (S-SE)-
F. .8-11-29
Excess Baggage if
MGM. .9-30-28
Exchange of Wives if
MG. .10-18-25
Exciters if PAR 6-10-23
Excitement if U 4-13-24
Exclusive-PAR 7-22-37
Exclusive Rights if
PRE. .1-23-27
Exclusive Story-MGM .. 1-18-36
Excuse Me if MG 8-2-25
Excuse Me if PAT. ... 1-6-16
Excuse My Dust if
PAR. .3-28-20
Exile if ART 11-22-17
Exile Express-GN 2-8-39
Exiled to Shanghai-
REP. .12-13-37
Exiles if F 1923
Exit Smiling if MGM. .11-14-26
Exit the Vamp if PAR.. 2-5-22
Expensive Husbands-
WA. .9-9-37
Expensive Women-FN. . 11-15-31
Experience if PAR 8-14-21
Experiment Perilous-
RKO. .12-1S-44
Experimental Marriage if
SE. .3-30-19
Extra Girl if AE 1-27-34
Extravagance * M.... 3-6-21
Extravagance if M . . . .11-16-16
Extravagance-TIF .... 12-7-30
UFA. .8-9-31
Exquisite Sinner if MGM. .1926
Exquisite Thief * U....1919
Extortion-COL 5-9-38
Extra, Extra-F 2-19-22
Exposed-EAG 9-24-32
Exposed-U 11-28-38
Exposure-CAP 8-20-32
Express 13 ( German )-
Explorer if EDK 9-23-15
Explorers of the World-
RAS. .9-6-31
Expert, The-WA 2-28-32
Exploits of a German Sub-
marine if CBP. .1-11-20
Eye for Eye * M 12-29-18
Eye of Envy if HAD.. 8-30-17
Eye of God if BL 5-25-16
Eye of the Night if
INC. .7-13-16
Eyes of Julia Deep if
PAT. .8-11-18
Eyes of Mystery if M.. 1-24-18
Eyes of the Desert if
SIE. .1926
Eyes of the Forest if F..1924
Eyes of the Heart if
REA. .11-7-20
Eyes of the Mummy if
PAR. .1922
Eyes of the Soul if
ART. .4-27-19
Eyes of the Totem if
PAT. .5-15-27
Eyes of the Underworld if
U. .1929
Eyes of the Underworld-U 1-6-43
Eyes of the World-UA. . 8-17-30
Eyes of the World if
CLU. .7-7-18
Eyes of Truth if G 1921
Eyes of Youth if
EQU. .11-16-19
Eyes Right if GOO 1926
F. P. 1-F 9-16-33
F-Man-PAR 5-5-36
Fabiola if MAR 10-31-20
Tace at the Window, The-
ZIE. .10-25-40
Iface at Your Window if
F. .11-14-20
Pace Behind the Mask, The
COL. .2-10-41
Face Behind the Scar, The
FIA. .3-13-40
Face Between if M.... 5-28-22
Face in the Dark if G. .4-25-18
Face in the Fog- VIC. ... 1935
Face in the Fog if
PAR. .10 15-22
Face in the Sky-F. ... 2-18-33
Face in the World if
HOD. .7-24-21
Face on the Barroom Floor
INV. .10-14-32
Face on the Barroom Floor if
F. .1-7-23
Face to Face if AE. . . .10-1-22
Face Value if BL 1-3-18
Face Value ■*■ STE 1927
Faces of Children if
ZAK. .12-30-28
Faces in the Fog-REP. .10-27-44
Faded Butterfly if SEZ
. .1924
Faded Flame if IV 8-17-16
Faded Tracks ( German )-
XX. .1939
Fagasa if FD 1928
Faint Perfume if SCH. . . .1925
Fair and Warmer if
Fair Barbarian if
Fair Cheat if FBO.
Fair Co-Ed if MGM.
Fair Enough if PAT.
Fair Lady if UA . .
Fair Play if ST.
Fair Pretender if G.
Fair Warning-F .
Fair Warning-F .
Fair Week if PAR.
Faith if F
Faith if M
Faith Endurin' if TRI.
Faith Healer if PAR.
Faith of the Strong if
SEZ. .9-21-19
Falcon and the Co-eds,
The-RKO 11-10-43
Falcon in Danger, The-
RKO 7-20-43
Falcon Strikes Back,
The-RKO 3-24-43
Fallen Sparrow, The-
RKO 8-20-43
Falcon in Hollywood. The-
RKO. .12-6-44
Falcon in Mexico, The-
RKO. .7-31-44
Falcon Out West, The-
RKO. .3-3-44
Falcon Takes Over, The-
RKO. .5-11-42
Falcon's Brother, The-
RKO. .10-5-42
Faithful Heart-HEL. . .8-15-33
Faithless-MGM 11-19-32
Faithless Lover if
KRE. .3-11-28
Faithless Sex if SIG 1922
Faker if COL 3-10-29
Fakir if PS
Fall Guy-RKO 5-25-30
Fall In-UA 1942
Fall of a Nation if NF. .6-15-16
Fall of Babylon * GRI. .7-27-19
Fall of Eve-COL 6-23-29
Fall of the Romanoffs if
WOO. .10-11-17
Fallen Angel if F.
Fallen Idol if F. . . .
Falling in Love-TIM .
False Alarm if COL.
False Ambitions if
TRI. .7-21-18
False Brands if PSR. . 3-12-22
False Code * PAT 1920
False Colors if PAR 1914
False Colors-UA 11-5-43
Evidence if M 1919
Faces * PAR.. 2-23-19
Faces-REP 1943
Faces-WW 11-3-32
Feathers if ELD . . . 1929
False Friend if BW. .. .6-14-17
False Friends * GOO 1926
False Fronts if AR 6-11-22
False God if PAT 10-5-19
Kisses if U 1922
Madonna-PAR. . . .2-7-32
Pretenses-CHE . . 10-25-35
Rapture-FIA 1940
False Road if PAR 5-16-20
False Trail if PS 1924
False Uniforms (S-SE)-
AM. .11-23-32
False Women if AYC 1921
Fame and Fortune if
F. .8-25-18
Familienparade ( German )-
XX. .3-30-37
Familjen Andersson
(Swedish) -SCA. .1-26-39
Familjen Som Var En Karusel
( Swedish )-SC A. .6-1-37
Wm. Morris Agency
Under Contract to
Family Affair, A-MGM . . 4-22-37
Family Closet * AE 9-25-21
Family Cupboard if
WO. .10-14-15
Family Honor if FN.... 5-2-20
Family Honor * PBW. .4-12-17
Family Hummel ( German )-
XX. .1939
Family Next Door, The-
U. .4-14-39
Family Schinek ( German )-
XX 1939
Family Secret if U 6-8-24
Family Skeleton if INC. .3-21-18
Family Stain if F 1916
Family Tree if M 1919
Family Upstairs if F.. 7-26-26
Famous Fergruson Case-
FN. .4-24-32
Famous Mrs. Fair if
M. .3-11-23
Fan Fan if F 11-34-18
Fanatics ■£ TRI 1917
Fancy Baggage (PT)-
WA . .3-17-29
Fang: and Claw-RKO. ! i2-21-35
Fang-s of Destiny if U. .12-17-27
Fangs of Fate if
PAT. .6-24-28
Fang-s of Justice if
BIS. .2-6-27
Fang-s of the Wild if
FBO. .1-15-28
Fang-s of the Wolf if
ARC. .1924
Fanny Elssler ( German )-
UFA. .12-30-37
Fanny Foley Herself-
RKO. .10-25-31
Fanny Hawthorne if
EXP. .11-17-29
Fantasia-RKO 11-14-40
Fantomas-DUW 3-13-34
Far Call (S-SE)-F 6-16-29
Far Cry if FN 2-28-26
Far From the Madding- Crowd ■£
MT. .6-29-16
Far Western Trails if
AI. .1929
Farewell Agrain-UA 1937
Farewell to Arms-
PAR. .12-10-32
Farewell. My Lovely (Murder,
My Sweet) -RKO. .12-8-44
Farg-o Express- WOW. .. .3-1-33
Farg-o Kid-RKO 1940
Farmer in the Dell, The-
RKO . . 3-7-36
Farmer Takes a Wife-
F. .6-11-35
Farmer's Daugrhter, The-
PAR. .2-13-40
Farmer's Daugrhter if
F.. 11-11-28
Farmer's Wife, The if
UED. .1-12-30
Fascinatinr Youth if
PAR. .3-7-26
Fascination if M 4-23-22
Fascination-POP 4-10-32
Fashion Madness if
COL. .2-26-28
Fashion Row if M.... 12-2-23
Fashionable Fakirs if
FBO. .1923
Fashions for Women if
PAR. .4-10-27
Fashions in Love-PAR .. 7-7-29
Fashions of 1934-FN. . 1-9-34
Fast and Fearless if
ARC. .10-12-24
Fast and Furious if U. .7-10-27
Fast and Furious-
MGM. .10-20-39
Fast and Loose-PAR . . .11-30-30
Fast and Loose-MGM. . 2-17-39
Fast Bullets-REB.
Fast Companions-U. .
Fast Company if BL.
Fast Company-PAR. .
Fast Company-MGM.
. .1932
Fast Frelgrht if RA 1926
Fast Life-FN 10-27-29
Fast Life-MGM 12-24-32
Fast Mail if F 7-9-22
Fast Set if PAR 11-23-24
Fst Workers-MGM ...3-18-33
Fast Workers-U 9-28-24
Fatal Card * PAR 10-7-16
Fatal Hour-MOP 1-24-40
Fatal Hour if M 10-31-20
Fatal Lady -PAR 5-19-36
Fatal Plung-e if ARC 1924
Fatal 30 if PAC 1927
Fate of a Flirt if COL. . .1926
Fate's Boomerang- -fc
WO. .5-25-16
Fate's Stepchild (Frencn)-
XX. .1938
Fated Hour if CIE 4-19-17
Father and the Boys if U. .1915
Father and Son if
MT. .7-27-16
Father and Son (PT)-
COL. .6-9-29
Father Brown, Detective-
PAR. .1-18-35
Father Is a Prince-WA . . 1940
Father O'Flynn-HOB 1-3-39
Father of Men if VIT. .7-13-16
Father of the Country
(Italian) -XX. .1938
Father Steps Out-MOP. .7-30-41
Father Takes a Wife-
RKO. .7-17-41
Father Tom if AP 1922
Father's Son-FN 11-16-30
Father's Son-WA 2-17-41
Fatherhood if U 1915
Fatty & Broadway Stars if
TRI. .12-16-15
Fatty and Mabel Adrift if
TRI. .2-3-16
Faust * MGM 12-12-26
Favor to a Friend * M. . .1919
Favorite Fool if TRI.. 10-7-15
Fazil ( S-SE) -F 6-10-28
Fear Bound if VIT 1925
Fear Fighter if RA 10-11-25
Fear Market * REA. .. 1-11-20
Fear Not if BUT 11-29-17
Fear of Poverty if
PAT. .9-7-16
Fear Women if G.... 7-13-19
Fearless Lover if PFT. . 8-2-25
Fearless Rider if U.... 1-29-28
Feast of Life if WO.. 5-4-16
Feather, The (S-SE) -UA. . 1929
Feather in Her Hat, A-
COL. .10-25-35
Feathertop if GAU. . .4-20-16
Federal Ag-ent-REP. . . .4-14-36
Federal Bullets-MOP. .10-26-37
Federal Fug"itives-PRC. . 5-9-41
Federal Man-Hunt-REP. .1-10-39
Fedora if PAR 7-28-18
Feel My Pulse if PAR.. 3-4-28
Feet First-PAR 11-2-30
Feet of Clay if RAL 1917
Feet of Clay if PAR 9-28-20
Fehervari Huszarok
(Hungarian) -DAN. .9-21-39
Felix O'Day if PAT 9-12-20
Female if PAR 9-7-24
Female-FN 11-4-33
Female Fugitive-MOP. .4-15-38
Female of the Species if
INC. .12-21-16
Feminine Touch. The-
MGM. .9-15-41
Ferien vom Ich ( German )-
UFA. .4-2-35
Festival of the Dove
(Spanish) -XX. .1938
Fettered Woman if
TRI. .11-8-17
Feu Mathias Pascal
(French) -FRM. .11-19-37
Feud if F 1920
Feud Girl if PAR 5-18-16
Feud of the West-DIV. .5-19-36
Feud Woman if PIZ....1928
Feud Woman if SIE....1826
Fiat Voluntas Dei ( Italian )-
NUO. .7-7-36
Fibbers if ES 10-18-17
Fickle Woman if SCW. .8-16-20
Fiddlin' Buckaroo-U. .. 12-20-33
Fidelity if AY 1922
Fidlovacka (Czechoslovakian)-
DRK. .7-5-31
Field of Honor if U. .6-21-17
Fields of Honor if G. . 1-24-18
Fiesta-UA 1941
Fiesta-UA 1-2-42
15 Maiden Lane-F. ... 9-29-36
Fifteen Wives-INV 7-17-34
Fifth Avenue if PDC. . 2-28-26
Fifth Avenue Girl-
RKO. .8-22-39
Fifth Avenue Models if
U. .1-18-26
Fifty Candles if HOD... 1-8-22
Fifty Fathoms Deep-
COL. .8-16-31
Fifty-Fifty if FAT. ... 10-19-16
Fifty-Fifty * AE 8-2-25
Fifty-Fifty Girl *
PAR. .5-20-28
Fifty Million Frenchmen-
WA. .3-29-31
Fifty Roads to Town-
F. .3-29-37
52nd Street-UA 11-17-37
$50,000 Reward if ELF.. 1924
Fig: Leaves if F 7-11-26
Fig-aro * FF 12-1-29
Figaro E la Sua Gran Giornata-
PIT. .10-30-33
Fig-aro's Best Day (Italian) -
KIT. .1935
Fig-ht for Honor if
PFT. .1924
Figrht for Life-COL. . .3-18-40
Fig-ht for Love if U.... 3-9-19
Fig-ht for Matterhorn if
UED. .8-4-29
Figrht for Peace- WAW. .4-19-38
Fig-ht for Your Lady-
RKO. .9-28-37
Fig-ht to Finish if COL... 1926
Fig-ht to the Finish, A-
COL. .7-1-37
Figrhter <£- SEZ 8-21-21
Fig-htin' Mad if M. ... 10-30-21
Fig-htin' Redhead *
FBO. .11-11-28
Fighting American if U. .6-1-24
Fig-hting- Back if TRI.. 11-1-17
Fig-hting- Bill Farg-o-U. . .5-21-42
Fig-htingr Blade if FN.. 10-1-23
Fig-hting- Blood if F... 3-2-16
Fig-hting- Bob if M 1915
Fig-hting- Boob if FBO... 6-2-26
Fig-hting- Breed if AY.. 8-14-21
Fig-hting- Buckaroo-COL. .4-8-43
Fig-hting- Buckaroo if F. .4-25-36
Fig-htingr Caballero-FD. . .1935
Fig-hting- Caravans-PAR. . .2-1-31
Fig-hting- Champ. The
MOP. .12-10-32
Fig-hting- Chance if
PAR. .7-25-20
Fig-htingr Cheat if ARC... 1926
Fig-htingr Code-COL 1-10-34
Fig-hting- Colleen if
VIT. .11-16-19
Fig-hting- Comeback if
PAT. .4-17-27
Fig-hting- Courage if
DAV. .7-5-25
Fig-hting Coward if
PAR. .3-23-24
Fighting- Coward-VIC .... 1935
Fig-hting: Cressy if
PAT. .12-14-19
Fig-hting Cub * TRU. . 8-9-25
Fighting Demon if
FBO. .5-24-25
Fighting Destiny if
VIT. .3-30-19
Fighting Devil Dogs-REP. . 1943
■ v
Fighting Eagle if
PAT. .8-28-17
Fighting: Edge if WA 1926
Fighting Failure if
HPI. .2-13-27
Fighting Fate * RA . . 1 -17-20
Fighting Fool, The-
COL. .3-27-32
Fighting Frontier-RKO. .2-18-43
Fighting for Gold * F..1919
Fighting for Justice-
COL. .5-17-33
Fighting for Love if
RED. .1-11-17
Fighting for the Fatherland if
WW. .9-1-29
Fighting Fury if U ... .7-27-24
Fighting Gentleman, The-
FRE. .10-4-32
Fighting Gob if AY.... 1926
Fighting Grin if BL. . 1-17-18
Fighting Gringo if U....1917
Fighting Gringo, The-
RKO. .11-28-39
Fighting Guide if V1T..1922
Fighting Heart * F.. 10-4-25
Fighting Hero-STI 7-17-34
Fighting Hombre if
FBO. .1927
Fighting Lady-ROY. .. .4-16-35
Fighting Lady, The-F .. 12-20-44
Fighting Legion (PT)-
U. .3-16-30
Fighting Love if PDC. 5-29-27
Fighting Lover if U....1921
Fighting Luck if RA....1926
Fighting Mad * U 1917
Fighting Mad-TTF 1931
Fighting Mad-MOP 1939
Fighting Marine if PAT.. 1926
Fighting Marshal, The-
COL. .2-28-32
Fighting Odds if G.... 10-4-17
Fighting Parson-ALI .... 8-2-33
Fighting Peacemaker if U. . 1926
Fighting Pilot, The-AJ. . 2-14-35
Fighting Pioneer-RES. .5-21-35
Fighting President-U ... .4-8-33
Fighting Rangers-COL. .4-12-34
Fighting Rookie-MAY. . .7-13-34
Fighting Roosevelts if
FN. .1-26-19
Fighting Seabees, The-
REP. .1-19-44
Fighting Sap if FBO.... 1924
Fighting 69th, The-
WA. .1-5-40
Fighting Shadows-COL. . 5-17-35
Fighting Shepherdess if
FN. .4-3-20
Fighting Sheriff if IND. .5-17-25
Fighting Sheriff-COL. .. 6-28-31
Fighting Stallion if GOO.. 1926
Fighting Stranger if CAN. .1921
Fighting Streak if F.. 4-30-22
Fighting Terror if
SYN. .12-8-29
Fighting Texans-MOP. .7-26-33
Fighting the Flames if
COL. .8-23-25
Fighting the White Slave
Traffic (PT)-BER. . 19?.»
Fighting Thoroughbreds-
REP. .1-16-39
Fighting Through-KEN. .8-29-34
Fighting Through if
HOD. .1-19-19
Fighting Thorobreds if
RA. .1926
Fighting Three if U.... 5-1-27
Fighting Trooper-
AMB. .11-21-34
Fighting Tylers * PAT. ..1924
Fighting Youth-U 11-2-35
Figurehead if SEZ. .. .6-20-20
Figures Don't Lie if
PAR. .1-15-28
File 113-HOL 2-21-32
Filleres Gyoers-XX 1933
Filling His Own Shoes if
ES. .6-21-17
. . .1921
. . .1928
Film Parade (S-SE)-
BLC. .12-20-33
Filming of the Golden Eagle if
XX 1929
Final Closeup if PAR.. 6-1-19
Final Curtain if RLE..
Final Edition-COL
Final Extra * HTM.
Final Hour, The-COL..
Final Judgment if M.. 10-28-15
Final Melody, The
(Spanish) -XX. .1939
Final Payment if F . . . .6-14-17
Find the Blackmailer-
WA 10-19-43
Find the Witness-COL. . 5-1-37
Find the Woman if VIT. .6-9-18
Find the Woman if
Find Your Man if WA . .
Finders Keepers if PI .
Finders Keepers if U .
Fine Clothes if FN . . .
Fine Feathers if M . . .
Fine Manners if PAR.
Finger of Justice if ARW. .1919
Finger Points-FN 3-29-31
Finger Prints if HYP... 1923
Finger Prints if WA.. 1-16-27
Fingers at the Window-
MGM. .3-18-42
Finishing School-RKO. . .4-6-34
Finn and Hattie-PAR.
Finnegan's Ball if FD. .
Fire and Steel if ELB.
Fire Brigade if MGM .
Fire Bride if FBO 1922
Fire Cat if U 2-20-21
Fire Eater if U 12-25-21
Fire Flingers if U 4-6-19
Fire on the Ocean
(German) -XX. .1940
Fire Over England-UA. . 1-14-37
Fire Patrol if CHA. ... 5-25-24
Firebird- WA 11-15-34
Firebrand if F 6-9-18
Firebrand * GOL 1923
Firebrand Jordan-PIF 8-3-30
Firebrand Trevision if F. 7-18-20
Firebrands of Arizona-
REP. .1944
Fired Wife-U 8-31-43
Firefly, The-MGM 9-2-37
Firefly of France if
PAR. .7-14-18
Firefly of Tough Luck if
TRI. .10-18-17
Fireman if MT 6-8-16
Fireman Save My Child-
FN. .2-21-32
Fireman Save My Child if
PAR. .10-16-27
Fires of Conscience if F..1916
Fires of Fate if PAR.. 5-11-19
Fires of Fate-POP ....4-4-33
Fires of Rebellion if BL. .7-5-17
Fires of Youth if FN 1920
Fires of Youth-W 1931
Fires of Youth-PAT. . .5-31-17
Firetrap, The-EMP. ... 11-26-35
Firing Line if PAR .... 7-13-19
Firm of Girdlestone if
VIT. .10-19-16
First a Girl-GB 1935
First Aid-WW 7-12-31
First Auto if WA 8-14-27
First Baby, The-F. .. .4-14-36
First Born if RC 2-6-21
First Comes Courage-
COL 9-10-43
First Degree if .U 1923
First Hundred Years-
MGM. .2-14-38
First Kiss if PAR. ... 8-26-28
First Lady-WA 9-3-37
First Law if PAT. .. .7-21-18
First Love if PAR. . . .12-25-21
First Love-U 11-3-39
First Night if TIF 3-6-27
First Offenders-COL 1939
First Unit Programme if
IFC. .5-11-19
First Woman if FBO.. 4-23-22
First World War-F .... 11-8-34
First Year if F 1-10-26
First Year-F 8-4-32
Fisherman of Posillipo (S-SE)-
ARB. .11-25-28
Fisherman's Wharf-RKO. .3-1-39
Fit for a King-RKO 9-1-37
Fit to Win if USP 4-13-19
Five and Ten-MGM ... .7-12-31
Five and Ten-Cent Annie
(S-SE)-WA. .9-16-28
Five Came Back-RKO. . 6-12-39
Five Days to Live if
FBO. .1-15-22
Five Dollar Baby if M . . 6-4-22
Five Dollar Plate if PS
Five Faults of Flo if
MT. .1-13-16
Five Graves to Cairo-PAR 5-4-43
Five Little Peppers and How
They Grew-COL. . 11-28-39
Five Little Peppers at Home-
COL. .4-10-40
Five Little Peppers in Trouble-
COL. .11-15-40
Five Millionen Suchen Einen
Erben ( German ) -UFA . . 1939
Five of a Kind-F 10-14-38
Five Star Final-FN. ... 9-13-31
Five Thousand an Hour if
M. .12-1-18
3(5,000 Reward •*■ BL.. 5-12-18
Five Year Plan if AM . . 6-7-31
Fixed by George if ..10-31-20
Fixer Dugan-RKO 5-29-39
Fizessen Nagysad ( Hungarian )-
HUN. .6-14-37
Flame if STL 2-6-21
Flame of Desire if F.. .1925
Flame of Hellgate if RC..1920
Flame of New Orleans-
U. .4-24-41
Flame of Life if U 1-14-23
Flame of Love-BI 11-2-30
Flame of Passion if
TER. .10-21-15
Flame of Passion if
IND. .1-14-23
Flame of the Argentine if
FBO. .8-15-26
Flame of the Desert if
G. .11-9-19
Flame of the Yukon if
TRI. .7-19-17
Flame of the Yukon if
PDC. .7-11-26
Flame of Youth if F. .12-12-20
Flame of Youth if U.. 6-28-17
Flame Within, The-
MGM. .6-1-35
Flames if AE 8-29-26
Flames-MOP 8-26-32
Flames of Chance if
TRI. .1-17-18
Flames of Johannes if
LUB. .4-20-16
Flames of the Flesh if
F. .12-28-19
Flames on the Volga if
AM. .1929
Flaming Barriers if
PAR. .2-3-24
Flaming Clue * VIT. . .4-18-20
Flaming Forest if
MGM. .11-28-26
Flaming Forties if
PDC. .2-25-25
Flaming Frontier if U. .4-11-26
Flaming Fury if FBO.. 1926
Flaming Gold RKO. ... 1-18-34
Flaming Guns-U 6-17-33
Flaming Hour if U. . . .12-31-22
Flaming Omen if VIT.. 11-1-17
Flaming Signal-INV. .. .5-25-33
Flaming Sword if M 1915
Flaming Waters if
FBO. .1-31-26
Flaming Youth if FN. .11-18-23
1 d
PR flDR 0 S. BERm R n
'National Velvet"
'The Picture of Dorian Gray"
'Dragon Seed"
'The Seventh Cross"
In Preparation
'The Sea of Grass"
'You Were There"
Flapper * SEZ 5-23-20
Flapper Wives * SEZ... 5-4-24
Flare-Up Sal * PAR.. 2-14-18
Flash of an Emerald if
WO. .10-21-15
Flash of Fate * U.. 2-28-18
Flash of the Forest if
PIZ. .1928
Flashing- Fangs if FBO.,1926
Flashing- Spurs if FBO. .1-11-25
Flashlight if BL 5-10-17
Flattery if CHA 10-26-24
Fleet's In * PAR 10-7-28
Fleet's In. The-PAR .... 1-19-42
Fleetwing- if F 7-8-2:i
Flesh-MGM 12-20-32
Flesh and Blood if
CUM. .8-27-22
"-Mesh and the Devil if
MGM. .1-16-27
Flesh and Fantasy-U. . . .9-17-43
Flesh and Spirit * LBR. . .1922
Flickorna Fran Gamla Stan-
Unknown. .12-28-34
Flight-COL 9-22-29
Flight Angels-WA 5-29-40
Flight at Midnight-
REP. .8-28-39
Flight Command-
MGM. .12-23-40
Flight for Freedom-RKO. .2-4-43
Flight from Destiny-
WA. .1-3-41
Flight from Glory-RKO . . 9-17-37
Flight Into Darkness ( French )-
KAS. .10-27-38
Flight into Fame-
COL. .12-21-38
Flight into Nowhere-
COL. .5-20-38
Flight Lieutenant-COL. .6-29-42
Flight of the Duchess if
MT. .3-9-16
Flirt if U 12-31-22
Flirt if BL 4-6-16
FJirtation-FD 1935
Flirtation Walk -FN . . . .11-2-34
Flirting Widow, The-
FN.. 8-3-30
Flirting With Danger-
MOP. .11-13-34
Flirting With Death if
BL. .1917
Flirting With Fate if
FAT. .6-29-16
Flirting With Fate-
MGM. .12-16-38
Flirting With Love if
FN. .8-24-24
Floating College if TIF.. 1928
Flood-COL 5-3-31
Floodgates if LOW 3-2-24
Floor Below if G.... 3-14-18
Floorwalker if MT. ... 5-11-16
Florentine Dagger, The-
WA. .4-26-35
Florian-MGM 4-1-40
Florida Enchantment if VIT...
Florida Special-PAR. . .4-21-36
Florodora Girl, The-
MGM. .6-1-30
Flower of Doom if
RED. .4-12-17
Flower of Faith if
SGE. .9-21-16
Flower of Night if
PAR. .10-25-25
Flower of No Man's Land if
M. .7-6-16
Flower of the Dusk if
M. .9-1-18
Flower of the North if
VIT. .1-22-22
Flowers from Nice
(German) -XX. .1939
Flying Blind-PAR 8-20-41
Flying Buckaroo if
PAT. .11-11-28
Flying Cadets-U 10-15-41
Flying Colors * Till ... 0-13-17
Flying Cow * U 1928
Flying Devils-RKO. . . .8-26-33
Flying Down to Rio-
RKO. .12-20-33
Flying Deuces, The-
RKO. .10-10-39
Flying Dutchman if
FBO. .7-29-23
Flying Feet (S-SE)-
MGM. .2-17-29
Fists-TRC. . .
Fool-PAT. . .
Fortress-WA . .
High if LUM
High-MGM .
. .1925
Flowing Gold-WA.
Flowing Gold if FN
Fly-Away Baby-WA
Fly by Night-PAR.
Fly God if TRI..
Flying Hoofs if U . . .
Flying Horseman if 1
Flying Hostess-U . . . .
Flying Irishman, The
RKO. .3-17-39
Flying Lariats-BIF 1931
Flying Luck if PAT. . 11-13-27
Flying Mail if AE 1926
Flying Marine (PT)-
COL. .8-25-29
Flying Pat if PAR. . . .12-26-20
Flying Romeos if FN. .4-8-28
Flying Thru * DAV....1921
Flying Tigers-REP 9-23-42
Flying Torpedo if FAT. .3-16-16
Flying U Ranch if
FBO. .11-6-27
Flying Wild-MOP 4-17-41
Flying With Music-UA. . . . 1942
Flying With the Marines if
BPI. .6-30-18
Foeh (French)-MOD 1938
Fog-COL 1-6-34
Fog if M 7-1-23
Fog Bound * PAR. ... 6-3-23
Fog Over Frisco-FN .... 6-7-34
Folies Bergere-UA 2-20-35
Follies Girl-PRC 1943
Follies Girl * TRI 1918
Follies of Desire if
RED. .8-10-16
Follow the Band-U o-3-43
Follow the Boys-U 3-27-44
Follow the Fleet-RKO. .2-19-36
Follow the Girl if U 1917
Follow the Leader-MOP. . O-S-44
Follow the Leader- ( reviewed as
Manhattan Mary)-
PAR. .10-12-30
Follow Thru-PAR 9-14-30
Follow Your Heart-
REP. .8-11-36
Follow Your Hunch if
FBO. .1927
Folly of Revenge if
NOL. .7-27-16
Folly of Vanity * F 2-8-25
Food for Scandal if
REA. .10-31-20
Food Gamblers if TRI.. 8-9-17
Fool if F 5-10-25
Fool and His Money if
SEZ. .4-25-20
Fool and His Money if
SR. .1925
Fool There Was if F.. 7-23-22
Fool's Awakening if MG. .2-3-24
Fool's Gold if ARW. .. .5-4-19
Fool's Highway if U.... 3-9-24
Fool's Paradise ■£• IV.. 2-10-16
Fool's Paradise if
PAR. .12-11-21
Fool's Revenge if F. . . .2-24-16
Fools and Riches if U. .5-20-23
Fools and Their Money if
M. .6-22-19
Fools First if FN .... 8-13-22
Fools for Luck if ES . . 10-4-17
Fools for Luck if
PAR. .6-17-28
Fools for Scandal-
WA. .3-29-38
Fools in the Dark if
FBO. .7-20-24
Fools of Fashion if
TIF. .1926
Fools of Fortune if AR. .8-20-22
Foolish Age if FBO. . . .10-9-21
Foolish Matrons if
APR. .7-3-21
Foolish Monte Carlo if
FBO. .1922
F'oolish Parents if AE (reviewed
as "What's a Child's Worth")
Foolish Twins if LBR. . . .1922
Foolish Virgin if CBC. .12-14-24
Foolish Wives if U.... 1-15-22
Footfalls if F 9-18-21
Footlight Fever-RKO. .3-26-41
Footlight Glamour-COL. . . .1943
Footlight Parade-WA. .9-30-33
Footlight Ranger if F.. 1-21-23
Footlight Serenade-F 7-8-42
Footlights if PAR 10-9-21
Footlights and Fate if
VIT. .8-24-16
Footlights and Fools
FN. .11-17-29
Footlights and Shadows if
SEZ. .2-15-20
Footloose Heiress, The-
WA. .10-13-37
Footloose Widows if
WA. .7-18-26
Footsteps in the Dark-
WA. .3-4-41
Footsteps in the Night-
INV. .5-10-33
For A Woman's Fair Name if
VIT. .2-24-16
For a Woman's Honor if
MT. .9-28-19
For Alimony Only if
PDC. .10-31-26
For Another Woman if
RAY. .1924
For Beauty's Sake-F. . 6-26-41
For Better, For Worse if
ART. .5-4-19
For Big Stakes if F.. 6-25-22
For Buen Camino (Spanish) -
XX. .7-7-36
For Duty's Sake ( Chinese )-
XX. 1938
For France * VIT. .. .9-27-17
For Freedom if F. ... 12-29-18
For Heaven's Sake if
PAR. .4-11-26
For Her Sake ( Swedish) -
MAL. .11-16-30
For Her People if
CAP. .1-30-27
For His Sake if ZER....1922
For Husbands Only if
WEB. .5-19-11
For Ladies Only if
COL. .10-16-27
For Liberty if F 1-24-18
For Love of You-CEL. . 12-9-35
For Love or Money-
BD. .7-26-34
For Love or Money-U. . 5-8-39
For Me and My Gal-MGM .9-9-42
For Sale if PAT 6-2-18
For Sale * FN 6-22-24
For the Defense-PAR. . 7-20-30
For the Defense if
PAR. .3-16-16
For the Freedom of Ireland if
CRA. .1921
For the Freedom of the East if
G. .1919
For the Freedom of the World it
G. .1-17-18
For the Love of a Woman if
M. .9-9-15
For the Love of Lil-
COL. .11-30-30
For the Love of Mike if
FN. .9-4-27
For the Service-U 5-19-36
For the Soul of Rafael if
EQU. .5-30-20
For the Term of His Natural
Life * AUS.. 6-16-29
For Those We Love if
G. .12-4-21
For Valor if TRI 11-22-17
For Whom the Bell Tolls-
PAR 7-15-43
For Wives Only if PDC. .1-9-27
For Woman's Favor if
LBR. .10-12-24
For Tou. My Boy if
ROU. .4-29-23
For Your Daughter's Sake if
JW. .1922
Forbidden-COL 1-17-32
Forbidden * U 1-18-20
Forbidden Adventure if
MT. .12-9-15
Forbidden Adventure-
MAQ. .2-19-38
Forbidden Cargo if
FBO. .4-26-25
Forbidden City * SE . . 10-13-18
Forbidden Company-
INV. .7-1-32
Forbidden Fire if
REE. .3-23-19
Forbidden Fruit if PAR
Forbidden Fruit • IV . . 2-24-16
Forbidden Grass if
RAL. .10-28-28
Forbidden Heaven-REP. . .1936
Forbidden Hours +
MGM. .7-29-28
Forbidden Love if PAT. .9-30-28
Forbidden Love if
WIS. .4-10-21
Forbidden Lover if SEZ . . . 1923
Forbidden Music-WO . . 12-28-38
Forbidden Path * F 1918
Forbidden Paths if
PAR. .6-28-17
Forbidden Paradise if
PAR. .11-30-24
Forbidden Room if F....1919
Forbidden Territory-
HOB. .11-21-38
Forbidden Thing if
APR. .11-21-20
Forbidden Trail if
COS 12-1-29
Forbidden Trail-COL. '.'. 4^10-33
Forbidden Trails if AI. . . .1928
Forbidden Trails if F . . 5-23-20
Forbidden Trails-MOP. . . . 1941
Forbidden Valley if
PAT. .10-10-20
Forbidden Valley-U 5-2-38
Forbidden Waters if
PDC. .5-2-26
Forbidden Woman if
EQU. .2-29-20
Forbidden Women if
PAT. .10-30-27
Forced Landing-PAR. .. .7-3-41
Forced Landing-REP. .11-26-35
Foreign Agent-MOP 9-21-42
Foreign Correspondent-
UA. .8-29-40
Foreign Devils if
MGM. .4-15-28
Foreign Legion if U.... 7-1-28
Forest Havoc if ELB.. 2-20-27
Forest King if PSR 1922
Forest People of Siberia if
AM. .10-13-29
Forest Rangers, The-
PAR. .10-1-42
Forest Rivals if WO. .9-21-19
Forever if PAR 10-23-21
Forever After if FN. . .10-17-26
Forever and a Day-RKO. 1-21-43
Forever Yours-GN 6-8-37
Forfeit if HOD 1919
Forged Bride if U 2-1-20
Forged Passport-REP. .. .2-8-39
Forget-Me-Not if PBW. .4-12-12
Forget Me Not if M.. 7-23-22
Forgive and Forget if
CBC. .10-21-23
Forgotten-INV 5-20-33
Forgotten Commandments-
PAR. .6-5-32
Forgotten Faces if
PAR. .8-12-18
Forgotten Faces-PAR. .4-23-36
Forgotten Girls-REP. .. .3-27-40
Forgotten Law if M. . .10-22-22
Forgotten Men (S-SE)-
JEW. .5-13-33
Forgotten Village, The-
MAB. .2-29-41
Forgotten Woman-U 7-6-39
Forgotten Woman if PI. . .1921
Forgotten Women-MOP. .2-28-32
Forlorn River if PAR.. 9-19-26
Forlorn River-PAR 10-6-37
Forsaking All Others -jjf
Forsaking All Others if
U. .12-10-23
forsaking All Others-
MGM . . 12-19-34
Fort Frayne if DAV. . . .8-23-25
Fortieth Door if PAT.. 8-24-24
Fortress on the Volga-
ARQ 1-21-43
Fortunate Youth if
OCE. .3-23-16
Fortune from Heaven
(German) -UFA. .1938
Fortune Hunter if WA. .1-16-28
Fortune Hunter if
VIT.. 2-22-20
Fortune of Christine McNab if
PGO. .1923
Fortune Teller if RC. . 5-16-20
Fortune's Child if VIT.. 1919
Fortune's Fool (S-SE)-
LOU. .8-26-28
Fortune's Mask if VIT.. 1922
Fortunes of Fifl if PAR. .3-1-17
Fortress on the Volga
(Russian) -ARQ. .1942
Forty Eight Hours- AFE . . 6-5-44
Forty Horse Hawkins if
U. .4-27-24
Forty Little Mothers-
MGM. .4-19-40
40 Little Mothers ( French )-
NAN. .12-23-38
Forty Naughty Girls-
RKO. .9-2-37
Forty Thieves-UA 7-12-44
Forty Thousand Horsemen-
GOO. .8-13-41
Forty Winks if PAR 2-8-25
45 Calibre Echo-HNE 1932
Forty-Five Calibre War if
PAT. .2-10-29
45 Fathers-F 10-20-37
Forty-five Minutes from B'way if
FN. .9-5-20
Forty-Niners, The-
FRE. .12-14-32
'49-17 if U 1917
42nd Street-WA 2-4-33
Forward Pass-FN 1929
Found Alive-IDE 11-8-33
Foundling if PAR 1-16-18
Fountain. The-RKO .... 8-23-34
Fountain of Youth if
GRA. .1922
Four Aces (S-SE)-
SYN. .2-24-33
Four Dare Devils if PS... 1921
Four Daughters- WA. . .8-10-38
Four Days' Wonder-U .... 1-5-37
Four Devils (PT)-F. . .6-30-29
Four Feathers if M 1921
Four Feathers (S-SE)-
PAR . . 6-16-29
Four Feathers-UA 7-24-39
Four Flights to Love
( French )-ENG. .1942
Four Flusher if M 1919
Four-Footed Ranger if
U. .4-8-28
Four Frightened People-
PAR. .1-27-34
Four Girls in White-
MGM. .1-24-39
Four Hearts if WPX....1922
Four Horsemen of the Apoca-
lypse if M. .2-20-21
Four Hours to Kill-
PAR. .4-11-35
Four Jills in a Jeep-F. .3-17-44
4U0 Million, The (S-SE)-
GAS. .3-9-39
Four Jacks and a Jill-
RKO. .11-7-41
Four Masked Men-OLM. .11-9-35
Four Mothers-WA 1-20-41
Four Men and a Prayer-
F.. 4-26-38
Four Sons-F 6-4-40
Four Sons (S-SE)-F. .2-19-28
Four Walls * MGM.. 8-26-28
Four Wives-WA 11-28-39
Four's A Crowd- WA. .8-12-38
Fourflusher if U 1-29-28
Fourteenth Lover if
M. .11-27-21
Fourteenth Man if
PAR. .9-12-20
Fourth Alarm- JOH 11-9-30
Fourth Commandment if
U.. 10-24-26
Fourth Estate if F.... 1-27-16
Fourth Face if CC 1921
Fourth Horseman-U 2-8-33
Fourth Musketeer if
FBO. .3-25-23
Fox * U 11-20-21
Fox Movietone Follies of 1929-
F. .5-26-29
Fra Diavolo (Italian) -
TRL.. 11-22-31
Fragment of an Empire, A if
AM. .2-2-30
Fram For Framgang ( Swedish )-
SCA. .12-8-38
Frame Up if U 11-4-15
Frame Up if IND 1924
Frame Up, The-COL. . 8-12-37
Framed-U . . . : 6-28-40
Framed-RKO 3-30-30
Framed if FN ...6-26-27
Framing Framers if
TRI. .1-3-18
France in Arms if
PAT. .11-1-17
Frank Buck's Jungle Cavalcade
(S-SE)-RKO. .1941
Frankenstein-U 12-6-31
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf
Man-U 3-1-43
Frankie and Johnnie-
RKO. .6-25-35
Frasquita ( German )-
DUW. .1-20-36
Frau Am Steurer
(German) -XX. .1941
Frau Lehmann's Toechter
( German ) -XX . . 10-28-33
Frau Nach Mass (German) -
XX. .1941
Frau Sylvelin ( German )-
UFA. .1939
Frauen um den Sonnenkoenig
( German )-GFS. .1935
Fraulein-Falsch Verbunden
(AT)-(German) XX.. 1-16-34
Fraulein Frau ( German )-
CAS. .7-8-37
Fraulein Liselott (German) -
XX. .5-31-35
Freaks-MGM 7-9-32
Freckled Rascal if
RKO. .1929
Freckles if FBO 1-22-28
Freckles if PAR 5-24-17
Freckles-RKO 9-20-35
Free Air if HOD 4-2-22
Free and Easy-MGM . .4-20-30
Free and Easy-MGM. .. .4-3-41
Free, Blonde and 21-F. .4-19-40
Free Kisses if AY 1926
Free Lips * PD 12-30-28
Free Love if U 12-14-30
Free Soul-MGM 6-7-31
Free to Love * SCH. .11-29-26
Freed Hands ( Germ an) -
XX. .1940
Freedom if REF 11-25-28
Freedom of the Press if
U. .10-21-28
Freedom of the Seas-
BI. .10-3-34
Freeze-Out + U 4-10-21
Freighters of Destiny-
PAT. .11-8-31
French Doll if M 9-16-23
French Dressing: if
FN. .12-25-27
French Heels if HOD.. 1-29-22
French Leave-TPE 12-6-31
French Without Tears-
PAR . . 5-7-40
Frenchman's Creek-PAR . 9-20-44
Frenzied Flames if
ELB. .10-24-26
. . .1923
Freshie if KER
Freshmen if PAT. .
Freshman Love-WA .
Freshman Year-U. . .
Freuhling- Im Wien
(German) -XX.
Freut Eueh Des Lehens
(German) -UFA. .11-5-34
Frida's Visor (Swedish) -
MAL. .10-25-31
Friday the 13th-GB. ... 5-15-34
Friday the Thirteenth if
BRA. .9-14-16
Friederike-KIT 3-4-33
Friend Husband if G. . 8-11-18
Friendly Enemies if
PDC. .5-10-25
Friendly Enemies-UA. . .6-24-42
Friendly Husband if
F. .1-14-23
Friendly Neighbors-
Friends (Russian) -AM.
Friends and Lovers-
RKO. .11-8-31
Friends of Mr. Sweeney-
WA . . 7-27-34
Friendship (Italian) -
Friesennot ( German )-
Frightened Lady-HOB.
Fring-e of Society if
BAC. .11-15-17
Frischer Wind aui Kanada
(German) -UFA. .9-24-36
Frisco Lil-U 1942
Frico Jenny-FN 1-7-33
Frisco Kid-WA 10-30-36
Frisco Sally Levy +
MOM. .4-17-27
Frisco Waterfront-REP. .12-3-36
Frisky Mrs. Johnson if
PAR. .1-2-21
Frivolous Sal if FN. . . .1-26-25
Frivolous Wives if FID. . .1922
Fro*-, The-F 12-11-39
Froken Blir Piga ( Swedish )-
SCA . . 6-24-37
From Broadway to a Throne if
MOP. .9-23-32
From Headquarters +
VIT. .1919
From Headquarters (PT)-
• WA. .6-16-29
From Headquarters-
WA. .11-18-33
From Hell to Heaven-
PAR. .3-18-33
From Broadway to Cheyenne-
From Nine to Nine-STI . . . 1936
From Now On if F . . . . 9-19-20
RED. .7-13-16
From the Ground Up if
G. .10-16-21
From Two to Six if
TRI. .2-28-18
Front Page-UA 3-22-31
Front Page Story if
VIT. .12-17-22
Front Page Woman-
WA. .7-11-35
Frontier Badmen-U 8-11-43
Frontier Fury-COL 9-22-43
Frontier ( Russian )-
AM. .12-30-35
Frontier Crusader-
PRC. .6-14-40
Frontier Days-SPE. .. .11-15-34
Frontier Justice-FD 1-3-36
Frontier Marshal-F 1-31-34
Frontier Marshal in Prairie
Pals-PRC. .1942
Frontier Marshal-F. . . .7-31-39
Frontier of the Stars if
PAR 1-23-21
Frontier Outlaws-PRC .. 7-27-44
Frontier Pony Express-
KEP. .4-12-39
Frontier Scout-GN 9-16-38
Frontier Town-ON 3-15-38
Frontier Trail •*• PAT. .7-4-26
Frontier Vengeance-
REP. .10-7-40
Frontiers of '49-COL. . . . 1939
Frontiersman if MGM.. 11-6-27
Frontiersman, The-
PAR. .11-25-38
Frozen Justice-F 10-27-29
Frozen River (PT)-
WA.. 6-23-29
Frozen Warning- if
COM. .1917
(German) -GFS. .5-20-35
Fruits of Desire if
WO. .1-27-16
Fruits of Passion if
TRI. .1920
Frun Tillhanda (Swedish) -
SCA. .1-8-40
Fuel of Life if TRI. . .11-15-17
Fuera De La Ley
(Spanish) -XX. .1940
Fuerst Sepp'l ( German )-
BAU. .8-21-37
Fuerst Woronzeff-
UFA. .11-19-34
Fugitive if PAT 8-24-16
Fugitive. The-U 7-25-40
Fugitive, The-MOP. .. .9-13-33
Fugitive at Larsre-COL. .8-2-39
Fugitive in the Sky-
WA. .1-6-37
Fugitive From a Prison Camp-
COL. .8-6-40
Fugitive From Justice. A-
WA. .7-12-40
Fugitive From Matrimonv if
RC. .12-7-19
Fugitive from Sonora-
REP 9-2-43
Fusritive Lady-COL. ... 12-10-34
Fugitive Lovers-MGM. .. 1-3-34
Fugitive of the Plains-
PRC 4-21-43
Fugitive Road-INV. . . .11-13-34
Fugitive Sheriff, The-
COL. .10-20-36
Fugitive Valley-MOP. . .9-22-41
Fugitives (S-SE)-F ...3-24-29
Fugitives for a Nie-ht-
RKO. .10-6-38
Full Confession-RKO. . . .9-11-39
Full House if PAR 9-12-20
Full of Notions-RKO 1931
Full of Pep if M 1919
Furies. The-FN 4-20-30
Furlough on Parole
(German) -UFA. .1938
Furnace if REA 11-28-20
Fury if FN 2-4-23
Fury-MGM 5-22-36
Fury and the Woman-
RIA. .4-5-37
Fury Below-TRC
Fury of the Jungle-COL. .2-8-34
Fury of the Wild ir
RKO. .1-27-29
Fury Over Spain (Spanish)-
MOD. .1938
Fuss and Feathers if
PAR. .12-15-18
Fury Over Spain if
MOD. .7-20-37
Fuzzy Settles Down-PRC. . .1944
G-Men-WA 4-18-35
Gables Mystery-POP. .. .4-3-32
Gabriel Over the White House-. .
MGM. .4-1-33
Gabriele 1, 2, 3 ( German )-
XX. .1938
Gaiety Girl if U 6-1-24
Gaiety Girls-UA 2-28-38
Gals, Inc.-U 7-8-43
Gallant Defender-COL .... 1935
Gallant Fool if RA 3-6-27
Gallant Fool-MOP .... 8-9-33
Gallant Lady-UA 12-7-33
Gallant Lady-PRC 1942
Gallant Sons-MGM ..12-11-40
Galley Slave ■* F 12-2-15
Galloper if PAT 9-16-15
Galloping- Ace if U. .. .4-6-24
Galloping Cowboy if
AE. .9 19-26
Galloping Devil if
CAN. .5-21-21
Galloping Dynamite-
AMB. .7-8-37
Galloping Fish if FN . . 5-4-24
Galloping Fury if U. . 11-13-27
Galloping Gallagher if
FBO. .4-6-24
Galloping Gobs if
PAT. .2-13-27
Galloping Jinx if ARC. 1926
Galloping- Kid if U.... 9-10-22
Galloping On if ARC... 1926
Galloping Romeo-MOP. .11-2-33
Galloping Thru-MOP 2-7-32
Galloping Thunder if
FBO. .1927
Galloping Vengeance ir
FBO. .1925
Gamble in Souls if INC. .12-7-16
ABA. .8-26-28
Gambler's Choirp-PAR. .4-27-44
Gamblers if VIT 7-27-19
Gamblers-WA 8-25-29
Gambling-F 12-4-34
Gambling- Daughters-
PRC .9-16-41
Gambling Fool •*■ IND. . .5-3-25
Gambling in Souls if
F. .3-16-19
Gambling Lady-WA 3-7-34
Gambling- on the High Seas-
WA. .1940
Gambling Sex -FRE. .. .12-14-32
Gambling Ship-PAR 7-13-33
Gambling Ship-U 12-20-38
Gambling Terror, The-
REP. .1937
Gambling With Souls-
JDK. .1936
Gambling- Wives if
ARW. .4-6-24
Game Chicken if PAR 1922
Game of Wits if
AMU. .11-15-17
Game Old Knight and Her
Painted Hero if
TRI. .10-28-15
Game That Kills, The-
COL. .9-30-37
Game With Fate ir
VIT. .6-16-18
Game's Up if U 1-19-19
Gamesters if PAT 1921
Gang- Bullets-MOP 12-7-38
Gang Buster-PAR 1-25-31
Gang War (PT)-FBO 8-5-28
Gang's All Here, The-F. 11-29-43
Gang's All Here, The-
MOP. .6-24-41
Gangs of Chicago-
REP. .6-21-40
Gangs of New York-
REP. .5-23-38
Gangs of Sonora-REP. .7-11-41
Gangster's Boy-MOP. .. 11-8-38
Gangsters of the Frontier-
PRC. .1944
Gangway for Tomorrow-
RKO 11-3-43
Gangway-GB 8-18-37
Garden Murder Case, The-
MGM. .2-29-36
Garden of Allah ic
MGM. .9-11-27
Garden of Allah, The-
UA. .11-3-36
Garden of Eden * UA. .3-25-28
Garden of Life if U
Garden of Resurrection if
STL. .3-20-21
Garden of the Moon-
WA. .9-16-38
Garden of Weeds if
PAR. .11-9-24
Garments of Truth if
M. .9-4-21
Garrison's Finish if
APA. .6-3-23
Garter Girl * VIT 1920
Gas, Oil & Water * FN. .3-26-22
Gaslight-MGM 5-11-44
Gasoline Cowboy if
SIE. .1926
Gasoline Gus if PAR.... 1921
Gasparone ( German )-
UFA. .1938
Gate Crasher * U 12-16-28
Gates of Brass if
PAT. .6-29-19
Gates of Doom if
RED. .3-1-17
Gates of Eden if M.... 11-9-16
Gates of Gladness if
WO. .1918
Gateway -F 8-2-38
Gateway of the Caucasus if
AM. .1-25-31
Gateway of the Moon if
F. .1-15-28
Gaucho if UA 11-27-27
Gaucho Serenade-
REP. .5-15-40
Gauchos of Eldorado-
REP. .10-24-41
Gauntlet if VIT 7-25-20
Gay Adventurer if
Gamble in Lines if PS
Gay and Devilish if
FBO. .5-21-22
Gay Bride-MGM 12-15-34
Gay Buckaroo-HOL. .. .1-17-32
Gay Caballero-F 10-28-40
Gay Caballero-F 2-14-32
Gay Deceiver if MGM.. 9-19-26
Gay Deception, The-COL. . . 1935
Gay Defender if PAR. . . .1-1-28
Gay Desperado, The-
UA.. 10-3-36
Gay Diplomat-RKO. .. .8-23-31
Gay Divorcee-RKO 10-3-34
Gay Falcon, The-RKO. . 9-16-41
Gay Lord Quex if G. . 12-21-19
Gay Lord Waring if
BL. .4-13-16
Gay Love-MAC 6-10-36
Gay Nineties-AST 1939
Gay Old Bird if WA. . . .3-20-27
Gay Old Dog if PAT.. 11-9-19
Gay Retreat if F 9-25-27
Gay Sisters. The- WA. ... 6-3-42
Gay Vagabond, The-
REP. .5-19-41
Gay Vagabonds (German) -
XX. .1938
Geezer if U 1927
Gefahren der Liebe-MAD. .5-1-33
Gehenna (Polish) -KIP 1939
Gehetzte Menshen-XX .... 6-5-34
Geld Regiert Die Welt-
XX. .5-15-34
General * UA 2-20-27
General Confusion ( German )-
XX. .1940
General Crack-WA 12-8-29
General Custer at Little Big
Horn if SU..1926
General Died at Dawn, The
PAR. .9-3-36
General Housecleaning
(German) -XX. .1938
General Spanky-MGM. . 10-27-36
General Suvorov (Russian) -
ARQ. .1941
Generals Without Buttons
(French) -MAB. .2-1-38
Gentle Annie-MGM .... 12-20-44
Gentle Cyclone if F 7-18-26
Gentle Gangster, A-REP...1943
Gentle Julia if F 1-6-24
Gentle Julia-F 2-19-36
Gentleman After Dark, A-
UA. .3-16-42
Gentleman At Heart, A-F 3-16-42
Gentleman Burg'lar-KIO . . 1936
Gentleman from Arizona, The-
MOP. .12-14-39
Gentleman from Dixie-
MOP. .9-10-41
Gentleman from Louisiana-
REP. .8-15-36
Gentleman Jim- WA. .. 10-30-42
Gentleman of Leisure if
PAR. .8-5-23
Gentleman of Paris if
PAR. .10-9-27
Gentleman of Quality if
VIT. .3-9-19
Gentleman's Agreement if
VIT. .7-28-18
Gentleman's Fate-MGM. .6-28-31
Gentlemen Are Born-
FN. .11-22-34
Gentlemen from America if
U. .2-11-23
Gentlemen from Indiana if
PAR. .12-2-15
Gentlemen of the Press-
PAR. .5-19-29
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes if
PAR. .1-22-28
Gentlemen Preferred if
TPC. .1928
George Washington, Jr. if
WA. .1924
George Washington Carver-
BRT. .4-16-40
George Washington Cohen if
TIF. .5-19-29
George Washington Slept Here-
WA. .9-18-42
George White's 1935 Scandals-
F. .4-2-35
George White's Scandals-
F. .3-17-34
Gerald Cranston's Lady if
F. .1925
Geraldine (PT) -PAT. . 12-16-28
German Curse in Russia if
PAT. .1918
Germany at War if
CUM. .3-23-16
Germany's Side of the War if
FFS. .1928
Geronimo-PAR 11-21-39
Geschichten aus dem Wiener-
wald (German) -XX. .11-4-35
Gesuzza, La Sposa Garibaldina
(Italian) -XX. .11-4-36
Get-Away. The-MGM. . .6-17-41
Get Going-U 6-21-43
Get Hep to Love-U. ... 10-1-42
Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford if
PAR. .12-11-21
Get That Girl-MER. ... 5-15-32
Get That Man-EMP. . .7-25-35
Get Your Man if F. . . .5-29-21
Get Your Man if
PAR. .12-25-27
Gettingr Gertie's Garter if
PDC. .2-13-27
Getting Mary Married if
SE. .4-6-19
Ghetto Shamrock if COO.. 1926
Ghost Breaker if PAR. .9-17-22
Ghost Breakers, The-
PAR. .6-13-40
Ghost Catchers-U 6-8-44
Ghost City if APP 2-26-22
Ghost City-MQP 3-20-32
Ghost Comes Home, The-
MGM. .1940
Ghost Flower if TRI. . 8-18-18
Ghost Goes West, The-
UA. .1-11-36
Ghost Guns-MOP 1944
Ghost House if PAR.... 1917
Ghost and the Guest, The-
PRC 5-13-43
Ghost in the Garret if
PAR. .1921
Ghost of Frankenstein, The-
U. .3-5-42
Ghost of Old Morro if
KES. .6-28-17
Ghost of Rosy Taylor if
MT. .7-14-18
Ghost of the Rancho if
PAT. .8-4-18
Ghost of Yesterday if
SEL. .1-10-18
Ghosts on the Loose-
MOP 6-14-43
Ghost Patrol * U 1-21-23
Ghost Patrol-PUR 9-10-36
Ghost Rider, The-FD. . . . 1935
Ghost Rider, The-MOP 1943
Ghost Ship, The-RKO .. 12-14-43
Ghost Talks-F 2-24-29
Ghost That Walks Alone,
The-COL. .1944
Ghost Train-GB 2-18-33
Ghost Town Gold-REP. . .4-8-37
Ghost Town Law-MOP. .3-31-42
Ghost Valley-RKO 8-12-32
Ghost Valley Raiders-
REP. .4-3-40
Ghost Walks, The-CHE. .3-30-35
Ghostly Inn-AFE 1944
GhouU The-GB 11-25-33
Gift Girl if BL 3-8-17
Gift o' Gab * ES 12-6-17
Gift of Gab-U 9-25-34
Gift Supreme if SEZ. . 5-9-20
Gigolette-RKO 5-14-35
Gigolettes of Paris-EQ. .7-19-33
Gigolo if PDC 10-3-26
Gilded Butterfly if F . . 1-24-26
Gilded Cage ■* BRA 10-12-16
Gilded Dream * U 10-24-20
Gilded Fool if F 1915
Gilded Highway * WA. .4-25-26
Gilded Lies if SEZ 5-8-21
Gilded Lily if PAR 3-13-21
Gilded Lily. The-PAR . . 2-9-35
Gilded Spider if BL 4-27-16
Gildersleeve's Bad Day-
RKO 5-11-43
Gildersleeve's Ghost-RKO . 9-6-44
Gildersleeve on Broadway-
RKO 10-28-43
Gimmie if G 1-21-23
Ginger if WO 4-27-19
Ginger-F 5-28-35
Gingham Girl if FBO.. 7-24-27
Ginsberg the Great if
WA. .1-29-28
Giovanni de Medici, the Leader
(Italian) -ESP. .1-8-40
Girl, a Guy and a Gob, A-
RKO. .3-4-41
Girl Alaska if WO 8-17-19
Girl and the Crisis if
RED. .2-22-17
Girl and the Gambler, The
RKO. .1939
Girl and the Judge if
EMU. .4-11-18
Girl Angle if MT 1917
Girl at Bay if VIT 6-22-19
Girl at Home if PAR.... 1917
Girl by the Roadside if
BL. .1917
Girl Crazy-MGM 8-3-43
Girl Crazy-RKO 3-27-32
Girl Dodger if PAR. .. .3-2-19
Girl, Don't Say No
(Czech) -KIT. .1935
Girl Downstairs MGM. .1-31-39
Girl Friend. The-COL. .9-28-35
Girl from Alaska, The-
REP. .4-20-42
Girl from Avenue A-F..1940
Girl from Beyond if
VIT. .4-25-18
Girl from Bohemia if
PAT. .8-18-18
Girl from Calgary-
MOP. .11-17-32
Girl from Chicago if
WA. .12-25-27
Girl from Everywhere if
PAT. .10-30-27
Girl from Gay Paree if
TIF. .1927
Girl from God's Country-
REP. .7-23-40
Girl from God's Country if
FBW. .9-18-21
Girl from Havana-REP. . 9-6-40
Girl from Havana-F. ... 9-8-29
Girl from Leningrad ( Russian )-
ARQ. .1941
Girl from Mandalay-
REP. .4-14-36
Girl from Maxims-HOF . .9-16-36
Girl from Mexico, The-
RKO. .5-17-39
Girl from Missouri-MGM . .8-3-34
Girl from Monterrey, The-
PRC 9-27-43
Girl from Montmartre if
FN. .3-7-26
Girl from Nowhere if
PI. .1919
Girl from Nowhere if
SEZ. .7-17-21
Girl from Porcupine if
ARW. .12-4-21
Girl from Rio if LUM .. 9-4-27
Girl from Rio, The-
MOP. .9-11-39
Girl from Rockv Point if
PSR. .3-5-22
Girl from Scotland Yard-
PAR. .6-4-37
Girl from 10th Avenue-
FN. .5-25-35
Girl from the Outside if
G. .8-24-19
Girl from Woolworths-
FN. .12-22-29
Girl Habit-PAR 6-14-31
Girl He Didn't Buy if
PEE. .7-8-28
Girl I Left Behind Me if 1915
Girl I Loved if UA 2-18-23
Girl in Bohemia if F.. 11-9-19
Girls in Chains-PRC 4-7-43
Girl in Checkered Coat -fc
U. .1917
Girl in Danger-COL. ... 9-11-34
Girl in Every Port if
F. .2-26-28
Girl in 419-PAR 5-20-33
Girl in His House if
VIT. .6-23-18
Girl in His Room if VIT. .1922
Girl in Number 29 if
U. .4-3-20
Girl in the Case-COL 1944
Girl in the Dark if BL. .3-14-18
Girl in the Glass Cage (PT)-
FN. .9-22-29
Girl in the Limousine if
FN. .1924
Girl in the News, The-F. .1-8-41
Girl in the Pullman if
PAT. .10-30-27
Girl in the Rain if U. . 6-27-20
Girl in the Show-MGM. .4-20-30
Girl in the Street-GB. . 5-27-38
Girl in the Taxi if FN. .5-28-22
Girl in the Web if
PAT. .7-25-20
Girl in 313-F 6-17-40
Girl Like That if
PAR. .1-25-17
Girl Loves Boy-GN ... .3-17-37
Girl Missing-WA 3-18-33
Girl Montana if PAT. . . .1-2-21
Girl Must Live-U 10-9-41
Girl Named Mary if
PAR. .1-25-20
Girl O' My Dreams-
MOP. .11-6-34
Girl O' the Port-RKO 1929
Girl of Gold if PDC 1925
Girl of Lost Lake if
BL. .8-17-16
Girl of My Dreams if
EXI. .1918
Girl of My Heart if F. .12-12-20
Girl of the Golden West if
FN. .6-3-23
Girl of the Golden West-
FN. .10-26-30
Girl of the Golden West-
MGM. .3-17-38
Girl of the Last Night
(German) -UFA. .1938
Girl of the Limberlost-
MOP. .8-29-34
Girl of the Limberlost if
FBO. .4-27-24
Girl of the Ozarks-PAR. . 6-1-36
Girl of the Port-RKO. .7-20-30
Girl of the Rio-RKO. . 1-10-32
Girls of the Road-COL. .7-24-40
Girl of the Sea * SEZ. . . .1920
Girl of the Timber Claims if
TRI. .1-25-17
ftiri of Today if VIT.. 9-22-18
Girl of Yesterday if
PAR. .10-14-15
Girl on the Barge (PT)-
U. .3-3-29
Girl on the Front Page, The
U. .9-19-36
Girl on the Stairs if
PDC. .1924
Girl Overboard (PT) -U. . 8-11-29
Girl Overboard-U 3-2-37
Girl Phillipa if VIT. ... 1-4-17
Girl Problem if VIT.. 2-23-19
Girl Rush-RKO 10-25-44
Girl Said No, The-
MGM. .4-6-30
Girl Said No, The-GN. .5-21-37
Girl Shy + PAT 4-6-24
Girl-Shy Cowboy + F.. 9-2-28
Girl Thief-TIM 1-14-38
Girl Trouble-F 9-18-42
Girl Was Young-GB .... 1-19-38
Girl Who Came Back if
PRE. .4-22-23
Girl Who Came Back if
PAR. .9-1-18
3irl Who Came Back-
CHE. .9-20-35
Sirl Who Couldn't Grow Up if
MT. .9-27-17
Girl Who Couldn't Think *
CRT. .2-1-17
Girl Who Dared if
SEZ. .8-22-20
Girl Who Dared, The-
REP. .12-5-44
Girl Who Lost if RED. .3-15-17
Girl Who Ran Wild *
U. .10-1-21
Sirl Who Stayed at Home if
ART. .3-30-19
Girl Who Won Out * U. . .1917
Girl Who Wouldn't Quit if
U. .4-11-18
Girl Who Wouldn't Work if
SCH. .8-16-25
Girl With a Jazz Heart if
G. .1-2-21
Girl With Ideas, A-U. . 11-5-37
Girl With No Regrets if
F. .2-16-19
Girl With the Bandbox if
AM. .1929
Girl With the Champagne Eyes if
F. .4-4-18
Girl With the Checkered Coat *
BL. .4-5-17
Girl With the Green Eyes if
PAT. .5-11-16
Girl Without a Room-
PAR. .12-7-33
Girl Without a Soul if
M. .8-30-17
Girl Woman if VIT 8-10-19
Girl's Decision if RAI....1921
Girl's Desire if VIT 9-17-22
Girl's Dormitory-F .... 8-29-38
Girl's Folly if PBW 3-1-17
Girl's School-COL 9-27-38
Girls if PAR 7-6-19
Girls About Town-
PAR. .11-1-31
Girls Can Play-COL. . .. 6-23-37
Girls Demand Excitement-
F. .2-8-31
Girls Don't Gamble if
SCW. .9-5-20
Girls Gone Wild (S-SE)-
F. .4-28-29
Girls Men Forget if
PRI. .1924
Girls of Nowolipek ( Polish )-
XX. .1938
Girls on Probation-
WA. .10-26-38
Girls' Town-PRC 4-9-42
Girls Under 21 -COL 11-15-40
Girls Who Dare if TPC. .7-28-29
Girls Will Be Boys-
CHE. .6-7-35
Git Along Little Dogies-
REP. .3-27-37
Gitta Entdeckt Ihr Herz
( German )-WOD. .10-1-32
Give and Take (S-SE)-
U. .12-30-28
Give Her a Ring- ALL. .
Give Me a Sailor-PAR.
Give Me My Son if
Give Me Your Heart-WA (Re-
viewed as "I Give My Heart")
Give Out, Sisters-U 9-4-42
Give Us This Night-
PAR. .4-7-36
Give Us Wings-U 12-4-40
Giving Becky a Chance if
PAR. .6-7-17
Gjest Baardsen (Norwegan)-
XX. .1942
Glad Rag Doll-WA 6-9-29
Gladiator, The-COL 8-8-38
Glamorous Night-REP. . . . 1937
Glamour (AT) * U 5-12-34
Glamour Boy-PAR 9-4-41
Glamour for Sale-COL. . . . 1940
Glass House if M 2-19-22
Glass Key. The- PAR.. 6-15-35
Glass Key, The-PAR. . . .8-28-42
Gleam O' Dawn if F.... 1-1-22
Glenister of the Mounted if
FBO. .6-13-26
Glimpses of the Moon if
PAR. .4-8-23
Glittering Stars ( German )-
XX. .1938
Gloria (German) -NER. . 10-29-32
Gloria's Romance if
KLE. .6-1-16
Gloriana if BL 11-2-16
Glorifying the American Girl-
PAR. .1929
Glorious Adventure if
G. .8-18-18
Glorious Adventure if
UA. .4-30-22
Glorious Besty (PT)-
WA. .4-29-28
Glorious Fool if G.... 3-26-22
Glorious Lady if SEZ.. 11-9-19
Glorious Trail if FN.. 10-14-28
. .6-6-35
Glory ^ UNI 3-1-17
Glory and the Faith
(French) -SE. .12-1-38
Glory Girl * TBI 6-7-17
Glory of Clementina if
FBO. .6-4-22
Glory of Tolande if
VIT.. 1-25-17
Glory Trail, The-CRE. .7-10-36
Glos Pustyni-XX 4-26-33
Glueckliche Reise (German) -
UFA. .6-14-37
Glueckspilze ( German i -
CAO. .10-27-36
Go Get It if FN 7-26-20
Go Chase Yourself-
RKO. .4-19-38
Go Get 'Em Garringer if
PAT. .1019
Go.Get-'Em Haines-
REP. .10-22-36
Go Getter * PAR 4-16-23
Go Getter, The-WA 4-27-37
Go Into Tour Dance-
FN.. 3-19-36
Go Straight * SCH 6-3-25
Go Straight * U 10-9-21
Go West ir MGM 12-11-40
Go West if MG 11-1-25
Go West, Young Man if
G. .2-2-19
Go West, Young Man-
PAR. .11-6-36
Goal in the Clouds-
( German) -XX. .1939
Goat if M 9-29-18
Goat Getter if RA 1926
Gobsek ( Russian ) -AM .. 7-20-37
God Gave Me Twenty Cents if
PAR. .11-28-26
God of Little Children if
APO. .2-1-17
God of Mankind if HM 1928
God's Country and the Law if
ARW. .7-9-22
God's Country and the Man-
SYN. .6-7-31
God's Country and the Man-
MOP.. 1937
God's Country and the Woman-
WA. .12-19-36
God's Country and the Woman if
VIT.. 6-29-16
God's Crucible if HOD.. 9-11-21
God's Gift to Women-
WA. .4-19-31
God's Gold if PIN 1921
God's Good Man * STL.. 1921
God's Great Wilderness if
ACI.. 1-23-27
God's Half Acre if M. . 8-17-16
God's Law and Man's if
M. .5-10-17
God's Man if FRO 4-12-17
God's Outlaw if M 1919
Goddess of Lost Lake it
HOD. .1918
Godless Girl (PT)-
PAT. .3-10-29
Godless Men if G 2-6-21
Gods of Fate if LUB 2-3-16
Goethe's Jugendgeliebte
( German )-NER. .12-28-32
Goin' to Town-PAR. .. .4-25-36
Goin" to Town-RKO 9-29-44
Going Crooked if F 12-19-36
Going Highbrow-WA . . . 8-23-35
Going Hollywood-
MGM. .12-22-33
Going My Way-PAR. . . .2-28-44
Going Places- WA 12-28-38
Going Some if G . . . . 7-25-20
Going Straight if
FAT. .5-25-16
Going the Limit * FBO.. 1926
Going the Limit if
GER. .9-13-25
Going Up if AE 10-14-23
Going Wild-WA 2-1-31
Gold-MAJ 10-5-32
G<Jld-UFA 1934
Gold and Grit if ARC... 4-5-25
Gold and the Girl if F. .2-22-26
Gold and the Woman if
F. .3-23-16
Gold Chevrons ■* BIG. .10-21-28
Gold Cure * M 1-12-19
Gold Diggers * WA 9-16-23
Gold Diggers in Paris-
WA. .5-17-38
Gold Diggers of Broadway-
WA. .9-8-29
Gold Diggers of 1933-
WA. .6-25-33
Gold Diggers of 1935-
FN. .3-15-35
Gold Diggers of 1937-
FN. .12-2-36
Gold Dust Gertie-WA. .5-31-31
Gold from Weepah if
PAT. .11-20-27
Gold Grabbers if SMI 1922
Gold Heels if F 1-25-25
Gold Hunters if DAV 1925
Gold Is Where You Find It-
WA. .1-25-38
Gold Madness if PRI. .10-14-23
Gold Mine in the Sky-
REP. .7-5-38
Gold Racket, The-GN. .4-24-37
Gold Rush if UA 8-30-25
Gold Rush, The (S-SE Reissue) -
UA. .3-5-42
Gold Rush Maisie-MGM . . 9-6-40
Golden Arrow. The-FN . . 5-4-36
Golden Bed if PAR 1-25-25
Golden Boy-COL 8-21-39
Golden Calf, The-F 5-11-30
Golden Chance if
PAR. .12-30-15
Golden Clown if PAT 1927
Golden Cocoon if WA. .12-20-26
Golden Dawn if COQ 1928
Golden Dawn-WA 7-27-30
Golden Dreams if G 6-11-22
Golden Fetter if PAR . . 2-1-17
Golden Fleece * TRI. . 8-4-18
Golden Fleecing, The-
MGM. J.l-8-40
Golden Gallows if U . . 2-12-22
Golden Gift if M 12-4-21
Golden Gloves-PAR 8-5-40
Golden Goal if VIT 5-19-18
Golden Harvest-PAR 11-8-33
Golden Hoofs-F 4-4-41
Golden Hope if RC 1921
Golden Horse ( Chinese) -
XX. . 1938
Golden Idiot if ES 7-26-17
Golden Key, The ( Russian )-
AM.. 12-28-39
Golden Mountains (Russian) -
AM.. 4-17-32
Golden Princess if
PAR. .9-13-25
Golden Rule Kate if
TRI 8-30-17
Golden Shackles ■* PEE.. 1928
Golden Shower if VIT. .12-21-19
Golden Snare if FN 7-17-21
Golden Strain if F 12-20-26
Golden Taiga ( Russian )-
AM. .8-3-35
Golden Trail, The-MOP. .7-8-40
Golden Trail * ARW 1921
Golden Wall if WO 7-21-18
Golden Web if LUM 1926
Golden West-F 12-3-32
Golden Yukon if 1928
Goldfish if FN 5-11-24
Goldie-F 6-28-31
Goldie Gets Along-RKO . . 6-3-33
Goldwyn Follies-UA 1-27-38
Golem if PAR 6-26-21
Golem, The (French) -
MES. .3-24-37
Golgotha-GOG 2-10-37
Golf Widows if COL 8-26-28
Gone With the Wind-
MGM . . 12-13-39
Good and Evil if FBW. .9-26-21
Good and Naughty if
PAR.. 6-20-26
Good as Gold if F 7-17-27
Good Bad Boy if PRI.. 6-8-24
Good Bad Girl-COL 5-17-31
Good Bad Man if FAT. .4-13-16
Good Bad Wife *
FED. .10-24-20
Good Companions, The-
F. .10-10-33
Good Dame-PAR 3-17-34
Good Earth, The-MGM .. 2-3-37
Good Fairy. The-U 2-1-35
Good Fellows, The-PAR. 8-11-43
Good Friends and Peaceful
Neighbors ( Swedish )-
XX. .1940
Good Fellow if SEZ
Good Luck, Mr. Yates-COL. 1943
Good-for-Nothing if
PWO. .12-27-17
Good Girls Go to Paris-
COL. .6-20-39
Good Gracious Annabelle if
PAR. .4-6-lf
Good Intentions-F 7-27-30
Good Little Devil if PAR. .1914
Good Loser if TRI 7-14-18
Good Men and Bad if
SEZ. .1923
Good Men and True if
FBO. .11-12-22
Good Morning Judge if
U. .10-7-28
Good Morning, Judge-U. 4-22-43
Good News-MGM 9-7-30
Good Night Paul if
SEZ. .6-16-18
Good Old Soak-MGM. .4-20-37
Good Provider if PAR. .4-16-22
Good References if FN . . 9-26-20
Good Ship Rock N Rye if U. . .
Good Sport-F 12-13-31
Good Woman, A if PI 1921
Good Women if RC 7-24-21
Goodbye Again-FN 9-2-33
Goodbye Bill if PAR.. 12-8-18
Goodbye Broadway -U. . .5-17-38
Goodbye Girls if F 3-11-23
Good-Bye Kiss (S-SE)-
FN. .11-18-28
Goodbye Love-RKO 3-13-34
Goodbye, Mr. Chips-
MGM. .5-16-39
Goodnight, Sweetheart-
REP. .6-12-44
Goona-Goona (S-SE)-
FD. .8-20-32
Goose and the Gander, The-
WA . .9-12-35
Goose Girl if PAR 1915
Goose Hangs High if
PAR. .3-22-25
Goose Step-PRP (Reviewed as
"Beasts of Berlin") . .11-22-39
Goose Woman * U 7-26-25
Gordian, Der Tyrann
(German) -ALL. .6-29-37
Gorgeous Hussy, The-
MGM. .9-1-36
Gorilla ■*• FN 11-13-27
Gorilla-FN 3-1-31
Gorilla, The-F 5-24-39
Gorilla Hunt * FBO 1-2-27
Gorilla Man, The-WA. . 12-1 1-42
Gorilla Ship-MAF 7-20-32
Gossip if U 3-4-23
Goucho Chivalry ( Spanish )-
XX. .1938
Governor, The (German) -
XX 1939
Governor's Lady if F. .12-23-23
Government Girl-RKO. .11-5-43
Gow (S-SE)-FIM 12-2-33
Gown of Destiny if
TRI. .12-27-17
Goyescas (Spanish) —
RKO. .5-25-44
Gracie Allen Murder Case, The-
PAR. .5-17-39
Graefin Mariza (German )-
XX. .1-28-35
Graft-U 11-29-31
Grafters * TRI 8-30-17
Grail * F 12-23-23
Grain ( Russian) -AM. . .1-17-36
Grain of Dust * CRB.. 1-24-18
Grain of Dust * TIF.. 9-30-28
Grand Canary -F 7-20-34
Grand Central Murder-
MGM. .4-27-42
Grand Duchess and the Waiter ir
PAR. .2-21-26
Grand Exit-COL 11-5-35
Grand Hotel-MGM 4-17-32
Grand Illusion (French) -
WO. .9-16-38
Grand Jury-RKO 8-1-36
Grand Jury Secrets-
PAR. .6-7-39
Grand Larceny ir G.... 3-5-22
Grand Ole Opry-REP. . .10-3-40
Grand Old Girl-RKO 1-9-35
Grand Parade-PAT 1-26-30
Grand Passion ir BL. . 12-27-17
Grand Slam-WA 2-23-33
Gradaderos Del Amor-F. .9-5-34
Grandeur Et Decadence
(French) -FRM. .6-18-37
Grandi Magazzini ( Italian )-
XX. .1941
Grandma's Boy if AE. .9-10-22
Grandpa Goes to Town-
REP. .4-24-40
Granny Get Tour Gun-
WA. .3-19 40
Grapes of Wrath, The-
F.. 1-24-40
Grasp of Greed if BL. .7-16-16
Grass if PAR 4-12-25
Graustark if FN 9-20-25
Grave of the Unknown Soldier if
STA. .1928
Gray Dawn if HOD. .. .4-30-22
Gray Horizon if EXI. .. .9-7-19
Gray Mask if SWO. ... 12-9-15
Gray Parasol ir TRI.. 9-29-18
Gray Towers of Mystery if
VIT. .11-2-19
Gray Wolfs Ghost if RC. . .1920
Greased Lightning if
PAR. .5-4-19
Greased Lightning U... 7-22-28
Great Accident if G 1920
Great Adventure it
PAT. .2-28-18
Great Adventure if FN. .1-30-21
Great Adviser, The
(Yiddish) -XX. .1940
Great Air Robbery if U. .1-4-20
Great Alone if AR. .. .6-18-22
Great American Broadcast-
F. .4-29-41
Great Beginning. The
( Russian )-ARQ. .1940
Great Bradley Mystery ir
APO. .4-19-17
Great City + SEZ 1923
Great Citizen, The
(Russian) -AM. .1-26-39
Great Commandment, The-
F. .10-5-39
Great Day if PAR. .. .4-3-21
Great Deception if FN. .8-22-26
Great D«fender-BI 7-26-34
Great Diamond Mystery if
F. .10-26-24
Great Dictator, The-
UA. .10-16-40
Great Divide if PAR. . 12-23-15
Great Divide if MG 2-15-25
Great Divide. The-FN. .2-23-30
Great Expectation if
PAR. .1-11-17
Great Expectations-U. . 12-26-34
Great Flirtation-PAR . . 6-23-34
Great Gabbo-WW 9-15-29
Great Gambini, The-
PAR. .6-7-37
Great Garrick, The-
WA . . 9-28-37
Great Gatsby if PAR. . 11-28-26
Great Gildersleeve, The-
RKO. .11-12-42
Great God Gold-MOP. . .3-5-35
Great Guns-F 9-10-41
Great Guy-GN 12-9-36
Great Hospital Mystery, The-
F. .7-21-37
Great Hotel Murder-
F. .2-27-35
Great Impersonation if
PAR. .10-2-21
Great Impersonation, The-
U. .12-21-42
Great Impersonation, The-
ir. .12-14-35
Great Jaspe.-RKO 2-17-33
Great Jewel Robbery if
KER. .1926
Great John Ericsson
( Swedish )-SC A. .5-23-38
Great K & A Train Robbery if
F. .10-10-26
Great Lie. The-WA 4-4-41
3reat Light. The
(Italian) -ESP. .3-22-40
Great Love * GRI 8-18-18
Great Lover + G 12-5-20
Great Lover-MGM 8-30-31
Great Mail Robbery ir
FBO. .6-26-27
Great Man Votes. The-
RKO. .1-11-39
Great Man's Lady. The-
PAR. .3-18-42
Great Meadow-MGM. . .3-15-31
Great McGinty. The-
PAR. .7-23-40
Great Menace if RES .... 1923
Great Mike, The-PRC ... .9-1-44
Great Moment ■*■ PAR. .7-31-21
Great Moment, The-PAR. 6-9-44
Great Mr. Handel, The-
MIF 9-22-43
Great Mr. Nobody, The-
WA. .1941
Great Night •*• F 1922
Great O'Malley. The-
WA. .3-9-37
Great Plane Robbery. The-
COL. .11-26-40
Great Power (PT)-FWA. .1929
Great Power, The-
EXE. .7-20-30
Great Problem ■*• BL. .4-13-16
Great Profile. The-F .. 8-20-40
Great Redeemer if M . . 8-29-20
Great Romance if M 1919
Great Ruby + LUB 9-23-15
Great Sensation if PFT. .9-13-26
Great Shadow •£ SEZ.... 1920
Great Swindle, The-
COL. .6-14-41
Great Train Robbery. The-
REP. .6-14-41*
Great Unknown if AEP. . . . 1928
Great Victor Herbert. The-
PAR. .12-1-39
Oreat Victory ■*■ M 1919
Great Waltz-MGM 11-4-38
Great White North if F..1928
Great White Trail if
WTL. .6-14-17
Great White Way if
MG. .1-13-24
Great Ziegfeld, The-
MGM. .4-9-36
Greater Claim if M 2-20-21
Greater Duty if EC 1922
Greater Glory if FN. . . .6-16-26
Greater Law if BL. . . .7-19-17
Greater Love Hath No Man if
M. .1915
Greater Profit if RC. . 6-26-21
3reater Than a Crown if
F. .9 6-25
3reater Than Fame it
SEZ. .1-18-20
Greater Than Love ir
APR.. 7-24-21
Greater Than Marriage if
VIT. .1-18-25
Greater Will * PAT. . 12-16-15
Greater Woman if
PMU. .3-29-17
Greatest Love if SEZ.. 1-30-21
Greatest Love of All it
AE. .11-23-24
Greatest Power if M 6-29-17
Greatest Question if
FN. .1-4-20
Greatest Sacrifice if F. . 5-15-21
Greatest Thing in Life if
GRI. .1-2-19
Greatest Truth if PAR 1922
Greed if MG 12-7-24
Greed * TRI 2-8-17
Greeks Had a Word for Them-
UA 2-7-32
Greel Mystery if VIT. . ii-22-17
Green Cloak if EDK. .10-28-15
Green -Eyed Monster if
F. .1-6-16
Green Eyes-CHE 11-3-34
Green Eyes if PAR. . . .8-18-18
Green Fields (Jewish) -
CFP. .10-20-37
Green Flame if HOD.. 7-11-20
Green God if VIT 9-1-18
Green Goddess ir G.... 8-19-23
Green Goddess-WA 2-16-30
Green Grass Widows if
TIF. .8-26-28
Green Hand. The-FFA . . 1-25-40
Green Hell-U 1-31-40
Green Llght-WA 1-5-37
Green Pastures, The-
WA. .5-19-36
Green Stockings if
VIT. .1-13-16
Green Swamp ir UA 1920
Green Swamp if TRI. . . . 1-13-16
Green Temptation if
PAR. .4-2-22
Greene Murder Case-
PAR. .8-11-29
Greenwich Village-F .... 8-15-44
Gretchen the Greenhorn if
FAT. .8-25-16
Gretel and Liesel ( German) -
FFF. .2-1-31
Gretl Zieht das Grosse Los
(German) -XX. .2-12-36
Gretna Green ir PAR.... 1915
Grey Devil if RA 1-30-27
Greyhound Limited (PT) if
WA. .4-14 29
Gridiron Flash-RKO 11-3-34
Grief Street-CHE 10-11-31
Grim Comedian if G. . . .1-29-22
Grim Game if PAR 9-7-19
Grinning Guns if U.... 6-1 -27
Grip of Jealousy it BL. .3-9-16
Grip of the Yukon ir U. .7-15-28
Grit if PDC 1-6-24
Grit Wins it U 3-3-29
Grouch •*- WO 12-1-18
Grouch, The ( German )-
XX. .1939
Grounds for Divorce ir
PAR. .7-19-25
Growth of Soil ir
FGC. .10-13-29
Grub Stake if SEZ 3-18-23
Gruen 1st die Heide
(German) -XX . . 10-17-36
Grumpy if PAR 4-1-23
Grumpy-PAR 8-3-30
Gross Und Kuss, Veronlka
(German) -XX. .2-25-36
Guadalcanal Diary-F . . . 10-27-43
Guard That Girl-COL. . .11-2-35
Guardians of the North it
IND. .1921
Guardians of the Wild ir
U. .10-14-28
Guardsman-MGM 9-13-31
Guerilla Brigade ( Russian )-
LUR. .4-29-42
Guest in the House-UA . . 12-4-44
Guidinr Spirit * BUR 19S1
Guile of Women if G. . . .3-6-21
Guilt of Silence if BL. . 6-2-18
Guilty * UFA 11-25-28
Guilty-COL 4-13-30
Guilty as Hell-PAR. .. .8-6-32
Guilty Conscience + VIT..1922
Guilty Generation-
COL. .11-22-31
Guilty Hands-MGM .... 8-30-31
Guilty Man * PAR 2-21-18
Guilty of Love if
PAR. .9-19-20
Guilty One * PAR. .. .6-22-24
Guilty or Not Guilty-
MOP. .12-10-32
Guilty Parents-SYN 4-6-34
Guilty Wife * RAL.
Gul Baba ( Hungarian )-
XX. .1940
Gulliver's Travels-
PAR. .12-21-39
Gun Code-PRC 10-17-40
Gun Fighter if INC 2-1-17
Gun Fighting Gentlemen if
U. .11-30-19
Gun Gospel * FN 1927
Gun-Hand Garrison if
RA. 1927
Gun Justice-U 2-14-34
Gun Law * RKO 1929
Gun Law-MAJ 7-13-33
Gun Law-RKO 6-28-38
Gun Lords of Stirrup Basin-
REP. .5-18-37
Gun Packer-MOP 11-9-38
Gun Play-FD 12-27-36
Gun Ranger, The-REP. .2-9-37
Gun-Runner if TIF. . . .12-30-28
Gun Shy * SR 1922
Gun Smoke-PAR 4-26-31
Gun Smoke Trail-MOP. . . 1938
Gun Woman if TRI. . . .1-24-18
Gunflghter if F 1923
Gunfire-FD 1935
Gung Ho !-U 12-20-43
Gunga Din-RKO 1-25-39
Gunman from Bodie-
MOP. .10-16-41
Gunners and Guns-
BEU. .8-22-35
Guns and Guitars-
REP. .12-22-36
Guns at Loos if ERA.... 1928
Guns in the Dark-
REP. .5-13-37
Guns of the Law-PRC 1944
Guns of the Pecos-FN. .4-3-37
Gunsmoke Mesa-PRC. . .6-23-44
Gunsmoke Ranch-REP. . 9-9-37
Gutter Snipe •*• U 1-1-22
Gutter Magdalene, A if
PAR. .6-18-16
Guy Named Joe, A-
MGM 12-24-43
Gyandev of India-MOD. .4-27-43
Gyimesi Vadvirag
(Hungarian) -HUN. .11-1-39
Gypsies ( Russian) -AM . .7-30-36
Gypsy Blood * FN. .. .5-15-21
Gypsy of the North if
RA. .5-6-28
Gypsy Passion if
VIT. .10-30-21
Gypsy Trail ■*• PAR.... 1918
Gypsy Wildcat-U 8-7-44
Gypsydom ( German ) -XX . . 1940
H. M. Pulham, Esq.-
MGM. .11-13-41
Habit if FN 1921
Habit of Happiness if
FAT. .3-23-16
Hail the Conquering Hero-
PAR. .6-7-44
Hail the Hero if FB0....1924
Hail the Woman if FN. .1-8-22
Hair Trigger Baxter -fr
FBO. .1926
Hair-Trigger Casey-
ATN. .2-19-36
Hairpins if PAR 8-8-20
Hairy Ape, The-UA 5-18-44
Kaldine of the Secret Service if
FBO. .10-14-23
Half a Bride * PAR 9-2-28
Half a Chance if
PAT. .10-24-20
Half-a-Dollar-Bill if
MG. .12-9-23
Half a Rogue if U 1916
Half a Sinner-U 6-5-40
Half a Sinner-U 6-23-24
Half an Hour if PAR.. 12-5-20
Half Angel-F 5-4-36
Half Breed if FN 6-25-22
Half Breed * FAT 7-13-16
Half Marriage-RKO. .. .8-25-29
Half Million Bride *
M. .4-20-16
Half-Naked Truth-
RKO. .12-31-32
Half Shot At Sunrise-
RKO. .10-12-30
Hail to the Rangers-COL. 12-3-43
Half-Way Girl if FN.. 8-16-25
Half Way to Heaven-
PAR. .12-8-29
Half Way to Shanghai-U. . 1942
Halfway to Shanghai-U. 1-15-43
Hallelujah-MGM 8-25-29
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum-
UA. .1-27-33
Halka ( Polish ) -STA .... 2-1-38
Halsinger-XX 9-26-34
Ham and Eggs at the Front if
WA. .1927
Hamlet if ASA 11-13-21
Hand at the Window -fc
TRI. .4-25-18
Hand in Hand ( Spanish) -
XX 1938
Hand Invisible if WO.. 3-9-19
Hand of Peril if
PBW. .3-23-16
Hand that Rocks the Cradle if
WEB. .5-13-17
Handcuffed-RA 11-3-29
Handcuffs and Kisses if
SEZ. .10-2-21
Handicap if KRA 1921
Handicapped Engagement
(Greek) -XX. .1938
Handle With Care * AE. .1922
Handle With Care-F. . 12-24-32
Hands Across the Border if
FBO. .5-30-26
Hands Across the Border-
REP 12-7-43
Hands Across the Rockies-
COL. .1941
Hands Across the Table-
PAR. .10-25-35
Hands Down if BL. .. .2-14-18
Hands of Nara if M . . . .8-13-22
Hands of Orlac if AY.. 8-26-28
Hands Off if F 4-3-21
Hands Off if U 1927
Hands Up if FAT. .. .4-26-17
Hands Up if PAR. ... 1-24-26
Handsome Brute if
COL. .7-18-26
Handy Andy-F 6-1-34
Hangman's House if F. .5-20-28
Hangmen Also Die-UA . . 3-23-43
Hanna I Societen
(Swedish) -XX. .1941
Happiest Couple in Vienna
(German) -XX. .1938
Happiness if TRI 5-10-17
Happiness if ROM 1921
Happiness if MG 3-2-24
Happiness Ahead-FN ..9-27-34
Happiness Ahead if
FN. .6-24-28
Happiness a La Mode if
SE. .6-15-19
Happiness C. O. D.-
CHE. .12-21-35
Happiness of Three Women if
PAR. .1-18-17
Happy Days-F 2-16-30
Happy Go Lucky-PAR. . .1-4-43
Happy Go Lucky-REP. . 12-5-36
Happy Land-F 11-10-43
Happy Landing-MOP. . .7-31-34
Happy Landing-F 1-22-38
Happy Though Married if
PAR. .2-16-19
Happy Warrior if VIT. .7-12-25
Harapos Ferj ( Hungarian )-
HUN. .2-1-39
Harbor Lights if AE .. 8-26-23
Hard Boiled if PAR.. 2-2-19
Hard-Boiled Canary, The, See:
There's Magic in Music.
Hard Boiled Haggerty if
FN. .9-11-27
Hard Fist if U 1927
Hard Guy-PRC 10-29-41
Hard Hittin' Hamilton if
ARC. .10-19-24
Hard Hombre-HOF ....9-20-31
Hard Luck if M 1921
Hard Rock Breed if
TRI. .3-21-18
Hard Rock Harrigan-F. . .7-1-35
Hard to Get-FN 9-29-29
Hard to Get-WA 11-9-38
Hard to Handle-WA 2-3-33
Hard Way, The-WA. .. .9-21-42
Hardboiled if F 8-15-26
Hardboiled if RKO. ... 2-24-29
Hardboiled Rose (PT)-
WA. .8-11-29
Hardest Way if JO 1922
Hardys Ride High, The-
MGM. .4-14-39
Harlem on the Prairie-
ASF. .2-5-38
Harlem Rides the Range-
HOL. .6-20-39
Harmon of Miehigan-
COL. .1941
Harmonica (Czeehoslovakian) -
XX. .1939
Harmony at Home-F . . . .1-26-30
Harmony Lane-MAP. .. 8-15-35
Harold Teen-WA 3-7-34
Harold Teen if FN. ... 8-19-28
Harom Sarkany ( Hungarian )-
XX. .12-23-36
Harp in Hock if
PAT. .10-30-27
Harriet and the Piper if
FN. .10-24-20
Harrigan's Kid-MGM. . . .3-17-43
Harvard Here I Come-
COL. .1941
Harvest ( French ) -FCC . . 7-25-39
Harvest Melody-PRC. ... 10-6-43
Harvest Moon if HOD. .4-11-20
Harvest of Hate if U. . . .2-3-29
Harvester if FBO. . . .11-20-27
Harvester, The-REP. .. .4-18-36
Has the World Gone Mad if
EQU. .1923
Hashimura Togo if PAR.. 1917
Hat Check Girl-F 9-23-32
Hat Check Honey-U 3-17-44
Hat, Coat and Glove-
RKO. .7-27-34
Hatchet Man, The-FN. .2-7-32
Hate if FAI 8-9-17
Hate if M 5-7-22
Hate Ship-BI 11-16-30
Hate Trail if CC 1922
Hater of Men if TRI.. 6-21-17
Hatred ( French )-WO. .. .2-3-41
Hats Off-GN 12-16-36
Haunted Bedroom if
PAR. .6-8-19
Haunted Gold-WA 1-11-33
Haunted Honeymoon-
MGM. .11-1-40